HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2020-O0123 - Approving and Adopting the FY 2020-21 BudgetFirst Reading September 2, 2020 Item No. 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-00123 Second Reading September 8, 2020 Item No. 8.2 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21; APPROVING SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED AND FORECASTED REVENUES, APPROPRIATIONS, AND USE OF EXCESS RESERVES FOR ALL FUNDS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS AND DEPARTMENTS, IF REQUIRED; AUTHORIZING REDUCTION OF SPENDING BY CITY MANAGER IF NECESSARY; RE -APPROPRIATION OF BALANCES WHICH SUPPORT AUTHORIZED OBLIGATIONS OR ENCUMBERED; PROVIDING FOR FILING OF ADOPTED BUDGET; ESTABLISHING CIVIL SERVICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND POSITIONS; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; APPROVING ALL PERMIT, LICENSE, FEES, AND CHARGES FOR SERVICE RECOMMENDED TO BE ADJUSTED; APPROVING THE PAY PLAN AND POSITIONS; APPROVING PERSONNEL; AMENDING SECTION 22.04.041 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK BY REVISING THE WASTEWATER FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL PREMISES WITH NO WATER METERS AS CONTAINED THEREIN; AMENDING SECTION 22.04.175 REGULATION 9 AND 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK BY REVISING THE DISPOSAL PERMIT FEES AS CONTAINED THEREIN; AMENDING SECTION 22.06.051 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK BY REVISING THE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SERVICE FEES AS CONTAINED THEREIN; ACCEPTING THE BUDGETS FOR LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, MARKET LUBBOCK, INC., CIVIC LUBBOCK, INC., AND VINTAGE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION; FINDING THAT PROPER NOTICE OF MEETING PROVIDED BY LAW AND RATIFYING SUCH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared certain figures for the Fiscal Year 2020- 21 Proposed Operating Budget and Capital Program (Proposed Budget) and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Manager filed the Proposed Budget with the City Secretary for the fiscal year beginning October, 1, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary posted notice that the Proposed Budget had been filed and a public hearing called thereon by the City Council at Citizens Tower; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the Proposed Budget, as revised, is appropriate and correct in all respects and that all requirements of the law have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, in its authority as the governing body of a home rule municipality and in accordance with Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Subchapter C of Chapter 552 of the Texas Local Government Code, finds that assessing a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and a franchise fee to any and all of its Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page i of 12 utilities is a necessary cost of service and is an administrative cost of operating the said utilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, in its authority as the governing body of a home rule municipality and in accordance with Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Subchapter C of Chapter 552 of the Texas Local Government Code, further finds that assessing any and all of its utilities prorated indirect costs and costs for providing internal City services, including, but not limited to, providing office space, postage, information technology services and legal services, is a necessary cost of service and is an administrative cost of operating said utilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, in its authority as the governing body of a home rule municipality and in accordance with Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Subchapter C of Chapter 552 of the Texas Local Government Code, finds that all charges assessed to any and all of its utilities to be transferred to the General Fund, as set forth in the Proposed Budget, are solely for the cost of service, are necessary to reimburse the City of Lubbock for all expenses the City of Lubbock incurs in providing said utilities, and that all such costs are directly related to drainage and operating said utilities; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1: THAT the budget proposed by the City Manager and filed with the City Secretary for fiscal year October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the FY 2020-21 Adopted Operating Budget and Capital Program (Adopted Budget), and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. SECTION 2. THAT a summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriations, and any use of excess reserves for all Funds of the City is hereby approved in all respects and is attached hereto as Exhibit B. SECTION 3. THAT the City Manager is authorized to approve transfers between line items in any departmental budget and to make transfers within funds within the budget which will neither decrease a program or service adopted in said budget, nor increase expenditures over the total amount of expenditures approved in said budget, in order to meet unanticipated expenditures within any department, program, or service. A listing of transfers between funds that are included in the Adopted Budget are attached hereto as Exhibit C. SECTION 4. THAT to the extent that actual revenues are projected to be less than the budgeted revenues, the City Manager is authorized to reduce spending as necessary in order to prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenue sources; and that in the event such action is taken, the City Manager shall immediately notify the City Council in writing with appropriate explanation. SECTION 5. THAT all balances of appropriation in each fund, which support authorized obligations, or are encumbered at the close of business for the fiscal year ended Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 2 of 12 September 30, 2020 are hereby declared to be re -appropriated into the Adopted Budget beginning October 1, 2020. SECTION 6. THAT a copy of the Adopted Budget shall be filed with appropriate officials as required by law. SECTION 7. THAT in accordance with Section 2.06.109 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, the civil service classifications and positions set forth in the Adopted Budget as listed in Exhibit A are hereby established by Ordinance. SECTION 8. THAT the funding, as set forth in the Adopted Budget, and as also set forth in the Capital Program, are hereby appropriated as set forth in the Capital Budget. A Capital Program Summary is attached hereto as Exhibit D. SECTION 9. THAT the appropriation for a project in the Capital Program shall continue in force until the purpose for which the appropriation was made has been accomplished or abandoned. SECTION 10. THAT all fees, fines and charges for service recommended to be adjusted are approved as listed in Exhibit A. SECTION 11. THAT the pay plan is approved as listed in Exhibit E, and any pay plan band compensation limits shall be adjusted in accordance with any compensation adjustments. Said compensation adjustments shall not include the City Manager, City Attorney, and the City Secretary. SECTION 12. THAT personnel is adopted as reflected in Exhibit F. SECTION 13. THAT Subsection 22.04.041 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 22.04.041 Rates charged for wastewater service (a) Effective December 1, 2020, the city, through the city manager, shall charge and collect from every customer and every customer shall pay a monthly base charge for wastewater service which shall be billed to all customers based upon the water meter size as follows: Meter Size Wastewater Base Charge No meter commercial $62.46 Three-quarter inch (3/4") meter $16.50 Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 3 of 12 One inch (1 ") meter and No meter $20.10 residential One and a half inch (1.5") meter $29.07 Two inch (2") meter $39.84 Three inch (3 ") meter $65.04 Four inch (4") meter $100.98 Six inch (6") meter $190.86 Eight inch (8") meter $298.69 Ten inch (10") meter $424.54 (b) Effective December 1, 2017, in addition to the base charge, the city, through the city manager, shall determine the volume of wastewater flow produced by each customer as described herein and each customer shall pay the wastewater volume rate per one thousand (1,000) gallons, which shall be as follows: Flow rate: $3.71 The volume of wastewater flow produced by a single family residential customer and customers not required to meter as provided in section 22.04.042 of the Code of Ordinances of the city shall be determined by calculating the average water volume used as measured by the non -irrigation meter readings for the months of November, December, January, and February. This volume shall be defined as the history based consumption (HBC), and it shall be updated for billing purposes in March of each year. In the event a residential customer or premises (i.e., a new premises or a residential premise with no meter) does not have a water consumption history for such months, a water volume of 7,000 gallons per month shall be utilized as the HBC by default. If the volume of water used drops below the HBC volume, the lesser volume shall be used for determining the volume used for single-family residential customers in the calculation of the monthly bill for services rendered. If the volume of water exceeds the HBC volume, the HBC volume shall be used for determining the volume used for single-family residential customers in the calculation of the monthly bill for services rendered. The volume of wastewater flow produced by other customers shall be determined as provided for in section 22.04.042 of the Code of Ordinances of the city. (c) Surcharge. Sewer customers or others discharging wastes to the sanitary sewer system which do not exceed the limits established in section 22.04.084 and which do not exhibit any of the characteristics of wastes prohibited by sections 22.04.083 and 22.04.085 but have concentration(s) in excess of "normal domestic sewage," shall pretreat the wastes to meet the concentrations of "normal domestic sewage"; however, such excessive BOD and TSS wastes may be accepted for treatment if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The wastes will not cause damage to the wastewater collection system; Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 4 of 12 (2) The wastes will not impair the city's treatment process; (3) The wastes will not cause contamination of POTW sludges thus limiting sludge disposal options or practices; (4) The person(s) or owner(s) responsible for the wastes pays a surcharge, in addition to the regular water and sewer rates, in accordance with the following cost factors and formula: V = Volume reported in millions of gallons (MG) BOD — Biochemical oxygen demand analyzed in accordance with the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," or the latest EPA -approved method, and reported in units of milligrams per liter (mg/1). TSS — Total suspended solids analyzed in accordance with the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," or the latest EPA -approved method, and reported in units of milligrams per liter (mg/1). Cost Factor = 55% of the total budgeted costs for operating and BOD maintaining the wastewater treatment facilities divided by total pounds BOD treated. Cost Factor = 45% of the total budgeted costs for operating and TSS maintaining the wastewater treatment facilities divided by total pounds TSS treated. Surcharge — Surcharge computed in dollars as follows: BOD = V x (B - C) x 8.34 x Cost Surcharge Factor BOD TSS = V x (B - C) x 8.34 x Cost Surcharge Factor TSS Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 5 of 12 Where: B — Total contribution from user (mg/1). C — Normal domestic sewage strength (two hundred fifty (250) mg/1). 8.34 = Pounds per gallon of water (conversion). (d) The surcharge rate for sewer service as shown in subsection (c) shall be determined each year following city council approval of the annual operations budget. The surcharge rate shall be examined by the city manager, or his designee, and such adjustments shall be made to the sewer surcharge rate on October 1 of each year. (e) The provision of wastewater collection and treatment services to individuals, businesses, agencies or organizations that lie outside the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock is prohibited. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the provision of such wastewater services to federal, state or local governments, governmental agencies or governmental subdivisions pursuant to appropriate intergovernmental contracts. Neither should this section be construed to prohibit the provision of wastewater service to city -owned property and/or facilities located thereon regardless of whether such facilities are located inside or outside of the boundaries of the City of Lubbock. (f) The following wastewater volume rate shall be applicable for those federal, state or local governments, governmental agencies or governmental subdivisions that are authorized to acquire wastewater services by city ordinance and enter into contracts with the city for wholesale purchases. Solely for the purposes of wholesale customers, the wastewater volume rate shall be 1.27 times the wastewater volume rate for all other customers as set forth above. The rates prescribed herein for wholesale customers reflect the increased cost of service by the city for such customers, including without limitation, costs related to wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure and remote metering and service issues, standby wastewater capacity, and the impact of advancing the timing of wastewater projects to meet additional wastewater demands from wholesale customers. (g) Nothing contained herein, absent agreement otherwise by the wholesale customer, shall affect existing valid and subsisting wholesale contracts by and between the city and wholesale customers. Any renewal or extension of such contract, other than renewals and extensions that may be exercised unilaterally by the wholesale customer, shall provide for the rates prescribed in this section. SECTION 14. THAT Subsection 22.04.175 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 22.04.175 Septic Tank Emptying Regulation 1. Permit required. No septic tank, cesspool or chemical toilet, or any similar receptacle for waste storage shall be emptied at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant or any Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 6 of 12 other designated emptying site or its contents removed except by a person holding an annual transport permit from the city health official, as well as an annual disposal permit from the city's pro rata clerk. Regulation 2. Sanitary requirements. The permittee shall take all reasonable measures to prevent the development or existence of a nuisance or of any condition hazardous to health which can arise from his operations, and shall comply with the following: (1) Material taken from a septic tank, cesspool, chemical toilet, or any similar receptacle for waste storage shall be disposed of only in a manner and place approved by the health official. Approval shall be obtained at the time of issuance of the TCEQ permit, and no change in the approval procedure shall be made by the permittee without prior approval of the health official. (2) Every vehicle and all auxiliary equipment used for the transportation or handling of the contents of septic tanks, cesspools, chemical toilets or any similar waste storage receptacle shall be liquid tight, gastight, and soundproof, so that no foul material may spill or escape therefrom. Tanks on septic vehicles shall have a minimum capacity of seven hundred fifty (750) gallons, as per city health department regulations. (3) No vehicle or auxiliary equipment used for carrying, transporting or handling the contents of septic tanks, cesspools, chemical toilets or any similar waste storage receptacle shall be allowed to stand or remain near any occupied premises. (4) Vehicles and equipment shall be kept in a clean condition and shall not be opened longer than is necessary when in use. (5) Each vehicle used under this regulation shall have the permittee's TCEQ permit number visibly inscribed on the sides of the vehicle and the rear face in numerals not less than two (2) inches high. (6) Mixing of incompatible wastes within the same container is prohibited. Transporters shall not use the same container or pumping equipment to collect or transport incompatible waste without first emptying and cleaning the container and equipment of all previously handled wastes. For purposes of this subsection, incompatible waste means wastes which have different processing, storage, or disposal requirements. However, transporters may mix wastes with different characteristics provided the facility to which the waste is being transported is authorized to store, process, or dispose of such waste mixture. Regulation 3. Waste control record. Persons who collect and/or transport waste subject to control under this subchapter shall initiate and maintain a record of each individual collection and deposit. Such record shall be in the form of a manifest trip ticket or other similar documentation approved by the director of water utilities. The transporter shall provide the person who generates the waste a copy of the waste control record or other document showing receipt of waste and shall provide the facility operator a copy of all control records of wastes deposited. The transporter shall retain a copy of all records showing the collection and disposition of waste. Such copies shall be retained for three (3) years and made available to the director of water utilities upon request. The waste control record shall include: (1) Owner, address, telephone number, and TCEQ registration number of transporter; (2) Name, address, and telephone number of the person who generates the waste and date collected; (3) Type and amount of waste collected or transported; Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 7 of 12 (4) Name of responsible person (driver) collecting, transporting, and depositing the waste; (5) Date and place where the waste was deposited; (6) Identification (permit application or site registration number, location, and operator) of the facility where the waste was deposited; and (7) Name and signature of facility representative acknowledging receipt of the waste and the amount of waste received. Regulation 4. Location of waste dumping. Transporters shall deposit wastes at a facility designated by or acceptable to the generator of said wastes and the city where the operator of the facility agrees to receive the wastes. (1) Only true septage will be accepted at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant. Grease and grit trap wastes or any blending of grease and grit trap waste with septage shall not be accepted. (2) In the event of a discharge of waste during collection or transportation, the collector or transporter must take appropriate action to protect human health and the environment, e.g. notify local law enforcement, TCEQ, and the city health department as to size, nature, and location of the discharge area; clean up any waste discharge that occurs during transportation; or take such action as may be required or approved by federal, state, or local officials having jurisdiction so that the waste discharge no longer presents a public health or environmental problem. Transporters are responsible for reporting spills in accordance with requirements of the "State of Texas Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Contingency Plan." Regulation 5. Plant_ operation disposal hours. Transporters shall deposit wastes at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant or other designated site only during the hours posted at the gate. Regulation 6. Notification of waste dumping. Prior to dumping each tank truck, transporter shall stop at the gate, notify the facility operator, and allow inspection and sampling of the contents. Regulation 7-Sampling, analysis, and „charges. Samples of tank contents will be obtained and analyzed. Analysis will be performed and any results outside the acceptable analysis limits will be rejected and the TCEQ will be notified of the results. Tank truck companies will be surcharged for BOD and TSS. Regulation 8. Load fees. Each truck load of seven hundred fifty (750) gallons or less will be assessed a minimum dump fee of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00). Tank truck loads in excess of seven hundred fifty (750) gallons will be assessed a fee of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00) plus twenty cents ($0.20) per one hundred (100) gallons over the seven hundred fifty (750) gallon minimum. Regulation 9. Disposal permit fees. Annual disposal permits are obtainable from the Industrial Waste Monitoring and Pretreatment Department, 806-775-3222, at a cost of sixty dollars ($60.00) per vehicle. Regulation 10. Disposal permit renewal. Existing permits shall be renewed October 1 of each year beginning October 1, 1991. In the event a septic waste transporter applies for a new permit after October 1, the permit fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) will be prorated in order to include only the months of waste disposal. The permittee shall renew all permits on October 1 of each year thereafter. Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 8 of 12 Regulation 11. Transport permit fees. The following transport permits are obtainable from the city health department, 1902 Texas Avenue, 806-767-2951, at a cost of. (1) On -site sewage disposal system: $61.00. (2) Commercial septic tank emptying: $61.00. (3) Veterans Administration loan inspection: $21.00. SECTION 15. THAT Subsection 22.06.051 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 22.06.051 Dumping -Must be at designated place; rates (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, dump or unload any garbage, rubbish, refuse or other waste matter at any place within the city, or its jurisdiction, except at the designated city landfill or at such other place as may be designated by the department of sanitation. (b) Persons desiring to dump such wastes as described above at the designated city landfill shall pay a charge per ton of waste dumped of thirty-six dollars and seventy-five cents ($36.75) plus any applicable state or federal fee or surcharges at landfill 2252 (West Texas Regional Disposal Facility) and thirty-two dollars and no cents at landfill 69 (Caliche Canyon) effective October 1, 2020. Contaminated foodstuffs and asbestos containing wastes are considered special wastes and must be discharged, dumped or unloaded at the designated city landfill or at such other place as may be designated by the solid waste department. Persons desiring to dump contaminated foodstuffs and/or asbestos containing wastes at the city landfill shall pay an additional charge per ton of waste dumped of seventy dollars and forty-seven cents ($70.47) plus any applicable state or federal fee or surcharge for waste generated outside of the city. (c) Any person desiring to dump such wastes as described above whose vehicle is not covered in such a manner as to prevent the loss or spillage of such waste during transit shall be charged a surcharge of fifteen dollars ($15.00) in addition to the above -listed charges. (d) Those persons subject to the assessment set forth in section 22.06.185{a)(1) and (2) shall not be required to pay a dumping fee. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump any refuse at any city landfill without the payment of the prescribed fees and surcharges. SECTION 16. THAT the proposed budgets of the following Component Units and Related Entities are accepted as presented by their Boards: Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation. SECTION 17. THAT the City Council finds and declares that sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of this meeting of the Council was posted at a designated place convenient to the public at the Citizens Tower for the time required by law preceding this meeting, that such place of posting was readily accessible at all times to the general public, and that all of the foregoing was done as required by law at all times during which this Ordinance and the subject matter thereof has been discussed, considered and formally acted upon. The City Council further ratifies, approves and confirms such written notice and the contents of posting hereof. Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 9 of 12 SECTION 18. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method of publication as provided by law. SECTION 19. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 20. THAT matters revised after the proposed budget was filed with the City Secretary are attached hereto as Exhibit G. AND IT IS SO ORDERED Passed by the City Council on first reading this 2nd day of September , 2020. VOTING FOR PASSAGE: Mayor Daniel M. Pope Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Griffith Council Member Juan A. Chadis Council Member Shelia Patterson Harris Council Member Steve Massengale Council Member Randv Christian Council Member Latrelle Joy Council members present but not voting: N/A Council members absent: N/A VOTING AGAINST PASSAGE: Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 10 of 12 Passed by the City Council on second reading this 8th day of September , 2020. VOTING FOR PASSAGE: VOTING AGAINST PASSAGE: Mayor Daniel M. Pope Mayor Pro Tern Jeff Griffith Council Member Juan A. Chadis Council Member Shelia Patterson Harris Council Member Steve Massengale Council Member Randy Christian Council Member Latrelle Joy Council members present but not voting: Council members absent: A 'E T: 4 6 Rebecca Garza, City Sec etary NIA NIA DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 1 I of 12 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: -15L- ---I ---) D. Btu K tetich ,Chief Financial Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: ccdocs/Budget Ordinance 20-21 DBK Final August 21, 2020 Budget Ordinance 20-21 Page 12 of 12 Exhibit 6 - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020-21 General Fund Revenue Sources Taxes Property Taxes $ 71,297,353 Delinquent Taxes/Penalties & Interest 662,750 Sales Tax 74,796,435 Mixed Beverage Tax 1,400,000 Bingo Tax 20D,000 Suddenlink 1,489,797 XcelEnergy 126,110 Atmos 2,317,835 South Plains Electric Coop. 1,491,618 West Texas Gas 22,831 Franchise Fee 20,858,228 Telecom ROW 1,949,883 Development Services 265,534 General Government 161,932 City Secretary 327,386 Public Safety 759,277 Public Works/Solid Waste 24,577,881 Public Health 73,747 Animal Shelter 82,323 Cultural/Recreational 2,000,533 Museum 331,181 Licenses and Permits 3,496,733 Intergovernmental 429,760 Fines and Forfeitures 2,574,584 Interest Earnings 807,458 In Lieu of Property Tax 11,064,480 Rental 14,709 Recoveries of Expenditures 753,549 Oil and Gas Royalties 259,894 Other 320,717 Transfers from LP&L 1,742,355 Transfers from Water/Wastewater Fund 2,524,386 Transfers from Airport Fund 2,003,289 Transfers from Risk Fund 169,300 Transfers from Stormwater 588,005 Total General Fund Revenue $ 230,941,853 Use of Excess Reserves Exhibit B - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020-22 General Fund Appropriation Units Administrative Services: City Attorney $ 2,241,351 City Council 629,471 City Manager 1,826,543 City Secretary 1,454,470 Facilities Management 3,699,869 Finance 3,019,265 Human Resources 825,592 Internal Audit 341,453 Nan -departmental 1,742,448 Communications and Marketing and Call Center 822,638 Administrative Services Approeriation 16,602,099 Cultural and Recreation Services: Library 3,941,381 Cultural Arts 1,219,928 Parks and Recreation 11,690,628 Cultural and Recreation Services Appropriation 16,751,937 Development Services: Building Safety 2,537,161 Code and Environmental Health 3,527,100 Planning _ 974,050 _ Development Services Appropriation - 7,038,311 Public Works/Solid Waste: Engineering 726,915 Solid Waste 19,382,607 Streets 4,963,695 Traffic 3,835,430 Public Works/Solid Waste Appropriation 28,909,647 Public Safety and Health Services: Animal Services 2,447,825 Fire 56,427,035 Municipal Court 1,900,570 Police 73,505,446 Public Health 1,786,102 Public Safety & Health Services Appropriation 136,066,978 Other Appropriation: Transfers 25,473,881 Other Appropriation 25,473,881 Total General Fund Aperogriation $ 230,841853 Exhibit B - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020-21 Debt Service Fund Revenue Sources Tax Collection $ 21,780,106 Interest on Investments 332,369 Transfer from Solid Waste 2,102,013 Transfer from North Overton TIF 3,132,547 Transfer from CBD TIF 961,675 Transfer from Hotel Tax Fund 89,875 Transfer from Gateway 8,847,226 Transfer from LP&L - Citizens Tower 1,140,119 Transfer from Water- Citizens Tower 146,567 Transfer from Storm Water fStreet Maintenance 2,116,722 Total Debt Service Fund Revenue _ 40,649,220 Use of Excess Reserves Debt Service Fund Expenditures General Obligation Bonds 24,068,119 Solid Waste 2,102,013 North Overton TIF 3,132,547 CHD TIF 961,675 Gateway 8,947,226 Storm Water (Street Maintenance) 2,116,723 Hotel Tax 89,875 SIB Loan 631,606 Fiscal Agent Fees 14,000 Bond Sale Charges 150,000 Transfer to Civic Centers 440,306 Total Debt Service Fund Appropriation 42,554,090 Fleet Services Fund Total Fleet Service Fund Revenue 7,982,216 Use of Net Assets 22,705 Total Fleet Service Fund Appropriation 8,004,921 Health Benefits Fund Total Health Benefits Fund Revenue 33,391,639 Total Health Benefits Fund Appropriation 33,313,507 Information Technology Fund Total Information Technology Revenue 20,284,158 Use of Excess Reserves 69,845 Total Information Technology Appropriation 10,254,003 Telecommunications Fund Total Telecommunications Revenue 1,509,642 Total Telecommunications Appropriation 1,509,641 GIS and Data Services fund Total GIS & Data Services Revenue 873,759 Total GIS & Data Services Appropriation 873,758 Radio Shop Fund Total Radio Shop Revenue 2,424,288 Total Radio Shop Appropriation 2,354,421 Investment Pool Fund Total Investment Pool Fund Revenue 175,852 Total Investment Pool Fund Appropriation 175,851 Print Shop and Warehouse Fund Total Print Shop and Warehouse Fund Revenue 397,838 Use of Excess Reserves 264,787 Total Print Shop and Warehouse Fund Appropriation 662,625 Risk Management Fund Total Risk Management Fund Revenue 9,023,094 Use of Excess Reserves 1,146,267 Total Risk Management Fund Appropriation 10,169,351 Airport Fund Total Airport Fund Revenue 19,711,727 Total Airport Fund Appropriation 14,785,289 Exhibit B - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020-21 Cemetery Fund Total Cemetery Fund Revenue $ 742,391 Total Cemetery fund Appropriation 742,391 Civic Centers Fund Total Civic Center Fund Revenue 935,863 Transfer from HOT Fund 1,532,783 Transfer from Debt Service Fund 440,306 Total Civic Center fund Appropriation 2,908,952 Lake Afan Henry Fund Total Lake Alan Henry Fund Revenue 769,600 Total Lake Alan Henry Fund Appropriation 583,381 Lubbock Power and Light Fund Total Lubbock Power and Light Fund Revenue 278,630,848 Transfer from Debt Service Fund 3,103,050 Transfer from Other Funds 2,744,855 Total Lubbock Power and Light Fund Appropriation 283,331,732 Storm Water Utility Fund Total Storm Water Utility Fund Revenue 24,137,374 Total Storm Water Utility Fund Appropriation 23,981,676 Transit Fund Total Transit Fund Revenue 12,540,696 Transfer from General fund 1,629,236 Transfer from Economlc Development Fund 400,000 Total Transit Fund Appropriation 14,569,932 Water/Wastewater Utility Fund Total Water/Wastewater Utility Fund Revenue 142,305,981 Transfer from Other Fund 136,290 Use of Excess Reserves 967,676 Total Water/Wastewater Utility Fund Appropriation 143,409,947 Abandoned Vehicle Fund Total Abandoned Vehicle Fund Revenue 809,262 Use of Excess Reserves 456,939 Total Abandoned Vehicle Fund Appropriation 1,266,100 Animal Assistance Program Total Animal Assistance Program Fund Revenue 240,609 Use of Excess Reserves 77,171 Total Animal Assistance Program Fund Appropriation 317,779 Bell Farms PID Total Bell farms PID Fund Revenue 132,303 Total Bell Farms AID Fund Appropriation 70,949 Cable Services Fund Total Cable Services Fund Revenue 535,536 Total Cable Services Fund Appropriation 57,033 Central Business District TIF Fund Total Central Business District TIF Fund Revenue 1,377,868 Use of Excess Reserves 393,270 Total Central Business District TIF Fund Appropriation 1,771,138 Community Development Fund Total Community Development Fund Revenue 6,444,946 Total Community Development Fund Appropriation 6,444,946 Exhibit B - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020.22 Criminal Investigation Fund Total Criminal Investigation Fund Revenue $ 108,929 Total Criminal Investigation Fund Appropriation 96,816 Department of Justice Asset Sharing Total Department of Justice Asset Sharing Revenue 321 Use of Excess Reserves 19,679 Total Department of Justice Asset Sharing Appropriation 20,000 Economic Development Fund Total Economic Development Fund Revenue 4,058,641 Transfer from General Fund 62,000 Total Economic Development Fund Appropriation 4,12O,641 Gateway Streets Fund Total Gateway Streets Fund Revenue 238,303 Transfer from General Fund 8,035,806 Use of Excess Reserves 673,117 Total Gateway Streets Fund Appropriation 8,947,226 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Total Hotel Motel Tax Fund Revenue 51600,000 Total Hotel Motel Tax Fund Appropriation 5,600,000 Lubbock Business Park TIF Total Lubbock Business Park TIF Revenue 701,177 Total Lubbock Business Park TIF Appropriation 15,951 Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Fund Total Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Fund Revenue 6,799,676 Total Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Fund Appropriation 6,799,676 Municipal Court Fund Total Municipal Court Fund Revenue 228,672 Total Municipal Court Fund Appropriation 143,255 North and East Lubbock Neighborhood and Infrastructure Fund Transfer from General Fund 233,905 Total North and East Lubbock Neighborhood Fund Appropriation 233,905 North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Total North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 827,250 Total North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation 777,210 North Overton Tax Increment Fund Total North Overton Tax Increment Fund Revenue 4,956,933 Transfer from Hotel Motel Tax 498,589 Total North Overton Tax Increment Fund Appropriation 3,754,628 North Point Public Improvement District Fund Total North Paint Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 239,218 Use of Excess Reserves 4,769 Total North Paint Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation 243,987 Quincy Park Public Improvement District Fund Total Quincy Park Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 191,365 Use of Excess Reserves 6,395 Total Quincy Park Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation 197,760 Truancy prevention and Diversion Fund Total Juvenile Case Manager Fund Revenue 110,801 Total Juvenile Case Manager Fund Appropriation 75,000 Upland Crossing Public Improvement District Fund Total Upland Crossing Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 1,080 Total Upland Crossing Public Improvement District Fund Appropriatlon 1,080 Valencia Public Improvement District Fund Total Valencia Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 46,898 Use of Excess Reserves 7,798 Total Valencia Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation 54,696 Vintage Township Public Improvement District Fund Total Vintage Township Public Improvement District Fund Revenue 197,650 Total Vintage Township Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation 197,650 Exhibit B - All Funds Summary Budget FY 2020.21 Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Total Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Revenue $ 11,675,442 Use of Non -Cash Assets - Land 18,000 Use of Excess Reserve 10,195,671 Total Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Appropriation 21,889,112 Market Lubbock, Inc. Total Market Lubbock, Inc. Revenue 3,546,465 Total Market Lubbock Inc. Appropriation 3,546,465 Market Lubbock, Inc. - Visit Lubbock, Inc. Total Market Lubbock, Inc. - Visit Lubbock, Inc. Revenue 2,390,170 Use of Excess Reserve 745,904 Total Market Lubbock Inc. - Visit Lubbock, Inc. Appropriation 3,136,074 Market Lubbock, Inc. - Sports Authority Total Market Lubbock, Inc. - Sports Authority Revenue 1,233,310 Use of Excess Reserve 131,630 Total Market Lubbock Inc. - Sports Authority Appropriation 1,364,940 Civic Lubbock, Inc. Total Civic Lubbock, Inc. Revenue 1,874,162 Total Civic Lubbock, Inc. Appropriation 1,874,162 Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Total Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Revenue 182,656 Total Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Appropriation 182,656 Exhibit C - Transfers Summary To From Description Amount Airport Capital Projects Fund Airport Enterprise Fund Airport Cash Funded Capital $ 1,274,000 Airport Enterprise Fund Airport CFC Fund Airport CFC Debt Service 1,051,02S Airport Enterprise Fund Airport PFC Fund Airport PFC Debt Service 1.926,452 Cemetery Enterprise Fund General Fund Cemetery Operations 416,289 Central Business District TIF Capital Central Business District TIF CBD TIF Cash Funded Capital 506,500 Civic Center Enterprise Fund General Fund Civic Center Operations/Marketing 310,025 Civic Center Enterprise Fund Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Civic Center Operations/Marketing 1,532,783 Civic Center Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Debt Service Payment 440,306 Debt Service Fund General Fund (Solid Waste) Debt Service Payment 2,102,013 Debt Service Fund North Overton TIF Debt Service Payment 3,132,547 Debt Service Fund Central Business District TIF Debt Service Payment 961,676 Debt Service Fund Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Debt Service Payment 99,875 Debt Service Fund Gateway Streets Fund Debt Service Payment 8,847,226 Debt Service Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment 2,116,722 Debt Service Fund Lubbock Power & Light Debt Service Payment - Citizen Tower 1,140,119 Debt Service Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment - Citizen Tower 146,567 Economic Development Fund General Fund Economic Development Operations 62,000 Fleet Capital Projects Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Water/Wastewater Cash Funded Capital (Vehicles) 672,000 Fleet Capital Projects Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Stormwater Cash Funded Capital (Vehicles) 310,000 Fleet Capital Projects Fund General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital (Vehicles) 1,395,000 Fleet Capital Projects Fund General Fund (Solid Waste) General Fund Cash Funded Capital (Vehicles) 360,000 Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund 163,017 Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund Civic Center Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund 3,017 Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund 142,587 Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund Fleet Maintenance Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund 19,200 Gateway Streets Fund General Fund Gateway Operations & Debt 8,035,806 Gateway Streets Capital Projects Fund Gateway Streets Fund Gateway Streets Cash Funded Capital 100,D00 General Facilities System Improvements Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 252,182 General Fund Lubbock Power & Light Indirect Cost 1,742,355 General Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund indirect Cost 1,656,783 General Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Paved Streets 867,603 General Fund Airport Enterprise Fund Indirect Cost 407,063 General Fund Airport Enterprise Fund Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) 1,596,226 General Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Indirect Cost 210,355 General Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Playa Lake 377,650 General Fund Risk Management Fund Organizational Development 169,300 Grant Fund Transit Enterprise Fund Transit Operations 1,411,506 Information Technology Capital Project Fund Information Technology Fund IT Funded Capital 30,000 Lubbock Power & Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Utility Collections 3,682,405 Lubbock Power & Light Stormwater Enterprise Fund Utility Collections 1,059,179 Lubbock Power & Light General Fund Utility Collections -Solid Waste CC 1,059,179 Lubbock Power & Light General Fund Debt Service Payment/Citizen Tower -Solid Waste CC 89,676 Lubbock Power & Light General Fund Debt Service Payment/CIS-Solid Waste CC 165,413 Lubbock Power & Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment - Citizen Tower 311,755 Lubbock Power & Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment - Customer Info System 575,052 Lubbock Power & Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment- Vehicle Replacement SS,2S6 Lubbock Power& Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment -AMI Debt 147,972 Lubbock Power & Light Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment -take 7 1,200,ODO Lubbock Power & Light Stormwater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment - Citizen Tower 99,676 Lubbock Power & Light Stormwater Enterprise Fund Debt Service Payment -Customer Info System 165,413 Lubbock Power & light Capital Project Fund Lubbock Power & Light LP&L Cash Funded Capital 22,023,600 North & East Lbk Ngbad & Infrstr General Fund North & East Lubbock Operations 233,905 North Overton TIF Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund North Overton TIF 498,589 North Overton TIF Capital North Overton TIF North Overton Cash Funded Capital 600,000 Parks Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 434,000 Public Safety Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 990,436 Solid Waste Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 180,000 Stormwater Capital Projects Fund Stormwater Enterprise Fund Stormwater Cash Funded Capital 3,485,000 Streets Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 11,250,000 Traffic Control System Capital Projects General Fund General Fund Cash Funded Capital 475,000 Transit Enterprise Fund General Fund Transit Operations 1,629,237 Transit Enterprise Fund Economic Development Fund Transit Operations 400,000 Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Vintage Township PID Debt Service Payment 132,656 Water/Wastewater Capital Project Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Water Cash Funded Capital 5,340,000 Water/Wastewater Capital Project Fund Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Wastewater Cash Funded Capital 7,775,000 Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund Lake Alan Henry Fund Lake Alan Henry Debt Service 136,290 Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 8536 Facility Demolition $ 1,416,211 - 8543 Lake Alan Henry Repairs/Maintenance 5,005,889 - 8550 Golf Course Improvements 776,247 53,400 8555 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Adjustments 550,000 50,000 8593 Consolidated Rental Car Facility Design 1,951,194 - 8595 Storm Water Master Plan 2,000,000 250,000 8601 Safety Management System (SMS) Development 150,000 - 8606 FEMA Restudy - Systems B,C,D 900,000 - 8610 Remove and Reseal All Joints in Concrete 306,993 - 8614 Asset Management 1,440,000 - 8615 Transmission Line & Easement Maintenance 500,000 - 8616 Terminal Apron Maintenance 77,270 2,422,730 8622 Pressure Zone Delineation and Valve Repair Project 495,000 - 8623 Water System Vulnerabilty Assessment 330,000 - 8624 Locate and Repair Water Valves 1,000,000 400,000 8625 Field Asset Inventory & Data Verification 2,350,862 - 8626 Distribution Planning 680,000 - 8628 Digital Orthophotography 445,000 175,000 8629 Civic Center Exterior Repair and Upgrade 591,000 - 8630 Park Amenities 458,566 125,000 8631 Convention Center Hotel Project 114,048 - 8632 Fleet/Solid Waste Complex Exterior Renovations 343,000 - 8633 Comprehensive Plan Implementation 625,000 - 8634 City Council Initiatives 125,000 - 8635 Parks Future Planning 50,000 - 8636 West Side Public Works Service Center 50,000 - 8637 Abernathy Landfill - Gate House Renovations 170,000 - 8638 Canyon and Playa Lakes Restoration and Restudy 250,000 - 8639 Future Infrastructure Funding Study 266,500 100,000 8641 Jones Power Plant Effluent Reuse Line Evaluation 250,000 - 8643 Airport Parking Analysis 100,000 - 8646 Public Safety CAD, Mobile, and RMS Software 100,000 - 8647 Outer Route (Loop 88) Segments 1 & 2 309,700 300,000 8648 Airfield Pavement Maintenance 200,000 200,000 8649 Fire Hydrant Repair & Replacement 300,000 350,000 8650 Traffic Signal Improvements 7th St. and Indiana 54,725 - 8651 SH 114 and FM 179 Traffic Control 48,466 - 8652 Upgrade Traffic Signal at 4th Street & Indiana Ave 13,188 - 8653 Traffic Signal at 4th Street & Knoxville Avenue 106,652 - 8654 Land Application Closure Evaluation - 300,000 8655 Topographic Information Acquisition - 250,000 8656 Parks Master Plan - 212,000 8657 Street Light Audit - 250,000 Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 8658 Downtown On Street Parking Conversion - 75,000 8659 Downtown One Way to Two Way Street Conversion - 400,000 8660 Parking Master Plan - 100,000 8661 Historic District Designation - 200,000 92174 Northwest Lubbock and Maxey Park Project 77,250,000 - 92215 Slide Road from Marshall to US 84 2,255,700 - 92238 Facility Maintenance Fund 1,416,000 92254 North Overton TIF Public Improvements 3,397,031 - 92255 BCWF Supply Line/Pumping System 44,850,000 - 92282 Downtown Redevelopment Underground 41850,500 92318 Major Sanitary Sewer Mains Rehabilitation 16,500,000 - 92329 Codes and Env. Health Software Replacement 250,000 30,000 92331 Fiberoptic Communications 1,600,000 - 92349 Communications System Expansion 1,050,000 - 92353 South Lubbock Water Treatment Plant Expansion 3,500,000 - 92359 Facility Roof Replacements 1,252,000 106,000 92361 Terminal Building Remodel 45,723,517 - 92362 Buddy Holly Center Renovations Phase II 564,380 92367 Municipal Square Repairs 566,511 - 92368 CBD TIF Special Projects 410,000 150,000 92369 Municipal Facilities Replacements/Renovations 63,000,000 - 92372 Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Facility 674,897 - 92380 Feeder Circuits - Northwest 1,384,200 - 92399 Gateways 4,500,000 - 92403 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Thompson -Vicksburg 4,175,000 - 92404 115kV Line Construction: Northwest -Mackenzie 17,864,247 - 92405 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker -Thompson 5,770,000 - 92407 Southeast Substation Expansion 4,405,000 - 92432 Utility Infrastructure Upgrades/Relocations 11500,000 - 92433 Major Repairs at Fire Facilities Phase 11 1,200,000 300,000 92435 Street Maintenance Program 36,099,485 - 92444 SEWRP Improvements Plant 3 9,456,267 800,000 92445 SEWRP Transformer Rehabilitation 3,500,000 - 92446 Sewer Line Replacement 1,521,069 1,000,000 92447 Sewer Tap Replacements 2,450,000 800,000 92448 Water Reclamation Plant Replacements 1,500,000 500,000 92450 Lowhead C Pump Station and Supply Line 28,598,161 - 92451 Lake Alan Henry Watershed Management 400,000 - 92452 Elevated Storage Tanks 14,001,839 - 92453 Water Line Replacement 2,243,313 550,000 92454 Water Lines Ahead of Street Pavings 2,616,338 1,750,000 92455 Water Meter Replacements 1,490,000 690,000 92457 CSIS and Workforce Management System 32,635,000 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 92460 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Erskine -Mackenzie 4,280,000 92464 Yellow House Canyon 115kV Station 15,550,000 - 92466 Autotransformer-Co-op 5,400,000 - 92468 Autotransformer-Mackenzie 5,300,000 - 92469 Substation Rebuild - Holly 6,800,000 - 92470 Substation Rebuild - Oliver 6,750,000 - 92473 Posey 345/115kV Station 19,890,000 - 92474 Yellow House Canyon 345/115 kV Transformers 10,750,000 - 92475 Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers 11,680,000 - 92477 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly -Southeast 9,000,000 - 92478 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Slaton 7,500,000 - 92480 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Southeast -Oliver 4,900,000 - 92484 Substation Upgrades 5,350,000 - 92508 Consolidated Rental Car Facility Construction 16,000,000 - 92510 Upland Avenue - 66th Street to 82nd Street 6,360,311 - 92511 Advanced Warning System 200,000 - 92512 Traffic Signal Construction 850,000 - 92513 Pumping System Improvements Phase II 1,500,000 500,000 92514 Sewer Lines Ahead of Street Paving 500,000 250,000 92516 Transportation Improvements/Unimproved Roads 1,200,000 800,000 92518 Storm Water System Improvements 2,200,000 150,000 92521 Facility Renovations/Upgrades Phase II 426,053 - 92533 Posey to Southeast 115kV Line 5,940,000 - 92537 GIS Software Upgrades and Interfaces 1,765,000 - 92539 Water Treatment Plant Improvements Phase III 16,808,319 - 92541 South Lubbock Sanitary Sewer Expansion Phase III 6,124,649 - 92545 Fleet Vehicle Replacement FY 17-18 313,568 - 92548 Lubbock Animal Shelter Improvements 210,000 - 92551 Public Safety Improvements Project 60,000,000 - 92555 Landfill 69 Shop Renovation 269,132 - 92557 Landfill 69 Gas Collection System Replacement 344,730 - 92558 Landfill 69 Groundwater Remediation 500,000 - 92565 Garden and Arts Center Exterior Renovations 280,000 - 92566 Park Walking Trails 365,000 - 92567 Dock and Bridge Replacement 200,550 100,000 92569 Backup Power at Signalized Intersections 200,000 - 92570 American Disability Act Ramp and Sidewalk Project 375,000 150,000 92572 Municipal Hill Car Wash FY 18-19 250,000 - 92578 Enterprise Resource Planning System 2,500,000 - 92579 Airport Property Improvements 900,000 300,000 92580 Cemetery Capital Improvements 80,000 - 92582 Civic Center Camera/Access Control System 230,000 - 92583 Automated Metering Infrastructure 20,635,000 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 92585 Annexation Water Lines for Fire Protection 6,500,000 - 92586 Dunbar -Manhattan Heights Underground Conversion 1,210,000 - 92587 Loop 88 Sewer Line Relocation 750,000 - 92588 Loop 88 Water Line Relocations 1,500,000 - 92589 Water Line Upsizing for Development 150,000 - 92590 Sewer Line Upsizing for Development 200,000 - 92591 Lift Station Rehabilitation 140,000 100,000 92592 Large Valve Project 1,000,000 500,000 92593 Roy Furr Pioneer Park 1,100,000 - 92594 Call Center IVR 620,000 - 92605 Operations System Upgrades 615,000 200,000 92606 South Plains Mall Expansion 835,000 - 92607 Berl Huffman Improvements 3,000,000 - 92608 Red Raider Substation Distribution Feeders 4,000,000 - 92609 Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line 43,820,000 - 92610 Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line 60,841,522 - 92611 Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line 17,880,000 1,200,000 92614 Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 846,202 - 92615 McAlister Park Improvements 1,455,926 - 92616 East Side T-Hangars 200,000 - 92617 Roberts County Well Field New Transmission Line 500,000 500,000 92618 Crime Lab and Warehouse Water Line Upgrades 500,000 - 92619 Construct Federal Inspection Services Facility 300,000 - 92620 Civic Center Parking Lot Repair 543,785 - 92621 Amphitheatre Erosion Renovations 254,650 - 92622 Civic Center Rebranding Project 353,320 - 92623 Berl Huffman Parking Lot Lighting 45,863 - 92624 Burgess Rushing Tennis Center Pickleball Courts 262,260 - 92625 Indiana Avenue from 130th Street to 146th Street 5,100,000 - 92626 FY 2019-20 Vehicles and Equipment - Fleet 92,000 - 92627 Budget Software 350,000 - 92628 General Fund Vehicle Replacement FY 19-20 2,444,868 - 92629 General Fund Vehicle Replacement FY 19-20 Tax Note 4,330,000 - 92630 Water/Wastewater Vehicle Replacement FY 19-20 782,000 - 92631 Storm Water Vehicle Replacement FY 2019-20 960,000 - 92634 LP&L - GIS Office Renovations 1,115,000 - 92635 Substation Rebuild - Northeast 3,665,000 - 92646 FY 2019-20 Vehicles and Equipment 2,635,000 - 92647 Broadway Tunnel Lighting and Control Box Upgrades 105,000 - 92648 Zeiron Fire Paging Replacement 800,000 - 92649 Upland Avenue from 82nd Street to 98th Street 750,000 92651 Wausau Avenue from MSF to 82nd St. 550,000 - 92652 Solid Waste Vehicle Replacement FY 2019-20 2,985,000 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 92653 Storm Water Rehabilitation and Maintenance 500,000 500,000 92654 Upland Ave and 66th St Playa Drainage Imp. 300,000 1,000,000 92655 North Quaker and Clovis Drainage Project 250,000 1,000,000 92656 SEWRP Effluent Pump Station #2 Improvements 250,000 250,000 92657 Downtown Sewer Line Replacement 150,000 750,000 92658 Bailey County Electrical Improvements 2,500,000 5,000,000 92659 Low Pressure Supply Line Lining Project 500,000 6,500,000 92660 NWTP 8 MG Ground Storage Tank 8,450,000 - 92661 Posey to Oliver 115kV Line 16,570,000 92662 Dunbar Station Work 1,000,000 - 92663 Yellow House Canyon Station Work 1,000,000 - 92664 Oliver Station Work 750,000 - 92665 Southeast Station Work 750,000 92666 Dunbar Station Work 13,322,434 92667 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #2 (GT-2) Repairs 2,230,000 - 92668 Wadsworth Relay Upgrade 1,500,000 - 92669 114th Street - Slide Road to Quaker Avenue 1,000,000 7,500,000 92670 114th Street - Quaker Ave to Indiana Ave - Design 1,000,000 - 92671 Ivory Street 3,265,503 - 92673 Upland Avenue 98th Street to 114th Street - 100,000 92674 SEWRP Improvements Plant 3 Nutrient Removal - 500,000 92675 Roof Repair and Replacement - 774,000 92676 General Fund Vehicle Replacement FY 20-21 - 1,755,000 92677 Water/Wastewater Vehicle Replacement FY 20-21 - 672,000 92678 Storm Water Vehicle Replacement FY 20-21 - 310,000 92679 Solid Waste Vehicle Replacement FY 20-21 Tax Notes - 1,290,000 92680 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Northeast - 600,000 92681 ERCOT Conversion Work - 375,000 92682 Program 69-115 Voltage Conversion - 1,000,000 92683 FY 2020-2021 Service Distribution Meters - 226,000 92684 FY 2020-21 Distribution Transformers - 3,500,000 92685 FY 2020-2021 Distribution System Upgrade - 5,625,000 92686 FY 2020-21 Overhead Lines - 2,424,000 92687 FY 2020-21 Street Lights - 484,600 92688 FY 2020-21 Underground Distribution - 2,876,500 92689 ERCOT - TDSP - 3,550,000 92690 East Broadway Series Street Light Conversion - 420,000 92691 FY 2020-21 Vehicles and Equipment - 2,667,500 92692 FY 2020-21 Transmission Crew Vehicles - 2,150,000 92693 Distribution System Upgrade -improvements -Expansion - 4,301,674 92694 Substation 25kV Capacity Upgrades - 3,800,000 92695 Downtown Redevelopment - 650,000 92696 Storm Sewer Camera System - 160,000 Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Project Appropriation to Appropriation FY Number Project Name Date 2020-21 92697 Street Maintenance 2021 - 10,000,000 92698 Transfer Station - 180,000 92699 SE:WRP Plant # 4 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation - 900,000 92700 South Lubbock Sanitary Sewer Extension Phase IV - 75,000 92701 Major Sewer Line Condition Assessment and Repair - 1,000,000 92702 East Lubbock Future Expansion - 500,000 92703 Civic Center Convention Center Hotel - 106,500 92704 North Overton TIF Street Upgrade/Replacement - 600,000 92705 Outdoor Warning Siren System - 980,436 92706 Neighborhood Plan Development and Implementation - 250,000 Total Appropriation___ $ 963,373,611 94,942,340 Exhibit D -- Capital Program Summary Funding Source Fundft to Date FY 2020-21 Airport Capital Project Fund $ 1,177,761 - C.A.R.E.S. Act - 422,730 Capital Project Fund - 100,000 Developer Participation 1,856,187 - Federal Grant Funding 19,239,137 2,000,000 Fleet Capital Project Fund 92,000 - FY 2007 Storm Water Revenue CO's 297,896 - FY 2007 TIF Revenue CO's 29,175 - FY 2008 Storm Water Revenue CO's 600,000 - FY 2008 TIF Revenue CO's 676,105 - FY 2008 Water Revenue CO's 923,845 - FY 2009 General Fund Cash 185,951 - FY 2009 General Obligation Bonds 46,662 - FY 2009 Storm Water Revenue CO's 872,225 - FY 2009 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 401,148 - FY 2009 TIF Revenue CO's 41,731 - FY 2009 Water Revenue CO's 668,985 - FY 2010 Gateway Streets Revenue CO's 698,687 - FY 2010 General Fund Cash 44,824 - FY 2010 Storm Water Revenue CO's 1,500,000 - FY 2010TIF Revenue CO's 20 - FY 2010 Wastewater Cash 250,000 - FY 2010 Water Revenue CO's 19,358,259 - FY 2011 10-year Water Revenue CO's 1,333,000 - FY 2011 General Fund Cash 883,839 - FY 2011 General Obligation Bands 400,000 - FY 2011 Storm Water Revenue CO's 746,744 - FY 2011 Tax and Waterworks CO's 307,251 - FY 2011 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 122,479 - FY 2011 Water Revenue CO's 5,105,469 - FY 2012 10-Year Certificates of Obligation 115,516 - FY 2012 General Fund Cash 72,190 - FY 2012 LP&L Cash 425,000 - FY 2012 Storm Water Revenue CO's 33,925,095 - FY 2012 Water Revenue CO's 11,956,182 - FY 2013 10-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 290,000 - FY 2013 General Fund Cash 150,000 - FY 2013 General Obligation Bonds 2,012,007 - FY 2013 Storm Water Revenue CO's 5,253,961 - FY 2013 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 15,412 - FY 2013 Wastewater Revenue CO's 3,710,103 - FY 201410-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 612 - FY 201410-year Water Revenue CO's 700,000 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Funding Source Funding to Date FY 2020-21 FY 2014 Airport Revenue CO's 204,489 _ FY 2014 General Fund Cash 600,000 - FY 2014 LP&L Cash 530,000 - FY 2014 LP&L Revenue Bonds 719,448 - FY 2014 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 650,025 - FY 2014 Wastewater Revenue CO's 3,021,108 - FY 2014 Water Revenue CO's 2,952,890 - FY 2015 Airport Cash 83,000 - FY 2015 Airport Revenue CO's 2,342,250 - FY 2015 CFC Fund Cash 1,050,000 - FY 2015 General Fund Cash 902,000 - FY 2015 LP&L Revenue Bonds 1,334,739 - FY 2015 PFC Revenue CO's 381,729 - FY 2015 Solid Waste Cash 269,132 - FY 2015 Storm Water Cash 500,000 - FY 2015 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 11,963,590 34,566 FY 2015 Wastewater Revenue CO's 11,327,145 - FY 2015 Water Cash 180,149 - FY 201610-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 1,666,661 - FY 2016 10-YearTIF Revenue CO's 1,500,000 - FY 2016 30-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 1,245,000 - FY 2016 7-Year Solid Waste Revenue CO's 344,730 - FY 2016 Airport Cash 15,000 - FY 2016 CBD TIF Cash 200,000 - FY 2016 CBD TIF Revenue CO's 1,500,000 - FY 2016 General Fund Cash 3,049,963 - FY 2016 LP&L Cash 204,200 - FY 2016 LP&L Revenue Bonds 400,000 - FY 2016 PFC Revenue CO's 283,605 - FY 2016 Solid Waste Revenue CO's 2,970,358 - FY 2016 Storm Water Cash 1,000,000 - FY 2016 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 53,864,595 20,000 FY 2016 Wastewater Revenue CO's 2,367,237 - FY 2016 Water Cash 443,068 - FY 2016 Water Revenue CO's 10,684,253 - FY 201710-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 3,245,000 - FY 2017 30-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 10,545,610 357,435 FY 2017 7-Year Tax Revenue CO's 4,779,743 - FY 2017 Airport Cash 277,680 - FY 2017 CBD TIF Revenue CO's 4,500,000 - FY 2017 CFC Fund Cash 901,194 - FY 2017 General Fund Cash 3,344,608 - FY 2017 LP&L Cash 510,000 500,000 Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Funding Source Funding to Date FY 2020-22 FY 2017 LP&L Revenue Bonds - 16,449 FY 2017 North Overton TIF Cash 150,000 - FY 2017 Solid Waste Cash 693,000 - FY 2017 Storm Water Cash 700,000 - FY 2017 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 200,000 96,030 FY 2017 TWBD CO's 35,000,000 - FY 2017 Wastewater Cash 1,865,708 - FY 2017 Wastewater Revenue CO's 2,692,749 - FY 2017 Water Cash 6,159,723 - FY 2017 Water Revenue CO's 711,582 - FY 201810-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 31,799,089 3,550,000 FY 2018 20-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 650,000 965,225 FY 2018 30-Year LP&L Revenue Bonds 36,057,826 17,565 FY 2018 Airport Cash 191,203 - FY 2018 CBD TIF Cash 114,048 - FY 2018 CFC Fund Cash 11500,000 - FY 2018 CFC Revenue Co's 14,500,000 - FY 2018 Fleet Cash 313,568 - FY 2018 Gateway Streets CO's 2,470,000 - FY 2018 General Fund Cash 7,714,924 - FY 2018 LP&L Cash 335,000 1,250,000 FY 2018 North Overton TIF Cash 1,000,000 - FY 2018 Storm Water Cash 1,170,000 - FY 2018 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 10,000,000 2,252 FY 2018 Water/Wastewater Cash 11,620,990 - FY 2019 Airport Cash 600,000 - FY 2019 Airport Revenue CO's 7,135,000 - FY 2019 Cemetery Cash 80,000 - FY 2019 General Fund Cash 10,299,045 - FY 2019 Hotel Occupancy Tax 393,829 - FY 2019 Information Technology Cash 859,480 - FY 2019 LP&L 20-Year Revolving Note Program 10,785,000 - FY 2019 LP&L 30-Year Revolving Note Program 95,836,375 - FY 2019 LP&L Cash 2,840,000 - FY 2019 North Overton TIF Cash 800,000 - FY 2019 PFC Revenue CO's 15,340,000 - FY 2019 Storm Water Cash 847,868 - FY 2019 Tax Supported Revenue CO's 50,250,000 - FY 2019 Texas Water Development Board Bonds 20,635,000 - FY 2019 Water/Wastewater Cash 9,641,809 - FY 2019 Water/Wastewater Revenue CO's 6,500,000 - FY 2020 Airport Cash 1,100,000 - FY 2020 Civic Center Cash 714,218 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Funding Source Funding to Date FY 2020-21 FY 2020 Gateway Streets Revenue CO's 8,100,000 - FY 2020 General Fund Cash 14,542,462 - FY 2020 General Fund Tax Notes 4,330,000 - FY 2020 Hotel Occupancy Tax 657,537 - FY 2020 Information Technology Cash 450,000 - FY 2020 LP&L 20-Year Revolving Note Program 12,460,813 - FY 2020 LP&L 30-Year Revolving Note Program 154,403,392 - FY 2020 LP&L Cash 5,240,000 400,000 FY 2020 Market Lubbock, Inc. Funding 210,000 50,000 FY 2020 North Overton TIF Cash 300,000 - FY 2020 PFC Cash 1,108,025 - FY 2020 Storm Water Cash 2,589,079 - FY 2020 Tax Notes 1,250,000 - FY 2020 Water/Wastewater Cash 15,775,123 - FY 2020 Water/Wastewater Revenue CO's 58,661,427 - FY 2021 Airport Cash - 1,274,000 FY 2021 CBD TIF Cash - 506,500 FY 2021 Gateway Streets Cash - 100,000 FY 2021 General Fund Cash - 15,326,618 FY 2021 General Fund Tax Notes - 1,290,000 FY 2021 Information Technology Cash - 30,000 FY 2021 LP&L 20-Year Revolving Note Program - 8,370,000 FY 2021 LP&L 30-Year Revolving Note Program - 1,000,000 FY 2021 LP&L Cash - 19,873,600 FY 2021 North Overton TIF Cash - 600,000 FY 2021 Storm Water Cash - 3,795,000 FY 2021 Tax Supported Revenue CO's - 7,403,970 FY 2021 Water/Wastewater Cash - 13,787,000 FY 2021 Water/Wastewater Revenue CO's - 11,500,000 General Capital Project Fund 1,333,819 303,400 Health Fund Cash 303,020 - Hotel Occupancy Tax 200,000 - Hotel/Motel Funds 564,380 - Information Technology Cash 87,500 - LAH Repair/Replacement Fund 505,889 - Lubbock Business Park TIF Fund 3,265,503 - Lubbock County Proceeds 1,285,627 - Market Lubbock Inc. Capital Project Fund 3,000,000 - Parks Capital Projects Fund 114,884 - Prior Year Hotel Funds 7,171 - Private Donations 1,235,270 - Public Works Capital Project Fund 64,252 - School District Cash Donation 230,868 - Exhibit D - Capital Program Summary Funding Source Funding to bate FY 2020-21 Storm Water CIP Fund 252,132 - Street Capital Project Fund 12,992 - Texas Tech University Funding 66,514 - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Funding 53,326 - TOOT Participation 1,395,790 - UMC Funding 54,725 - Wastewater Capital Project Fund 250,000 - Wastewater Cash 320,082 - Water/Wastewater Capital Project Fund 1,085,318 - Total Funding $ 963,373,611 94,942,340 Exhibit E - Non -Civil Service Pay Plan Pay Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum 101 $ 15,406.56 19,893.12 24,462.88 102 16,176.16 20,887.36 25,685.92 103 16,981.12 21,931.52 26,973.44 104 17,831.84 23,029.76 28,321.28 105 18,724.16 24,180.00 29,737.76 106 19,662.24 25,390.56 31,222.88 107 20,641.92 26,657.28 32,782.88 108 21,673.60 27,988.48 34,424.00 109 22,759.36 29,392.48 36,146.24 110 23,895.04 30,860.96 37,953.76 111 25,093.12 32,404,32 39,848.64 112 26,347.36 34,024.64 41,843.36 113 27,661.92 35,724.00 43,935.84 114 29,047.20 37,510.72 46,132.32 115 30,501.12 39,384.80 48,436.96 116 32,027.84 41,354.56 50,860.16 117 33,625.28 43,422.08 $3,401.92 118 35,308.00 45,595.68 56,074,72 119 37,073.92 47,873.28 58,876.48 120 38,929.28 50,271.52 61,821.76 121 40,872.00 52,780.00 64,910.56 122 42,916.64 55,421.60 68,159.52 123 45,059.04 58,190.08 71,564.48 124 47,315.84 61,102.08 75,144.16 125 49,682.88 64,155.52 78,900.64 Exhibit E - Non -Civil Service Pay Plan Pay Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum 126 $ 52,164.32 67,362.88 82,848.48 127 54,772.64 70,730,40 86,987.68 128 57,509.92 74,268,48 91,339.04 129 60,384.48 77,979.20 95,904.64 130 63,406.72 81,881.28 100,701.12 131 66,576.64 85,974.72 105,734.72 132 69,906.72 90,274.08 111,022.08 133 73,401.12 94,787.68 126,573.60 134 77,072.32 99,525.92 122,399.68 135 80,924.48 104,503.36 128,523.20 136 84,968.00 109,726.24 134,944.16 137 89,219.52 115,213.28 141,695.84 138 93,681.12 120,976.96 148,782.40 139 98,361.12 127,021.44 156,218.40 140 103,282.40 133,373.76 164,028.80 141 108,444,96 140,042.24 172,232.32 142 113,867,52 147,045.60 180,843.52 143 119,562.56 154,398.40 189,887.36 144 125,540.48 162,117.28 199,380.48 145 131,817.92 170,220.96 209,347.84 146 138,409.44 178,736.48 219,818.56 147 145,329.60 187,672.16 230,807.20 148 152,592.96 197,055.04 242,347.04 149 160,224.48 206,905.92 254,465.12 150 168,234.56 217,251.84 267,186.40 Pay Plan reflects annual salary amount. Exhibit E - Part -Time Pay Plan Pay Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum 201 $ 7.407 9.564 11.761 202 7.777 10.042 12.349 203 8.164 10.544 12.968 204 8.573 11.072 13.616 205 9.002 11.625 14.297 206 9.453 12.207 15.011 207 9.924 12.816 15.761 208 10.420 13.456 16.550 209 10.942 14.131 17.378 210 11.488 14.837 18.247 211 12.064 15.579 19.158 212 12.667 16.358 20.117 213 13.299 17.175 21.123 214 13.965 18.034 22.179 215 14.664 18.935 23.287 216 15.398 19.882 24.452 217 16.166 20.876 25.674 218 16.975 21.921 26.959 219 17.824 23.016 28.306 220 18.716 24.169 29.722 221 19.650 25.375 31.207 222 20.633 26.645 32.769 223 21.663 27.976 34.406 224 22.748 29.376 36.127 225 23.886 30.844 37.933 Exhibit E - Part -Time Pay Plan Pay Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum 226 $ 25.079 32.386 39.830 227 26.333 34.005 41.821 228 27.649 35.706 43.913 229 29.031 37.490 46.108 230 30.484 39.366 48.414 231 32.008 41.334 50.834 232 33.609 43.401 53.376 233 35.289 45.571 56.045 234 37.054 47.849 58.846 235 38.906 50.242 61.790 236 40.850 52.753 64.877 237 42.894 55.391 68.123 238 4S.039 58.162 71.530 239 47.289 61.068 75.105 240 49.655 64.122 78.860 241 52.137 67.328 82.804 242 54.744 70.695 86.944 243 57.482 74.230 91.292 244 60.356 77.941 95.856 245 63.374 81.837 100.648 246 66.543 85.931 105.682 247 69.870 90.227 110.965 248 73.362 94.738 116.513 249 77.031 99.474 122.339 250 80.882 104.448 128.455 Pay Plan reflects hourly rate. 8""M 04 1 ... 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W a J Q O. 7 a 0 0 u M i/i CO Exhibit E - Fire Pay Plan (40 Hour Shifts) Probationary Fire Equipment Battalion Division Deputy Fire Fighter Fighter Operator lieutenant Captain Chief Chief Chief Steps FNCS1 FCS1 FCS2 FCS3 FCSS FCS6 FC57 1 $ 52,836.16 56,039.36 75,801.44 82,114.24 _FCS4 91,825.76 105,580.80 117,522.08 125,211.94 2 56,977.44 76,150.88 82,562.44 92,510.08 106,410.72 117,996.32 126,852.96 3 57,917.60 76,498.24 83,004.48 93,196.48 107,236.48 118,466.40 128,494.08 4 S%859.84 76,849.76 83,455.84 93,882.88 108,064.32 118,940.64 130,137.28 5 59,802.08 77,199.20 83,898.88 94,567,20 108,890.08 11%410.72 131,778.40 6 60,742.24 77,546.56 84,344.00 95,253.60 109,720.00 119,884.96 133,419.52 7 61,682.40 77,900.16 84,789.12 95,940.00 110,543.68 120,359.20 135,062.72 8 62,624.64 78,249.60 85,239.40 96,628.48 111,375.68 120,835.52 9 63,564.80 78,599.04 85,687.68 97,312.80 112,201.44 121,303.52 _ 10 64,504.96 78,946.40 86,132.80 97,999.20 113,027.20 11 65,445.12 79,295.84 86,580.00 98,683.52 113,855.04 12 66,391.52 79,645.28 $7,025.12 99,372.00 13 67,329.60 79,994.72 87,472.32 100,056.32 14 68,273.92 80,344.16 87,917.44 15 69,216.16 80,695.68 88,366.72 16 70,152.16 81,043.04 17 71,094.40 81,396.64 18 72,036.64 { 19 72,978.88 20 73,919.04 Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Probationary Fire Equipment Hourly Hourly Hourly Division Deputy Fire Fighter Fighter Operator Lieutenant Captain Battalion Chief Chief Chief Steps FNC51 FC51 FCS2 FC53 FCS4 FCSS FCS6 FC57 1 $ 25.402 26,942 36.443 39.478 44.147 50,760 56.501 60.198 2 27.393 36.611 39.693 44.476 51.159 56.729 60.987 3 27.845 36.778 39.906 44.806 51.556 56.955 61.776 4 28.298 36.947 40.123 45.136 51.954 57.183 62.566 5 28.751 37.115 40.336 45.465 52.351 57.409 63.355 6 29.203 37.282 40.550 45.795 52.750 $7.637 64.144 7 4 29.655 37.452 40.764 46.125 53.146 57.865 64.934 8 > 30.108 37.620 40.980 46.456 53.546 58.094 9 30.560 37.788 41,196 46.785 53.943 58.319 10 32.012 37.955 41.410 47,115 54,340 ' 11 31.464 38.123 41.625 47.444 54.738 12 31.919 38.291 41.839 47.775 13 32.370 38.459 42.054 48.104 + 14 <, 32.824 38.627 42.268 15 33.277 38.796 42.484 F ' 16 I 33.727 38.963 - 17 34.180 39.133 18 34.633 19 35.086 20 35.538 Progression in each pay grade is based on seniority in that pay grade. Seniority is defined as the total time of employment as a police officer or fire fighter for the City of Lubbock_ Time -off for disciplinary suspension does not constitute a loss of seniority time, nor does it constitute a break in service. The time involved in "move -up" is also not included. It does mean all years of service as a police officer or fire fighter with the City of Lubbock whether interrupted, or uninterrupted and not merely the last continuous period of service. Seniority credit shall be figured to five decimal places. Employees who successfully complete one (1) year as Probationary Fire Fighter move to grade FCS1. Fire Fighters then progress through steps in FCS1 annually. Progress through the steps in the other grades also requires one year in each step. However, if the anniversary date occurs during the last half of the pay period, the Increase does not become effective until the beginning of the next pay period. Hourly rate=annual / 2,080. Biweekly rate=Hourly rate • 80. All conversions are approximate. Exhibit E - Fire Pay Plan (Kelly Shifts) Probationary Fire Equipment Battalion Division Deputy Fire Fighter Fighter Operator Lieutenant Captain Chief Chief Chief Hourly HourlyHourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Probationary Fire Equipment Hourly Hourly Battalion Division Deputy Fire Fighter Fighter Operator Lieutenant Captain Chief Chief Chief Progression in each pay grade is based on seniority in that pay grade. Seniority is defined as the total time of employment as a police officer or fire fighter for the City of Lubbock. Time -off for disciplinary suspension does not constitute a loss of seniority time, nor does it constitute a break in service. The time involved in "move -up" is also not included. it does mean all years of service as a police officer or fire fighter with the City of Lubbock whether interrupted, or uninterrupted and not merely the last continuous period of service. Seniority credit shall be figured to five decimal places. Employees who successfully complete one (1) year as Probationary Fire Fighter move to grade FCS1. Fire Fighters then progress through steps in FCS1 annually. Progress through the steps In the other grades also requires one year in each step. However, if the anniversary date occurs during the last half of the pay period, the increase does not become effective until the beginning of the next pay period. Kelly shift rate (k)uBiweekly (40 hour)/112, Biweekly rate=Hourly106. Annual rate=Biweekly rate'26. All conversions are approximate. Exhibit F - Position Control Summary Budget FY 2020.21 Administrative Services CityAttorney 16 City Council 3 City Manager 9 City Secretary 10 Facilities Management 17 Finance 31 Human Resources 9 Internal Audit 3 Communications and Marketing 11 Total Administrative Services _ t na Development Services Building Safety 30 Codes and Environmental Health 38 Planning 11 Total Development Services 79 Cultural and Recreation Services Library 36 Cultural Arts 9 Parks and Recreation 82 Total Cultural and Recreation Services 127 Public Works Engineering 45 Solid Waste 96 Streets 52 Traffic 34 Total Public Works 227 Public Safety and Health Services Animal Services 25 Fire 439 Municipal Court 21 Police 578 Public Health 40 Total Public Safety and Health Services 1,103 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,645 Exhibit F - Position Control Summary Budget FY z0ZO-21 Internal Service Funds Fleet 24 Health Benefits 4 Information Technology 30 Telecommunications 3 GIS &Data Services 11 Radio Shop g Print Shop/warehouse 6 Risk Management 6 Total Internal Service Funds 92 Enterprise Funds Airport SO Cemetery 6 Civic Centers 16 Lake Alan Henry 2 Lubbock Power and Light 332 Storm Water 33 Water/Wastewater 224 Total Enter rise Funds 663 Special Revenue Funds Civic Lubbock 6 Community Development 12 Economic Development 2 Total Special Revenue Funds 20 TOTAL CITY FUNDS 2,420 Exhibit G - Changes to Proposed FY 2020-21 Budget Airport Fund Decrease Transfer from PFC Fund - Capital (Revenue) $ 409,503 Decrease Transfer to Airport PFC Capital (Expense) (409,503) Decrease Airport PFC Use of Excess Reserves (Revenue) 409,503 Decrease Transfer to Airport Capital (Expense) (409,503) General Capital Fund CIP 92706 Neighborhood Planning Implementation Establish appropriation and funding (Expense) $ 250,000 General Capital Fund (Revenue) 250,000 Cable Services Fund Increase. Operating Budget for Closed Captioning $ 40,000 FY 2019-20 Operating Budget and Capital Program Amendments Amendments not included in the FY 2020-21 Proposed Operating Budget and Capital Community Development Fund Approved on the August 11, 2020 City Council Meeting: CSBG/CARES FY 2020 Grant Increase appropriation and funding $ 550,091 Funding from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 550,091 CEAP/CARES FY 2020 Grant Increase appropriation and funding $ 970,441 Funding from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 970,441 CSBG Discretionary Funds Grant Increase appropriation and funding $ 20,248 Funding from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 20,248 Market Lubbock Inc. Amendments to Lubbock Convention and Visitors Bureau Amendments to Lubbock Sports Authority Grant Fund Accept and appropriate COVID-19 Grant $ 154,908 Funding from Texas Department of State Health Services 154,908 Exhibit G - Changes to Proposed FY 2020-21 Budget General Capital Fund Approved on the August 25, 2020 City Council Meeting: CIP 92672 Parking Garage Establish appropriation $ 7,961,294 FY 2016 Certificates of Obligation Bonds 500,000 FY 2019 Certificates of Obligation Bonds 4,118,000 Transfer from General Fund Capital Excess Reserves 2,000,000 Transfer from General Fund Operating Excess Reserves 1,343,294 CIP 92551 Public Safety Improvements Reduce appropriation and funding $ 4,118,000 CIP 92369 Municipal Facilities Replacement/Renovations Reduce appropriation and funding $ 500,000