HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2430 - Contract-Panhandle Construction-Utility Adjustments, I27 From 3Rd St To Main St - 09/11/1986HW: js RESOLUTION Resolution #2430 September 11, 1986 Agenda Item #29 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract with Panhandle Construction Company for I-27 Utility Adjustments from 3rd Street to Main Street and from 48th Street to 78th Street, attached herewith, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 11th day of 1986. ATTEST: y Se APPROVED AS TO CO TENT: ene a Purc asing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: September B. C. McMINN, MAYOR Harold Willard, Assistant City Attorney ' 1 CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF Lubbock ) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this JLday of Je fiPi%y A. D. 19 nLby and between City ofLubbock- Texas of the County of Lubbock and State of Texas, acting through The Honorable B.C. McMinn Mavor thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed Owner, and Panhandle Construction Com an P.O. Box 1500 Lubbock Texas 79408 of the City of Lubbock , County of Lubbock and State of Texas , Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed Contractor. sa WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the First Part (Owner), and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Party of the Second Part (Contractor) hereby agrees with said Party of the First Part (Owner) to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: Citv of Lubbock I-27 Utility Adjustments 3rd Street to Main Street and 48th Street to 78th Street and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General Conditions of the Agreement; and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories D — 1 F �'8ervices necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance V61 the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto, and in rdance with all the General Conditions of the Agreement, and in accordance Eth the Plans, which includes all maps, plats, blue prints and other drawings ,d printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Specifications 1efefor, as prepared by Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., Consulting Engineers, ibbock, Texas, herein entitled the Engineer, each of which has been identified the endorsement of the Contractor and the Engineer thereon, together with e Contractor s written Proposal, the General Conditions of the Agreement, and E Construction Bond hereto attached; all of which are made a part hereof and llectively evidence and constitute the entire contract. The Contractor hereby agrees to commence work within ten (10) days After the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to complete the project within 365 consecutive calendar days thereafter as stipulated in the specifications. The Contractor agrees that time is of the essence of this contract and that for each day of delay beyond the time herein agreed upon for the completion of the work herein specified and contracted for (after due allowance for such extension of time as is provided for under Extension of Time hereinabove), the Owner may withhold permanently from the Contractor's total compensation, the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) stipulated liquidated damages for such delay. as The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor in current funds for the per— formance of the contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted therefor, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Conditions of the Agreement, and to make payments on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this Agreement in the year and day first above written. Party of the First Part (Owner) City of Lubbock By B.C. McMinn, Mayor Party of the Second Part (Contractor) K` ATTEST- Panhan 1 Construction Company By y Petty J, Ham,p"101n, Sec. Treas. D id H. Hampton, P sident AW m su / D — 2 iC► ....... .AMOV-20 AST© CGAIT% Ni= _ YIKA' SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Orower 18.30 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 TARIFF'. Electric Service RESOLUTION #2530 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE.!NC PC Drawer 1830 — Lubbock ,Texas 79408 f... Telephone No. (8061 762-0406 { --'P!--F: Electric Service Office: I ION. Amarillo Road APP_!CATICV All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas ffecf-ve Dote Riws,on No. Sec Lon No. Sub -Section No. Sheet of Section Tale Sub- Sect,on Title g TABLE CF CCNTE`T"S SU3-3ECT 03 SU3J .01 Scope of Tariq A. Purpose and Scope B. Severability C. General Source of Authority D. Applicability E. Availability of Tariff .02 Description of Cooperative's Operations .03 Areas Served A. Counties and Towns B. Territorial Boundaries .04 Membership A. Application for Membership B. Nondiscrimination .05 Definitions i A * Rev soon Symbols Chane C - Discontinue; -(D)- Increase (l)- New N - Reduction R - Chance in Text Onl T '1987 Commission Use Only Submitted By Date Docket No. _ Effective Date Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC t P.C. Drawer 1830 Lubbock Texas 79408 "'-IPIFF: Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPLICATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas -ffect,ve Date Revision No. Section 14c -Section No, Section Title —Of Sub - Section Title -A"i A. irPoze and Scope c" Tari..' :'hese rules are intended to set f-,rth a method of operations consistent with the rules of the Public Utilities Cornmlssllon or Texas and other regulatory bodies, to assure rates, operations and services which are just and reasonable to the consumer and to South Plains Electric Coopera- Inc. They supersede and can,,el all previous regulations and procedures inconsistent therewith and pertaining to the supciving ' and taking of electric service. Severability Clause The adoption of these rules will in no way preclude the Cooperative from altering or amending them in whole or in part, or from establishing any other or additional service, equipment, facility or standard upon proper investigation and authority for change. These rule's will not relieve in any way a continuity of any of its duties under the laws cr this state or the United States. If any provisions of these rules are held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of these rules ahich can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of these rules are declared to be severable. These rules shall not be construed so as to enlarge, diminish, modify, or alter the jurisdiction, powers or authority of South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc., regulatory bodies, or the substantive rights of any person. General Sources of Authority The rules, regulations and minimum standards governing and regulating the operation of electric service utilities adopted by the Commission, the Articles of Incorporation, the bylaws of the Cooperative as approved and amended from time to time, the policies adopted by the Cooperative's Board of Directors, the rules, regulations and mortgage requirements of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) and the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFO), and the rules, regulations and requirements of any other governing body. :1. Applicability These rules, and any modifications thereof and additions thereto lawfully made, are applicable to all standard service agreements and contracts now existing or which may be entered into by the Cooperative, and to all rate schedules which from time to time may be lawfully determined and adopted. Z1. Availability of Tariff The Cooperative shall make available to the public at its headquarters office in Lubbock, Texas, its tariff currently on file with the Commission, and its employees shall lend assistance to seekers of information therefrom and afford inquirers an opportunity to examine such tariff upon request. Submitted By Signature__ _ _ �'12—Title Date r-". Commission Use Only Docket No. — Effective Dal* El SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. rF PO Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 7_R! --F: Electric Service APPL:CATiON: All Territory Served Effective Date Rev,s,on ^J o. Section No i 1l Utility Docket No. EM -120-75 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas Sub -Section No "ect on r ne Sub- Secnon Tnle E`JrRA1 RULES DESCRiR'iON OF THE CCCPERATIVE'S OPERATIONS The Cooperative Is a non-profit electric cooperative corporation organized under the Texas Electric Cooperative Corporation Act, and was incorporated November 26. 1937. The Cooperative's offices and warehouse are located at 110 North Amarillo Road in Lubbock, Texas. All business and operational activities are conducted, or supervised from this location. The Cooperatives' business affairs are managed under the direction of and policies set by a Board of Directors con- sisting of eight member -consumers elected by the membership of the Cooperative at membership meetings held annual- ly, in accordance with the Bylaws. The Cooperative's operations are primarily In rural areas of the South Plains of Texas. The greater portion of its facilities and consumers are located within a 30 -mile radius of Lubbock, Texas. Types of load being served are varied, ranging from rural residential to large industrial. However, the dominant load Influence Is agricultural and agribusiness. The load density of the Cooperative's service area Is relatively high In comparison with typical rural areas. There is Intensive irrigation development throughout the service area plus non-agri-related residential and commercial development influenced by proximity to the City of Lubbock. Construction of electric plant facilities has been principally financed over the years by long-term loans from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) and in more recent years, by supplemental long-term loans from the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC). Additionally, retained margins from operations assigned to the Capital Account of members ("Capital Credits") has provided a substantial portion of the investment capital for electric plant investment. The Cooperative provides service to slightly over 11,472 members (customers) through 22,746 separately metered points of delivery, served by 3,970 miles of overhead and underground distribution line, and 102 miles of 69 KV transmission tine. The total power requirements are supplied at wholesale from Southwestern Pubilc Service Company of Amarillo, Texas. Ali substations of the Cooperative have tie -line interconnection facilities to other substations. but are operated open except for emergency operations. The standard distribution voltage is 7200/12470 volt wye. The present total substation capacity is 156.25 MVA at 23 substations. The Cooperative has one interchange at 115/69 KV at 30/40/50 MVA. The serving of oil field and irrigation development throughout the Cooperative's service area has brought three- phase service reasonably available to all areas and has resulted in improved service to all consumers. The terrain of the service area is typical of the South Plains with rock seldom being encountered to the construc- tion of facilities. The exception of terrain Is found In the Yeilowhouse Canyon along tre Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River and off the Caprock In rolling plains. Service is primarily provided by the Cooperative's personnel with construction contractors being used to augment the Cooperative's capabilities during periods of abnormal demand for service. The Cooperattve has an authorized compliment of 86 employees. Operational and construction capabilities include five service crews, three construction crews, two underground crews, one substation and one apparatus crew, one mobile meter test unit and an apparatus shop and meter labora- tory. Engineering planning is directed by a registered professional engineer. The Cooperative has on premise a Digital 11/44 computer system and substantially all records and reports are so processed and maintained. The current long-range system plan was prepared in 1986; there will be updating and revisions at scheduled Inter- vals. Power requirements studies and financial forecasts are prepared and/or updated at regular intervals and are utilized in the financial and operational management of the Cooperative. Although the Cooperative performs the majority of its own work, consultants are utilized for assistance in preparation of long-range system plans, finan- cial forecasts and other overview type professional service as becomes necessary for direction and au Cit of the Cooperative's operations. Technical assistance is readily available from specialists cf the Rural Electrification Administration and the National Rural Utilities CooperatLve Finance Corporation. Under a statewide disaster plan coordinated by Texas Eiec"ttrlc Cooperatives, Inc. of Austin, Texas, construction capabilities are available from other cooperatives for repairs of extreme damage to the electric system caused by ice storms, tornados, hurricanes and other major disasters. Submitted By e�14 Dote Lr Y (T) Commission Use Only Docket No. _ Effective Date — T TI TI NMI SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC V, P 0. Drawer 1830 Lubbock Texas 79408 -'PIFF� Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APO'_;CA'ICN: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Rev.s,on Na. Sect.on Na Sul)-sectom No. A Area Served The Cooperative provl.!es service to all or parts Of the Cities and counties as follows: 1. Cities a. City of Smyer, Texas (with franchise) b. City of Lubbock, Texas (with franchise) C. A small number of existInIg meter connections In the City of Slaton and the City of Abernathy d. City of Shallowater, Texas (with franchise) e. Village of Lake Ransom Canyon, Texas (with franchise) 2. Counties a. Crosby b. Floyd C. Garza d. Hale e. Hockley f. Lamb g. Lubbock h. Lynn B. Territorial Boundaries The boundaries of the Cooperative's service area are delineated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in its findings and certification under Dockets ECH-6 and 42 and as amended by Dockets 2576, and 2616. Such territorial boundaries are in their entirety, common with certain other contiguous electric utilities certificated service area and the location of such common boundaries were recommended to the Commission by common agreement. Further recording of the location of these boundaries is held in the office of the Cooperative by the following documentation: 1. Geographic metes and bounds description as agreed to and delivered in writing to each con- tiguous electric utility. 2. By recording on the Cooperative's detailed electric system maps held readily available at the Cooperative's office for information and assistance to any prospective consumer. W Revision Symbois Chonae(C)- Discontinued (D)- Increase(l)- New (N)- Reduction(R)- Chan e in Text OnI (T) ]:",I Commiss,on Use Only rC ZW_ P I Submitted By Date _ 1. in No. Effective Date - Signature. Title h IM 4' SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. INC. P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 TARI�7: Electric Service APP! :CATION: All Territory Served -Effective Date Rev.s,on No. Section No. S act,nn 7JIe Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas t Application for Membernhip Any person, firm, association„ corooration, 7ar-ner^hi^ c::,:,.a- bo:y or , - _f —le Cooperative S eo: may __,.=e a member 1. Making a written application for membership therein; 2. Agreeing to purchase from the Cooperative electric energy as hereinafter specified; 3. Agreeing to comply with and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Cooperative and any rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors, and such other rules as may be required by the Public Utilities Commission of Texas or governmental authority; 4. Paying a membership fee of $5.00 as specified; provided, however, that no perscn, firm, association, corporaticn, partnership or political body or subdivision thereof s^all become a member unless and until he o it has been accepted for membership under rules established by the Board ,.f :_rectors. No member may „old more than one membership in the Cooperative, and no membership in the Cooperative shall be transferable, except as provided in ,he 9ylaws or the laws of Texas. �. Von -Discrimination 1. Purpose - To set forth rules and regulations applicable to the services offered by the Cooperative to its membership and to the general public and to insure compliance with the provisions of federal and state laws. 2. Policy - That no person shall, on the ground of race, creed, color, or national origin, be excluded from participa- ting in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in the benefits and services offered by the Cooperative to its membership and to the general public. The Cooperative shall not, on the ground of race, creed, color or national origin: a. Refuse or fail to accept applications for membership or discriminate in the terms and conditions of membership, or in any other requirements incident to the furnishing of electric service; b. Refuse or fail to extend, or discriminate in the extension of electric service to unserved persons; c. Deny to any person the benefits of improvement, expansion or upgrading, or discriminate among consumers in improving, expanding or upgrading electric service; d. Discriminate in respect of rates for, or terms of conditions of service among consumers; e. Exclude any member from participating in any meeting of the members, discriminate among the members in respect to the exercise of any of their rights as members, or in the manner of the exercise of s.zch rights; f. Exclude any consumer from, deny any consumer the use of, or discriminate against any consumer in his use of any of the Cooperative's facilities, or, g. Discriminate with respect to use made of the Cooperative's meeting rooms, or in any other programs of the Coop- erative offered to the general public. The Cooperative will submit such reports, and cause such public or other notices to be placed, as will be required from time to time by Section VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or as amended. Submitted Signature Title Commission Use Only Date f �n�p" Docket No. o Effective Date s SCUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PC Prower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 T1P;.--F: Electric Service AP:�_:CATiON: All 7arninry ServP(1 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas Effective Da:e Rev,s,on No. Sect on Vo Sub-Sectron No. 0 sheet f 3 Section True Sub- Sect on Title y GENERAL RULES DEFI.NIT!'NS As used in these rules, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words shall have the Indicated meaning: (1) All words defined in the Substantive Rules of the Public Utility Commission of Texas shall have the same meaning as Indicated therein. (2) Construction Agreement: A special written agreement between consumer and the Cooperative required as a prerequisite to construction to certain classes of service. (3) Construction Charqe: As used in these rules, meaning and aoDlication synonymous with "Contribution in Aid of Construction." (4) Contribution In Aid of Construction: Money paid by a consumor to the Cooperative for construction of electric facilities and is non-refundable. (5) Consumer: A member receiving electric service from the Cooperative through a metered point of del tvery. C Each such service will be considered a separate consumer. (6) Consumer Classes: C a. Residential - Consumers having permanent electric service need that can usually be satisfied with single-phase service. Includes residential single family dwelling units, separately metered apartments, duplexes, and condominiums; also Includes electric service required to support a residence such as a separate water well. b. General - All consumers using electric service except for those consumers In the residential, at I, cotton gin, and Irrigation class. requiring 50 KVA or less capacity. Includes retail stores, schools, public buildings, shops, apartment buildings and small commercial or industrial or manufacturing plant. c. Large Power - General class requiring in excess of 50 KVA transformer capacity. d. Irrigation - Consumers requiring electric service for faclltties utilized for pumping water to Irrigate crops and related agricultural purposes. e. 011 -Consumers requiring electric service for wellhead service to pump all and petro -chemical products, such as oil wells, transfer or booster pumps. f. Cotton Gin - Consumers requiring electric service for processing cotton in cotton gins; Includes industrial service for motor, and other seasonal uses. (7) Cooperative: South Plains Electric Cooperative, Incorporated. (8) Cooperative's Electric System: All of the Cooperative's electric plant facllitles. (9) C000erative's Office: The Cooperativets headquarters at 110 North Amarillo Road, Lubbock, Texas, from which location all office, warehousing, business and operational transactions are conducted and/or supervised. (10) Electric Terms: a. Ampere - The practical unit of electrical current flow or speed measurement (measured by use of ammeter). b. Volt - The practical unit of Eletromotive Force (e.m.f.) measurement which drives or impels the flow of electric current (measured by use of volt -meter). c. Watt - The practical unit of apparent electric power of demand measurement (one volt-ampere). d. Kilowatt - One thousand (1,000) watts of electric power or demand. e. Kilowatt Hour - The practical unit of electric work measurement. (One kilowatt for ore hour). f. Kilovolt -Ampere (KVA) - The instantaneous quantity of electric capacity delivered, ani is equal to 1,000 volt-amperes. The unit of this "apparent" electric power Is the Kllovolt-Ampere. q. Reactive Kllovolt-Ampere - The inactive component of apparent electric power, the kilcwatt is the active component. Termed Kilovar (KVAR). h. Power Factor - Is the ratio of "apparent" electric power (KVA) to the actual or "real" paver (KW). Ratio: Real Power 10(W Apparent Power i0 KVA I. Load Factor - is a percentage of the maximum possible use of the demand. KWH used x 100 Annual Load Factor KW x 8760 KWH used x 100 = Monthly Load Factor KW x 730 of Revision S mbols Chan a C)- Discontinued(D)- increose(1)-New N - Reduction R - Chan a in Text 0nl T Commission Use Only Submitted 8y _ Date Docket No. 11�' A Effective Dat! Signature Title L%' SCU74 PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0 Grower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 . FF: Electric Service A-ZO' 'CATIOM All Territory ';Prvod Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas = Tett ve Da -e Rev-swn No. 3ect,on No. Sub-Sectwn No. h t 2 f 3 1) _ Section i tie Sub- Sect -on Tale y GENERAL RULES DEFINITIONS - Continued J. KW Load - The Kilowatts supplied durinq any fifteen (15) minute period of maximum use within a current month. k. Connected Load - A total of the rated capacities of enerqy-consuminq equipment. 1. Horsepower - One horsepower Is the equivalent of 746 watts, (11) Consumer's System: The total of the consumer's electric wiring system. (12) Meter Loop: That segment of the consumer's wiring system provided for the convenience of Instal latlon of the Cooperative's metering equipment. (13) Point of Attachment: The location on a building, or upon the consumer's premises to which the Cooper- ative shall attach the secondary service conductor. (14) Point of Delivery: The point on the Cooperative's electric system where delivery of electric service is made to the consumer's system, (15) Meter Base: The apparatus required to receive the Cooperative's meter. (16) Primary Service: Electric service delivered to the consumer's system at the primary distribution voltage of the Cooperative. (17) Secondary Service: Electric service delivered to the consumer's system at voltages of the consumer's application and use. (18) Service Conductor: The secondary conductor extending from the transformer or secondary voltage system of the Cooperative to a point of attachment on the consumer's premises. (19) Service Entrance: The electrical equipment and apparatus furnished by the consumer to provide for the connection of electric service and to distribute power Into the consumer's electrical circuits. (20) Service Leads: The conductor from the consumer's service entrance apparatus to be connected to the Cooperative's service conductor, (21) Holidays: Special days observed by the closing of the Cooperative's office as designated by Board of Directors Policy. (22) Member: Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, municipality, cooperative organization, govern- C mental agencies, etc. who has appi led for and has been accepted into membership in accordance with the Bylaws of the Cooperative, and is receiving electric servlce(s) from the Cooperative. Except for mem- bershlo. member shall be the same as "customer" in the Substantive Rules of the Public Utility Commission. (23) Office Hours: Time during which the Cooperative's office !s open for business with the consumers and the general public. (24) Premises or Consumer Premises: A tract of land or real estate, iiciuding buildings and other appur- tenances thereon. (25) Type of Service: Service classif led in accordance with the period the Cooperative can reasonably anticipate that the service will be required by the consumer. (a) Permanent Service - The consumer indicates, and the Cooperative can reasonably expect that there will be continued use of the service over an extended period of time. (b) Temporary Service - Service for limited periods of use typified by service to fence chargers, for construction power, fireworks stands, all walls and all well drilling, etc. i# Revs -on Symbols Cnan e(C)- Discontinued(D)- Increase(I)- New NI- Reduction R - Chon a in Text Onl T Commission Use Only Submitted By Date 124,3 / J Docket No. % � Effective Date Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0, Drawer 1830 Lubbock '.Texas 79408 7-P!FF: E':ectnc Service APOI—ICATiCN' All Territory Served 'fecnve Date Revision No. Sect,on No arc^ i.M3 Section Title GENERAL RULES Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas Sub -Section No. .J5 7 Sh t 3 Sub- Section Title DEFPI1710NS - Continued (26) REA: Rural Electrification Administration, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. (27) CFC: National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation, Washington, D.C. (28) Load Management: Voluntary participation by consumer to allow Cooperative to shift, shed, or shave electric service consumption in order to shape Cooperative load curve to the most efficient configuration. (29) Prepayment: An amount paid to the Cooperative by a proposed consumer for future payment of electric service to a point of delivery at which no valid need now exists for electric service, or electric ser- vice is requested far in advance of need for such service; the amount shall be equal to the Cooperative construction costs, plus cost of removal, and materials used for construction but not salvageable. The amount shall be used to defray applicable rate billing for 48 months (does not include adjustments included In Section 20.01). Any amount remaining after 48 months shall then become a contribution In aid of construction. (30) Qualifying Cogeneration Facility: An owner or operator, not primarily engaged In the generation of electric power, but has a units) for production of small amounts of electric, steam or other form of useful energy, as described under Pubilc Law 95-617 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1975. Rights therein granted for interconnect and parallel operation with South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc., are detailed in Tariff Section 60.06. Submitted By / Signature� -• � i%i ._Title Date Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date SCUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.C. Crower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Y T'PI=F: Electric Service APDL:CATION' All Territory Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas =ffect,ve Dale Revision No. - Section No Sub-Sect.on No. �O 00 Sheet f Sect on Tale Sub- Section Tale RATES TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Subsection Subject .01 Billing Adjustments .02 - Residential Service .03 - Large Power .04.- Irrigation Service .C5 - General Service .06 - Cotton Gin Service .07 - Oil Field Service C ,08 - Primary Service Voltage C .09 - Outdoor Lighting Service C ,10 - Public Street Lighting Service C ,w Rewston Symbols Cnon a C)- Discontinued (D)- Increase(I) -New N)- Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T �� FE0Submitted Commission Use Only By_(7 Dote Docket No. � Effective Date Signature 1 G G Lv`Z- Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Orower 1830 — Lubbock . Texas 79408 t `ARI=F: Electric Service SCo, raTInNP All T.—t— Cw„nn Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office. 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas =ffect,ve Date Revision No. Section No Sub -Section No. -n Pt._i___ t :U .nI Secthon Title Sub- Sect on Titie RATES BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The Cooperative shall adjust all bills in accocdancu with thu fullowing adju:U:e:tts it applicable. Tliu Pew:C Cc;t Recovery Factor (PCRF) shall be applied to each KWx sold in addition to any monthly minimum, contract minimum, or annual minimum charges and shall not apply toward satisfying any of said minimum charges. Power Cost Recovery Factor (PCRF) The monthly charges shall be increased or decreased on a uniform per KWH basis computed ronttly as follows: C PCRF = (A - B ± C)/1tidHs Where: PCRF = Power Cost Recovery Factor (expressed in $/161x) to be applied t.) estimated energy sales for the billing period. A = Total estimated purchased electricity cost from all suppliers including fuel for I the billing period. B = Total estimated purchased electricity cost from all suppliers including fuel which are included in the Cooperative base rates. The base power cost is conputed as: C B = (D) (KWHs) D = Base power cost in $1KWH sold of $0.054208 for all billing months. I C = Adjustment to be applied to the current monthly billing to account for differences in actual purchased electricity costs and actual PCRF revenues recovered in previous periods. Mis - Total estimated energy sales for billing period. NOTE: BASE POWER COST = COST OF PURCHASED POWER N TOTAL KWH SALES - 14,991,838 0.054208 276,561,278 iK Revision Symbols Chan a(C)- Discontinued(D)- Increase (I) - New N - Reduction R - Change in Text 0lT Q / FES 5 198 Commission Use Only Submitted By Data Docket No. _ � 647 Effective Date Signature Title r SOurH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC PO Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 TAP:=F. Electric Service APP' -.CATION' All Territory Served _ ffect've Date Rev,s,on N Sect.on Tate 'A7 S Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas Section No Sub-Sect,on No. Sub. Sect,an T,rle RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to consumers for all farm, soup and bane uses, (single family residence or 1 -unit apartnent), including lighting, heating, power and have water supply, subject to established rules and regulations, but not applicable for irrigation or seasonal agricultural processing use. Tvpe of Service Single phase and three phase at available secondary voltages. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Pate Consumer charge - $6.00 per month Energy charge 6.866 cents per KWH Minimum Charge The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be $6.00 where 10 KVA or less of transformer capacity is required, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided for under Tariff Section 20.01. For members requiring more than 10 KVA transformer capacity, the minimum monthly charge shall be increased at the rate of $1.00 for each additional KVA or fraction thereof requited. Payment of the minimum charge shall entitle the member in all cases to the use of the number of kilowatt hours corresponding to the minimum charge in accordance with the rate, Electric Living Service Water Heating When consumer has in regular use a permanently installed 240 volt, 20 gallons or greater, storage type water heater of not greater than 5.5 kilowatts, individual rated capacity, the first 500 kWh will be billed at the regular rate, the next 500 kWh at 4.919 cents per kWh, and all additional kWh at the regular rate. All Electric Space Heating (November through April) When consumer has in regular use permanently installed space heating equipment of an aggregate rated capacity of 5 kilowatts or more, excluding bathroom heater, billing will be the first 500 kWh at the regular rate, and all additional kWh at 4.079 cents per kWh. When customer has water heating in combination with all -electric space heating, the first 500 kWh will be billed at the regular rate, the next 500 kWh will be billed at 4.919 cents per kWh and all additional kWh at 4.079 cents per kWh. If the consumer shall elect to have all energy used by such space heating metered separately from other uses, then such separate use will be billed at 4.079 cents per kWh; during the other months the k4h through this separate meter will be billed at the regular rate. Billing Adiustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Teras of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), reyardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Co%erative on or before the ;ate such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. fk Submitted Signature. Title Date U Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date r l C I CI C I CI SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 TARIFF. Electric Service APP!_:CATION All Territory Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas ffechve Dare Revision No. S ct,on No Sub -Section No. 0 .I13 Sheef Section Tale Sub- Section Tile RArFS LARGE POWER SERVICE Availability Available for general and industrial three-phase service for consumers having capacity in excess of 50 KVA for all uses including lighting, beating and power, subject to the established rules and regulations; not available for cotton gins, oil well or irrigation pumping. Type of Service Single-phase, and three-phase at available secondary voltages; motors having a rated capacity in excess of ten horsepower must be three-phase. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Consumer Charge: $28.00 per month; Demand Charge: $8.00 per kW per month of kW billing demand; plus, C Energy Charge: 4.879 cents per kWh. Power Factor Adjustment The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. To correct for average i.awer factor C lower than ninety-five percent (958), for consumers if and when the Cooperative deems necessary, an adjust,ent will be made by increasing measured demand one percent (18) by which the average power factor is less than ninety-five percent (958) lagging. Minimum Monthly Charge The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for the consumer in D question, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided for under Tariff Section 20.01. 1. The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. 2. A charge of $1.00 per KVA of installed transformer capacity. Determination of Billing Demand The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the con,,Lrer for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for power factor as stated above. Metering The metering installation will generally be placed on the secondary service to the consumer. At the option of C Cooperative, the metering may be done at the primary voltage level; in such case a 28 discount on M1 will be given to defray transformer losses. Billing Adjustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01 Tetns of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt &-id delinqueut 16 0 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03 I 4t- Revision Symbols Change C)- Discontinued (D) - Increase (1) -New (N)- Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T _ < 3 Ki Commission Use Only Submitted ByDate � Docket No. / Effective Date Signature ✓ Title ✓' TARIFF: Eiectnc Service APPi-CATION: All Territory Served cffect,ve Date S SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE,INC. P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Rev-s.on No. Section No Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office. 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas ib -Section No. ild Sneei -- 1 b- Section Tale RRIGATTDN SERVICE RATES va it Available to consumers of the Cooperative for service to irrigation pumps and subject to tl,e established rules and regulations of the Cooperative covering this service. Type of Service Single or three-phase, 60 cycles, at standard secondary voltages. The Cooperative may limit the mixiiwmn rating of motors where such may cause interference to other consumers. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Summer (July through September billing) Energy Charge: First 200 kWh per horsepower - 13.642 cents per kWh, exclusive of billing adjustments under Tariff Section 20.01, per season. 7.716 cents per kWh for all kWh in excess of 200 kWh per horsepower per season exclusive of billing adjustments under Tariff Section 20.01. Winter (October through June billing) Energy Charge: 6.728 cents per kWh per season, exclusive of billing adjustments under Tariff Section 20.01. Load Management Discounts Irrigation consumers billed under the Summer rate above are eligible to receive the following credits for parti- cipating in the irrigation load management program for the full season subject to the rules and regulations of the Cooperative covering the program: Billing Credits Available - Summer season only (July through September billing) Control Program: C r e d i t R a t e Anytime Control: 6.00 cents per WH per season (not to exceed 200 MVHP) Three (3) Days/Wk: 4.75 cents per IM per season (not to exceed 200 MV1P) Two (2) DaysAfk : 3.00 cents per MM per season (not to exceed 200 10*VHP) One (1) Days/Wk: 1.25 cents per Id4H per season (not to exceed 200 10*VHP) Types of Control Available: 1. Anytime Control - The Cooperative may control the operation of irrigation purip(s) at ery tine, but not to exceed: a. 12 hours in any daily 24-hour period; b. 42 hours in any consecutive seven (7) clay period; c. 120 hours in any consecutive thirty (30) day period. 2. Limited Days Per Week Control - The consumer shall choose the number of days of control, up to three, and tt,e Cooperative may interrupt the operation of the irrigation puimp(s) as predetermined and scheduled by the Cooperative for the growing season, but not to exceed 12 hours in any daily 24-hour period. The Cooperative reserves the right to make periodic reassignment of the day(s) of control. Any notice of re -assignment of control days(s) shall be made in writing. Determination of Horsepower The horsepower billing purposes shall be the motor manufacturer's nameplate rating of horsepower output, except that, if the Cooperative so elects, it shall be determined by actual measurements of power input during a period of maximum normal use, less an allowance of ten percent (108) of input for motor losses. All :rotors under 5.0 horsepower will be billed at the 5.0 horsepower rate. Annual Minimum Charge - The annual minimum charge under the above rate shall be $15.00 per horsepower of connected load but not less than $75.00. In the event electric facilities are initially made available for service for only a portion of the year, such annual minimum will be reduced in ratio of the period of availability. November shall be the concluding month for calculating the annual minimum. Should the total of all monthly billings in a 12 month period be less than the annual minimum charge, the consumer will pay the difference between the total billing exclusive of billing adjustments under Tariff Section 20.01, and the annual minimum charge specified therein. Submitted By Signature �� 'y�LG�f_s:i; j Title Date Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Dot• [l•1 C I C I i SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 .,.R: -F: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood aRo_ CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Revision No. Section No Sub-Seciwn No. Sheet of Z 2U .91 Sect,on Title Sub- Section Title y RATES IRRIGATICN SERVICE RATES - Cont.d. Standby Irrigation Service To defer or prevent the Cooperative from retirement of an idle irrigation service for a period of one year or less, C the consumer may place an irrigation service on standby. The cooperative will disconnect the service and may remove the meter and transformers for use elsewhere. Idle Service Annual Charge: $10.00 per horsepower per year, but not less than $50.00 nor more than $300.00, billed not later than April 15 each year, plus; Reconnect Fee: $25.00 With a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours notice, the Cooperative will reconnect the facility, so that the consumer may receive electric service under one of the above rates. Should the consumer have the standby service changed to an active service later in the irrigation year, any amounts paid as Idle Service Charges (except Reconnect Fee) shall be allowed toward the applicable Annual Minimum Charge above. Power Factor A.diustnent The consumer agrees to maintain unity factor as nearly as practicable. The horsepower for billing purposes will be adjusted for consumers with 50 horsepower or more to correct the average power factors lower than ninety-five percent (958), and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the horsepower one percent (18) by which the average power factor is less than ninety=five percent (958) lagging. Billing Adjustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Terms of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is nue upon receipt and delinquent 16 C days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before tce date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. w Revision S mbols Chan e C -7sconthnued (0) - Increase (1) - New (N)- Reduction R - Change in Text 0lT Commission Use Only v o6 2 9,'m Submitted By Date Docket No. �fGt�/ Effective Date Signature�L ��jN Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF Eiectnc Service Office: HON. Amarillo Road 1 APPLICATION: All Terntory Served Lubbock, Texas effect ve Date Rev,S on No. Sect on No Sub-Sect.an No. CI ,5 Secr,on Tale Sub- Sectnon Tale 4A' GENERA[. SERVICE Availability Available for connercial, industrial, municipal water cyst mLs, apirtrent houses, and three-phase service having a C capacity of 50 KVA or less, for all uses including lighting, heating and power, subject to the established rules and regulations. Rate is not available for cotton gins, oil wells or irrigation pumping. INTe of Service Single-phase and three-phase at available secondary voltages motors having a rated capacity in excess of ten horsepower must be three-phase. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Customer Charge: $17.95 per month Energy Charge: 7.328 cents for all WH per month C Minimum Monthly Charge The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be $17.95 where 10 KVA or less of transformer capacity is C required, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided for under Tariff Section 20.01. For consumers requiring more than 10 KVA of transformer capacity, the minimum monthly charge shall be increased by $1.00 for each additional KVA or fraction thereof required. Minimum Annual Charge for Seasonal Service Consumer requiring service only during certain seasons not exceeding nine months per year may guarantee a minimum annual payment of twelve times the minimum monthly charge determined in accordance with the foregoing section, in which case there will be no minimum monthly charge. mace Heating When a consumer regularly uses permanently installed electric heating equipxnt, 5 KW cr more of total capacity in C one building and energy for the space heating equipment is measured by a separate ureter, all KM so metered during the November, December, January, February, March and April billing periods will be billed at 4.079 cents per KWH subject to the following conditions: 1. The consumer's wiring will provide for a main service meter to measure KWH used for all p•irposes except space heating and air conditioning compressors, and further provide for a separate meter to measure only energy used exclusively for space heating equipment and air conditioning ccrnpressors. Billing Adiustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Terms of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 C days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the riles of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. dK Rev.s,on Symbols Chan e C - Disconthnved (D) - Increase (I)- New N - Reduction (R)- Change in Text 0lT ly-- Commission Use Only Submitted By Date "" Docket No. I Effective Date Signature —Title __Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79406 TARIFF: Electric Service APPI :CATION' All Territnry SPrvpd Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas 'ffective Date Revis,on No. Section No. Sub -Section No. - Sheet. -- f _ t Sectnon Time Sub - Section Title RATES COTTON GIN SERVICE Availability Available for power service to cotton gins and sukplenental uses, and for other season,d uses, excluding energy for standby or shared service with another source of electric power (except qualifying facility). Type of Service T Three-phase, 60 hertz, A.C. at Cooperative's available voltages. Service supplied hereuttler will be at a single point of delivery and measured through one meter. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Monthly Service Availability Charge: $28.00 Summer Season (April through September Billing): C Demand Charge: $8.00 per RW per month plus Energy Charge: 4.879 cents per kWh per month Winter Season (October through March Billing): Energy Charge: First 100 kWh per Iasi of demand per month @ 9.299 cents per kWh. All additional kWh per month @ 5.108 cents per kWh. Annual Minimum Charge The annur-ml minimum charge under the above rate shall not be less than $6.50 per connected RVA, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided under Tariff Section 20.01. Should the total of all monthly billings be less than the annual minimi= charge, the consumer will be billed for such difference with the March billing of the year. Off -Season Disconnection Consumer is encouraged to disconnect the service during the Summer months that the service is not required. However, one temporary reconnect will be made for a period not to exceed 24 hours for motor test, provided the Cooperative is not experiencing a loading peak on the substation furnishing service to the load. Any lWH used will be billed. EN demand will not be billed; the demand register will be reset. Additional temporary reconnects will C be made and billed at $25.00. Determination of K4 Demand The demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the consuner for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month in which service is rendered hereunder as indicated or recorded by a demand meter adjusted for power factor. C Power Factor Adiustments The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The 144 demand will be adjusted for consumers to correct for average power factors lower than ninety-five percent (958), if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand one percent (18), for each one percent (18) by which the average power factor is less than ninety-five percent (958) lagging. Billing Adustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Terms of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nate of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday 67 weekend, in which case payrent is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the C appropriate regulatory authority. iK Revision Symbols Cnan e(C)- Disconftnued(D)- Increase (0- New N -- Reduction (R)- Chen a in Text 0IT Commission Use Only (� (;Q Submitted 8y Date . rEB 2 5 1987 r '!-�"� Docket No. /! � Effective Date Signature Title -'RiFF: Electro Service AFPL.CATION' All Territory Served SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P0. Orower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas =ffecthve Date Revision No. Section No Sub -Section No. Section T rle Sub - Section Title y RATES 011 FIELD SERVICE - SE0NDARY VOLTAGE Availability Available to consumers of the C rative for service to oil well �l� ptu.� (well head service) and for other uses T directly related to oil production where energy is used exclusively by electric motors and subject to the Cooperatives rules and regulations covering this service. Type of Service Single-phase or three-phase, 60 hertz, at standard secondary voltage. The Cooperative may limit the maxiruni horsepower rating of motors served with single-phase service where such may cause interference to other consumers. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Horsepower Charge; $6.00 Powe 9 per horsepower per month, plus, C Energy Charge: 4.793 cents per MH per month. Determination of Horsepower The horsepower for billing purposes shall be the manufacturer's rotor nameplate rating, or at its option, the Cooperative may determine the horsepower by test under conditions of maximum operating load. ?ower Factor The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The horsepower for billing purposes will be adjusted to correct for average power factors lower than ninety-five percent (958) if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the horsepower one percent (18) by which the average horsepower is less than ninety-five (958) lagging. Minimum Monthly Charge The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the horsepower charge arx! in no event shall it be less than $17.95 but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided for under Tariff Section 20.01. C Billing Adiustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Terns of payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receilt and delinquent 16 C days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject: to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. A W Revision Symbols Chan e C - Discontinued (D) - increase M- ) - New N - Reduction (R)- Chane in Text 0iT Submitted FEB 2 5 1997 Commission Use Only By Date Docket No. Tr Effective Dote Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPL.CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas 7ffect,ve Date Revision No. ,lection No. Sub -Section No. I RATES I PRIMARY VOLTAGE SERVICE Availability Available for oil field pumping on consumer -owned primary distribution systems. Tyne of Service Three-phase, 60 hertz, at the Cooperative's standard primary distribution voltages. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Pate Consumer Charge: $28.00 per month; Demand Charge: $7.75 per month 1W of billing demand; plus Energy Charge: 4.195 cents per kWh per month. Determination of Billing Demand The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the consumer for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a denand meter and adjusted for power factor as follows: Power Factor Adiustment The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers to correct for average power factors lower than ninety-five percent (958) if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand one percent (1$) for each one percent (18) by which the average power factor is less than ninety-five percent (958) lagging. Billing Adustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for the consumer in question, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided for under Tariff Section 20.01. 1. The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. 2. A charge of $1.00 per KVA of installed transformer capacity. Conditions of Service 1. Delivery Point - Unless otherwise specified by the Cooperative, service will be delivered to the boundary of the consumer's lease or premise. The delivery point shall be the point of attachment of the Cooperative's primary lines to the consumer's electric lines or system. All wiriny, pole lines, and other electric equipment (except the Cooperatives metering equipment) on the load side of the metering point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer. 2. Exclusive Use - Service delivered hereunder is for the exclusive use of the consumer and may not be resold or delivered for the use of others. 3. Metering - When primary metering equipment is used, it shall be located at the delivery point. However, the Cooperative shall have the option of metering at secondary voltage and adding two percent (28) to the metered kilowatt hours to compensate for transformer losses. In the event secondary metering is used, it will be located on the load side of the consumer's transformer structure. Terns of Payment, A Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in tate office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will to considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. Submitted By Signature Title r C Commiss,on Use Only Date _ �l fO Docket No. Effective Date - *I TI CI C C sCUrH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 relephone No. (806) 762-0406 'S?1=F. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road SPPL.CATION' All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas ffecn�e Cote Reviswn No. Section No. Sub -Section No. 1)'i 'n -1--of 1 Section role Sub- Sect,on Tale R17ES OUTDOOR 1.IGHTPF1 S iWC''E Availai;ility Available to consumers of the Cooperative, except where pruhibited by law or ordinance for dusk to dawn uutdoor T lighting in close proximity to existing overhead secondary circuits. Also, available to incorporated cities, towns, and villages for delivery and use within areas certified to the Cooperative by the Public Utility Ccnuaisslort of Texas, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. Type of Service Unmetered electric energy to lighting units, furnished, installed and maintained by the Cooperative. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Rate Per Light for Month Light mounted on wooden pole with bracket attachment and connected to overhead secondary unit. 6,000 lumen outdoor lamp, luminaire and refractor globe - $6.Ssnnonth C 12,000 lumen outdoor lamp, luminaire and refractor globe - $9.53/month Multiple USE Discount 21 through 50 units: 25 cents per unit per month over 50 units: 50 cents per unit per month N Billing Adjustments Reference Tariff Sheet 20.01. KWH Use For the purpose of adjustments as provided for herein, the estimated energy use per month per lighting unit shall be ccaputed at 77 1WH for 6,000 lumens and at 103 WH for 12,000 lumens. Conditions of Service L The Cooperative shall furnish, install, operate, and maintain the outdoor lighting equipment including lamp, luminaire, bracket attachment and control device on an existing u oden pole of the Cooperative, when one is readily available, electrically connected so that the power for operation of light does not pass through the meter for the custaner,s other usage, at a location mutually agreeable to both the Cooperative and the consumer. The Cooperative shall furnish and install a wooden pole if repaired for the outdoor light, within 150 feet of existing secondary circuits. 2. The Cooperative shall maintain the lighting equipment, including lamp replacement, at nc additional cost to the consumer within 72 hours after the consumer notifies the Cooperative of the need for maintenance of the light- ing equipment. 3. The lighting equipment shall remain the property of the Cooperative. The consumer shall protec the lighting equipment from deliberate damage. 4. The consumer shall allow authorized representatives of the Cooperative to enter upon the consumer's premises and to trim trees and shrubs as necessary for maintenance of the lighting equipment and for removal of the lighting equipment upon termination of service under this schedule. 5. The Cooperative and the consumer may execute an agreement for service under this schedule for a period of not less than one (1) year. 6. Should a city, town, or village designate use of metal standards, then the added average cost in place of such N, units above the average installed cost of a thirty-foot (301) woolen pole will be paid by the consumer. Ecruiunent Rental ly Should the consumer have metered electric service available, and it is not convenient for the Cooperative to fur- nish unmetered service for the outdoor lighting installation, the Cooperative will furnish an outdoor lighting unit to the consumer, except less electricity at these rates: 6,000 lumen - $2.87 per month 12,000 lumen - $4.55 per month Terms of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case paynent is due on the next work day. if full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the -stoner's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. Submitted By Signature C)- Discontinued (D) - Increase (l) - New (Nl _ Redunr nn (at _ rh,,..... :_ r--..,_,.. t, Title c� Commissicn Use Only Date r r• ��� Docket No. Effective Date SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P.O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPLICATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Revision No. Section No. Sub -Section No. I n e e f 1 t t Section Title I Sub- Section Title RATES I PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to incorporated cities, towns and villages; and the state of Texas, for use within areas certified to the Cooperative by the Public Utility Canmission of Texas, subject to established rules and regulations. Tvoe of Service Single-phase service at primary or secondary voltage for delivery to street lighting facilities and systenis owned and maintained by the agency. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. Service may be unmetered and DM will be calculated. Rate Consumer Charge: $17.95 per month plus, Energy Charge: 3.858 cents per kWh for all kWh used per month. Minimum Monthly Charge The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the consumer charge plus $1.00 per lighting unit served from the Cooperative's distribution system, but not including any applicable billing adjustments provided under Tariff Section 20.01. Conditions of Service 1. Service will be delivered at the Cooperative's distribution system, with all necessary wiring therefrom to the street lighting system to be furnished and maintained by the consumer. 2. Service delivered hereunder will be used for street and roadway lighting purposes. Billing Adiustments Reference Tariff Sheet No. 20.01. Terms of Payment Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case pay.,ent is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Penalty Reference Tariff Sheet No. 30.03. Submitted 8y Signature A 1 Dote 987 'rifle Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date M©i r C i T 1 C # SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock . Texas 79408 r Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPLICATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Revision No. Section No. Sub -Section No. Sheet 1 Section_ Title Sub- Section Title CONSUMER SERVICE TABLE OF CONTENTS T A B I E O F C O N T F N T S SUB -SECTION .01 SUBJECT Consumer Relations A. Information to Consumer B. Consumer Complaints C. Cooperativets Response 0. Deferred Payment Plans .02 Refusal to Serve A. Compliance of Applicant B. Applicantts Recourse C. Insufficient Grounds for Refusal to Serve .03 Discontinuance of Service A. Due Date B. Penalties C. Disconnection of Service D. Disconnection for Payment by Invalid Check .04 Consumer Deposits A. Application for Service - New Customers B. Application for Additlona.1 Service - Present Consumers C. Reestablishing Service Disconnected for Non-payment D. Records of Deposits E. Refund of Deposits F. Upon Sale or Transfer of the Cooperative G. Complaint by Applicant or Consumer H. Advance Payments .05 Billing and Collecting A. Rendering and Form of Bills B. Information on Bill C. Estimated Meter Readings 0. Disputed Bills E. Reconnect 'and Collection Fees F. Fraudulent Use of Electric Service G. Connecting New Service - Setting Watthour Meter .06 Service Agreements A. Membership and Electric Service Agreement Submitted Signature - Title #I Commission Use Only Date B 2 5 1a" /�Q 7 Docket No. Effective Dote J *: C SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COCPERATIVE, INC P 0. Orower 1830 — Lubbock I Texas 79408 TARIFF: Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPUCATtON: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Rpv,s.on No. Section No Sub -Section No. Section Title Sub - Section Title I. The Coopvz,ative shall :,nalrit:IL11 :I Ot' maps jt"DwIng th-1 jjcatl,)jjj )I' Its factittles. All factlllttes shall be to Indl,:ate tile siz,.,, nominal capacity and voltage, or any perttnent InCc1.rm.1­­)rt which wILL accurately the Cooperative's facilities. These ma.P3, or 5uoh ether maps as may be required by the Commission shall b, kept in the Cooperative's of!'t..,, and will be available fGr the Commission Inspection duritie normal working hours. The C,-)ope:,at1ve ;hall have available at its office, maps, plans, or records of Its Immediate area, with such other Information as may be necessary to enable the Cooperative to advise applicants, and others entitled to the Information, as to the facilities available for serving that locality; 2. The Cooperative shall assist the consumer or applicant In selectin,r the most ecoi,omical rate schedule; 3. In compliance with the Commission's Rules of Practice nrid Procedure, the Cooperative shall notify consumers affected by a change in rates or schv-rule of classification; 4. The Cooperative shall post a notice in a conspicuous place in its business office where appli- cations for service are received, informing the public that Copies of its rate schedules and rules relating to the service of the Cooperative, as filed with the Commission, are available for inspection; 5. The Cooperative shall furnish su::h additional information on rates and services as the con- sumer may reasonably request; and 6. The Cooperative shall, upon request, inform its consumers as to the methods of reading meters. Consumer complaints 1. Upon complaint to the Cooperative by a consumer either at its office, by letter or by telephone, the Cooperative shall promptly make a suitable investigation and advise the complainant of the results thereof. It shall. keep a record of all complaints which shall show the name and address of the complainant, the date and nature of the complaint and the adjustment or disposition thereof for a period of two years subsequent to the final settlement of the complaint. Complaints with reference to rates or charges which require no further action by the Cooperative will not be recorded. Records of deposit complaints will also be maintained as other records are maintained. T 2. In the event the consumer is dissatisfied with the Cooperative's report, the Cooperative will advise such consumer of the Public Utility Commission complaint process. C. Cooperative's Response Upon receipt of a complaint, either by letter or by telephone, from the Commission on behalf of a consumer, the Cooperative shall make a suitable investigation and advise the Commission of the results thereof. Initial response to the Commission will Le made within thirty (30) days. D. Deferred Payment Plans The Cooperative may make available to its consumers a deferred payment plan when failure to pay is due to an emergency or other reasonable inability to pay aril a short extension of time to pay will prevent disconnect of service and further, when deposits are required under these rules, either upon application for service or because of unsatisfactory payment history. For the purpose of determining reasonableness under these rules, the following shall be considered: a. Residential service need b. Size of delinquent account c. Consumers ability to pay d. Consumers payment history e. Time that debt has been outstandlr,,r f. Reasons for failure to pay g. In cases of impoundment of dect!J..>rills a,;2 -!t.9 Submitted Signature — Title Date FEB2 5 1987 1 Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date- SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Crowe( 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Officer I ION. Arnarit[a Road APPIrCATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas _ffect,ve Date Revision No. Section No. Sub -Section No. Sheet f -- Section Tale Sub- Section Tale 1. Oral Deferred Payment Agreement Deferral of payment of up to seven (7) :alendar days may be made by oral agreement by tele- phone or personal contact but will be reduced to wrlT.ten memorandum form for the Cooperative';; records giving date made, agreed amount of the delinquent bill, end date for payment and name of employee making the agreement with the consumer. Oral deferred payment agreements will be limit?d to delinquent amounts for electric service and shall not include the $5.00 member- ship fee nor deposits required for failure to establish credit or because of unsatisfactory payment history. 2. Written Deferred Pa ment Agreement Deferral of payment of up to thirty (30) calendar days for the delinquent amount of electric bills or up to sixty (60) calendar days for the payment of deposits as required under these rules may be made by written agreement between the Cooperative and the consumer. Such written agreement will include the following provisions: a. Immediately preceding the space provided for the consumer's signature will be printed in bold -face print at least two sizes larger than any other thereon, "If you are not satis- fied with this agreement, do not sign. If you sign this agreement, you give up your right to dispute the amount due under the agreement except for the Cooperative's failure or refusal to comply with the terms of this agreement". b. A five percent (58) penalty maybe charged for each late payment made under the agreement after the agreement is initiated. 3. Violation of Agreement If a consumer has not fulfilled terms of a deferred payment agreement, written or oral, the Cooperative shall have the right to disconnect service pursuant to disconnection rules herein and under such circumstances, it shall not be required to offer subsequent negotiations of a deferred payment agreement prior to disconnection of service. In the event that a payment is made under a deferred payment agreement by an invalid check from the consumer that a depository refuses to honor for payment, then the agreement will be considered broken by the consumer and the Cooperative may disconnect service after proper notice to the consumer. 4. Non -Discrimination The Cooperative will not refuse an applicant for service nor a present consumer a deferred payment agreement on the basis of race, color, creed, sex. or marital status. Submitted By Signature ��f_itLl%ICsJL1 Title F 0 a Commission Use only Dote 5 1,98i Docket No. Effective Date 4I T 1 TI SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. INC. P 0. Grower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 T -Pi --F: Electric Service APPLICATION' All Territory Served _ffect,ve Date Rev,s.on No. Section No. ,777777777— na: in Section Title ry'u row arc RL'SA'. Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas • Sect on No. •� c.__. i _. 1 Compliance by Applicant The Cooperative may decline to serve an applicant until such applicant has complied with the state and municipal regula- tions and approved rules and regulations of the Cooperative on file with the Commission governing the service applied for or for the following reasons: 1. Applicant's facilities inadequate: if the applicant's installation or equipment is known to be hazardous or of such character that satisfactory service cannot be given; or 2. For indebtedness: If the applicant is indebted to any utility for the same kind of service as that applied for; provided however, that in the event the indebtedness of the applicant for service is in dispute, the applicant shall be served upon complying with the deposit requirement under Section 30.04 of these rules. 3.- Refusal to make deposit: For refusal to make a deposit if applicant is required to make a deposit under Section 30.04 of these rules 3. Applicant's Recourse In the event service is refused an applicantunder the provisions of these rules, the Cooperative will inform the appli- cant of the basis of its refusal, and that the applicant may file a complaint with the Commission thereon. C. Insufficient Grounds for Refusal to Serve The following shall not constitute sufficient cause for refusal of service to a present consumer or applicant: 1. Delinquency in payment for service by a previous occupant of the premises to be served; 2. Failure to pay for merchandise, or charges for non -electric service purchased or rendered from the Cooperative; 3. Failure to pay a bill to correct previous underbilling due to misapplication of rates more than six months prior to the date of application; 4. Violation of the Cooperative's rules pertaining to operation of nonstandard equipment or unauthorized attachments which interferes with the service of others, or other services such as communication services, unless the consumer has first been notified and been afforded reasonable opportunity to comply with said rules; 5. Failure to pay a bill of another consumer as guarantor thereof, unless the guarantee was made in writing to the Cooperative as a condition precedent to service; and 6. Failure to pay the bill of another consumer at the same address except when the change of consumer identity is made to avoid or evade payment of an electric bill. # Rev;sjon Symbols Chan e(C)- Discontinued(D)- Increase(I)-New N - Reduction R - Chan a in Text 0lT Commission Use Only Submitted By 7 Dote FEB 2 3 Docket No. Effective Date Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPLXATION: All Territory.Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Dote Revision No. Sect 0 6 No Sub -Section Na. Sect -on Title Sub- Section T01e CONSUMERS SERVICE O1Si:ONT 1IJAtJCE OF SERvrCE A. Due Date The invoice for electric service shall be due upon receipt and delinquent 16 days after issuance except if such day falls on a holiday or weekend then it shall be on the next work day that the office is open for business. The invoice for service is delinquent if unpaid by the due date. The postmark, if any, on the envelope of the invoice, or the issuance date on the invoice, if there is no postmark on the envelope, shall constitute proof of date of issuance. B. Penalties No penalty shall be applied on residential bills. However, a penalty of up to five percent (56) may be applied on delinquent amounts for non-residential use provided provisions therefor are included under the applicable rate schedule or contracts of special application. C. Disconnection of Service 1. A consumer's electric service may be disconnected if the invoi-e for electric service has not been paid or a deferred payment agreement entered into within twenty -,ix (26) days from the date of issuance and if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or hand delivery at ten (10) days T prior to a stated date of disconnection. The cutoff date may not fall on a holiday or weekend. 2. Electric service may be disconnected for any of the following reasons: a. Failure to pay a delinquent account or failure to comply with the terms of a deferred payment agreement; b. Violation of the Cooperative's rules pertaining to the use of service in a manner which interferes with the service of others or the operation of nonstandard equipment, if a reasonable attempt has been made to notify the consumer and the consumer is provided with a reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation; c. Failure to comply with deposit or guarantee arrangements where required by Section 30.04 of these rules; d. Without notice where a known dangerous condition exists for as long as the condition exists; and T tampering with the Cooperative's meter or equipment or bypassing the same. 3. Electric service may not be disconnected for any of the following reasons: a. Delinquency in payment for service by a previous occupant of the premises; b. Failure to pay for merchandise, or charges for non -electric se -vice provided by the Cooperative; c. Failure to pay for a different type or class of utility service unless fee for such service is included on the same invoice; d. Failure to pay the account of another consumer as guarantor thereof, unless the Cooperative has in writing the guarantee as a condition precedent to service; e. Failure to pay charges arising from an underbilling occurring due to any misapplication of rates more than six months prior to the current billing; f. Failure to pay charges arising from an underbilling due to any faulty metering, unless the meter has been tampered with or unless such underbilling charges are due under Section 50.01-E of these rules. g. Failure to pay an estimated bill other than a bill rendered pursuant to the Cooperative's meter reading plan, unless the Cooperative is unable to read the meter due to circumstances beyond its control. 4. Unless a dangerous condition exists, or unless the consumer requests disconnection, service shall not be dis- connected on a day, or on a day immediately preceding a day, when personnel of the Cooperative are not available to the public for the purpose of making collections and reconnecting service. 5. The Cooperative will not abandon a consumer or a^certified service area without written notice to its con- sumers therein and all similar neighboring electric utilities, and approval from the Coinmissicn. D. Disconnection for Payment by Invalid Check Electric service may be disconnected in the event a consumer tendeir, a check to the Cooperative in payment of a bill for service and the bank refuses payment for any reason and such check is not otherwise redeemed by the consumer by the date for disconnection as provided in these rules, or subject to ten (10) days written notice, whichever date being the later. If the consumer tenders to the Cooperative an invalid check cn or after a properly noticed disconnect date to evade disconnection of service, service may be disconnectrsl without further notice of any kind. A charge of $12.50 will be collected by the Cooperative on all invalid checks. FEB� Commission Use Only Submitted By Data `F 9 ") 19$? Docket No. Signature..� ! Effective Dote L � Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERArivE, iNC PO Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPLICATION' All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Rev�s.an No Section No Sub-Sechnn No. - ;I) `T --_l sheNt 1 >ect on Tale I Sub- Section Tale CONSUMERS SERVICE ICOfI:UhiER OEi".i`;iT; A. Application for Service - New Consumers The following rules will be applied upon receiving applications for service from persons not presently a consumer receiving service from the Cooperative: 1. Establishment of Credit for Permanent Residential Applicants a. The Cooperative will require a residential applicant for service to satisfactorily establish credit, but such establishment of credit shall not relieve the consumer from complying with rules for prompt payment of bills. Credit history shall be applied for a reasonable period of time to a spouse or former spouse who shared the service. Credit history maintained by one must be applied equally to the other without modification and without additional qualifications not required of the other. Subject to these rules, a residential applicant shall not be required to pay a deposit: 1. If the residential applicant has been a consumer of any elprtric utility within the last two years and is not delinquent in payment of any such utility service account and during the last twelve (12) consecutive months of service did not have more than one occasion in which a bill for such utility service was paid after becoming delinquent and never had service disconnected for nonpayment; or 2. If the residential applicant furnishes in writing a satisfactory guarantee to secure payment of bills for the service required; or 3. If the residential applicant demonstrates a satisfactory credit rating by appropriate means including, but not limited to, the production of generally acceptable credit cards, letters of credit reference, the names of credit references which may be quickly and inexpensively contacted by the Cooperative, or ownership of substantial equity. 2. Reestablishment of Credit Every applicant who previously has been a consumer of the Cooperative and whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment of bills shall be required before service is rendered to pay all amounts due the Cooperative or execute a deferred payment agreement, if offered, and reestablish credit as .Provided in subparagraph la above. 3. Commercial and Industrial Service In the case of commercial, or industrial service, if the credit of an applicant for service has not been established satisfactorily to the Cooperative, the applicant will be required to make a deposit under the same requirements as for permanent residential applicants for service. The Cooperative may require an individual applicant to guarantee payment for a corporation. 4. Amount of Deposit and Interest for Permanent Residential, General Service, Commercial and Industrial Service and Exemption from Deposit: a. The required deposit shall not exceed an amount equivalent to one-sixth (1/6th) of the annual billings as estimated by the applicant after discussion of usage history with the Cooperative's personnel. If actual billings of a commercial customer are at least twice the amount of the estimated billings, and a suspension notice has been issued on a bill within the previous 12 -month period, a new deposit may be required to be made within 15 days after issuance of written notice of termination and requested additional deposit. If actual billings of a residential customer are at least twice the amount of the estimated billings after two periods, and a suspension notice has been issued on a bill within the previous 12 -month period, a new deposit may be required to be made within 15 days after issuance of written notice of termination and requested additional deposit. In lieu'of additional deposit, the customer may elect to pay the current bill by the due date of the bill, provided the customer has not exercised this option in the previous 12 -months. b. All applicants for permanent residential service who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older will be considered as having established credit if su, applicant does not have an outstanding account balance with the Cooperative or another electric utily which accrued within the last two years. No cash deposit shall be required of such applicant under these conditions. c. On deposits required, the Cooperative shall pay a mininum interest thereon at the rate and in the manner prescribed by the Public Utility Carmission of Texas. The rate, through December 31, 1985, was six percent (68) as set by statute; thereafter, it will be set by the commission each Decenber for the following calendar year. For 1986, the rate is 7.29 percent. 1. Payment of the interest shall be annually if requested by the consurier, or at the tine the deposit is returned or credited to the consuner's account. 2. The deposit shall cease to draw interest on the date it is returned or credited to the consurer's account. ---•-� _---_ .. __.. .. ..........�....� ,. - ���wr e m rear um r r a, C F" T.•�,y Commission Use Only Submitted 8y Date ..// Docket No. Signature C Title /yt^� Effective Date L , L ,;�' .� C C T " TARIFF: Electric Service APPUCATION: All Territ, Effective Date 5 SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: I10 N. Amarillo Road .rved Lubbock, Texas lievrs;on No. Sect on No. Sub-Secti(n No. 3 Title h Seet ub- Sect on Tare d. The Cooperative shall pay the followinq rates on deposits: 1986: 7.29'< 1987:1988: 1989: 1989: _ * As directe y t e ublic Utility Conunission of Texas. 5• Deposits for Temporary or Seasonal Service and for Weakerld or JCa csl hasldance, The Cooperative may re'qulre a deposit sufficient to reasonably protect it against ti,e assumed risk, and when required will be applied in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner. The interest paid by the Cooperative to the consumer on such deposits, and the requirements for establishment of credit shall be under the same provisions of these rules as for commercial and industrial service. The required deposit shall not exceed an amount computed as follows: a. Temporary Service - Three times the estimated monthly billing. b. Irrigation Service -give dollars ( 05.00) per connected nameplate horsepower. C. Cotton Gin Power Service -Sever: dollars flt't•v cents (87.50) par kl],)watt of esti:::ated maximum seasonal demand. d. Grain Elevators and Grain Dryers - Six times the minimum provisions of the applicable rate schedule. e. Seasonal Residences - One-fourth (k) the average permanent residential. annual billing. f. Other - Sufficient to reasonably protect the Cooperative from the assumed risk. B. Applications for Additional Service - Present Consumers In event present consumers of the Cooperative make application for service to additional points of delivery, the Cooperative will determine that satisfactory credit has been established and an additional deposit shall not be required if the present consumer has not been delinquent more than twice in the payment of electric service to the Cooperative during the last twelve (12) consecutive months of service and has not been disconnected by the Cooperative for non- payment within the last two (2) consecutive years. In the event a deposit is required, a written deferred payment agreement included under Section 30.01-D of tLe rules may be offered to the consumer. C. Reestablishing Service Disconnected for Nonpayment In the event a present consumer of the Cooperative Is disconnected for nonpayment of a bill for electric service and a deposit from such consumer is not presently held by the Cooperative in an amount consistent with these rules, a deposit will be required from the consumer, in addition to the settlement of the delinquent amount of the electric bill as a condition for reconnection of service. A deferred payment agreement included under Section 30.01-D of these rules, may be offered to the consumer when Justified, considering the history of payment of the consumer and other circumstances. D. Record of Deposits 1. The Cooperative shall keep records to show: a. The name and address of each depositor, b. The amount and date of the deposit, ani C. Each transaction concerning the deposit. 2. The Cooperative shall issue a receipt of deposit to' each applicant or c,nsumar, from wit.,rr, a deposit is received, and shall provide means whereby a •1:POs1tor may stablish ..1 iia if the receipt is lost. 3• A record of each unclairned deposit will be malntalnad for, at lea;t f .r (4) ya;,rs, It.ring which time a reasonable effort shall be ma,ie to return the dcposlt. -- ._----- ••. .. - .. - �nan a in text Onl T -- _FEL? �,.E re Commission Use Only Submitted By Date 7' ? �'" I� �Docket No. Signature Title Effective Date *1 C SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TCAIFF: Electric Service Office: I10 N. Amarillo Road APP! ;CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Revision No. Section No. Sub -Section No. %4 h f SemonroleSub- Section Tale C....,..,"n E:? ..- RV: 1, ii^(.;•lER DE?03TT, (con'.In.ed1 _. Refund of Deposit I. if service is not connected or after disconnection of service, the Cooperative will promptly and automatically ref;:nd consumer's deposit plus accrued interest or the balance, if any, in excess of the ur,pai.i bills for service furnished. .- transfer of service from one premise to another within the service area of the Cooperative shall not be deemed a disconnection within the meaning of these rules, and no additional deposit may be demanded unless permitted by these rules. 2.. 'When the consumer has paid bills for service for twelve (12) consecutive billings without having service disconnected for nonpayment of bills and without having more than two occasions in which a bill was delinquent, and when the consumer is not delinquent in the payment of the current bill, the Cooperative shall promptly and automatically refund the deposit plus accrued interest to the consumer in the form of cash or cred o to the consumer's bill. if the con- sumer does not meet these refund criteria the deposit and interest may be retained in accor- dance with Rule 30.04 -A -4C-1. Upon Sale or Transfer of the Cooperative Upon the sale or transfer of the Cooperative or operating units thereof, the Cooperative shall file with the Commission under oath, in addition to other information, a list showing the names and addresses of all consumers served by the Cooperative who have to their credit a deposit, the date such deposit was made, the amount thereof and the unpaid interest thereon. 0. Complaint by Applicant or Consumer The Cooperative shall direct its personnel engaged in initial contact with an applicant or con- sumer for service, seeking to establish or reestablish credit under the provisions of these rules, to inform the consumer, if dissatisfaction is expressed with the Cooperative's decision, of the consumer's right to file a complaint with the Commission thereon. r.. Advance Payments A consumer may, for reasons of his own choosing, desire to make a payment in advance. Such pay ment may be accepted and carried as a credit balance to this account until such time as the credit is used in charges to this account. No interest will be paia on advance payments. i6. Revision Symbols Change (C)- Discontinued (D) -Increase (1) - New N - Reduction R - Chan a in Text Onl T _ Commission Use Only Submitted By Date_ r �--�-� '+.a Docket No. Effective Date— Signature— t/ / t� f ;� Title 1© SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubb k T 79408 ac exas Telepnone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APPL'CATION: All Terntory Served Lubbock, Texas %ffectrve Date Revrs,on No. Section No 'Sub -Section No. Section Tare Sub- Section T tie y CCNSUMERS SERVICE 13111P-16 AND COLLECTING A. Rendering and Form of Bills Bills for electric service shall be rendered monthly unless service is rendered for a period less than a month. Bills shall be rendered as promptly as possible following the reading of meters. An invoice -type bill will be used and rendered to each consumer detailing thereon individual amounts of electric use and charges for service to all separately metered points of delivery to the consumer, plus unmetered points of delivery as provided for under the rate schedules, and combining for all services to a total amount due the Cooperative. In event a partial payment is made, it will be credited to the total amount due and not to each separate account. Any amount left owing will be deemed to be due against all separate accounts. When reference is made in the Cooperative's Tariff to "bill" or "invoice," they will have the same meaning. B. Information on Bill The consumer's invoice will show at least all information as required by the Commission. C. Estimated Meter Readings As a standard practice, the Cooperative will provide adequate personnel and transportation equipment to read all meters monthly. Recognizing that there may be occasions when some meters, principally for irrigation service, cannot be read because of inclement weather and adverse rural road and accessway conditions, readings may be estimated for billing purposes. In such event, special effort will be given to read each such meter in the following cycle in regular order, or by special reading order. In no event will readings be estimated for any given meter more than three (3) consecutive months. When estimated readings are used for billing purposes, the bill will be plainly marked to show that the meter reading was estimated. D. Disputed Bills In the event of a dispute between the consumer and the Cooperative regarding any bill, the Cooperative shall forthwith make such investigation as shall be required by the particular case and report the results thereof to the consumer, and in the event the dispute is not resolved, shall inform the consumer of the complaint procedures of the Commission. E. Reconnect and Collection Fees It is intended that written notice to the consumer of delinquent bills and returned invalid checks giving date after which service will be disconnected for nonpayment, constitute all appropriate and necessary notification needed to be given by the Cooperative. It is further intended that no personal contact by way of a collection call or telephone solicitation will be required prerequisite to disconnection of service for nonpayment. If, however, the consumer or his representative is found at the premises of the service, or services, to be dis- connected when the Cooperative's representative arrives to disconnect service, and if the consumer or his representative will pay the amount delinquent plus a $15 service charge, plus the amount of deposit as required under Section 30.04-A of this tariff, then service will be left connected. An oral deferred payment agreement as provided for under Section 30.01-D-1 of this tariff may be extended for the required deposit but not beyond seven (7) days. Extensions beyond seven (7) days will not be given except by written agreement between the Cooperative and the consumer. If service is disconnected for nonpayment, a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25) per meter disconnected plus the delinquent amount plus a deposit as may be required under Section 30.04-A of this tariff will be collected before service is reconnected during regular hours. Reconnection of service after normal business hours shall require the above said delinquent amounts and deposit plus a fee of $26, per meter for reconnection. Payment of the deposit, if required, may be deferred when circumstances will justify by the consumer executing a written deferred payment agreement as provided for under Section 30.01-0-2 of this tariff. F. Fraudulent Use of Electric Service 1. No person, except an employee of the Cooperative, shall remove, alter, or make any connection to the Cooperative's meter or service equipment. No meter seal may be broken by anyone other than a Cooperative employee, provided, however, the Cooperative may give prior consent to an approved electrician employed by a member to remove seal when deemed necessary ,%y the Cooperative. 2. In cases of tampering with the Cooperative's meter or equipment or bypassing the same or interfering r with the proper working thereof, or other instances of diversion, such as physically disorienting the meter, objects attached to the meter to divert service or to bypass, insertion of objects into the meter, and other electrical and mechanical means of tampering with, bypassing, or diverting electrical service, service shall be immediately disconnected. In instances where incorrect meter readi:xts are reported with intent to defraud, the service shall be immediately disconnected after proper notice. iK Revision Symbols Chan e C - Discontinued (D) - Increase (1 )- New N - Reduction R - Chan a in Text 0IT Commission Use Only Submitted �J4 By Dafe"` f Docket No. Effective Dole Signature - Title i SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Serwce Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APDL:CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effective Date Rev, son No. Section No. Sub -Section No. -3 A19 Section Title Sub- Section Title CCNSUMERS SER'1;CE BILLING AND COLLECTING - Continued 3. Service will not be restored until the member has paid a fee equal to the tariffed rate for energy consumed but not metered, estimated by the Cooperative based upon amounts used by the member under similar conditions during preceding years. 'Where a previous usage history either does not exist or is considered unreliable due to meter tampering or bypassing, consumption may be estimated on the basis of usage levels of similar customers under similar conditions. The Cooperative may also require the member to pay its tariffed dis- connect and reconnect fees, if applicable, and a fee for all labor, material, and equipment necessary to repair or replace all equipment damaged due to meter tampering or bypassing, in accordance with Section 50.03 of this tariff. Under no circumstances shall the utility charge for usage resulting from meter tampering or bypassing which exceeds two years. 4. The Cooperative will advise the member in written and/or verbal communication of (a) the reasons for the disconnection of service; (b) the language of this policy; and (c) the member's right to appeal to the Cooperative's Board of Directors or the Public Utility Commission for a review of the matter. 5. The member will remain disconnected until all charges and deposits are paid to the Cooperative. (Also see 50.03, sealing of meters and metering installation.) G. Connecting New Service - Setting Watthour Meter 1. The Cooperative, subsequent to inspection of the service entrance of the consumer and the service entrance determined to be in accord of the NEC, or other local code, will connect the consumer's electric service and set the watthour meter during normal business hours without cost, 2. Should the member desire that the electric service be connected on Sundays, holidays or after the schedule working hours of service crews Monday through Saturday, a fee of $25.00 will be charged. ® Commission Use Only O� Submitted By Date ''" Docket No. Effective Date Signature _,���� �.r> Title I" I; T,:PIFF: Electric Service ji SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Utility Docket No. EM-i2o-75 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc. Membership and Electric Service Agreement The un(er�iznet: ^eretnafter calletf the "Applicant" 1 herebv applies for membership in, and altrees to purchase electric energy from SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC ('Ol)FERATii" =: INC. iheranafter cuUeri the `'Cn.)lerative"� upon (fie following terms and conditions: 1. The Apphcant will pay to the Cooperative the sum of Five (5.001 Dollars, which if, this application is accepted by the Cooperative, will constitute the Appheart = ❑tembership fee. 2. The location of each point of deliverv, together with the description of use of electric service to be made hereunder by the Applicant at each such point ofdelivery, 19shownonEXHIBIT Aofthis application. Additional points of delivery or changes in character of service, or use, may be mutually agreed to from time to time under the terms and conditions of :his a.rreement. 3 if the C,x)perative - ,in furnish electric service to the \pplicant at none of the points of delivery contemplated by this Application and shown in EXHIBIT A hereof, and if there be no other paints of delivery contemplated to be served under this agreement or if this Application for Membership is not accepted by the Board of Directors of the Cooperative, the $5.00 membership fee will be refunded to the Applicant. 4. The Applicant will, when electric energy becomes available and the meter or meters installed, purchase from the Cooperative all electric energy used at each point of delivery specified in EXHIBIT A hereof, and will pay therefor monthly at rates which will be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Cooperative. Further, with respect to each such point of delivery, and from the date electric energy becomes available thereto, the Applicant will pay a minimum amount as specified in EXHIBIT A. or in lieu thereof, the minimum amount fixed by the rate schedule applicable to the classification of service at each such point of delivery should the rate schedule designated minimum be larger than that shown in EXHIBIT A hereof. 5. The Applicant will cause his premises at each point of delivery designated in exhibit A hereof to be wired in accordance with wiring specifications as established by the National Electric Safety Code and as accepted by the Cooperative. 6. The Applicant will comply with and be bound by the provisions of the Charter, Tariff, and By -Laws of this Cooperative of which he will be a member, and such rules and regulations as may, from time to time, be adopted by the Cooperative, as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. 7. The acceptance of this application by the Cooperative shall constitute an agreement between the Applicant and the Cooperative and this contract for electric service shall continue in force and effect for one year from the date service is, or was, first made available hereunder by the Cooperative to the Applicant, and thereafter until cancelled by at least thirty 1301 days written notice given by either party to the other. 8. Applicant hereby grants the Cooperative, its successor and assignor, the right and easement to construct, operate, remove, repair, and maintain meters, lines, poles, transformers, etc. on the premises herein described and in or upon all streets, roads, or highways abutting said premises, its lines and equipment; and also the right to cut or trim trees necessary to keep them clear of all parts of the electric system, to the extent that applicant has a right to grant said permission. 9. The Cooperative shall use reasonable diligence to provide a constant and uninterrupted supply of electric power and energy hereunder. If the supply of electric power and energy shall fail or be interrupted, or become defective through act of God, governmental authority, action of the elements, public enemy, accident, strikes, labor trouble, required maintenance work, inability to secure right-of-way, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall not be liable therefor or for damages caused thereby. 10. Applicant agrees that he will immediately report to the Cooperative any suspected irregularities, malfunctions, abuse, or unauthorized tampering with the Cooperative electric meters, transformers, wire or other electric facilities. Theft of electric service or any other unauthorized use of electricity is in violation of Section 31.04, Penal Code and is punishable upon conviction as set forth in Sections 12.21-.34. I. Individual Applicant _ (Signed) Address Doing Business As Name of Business Address II. Partnership (Signed) A ess Doing Business As frame o usiness —Ad&ess Partners Karn-_ e Address ame Address Name Address ame Address III. Corporation Name Address ISigned by icer) I itle Dai. -f Application__ _. Witness Driver's License No. _ --- State Social Security No. _ __ Partnership or Corporation Tax Reporting No, FORM 1-81 — SM—MRC EXHIBIT A NAME MEMBERSHIP IDENTIFICATION NO. Points of Delivery Served or Contemplated to be Served Under this Agreement CLASSIFICATION CODE 10 RESIDENTIAL. RURAL 23 COMMERCIAL AND INDUS rm-AL (SMALL) 25 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL (LARGE) It RESIDENTIAL. SEASONAL of OIL WELLS (WELL HEAD SERVICE, 5n KVA OR LESS) 08 OIL WELLS (WELL HEAD SERVICE OVER 50 KVA) 12 RESIDENTIAL. TOWNS AND VILLAGES 51 OIL WELLS (PRIMARY SERVICE, 50 KVA OR LESS) 58 OIL WELLS (PRIMARY SERVICE OVER 50 KVA) 04 IRRIGATION 24 COTTON GIN POWER SERVICE, 50 KVA OR LESS 66 COTTON GIN POWER SERVICE (OVER 50 KVA) 37 MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS 79 PUBLIC BUILDING SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PC Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 T: PI=F: E!ectr c Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock_Tnxne SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Orower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 -:RIFF: Electric Service AP01 !CATION' All Terrntnry SNrvrd Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood Lubbock,Texas _ffechve Date Rev,s.on No: Sec hon No. Sub -Section No. Section i tie Sub- Section Tale --TR;C SSS-z_m C2NSTRI1CT1CN :LID ^PERA7',N CONTrNIIiT'+' OF SERVICE A. Service Interruptions 1. The C000erative shall make all reasonable efforts to prevent Interruptions of service. When interruptions occur, the C000erative shall re-establish service wlthln the shortest possible time. 2. The Cooperative shall make reasonable provisions to meet emergencies from failure of service, and employees shall be issued Instruction concerning procedures to be followed during an emergency in order to prevent or mitigate Interruption or Imoairment of service. 3. in the event of national emergency or local disaster resulting in Interuuptlons of normal service, the Cooperative may, in the public interest, interrupt service to other consumers to provide necessary service to civil defense or other emergency service agencies on a temporary basis until normal service to these agencies can be restored. d. The Cooperative may, without further notice, discontinue service to any consumer when a defective condition in wiring equipment upon the premises of the consumer results or is likely to result in danger of life or property or interference with proper service. 5, in order to make repairs to, or changes In, Cooperative's facilities for supplying electric service, the Cooperative reserves the right to suspend service without notice to the consumer for such periods as may be reasonably necessary. 6, tlability - The Cooperative shall use reasonable diligence to provide a constant and uninterrupted supply of electric power and energy; but If such supply shall fail or be Interrupted, or become defective through an act of -God, or public enemy, or by accident, strikes, labor troubles, or by action of the elements, or inability to secure rights-of-way, or other permits needed, or for any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall not be liable therefor. B. Record of Interruptions Except for momentary interruptions due to automatic equipment operations, the Cooperative shall keep a complete record of all interruptions, both emergency and scheduled. This record shall show the cause for interrupt tons, date, time, duration, location, approximate number of consumers affected, and. in cases of emergency interruptions, the rememdy and steps taken to prevent recurrence. C. Report to Commission The Cooperative shall notify the Commission in writing of Interruptions in service affecting the entire system or any major division thereof lasting more than four hours. The notice shall also state the cause of such interruptions. D. Change in Character of Service In case change is made by the Cooperative In the type of service rendered which would adversely affect the efficiency of operation or the adjustment of the equipment of consumers, all consumers who may be affected shall be notified by the Cooperative at least sixty days in advance of the change, or if such notice is not possible, as early as feasible. Where adjustments or replacements of the Cooperative's standard equipment must be made to permit use under such changed conditions, adjustment shall be made by the Cooperative without charge to the consumer. ,w Revision Symbols Chan e(C)- D,sconhnued(D)- Increase(I)- New N - Reduction R -Chan a in Teat 0lT Commission Use Only Submitted By Dote Docket No. � Effective Dote Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PC Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TAP!FF: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road 1P0, 'CATION' All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas Effecthve Date Revision No. Section Na. Sub- Sect,2_2 Sheet of - .2 1,183 a0 .0' 5ect•on Tale Sub- Sect on Tltle Nk .'ECTRiC SYS'c" JNSTRUCTIUN ANO OPER:1TiiJNS CO`lSTRUCTION A. Standards o' Design and Construction As standard practice, the Cooperative will be guided by the provisions of the American National Standards Insti- tute, Inc., the National Electrical Safety Code, standards recommended by the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), State and Federal regulations, and such other codes and standards as are generally accepted by the in- dustry, except as modified by the Commission or the municipal regulations within their jurisdiction. The Cooperative shall construct, install, operate and maintain its plant, structures, equipment, and lines in accordance with these standards, and in such manner to best accommodate the public and to prevent interference with service furnished by other public utilities in so far as practical. B. Location 1. Distribution Lines a. Rural Areas - In rural areas, electric distribution lines will be located, in so far as practicable, adjacent to public roads but on private property to avoid damage from road maintenance equipment and moving vehicles. Public road right-of-way will be used oily in exceptional cases and in the event that private right-of-way cannot be secured without payment to the owner or, without condemnation. Service lines to serve adjacent private property will be located wherever practicable, along turn rows and private drives toward minimal interference of cultivation practices and other land use. Location of lines on private property will be subject to agreement by the owner. b. Subdivisions- In extending service to subdivisions and platted areas having streets, alleys, and accessways designated for utility use, electric facilities, except service facilities, may be located therein. 2. Transmission Lines Recognizing that there is a significant difference in the service value of a transmission line to adjacent property from that of a distribution facility, the location of transmission lines will be determined by total cost including right-of-way cost, accessability, and required electrical characteristics. The allowable cost of procurement of private right-of-way will be as determined by the Board of Directors except when determined otherwise under condemnation proceedings. C. Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Approval The construction of facilities for service to certain size and types of load are subject to REA approval. When such approval is required, it shall also become a condition of service. D. Response to Request for Service The Cooperative shall serve each qualified applicant for service within its certificated area as rapidly as is practical. The Cooperative should fill applications for new electric service not involving line extensions or new facilities within seven (7) working days, and will make every reasonable effort to do so. Those appli- cations for residential service requiring line extensions will be filled as quickly as passible, and shall be filled within 90 days unless availability of materials causes uravoidable delays. In the event that resi- dential service is delayed in excess of 90 days after an applicant has met credit requirements and made satisfactory arrangements for payment of any required construction charges, the Cooperative shall make a report to the Commission listing the name, location and cause for delay. E. Construction Guidelines 1. It is the intent of the Cooperative that all primary distribution lines generally be overhead pole line construction. Underground construction, at Cooperative expense, will be done when conflicting environment, zoning, laws and regulations, reliability or Cooperative best interest, or cost, require, or favor, such construction. Should the consumer or landowner desire underground construction and pays the difference in cost between overhead line and underground line construction, and underground construction is compatible with the, electric system, the Cooperative will build the primary line underground. 2. It is the intent of the Cooperative that all sAndary service electric lines generally be underground construction to permanent facilities. However, it is recognized that such factors as scheduling of construction, conflicting environment, excessive cost differential, Cooperative's inability to maintain, operate and install all sizes of underground cables, consumer not desiring underground service, service reliability and capacity and distance requirements will preclude the underground installati)n and require overhead construction. Should underground construction be pnssib'e but cost differential cn overhead construction be excessive, the consumer may pay the differential and the Cooperative will construct the service underground. # Re,s,on Symbols Change (C) - Discontintied (D) - increase(I)-New N - Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T Use Only FESCommission c� Submitted By Date Docket No. c _ _ Effective Dote Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0, Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 7_PIFF: Electric Service .IPP, irATION' All Territory Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas _ffectrve Cate Rev, s.on No. Section No. Sub -Section No. rcr _s, , m 10 O 11 Sheet--Z—of Section Tale Sub- Se#1on Title # ELEC"RIC SYSTEM CONSTRI;C'ICN AND OPERATIONS CONSTRUCTION - Continued 3. The Cooperative shall have the responsibility to determine whether primary or secondary service shall be constructed in accordance with long-range plans, rendering reasonable service, economics, and providing timely service to consumers. However, such determination shall not place a greater cost burden on the consumer than he would bear under the tariff provision relative to his request for service (i.e., if secondary service would be adequate to serve the load for which application is made, primary service would be at the Cooperative's expense). I I i tK Revs -on Symbols Cnan a(C)- Discontinued (0) -Increase (I) - New (N)- Reduction R - Chane in Text Ont T __. Commission use Only a Submitted By ,� t Dote Docket No. —^'--► Signature s Title Effective Dote J�� SOUTH PLAINS. ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 -'R!=F: E!ectr,c Service ,o0=710N: All Ter f- Se .A Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas !fectnve Date Revs 7 Flo. Section No. Sub -Section No. d_01 Sheet t f 3 Section T tie Sub- Sect,on T.tle - "C'R;C SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION aND 1)PEPA710N CONSTRUCTION CHARGES A. Initial Service T 1. RwcidentlaI Class - It is the intent of the Cooperative that permanent service be made available to this class at no remuneration for construction cost beyond that provided for amortization under the applicable rate schedule including minimum charge specified therein provided single phase service overhead primary facilities will satisfy the consumer's requirements. In those special cases where three-phase electric service or underground primary facilities is required by the consumer within this group, non-refundable construction charges will be collected in advance of construction where applicable under the guidelines given by the attached Schedule A. Should service be requested in advance of need, the Cooperative may "to require a prepayment as defined In Section 10.05; this prepayment shall be in addition any applicable contribution In aid of construction. 2. General Service Irritation and Oil Weil Classes - It is the intent that service be provided for these T classes but that construction costs be limited to each point of delivery consistent with expected revenue under the applicable rate schedule and minimum charge included therein. Construction charges will be col- lected in advance of construction where applicable under the nuldeilnes of attached Schedule A. toward limitinq the capital requirement for construction consistent with expected revenue under the applicable rate schedule. Should service be requested In advance of need, the Cooperative may require a prepayment as defined in Section 10.05; this prepayment shall be in addition to any applicable contribution in aid of construction. Further, the Cooperative may require the member to execute a five-year contract to obtain applicable service. I 3. large Power and Cotton Gin Classes - It is the Intent that service be provided for large commercial and in- T dustrial power requirements. It is recognized that load characteristics and patterns of use become more varied and that limiting construction costs consistent with expected revenue under the applicable rate schedule and minimum charge specified therein will require Individual case analysis. Toward uniformity of application, non-refundable construction charges will be collected in advance of construction where applicable under the attached Schedule A. Should service be requested in advance of need, the Cooperative may require a prepayment as defined in Section 10.05; this prepayment shall be in addition to any applicable contribution in aid of construction. Further, the Cooperative may require the member to execute a five-year contract to obtain applicable service. 4. System Capacity and System Improvements - The foregoing provisions of this subsection of the rules relate to member service extensions as differentiated from lines needed for system capacity and system improvements. Feeder lines from the substation into the service area or tie lines for service improvements proposed in system plans previously approved by the Board of Directors, may addltfona;Iy be constructed in connection with member service extensions when the existing load, plus the proposed added load, will Justify such con- struction, or when the facility is necessary for service improvement !r, that particular area. Such lines needed for system capacity and/or system improvement will not be chargeable t; the consumer as prescribed in the attached Schedule A. 5. All Groups - Monthly billing for new services constructed shall commence when the :peter is set or thirty C (30) calendar days after the Cooperative has completed construction to provide ser Ice, whichever is first. Should the service be disconnected within 12 months after bIIIIno begins, the consumer will pay the addi- tional months remaining, or defray the annual minimum unless contract provides otherwise. B. Idle Service 1. Irrigation - When service to irrigation pumping is disconnected and it Is determined that service wlII not be required at such location, routine removal of such service will be scheduled. If rep!acement of service is requested by the same member at the same location within 48 mon+hs from date of retirement, a construc- tion charge will be collected in advance of construction for the estimated cost of removal of the facility plus the estimated cost of labor transportalon and overhead of re-establishing service, to be computed as designated in the attached Schedule A. If service is requested at the aforementioned Iocat:on after 48 months by the same member who requested service to be disconencted or if service Is requested by another member at any time after service,ls removed, such application shall be considered as an Initial request for Irrigation service. 2. Residential and General - When electric service to establishments is disconnected and it Is determined that service will not be required at such location within 12 months, routine removal of such service will be scheduled. If service is requested at a later Ne, such application for service will be considered as an Initial request for service. N 3. Other foil primary rntton gin larne0 wer) - When electric service to these establishments is disconnected and it is determined that service will not be required at such location within 12 months. routine removal of such service x111 be scheduled. If service Is requested at the aforementioned location, the service will be restored upon payment of the estimated cost of labor, transportation and overhead construction and retirement pius.unsalvageable material, as per Schedule A. ,W Rev,s.on Symbols Cho n e(C)- Discohtinued(D)- increose(I)-New N - Reduction R - Chon a in Text 0nl T te r. Commission Use Only y Submitted By Date Docket No. y i Effective Dote_ Signature �� / Gy ? Titie SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Grower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 ti Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TAP! -F: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APP! :CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas -Effective Date Rev,s,on No. Section No. I Sub -Section No. 40 .03 heet Section Title Sub- Section Title ELECTRIC SYS'r-M CONSTRUCTTON ANO OPERATION CONS7RUCTION CHARGES C. Temporary Service 1. Temporary service as defined In Section 10.05, may be provided pursuant to the collection of a non- refundable construction charge in advance of construction under the quldelInes as given in the attached Schedule A. D. Change In Facilities or Service 1. Change In Capacity (KVA) - Any increase in capacity after Initial service is constructed, shall be treated as initial service. A decrease in capacity after 12 months of billing shall be done at no cost to member. If a decrease Is requested prior to 12 months of service, a cost shall be incurred as shown In Schedule A. 2. Changes in Phase of Volts - This shall be subject to additional revenue consistent with required construction costs as shown in the attached Schedule A. 3. Relocating Outdoor L'lohtino - At member's request, the. IIght with either overhead or underground service wilt be relocated, and the member will be charged the average cost to relocate a light with such service. A separate cost w11I be determined annually for both overhead and underground service relocations. 4. Change- in Distribution IIng Routing (Service Primary and Secondary Lines) - Eines relocated by the Cooperative under Section 60.04A will be done and the cost will be defrayed by the Cooperative. Secondary voltage service may be changed from overhead to underground at no cost to the member, if construction Is otherwise necessary for increased capacity or If such is done along with other necessary Ilne changes and the cost of underground iS comparable to the cost of overhead service. Other changes will require a contribution in aid of construction as shown in the attached Schedule A. E. Providing Line Clearance 1. Temporary - When adjustments must be made to provide clearance for moving of houses and equipment through the Cooperative's system, estimated costs of such required changes will be charged and collected In advance of any work being done other than for purposes estimating costs. 2. Permanent Chanoe for •learance of Other Utilities - When permanent change is required in the Cooperative's system to provide clearance for construction, or change in chacterlstics of some other utility system, for the widening of roads along which, or across which, the Cooperative's system utilized private right-of-way, then the other utility or entity wlII be charged for the increased cost to the Cooperative's system required because of such change. When such change Is made necessary by the change In use of consumer owned lands, or change In location of bulIdings and improvements on such premises, no charges for facility adjustments w(II be made unless the changes requested by the consumer are unduly arbitrary and burdgnscme. F. Schedule A - Construction Charges Limit of Construction Type of Facilities Without Charge Charge for Excess Construction 1. Permanent Service a. Residential (1) 10 1,3201 Excess Length x F (2) 30 TML Excess length x F (3) UGP See I.f. b. irrigation (1) OH d UGS (on private property) Tfd_ Excess Length x F (2) OH t, UGS (on road or property line) rk up to 30'/HP Excess length x F (3) UGP a See i.f. c. General Services TML Excess Length x F d. Large Power. Primary Rate 4 x (R -W) C - 4 x (R -W) and Cotton Gin +l- Rev -Sion Symbols Cnan e C - Discontinued (0)- Increose(1)-New N - Reduction R - Change it jEJ" 1 � Submitted By �ri ,c_„ Dote Signature --kr2 Title Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date- * I ate *I CI CI CIC SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 %RIFF: Electric Service Office: I IO N. Amarillo Road Lubbock.Texas CATION: All lernfory tiervea tfect+ve Date on No. Section No. Sub -Section No. 40 h e et 3 f 3 Section Title Sub- Section Title ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CONSTRUCTION CHARGES - Continued Limit of Construction Tyne of Fac[Ittles Without Charge rhArne for Fvrwee CnnetruM Ion e. Oil Well Of Excess length x F f. UGP Requirements of At customer request - the added Cooperative cost of UGP above OHP q. Outdoor Lighting (1) OH Service Pole and. 1501 S50 if another pole is wanted service plus f x length of excess service (2) UG Service 50t UG service $50 of another pole is wanted plus d f x len th of excess service P EB 6� � 19 87 Commission Use Only 4r Submitted By Date Docket No. Effective Dote Signature Title 11cl ■"I ■"I ■©I NMI and pole when ane q with other UGS; otherwise $0. 2. Temporary Service Construction service that will result Appliblein class In permanent a. in permanent service puma service service b. Other temporary service $O CC 3. Change In Facilities in Capacity Applicable class in Applicable class In permanent a. Increase permanent service b. Decrease In Capacity $O CC - within 12 months $0 None - after 12 months c. Change in Phase or Volts SO CC d. Relocating Outdoor tight $0 OL e. Changes in Distribution s0 C 4. Reconstruction of Permanent Service after Service Removal for Initial Consumer a. Residential 10 See [.all) b. General Service; See I.C. c. Primary, Cotton Gin, Large Power. Oil SO CC d. Irrigation - within 48 months SO CC - after 48 months See I.b. Symbols Used: 10 - Single Phase Service P R - Primary service - Estimated annual revenue 30 - Three Phase Service C - Estimated Cost of construction. S - Secondary service cost of removal, plus T1'- Installed cost of transformers. plus transformers and meterinq equip- , UG meter and 6001 line - construction ment if required, less credit for W EstimatedUnde,qroua - Estimated annual wholesale salvaged materials. f - Average cost of construction for F Dower cost - Average cost per Iinear foot lighting per linear foot of line of line HP - Name plate horseDower OL - Average cost or relocating OH - Overhead construction outdoor light CC - Estimated cost of labor, transDor- tation, and overhead for construction and retirement plus unsalvageable materials P EB 6� � 19 87 Commission Use Only 4r Submitted By Date Docket No. Effective Dote Signature Title 11cl ■"I ■"I ■©I NMI ' ':,RIFF. Electro Service SPO, r_1T1nnr All Tnrnfnry t., —a ;oI,TH �La1Ns ELE�.Ti�Ic ;:ocPti�anv� , INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas ==fle::hve Date Rev�s�on No ;ecliun .No Sub -section No, d4 n r t 1_ Sect on T01e S,,b- Section T -Ile S'tS"H C0NS7RI;Ci;',N 1N1: N �i.R`lIr-c ST \IID•1�iDS A. loltage Variation 1. Standard Voltage - The Cooperative's standard nominal voltages for its entire electric system as measured at the 1 corsumeP s service entrance are as follows: Nominal System Voltaqe Tye of System a. 120 volts Single-phase, 2 -wire b. 120/240 volts Single-phase., 3 -wire C. 240/480 volts Single-phase, 3 -wire d. 240/120 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire delta e. 208Y/120 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire wye f. 240 volts Three-phase, 3 -wire delta g. 480 volts Three-phase, 3 -wire delta h. 480/240 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire delta i. 480Y/271 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire wye j. 832Y/480 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire wye k. 2300 volts Three-phase, 3 -wire delta 1. 12470Y/7200 volts Three-phase, 4 -wire wye 5. nominal Voltage Limitations - The Cooperative shall, far d:; iracticuble, maintain its stan.:ard v lrag witt.i., the following limits: _. Residential and Commercial - For residential ar:d commercial service, the voltage shall be r five percent (5'%) of the standard given in these rules. 2. Power Service - For service rendered primarily for power purposes, the voltage variation shall be t ten percent (10%) of the standard given in these rules. 3. Greater Variations Permitted - A greater variation of voltage than above specified may be allowed in the case of emergency service, or where provided for in contract, or in a limited or extended area where consumers are widely scattered and the business does not justify the above voltage regulations. In sti-h cases, the best voltage regulations shall be provided that is practicable under the circumstances. Variations in v;ltage in excess of those. specified caused by action of the elements, operation of power apparatus on consumers p_:mises which necessarily require large starting currents, and infrequent and unavoidable fluctuations of short duratioi, due to station or system operation shall not be considered violations of this rule. C. Frequency Variation The Cooperative purchases all of its power at wholesale from Southwestern Publi:: Service Carpany. Although' the Coopera- tive has no control over the frequency rate, it is assumed that the wholesale power supplier wall comply with the rules cf the Commission as to the standard frequency of 60 (sixty) cycles per second maintained at aii times within one-tenth (0.1) cycle per second above and below the standard, except that infrequent and unavoidable fluctuations may occur. D. Voltmeters and Voltage Surveys 1. Voltmeters - The Cooperative owns, maintains and uses portable voltm••vers for testing voltage regulations, and owns, maintains and uses one or more portable recording voltmeters. These instruments are of a type and capacity suited to test secondary voltage being supplied. 2. Voltage Surveys - The Cooperative will make a sufficient number of voltage surveys to adequately Treasure the t: character of service furnished its consumers and to satisfy the Commission of its compliance with the voltage requirements. At least one recording voltmeter will be kept in continuous service for the same purpose.. Further, a record will be maintained for each survey meter. The record will indicate the identification of the meter in use, the address where the meter was installed, the date and number of days the meter was installed, and a short summary of the results. E. Station Meters, Instruments aryl Records 1. Station Meters - The Cooperative purchases all of its power at wholesale. The Cooperative will maintain sufficient instruments and meters as may be necessary to obtain full information as to purchases, un:ess this information is metered and furnished by the utility supplying the wholesale energy. 2. P"ords of Purchases of Energy - The Cooperative will keep a daily record of the load of power pu:ctased as may be required unless furnished by the utility supplying the energy at wholesale. xK Revision Symbols Cnan a C)- Discorhnued (D) - Increase (1) - New N - Reduction -R - Change in Text 0lT �s i- (6� G� Commissrsr Use Only Submitted By _ j, Dote Docket No. ? �--� ����'>-; Effective Dote Signature/ -'f Title SOU Th PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 ? -F: Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office. 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock. Texas SOUTH PLAINS ELEC TRiC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 Lubbock , Texas 79408 TARI;:F. Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas IUF4 All lel"ITUTY Det"WiffU =ttecte vote Re,.s,an ect.on No :]�ub-Section No Sect,ort T ria S'.ilb- Section TOle A. 30 or M,t, Al 1....t: .r1 •i •r ,,'i ;L.1 y pr,wi_ion.; of th­;e rules. 'nstall 1;1th_ th,! Cup,!r,it'vo �h,,11 it-ovi-1, j;l,i in.;( ill, �,,,nr­,_d to own ij;j maintain all metev.-, nt!�o_;,;.ity :Jr hamme,ls!Welnellt or energy to it.; cbmJwner:;. not uvnish, .;at u;;,:�, ,,, pputuse., any :peter r L; not eli.ible and o' .1 sti:idard type that meet:; illdllstrial jt,inJar&;; pr­,vile,l, si­cjal meter:; not necessarily ccnf,)z-mi.,i,,, to such sta.-,!ard types may be uj,!d --or inve:itigation or experiino;;ta! purposes. :peter Records T'ne Coo-cerative keep the following records: M�•Uer EQuivment Record - The Cooperative shall keep d record of all it meters with d cross;-reterell,:e to comiurner"t; account, showing consumer's address and a cross-reference showing data of the lest test. 2. Reccrd of Meter Test - All meter tests shall be promptly referenced to the meter record provided for, herein. The record of each test made on consumer's premises, in the Cooperative's laboratory, or on request of the consumer, shall show the identifying number and constants of the meter, the standard meter and other measuring devices used, the date and kind of test made, by whom made, the error (or percentage of accuracy) at each lcad.tested, and sufficient data to permit verification of all calculations. Meter Readings i. Meter Unit Indication - In general, each meter shall indicate correctly the kilowatt-hours or other units of service for which charge is made to the consumer. 2. Reading of Meters - The Cooperative has adopted a general practice of reading each meter at monthly intervals, and as nearly as possible on the corresponding date of each meter -reading period, but may be read at other than monthly intervals if the circumstances warrant. D. Xeter Tests on Request of Consumer he Cooperative shall, upon the request of a consumer, and, if he so desires, in h*s presence or in that of his authorized representative, make without charge a test of the accuracy of the consumer's met,.r. the test shall be made during the Cooperative's normal working hours at a time convenient to the consumer if he desires t-, observe the test. The test shall be made preferably on the consumer's premises, but may, at the Cooperative's discretion, be made at the Cooperative's test laboratory. If the meter has been tested by the Cooperative, or by an authorized agency at the consumer's request, and within a period of four years the consumer requests a new test, the Cooperative shall make the test, but if the meter is found to be within the accuracy standards established by the American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, the Cooperative may charge the consumer a fee which reflects the cost to test the meter, but this ctarge shall in no event be more than fifteen dollars ($15.00) for a residential consumer.. Following the completion of any requested test, the Cooperative shall promptly advise the consumer of the date of removal of the meter, the date of the test, the result of the test, and who made the test. E. Bill Adjustment Due to Meter Error if any meter is found to be outside of the accuracy standards established by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. ;;o-,er correction shall be made of previous readings for the period of six (b) months immediately preceding the removal of i such meter from service for testing or from the time the meter was n service since last tested, but not exceeding six months, as the meter shall have been shown to be in error by such test, and adjusted bills shall be rerdered. No refund will be made by the Cooperative except to the consumer last served by the meter prior to testing. If a meter is found not to register for any period, unless by-passed or tampered with, the Cooperative shall make a charge for units used, but not metered, for a period notto exceed three (3) months based on amounts used under similar conditions during the period pre- ceding or subsequent thereto, or during corresponding periods in previous years. F. incorrect Register of Multiplier on Meter If a meter is found to have an incorrect register or multiplier, the error shall be corrected. Where the error is adverse to the consumer, the Cooperative shall refund the excess charged for the number of units incorrectly metered over the period of time the meter was used in billing the consumer. Where the error is adverse to the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall charge the consumer the undercharge for the amount of units incorrectly metered for a period of time not in excess of the preceding six (6) months unless the Cooperative can produce records to identify and justify the additional amount of backbilling; and, where necessary, the 0,uperative may agree with the customer to receive the amount due on a deferred payment plan. 7. Location of Meters Meters and service switches in conjunction with the mor'w shill Le w;'!. thtf litest ueli:iioll American National Standards institute, Incorporated, :;tjn,iar.l C12 (American x.01•: re,r El-:ctz icit7 Me'�ring) or,.,thee stinddrds as . may 1.e prescribed by the Commission, and wiLl t,, r—t.171y t—tii,.; and inspection, and Submitted By Date Signature Title nlv Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date * I SOUTHPLAINS ELECTRIC COCPERATIVE, INC. PO Drawer 1830 — Lubbock, Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 ':P,=F Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas all 7err icr Served Section No. Sua-Section No. n r r - ^t) 1 �ecnon Tale Sub - Section Tate yc r -r 'AV,ArF'^F`ITOF i`I;TAL ,1Th'`l ,1"1p APPIIC 'i"N �n e such activities will cause minimum interference and inconveniem.c to the consumer. Consumer shill provide the foilowinq without cost to the Cooperative at a suitable and easily accessible location: 1. Sufficient and proper space for installation of meters and other apparatus of the Cooperative; 2. Meter board (meter base or socket)- for capacity up to 200 amperes at 480 volts, main disconnect, fuses or T circuit breaker shall determine capacity. 3. meter loco a. Safety service switches when required; S. An adequate anchor for service drops. All meters installed after the effective date of these rules shall be located as set forth herein provided that where installations are made to replace meters removed from service, this section shall not operate to require any change in meter locations which are established prior to the effective date of these rules, unless the Cooperative finds that the old location is no longer suitable or proper, or the consumer desires that the location be changed. 'Where the meter location on the consumer's premises is changed at the request of the consumer, or due to alterations on con- sumer's premises, the consumer shall provide and have installed at his expense, all wiring and equipment necessary for relocating the meter. Location Remote from Point of Delivery The Cooperative may elect to install the meter at a location other than the point of delivery for the convenience of both the Cooperative and the consumer. When this procedure is followed, the meter will normally be installed at the line takeoff to expedite the reading of meters without entering cultivated lands or restricted areas of the consumer's premises.. When this type metering is provided, the Cooperative may furnish, install, and maintain the meter base and meter loop. Instrument Metering I 1. Primary instrument may be provided under Tariffs 20.03 and 20.08 and under rates of special application covered by contract. Cost of such metering equipment will 'be included along with all other cost of electric facilities to be constructed for determination of aonlicable construction charge to the crnsumer. 2. Secondary instrument metering shall be installed by the Cooperative when the current rating exceeds 200 amperes at secondary voltages. Ampere capacity of the main disconnect fuses or circuit breaker shall determine this capacity. w Rews.on Symbols Cnon e(C)- 0-scont nuea (D) - Increase (1) - New N - Reduct on R - Change in Text Onl T Commission Use Only Submitted By Date Docket No. = % Effective Date Signature SCUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. INC. P O Dro,4er 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 - RIFF. Electr;c Serv;ce Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road ;.PpLiCATION: All Terntory Served Lubbock, Texas affective Date 9e,s.on `Jp. Sechon No. Sub-Sechon No. f 1 o,t i uLSheet1 cecnan T,rie Sub- Se -hon Tit;e Ak ur-rgS TEST STANCARDS A. meter Testlnc Fact IItles and Equtpment I. Iaboratery Erwin.^.en', - A meter laboratory Is owned, operated and maintained at the Cooperative's office and it is equipped with the necessary standards, instruments, and other equipment and facilities as may be required to make meter tests. The equipment and faci]ttles generally conform to the American National Standards Institute, Inc.. standard C12, and wlII be aval fable at all reasonable times for Inspection by authorized Commission representatives. 2. Portable Standards - A mobile field test unit is owned, operated and maintained by the Cooperative and it includes a test standard. Instruments, facilities, and other equipment as reasonably required to perform watt-hour meter tests and repair. 3. Reference Standards - The Cooperative will provide or have access to suitable Indicating electrical instru- ments as reference standards, for insuring the accuracy of shop and portable Instruments used for testing billing meters. 4. Testlne of Reference Standards - Reference standards of ail kinds shall be submitted once each year, or on a scheduled basis approved by the Commission, to a standardizing laboratory of recognized standing for the purpose of test and adjustment. 5. Callhratlon of Test Eaulnment - Ail shop and portable instruments used for testing blllIng meters shall be calibrated by comparinq them with a reference standard at least every 120 days during the time such instru- ments are being regularly used. Test equipment shall at all times be accompanied by a certified calibra- tion card signed by the proper authority, giving the date when it was last certified and adjusted. Records of certification and calibration shall be kept on file in the office of the Cooperative. 6. Commercial Meter Testinn I_aboratcries - The Cooperative may, in the event of break -down of its equipment or as otherwise needed, utilize the services of approved commercial meter testing laboratories for the testing and repair of meters. B. Accuracy Requirements for Meters 1. No meter that exceeds the test calibration in (units as set by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. shall be placed in service or left in service. Whenever on installation, periodic or other tests, a meter is found to exceed. these limits, it shall be adjusted. i 2. Arustments - Meters shall be adjusted as closely as practicable to the conditions of zero error. The tolerances are specified only to allow for necessary variations, C. Meter Tests Prior to Installation No permanently Installed meter shall be placed In service unless its accuracy has been established. If any such meter shall have been removed from actual service and replaced by another meter for ary purpose whatso- ever. it sha II be properly tested and adjusted before being placed in service again. D. Testing of Meters In Service Meter test periods for ail types of meters shall conform to the latest edition of American National Standards Institute, Inc. Standard C12, except as otherwise approved by the Commission. In the event the statistical sampling method is used, the method of sampling, the results of the test, and any corrective action planned by the Cooperative will be reported annually to the Commission. nL +F Rev -s -on Symbols Cnon e(C)- Dtscontinued(D)- Increose(I)- New(N)- Reduction R - Change in Text 0lT Comm-ss,on Use Only Submitted By ? Dote J' Docket No. Effective Date Signature -f'��✓•� Title SOU`H PLAITS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0. Drawer 1830 Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 ?1=F: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road AP:�'_:CATICN: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas -ffect!ve Date - 4ev.s�on No. Section No. Sub -Section No. h t f I)?3 0.1 Sec! -an Title Sub- Section Title "E -ESS SEAL:`1G GF METERS AND METERING, INSTALLATIONS Standards for Sealing Devices Toward protection of the integrity of registration of watt-hour meters and of the total metering installation, the following sealing requirements will be followed. 1. Inside Seal Immediately after test as required under this Tariff, a compression type seal will be used connecting the meter cover to the meter frame to insure the integrity of the test, and to provide visible indication as to the possibility of meter tampering. For identification purposes this device is referred to as the "inside seal." A separately numbered sealing tool will be issued to each technician authorized to perform meter tests. The sealing tool will be of such design that the tool number will emboss on one side and "SP" on the opposite side of the seal. Before a meter is installed, or replaced in service, it will be ascertained that a valid inside seal is in place. 2. Outside Seal When any meter is installed in the meter loop, a seal or locking device will be installed in such a manner as to prevent removal of the meter, or the meter cover, without either breaking or unlocking the sealing device. For identification purposes this device is referred to as the "outside seal" and may be in the form of (a) prenumbered stirrup type seal that destructs upon removal; (b) a padlock; or (c) a patented tamper-resistant sealing mechanism. The later named device will be used on installations where there has been demonstrated need to prevent unauthorized entry into the metering installation, or meter removal_, or tampering. B. Broken, Missing, and Altered Seals If the outside seal is found to be missing, broken or having appearance that it has been removed and reinstalled, the meter will be removed and the complete installation inspected for signs of irregularitiv. If no irregularity is detected, the consumer will be given written notification of the need for the outside seal to remain in place to insure the integrity of the metering installation and to give warning of the jangers of the meter being removed by an unauthorized person. Should the outside seal on a consumer's metering installation be found to be missing, broken, or otherwise altered, and should no metering installation irregularity be other- wise detected, a tamper-resistant type sealing device may be installed and the consumer billed for the cost of inspection and the cost of the device. If it is established that the metering installation has been tampered with for the purpose of fraudulent use of electric service, and that such act, or acts, have occurred during the period of service of the present consumer, a tamper-resistant sealing device may be installed. Further, should such irregularities include a broken inside seal or other evidence that the meter has been tampered with, it shall be tested tefore being replaced into service. In both events the cost of inspection, repairs, replacement of damaged parts, the sealing device and meter test (if performed), will be billed to the consumer. C. Loss of Revenue Because of Meter Tampering Charges for loss of revenue because of meter tampering will be mine in accordance with Section 30.05 of this Tariff. X Rev�s,on S mools Cnon a(C)- Oiscontinued(D)- increase (I)- New(N)- Reduction. R -Chan a in Text 0 lT r (,a Commission Use Only Submitted ByDote I Docket No. `�/ Effective Date Signotu,e R� rte,'' - Title _ -'F: E(ectnc Service �I 1 SC[, 7H PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PO Grower 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telechone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock. Texas SCU7H PLAINS ELcCTRiC COOPERaT(vE, INC. P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 T Pt=F: E'.ectric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas -`teCva, -Date Revson No. - ';ectlon No. Sub -Section No. - aJ sheet of Sect,on T -He - Sub- Section Tale. ,06 Small Power.Production and Cogeneration Under 100 KW A. Small Power Production and Cogeneration B. Obtaining Interconnection C. Parallel Operation D. Sales to Producer E. Purchases from Producer F. Definitions G. Interconnect Agreement Standard Avoided Cost Calculation and Terms Conditions for Purchase ,07 .and of Firm Capacity and Energy A. Description of Offering B. Contract +K Rews,on Symbols Chan e(C)- Discontinued l0)- increase (1)- New(N)- Reduction R - Chan a in Text 0lT - Commiss,on Use Only Submitted By Date t c Docket No. Effective Date Signature SOUTH PUAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0- Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 -..P! F: E;ectrc Service Office: 110 N Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas Et'ect ve Cate R?v son No. Section No Sub -Section No. Sheetom_ f 1 - ; - bU Secrhon Tale - Sub- Section Title _ _ ^4f Irl c ;NICE uoUQS AND WORK SCHEDULE The following schedule will be maintained to meet the service needs of the membership: A. No,nal Service - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays . 1. The office will be open except for holidays and special observances during this period. 2. The normal schedule of Engineering. Office. Construction and Electric System Maintenance and Operational activities will be conducted during this period. B. limited Service - 5:00 p.m, to 8:00 a.m. dally, weekends and holidays. 1. A service crew will be assigned duty for restoring service, correction of service Irregularities, and for connects and disconnects that cannot be reasonably deferred. When needed, added personnel will be called for special duty. 2. A fee of $25.00.wlll be charged for connects made on Sundays, holidays, and after scheduled working hours of service crews on Monday through Saturday. C. Fmeroencv Service - when office 1s closed 1. Service personnel, construction personnel, and others will be called for special duty as conditions may Justify for the restoration of service, correction of service Irregularity or conditions hazardous to the consumer or the general public. 2. Connects - In extreme cases of need for service that will endanger health, or cause undue property loss. T connects of service will be made during "emergency service" periods. This work should be limited consistent with cases of extreme need and availability of personnel otherwise called for specia! duty. 3. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for connects made on Sundays. holidays, and after scheduled working hours of C service crews on Monday through Saturday. D. Dispatchers - will be on duty outside of office hours to receive telephone reports of service interruptions and irregularity and for the dispatching of service personnel as required under these rules. 1. Such dispatchers will be on duty at the Cooperative office 24 hours a day. 2. in extreme cases, remote telephone extensions of the office telephone number wiil be "patched" through the office switchboard to the homes of assigned supervisors of the line Department for receiving trouble reports... 3. To further increase the capabilities for receiving telephone reports of service interruptions and Irrequ- iarities, a telephone answering service or device will be used to receive overflow te!ephone calls that the after-hours dispatchers are not able to receive during these hours. 41� Rers�on 5 rnbols Cnan e(C)- Discontinued(D)- Increose(1)- New(N)- Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T 1`,(y-7 Commission Use Only ` Submitted 9y Date Docket No. t{ —y Effective Date Signa u e Title SCL'4 O.aINS, 'RiC COOPERATIVE, INC. P C Crow?r !830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 7 -PI F F E'.ectric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. ArnartIto Rood Lubbock, Texas APC'_:CATIC`J' Ail !erns^ry JwvM 7;7ve cot, ",act -on No Sus-Secron Vo. aj ;,j) 91, i -tie SPECIAL RUES C,^,N>I;McRS S,}S.EV Inspctio n Before electric service is permanently connected to any establishment, the Cooperative shall determine that the con- sumer's service entrance meets the minimum requirements of the National Electric Safety Code, local and state safety ordinances, and special rules for wiring as adopted from time to time by the Cooperative. When new connects are within the corporate limits of municipalities having electrical ordinances governing wiring installations, inspection and en- forcement will be left to the municipality. In other cases, the Cooperative will provide a competent wiring inspector to determine compliance with these requirements. A $10 fee may be assessed.for the inspection made by the Cooperative inspector. B. Wiring for Major Appliances Recognizing that provisions have not been included in most consumer systems for service to electric ranges, clothes dryers and water heaters and that appliance dealers are unable to give realistic estimates of cost for needed wiring additions when the consumer considers purchase of such equipment; Further recognizing that in event electrical contractors are employed by the consumer to make the necessary additions for the aforementioned major appliances, work of a service crew of the Cooperative must be coordinated therewith to ascertain that the Cooperative's transformer and service are adequate to serve the added load, and to inspect the wiring additions in and from the meter loop; Toward coordinating necessary activities of the consumer, appliance dealer and the Cooperative and to efficiently uti- lize the transportation and time of service personnel of the Cooperative for mutual benefit, wiring additions to the consumer's system may be made by the Cooperative under the following guidelines, provided such work is not within a municipality having an ordinance that forbids such assistance by the Cooperative. 1. Overcurrent Protection - shall be provided by the installation of an approved surface type outdoor device at the service entrance. Consideration will be given in providing an enclosure of adequate size to accommodate additional circuits for other major appliance additions. The addition of overcurrent protection in an existing flush -type fuse panel or the use of spare devices existing in such panel is discouraged in that the drilling of walls and pulling of wire within walls invited greater risk of damage to the premises. 2. Branch circuits - shall in so far as practical be of the surface type and the drilling of walls and fishing of wires therein shall be avoided unless there is reasonable evidence that such work can be accomplished without damage to the premises 3. Receptacles of the surface type will be strongly favored toward ease of installation and toward lessening the probability of damage to the premises. 4. Consumer owned outside conductor from a meter pole installation to the service entrance may be changed out to a larger size to adequately accommodate the added load. 5. For the work within the scope of this directive, no charge will be made to the consumer for labor, transportation and overhead. Charges to the consumer will be made at average predetermined unit costs based on historic average costs for such materials computed not less than annually. 6. When consumers request wiring additions within the scope of this directive, unit costs will be quoted in advance of the work being accomplished toward minimumizing misunderstandings that may arise. 7. Information as to this service being offered by the Cooperative and charges being made therefor, will be disseminated to all known area dealers of the major appliances. S. Shouid the consumer's requirements for wiring additions to serve majo, appliances listed herein invo;ve complicity of installation beyond the scope of this directive, and should his demands require undue risk of damage to his premises, such as damage to ceiling and walls, -channeling of wires, drilling and channeling on masorary, etc., then such consumer should be requested to secure the services of a qualified electrical contractor. C. Services on Outside Wiring System It is recognized that many outages result from inadequate Slid poorly maintained consumer systems beyond the point of delivery. It is further recognized that a major cause of this problem is lack of qualified electricians willing to perform repair services throughout the Cooperative's service area. Since the foregoing results in needless, outage time to the consumer and excessive service calls by the Cocperative, the following services on the consumer's system may be performed by the Cooperative, provided such wcrk is not within a municipality having ordinances forbidding such assistance by the Cooperative. Submitted 81 I Signature r 4ti Dote Title Commission Use Only Docket No. — Effective Date tI SCU74 PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC PO Orawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 i %R, -F. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road 'i APP'_:CA71CN All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas jEffective Dat'!Revis on No. Section No. Sub -Sect No. ..777777-77 ri' - h et } Section T01e Sub- Sect on Title y ) F Rear. - ;Cw.ard _.tcrinv r.cv repairs may be made on the consumer's outside system, such 1 the sp:i i -y in,i pi ^.` broken w;re°;m lacement of connecters and repair of toter loops damaged by _ { ming. such em ^airs .ail' o .rc ' we e inside buildings, on motors, control devices, electric i-_ ;.a,,. A charge shall, be mage ._r materials used only. 2. taw instsllat:ors and improvements _ Pursuant to the consumer's request, the Cooperative will construct, repair ? tate or relocate pores, 'met. loots, overcurrent protection devices, and overhead and underground conductors. Ch3r7,_ to the cor.s=er i11".e for the estimated to -.{1 test of materials, labor, transportation and overhead 'k comp ed at predetermined s:-.2ra^e unit costs reviewed not less than annually. Itemized total cost will be quoted 1 -o, and ap.roved by the consumer in advance of work being done. Work excluded from this rule will be as follows: i ' (a) Installation of build ,s mounted meter loops on buildings not then being served by the Cooperative. (b)Installation or alteration of wiring systems within building., -..(c) Appliances, motors, controllers and electric equipment. j (d) Work that is not a part of, nor related to the consumer's system. i (e) Oil field pumping meter loops. ,IrF Rev s,on S moors Change (C)- Discontinued (D) - Increase ( I) -New N)- Reduction (R)- Ch ic 9 Submitted By ^� -. Date S gnatu,e / � L., �I Title Commission Use Only Docket No. Effective Date SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P O Drawer 1830 — Lubbock ,Texas 79408 Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas ='fecn ,e Date R",s�on No. Section No. Sub-SecYwn No. h at l f t - ', Sect.on -,"!e Sub- Section Title t -._CiAL RULES iNCENTiVES A. School Apollance Program T Electric ranges may be SUpplled to high schools served by the Cooperative for use In their homemaking depart- ment and toward promoting the efficient and effective use of such equloment. The Cooperative will enter into an agreement with the Board of Trustees of each participating school before the equipment is installed. Items to be agreed upon are number of free-standlnq electric ranges that will be supplied by the Cooperative. To be eligible to participate in this program, a school must install any additional wiring necessary to accomodate the ranges.. The school must agree to take reasonable care of and maintain all ranges placed In the school. 9. Load Factor Improvement The Cooperative's need for annual load factor improvement is unique because of the extreme demand of irrigation load during the summer growing season which also includes air conditioning load. To improve this condition, the Cooperative may offer incentives to facilitate load management activities. Installation of energy-efficient motors or air conditioning units and circulating fans, and other programs that would be suitable in Improvinq said load factor. Toward more effective utlItzatlon of system capacity by encouragement of load of winter characteristics and load of high annual load factor pattern of electric use, the Cooperative may offer certain types of incentive programs for insulation of residences. Instal latlon and servicing of electric water heaters, installatlon and servicing of electric heat, and other programs that would be suitable in Improving said load factor. All such proqrams wit be contingent upon the conservative of energy, controlling the quality of installation, and the safety and efficiency of operation. 0 Re�'s'cn S mbois Cnan e(C)-Discontinued(D)- Increase(I)-New(N)- Reduction R - Change in .Teat 0lT Commiss,on Use Only Submitted By Dote ,.l Docket No. Effective. Date Signature L . L.• Title SCUTFt PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0 Crawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 ` P:=F: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas =flea;ve Date Rev's�an No. Section No. - Sub -Section No. na f Sect on Title Sub- Sect on Tale at Consumer',-, Roque„ _. _3 recognized -hat farms -ca: an,' other improvements will sometimes need to be changed ani can be foreseen by ne:the. the . er nor the Cooperative. When .it is apparent that line changes need to be made for the convenience cf the owner ani such changes are not of an arbitrary nature, the Cooperative will do this work at no expense to the owner. scretion should -,esed .: doing work at convenient times to keep expense at a minimum. :. Relocating of ....nes for Road widening nr.en orders are received to move L -nes located on private property for highway widening, i, is expected that the Cooperative be reimbursed for the labor, transportation and overhead of the relocating work. .n event the abandonment of under- -round facilities is required the material cost of replacement will be added thereto. -ines existing on public right-of-way will be moved at the Cooperative's expense as is required by law. :'he C000erative shall insist that the limits of the new right-of-way be —tablished by the governing body before work is initiated. If a line is presently on private right -o:` -way, it should be relocated to private property. If the line exists cn blic right-of-way, an attempt should be made to relocate it to private property adjacent to the new road right-of-way, pu by obtaining easements from the present property owner. s Rev-sion Symbols Cnan a CI- Discontinued (D) - Increase (I) - New(N)- Reduction R -Chane in Tezt Ont T 1 Commiss,on Use Only N•j F .l Submitted By Date Docket No. 1 Effective Date Signature/ lc �; y', Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 ?:=F: Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texos E'}ect�ve Date Revis on I'lo Section No, Sub -Sect on No. h tom_ of secron Tine Sub- Section Tille PECIaL RULES UNCLASSIFIED Joint Use With Other Utilities Since the major portion of the Cooperative's system was designed and constructed in view of pales only supporting electric conductors, and since joint use of poles offers less flexibility in the system to changes and greater hazard to operations, area -wide joint use of poles with other utilities will not be undertaken. Joint use of poles will not generally be under- taken with other electric utilities except on a single pole, or structure where the two systems cross and the joint pole or structure is required to maintain fixed separations of the conductors of the two systems. Joint use may be undertaken with communication and cable television companies under the following conditions: (a) Pole lines already exist on both sides of a roadway or alley and construction of the telephone line on separate poles will necessitate a third pole line. (b) At crossings with telephone lines where a joint pole is desirable to maintain fixed separations between wires. (c) On service drops where telephone wires will not materially interfere with the Cooperative's system and where greater safety will be offered to both systems. (d) Along driveways where joint use will eliminate poles in cultivated lands. Satisfactory joint use agreements will be executed covering all cases of joint use. The agreement shall protect the Cooperative from liability because of such joint use, and will provide for proper compensation for making necessary re- arrangements of the Cooperative's system, and for equitable annual rental. B. Clearance for Nouse and Equipment Moving When a house, structure, or equipment is to be moved upon, across, or over roadways, or along a route over which electric wires are strung, advance notice must be made to the Cooperative of the dimensions of the object, the time to be moved and the precise route over which to be moved. Payment shall be made to the Cooperative for the cost of providing clearance of wires. In no case shall anyone other than authorized employees of the Cooperative remove, cut, raise, or handle any wires in connection with the moving and providing of clearance. Charges will be collected in advance. C. Access The Cooperative requires access to all of its lines, facilities and equipment during all reasonable times and at all times in cases of emergencies. D. Curtailment of Loading 1. Ilr�riFatio�n - Because of the extreme seasonal characteristics of irrigation, new connections will depend upon a number OT factors. Some of these are wholesale power, line loading, substation loading, and construction materials. Limita- tions may be placed on the availability of service to new irrigation connections at any time and at various places on the Cooperative's system. 2. Other - The availability of service to other new connections, other than single phase service to the residential T crass herein defined, may be limited from time to time and at various locations when the serving of such new load might in any way impair the service to existing consumers because of wholesale power availability, line loading, or substation loading. E. Respect of Others The Cooperative will guard against damaging the property of others in the operations of the system. Employees shall use, care to not abuse the privilege of the Cooperative of operating its system on the property of others. Care shall be taken to not establish hazards nor to damage crops or premises beyond that necessary to properly construct, maintain, and operate the system. Particular care will be shown in the following activities: 1. Trimming of trees. 2. Backfilling of abandoned holes. 3. Overhead and underground facilities of other utilitie9,,such as gas, water, sewer, telephone, electric and irrigation systems, whether utility company or consumer awned. 4. Removal or cutting off abandoned anchor rods. 5. Repair of damaged fences, closing of gates, etc. 5. Operation of vehicles. 7. Prompt attention, in keeping with the safety of employees, shall be given to repair of Cooperative lines and facili- O es damaged due .to an act of God, explosion, riot, or national emertency, resulting in a dangerou- or hazardous condition. All employees are cautioned against unprofessional behavior in the presence of the public and caut`oned against the use of offensive language. F. Exclusive Service on Installations Connected to Cooperative's System The standard electric rate schedules are based on exclusive use of the Cooperative's electric service. No electric service frcr, ,othgr source will be used by the consumer in oarallel with the Cooperative's service except those in ecc^rdance C w. Rev,s,on Symbols Cnan e(C)- Discontmued(D)- increase (1) -New N - Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T Commiss,on Use Only Submitted By r7 Date Docket No. --f— �> Effective Dare 3i9noture Title i SCU7H PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE,, INC. PO Crower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 E!ectnc Service AP ICN! Alf Ter,ttor Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Cffice: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas r E f fec! Section No.Sub-Section No. sheet —'of tq.3� til; ''� Section TWe _. Sub- Sect,on Tale RULES UNCLASSI=iFD to the Tariff and the rules and standards of the Texas Public Utility Cummission. Ownership The Cooperative shall retain the exclusive ownership of all of its lines, facilities, and equipment installed. Vaults for Cooperative -Owned Equipment When an indoor installation of transformers or other equipment is required by the consumer, or when the condition of his . property is such that an outdoor installation is impracticable, the consumer shall furnish upon his property, without cost to the Cooperative, a building, room or vault adequate for the housing of this equipment. This space shall meet the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the Cooperative. ;. Irrigation Motors 1. Motors below 5 horsepower nameplate rating will not be served with three-phase service unless grouped through a single metering point with other wells for an aggregate of 5 horsepower or more of connected load. 2. Motors above 15 nameplate horsepower rating will not be served with single-phase service except as a temporary measure and in anticipation of three-phase service being made available. J. Reconnecting Electric Service Within Six Months If electric service is requested to be reconnected at the same point of delivery and by the same consumer as last pre- viously connected, and within a period of six months from date disconnected, a S25 reconnect fee will be charged. If, however, electric service is disconnected with or without request of the consumer, for safety purposes because of disaster such as tornado or flooding or in the case of remodeling or rebuilding, electric service will be reconnected without charge . 0 Re"s'on symbols Chan a (C) - D-scontlnued (D) -Increase (1) -New N) _ Reduction R - Chan q e in Text 0lT - - Commiss,on Use Only Submitted By Date Docket No. Effective Date Signature L ? Title SOUrH PLAINS ELECTRic.` (:ol;i�ERarIVt, INC P 0 Drawer 1830 — Lubbock Texas 79408 %Pi F. Electric Service Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office. 110 N Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas .lY!'L.I.NI IVIV. H11 lef"'UIy .3r vru _ffectrve Date Revision No Section No Sub-Secnon No. .!)ti Semon Tale 5,,b- Sect on Vile SERVICE RULES A;ID RECULAi li`NS SMAL1. POWER PRODIICTIOii $ COGEPIERVION UNDER alt) K'WH A. Small Power Production and Cogeneration Section 60.06 of this Tariff apply to the interconnection and parallel operation of all qualifying power .generating installations having a design capacity of 100 kilowatts or less as well as to electric utility service to such generating Installations. If any part of these sections shall be in conflict with any other provision of this Tariff, these sections shall control. By agreement, the Cooperative and Producer may establish additional or different terms, conditions or rates for the sale or purchase of electricity. B. Obtaining Interconnection Any person owning or operating a quallfylnq power generating Instal latlon (hereafter "Producer") and desirinq to interconnect with the Cooperative's system shall: 1. Comply with Tariff Apply for Interconnection, provide an easement satisfactory to the Cooperative, and otherwise comply with the Tariff of the Cooperative. 2. Provide information At least 60 days in advance of Interconnection. Producer shall submit a plan showing the electrical design of the generating Installation including equipment for Interconnection with the Cooperative's system. Producer shall also provide such additional Information as may be required by the Coopera- tive. In the event Producer's plan Involves the use of non-standard equipment or design techniques, the Cooperative may require such plan be approved by a registered professional engineer. Any review or acceptance of such plan by the Cooperative shall not Impose any ilahlIIty on the Cooperative and does not guarantee the adequacy of Producer's equipment to perform its intended function. The Coop- erative disclaims any expertise or special knowledge relating to tha design or performance of generating installations and does not warrant the efficiency, cost-stfectiveness, safety, durablllty or reliability of generating installations. 3. Pay for Extension of Cooperative's Facilities Comply with conditions for extension of the Cooperative's dls+rtbution system as may be determined by the Cooperative in accordance with the following extension Policy: If an extension of Cooperative's distribution system is required for sale or receipt of electric energy to or from a generating Installation, whether or rot in conjunction with another use, the Cooperative shall exercise prudent judgment in determining the conditions under which such extension wH I be made. Each case shalt be viewed Individually considering: (i) cost to provide service; (2) longevity of the load; (3) annual load factor; (4) possibility of other loads developing along the proposed line extension; (5) longevity, capacity, and depondabillty of power to be received by the Cooperative; (6) anticipated annual revenue; and (7) campatab'IIty with planned system improvement;. The Cooperative may require Producer to pay a contribution In aid of construction, advance for con- struction, or Increased annual or monthly minimums and may require a contract term of up to five years. 4. Provide liability Insurance Furnish a certificate from Producer's insurance carrier showing satisfactory liability insurance including contractual liability insurance c6oering indemnity agreements which insures Producer against all claims for property damage and for personal injury or death arising out of, resulting from or in any manner connected with the installation, operation and maintenance of the Producer's generating equipment. The amount of such insurance coverage shall be reasonable and adequate and in accord with REA (Rural Electrification Administration) requirements. The certificate shall also provide that the insurance policy will not be changed or cancelled during its trim without thirty (30) days written notice to the Cooperative. Submitted By Date 4gnaturs —Title..Z 4: Commisvon Use Only Docket No. Effect-ve Date * I r I SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Drawer 1830 Lubbock ,Texas 79408 Eiectr,c Service App' 'CA'ION' All Terr tory Served Telechone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas =ffecnve gate - Rev,s,on No. Section No Sub -Section No. Shee, 2 f ;0 c 9, 3 c :h SeChon 'Title Sub- Section T,tie SEgVIC. RULES AND RECUA1_71CNS SMALL POWER PRODUC710N d COGENERATION UNDER 1GOKWH 5. Slqn Contract Sign and delivery to the Cooperative an Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of a Cogeneration or Small Power Production Installation; 100 KW or less, the form of which has been ao- proved by the Public Utiitty Commission and is contained in these Tariffs. 6. Comolete Construction Construct the power generating Instal latton and install a dlsconnect switch and other protective equipment as may be required by the Cooperative to protect its personnel, facilities, and operations. 7. Comply with laws Comply with aopilcable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to power generating Installations. B. Notify Cooperative Notify the Cooperative in writing at least thirty days in advance of energizing the small power generating installation and permit the Cooperative to inspect and test protective equipment. 9. Eliminate Conditions Preventing Interconnection In the event that It comes to the attention of the Cooperative that there are conditions preventing safe Interconnection and proper parallel operation, it shall notify Producer and Producer shall not interconnect and/or inittate parallel operation until such conditions are corrected and Producer has provided at least ten days written notice to Cooperative. The foregoing are conditions precedent to any obltgatlon of the Cooperative to Interconnect or provide any form of electric utility service. C. Parallel Operation 1. Installation With the exception of only the Cooperative's meter(s), the Producer shall own and be solely respon- sible for all expense, Installation, maintenance and operation of the power generating Installation at and beyond the point where Producer's conductors contact Cooperative's conductors. The Producer's generating installatlon shall be designed and installed In xcordance with appllca;le codes, regu- lations and prudent engineering practice. 2. Self -Protected Generating Instal latton The Producer will furnish, instal t, operate and maintain in good order and repair al equipment - necessary for the safe operation of the power generating installatlon in parallel with the Cooperative's electric distribution system. The equipment wall have the capability to both establish and maintain synchronism with the Cooperative's system and to automatically disconnect and Isolate the generating Installation from the Cooperative's system In the event of an outage of the Cooperative's system or a malfunction of the Dower generating lnstilation. The Producer's power generating Instal lationrkrilI also be designed, installed and maintained to be self -protected from normal and abnormal conditions in the Cooperative's electric distribution system. The conditions for which the power generating installation shall be self -protected shall Include, out not be Ilmtted to, overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, frequency deviation, and faults. The self-protection will be compatible with the Cooperative's system protec-tion arrangements and ooeratinq policies. Speclalized protective functions may be required by the Cooperative when, In the sole Judgment of the C000erative, the particular generatiml Installation characteristics And/or distribution system characteristics so warrant, aK Rev-sion Symbols Chan e(C)- D�scontirued(D)- Increase(I)-New N)- Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T Commission Use Only Submitted By Date Docket No. Effective Date Signature Xt �� ! �,� Title C SCUTS ?L a1�IS c__=_CTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC PO 2ra.ver 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (8C6) 762-0406 = -c ciectr,c service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood Lubbock, Texas All T.....',..... 1Z e -Jute Ravi s��n No. Sect,an No- Sub-Secf,an Na :6 -n 3 f :J Sub- Secr,on Tale- # ycayr�- 4LLrS A.Ip RF:;i;�•1TL`N; SHALL POWER -PRODUCTION 3 COGENERATION 07ER LOK'HH 3. Quality of Service Producer's generating Installation will generate power at the nominal voltage of the Cooperative's electric distribution system at the Producer's delivery point plus or minus five percent (5%) at the nominal system frequency of 60 hz olus or minus one-half (1/2) hz. Producer shall generate at a power factor that is as near one hundred percent (1000 as Is practicable. In the event that the power factor is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging or leading, the Producer will provide proper power factor correction (within ten percent (10%) of unity) or reimburse the Cooperative for the cost of any necessary correction. 4. Safety Disconnect The Producer, or at the Producer's option, the Cooperative, shall provide and install at the pro- ducer's expense, a visible break disconnect switch. The disconnect switch will. be located so as to be readily accessible to Cooperative personnel in a location acceptable to both the Producer and the Cooperative. It shall be the type of switch which can be secured in an open position by a Coopera- tive padlock. The Cooperative shall have the right to lock the switch open whenever, in the judgment of the Cooperative; (1) it is necessary to maintain safe electrical operating or maintenance con- ditions; (2) the Producerts power generating Installation adversely affects the Cooperative's elec- trlc distribution system; or (3) there is a system emergency or other abnormal operating condition which warrants disconnection. The Cooperative reserves the right to operate the disconnect for the protection of the Cooperativets system even if it affects Producer's power generating installation. In the event the Cooperative opens and closes the disconnect switch it shall not be responsible for energtzation or restoration of parallel operation of the generating installation. The Cooperative will make reasonable efforts to notify the Producer in the event the disconnect switch has been operated. The Producer will not bypass the disconnect switch at any time for any reason. 5. Access Persons authorized by the Cooperative will have the right to enter the Producer's property for the purpose of operating or inspecting the disconnect switch or metering. Sash entry onto the Producer's property may be without notice. if the Producer erects or maintains locked gates or other barriers, the Producer wit furnish the Cooperative with convenient means To circumvent the barrier for access to the disconnect switch and meter(s). 6. Modification of Cooperative System In the event that it is necessary at the time of initial Interconnection or at some future time for the Cooperative to modify Its electric. distribution system In order to purchase or continue to par - chase Producer's output, the Producer wlII reimburse the Cooperative for ail Just and reasonable costs of modiflcattons which are allocatable to the Producer's small power generating Installation. The modifications may include, but are not limited to, special interconnection equipment, protective devices, control devices or upgrading of distribution system components. 7. t-labll.lty,for Injury and Damages Producer assumes full responslblltty for electric energy furnished to him at and past the point of interconnection and will Indemnify the Cooperative against and hold the Cooperative harmless from at claims for both Injuries to persons, including death resulting therefrom, and damages to prooerty occurinq upon the premises owned or operated by Producer arising from Producer's generating :nstal- latlon except: when the negllgence of Cooperative or its agent or agents was the sole proximate cause of Injuries, including death therefrom, to Producer or to employees of Producer or In the case of a residential Member/Producer, to all members of the household; and (1 l) as to ail other injuries or damages are aoproxi-mately caused by or result"In whole or in part from (a) any negligence of Cooper- ative or Its agents independent of and unrelated to the maintenance of Cooperative's faciil-les or any condition on Producer's premises or (b) the breach by C000erattve of any provision of any con- tract regarding purchase and/or sale of electrical energy or service between Cooperative and Producer. M� Rev.S-on Symbols Cnan e(C)- D,scontinued(D)- Increase(I)-New(N)- Reduction R - Change in Text Onl T Commission Use Only Submitted ByDate '-' - ..) Docket No. Effective Date Signature - C Title f SCU7114 PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PO Drower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 -F. Electric Service APDL 'CATION' All TerrJcry Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas Effect've Date Revis.onNo Sect on No Sub- Section No. f 5ect-on 1`0!e - Sub- Section 7 -He SER'JiCC- R;,I.ES 'ND PEER AT:; NS S "ALL o�'riER PRCCUC T I M ? CMENERA': i0N UNDER 100K'.0 The Cooperative shall not be liable for either direct or consequential damages resultinq from failures, interruptions, or voltage and wave form fluctuations occasloned by causes reasonable beyond the control of the Cooperative, including, but not Ilmlted to, acts of God or public enemy, sabotage and/or vandalism, accidents, fire, explosion, labor troubles, strikes, order of any court or judge Granted in any bona fide adverse legal proceeding or action, or any order of any commission, tribunal or governmental authority having jurisdiction. For claims resulting from failures, interruptions, or voltage and wave form fluctuations occasioned In whole or in part by the negl(gence of the Cooperative or its agent(s), the Cooperative shall be liable only for that portion of the damages arising from personal injury, death of persons, or costs of necessary repairs to or reasonable replacement of electrical equipment proximately caused by the negligent acts of the Cooperative or its aqent(s). The Cooperative shall not be liable in any event for consequential damages. 8. Metering If the output of the Producer's generating installation is to be purchased by the Cooperative, it will be measured by meters as required for the metering option chosen by the Producer. Any necessary meter(s) or meter modification In addition to one standard service meter will be installed, main- tained and operated by the. Cooperative at the producer's expense. A connection will be provided for the meter(s) at the Producer's expense in a location that is aceptabie to both the Cooperative and the Producer. The Cooperative may, at Its own expense, supply, install, and maintain load research metering for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the Producer's generating installation. The metered output of Producer's generating installation will be read by the Producer and, at the election of the Cooperative, accumulated or monthly readings may be checked at least monthly by representatives of the Cooperative. The meter(s) will, by comparison with accurate standards, be tested and calibrated as often as necessary. The Producer or the Cooperative may reasonably request such tests, and shall be given notice of not less than five (5) working days when such tests are to be made. Both the Producer and the Cooperative will have the right to be present at such tests. if a meter Is found to be inaccurate, it shall be restored to an accurate condition or replaced. If the tests disclose that no unacceptable Inaccuracies exist in the meter(s), then the party requesting the tests shall bear the expense of the tests. A report of the results of any tests shal! be furnished promptly by the party making such tests to the other party. Any meter(s) registering a deviation of not more than two percent (2`b) from normal shall be deemed accurate. The.read(ngs of any meter(s) which have been inaccurate shall be corrected according to the percentage of inaccuracy as determined by the tests for a period of no more than ninety (90) days prior to the tests. If any meter falls to register for any period, the facility output during such period shall be estimated in the best manner possible as agreed upon by the Cooperative and the Producer. 9. Notice of Change In Installation Producer will notify the Cooperative in writing fifteen (15) days in advance of making any change affecting the characteristics, performance, or protection of the generating Installation. if it comes to the Cooperative's attention that modification will create or has created conditions which may be unsafe or adversely affect the Cooperative's system then 't shall notify Producer and Producer shall Immediately correct such condition. 10. Insurance Producer shall continue to maintain Insurance as required by the Cooperative prior to interconnection and shall provide proof of such Insurance to the Cooperative at least annually. D. Sales to Producer Producer's rate class shall be designated by the Cooperative In accordance with the availability and type of service provisions in its rate schedules for all service including Back-uo, Supplementary, Interrup- tible, and Maintenance. Rev3-cn Symbols Cran e(C)- D-sconnnued(D)- increase (0 -Ne -(,N)- Reduction R - Change in Text 0lT Commission Use Only Submitted By Date Docket No. _ Z/; � Effective Dare Signature Title S�uT4 ?!.AIMS Ei.E "RIr CCOPERATIVE, INC. P „ Drower1330 — Lubbock Texas 79408 Telechone No. (806) 762-0406 ? =�: Electric Service Office: HON. N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas CATION' All Territory Served Active Gatti NO. i'Ction No. Sub-St,10 ViOn Vri. CaCiOn T-! e $u5 52:;- ^,n `ill?_t7 S_ r n{cS gflq ar 1' VS `"ALL 'r0'WE4 PRODL'C-ION i '^G IEpA"i:N uti^E@ i70F'+N 1 j { `{ yi E. Purchases from Producer I i I j 1. Rate l The Cooperative wtll pay Producer for all power purchases at the following rates: I a. Capacity (demand kW) - no payment unless: (i) Produces firm power provided by contract t (2) An acgregate capacity value provided by disbursed generating Installations can be T reasonably est{mated and there Is an avoided capacity cost. b. Energy - the metered kWh output from the Producer will be purchased at the Cooperative's total i energy cos' less any demand or customer service costs plus fuel costs divided by the total kWhs { purchased as calculated from the most recent wholesale power bill. { in the event that the Producer exercises the option to sell power to the Cooperative, there will { be, In addition to the minimum monthly bill requirements under the applicable service rate schedule(s), a customer service charge of $17.95 per month for metering and hi{t{nq. #j C 2. Additional Metering Option. r Producers using renewable resources with the design capacity of 50 kilowatts or less shall be offered N the option of interconnecting through a single meter that runs forwari or backward. i 3. Refusal to Purchase J The Cooperative may, at certain times and as operatinq conditions warrant, reasonably refuse to ac- cept part or all of the output of the Producer's facility. Such refusal shall be based on system emergency constraints, sbeclal oberatin.g requirements, adverse effect; of the Producer's facility on the Cooperativets system or violation by the Producer of the terms of the Agreement for interconnec- tion and Parallel Operation of Cogeneration and Small Power Installations; 100KW or less. F. Cefinitlons 1. Power rereratlne Installation. Genera+Ino installation shall mean a small power production or cogene- Ji ration facility which is a quaitfylnq facility under Subpart B of the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- mission's Regulations under Section 201 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 including any generator and associated equipment. wlrtno, protective devices, or switches owned or operated by Producer. 2. Producer means any Berson, firm, corporation, partnership, or other entity owning or operatinq a Dower generatfnq installation. W Re+,Sion Symbol scont!nued(D) - Increase (0- New(N)- Reduction R - Change in Text 0lT Commission Use Only r at 1 9 ' Submitted By 1 Date Docket No. /7� Effective Dote Signature Title le _ SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC C00PER.1TIVE.INC. PC, Orower 1930 — Lubbock Texas 79408 TeleoMne No. (806) 762-0406 • TARIFF: Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road tLubbock, Texas ,1t�P' Ca'ICN' A!1 Tarntor•I ServM cftect,ve Dafe. - aea�s�on NO. iect-on vo 7uo-Section Na. 6 10 arch .ici s'. �) ti - het, f jt-v,on -,Ile SERVICE RULES RE�.UI_AriCN5 SMALL POWER PRODUCTION g COGENERATION UNDER 10OKW AGREEZUT"L FOR 1N`IE.TCO1,ZTCTION AIND PARALLEL OPEP•ATIOI� OF COGETZRATION OR SMALL P(VER PRCDUCTION INSTALLATION, 100 KW OR LESS THIS A=�� 1', made this day of , 15 , by and bet.een , hereinafter referred to as the "Producer," and South Plains Electric Cooperat- tive, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "CooFerative," is as follows: 1. Purpose. Producer owns or intends to own and/or operate a qualifying electric power generating installation and desires to interconnect and operate such installation in parallel with Cooperative's electric distribution system. This agree- ment defines the relationship between the Cooperative and Producer including terms affecting purchase and sale of elec- tricity as well as reasonable conditions for interconnection and parallel operation. 2. Producer's Generating Installation. The generating instal- lation to which this agreement applies is described as: Make Model Serial No. Fuel or Energy Source Nareplate Output Rating Kw Operating Voltage volts Connection Phase Location Emergency Contact: Name Address Phone Is Ar"Won s m0ols Cron e C - 7sconhnued D) - Iwoosa I -Now (Nj- Reduct,on. R - t+ n in - ext 0Iv(T) Cominiss.on Use Only Submitted By J• C• Roberts Date Dockv No. General Manager 9 Effective Dote Signature i`'�"� Title SCUT -4 BLAINS EL= TRIC COCPERATIvE, INC. P 0 "rower 19.10 Lubbock , Texas 79408 TAmFr: E!ectr!c Service 5' r •T�M.�. - All Teleotvne No. (8C6) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas JtrfCtive Date aev.l `n VO. •i er,tOn V) lU0-�rrlOn VO. -.4,3 r c� :�. )•C� , -1 3 -C! -0n ",It SERVICE RULES RE,ULAiIGPIS SMALL POWER PRODUCTICN u CCGENERAT1ON UNDER 10OWN 3. Tens. The Cooperative agrees to use reasonable dili•ence to provide si�ultaneous electric service. Interconnection, parallel operation, sales and purchases of electricity will be governed by the Cooperative's Tariff including any and all aren&,ents that may I.ereafter be approved or ordered by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction, SAID TARIFF including all service rules, regulations, and rates IS A PAR, OF THIS AGP.EEZ ENT TO THE SAI -1E EXs'�r idi AS IF FULLY SET OW IFREIN AMID IS ON FILE AIM A�7,I' ABLE AT THE CCOPEP,ATIVE' S OFFICE I14 LUEE=, TEXAS. 4. Interconnection. Prior to interconnection Producer shall have (1) fulfilled as requisites for the provision of electric utility service contained in the tariff; (2) provide an interconnection plan and other information; (3) comply with conditions for line extension; (4) provide satisfactory liability insurance; (5) sign and deliver this Agreement; (6) complete construction; (7) comply with laws; (8) give notice of intent to energize; and (9) eliminate any conditions preventing interconnection. Producer warrants to Cooperative that Producer's power generating installation is constructed and will be maintained in a safe and reliable condition and will comply with the latest applicable codes. 5. Parallel Operation. Producer is responsible for instal- lation, safe operation, protection and maintenance of all equiprlent and wiring at and beyond the mint where Producer's conductors contact the Cooperative's conductors. The elec- trical power generated shall be coipatible with Cooperative's standard distribution system at the point of delivery and of such quality that Cooperative's system is not adversely affected. Producer shall install and/or pay for a visible break disconnect switch. The Cooperative shall have access to the disconnect switch and meter(s) at all times. The Cooperative's LIABILITY IS•j LMiITED in accordance with its tariff and Producer agrees to indemnify and hold the Cooper- ative harmless from all claims except as specified in the tariff. 4 Rev'svon 5 tnbots Cno a(C)- Osxonttnued(D) - Increoie I - New4 - Reduction R - Change in Text 0nl. T _ Commiss,on use Only swbmlrtta By J. C. Roberts Dote Docket No. Signotwt General Mana er i 41, Tutt 9 `� Effective Date SCUT' 'UaINS ELECT4tC CCOPERaT1vE, INC. PC, Drawer 1830 Lubbock ,Texas 79408 Tele0we No, (8C6) 762-04C6 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: I ION. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas Effective :ate - - -_ 4', 1,0M Ila - Sec?.on vd uD-Sev,an vo. - s 10 dren .j - •7U Ur> h•• f secr.on r-1 SERVICE RULES g RECULA j I ONS iMALL POWER PRODUCTION COCENERAT I ON UNDER I OOKW 6. Purchases of 'y:.ctricity from Producer. A. At the option of the Producer: The Cooperative will purchase no output from the gene- rating installation while allowing the Producer to use the output to offset the Producer's total consLmption, with the Producer's meter (s) modified to prevent reverse metering; or The Cooperative will purchase the net surplus output from the generating installation as measured by a second service meter which records the net surplus output of Producer into the Cooperative's system; where the net surplus is defined to be the accumulated instantaneous output of the Producer in excess of Producer's simultaneous irstaneous load; The Cooperative will purchase the output of Producer's generating installation as measured by a second meter which records the output while charging the Producer for the Producer's consumption. or The Producer certifies that its generating installa- tions (qualifying facility under FERC rules using re- newable resources) with a design capacity of 50 kilo- watts or -less and hereby elects to interconnect through a single meter that runs forward and backward. or B. The Cooperative will pay for electricity purchased from Producer at the applicable tariff rate for qualifying power generation installations. At the option of the Producer, the Cooperative will: Credit the value of all output purchased from the Pro- ducer's generating installation against the monthly bill for service for the month following receipt of the Producer's meter reading(s) for the monthly billing cycle; f "inion Symools Crjanqe - �sconthnued (0) - Increase 1 - New (N)- Reduction. R - Change in ext Only (T)-- commiss'O" Us* Only Submitted ByJ. C—Roberts Date Docket No. i 'General Ertectiw Date �j / Manager sipeonwe ..ltyc.G : Tille SCU_4 3I.AINS _LECTRIC COCPERAT!VE, INC PC Crawer ;930 — LJobock , Texae 79408 TARIFF: Electric Service Telerftme No. (8C6) 762-0406 Cffice: 110 N. Amarillo Road APP'.'C_TICN` 111 Territory SerJe4 41 Lubbock, Texas _ttechve )ate Na ;#Chan No ;uo-iec"on No. r( -n c[ 77 ;". ° 'h..'_') 1 SERVICER RULES & REGULATIONS SMALL POWER .PR000CT I ON COCENERA r I ON UNDER IC VL Pal Producer by check; for all output purchased from, Producer's generating installation within days from receipt of the Custorer's rleter reading(s) for the monthly billing period. 7. Sales of Electric Service to Producer. Producer agree- to ;ay for electric service in accordance with the rate schedule applicable to class. If any tariff or rate is changed by the Cooperative, or by order or consent of any regulatory authority having a jurisdiction thereof whether or not at the request of the Cooperative, such changed tariff, rate/or redefined class of service shall be applicable to service provided hereunder from and after the effective date of such change. Periodically, Cooper- ative Producer agrees to pay the total amount shown on such staterent within fifteen (15) days from its date. Payment shall be made to Cooperative at its office in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. 8. Term. The acceptance of this instrument by the Cooperative shall constitute an agreement between the Producer and the Cooperative which shall continue in force for an initial term of years (not to exceed 5 years) from the date service is made available by the Cooperative to the Producer. After the initial term, this agreement may be terminated by either party giving at least thirty (30) days written notice to the other. 9. Breach. The failure or, refusal to perform any obligation contained in this agreement shall constitute a breach of this agreement. The parties shall have such remedies for breach as may be provided for at law or in equity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreeirent, Cooperative may dis- continue service if Producer has breached any portion of this agreement by failure to make tiriely payn-ent or otherwise. Commiss.on use only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date Docket No. /I �` 7/ Effective Dote Signature, ,Title Manager s SOUTH 01..1INS ELE-TRIC COOPERATIVE, INC P 0, Orawer 930 — Lubbock , Ttxas 79408 Telephone Na (8061 762-0406 TARIFF'. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood -i APp�CAT!CN: 411 Territory Served Lubbock, Texas =Nect.ve Date 7ev t on va. 3ect-on va 'iuo-Sec''an No. ^n22, J r 10 10 Sec! nn 'rie Suo- Secron -ole • SERVICE RULES & RECULATIONS SMALL POWER PRODUCTION & COCENERATION UNDER 100KW 10. 'ntire Agreement. This agreerlent constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agree-TMlents between Producer and Cooperative for the service herein described, and the Cooperative, its agents and employees have mace no representations, promises, or made any inducerents, written or verbal, which are not contained herein. Producer agrees that it is not relying on any statements not herein contained. 11. Assignment. This agreement shall not be assigned by Producer in accordance with the Articles, By-laws, and rules and reg- ulations of Cooperative. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of Cooperative's assigns. 12. Interconnection Cost. Producer agrees to pay for extension of Cooperative's facilities and other interconnection costs as follows: $ in advance of any work by the Cooperative. 13. Peceipt of Tariff. Producer acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Cooperative's tariff. SOUTH PLAENS ELEC. COOP., IIS. Producer: By: Title: By: Title: .114: # Rev.svon 5 moots no • C) - D,sconnrved Dl - Increose I - New (N)-_ Reduct,on R - r-hanat in Text 0nl Commission Use 0my 1 'r Submitted By J. C. Roberts Dote Docker No. Xz, x,-% j, General Manager Effective Dote Signature �= T t q SCU7H PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0 -Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: I10 N. Amarillo Road i Lubbock, Texas zffecnve Date Rewii,on No. Section Vo. Sub -Section Na 17 iect:on Fite Sub - Sect,on Lne SERVICE RULES S RESULAN ONS PURCHASE OF FIRM AND CAPACITY STANDARD AVOIDED COST CALCULATION AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PURCHASE OF FIRM CAPACITY AND ENERGY DESCRIPTION OF OFFERING This is a standard purchase offer pursuant to Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rules 23.66 (h)(3) regarding "Rates for Purchases of Firm Power from a Qualifying Facility." APPLICABILITY This information is applicable to Producers who: 1. Own and operate cogeneration or small power production facilities which are qualifying facilities as prescribed by the rules of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission pursuant to Sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, and 2. Wish to make sales of firm capacity and energy to the Cooperative, and 3. Execute an agreement incorporating the attached terms and conditions for interconnection and parallel operation of a cogeneration or small power production facility and/or alternative terms and conditions which are mutually acceptable to the Cooperative and the Producer. EFFECTIVE IN: All territory served from a Southwestern Public Service Company delivery point, p t Revson S mtwls Chan d C)- Dsconbnued(D) - Increase j I - New N - Reduction (R)_ Change in Text Only (T) r commiss.on Use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date ' Docket No. �•° General Manager Effective Dote Signature ' Title ELECTRIC CO6PERA7!VE, INC o C Drover 330 — Lubbock Texas 79403 Telephone No. (SC6) 762-0406 TAP.IFF: Electric Service Office: I10 N. Amarillo Road i Lubbock, Texas - "ective Date - -- 4?,S.Jn NJ. S?ct,on No Sub-SPCtlon No. Sect nn ',tie ;ub- Sert'an * rie SERVICE RULES S RE'CULATiONS PGRCNASE OF FIRM CAPACITY ANG ENERGY STANDARD OFFER The Cooperative will pay the Producer for the metered output of the Producer's qualifying facility at the following rates: 1. Capacity — The Cooperative will pay the Producer a rate not to exceed $5.79/kW—month (the current authorized wholesale rate of Southwestern Public Service Company.) The exact value of the rate to be paid to the Producer will be determined by the actual net reduction in the Cooperative's wholesale demand costs resulting from the metered capacity output of the Producer's qualifying facility. The total payment by the Cooperative to the Producer for capacity in any billing period shall not exceed the total amount of the Cooperative's wholesale demand costs that are determined to have been avoided by the Cooperative as a result of the capacity output of the Producer's qualifying facility. 2. Energy — The Cooperative will pay the Producer a rate not to exceed $0.0058/kWh plus any applicable energy/fuel cost adjustments (the current authorized wholesale rate of Southwestern Public Service Company). The exact value of the rate to be paid to the Producer will be determined by the actual net reduction in the Cooperative's wholesale energy costs resulting from the metered energy output of the Producer's qualifying facility. The total payment by the Cooperative to the Producer for capacity in any billing period shall not exceed the total amount of the Cooperative's wholesale energy costs that are determined to have been avoided by the Cooperative as a result of the energy output of the Producer's qualifying facility. AVOIDED COST INFORMATION Because the rates for purchase of firm capacity and energy from a Producer's qualifying facility are to be based on actual wholesale billing analyses which may cause -the effective purchase rate to vary somewhat from month to month, the Cooperative will, at a Producer's request, provide example calculations of the avoidable wholesale power costs for historical billing periods. eK Revision 5 moots Chan e C - Discontrnued(0) -.Increase (1)- New N - Reduction (R)_ Chance in Text 0my T Commission use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Data_ Docket No. r � �� f '� General Manager f/ J" Effective Date M,. �! Title Signature ,, , SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P 0. Orawer 1830 Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TaRIFF. Electric Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road l -V11— All r --- ;I-- C --A Lubbock, Texas -!!ect,ve Date Rewl;on Vo. Section No Sub -Section No. n. 3 f t7 a ,t Section 7 -tie Sub - Section Title i SERVICE RULES & REGULATIONS PURCHASE OF FIRM CAPACITY AND ENERGY CHANGES IN WHOLESALE RATES The Cooperative's wholesale rates may be subject to changes or constraints outside the control of the Cooperative, including penalties or revenue recovery factors intended by the Cooperative's wholesale supplier to correct for billing units displaced by purchases from qualifying facilities. These changes or constraints may directly affect the nature and quantity of the Cooperative's avoidable wholesale power costs which will then directly affect the nature and quantity of the rates for purchases by the Cooperative of firm capacity and energy from qualifying facilities. r� I* Revn-on 5 mbol% Chane C - Discontinued (D) - Increase I - New N - Reduction (R)- Change in Text 0til T - Commission Use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date Docket No. General Manager Effective Dot* Signature � Title SCUT4 °LAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PO. Drawer IS 30 --- Lubbock , Texas 79408 TAR1=F: E!ectric Service Til.i• 11f Ts ..i. Ce. i�i1 .. Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas �!!CtlVe .^cafe Revision No. Section VO Sub -Section NO. S"e? q Of 1 -I la ry- S 07 Sec -on T,tte Sub- Section Tale SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTRACT TEEMS AND CONDITIONS FOR I:iTERCON:iECTION AND PARALLEL OPERATION OF A COGENERATION OR SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of 19 , by and between hereinafter referred to as the "Producer", and hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperative". PURPOSE The Producer intends to own and/or operate an electricpower generating facility which meets the. requirements for a "Qualifying Facility" pursuant to the rules of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The Producer desires to operate the generating facility in parallel with the Cooperative's electric system for the purpose of generating power for the Producer's own consumption, or for sale to the Cooperative, or both. The Cooperative will permit the Producer to interconnect and operate the Producer's generating facility in parallel with the Cooperative's electric system for the purpose of delivering power to the Cooperative for purchase from the Producer under, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ,w Revn+on S mDoiI Cnon e C)- Discontinued (D) - Increose 1 - New N - Reduction R - Chan a in Text nl T Ifl Commission use only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date Docket No. General Manager Effective Date Signature , Title i SCUT4 PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PO Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 4RIFF: Electric Servtce t APPt';CAT1ON: all Territory Served Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texao t!ective Date No. Sect.on No. - Suo-Section No. Sheet S f 17 r 1 lc ., iecr-an T.u. Sub - Sechan r tie « SERVICE RULES b REGULATIONS CONTRACT FACILITY The electric power generation facility to which this Agreement applies is described as follows: !lake Model Serial 0 Fuel or Energy Source Nameplate Output Rating kW Maximum Effective Output kW Operating Voltage volts Connection phase Excitation Regulation Located at General Description and Remarks Authorized Representative/Emergency Contact Name Address Telephone # Revision 5 mools - Change C - Discontmued (D) -increase 1) -New N - Reduction q -Change in Text nl T "} Ssa�7 Commission Use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Dote 1,8 Docket No. f � j,� General Manager Effective Date Signature f.^ , Title ;^u'`+ :)I -AIN, ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, uuC ? ; rower 1330 — Lubbock Texas 79408 7eiept+one No. (8C6) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electr-c Seance Cfficei 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas APO, T _:CAT'CN' ali 4rr.tory Served =!fec!' 'ate °av s o� `i n. ;act,on No dub-Secnon Na. n ry7 1r i777 7 of 1' ,mac,.,,, SERVICE RULES A RECULATICNS CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Qualifvin.- Facility. The Producer warrants that his electric power generating facility, hereinafter referred to as generation facility, meets the requirements of a "qualifying cogeneration facility" as prescribed by rules of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) adopted, pursuant to Sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1973. The Producer has provided adequate information to FERC to either qualify "by rule" or to obtain a certification of qualifying status as required by FERC and supplied a copy of all such information to the Cooperative. Upon request by the Cooperative, the Producer will supply information sufficient to. enable the Cooperative to determine that the Producer's generation facility is a qualifying cogeneration facility. The Producer warrants that his generation facility shall be operated at all times to comply with the applicable fuel use, operating, and efficiency standards adopted by FERC. The Cooperative has no direct financial involvement in the investment, construction, operation, or maintenance of Producer's generation facility. The purchase of the output from the Producer's generation facility is conditioned upon the Producer's qualifying facility status. The Cooperative shall be relieved of the obligation to purchase the output from the Producer's generation facility and the Producer shall reimburse the Cooperative for all damages which result, if the generation facility fails to meet and operate in compliance. with all standards and requirements of a qualifying facility. 2. Cooperative Service. The Cooperative will supply retail electric service to the Producer in accordance with the applicable Rate Schedule(s) in effect for electric service customers in like circumstances. The Cooperative will supply backup, emergency, standby or maintenance power upon request by the Producer in accordance with Rate Schedule(s) approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. The sale of retail electricity and any backup, emergency, standby or maintenance power requested by the Producer shall be in accordance with any and all amendments and superceding schedules which may hereafter be approved and, made effective as provided by law. The Producer acknowledges receipt of a copy of ehe Cooperative's Rate Schedules, which is now on file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Because the Producer's generating facility may consume reactive poorer in addition to the reactive power consumed by the Producer's retail load, the Cooperative will charge the Producer for such reactive power consumption as follows: # Rewwon Symbols Chan a(C)- Drscontrrxied (D) - Increase (I)- New N - Reduction R - Change in Tear 0nl T 1 � s,J Commission use onty r y✓ ,,, i Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date _ Docket No. ' Signature _���i% ! _' �_Titte General Manager Effective Date SC DI-AINS ELcr'a C CCCPERa'1vE,INC. ?C :Tower 1930 Lubbock , Texas 70408 TARIFF! E'ectrc Service t APP-XAT1CN' All Terntory Served Effect -4e ..Ota 7n `1 a. J•: nuary 5 1 SERVICE RULES A REGULATIONS Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: I IO N. Amarillo Rood Lubbock, Texas i?c lOn No soo-secnori VO. -71 I hear i S -,b- Secr,or 'r+ CONTRACT (a) The Cooperative will not charge _ for reactive power consumption equal to times the retail kWn consumed by the Producer. That is, the Producer will, as will any retail consumer, be allowed to. have a percent ( Z) average monthly power factor Ear all retail k,,vh consumption. (b) The Cooperative will charge the Producer for all reactive power consumption in excess of that allowed for retail consumption at a percent ( ) power factor. The Cooperative will, at the Cooperative's sole option, charge the Producer for the actual cost of installation of necessary capacitors or other reactive compensation, or a rate of $ /kVAR for peak metered kVAR consumption in excess of the average kVAR consumption described above. 3. Purchase Rates. To be negotiated. 4. Rules and Regulations. Interconnection, parallel operation, sales and purchases of electricity under this Agreement and the applicable Rate Schedules will be subject to the Cooperative's Rules and Regulations which may be changed from time to time, and upon filing.with the Public Utility Commission of Texas become effective and binding as a matter of law without any further notice. The Producer acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Cooperative's Rules and Regulations which are now on file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas and currently effective. 5. Installation. The Producer shall be solely responsible for all expense, installation, maintenance and operation of all facilities and equipment related to the operation of the Producer's generation facility. . 6. Interconnection Information. At least 60 days in advance of initial interconnection, Producer shall submit a plan showing the electrical design of the generating installation including equipment for interconnection with the Cooperative's system. The written plan shall include at least (a) a complete wiring diagram, (b) a physical layout skakch, and (c) a description of the electrical characteristics and specifications of the Producer's generation facility and interconnection equipment. The Producer shall also provide such additional information as may be required by the Cooperative. —UMT10n rt %•non a In lezT V lY ill Commission Use Only Submitted By J C. Roberts Date_ ' {� Docket No. General Manager Effective Date Signature , n-, % i Title 17 SCUT'- 3LAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC ?C Cro.ver 1930 Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electrc Service Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road APQL.CATION: All Territory Served Lubbock, Texas _'fect ve _ate --a v 4,an `.10. Sect an Na `iuD-'i eat�an YO. f- Jdru,lrw 31 17 :) u•;r.); 3ect..7n 7. re j�D - Se�fian 'fl. SERVICE RULES b RECULATIONS CONTRACT The Cooperative wi11 notify the Producer in writing of any conditions which it discovers that might prevent safe interconnection within 30 working days from receipt of the plan and requested information. The Cooperative will review the plan to insure the safety and protection of the Cooperative's electric system, but shall in no way be liable or responsible for the performance of the Producer's generation facility or interconnection equipment as a result of any review or acceptance of such plan. The Cooperative does not guarantee the adequacy of the Producer's equipment to perform its intended function. If the Customer's generation facility utilizes standard or conventional network configurations, the Cooperative will review the Customer's plan as expeditiously as possible. In the event the Customer's plan involves the use of non-standard equipment or unconventional network configurations, for which the Cooperative does not have adequate experience or expertise, the Cooperative may require that the Customer have the plan reviewed and approved by a professional engineer licensed or authorized to practice in the State of Texas prior to interconnection. 7. Fuel Use Information.. At least sixty (60) days in advance of initial interconnection., the Producer shall submit documentation sufficient for the Cooperative to ascertain that the generation facility is a bona fide qualifying facility as prescribed by the rules of the FERC adopted pursuant to Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA. The documentation shall include information on the type and sources of fuels. In the event of natural gas or oil for supplementary firing of small power production facilities, the docrnentation shall include information on the annual consumption of such fuels as well as the annual output of the facility. In the event of natural gas or oil use for cogeneration facilities, the documentation shall include information on annual fuel input, annual power output and annual useful heat output. .The Producer shall. supply, upon request by the Cooperative at least once each year, adequate information and evidence for the Cooperative to ascertain that the Producer's facility continues to be operated as a bona fide qualifying facility. Ar. Rewslon S moonsCnan e C - 01sCantinued(D) - Increase (I)- New N - Reduction R - Change in Text 0n1 T t Commission use ortty J r 1'Q Submitted 8y J. C. Roberts Date . Z Docket No. General Manager Effective Oat* Signature j- SC -i -Ai -NS CLECT PIC COOPERATIVE. INC. ? C ewer '830 — Lubbock ,Texas 73408 ` TARIFF: Electric Service APPL.'CATION: al! 7err,tcry Served .. All tla r'J Telephone No. (8C6) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texas tfecl,ve ate -7 ov Sn�n C'4 `la.7— . action Vo. 'iia-5?ch On No. I .hoot ) } 17 '�7� f -A t SERVICE R!.LES REL7I IA T I CNS CONTRACT 8. Metering. The real and reactive power output of the Producer's generation facility will be measured by meter(s) and load profile recorder(s) which will be specified, installed, maintained, operated and read by the Cooperative at the Producer's expense. An interconnection will be provided for the meter(s) and recorder(s) at the Producer's expense in a location that is acceptable to both the Cooperative and the Producer. If necessary, the Cooperative will, at the Producer's expense, equip any existing service meter(s) with detent(s) to prevent reverse metering. In addition, the Cooperative may, at its own expense, supply, install, and maintain load research metering for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the Producer's generation facility. The Cooperative will read the meter(s) and will, upon request by the Producer, supply the Producer with any available information on capacity and energy of the generating facility. The meter(s) will, by comparison with accurate standards, be tested and calibrated as often as necessary. If a meter which records the Producer's output is found to be inaccurate, it shall be restored to an accurate condition or replaced at the expense of the Producer. In the event Producer requests the Cooperative to test a meter, the Producer shall deposit with the Cooperative a Meter Test Fee as filed in the Cooperative's Service Fees Rate Schedule. If the meter is found to be within the accuracy limits established by the Cooperative's Rules and Regulations, the entire Meter Test Fee will be retained in order to help defray the Cooperative's expense in testing the meter. In all other cases, the Meter Test Fee shall be refunded to the Producer. Any meters) registering not more than an average error of 22'. fast or 2: slow shall be deemed accurate. The readings of any meter(s) which are disclosed to have been inaccurate shall be corrected according to the percentage of inaccuracy as determined by the tests. The error found shall be considered to have existed for a period of no more than 6 months preceding the test or for the time the meters) has been in service at the location, if less than 6 months, or from the actual time the meter(s) became damaged, if such time can positively be determined and is less. than 6 months prior to the time of the test. If any meter fails to register for any period, the generation facility output during such period shall be estimated in tt4-best manner possible as agreed upon by the Cooperative and the Producer. However, the Cooperative will not be required to pay or credit the Producer for output extending over more than twice the regular interval between meter readings. +1: Rev -s -on sy bots Chan e(C)- DISConhnued(D) - Increase (I) -New N- Reduct,on (R)- Chana in Text 0nl T r UU SJ Commission Use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Dote Docket No. Signature 6� Title Cenera) Manager Effective Date SCU74 PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, NC. PO Drawer !930 Lubbock , Texas 79408 ' TARIFF: Electrc Serwce 1t n,•tnnr All T.—O.— .— cz--w Teleohone No. (8C6) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amortilo Road Lubbock, Texas EHectrve vat. rev son Vo Sart an %,)Sua-Sect an Na. 10 f 17 .,aruary i, D Uri t ".1 i o ; i ;achpn T,n> - Suo- Section T-t+e SERVICE RULES 3 RE,:ULATiONS CONTRACT 9. Safetv Disconnect. The Producer or, at the Producer's option, the Cooperative, shall provide and install, at the Producer's expense, a load break disconnect switch in the Producer's generation facility circuit. The disconnect switch will be located so as to be readily accessible to Cooperative personnel in a location acceptable to both the Producer and the Cooperative. It shall be of the visible break type which can be opened under full load and secured in an open position by a Cooperative padlock. The Cooperative shall have the right to lock the switch open whenever, in the sole but reasonable judgment of the Cooperative, (1) it is clearly necessary to maintain safe electrical operating or maintenance conditions, (2) the Producer's generation facility clearly adversely affects the Cooperative's electric system, or (3) there is a system emergency or other abnormal operating condition. Except in the case of emergency circumstances as determined by the sole judgement of the Cooperative, the Cooperative will provide reasonable notice to the Producer before operating the disconnect so that the Producer may have opportunity to de—energize the generating facility before disconnection. The Cooperative reserves the right to operate the disconnect switch for the protection of the Cooperative's system without any intent or responsibility for warranting the operation or maintenance of .the Producer's generation facility before or after the switch is operated. The Cooperative shall. not be responsible for any damage to the Producer's generation facility or interconnection equipment as a result of operation of the disconnect switch., 10. Synchronizing and Automatic Disconnection. The Producer will furnish, install, operate and maintain in good order and repair all equipment required for the safe operation of the Producer's generation facility in parallel with the Cooperative's. electric system. The equipment will have the capability to both establish and maintain synchronism with the Cooperative's system and to automatically disconnect the Producer's generation facility from the Cooperative's system in the event of an outage of the Cooperative's system or a malfunction of the Producer's generation facility. In the event that the Producer's generating facility is, at the Cooperative's request, de—energized and/or disconnected for any reason, the Producer will not reinitiate parattel operation without notifying the Cooperative. xK Rews,on S moors Cnan a C)- Drsconttnued (D) - increase (I)- Neb N - Reduction R - Chance in Text 0nr T ` t �87 Commission use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date _ _. Docket No. `f / r General Manager `` L Effective Oar• signature Title SCUT -4 BLAINS ELECTRIC. COOPERATIVE, INC. 0 grower !830 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 TARIFF! E!ectr:c Service APPL!CATICN: SII Territory Serve4 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas :ffGC!�•/G safe �ev�S�On VO. SGCf�Un VO BUD-j?f!i7n Vp. SGS' .^.n ':1' S-A- Sec ­) '.11e SERVICE RULES RE 1 LATIONS CONTRACT 11. Protection of the Producer's Generation Facility. Prod ucer's generation tact :Cy will also be designed, insca a and maintained t0 be self -protected from normal and abnormal conditions in the Cooperative's electric system. The conditions for which the generation -facility shall be self -protected shall include, buc not be limited to, failures, interruptions, voltage and wave form fluctuations, overvoltage, under -voltage, overcurrent, frequency deviation and faults' The self-protection features and mechanisms will provide protective functions in accordance with the Cooperative's Rules and Regulations, operating procedures and sectionalizing schemes. Specialized protective functions may be required by the Cooperative when, in the sole but reasonable judgment of the Cooperative, the particular generation facility characteristics and electric system characteristics so warrant. 12. Protection of the Cooperative's Property. The Producer at all times shall protect the property of the Cooperative on the premises of the Producer and shall permit no person other than the employees and agents of the Cooperative and other persons authorized by law to inspect, work on, open, or otherwise handle the wires, meters, or other facilities of the Cooperative. In case of loss or damage to the property of the Cooperative on account of any carelessness, neglect, tampering, or misuse by the Producer, or Producer's agents or employees, the Producer shall reimburse the Cooperative for the cost of any necessary repairs or replacement of such facilities or the value of such facilities. 13. Indemnification. The Producer assumes full, responsibility for electric energy furnished to him and past the point of interconnection, and will indemnify the Cooperative against and hold the Cooperative harmless from all claims for both injuries to persons, including death resulting therefrom, and damages to property occurring upon the premises owned or operated by the Producer arising from electric power and energy delivered by the Cooperative or in any way arising directly or indirectly from the Producer's generation facility except: (a) when the. negligence of the Cooperative or its agent or agents was the sole proximate cause of injuv-ies, including death therefrom, to the Producer or to agents or employees of the Producer; and 4 Rev -s -on S moots Crean e C - Discontinued (D) - Inved4e (1) - New N)- Reduction (R)- Change in Text 0rely (T)- F ` Commissron Use Only Submitted By J • C.—Roberts is , • d Dote _ Docket No. "--r General Manager Signature �sL' Title Effective Date SCI r.H ?LAIN$ E�ECTRIC CGOPERATIVE, INC ? O Drawer 1830 — Ljbbock ,Texas 79408 Teleot)cre No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office. I10 N. Amarillo Road A001 rsrinN nii r.—t—ce.,s,, Lubbock, Texas 'ate _`o.flectve u JO +ct.,n S,o- 3e, r -oh -t.e 7r SERV i CE RULES ,t, RE„(; L.a 1 ! OiNS CONTRACT (b) as to all other injuries and damages, to the extent that injuries or damages are proximately caused by or result in whole or in part from (1) any negligence of Cooperative or its agent(s) independent of and unrelated to the maintenance of the Cooperative's facilities or any condition on the Producer's premises or (2) the breach by the Cooperative of any provision of the contract regarding purchase and/or sale of electrical power, energy, or other service between the Cooperative and the Producer. For claims resulting from failures, interruptions, or voltage and wave form fluctuations occasioned in whole or in part by the negligence of the Cooperative or its agent(s), the Cooperative shall be liable only for that portion of the damages arising from personal injury, death of perso s, or costs of necessary repairs to or reasonable replacement of electrical equipment proximately caused by the negligent acts of the Cooperative or its agent(s). The Cooperative shall not be liable for any consequential damages. lw. Liability Insurance. The Producer shall produce and maintain general liability and property loss insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The Producer shall provide the Cooperative with proof of insurance before interconnection, and at least yearly thereafter, and shall notify the Cooperative of any modification of the insurance coverage. 15. Quality of Service. The Producer's generation facility will generate power at the nominal voltage and frequency of the Cooperative's electric system at the Producer's delivery point. The Producer's generation facility shall generate at a power factor that is as near one hundred percent (100X) as is practicable. In the evert that the power factor of the generation facility is not one hundred percent (1007.), the Producer will provide proper power factor correction or reimburse the Cooperative for the cost of required power factor corrections provided for in Sections 2 and 8 of this Agreement. The overall quality of the power provided by the Producer's generation facility including, but not limited to, the effects of harmonic distortion, voltage regulation, switching surges and power factor, will be such that the Cob-perative's electric system is not adversely affected by the Producer's generation facility. In the event that adverse effects are directly attributable to the Producer's generation facility, the Producer will correct the cause of such effects or reimburse the Cooperative for the cost of any required correction. of Rev's -On symbols Chan a(C)- Discontinued(D)- Increase 1) -.New N - Reduction (R)- Change in Text 0nl T .r. Commission use only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date--.-- �” Docker No. ! i Signatuff Tine General Manager Effective Dare 3CU7`4 ?!.AINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. PC). Drawer 1830 Lubbock , Texas 79408 TARIFF: E:ectnc Service Telephone :No. (806) 762-04C6 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock,Texae Af'r4e..ai:v �. a e'n Q,y 3rrveu _flect­a mate ?v: soon V0. Sect: on ,No iva-Section Vo. t t7 3 71nuar-v )+ 7 1 rj,, i h..• SERVICE RULES A RECULATIONS CONTRACT 16. access. Authorized Cooperative personnel will have the right to enter the Producer's property for the purpose of operating or inspecting the disconnect switch or the metering. Such entry onto the Producer's property may be without notice (1) in the case of emergency, or (2) on one occasion per month for inspection of meters. Otherwise, the Cooperative will give the Producer reasonable notice of its intention to enter the Producer's property. If the Producer erects or maintains locked gates or other barriers, the Producer will furnish the Cooperative with convenient means to circumvent the barrier for access to the disconnect switch and meter(s). 17. Legal Compliance. The Producer's generation facility and interconnection equipment shall be designed and installed in accordance with applicable codes, regulations and prudent engineering practice. The Producer's generation facility, including any interconnection equipment, shall meet the requirements of any applicable codes, city and county ordinances and standards, and state and federal laws and regulations. If required, the Producer's generation facility shall be inspected and approved as necessary by any public authority having jurisdiction before being interconnected, with the Cooperative's, system. 18. Extension of Service. In the event that it is necessary for the 17 Cooperative to extend its. electric facilities to interconnect with the Producer's generation facility, the Producer shall pay for the costs of all materials and labor for such extensions. The Cooperative, at the Cooperative's sole option, may require the Producer to make a cash contribution in advance for the extension of electrical facilities, or pay an adequate monthly installment payment pursuant to a separately executed contract requiring a term commensurate with the character, amount and duration of the business offered. 19. Interconnection Costs. The Producer shall be solely responsible for all reasonao a costs incurred by the Cooperative for interconnection and parallel operation of the Producer's generating facility, including but not limited to, connection, switching, metering, distribution, transmission, transformation, system protection, and any other costs directly related to the installation and operation of the Producer's generating facility., * Rev.s,on S moots Change C)- D,scontmved (D) - Increase ( I) - New N - Reduction R - Change m Tezr 0nt T Commission Use Only J. C. Roberts i"+` � ` r � Submitted By Date Docket No. 7 General Manager Effective Date -Title a +- SCU"+ °Laws ELE::791C CCCPE9a7,11/c, INC. 00 Grower 1830 — Lubbock , Texas ` 79408 TARIFF: Electric Sery ce APPI 'CATiCN' Ail Ter,,tory Ser• ed Telechone No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Rood Lubbock, Texas ffeCty[ At[ 4>v) on Vo. itt tion No sub -section No. 1.4 1� Januar'i 31 ,1" .. it hli hr f Seo- Sev-on r-rl i SERVICE RULES S RECULATICNS CONTRACT The Producer agrees to pay the Cooperative the estimated amount of all interconnection costs directly related to the interconnection and parallel operation of the Producer's generating facility in advance. The Cooperative will establish the initial estimate of costs. Once the actual costs are estabalished, if said costs are less than the prepaid estimate, the Cooperative will refund to the Producer any payment received in excess of the actual costs. If the actual costs exceed the prepaid estimate, the Cooperative will bill the Producer for the excess which shall be payable by the Producer within thirty (30) days of receipt by the Producer. 20. Modification of Cooperative Systema In the event that it is necessary at the time of initial interconnection or at some future time for the Cooperative to modify its electric system, the Producer will reimburse the Cooperative for all costs of modifications which are allocable to the Producer's generation facility. The Producer will be responsible for any required modifications to the Producer's generating facility. Modifications might include, but are not limited to, special interconnection equipment, protective devices, control devices, distribution system improvements, equipment replacements and upgrades of electric system components. Such modifications may be required at the time of initial installation due to special characteristics of the Producer's generation facility or at a future time due to other causes including, but not limited to, a significant penetration of qualifying facilities or improvements in .the Coopeerative's distribution system dictated by prudent utility engineering practice. 21. Notice to Commence Parallel Operation and Inspection. Producer will give the Cooperative not less than thirty 30days notice of the Producer's intent to energize the Producer's generation facility and initiate parallel operation. Such notice shall be in writing and will include the submission for inspection and review by the Cooperative of at least; (a),this executed agreement, and (b) documentation of any modification of the interconnection information previously supplied to the Cooperative as required by Section 6 of, this Agreement, and (c) evidence of liability insurance if required as described in this Agreement, and (d) the proposed_date(s) for initial energization and start up testing. The Producer will not initiate parallel operation of the Producer's generation facility ua;il permission to do so is granted in writing from the Cooperative. iK Revis+on S mools Chan g e (C - Discontinued (D) -.increase ( I)- New N - Reduction R - Change in Text Only T r Commission use Only Submitted By j• C. Roberts Dote_ Fj !.l Docket No. 7 General Manager Effective Dote Signature Title. TARIFF. E!ectrc Service APPi 'CAT'CN' A:1 7ef-tory Served SCU-4 _L_CTRIC C00PERaT!VE, INC. P C Drawer 1830 — Lubbock , Texas 73408 TeteDtne No. (806) 762-0406 Office: 110 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock, Texas %•t to C'�G ._. Ote R.wi,orn X10. - - i• !'On VO 'Sun-'Jec!.0n NO. dnUd ^v 5 i jqi r.i i ;.,o - Sec' SERVICE RULES ?. RECULA710NS (:CNTRACT The Cooperative will have the option, prior to the scheduled eaergizacion of the Producer's generation facility, to inspect the facility and perform such tests as may be reasonably required to insure the safe interconnection and proper parallel operation of the Producer's generation facility,. The Cooperative reserves the right to insect and test the generation facility and interconnection equipment for the protection of the Cooperative's electric system without any intent or responsibility for the warranting of the design or performance of the Producer's generation facility. The Cooperative will either notify the Producer in writing of any conditions which are discovered that might prevent safe interconnection and proper parallel operation or give written permission" to interconnect and initiate parallel operation within 30 days from receipt of adequate notification and documentation. The Cooperative shall have the right to have a representative present at the initial energization and start up testing of the Producer's generation facility. 22. Notice of ;codification. The Producer will not make changes affecting the characteristics, performance or protection of the Producer's generation facility without notifying the Cooperative. in the event the proposed changes may affect the interconnection and parallel operation with the Cooperative's system, the Cooperative may exercise the right to review the changes and examine the generation facility after the changes are made. 23. Refusal to Purchase. The Cooperative may, at certain times and as . operating conditions warrant, reasonably refuse to accept part or all of the output of the Producer's generation facility. Such refusal shall be based on system emergency constraints, special operating requirements, adverse effects of the Producer's generation facility on the Cooperative's system. or violation by the Producer of the terms of this Agreement. 24. Disclaimer. The responsibility of the Producer regarding his use of the electric service supplied by the Cooperative and his generation of electric power is not set aside, and the Cooperative shall in no way be liable or responsible, on account of,,.,any inspections or recoan endations by the Cooperative, which are made as a courtesy to the Producer or as a protection to the electric service supplied by the Cooperative to its other customers. The Cooperative reserves the right, but assumes no duty, to inspect the Producer's installation, generation facilities, and interconnection equipment for suspected unsafe conditions. The Cooperative makes no representations concerning, and expressly disclaims any expertise, special knowledge or responsibility relating to the W Rewsion Symbols Cnon e(C)- Oncononued(0)- Increase(I)-New N - Reduction (R)_ Change in Text 0lT " - r 4�' "Roberts Commission UseOnly Submitted 8y J. C. Dat• Docket No. . Title General Manager Effective Date Signature , 30U71+ PI-AINS EI-Ei T RIC CCOPERATIVE, INC. P 0 -,rawer 1930 — Lubbock , Texas 79408 Telechone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Eectr c Service Office. 110 N. Amorillo Rood Lubbock, Texos A PPUC.A: ICN. X! er tUfy DCrveAi =!fecnve Jare aav,s,on NO. 'i ?ri�an Vo iva-Sec tion Vo. )7 `d !`iJ ,t .•"J SI 1 41 0('1'.. ^ I i 7 heN ir.�•,^,n SERVICE RULES i RE11-ATIONS CONTRACT design or performance of the Producer's generation facility. The Cooperative's willingness to purchase power from the Producer's generation facility will in no way be construed to be a warranty of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, safety, durability or reliability of the Producer's generation facility and interconnection equipment. The Producer understands and agrees to undertake and assume all risks of a. producer of electric energy by operation of Producer's generation facility. The Cooperative shall not be liable for any consequential damages. 25. Force Majeure. The Cooperative shall not be liable for either direct or consequential damages resulting from failures, interruptions, or voltage and wave form fluctuations occasioned by causes reasonably beyond the control of the Cooperative, including, but not limited to, acts of God or public enemy, sabotage and/or vandalism,' accidents, fire, explosion, labor disturbances, strikes, order of any court or judge granted in any bona fide adverse legal proceeding or action, or any order of any commission, tribunal or governmental authority having jurisdiction. 26. Term. The acceptance of this instrument by the Cooperative shall constitute an agreement between the Producer and the Cooperative which shall continue in force for an initial term of years from the date that service is made `available to the Cooperative by the Producer. After the initial term, this Agreement shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter subject to cancellation at the end of the first extended year or any anniversary thereof by either party upon at least 90 days prior written notice to the other party. 27. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the applicable Rate Schedules and the Cooperative's Rules and Regulations, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supercedes all prior agreements between the Producer and the Cooperative for the service herein described. No representative, agent, or employee of the Cooperative shall have the power to amend, modify, alter, or waive any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement except in writing duly executed by Producer and the Cooperative; however, this Agreement is subject to the valid orders of legally constituted regulatory bodies having jurisdiction. .� 28. Assignment. This agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the .parties hereto, save that not assignment hereof shall be effective without the written consent of the Cooperative being first obtained. eP Revision Symbols Cnan a C)- Discontinued(D)- Increase I) -New N - Reduction I R I- rheir,q a in Text 0nl T S Commission use Only Submitted By �• C. Roberts pate— _ _ __ Docket No. l General Manager Effective Dote Signature Title SOUTH PLAINS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. Drawer 1830 — Lubbock ,Texas 79408 Telephone No. (806) 762-0406 TARIFF: Electric Service Office: I10 N. Amarillo Road Lubbock. Texas aPPI—'CATION: All Territory Served -ffect,ve Date Rews-an No. Section No, Sub -Section No. 13nuary original b } 17 } it Semon TtleSub- Section T -fie All SERVICE RULES 3 REGULATIONS CONTRACT IN WITNESS HEREOF, The Cooperative and the Producer have caused this agreement to be executed in duplicate as of the day, month and year first above written. PRODUCER COOPERATIVE Authorized Representative/ Emergency Contact Name Address Telephone of. Revision symbols Chan a(C)- Discontinued(D) --Increase (I)- New N - Reduction (R)- Change in Text 0nl T n Commission Use Only Submitted By J. C. Roberts Date— .� Docket No. General Manager Effective Dote Signature f 17 Title 9 --7