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Resolution - 5624 - CO#2 Contract-Lee Lewis Construction Company-Sinage & Graphics Improvements, LIA - 09/11/1997
Resolution Item #31 September RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: No. 5624 11, 1997 THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock Change Order No. 2 to a Contract with Lee Lewis Construction Company for Signage and Graphics Improvements at Lubbock International Airport, attached hereto and which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 11th day of ATTEST: Kayt#4 Darnell, City Secretary APPROVE S TO CONTENT: WWII. Earle, Director o -Aviation APPROVED AS TO FORM: -F '6rold Willard, Assistant City Attorney dalecdocs/lewiscon. res August 5, 1997 September 11997. MAYOR PRO TEM C'�ANGE OWNER ORDER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR AIA DOCL':llEATT G701 FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Signage & Graphic Improvements (name, address) to Lubbock International Airport Lubbock, Texas TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. 7810 Orlando Lubbock, TX 79423 The Contract is changed as follows: Refer to Attachment 1. Resolution No. 5624 ❑ Item #31 ❑ September 11, 1997 ❑ CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 DATE: August 26, 1997 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 03-2711-96 CONTRACT DATE:' September 26, 1996 CONTRACT FOR: Signage & Graphics Improvements Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. A Cl) TE 0 EXP 2 •ZB�S 8 2,5- 97 The original (Contract Sum) ........................ S 1 ,181, 800.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ............... ............. . . S 65,925.00 The (Contract Sum) (Gxxzxm3dk12jR2=2DbqCprior to this Change Order was .......... S 1,247,725-00 The (Contract Sum) 0Gumxtlg ) will be (increased) (Aacomnd) f matl=Xd) by this Change Order in the amount of ............................ S 20,407.00 The new (Contract Sum) (f1Ha=mxb,' 2-Itoctincluding this Change Order will be .. S 1,268,132.00 The Contract Time will be (increased) (HaUWDIM) (Sti4stlXXgW) by forty-five ( 45 ) dans. The dare of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is September 22, 1997 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized b% Construction Change Directive. Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc ARCHITECT 4010 Avenue R Address Lubbock, TK 79412 BY Lee Lewis Construction, Inc, City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR OWNER - 7810 Orlando 1625 13th Street Address Address ,' Lu ock, TX 794 3 Lubbocky, TV 794$7 A BY BY pyo AL l TY" CO MAYOR PRO TEM DATE DATE %-��� Phh E 1 I CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA docul�iSwfiia his caution ,printed in d. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur w n documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • C1!ANGE ORt)F.R • 198- EDITION • AIA` - ©1987 • THE 6701-1987 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECT . 173S NEW YORK AVE.. N IX'., WASHINGTON, D.C. 2txxK) WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. Lubbock International Airport Signage and Graphics Improvements Attachment to Change Order #2 August 26, 1997 DEDUCTIONS TO THE PROJECT Description Unit Cost Total Sign Type I quantity revised to single sign location vrith (S 12,450.00) revised design and pricing Delete (2) Type 10 signs; Traffic flow revised into $ 2,700.00 (S 5,400.00) Long Term, Short Term and Covered parking Delete (8) Type 15 signs; Parking gate instructions not S400.00 ($ 3,200.00) needed. Delete (1) Type 17 sign; Not needed at upper parking $ 200.00 ($200.00) deck Delete (4) Type 21 signs; Leap Shuttle signs in parking $ 650.00 ($ 2,600.00) lots not needed. Delete (18) Type E signs; Room names not wanted on S 120.00 ($ 2,I60.00) all rooms. Delete (9) Type F signs; Room names not wanted on all $ 300.00 (S 2,700.00) rooms. Delete (22) Type J signs; Regulatory signage at $ 70.00 ($ 1,540.00) ticketing to be by individual airlines. Delete (2) Type K signs; Regulatory signs holders $ 70.00 ($ 140.00) redesigned and priced; Delete (1) Type L sign; Regulatory sign holders $ 70.00 ($70.00) redesigned and priced. Delete (18) Type M signs; Regulatory signs at gate $ 95.00 ($ 1,710.00) podiums to be by individual airlines. Credit for parking lot sign installations which will be ($540.00) installed later under parldng lot reconfiguration. Credit of deletion of sign posts for Type 20 signs. ($340.00) Signs to be wall mounted. Credit for deducting painting and installing Sign ($812.00) Type 3.2 Total Deductions: ($ 33,862.00) 1 ADDITIONS TO THE PROJECT Description Unit Cost Total Add (2) Type 5 signs at Employee Parking and Long $ 3,900.00 $ 7,800.00 Term covered Parking Turnoff. Add (2) Type 8 signs; Traffic flow revised at parking $ 490.00 $ 980.00 structure. Add (1) Type 9 sign; Row designator for reconfigured $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 parking layout. Add (7) Type 14 signs; Curbside traffic layout revised. $ 440.00 $ 3,080.00 Add (8) Tye 16 signs; Parking lot flow revised. $ 600.00 $ 4,800.00 Add (4) Type N signs; Additional warning signs added $ 70.00 $ 280.00 at bag carousels. Window treatments revised from film on windows to $ 1,878.00 fabric screens due to potential class breakaee with film V y and preferred appearance. Regulatory sign holders originally shown as Types K $ 4I6.00 and L signs redesigned and repriced. Sign type 3.2 post removed and sign delivered to $ 1,750.00 Owner's storage as requested Removal of panel box necessary but not identified $ 1,654.00 during pricing for remodel work in C.O. #I. Electrical revision needed to coordinate electrical $ 843.00 engineer's design with sign lighting provided by sign. manufacturer. Two additional FIDS cabinets being provided for added $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 FIDS locations. Sign Type 23 on building at commuter gate repainted $ 162.00 and relettered. Type U sign added to doors to commuter gate. $ 714.00 Add Type 13 sign at freight road. $ 3,111.00 PA System upgrade $ 8,959.00 A Reorientation and revision of (7) Type 10 sign Faces Electrical modifications to serve relocated sign Type 7 Electrical service for added FIDS monitor at curbside. Electrical outlets added at sign Type 1 Total Additions: $827.00 $5,789.00 S 1,76+.00 $3,991.00 S 1,298.00 $54,269.00 Net Change: S20,407.00 Project Summary Signage and Graphics FAA Grant 1,224,810 Passenger Facility Charge 250,000 Total Approved Budget Design Services Basic Services 114,600 Surveys, Geotechnical, etc. 22,097 Additional Services 6,699 RPR Services 30,000 Total 173,396 Construction Original Contract 1,181,800 Change Order # 1 65,925 Change Order #2 20,407 Total I,268,132 Exk,kJ 2 1,474,810 Total Project Cost 1,441,528 Remaining Contingency 33,282