HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 916 - Approve Cost Schedule - City Engineer - Paving Cut & Repair - 09/24/1981RESOLUTION 916 - 9/24/81 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Section 28.66 of the Lubbock City Code provides that the City Council shall approve the paving cut and repair costs as revised and supple- mented with the recommendations of the City Engineer, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has herewith submitted such a current schedule of such costs as shown on attached "Exhibit A", annexed hereto and made a part hereof, and this City Council finds such schedule to be in order as correctly and currently setting forth such costs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: That the paving cut and repair costs schedule attached hereto as "Exhibit A" is hereby in all respects approved and adopted, and shall become effective immediately upon the passage of this resolution without further writing or direction from this City Council. Passed by the City Council this24th day _, 1981. r , BILL Mc ITE MAYOR ATTEST: Evelyn Gaff -19a, City Secre a Treasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: �s- Don Jen gs, Cit ngineer APPROVED AS TO FORM: �} J.t)kth Fullingim, Asst. Cit Attorney 1•► Pub :pC �iu,tanawa, ay. Vii�.rJ .�. AN ORDIN NCE REYISI G TRENCH FILLING REQUIRE=S OF SECTION 28-65 of TETE LUBBOCK CITY CODE AS SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE; REVISING THE COST B_LLIX- 'PROCEDURE FOR PAVL3G REPAIRS FOR UTILITY CUTS CONTAINED Iti SECTION 28,66 Oz- THE :THE LUBBOCK CITY CODE AS SET FORTIS IN THIS ORDIN.kN,CE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, PUBLICATIO: CLAUSE, AND FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City. Council of the City of Lubbock after consideri-ng staff recommendations with respect to the revisions hereinafter proposed, had 9 10j� finding such revisions would work for better administration of the matters herein concerned; NOd THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 28-65 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock which reads as follows: "Sec. 28-65. Filling of trenches. All trenches shall be backfilled as soon as the pipe is laid and tested. The backfilling shall be done in such a manner so that the street will be in as good condition as before such work was done. If at any time after the pipes and mains have been laid, the trench settles below the natural grades of the streets and alleys, the trenches shall be refilled and brought to"the proper grade, at the expense of the grantee. The City or City Engineer may make such further requirements as may be deemed necessary to place and keep the streets and alleys in as good condition as before." BE and the same is hereby amended in its entirety to read hereafter as follow=s: "Sec. 28-65. Filling of trenches. - All trenches shall be backfilled as soon as the pipe mains, electrical cable and/or power lines, television cable, telephone cables and apparatus, or any other type public utility facilities placed underground, is laid out and tested. The backfilling shall be done in such a manner so that the street or alley will be in as good condition as before such work was done. If at any time after the pipe, mains, electrical cables and/or power lines, television cable, telephone cables and apparatus, or any other public utility facilities placed underground have been laid,the trench settles below the natural grades of the streets and alleys, the trenches shall be refilled and brought to the proper grade at the expense of grantee. The City or City Engineer may make such further requirements as may be deemed necessary to place and keep the streets and alleys in as good conditon as before." SECTION 2. THAT Section 28-66 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock which reads as follows: "Sec. 28-66. replacement of pavement cut by utilities; payment; bond. All paved surfaces of city streets cut for utility installation shall be replaced by the city at the expense of the utility who caused the street cut. The utility may place the concrete base as required herein with its own or contractor labor but only uneer the direction and supervision of the street supertnterdent of the city. The city will bill the contractor or utility for the actual cost of materials, equipment, labor and supervisian required to repair the paving. In lieu of the city doing the work the utility may cause the work to be done by persons of its selection provieed the utility provides the city with a bond assuring that the surface replaced will be adequately repaired by the utility for a period of three years." BE and the same is hereby amended in its entirety to read hereafter as follows: "Sec. 28-66. Replacement of pavement cut by utilities; payment; bond. All paved surfaces of city streets cut for utility installation shall be replaced by the city at the expense of the utility who caused the street cut. The utility may place the concrete base as required herein vith its own or contractor labor but only under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer of the city. The city will bill the contractor or utility for the cost thereof based on current costs of materials, equipment, labor and supervision required to repair the paving, the schedule of such costs shall be revised and supplemented (as necessary) by the City Engineer to reflect current costs thereof to the city, and shall be approved by the City Council. In lieu of the city doing the work the utility may cause the work to be done by persons of its selection provided the utility provides the city with a bond assuring that the surface replaced will be adequately repaired by the utility for a period of three years." SECTION 3. If any provision hereof shall be judicially declared to be invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4.-• The City Secretary shall publish the descriptive caption of this ordinance as as alternate method of publication once a week for tsun consecutive weeks as provided by law, and this ordinance shall become effective 10 days after its last publication. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 25th day of Septem�el980. Passed by the City Cou3cil on second reading this 9th day of nrfnj,F,=1980. i BILL 9cALIST , MAYOR ATTEST: Evelyn Ga fga, City S cr- Treasurer APPROVED PA TO CON -TENT: dz Don Jenhings, C;4y Engineer APPROVED AS TO FROM: Q ` J Borth Fullingia, Ass . tant City Attorney STREET DEPARTMENT PROPOSED PAVLNG CUT REPAIR COST August, 1981 EXHIBIT A CITY OF LUBBOCK . MEMO TO: Don Jennings DATE: FROM: _ Buzzy Yarbrough su6JECT: Determination of Paving Cut Costs for 1981 The following criteria were used in the development of proposed paving cut cost for 1981: 1. A minimum paving cut size of 50 square feet was established. This minimum size was required to offset the cost of moving men and equipment from another point to the cut to be repaired, plus the labor and material involved in the actual repair. 2. A maximum paving cut size of 2,000 square feet was determined to be the largest cut that could be repaired in a typical work day. A cut larger than this would require more than one day to complete, therefore, extra costs would be involved due to the additional movement of men and equipment to and from the site. 3. A typical four man repair crew was used to establish hourly labor costs. This cost was found to be $36.16 per hour which includes a 34% factor for overhead and benefits. 4. Three types of paving cuts were found to be typical of the repairs made by the street department. These are: A. Asphalt Only B. Concrete Only C. Asphalt and Concrete 5. Typical equipment requirements were determined for each type of repair along with realistic "Actual Cost Hourly Rates" for each piece of equipment. 6. Using the calculated cost for the minimum and maximum paving cuts as known valves, graphs were prepared for each type to reflect estimated costs for repairing any size cut up to 2,000 square feet. Repair costs for any larger cuts than this should be calculated by the City Engineer. 7. From the graphs, charts were developed to indicate a single cost per square foot for each increment of 100 square feet of paving cut size. 8. Paving cuts for brick streets should each be considered individually, with an individual cost calculated by the City Engineer. GNEp t-2-4 � Page 2 Determination of Paving Cut Costs for 1981 Attached are copies of the calculations, graphs and charts pertaining to the development of the proposed costs. You will note that minimum cost for the three types of patch have risen from $2.65/square foot for asphalt only and concrete only patches in 1980 to 3.10/square foot for these patches in 1981. Also the minimum cost of the asphalt and concrete combined patch has risen from $5.10/square foot in 1980 to $6.07/square foot in 1981. These costs are a direct result of the increase cost of labor in item #3 above and the increase in rental equipment rates in IB of the attached worksheets. "PROPOSED PAYING CUT REPAIR COSTS" - COST PER SQUARE FOOT August 1981 A_RZA OF PATCH *0-50 ASPHALT ONLY 155.00 CONCRETE ONLY 148.50 ASPHALT CONCRETE 303.50 5I-199/s.f. 3,10 SF 2.97 SF 6.07 SF 200-299 3.00 SF 2.80. SF 5.80. -SF 300-399 2.85 SF 2.70 SF 5.55 SF 400-499 2.75 SF 2.55 SF 5.30 --SF 500-599 2.65 SF _ 2.45 SF 5.10 -SF 600-699 ff I 2.50 SF '2.35 SF 4.85 S� 700-799 2.40 SF 2.30 SF 4.70 SF 800-899 2.25 SF 2.20 4.45 SF 900-999 2.15 SF- 2.10 4.25 SF i000-1099 2.05 SF 2.00 4.05 SF 1100-1199 1.95 SF 1.90 3.85.SF 1200-1299 1.85 SF: 1.80 3.65 SF 1300-1399 1.75 SF L.7.0' 3.45 SF 1400-1499 1.65 SF 1.60 3.25 SF _1500-1599 1.55 SF- 1.•50 3.05 SF 1600-1699 .1.45 SF 1.45 2.90 SF 1700-1799 1.30 SF 1.35 2:75'SE 1800-1899 •1.20 SF lz 25 2.45 SF 1900-1999_V 1.00 SF 1.20 2.20 &F 2000 + Maximum (to be calculated by Street Supervisor due - - ­ - - I - I I __.- I _j *Yfinimum cost due to time and labor involved in repair. . , No Text mCm�mC��CC�mACmm::mmmCmmm�mmom�:,mmmmmm:mm,mommmmCmA:mmACmm:AAAAAA:A:CAAa�ooa���a000�oo�a�smoai� CCCCC:: �:::°:::::::CC::A::CC:oA:::::ACCC:::m::::A::::A::::::::CA::a:::A::A:::::::C:A::: :CAC=::CCoA.CCm oCmC::CCmCCCCCCC:mCCCmCCmCAA::: Ron CCANONE C�Cis:CsiC:CCC::C:e:Cii:A::CC:CaiiiCC :■:■.■■:mA■■:CC ■CC■■■AC :C■:C::CC:A:::■:m■:■■■:C■::■:■■C::CCC::CCeC C■■C■■■■■■■■■■■C■■C■■mC■■C■■A■mm..■.■■■■■■■eC■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■ C:CC:CC:isiEamonCi C■■CCCA:i:CC:CA:::C sa :saCCC:CC:::A: ago :::C::CC::::: Emu :MEN ®C3t®CC�CCCA:CAC::AMEN CC:Niii:�imm:CCsm:m:CCCs:C:Ce::CCCsmm:CCCC:CC:CCC:C:::AA:CsCCC::a:ACmCCCmmCmmmCmmimC°emmCCCCC:Cs :■■i:::a::::::s:Ciii:Ci:::i:A:'Ci:C::aiis::C::isi::::C::C::::::C:"s::ai:°s::ii��i:s■'vC:::::::CCC:eiC summon CC::CCCCms:CC MEN iiiaimsCACaCse::sm:C:AA:A:C:AAAC::AmmCmm:::m:mme:mem:C:CCC:AAms:::::AA:::: ■■■m■n■■■a■■::■■M■::MEN ■■moommonsommom MEMO iri:::::C: MEN :AC:::::::::::::::::::A:::::::C::C::CC:C■■:::::::::::r:C N:CNN ::CSC:CC m:m:mAC:CA:m:CmmmmNON won MEMEAm:mm::::iiimmi C::AA:AA:a:::A:Cmm:A::::A::A:CmmACACA:■e:CCm■■CCCCC ■mammon■■■■■C■Mom ■■CC:CA:::::::A:::::::A::C:CC::A::::ACCaC ::CAC:C:C:::C:Cs::::::mommum::::AC::A:::::::A Mom :::C::C:::A:A:::A::::A:A::::ii�i::::::CC:::::C::CC:::::C:::::AC:::::e:: mAAmmAmACAAmmmAACAAm:AACAAAAAAACCACAA:AAAA:mAACAAAAAAAAmAACs�:AaA:ACCA:m:mmACmm::AmAAAAC:Cm:m:A ::CAAC°::°A C ACAmAAAAACAACC:ACACAC:AAAAAAAAAAAACAAACA:ACCAACAAmAAmAmAC:mCm°:C:ConC::C:CNoun 1C:AC:CmC:C:C ::CC::: MEN C:�:'=C::C::C:::CC:C: Will Millions llooll am no am a Mammon :CC::m:CmmCAm:AmAC■■:::::mA:A:m 0 won moll :m:IAm::m:AAmmm::A:m:m::::m::m::AmmmAAmm:m:C:CC::a:::iii■.-Ci: CCC:::CC:AnCMECCC:CCCCCCCCCC:C:CCC:CCCC':C:::CCCCCC:e:CONCC:AC::CC:Cs:CC:CCCC unman MEN C:CC:CCCCCCC:Cl Cf7:C:A: :A:CCC:C::C:C:AC:::CC:C:::::CMom CC::C:C:ON ■t�r■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■■ Mamma ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■sees■■■■■s■■■■e■■■■ :a ::MMM :A:i8i::::::::ACCA�A::C::m no :::ii:::::CC:Ci RUN ■■■■■■.■■.■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■.■■■■ C:'CC:AC:::C :::C CC:C::::::C1CC:::ei0 MomiC::eC:CC won :CCC::::::::::m:A:m::m:AmAA:AmmmAm:Amo::m:mACA:CCAAAACACA:CC:CC:CCC:A:CCC:AACC:A:::CACACC:C:CAC NOON Mom ;o°::v;°0A;;AA;AC:C:::Co m: CAA:Cmm:AAACCAACCAC.AAA:AAAA:A.AAA. CC:CC:CvemmC,mm:emCaCmm:mmCCmm:CCOC�mCCmCCCOCCmm::C:::::C::CAA::AA°CAS:::C::o::::A::A:CAA:c::AC AAAA.A�AAC:m:A....m:..AAm.Ama a A.A..A.m..mA.AAAAAAmm1 CA A::A:A1 :CmAAAmmCAAAA:A::AA:AA°am amAAA: NNE A::ACAmmmmm :mm:mmmmmmmAmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmCmmmmmmmmmmm ���ae��eo�eOms�Amae��veo�ee�C�ewoeam'e�'e®®®of�e®®e®®�C,maws®�omaaa�aQa°°°:aRa:°®csom:aa®meo®� No Text I. ESTIMATE OF ACTUAL COST FOR PATCHING PAVING CUTS - 1981 A.- Personnel Costs 1. 1 - Equipment Operator III (Robert Johnson @ $6.62/hr. x 1.34) 2. 1 - Equipment Operator II (Felix Orta @ $6.50/hr. x 1.34) 3. 1 - Equipment Operator II (Rufus Quevedo @ $5.58/hr. x 1.34) 4. 1 - Equipment Operator I (Edward Bulee @ $4.14/hr. x 1.34) 5. 1 - Equipment Operator I (Jody Seaborn @ $4.14/hr. x 1.34) Total Hourly Cost for Crew (Include 34% Benefits Cost) B. Equipment Costs 1. Flat Bed Truck 2. Air Compressor 3. 12 C.Y. Dump Truck 4. Pick Up & Patch Pot 5. Front End Loader (W/Backhoe) 6. Vib. Steel Wheel Roller C. Average Driving Time 1. From Yard to Paving Cut - 30 min. 2. From Paving Cut to Yard - 30 min. D. Minimum Time Required at Paving Cut Location 1. Asphalt Only Patch - 90 Min. 2. Concrete Only Patch - 180 Min. 3. Asphalt & Concrete Patch - 210 Min. $ 8.87/hr. $ 8.71/hr. $ 7.48/hr. $ 5.55/hr. $ 5.55/hr. $ 36.16/hr. $ 8.00/hr. $ 18.80/hr. $ 16.00/hr. $ 8.00/hr. $ 20.00/hr. $ 8.00/hr. Paving Cut Cost - Page 2 E. Minimum Cost for Asphalt Only Patch - (50 S.F.) 1. Personnel - ($36.16/hr.) (Location 1.5 hr. + Driving 1.0 hr.) $ 90.40 2. Equipment F. G. Flat Bed Truck ($ 8.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 20.00 Air Compressor ($18.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 45.00 12 C.Y. Dump Truck ($16.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 40.00 Pick Up & Patch Pot ($ 8.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 20.00 Front End Loader ($20.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 50.00 Vib. Steel Roller ($ 8.00/hr.) (2.5 hr.) $ 20.00 Total $78.00/hr. $195.00 3. Material - (50 S.F. x 2" depth x 140 P.C.F.) = 0.01167 ton/S.F. (0.58 ton) ($44.00/ton) _ $19.14 4. Total Cost - $304.54 ($6.09/S.F.) Daily Cost for Asphalt Only Patch - (2000 S.F.) 1. Personnel - ($36.16/hr.) (Location 7.0 hr. + Driving 1.0 hr.) $289.28 2. Equipment - ($78.00/hr.) (Driving Time 3.0 hr.) $234.00 3. Material - (0.01167 ton/S.F. (2000 S.F.) ($33.00/ton) $770.22 4. Total Cost - ($0.65/S.F.). $1293.50 Establish typical costs and number of 50 S.F. patches made in 1 day (Asphalt Only) 1. Assume an average of 5-50 S.F. patches can be repaired in 1 day 2. Personnel - ($36.16/hr.) (Location 5.0 hr. + Driving 3.0 hr.) $289.28 3. Equipment - ($78.00/hr.) (Operation & Driving 5.0 hr.) $390.00 4. Material - 5 (50 S.F.) (0.01167 ton/S.F.) ($33.00/ton) $ 96.28 5. Total Cost = ($3.10/S.F.) $775.56 Paving Cut Costs - Page 3 H. Considerations 1. It is realized that many variables, as indicated below will affect the actual cost per square foot of a patch. (a) Number of patches required per day. (b) Area of each patch. (c) Driving time to each patch. (d) Driving time to hot mix plant. (e) Number of men actually required by shape or condition of patch. (f) Operating time for each piece of equipment. 2. A typical daily situation must be assumed, as indicated by Items F & G. 3. A "straight line" relation is assumed as the condition that would exist between 5-50 S.F. patches and 1-2000 S.F. patch on attached graph. 4. Limited records prevent an accurate analysis of type, size and cost of individual patches. I. Establish typical costs and number of 50 S.F. patches made in one day - (For an Asphalt and Concrete patch.) 1. Assume an average of 5-50 S.F. patches can be filled with concrete the first trip.to the patches. 2. Assume an average of 5-50 S.F. patches can be covered with hot mix on the second trip which must be at least 3 days after the first trip. 3. Expenses for first trip - a. Personnel - (G-2) - $289.28 b. Equipment (1) Flat Bed Truck - $ 8.00/hr. (2) 12 Cu. Yd. Dump Truck - $16.00/hr. (3) Front End Loader - $20.00/hr. (W/Backhoe) $44.00/hr. ($44.00/hr.) (5.0 hr.) ffi $220.00 C. Material - 5 (50 Ft.2) (0.5 Ft.)/(27 Ft.3/Yd.3) s 4.63 C.Y. (4.63/C.Y.) (49.00/C.Y.) - $226.87 • Paving Cut Costs - Page 4 d. Total Cost - ($2.94/S.F.) - $736.15 4. Expenses for 2nd Trip - Same as G-5 - $3.10/S.F. 5. Total Cost - $6.04/S.F. J. Establish typical cost for 1-2000 S.F. Asphalt and Concrete patch 1. Expenses for 1st Trip - $195.00 a. Personnel - $289.28 b. Equipment - $220.00 (I.3.b.) C. Material - (2000 Ft.2) (0.5 Ft.) (27 Ft.3/Yd.3) 37.04 C.Y. (37.04 C.Y.) ($49.00/C.Y.)'- $1814.96 d. Total Cost - $2324.24 ($1.16/S.F.) 2. Expenses for 2nd trip - Same as F-4 - $.65/S.F. 3. Total Cost - $1.81/S.F. r CONCRETE Flat Bed ($ 8.00/Hr.) (3) 24.00 Air Comp. ($18.00/Hr.) (3) 54.00 12 C.Y. Dump Truck ($16.00/Hr.) (3) 48.00 Picku & Pot ($ 8.00/Hr.) (3) 24.00 Frontend Load ($20.00/Hr.) (3) 60.00 Vib Steel ($ 8.00/Hr.) (3) 24.00 234.00 Equipment $234.00 PERSONNEL Johnson $ 8.87 (3) Orta $ 8.71 (3) Quevedo $ 7.48 (3) Bulee $ 5.55 (3) Seaborn $ 5.55 (3) $36.16 (3) = $108.48 MATERIAL $45.374 - 1/5 Cost of 5 (50) SF s $387.85