HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2020-O0136 - Amending Title II - Buildings - of the Code of Ordinances, Addition of Ch. 41 Impact FeesFirst Reading Second Reading
October 13, 2020 October 27, 2020
Item No. 7.7 Item No. 7.13
ORDINANCE NO. 2020-00136
WHEREAS, Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code (the Statute) provides
requirements and procedures for the adoption of land use assumptions, a capital
rovements plan, and Impact Fees; and
WHEREAS, after notice of a public hearing was given as required by the Statute,
the City Council held a public hearing on May 28, 2020 and continued on .Tune 23, 2020,
Iand by Resolution No 2020-RO211 approved the land use assumptions and capital
jimprovements plan; and
WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) of the City of
ubbock, created pursuant to the Statute, filed its written comments on the proposed Impact
ecs before the fifth business day before the date of the public hearing on the imposition
f the Impact Fees; and
WHEREAS, after notice of a public hearing was given as required by the Statute,
the City Council held a public hearing on October 6, 2020, to discuss the imposition of the
Impact Fees by this ordinance with an effective date six months after the adoption of the
lordinance. and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the
r of Lubbock to adopt and approve the ordinance for Impact Fees herein; NOW,
SECTION ONE. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas is hereby
amended by adding a Chapter to Article II, Buildings; Development; Property
Maintenance, to be numbered Chapter 41, Impact Fees, which said Chapter shall read as
41.01.001 Purpose.
This Chapter is intended to assure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve New
Development in the City by requiring each such development to pay its share of the costs
of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such New Development.
41.01.002. Definitions.
Terms defined herein are specific to this Chapter and shall not be construed as conflicting
with similar terms in other parts of the Code.
1. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the Maximum Impact Fee per
service unit which can be imposed on New Development pursuant to this Chapter.
2. Capital Improvement means any water supply, treatment, and distribution; wastewater
collection and treatment, or roadway that has a life expectancy of three or more years and
is owned and operated by or on behalf of the City including the City's share of costs for
infrastructure and associated improvements designated on a City's master plan but
constructed by another entity.
3. Capacity Plans means a plan recommended by Capital Improvements Advisory
Committee and approved by the City Council that identifies capital improvements or
facility expansions for which Impact Fees may be assessed. This is the equivalent of the
capital improvements plans as described in the Texas Local Government Code 395.
4. Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) means the advisory committee
created in compliance with the Texas Local Government Code Sec. 395.058.
5. City means the City of Lubbock, Texas.
6. City Council means the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas.
7. City Manager means the City Manager of the City of Lubbock, Texas, or his or her
8. Credit means an amount equal to 50 percent (50%) of the total projected cost of
implementing the capital improvements plans in accordance with Sec. 395.014 of the Texas
Local Government Code. (Credit is not an offset or reduction, defined below.)
9. Effective date means June 1, 2021, except for Sections 41.02.003(a)&(b) which shall
be effective June 1, 2022.
10. Facility Expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that
serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement, in order that
the existing facility may serve New Development. The term does not include the repair,
maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing
11. Final plat approval means the point at which the Owner has complied with all
conditions of approval in compliance with the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances and
the plat has been released for filing with the County. This term applies to both original plats
and replats.
12. Impact Fee means a charge or assessment imposed as set forth in this Chapter against
New Development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of
Capacity Improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the New
The term includes amortized charges, lump -sum charges, capital recovery fees,
contributions in aid of construction and any other fee that functions as described by this
Chapter. The term is inclusive of both the maximum assessable Impact Fee and the Impact
Fee collection rate as herein described. The term does not include:
a. Dedication of land for public parks or payment in lieu of the dedication to serve
park needs;
b. Dedication of rights -of -way or easements or construction or dedication of on -
site or off -site water distribution, wastewater collection or drainage facilities,
or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a
valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the new development;
c. Lot or acreage fees to be placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursing
developers for oversizing or constructing water or sewer mains or lines; or
d. Other pro rata fees for reimbursement of water or sewer mains or lines extended
by the City.
An item included in the Capacity Plans may not be required to be constructed except in
accordance with Section 395.019(2) of the Texas Local Government Code, and an Owner
may not be required to construct or dedicate facilities and to pay impact fees for those
13. Land Use Assumptions means a description of the service area and projections of
changes in land uses, densities, intensities, and population in the service area over at least
a I0-year period.
14. Land Use Vehicle -Mile Equivalency Table or LUVMET are tables set forth in the
Impact Fee Study that provide the standardized measure of consumption or use of roadway
facilities attributable to a New Development. The LUVMET expresses the number of
service units consumed by each individual land use application as vehicle miles per
development unit based on regionalized Lubbock values.
15. Maximum Assessable Impact Fee means the Impact Fee that is established for each
service area computed by calculating the total projected costs of capital improvements
necessitated by and attributable to New Development and subtracting a credit in
accordance with the Texas Local Government Code Sec. 395.015. The Maximum Impact
Fee shall be established and reflected in Sec. 41.02.003 of this Chapter. The City may adopt
an Impact Fee collection rate that is less than this amount, but in no instance shall the
Impact Fee exceed the Maximum Assessable Impact Fee except by amendment of this
16. New Development means a project involving the subdivision of land and/or the
construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation,
or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of the use of land which has the
effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements, measured by an increase in
the number of service units.
17. Owner means an owner of real property, or an agent, employee, applicant or
representative thereof who is authorized to act on the real property owner's behalf, or a
person who is subject to and/or has paid an Impact Fee.
18. Offset means the amount of a reduction of an Impact Fee reflecting the
value of any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of a system facility agreed to
or required by the city as a condition of development approval, pursuant to rules herein
established or pursuant to administrative guidelines which value shall be credited on an
actual cost basis against capital improvements. (Offset is not a "credit", defined above).
19. Recoupment means the imposition of an Impact Fee that shall be paid to the City for
Capacity Improvements which the City has previously oversized to serve New
20. Reduction means an amount of the Maximum Assessable Impact Fee that can be
reduced in compliance with Sec. 41.02.003(c) of this Chapter.
21. Roadway Facilities means an arterial that has been designated on the adopted Master
Thoroughfare Plan of the City, together with all necessary appurtenances (excluding rights -
of -way). The term includes the City's share of costs for roadways and associated
improvements designated on the federal or Texas highway system, including local
matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances, and rights -of -way.
22. Service Area means the area within the corporate boundaries of the City to be served
by the capital improvements or facilities expansions specified in the capacity
improvements plan. The map of City of Lubbock service areas adopted is contained
within the Impact Fee Study, and incorporated herein.
a. For Water and Wastewater Impact Fees: one (1) service area covers the
corporate limits of the City of Lubbock.
b. For Roadway Impact Fees: the term means the geographic area(s) within
the City's corporate limits, which:
i. Do not exceed six miles, and
ii. In which Roadway Impact Fees shall be assessed for the cost of
New Development.
23. Service Unit means a standardized measure of consumption, use, generation, or
discharge attributable to an individual unit of development, calculated in accordance with
generally accepted engineering or planning standards, and based on historical data and
trends applicable to the City during the previous ten (10) years. (For water and
wastewater this is measured by meter size and for roadway this equals one vehicle mile of
travel in the afternoon peak hour of traffic and is also referred to as a "vehicle mile").
24. Site -Related Facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use
or benefit of a New Development, or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate
provision of roadway, water, or wastewater facilities to serve the New Development, and
which is not included in the capital improvements plan.
25. System -Related Facility is designated in the capacity improvements plan for purpose
of Impact Fees. This term may include a capital improvement, which is located off -site,
within, or on the perimeter of the development site.
26. Wastewater Facility includes, but is not limited to, a wastewater interceptor or main,
lift station or other facility or improvement used for providing wastewater collection and
treatment included within the City's collection system for wastewater as illustrated on the
City's master plan. This term includes land, easements, or structures associated with such
facilities. This term excludes a site -related facility.
27. Water Facility includes, but is not limited to, a water interceptor or main, pump
station, storage tank, or other facility or improvement used for providing water supply,
treatment, and distribution service included within the City's water storage or distribution
system as illustrated on the City's master plan. This term includes, but is not limited to,
land, easements, or structures associated with such facilities. This term excludes
site -related facilities.
41.02.001. Study Adopted.
The Impact Fee Study dated October 6, 2020 is hereby approved, adopted, and incorporated
herein for all purposes consistent with this Chapter.
41.02.002. Service Areas.
For Water and Wastewater Impact Fees the City is included as one (1) service area. For
Roadway Impact Fees, the City is hereby divided into eight (8) service areas as shown on
the official service area map identified within the adopted study. The official service area
maps, which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, are hereby adopted by reference
and declared to be a part of this chapter.
41.02.003. Impact Fees Adopted.
(a) A Wastewater Impact Fee shall be assessed and charged against New Development
in the service area as set forth below.
Meter Size
(Based on Water
$0 ,
$0 '
(b) A Water Impact Fee shall be assessed and charged against New Development in
the service area as set forth below.
Water Meter Size
(c) A Roadway Impact Fee shall be assessed and charged against New Development
in the service areas as set forth below. The number of service units applicable are
identified in the LUVMET table contained within the adopted study.
Fee Per
Rate Per
Rate For
Service Unit
Non -Single
(per Vehicle -
G $23 $0 $0
' H $77 $0 $0
*** Impact Fee Reductions for Collection Rates.
Roadway Impact Fees: Service Areas G & H shall receive a one hundred percent (1001o)
discount from the Maximum Impact Fee rate shown above in Sec. 41.02.003(c) for all land
Roadway Impact Fees: All other Service Areas shall receive a fifty percent (50%) discount
from the Maximum Impact Fee rate shown above in Sec. 41.02.003(c) for all land uses.
1 41.03.001. Impact Fees Required.
No final plat for New Development shall be released for recordation and no building permit
shall be issued without the assessment and payment of applicable Impact Fees pursuant to
this Chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no building permit shall be
issued until the owner has paid the City of Lubbock all applicable Impact Fees due.
41.03.002. City Contribution on Projects Subject to Impact Fees.
The City shall be responsible for the cost delta of approved projects funded by collected
impact fees in an amount ratable to the amount of impact fees collected by Service Area.
41.03.003. Assessment of Impact Fees
(a) Assessment of the Impact Fees for any New Development shall be based on the
applicable Impact Fees per service unit in the applicable Service Area in effect at the time
of assessment. No act by the City is required to assess Impact Fees.
(b) For a New Development which has received final plat approval before the effective
date, assessment of Impact Fees shall occur on the effective date and shall be the amount
of the Maximum Impact Fee. No Impact Fees shall be paid by New Development if the
building permit is issued within one year after the effective date of the Chapter, except as
provided for in Sec. 41.05.001(b) of this Chapter.
(c) For land that is not required to be platted at time of the application for a building
permit or water meter, assessment of Impact Fees shall be assessed at the time of
application for building permit or water meter and shall be the amount of the Maximum
Assessable Impact Fee per Service Unit then in effect.
(d) For a New Development which has received final plat approval on or after the
effective date of this Chapter, assessment of Impact Fees shall be assessed at the time of
final approval of the final plat.
(e) After assessment of the Impact Fees attributable to a New Development, or
execution of an agreement for payment of Impact Fees, additional Impact Fees or increases
in fees may not be assessed against the tract unless, the number of service units to be
developed on the tract increases. In the event of the increase in the number of service
units, the Impact Fees to be assessed are limited to the amount attributable to the additional
service units.
(f) The City Engineer, or his or her designee, shall compute the Impact Fees for New
Development. The total amount of Impact Fees assessed for the New Development shall
be attached to the development application, and payment of the Impact Fees shall be
required as a condition of approval.
41.04.001. Credits and Offsets Against Impact Fees.
The City may offset the improvements or funding for construction of any system facility
included on the identified capacity plans that is required or agreed to by the City, pursuant
to rules established in this section and administrative guidelines. Any agreements entered
into hereunder shall be subject to the approval of the City Council of the City of Lubbock.
(a) General credit. The City shall apply against assessed Impact Fees a credit equal
to fifty percent (50%) of the total projected cost of implementing the capacity plan. This
credit is already reflected in the Maximum Assessable Impact Fee.
(b) Offsets by developer. Before Impact Fees can be reduced by offsets authorized
under this section, the owner of the property shall apply for offsets based on actual costs
with the City. Unless an agreement specifies otherwise, an offset associated with a plat
shall be applied when the first building permit is submitted and to each subsequent building
permit application to reduce the Impact Fees due until the amount associated with the offset
is exhausted.
(c) Roadway offsets. Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of roadway
facilities that are system -related facilities included on the identified capacity plans and that
are agreed to or required by the City as a condition of development approval shall be offset
against roadway facilities impact fees otherwise due from the development.
(d) Water offsets. Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of water
icilities that are system -related facilities included on the identified capacity plans and
iat are agreed to or required by the City as a condition of development approval shall be
ffset against water facilities impact fees otherwise due from the development.
(e) Wastewater offsets. Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of
wastewater facilities that are system -related facilities included on the identified capacity
plans and that are agreed to or required by the City as a condition of development approval
shall be offset against roadway facilities impact fees otherwise due from the development.
(f) No offsets for rights -of -way or easements. Rights -of -way and easements are not
included in the study, and no offsets shall be granted for the dedication of rights -of -way or
easements. Rights -of -way and easements are dedicated as required by the ordinances of the
City, necessitated by and attributable to a New Development, and do not exceed the amount
required for infrastructure improvements that are roughly proportionate to the New
(g) Master planned projects. Master planned projects, including subdivisions
containing multiple phases, and whether approved before or after the effective date of the
impact fee regulations, may apply for offsets against impact fees for the entire project based
upon improvements or funds toward construction of system facilities, or other capital
improvements supplying excess capacity. Offsets shall be spent within the same Service
Area utilizing a methodology approved by the City and be approved in an agreement.
41.05.001. Collection of Impact Fees.
(a) Impact Fees shall be collected and paid at the time of issuance of a building permit
or, application for a water meter, for a New Development.
(b) For a New Development that received final plat approval before the effective date,
Impact Fees may not be collected on any service unit for which a valid building permit is
issued within one year after the effective date of this Chapter; except additional Impact
fees shall be assessed in accordance with Sec. 41.03.002(e) of this Chapter when:
1. A subsequent application(s) for a building permit is submitted more than one
year after the effective date of this Chapter; and
2. The number of services units to be developed increases.
(c) For land that does not have to be platted, an Impact Fee may not be collected on
any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the
effective date.
(d) The City shall compute the Roadway Impact Fees to be paid and collected for the
New Development in the following manner:
1. Determine the number of development units for each land use category in
the New Development using the land use equivalency table (LUVMET) then in
2. Multiply the number of development units for each land use category in the
New Development by the vehicle miles (per development unit) for each such land
use category also found in land use equivalency table (LUVMET) then in effect to
determine the number of service units attributable to the New Development.
3. The amount of Roadway Impact Fees to be collected shall be determined by
multiplying the number of service units for the New Development by the Roadway
Impact Fee per service unit for the applicable service area and applicable land use
and shall be collected with the issuance of a building permit.
4. The amount of the Roadway Impact Fees to be collected shall be calculated
as described in Sec. 41.02.003(c) of this Chapter.
5. If an agreement as described in Sec. 41.04.001 of this Chapter providing for
offsets is entered, the amount of the offsets based on actual costs shall be deducted
from the Roadway Impact Fees as calculated above.
(e) Where an application for a building permit is for a "shell" or speculative building,
the amount of the Roadway Impact Fee shall be calculated assuming that the entire building
will be used as either "General Office", "Light Industrial", or "Shopping Center" as shown
in the land use equivalency table (LUVMET). Where a subsequent application for a
building permit is made for the finish -out of the shell building, or portion thereof, for the
ultimate use, an additional Roadway Impact Fee shall be assessed and collected if the
ultimate use is different from "General Office", "Light Industrial", or "Shopping Center".
(f) An applicant may submit an alternative service unit computation based upon a trip
generation study as defined by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the proposed
land use not included in the land use equivalency table (LUVMET).
(g) The City may enter into a payment agreement for Impact Fees based on
administrative guidelines. All Impact Fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building
(h) The City shall compute the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees by water meter size.
The amount of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees shall be collected as set forth in Sec.
41.02.003(a) & (b) of this Chapter.
41.05.002. Impact Fee Exemptions.
(a) Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395, a public school district is
not required to pay an Impact Fee imposed under this Chapter unless the board of trustees
of the district consents to the payment of the fees by entering a contract with the City
imposing the fees.
(b) Roadway Impact Fees will not be collected in Service Areas G and H.
(c) No additional Roadway Impact Fee shall be assessed for existing, occupied
buildings that:
1. Are not being demolished;
2. Have a change of use; and
3. The total square footage is modified by less than 1,000 additional square feet.
(d) Affordable housing. Development that qualifies as affordable housing under 42
U.S.C. § 12745, as amended, and is participating in an affordable housing development
program, is exempt from roadway impact fee collection. An applicant for affordable
housing exemption shall make application for same by letter to the City Engineer or
his/her designee. The letter shall describe the development, its location and number of
housing units, and shall include written verification from the responsible agency that the
subject property is an active participant in an affordable housing development program as
described above. If the fee is not paid and the affordable housing is not built or the
development subsequently is not qualified as affordable housing, the City shall assess and
collect the roadway impact fee that was applicable at the time of the issuance of the
building permit(s) for the development.
(e) The City of Lubbock may spend funds from any lawful source to pay for all or part
of the capital improvements or facility expansions to reduce the amount of impact fees.
41.06.001. Administration of Impacts Fees
(a) The Impact Fees collected within each service area may be used to finance, pay for
or to recoup the costs of any capital improvements identified in the capacity plans for the
service area, including the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees.
(b) Impact Fees may be used to pay for the contract services of an independent
qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the capacity plans who is
not an employee of the political subdivision.
(c) Impact Fees also may be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other
finance costs on bonds, notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to
finance such capital improvements in the capacity plans.
(d) The City's Finance Department shall establish an account to which interest is
allocated for each Service Area which interest earned on the Impact Fees shall be
considered funds of the account and shall be used solely for the purposes authorized in this
(e) The City's Finance Department shall maintain and keep financial records for
Impact Fees which shows the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended
from each Service Area to be provided in the semiannual report to the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee.
(f) The City will present the financial records for Impact Fees to the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee twice a year and shall be open for public inspection.
41.06.002. Impact Fees as Additional and Supplemental Regulation
Impact Fees established by this Chapter are additional and supplemental to, and not in
substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development of land or
the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. Such Impact Fees are
intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of Plan Lubbock 2040, the Master
Thoroughfare Plan, Water Master Plan, Wastewater Master Plan, the Land Development
Code, and other City policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure
the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land.
This Chapter shall not affect, in any manner, the permissible use of property, density of
development, design, and improvement standards and requirements, or any other aspect of
the development of land or provision of public improvements subject to the zoning and
subdivision regulations or other regulations and policies of the City, which shall be
operative and remain in full force and effect without limitation with respect to all such
41.06.003. Update to Plans and Revision of Fees.
The City shall update its Land Use Assumptions and Capacity plan based in accordance
with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395.
The collection rates in Sec. 41.02.003 of this Chapter may be amended without revising
the Land Use Assumptions and Capacity Plans at any time provided the public hearing
process is followed as outlined in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 and
collection rates do not exceed the Maximum Assessable Impact Fees. Any update to the
collection rate or Impact Fee Ordinance shall require a public hearing following the process
outlined with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395, including a collection rate
review by the CIAC. The City Council shall provide the CIAC with a minimum of sixty
(60) days to review the requested ordinance changes. Any change to the impact fee
collection rate shall go into effect six (6) months from the adoption date of the new
collection rates.
41.06.004. Refunds, Rebates and Appeals
(a) Refunds. Upon payment of an Impact Fee any portion that is not expended in the
Service Area within ten (10) years from the date of payment shall be refunded to the record
owner of the property at the time the refund is paid in accordance with the Texas Local
Government Code Sec. 395.025. Impact Fees shall be accounted for and expended on a
first -in, first -out basis.
(b) Rebates. In the event that after six (6) months of paying an Impact Fee, no vertical
construction has occurred, and a modified or new application has not been filed, the City
shall, upon written request, rebate that amount to the record owner of the property for which
the Impact Fee was paid. No interest shall be paid on the rebate. If no written request for
rebate pursuant to this subsection has been filed within this period, no rebate shall become
(c) Appeals. The Owner for New Development may appeal the applicability or amount
of the Impact Fee or the availability of Offsets or Refunds to the City Manager or his/her
designee using the following:
1. Burden of proof. The burden of proof shall be on the owner to demonstrate
that the owner is entitled to relief.
2. Notice of appeal. Within 30 days following the decision being appealed, the
owner shall submit to the City Manager or his/her designee a written notice of
appeal that states the basis for the appeal with particularity. To the extent the
owner relies on any studies or other documents as evidence that the owner is
entitled to relief, the owner shall submit such studies and documents with the
notice of appeal.
3. Resolution of appeal. The City Manager or his/her designee will respond to the
appeal within 30 days of receipt of completed appeal packet as described above.
4. Consideration of Appeal by City Council. Following the determination of the
City Manager, the owner may petition the City Council. The petition of appeal
to City Council shall be filed within 30 days of the City Manager or his/her
designee's written decision on the appeal submitted in accordance with Sec.
41.06.004(c)(2), above. To the extent that the City Council's action on the
appeal requires the owner to pay an impact fee, the owner shall promptly pay
the impact fee within five (5) business days after the City Council's action on
the appeal. The City Council's action on the appeal shall constitute the City's
final decision on the matter appealed.
SECTION TWO. THAT the effective date of this ordinance shall be June 1, 2021,
except for Sections 41.02.003(a)&(b) which shall have an effective date of June 1, 2022.
SECTION THREE. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be
deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed applicable fines in accordance
with Section 1.01.004 of the City Code of Ordinances.
SECTION FOUR. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or work of
this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this
Ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
SECTION FIVE. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of
the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law.
Passed by the City Council on first reading this 13th day of October , 2020.
Passed by the City Council on second reading this 27th day of October , 2020.
Reb ca Garza, City ecr to
Jesica McEachern, Assistant City Manager
li Leisure, Assistant City