HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2030 - Accept Paving Improvments - Kerr Construction - Tract U, Greenlawn Addition - 05/23/1985LOS: clk RESOLUTION Resolution #20.30 May 23, 1985 Agenda Item #25 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF A STREET AS LISTED BELOW: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock passed a Change Order to G.W.O. 921501 on the 14th day of February, 1985, said Change Order requir- ing the issuance of a street use permit on the following described street: Elmwood Avenue from south lip line of 19th Street to 512 feet south of the south property line of 19th Street. (West half -Unit 2030-39) (East half -Unit 2240-49). AND WHEREAS, the construction of improvements on the west half of the above mentioned street was performed under the supervision of the City Engin- eer, and said improvements have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with City Specifications. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS. That the improvements on said portions of the above mentioned street be and the same are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to release escrow money in the amount of $13,179.68, this money having been placed with the City in Prepaid Paving Account No. 411 by the Developer at the time of platting Greenlawn Addition, Tract "U". II. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED 23rd DAY OF MAY,19 AT_an____Kenry, May6r T: nette uoya, city Secretar APP OVED AS TO C NTENT: 71. Larry HOfmanvdv Direct of Trans ortation APPNVED AS TO FORM: ss, Jr., city Attorney Resolution #2030 CONSOLIDATED FINAL ESTIMATE West 1/2 of Elmwood Avenue Accepted May 23, 1985 QUANTITIES S.Y. S.Y. Unit & Paving L.F. Alley Sub -Unit Location 6" Base C & G Return Valley Resur- Gutter facing 2030-39 W-1/2 of Elmwood Avenue from 1244.60 542.11 17.99 23.22 48.00 SLL of 19th Street to 7'S of SPL of Alley S of 19th (W leg.) COST ESTIMATE 1244.60 S.Y. Paving 6" Base @$6.70 $8,338.82 542.11 L.F. Curb & Gutter @$6.75 $3,659.24 17.99 S.Y. Alley Return @$23.00 $ 413.77 23.22 S.Y. Valley Gutter @$23.00 $ 534.06 48.00 L.F. Resurface @$6.50 $ 312.00 CONTRACT COST $13,257.89 COST DISTRIBUTION Unit & Sub -Unit Construction Cost Property Owner Cost 2030-39 $13,257.89 $13,257.89