HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 758-A - Oil & Gas Drilling Permit To Texland Petroluem For Well Sites Lbb Counrty Club - 03/26/1981 X SMH:bs RESOLUTION #758 L 3/26/81.,d BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Manager of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an Oil and Gas Drilling Permit for the Texland Petroleum Company, for the drilling of Lubbock Country Club Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, attached herewith which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 26th day of March 1981. BIIJ McALISTER, MAYOR ATTEST: Evelyn Gaff ga, City SecrE'taxy-Treasurer APPROVED AS 110 CONTENT: Denzel Pe C. full, Dj -ector of Public Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: Susan ii, Horton, Asst. City Attorney DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FAA USE..ONLY FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION AERONAUTICAL MY NO. 1. NATURE OF STRUCTURE FAA WW either return lbb gum or A. TYPE B. CLASS C. PROPOSED LENGTH OF Lasue a sopazato acknowledgeniont. El NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT TIME To COMPLETE A. The proposed abucturst ALTERATION KI TEMPORARY 1 0 Dow mat sequke a Dad"to FAA. WouldtlazI 2, NAME AND ADDRESS OF INDIVIDUA!,COMPANY,CORPORATION,ETC.PROPOSING x4tandard not of Part 7exceed7 and would not any obstrucbe THE CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION (Xiiwhrr.Street,Vitp,.Nhste usid Zip V0010 a huard to sk ma4gatlact. uld be r lighted poobstruAd cI"tion 0, 04*04 t visory ciscuta Text and Petroleum, Inc. 40-1.chopit-0) Rt.&,LA&*n 00b4tructia" sawking and"llahlbw -0 TO 3402 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg. not asat"My. Fort Worth, Tx. 76102 C)l1equires supigazentAl notice. Us*FAA IN=Satiated- L Attn: Scott Atkinson J 3-r=C3 WAS OWAS 001&4w6W' S. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION__..OF STRUCTURE 11001U41" pats,cr fit ploposed or THIS DMMINLTION EXPIRES moilifle4 AJI, PM or 11'1' xJatiotf IsO141 sI*xifJ)II.#I *i.r 44P$t1 ('001figuratiolt 01 power transmission line in riesnito of 1*.4.1 (tIcilitirg as uppf�opriatv). UNLESS OTHERWISE EXTENDED. REVISED. OR TMINATED. Oil Well Drilling Rig (Lubbock Country Club No. affir.62 Eq. Southwest Region REV WIN ICEK DAT1! 12- A. LOCATION OF STRUCTURE A. COORDINATES i'/'e Ijedr"Nf 90TOMI) B. NEAREST CITY 09 TOWN,AND STATE LATITUDE LONGITUDELubbock, Texas =— 1 ll (1) DISTANCE FROM 49 (2) DIRECTION FROM A 29-- POst -Offi e .4 _mIlls N 8* E FROM DIRECTION C. NAME Of NEAREST AIRPORT, HELIPORT. OR SEAPLANE BASE (1) DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POINT OF (2) AIRPO NEAREST RUNWAY SZT Lubbor-k--Realanal Alroort — 7950' - 1 30* W D. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AIRPORTS, PROMINENT TERRA'" FEATURES' t 1Isis N0 STRUCTURESt ETC^ iAtteach it 14010WAY, Or any other praprfntr wast or sj�(Ijj-(j lirlitclily shaIritig the relationship of construction sift to It Ores airport(s). 11 MOIV 811tave I# $V11m4red, vQ jjjhju, an a alepuytile sheet of paper and atfacli to t4la notioe.) 3.4 miles- north of Lubbock P. O. and 1800' west of Highway 27-87 S. "EIGHT AND ELEVATION Icample-fe A,It arld t' its 1114'pirrit-rat 1101011 6. WORK SCHEDULE DATES : A. ELEVATION OF SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL 31 4 A. BEGINNING 1 A il -1981 HEIGHT OF SIMUCTLI11 INCLUDING APPURTENANCES AND LIGHTING a. END (if any) ABOVE GROUND, OR WATER if So SITUATED 1 1981 9.81 May C. QVERALL HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (A + R) 3' YES NO 7. OBSTRUCTION MARKED ANO/Olt LIGHTED IN AC- A. MARKED CORDANCE WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIR- B. AVIATION RED OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS CUkAR 70/7460-1, OBSTRUCTION-MARKING AMD C. HIGH INTENSITY WHITE onTRUCTION LIGHTS LIGHTING D. DUAL LIGHTING SYSTEM I may GERTWY that an *1 the &hows, Statements mads by we aro true, complete, and correct to thst best *1 my haworledoo. DATE TEL. NO. (Uive area I TYPED NAME/TITLE OF PERSON FILING NOTICE IONATURE I code) Scott Atkinson 3/6/81 817 336-2751 Prod. Operations Eng. 1 —1 a AM of Notice Is required by part 77 of th. Federal Aviation Regulations (14 C.F.R. Part 77) pursuant to Section 1101 of the Fdeeral Avlatla ns to 1958. as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101). Parsons who knowingly and willfully violate the Naito* f4QUIVOMAIntS 01 the OfIt subject o fi (criminal ptnelty) of not more than $600 for the first often" and not tn*rO than U-No for subsequent offenaos. pursuant to swlim 902(s) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1472(s)). NOTICE To PROPONENT: � International Airport Contact Mr.Larry Craig, Chief, FAA Air Traffic Control Tower, Lubbock 48 hours prior to erection of rigs. Relephone 806- 762- 0329. co . DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION FORFAAUSEONLY FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AERONAUMALSMOYHO. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION 1. NATURE OF STRUCTURE A. TYPE 9 CLASS C PROPOSED LENGTH OF Isswasoparatoacknowladpwoft IaNEW CONSTRUCTION El PERMANENT TIME TO COMPLETE A.The proposed sbuctum 0 ALTERATION ERTEMPORARY 00oasnottoQuIrso W: toFAA. 2. NAME AND ADDRESS Of INDIVIDUAL,COMPANY,CORPORATION,ETC. PROPOSING )Ovaullf not exceed any obstntelloft of 77 THE CONSTRUCTION 02 ALTERATION (Arindort.-`;trsit,0ty.Stttv an,)Zop astandard Ps"tl and would not bo )(Should be obstruction CI marlitHi r Cillghtsd*por PAA Aftisall,iftroultif TEXLAND PETROLEUM, INC. 7111140-11.0haptUN Yi* LIA" To 302 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg. 001:21ruallon morlilfts tiad-.114hotte are Fort Worth, Texas 76102 rat noosesay. C)Ro*&"w►AW4010" Attn: Scott Atkinson 15.1rcoutras )(*"VWadv%" L REMARK& EVI 3, COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE 01JIVIVItt' COITti0"' t0flill"t 10U10'rp 001 PnwoAt-41 or THIS DETMIRLTION RBS modified AM, 1'.11 Do' 73' station 11-1 lissigard 1101d power traninaseion fine In rivinity Of I'AA 111rilitirx fix 9-ar'fa, UNLESS OTHERWISE ECTENDED11 RvrSED, OR TMINATED. Oil Well Drilling Rig jSW1NaOPFIQF-- (Lubbock Country Club No. 2) Hq, Region ATE S. A. LOCATION Of STRUCTURE A. COORDINATES 41'o nearest second) S. NEAREST CITY OR TOWN, AND STATE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Lubbock,Texas - (1) DISTANCE FROM 46 (2) DIRECTION FROM 48 a3 1 37'1 451 101.1 50T 12 Post office 3.4 MILES N 10" E C. NAME OF NEAREST AIRPORT, HELIPORT,OR SEAPLANE BASE (1) DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POINT OF (2) DIRECTION FROM Lubbock Regional Airport NEAREST RUNWAY 8100,1 -- D. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AIRPORTS, PROMINENT TERRAIN FEATURES, EXISTING STRUCTURES, ETC. (Attach a hillbwuY, Ntr"cf, Or any Other appropriate Poop or mrolett drawiny showing the relationship at construction site to Nearest GirpOrttt). If MOrit SPOTC IN rCq"frfdl C0041inue an a separate shirt #I poprr and attach to this notice.) 3.4 ,miles north of Lubbock P. 0. and 330' west of Highway 27-87. S. HEIGHT AND ELEVATION it'asnpirte A,R ting V to)the nre"'ext 10041 6. WORK SCHEDULE DATES A. ELEVATION OF SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL --- 3205" A. BEGINNING 15 April 1981 It. HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE INCLUDING APPURTENANCES AND LIGHTING B. END (if any) ABOVE GROUND, OR WATER IF SO SITUATED 971 C. OVERALL HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (A + 0) 33021 15 May 198 YES No 7. OBSTRUCTION MARKED AND/OR LIGHTED IN AC- A. MARKED x COIDANCE WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIR- B. AVIATION RED OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS x CUtAQ 7004AMI, OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING C. HIGH INTENSITY w"in*BstgucytoN LIGHTS D. DUAL LIGHTING SYSTEM I z CMlrWY that all of the above stalem*%ta =&" by we are true, conziplirte. and correct to tko best of cal lonowl0d9o. DATE Tit. NO. 10(ve area TYPED NAME/TITLE OF PERSON 1`11.1040 NOTICE SI"AIURE code) Scott Atkinson Prod Opers. ns . /81 817 336-2751S 1 .__ Notice it required by Port 77 of the federal Aviation Regulations (14 C.F.R. Part 77) pursuant to Section 1101 of the Federal Aviation Act Of 1958, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101). Persons who knowingly and willfully violate the Notice requirements of Pon 77 are subject to a fine (criminal penalty)of not more than $500 for the first OtIgnoo and not more than $2,000 for subsequent Offenses. Pursuant to Section 902(s) nt tho Federal Aviation Act at 1950. as amended (49 U.S.C. 1412(a)). 7-4: ZOMME, TO PROPONENT: Contact Mr.Larry Craig, Chief, FAA Air Traffic Control Tower, Lubbock rutiftrnational Airport 48 hours prior to erection of rigs. Relephone 806- 762- 0329. Die- CID COD �,., FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION F-Wn rAftWOMVRLT NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATIONASPONAVITCALMUDyo.N I. NATURE Of STRUCTURE 00ASV- 556-Of A. TYPE a. Ct4SS - C PROPOSED tENGT"OF NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT TIME TO COMPLETE El ALTERATION MTEMPORARY A.The propeead olniature: Q ON*net mpdm a nofte to FAA. 2. NAME AND ADDRESS OF INDIVIE)UAt.COMPANY,CORPORATION,ETC' PROPOSING Xwould not 01000d may itibalmil0cm THE CONSTRUCTION 09 AtTFRAIION i A umbi r,.-Cf,t t r,#,jtq.Nt,sl, readgll, I standard of Part Ti $11d wwdd not be, a hazard to r )(Should be Obsit"111CIn 0 marked ghlod'(ler FAA JWvlflorr CIfflogir 40ft..t,t.`tlapttr(aj LG TEXT and Petroleum, Inc. Dobsetoollon friaskills and fighting am TO 3402 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg. not mem". Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Reoireasuppmomminimee. LAttn: Scott Atkinson REMARM 3. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE stiortaile rofIrsif'r ro'NoIrtl poirf'r #)I on't..... ur THIS DEVAINATION EXPIRES mathiled 41.11" I'M station owl fix'10f1m.4 X1.4, flnel of fluivir tranamossion line in vicinity Of 1%4A f4luditirs fix UMSS OTEnwiss n5mm. REVISED, OR 'TERMINATED. Oil Well Drilling Rig ISSUING OFFICE: (Lubbock Country Club No. 3) Rq- SoutbiggErLIWon RtXMIU ; .0 OF I DATE L, TE, 3 4. LOCATION OF STRUCTURE A. COORDINATES (7'a nearrst around) B. NEAREST CITY OR TOWN,AND STATE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Lubbock, Texas ;'toll S J 1 (1) DISTANCE FROM 49 (2) DIRECTION FROM As ....3 3 5 0 Post Office LS MILES N to" E C. NAME Of NEAREST AIRPORT, HELIPORT,02 SEAPLANE BASE (1) DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POINT OF (2) DIRECTION FROM NEAREST RUNWAY AIRPORT Lubbock Regional Airport 7200' 0 0) W 70 W - D. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION Of SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AIRPORTS, PROMINENT TERRAIN FEATURES, EXIST Ti No STRUCTURES, ETC. iAttuch a hiplitray, alrerl, or istsy othrr approppritfir asap or NO-1014-ft the relatiorist"P of Cunetrurtion Site to nearest airporsts). 11 more xpuce fit required, continue on a separate shirt of pajore arae Oitao, to this notice.) 3.5 miles north of Lubbock P. 0. and 414' west of Highway 27-87 S. HEIGHT AND ELEVATION I Votapirte A,It timl t' to the 004,41s I'm$loot) 6. WORK SCHEDULE 041tS A. ELEVATION Of SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL 3713' A, BEGINNING - - 9A I S. HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE INCLUDING APPURTENANCES AND LIGHTING may, 19" (it anyj ABOVE GROUND, ON WATER IF SO SITUATED C. OVERALL HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA tEVtt to + III lJune . , q81 YES NO I. OBSTRUCTION MARKED AND/OR LIGHTED IN AC- A. MARKED x CORDANCE WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIR- S. AVIATION RED OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS X CULAR 70/7460.1, OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING C. HIGH INTENSITY WHITE OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS D. DUAL tIONTING SYSTEM t HIMY CERIM that &U of the &b*vo alatemeats made by wif are Itue, template. and conact to the boot of my knowledge. DATE Yet- NO. talre area TYPED NAME/TITLE OF PERSON FILING NOTICE SI NATURE code) Scott Atkinson 3/9/81 -817 336-2751 1 Production Opers. Eng. Notice is required by Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 C.F.R. Part 77) pursuant to Section 1101 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1959. as, amended (49 U.S.C. 1101). Person: who knowingly and willfully violate the Notice requirements of Part 77 are subject to a tine (criminal penalty) of not more than $500 for the first often" and not more then $2.000 for subsequent offenses, pursuant to Section 902(o) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1950, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1472M). .NOTICE TO PROPONENT: &#^'r bC"nVF irARSONS Contact Mr.Larry Craig, Chief, FAA Air Traffic control Tower, Lubbock International Airport 48 hours prior to erection of rigs. Relephone 806- 762- 0329. r -- --� .. .. L .. - 4..1 �.� Y� ••`� w�' C`I� �"�� .a "r rum rAA,votVNLT FLDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION AER STUDY NO. 5 5 -OE 1. NATURE OF STRUCTURE A. TYPE B CLAS.S. FAA will either return this form or C PROPOSED LENGTH OF Issue a separate icknowledgement. TIME TO COMPLETE NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT 1 Ito+rlhxd A. The proposodstructurs: DALTERATION [&—]TEMPORARY 1 0 Does not require a notice to FAA, 2. NAME ANADDRESS OF INIDIVIDUAI, COMPANN Y, CORPORATIO , ETC PROPOSING Would not exceed Any Obstruction THE CONSDTRUCTION OR AITERATION 4 f Cetv,�Nrqf, 'Ind Zop Cudf i Atand4rd of Part 77 and would not be a hazard to air navagation. %Sho,,Id be obstruction 0 marked 7 lighted'per FAA Ad ry� Cjrcular Texland Petroleum, I tic. 7 460-1,Chaptario .1mLe-+M 00batrucilan marking and lighting are TO 31102 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg. not necessary. Fort Worth, Texas 76102 LJ RequIses supplemental notice. Use FAA form enclosed. LAttn : Scott Atkinson B.FCC LIwas Xvias not advised. REMARKS: a. LITE DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE thwhipie ft0irt, ra4ilohd pfOJ04,� of prop­4',l to, THIS DETERMINATION EXPIRES Modified All, /',I/ or TV Hfoohurl and u"o0o'd ��0.0 a m I co nj`iq u, I I f"�( 101 too,v i, franii"tim,ii"n hije in vicimly q PA,l pjv,toill` ,11 lipp,up"101(f 1 13 - ?A. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXTENDED, Oil Well Drilling Rig REMED, OR TERMINATED. (Lubbock Country Club No. 4) ISSUIN X-FlObOuUiWest REZINGOFFIPER DATE 1 3 _12-81 4, LOCATION Or STRUCTURE A. COORDINATES (Tri wurr,,( rrund) R. NEAREST CITY OR TOWN, AND STATE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Lubbock, Texas 0 1 0 4 (1) DISTANCE FROM All (2) DIRECTION FROM 48 �SOf f i ce MILES N 80 E C. NAME Of NEAREST AIRPORT, HELIPORT, OR SEAPLANE BASE (1) DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POINT OF (2) DIRECTION FROM NEAREST RUNWAY AIRPO Lubbock Regional A-i' rport 1 6150' S 35.JtT W D. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AIRPORTS, PROMINENT TERRAIN FEATURES, EXISTING STRUCTURES, ETC. (Alfach a hitihoeoll, up' tall othrr dptrrupriulr rota)) or ow,010"I drowiply Hhorring the relationmhip of condfruclion site` to rivurvot airpor(Iii), If inure mpacr ir, requiii'd, runlinui, oil u Nepurulf, dh(ct of polocr und attileh to this notice.) 3.5 miles north of Lubbock P. 0. and 1300' west of Highway 27-87, 5HEIGHT AND tLIVA7ION 4Coonpli,14, !I, 1t 4ol,J C I,, it,,, nr,u,n1 fool) 6, WORK SCHEDULE DATES A, ELEVATION OF SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL 31 841 A, BEGINNING HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE INCLUDING APPURTENANCES AND LIGHTINGB. I M;4V anV) ABOVE GROUND, OR WATER IF 50 SITUATED 97' S. END C, OVERALL HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (A f 11) 3281 ' 1 June 1981 YES NO 7, OBSTRUCTION MARKED AND/OR LIGHTED IN AC- A, MARKED x CORDANCE WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIR- CULAR 70/7460.1, OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND B, AVIATION RED OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS x LIGHTING C, HIGH INTENSITY WHITE OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS D, DUAL LIGHTING SYSTEM I HEREBY CERTIFY that &11 of the above statements made by no are true, complete, and correct 10 the best of =y knowledge. DATE TEL. NO. (ilive area TYPED NAME/TITLE OF PERSON FILING NOTICE GNATURE - code) Scott Atkinson 3/9/81 817 336-2751 Production Opers, Eng. Nollce is required by Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 C.F,R. Part 77) pursuant to Section 1101 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended (49 U.SC. 1101). Persons who knowingly and willfully violate the Notice requirements of Par 77 are subject to a fine (criminal penalty) of.not more than $500 for the first offense and not more than $2,000 for subsequent offenses, Pursuant to Section 902(a) Mfkk TO PROPONENT: Contact Mr.Laryy Craig, Chief, FAA Air Traffic Control Tower, Lubbock International Airport 48 hours prior to erection of rigs. Relephone 806- 762- 0329. COO N... co CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM ATTORNEYSAT LAW (8061762-5281 FIRST NATIONAL PIONEER BUILDING P.O.BOX 1499 W C BRATCHER LUBBOCK,TEXAS 79401 79408 March 13, 1981 Mrs. Evelyn Gaffga City Secretary 916 Texas Avenue Lubbock, TX 79401 RE: Lubbock Country Club ; . 1, 2, 3 and 4 Dear Mrs. Ga-ffga: Enclosed for filing and consideration by the City Council find the following: 1. The applications of Texland Petroleum, Inc. for permits to drill four wells within the Lubbock City Limits, said wells to be known as the Lubbock Country Club Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4; 2. A check in the amount of $1000.00 to cover the filing fees; 3. Certificates of liability insurance; and 4. Four bonds in the amount of $25,000.00 each. It is my understanding that the agenda for the March 26 meeting will be finalized on March 18, 1981. Should you have any questions concerning the enclosed documents or if any additional information is required, please advise. With kindest personal regards, we are Yours very truly, CRENS W, DUP7 I C Bratcher nw z ' encls. J" 'u FIRST NAT Kai.B�ivK=-�� �-� � � 15 6 7 8 arLVBBacK';w w.N%- " ::,:'�rt -r`...- w.•+ 1 �. nAy ' ♦ f ORD EGGS ME _ .PN kPlRPNwllYll ii`tfY.M Ai Mfn�f lfCiR. RCkistiPCk k.krppiiiwtKR�wttftl�ykCtlMf Pl gl4l •• •'� -_ .. - - CRENsHAW DUPREE&Mn AM • BOOKKEEPER 1mz)VLu'T1QN #738--A 3726 7 Wel Sites: LubboCk Country Club. Nos. I,2,.3,4, 11101567811*0j: 111304378x,, 008 804 alp .M .I ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1567 a ► ATLUSBOCK LUBBOCK.TEXAS �o m¢ RD DOLLARS r NV w, w 'c. M M tPli 6PttR IP IP N134�kkMt4iPCPe Mk i.PP'MM PARC. CCCi/'IRPCi i1 CPLPYIMPPPRtRi.lkttlUY'u R1CkIM IP 11111i. � I CRENSHAW DUPREE&MILAM $OOMEPE3R RESOLUTION 758..8 3 2 81 Well sites: Lulain #2 and 3 010015r7gits e1 113043781; 008 804 13"' 6p. IDP �? N� 1� r�r/„ „iY r"f! lJ 0, /n(/i,' /, J� /o, ✓ a, �rrr, "0 � �o/%p '%lo"s,7, ��%(/l�6�t �/, e m ' Oki VS 03 U LU 4 Y m" 1I f yr a M i .. i I�-,�r i '� � ��a P��, 1���� �� �✓ra �� � ,�Jr „�%� �r Aa/ r- �"` a : �AI'� w r I r �. i✓ �� ani � ���, � r r � �jr���� ak,`" u" � ✓" � e i I i �d Y 7 a J' r a v 7 a ° I I I � n d FRED H. TIMBERLAKE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. A Professional Service Corporation Actomeys at Law Lubbock Office Dallas Office 1005 l5rh Street I Was Center Lubbock. Texas 794DI March 25, 1981 305 N.St.Paul.Suite 250 806/762.0283 Ulm Texas 75201 214/651-7400 Honorable Bill McAlister Mayor City of Lubbock Lubbock, Texas 79401 Re: Regular City Council Meeting March 26, 1981 Agenda Item H (24) Dear Mr. .Mayor: Because of the concern which I expressed last week over the develop- ment of an oil and gas lease on the tract immediately West of the Northridge Addition, several people have contacted me to see whether or not I object to the proposal to drill oil wells on the golf course of the Lubbock Country Club, which is East of the Northridge Addition. I have no objection whatsoever to the granting of the drilling permits sought under the captioned agenda .tem which includes -four permits for wells to be drilled on the Lubbock Country Club golf course as well as two' wells on the East side of Interstate 27. My sole concern has to do with the drilling of additional wells on the tract immediately West of Northridge Addition, this being in the Northwest Quarter of Section 7 , Block A, Lubbock County. Respectfully. yours, Fred H. Timberlake FHT/mk pe: City Council Members MAR 2 51981 CY SPE RRY I FRED H. TIMBERLAKE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. _IX A Professional Service Corporation Attomeys at Uw LubboKk Office Dallas Office 1005 15rh Street I Dallas Center Lubbock. Texas 79401 March 19, 1981 305 N.St. Paul.Suite 250 $06/762.0281 Dallas.Texas 75201 214/651-7400 Hon. Bill McAlister Mayor City of Lubbock City Hall Lubbock, Texas 79401 AJ-Z. rp Dear Bill: . .4Z/�, I and some other residents of Northridge Addition are becoming very concerned about the oil field which is beginning to develop on the tract of land-west of, and immediately adjacent to, our homes , apparently with full knowledge and consent of the City. The tract in question is the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, in Block A, and this has been zoned R-1 ever since it was annexed into the City a number of years ago. It has carried that zone classification down to the present time and has been farmed for cotton and gra;*Ln fors at least the last 20 years . Late last fall an oil drilling rig was 4-et up close to the Northeast corner of this quarter section, and an oil well was drilled and completid about 500 feet from an existing residence with no notice of any kind having been given to any resident of Northridge Addition. Upon investigation, we found that a tract of approximately 200 acres immediately west of Northridge, and including this quarter section, had been leased to Texland Petroleum, Inc. , which company had drilled and completed the first well. Under the spacing regulations of the Railroad Commission, it appears that an additional three, and perhaps four wells could be drilled on this tract, presumably in even closer proximity to existing homes than the first one. At one point the east boundary of the oil and gas lease approaches within 90 feet of Manioca Road and developed residential lots. Being amazed that an M-2 zone usage could suddenly appear with- out notice in an R-1 zone and immediately adjacent to another. R-1 zone developed with expensive homes, we decided to look into the matter. We have now learned for the first time that the well in question was drilled under a permit, granted by the City under an •N Page 2 Hon. Bill McAlister March 19, 1981 ordinance passed in 1959, , being Ordinance No. 2939 as amended to include Chapter 19--A, the Oil and Gas Drilling Ordinance . Under this ordinance, it appears that the City can grant a permit for the drilling of an oil well anywhere in the city limits without reference to the existing zone classification of the property involved with no notice of an ' kind to ad'acent property owners and with t e only mztation on location being tha� e well must not be within 150 feet of an existing residence or commercial building. The operation of this ordinance can result in a complete change from the highest zoning classification to the lowest without notice to anyone who might be affected by the change. This , in fact, has been the result in our area. We now have an M-2 usage immediately adjacent to a highly developed R-1 area with a producing well. only 500 feet from an expensive home. If Texland Petroleum, Inc. develops their lease on south, one or more wells could be located only 150 feet from the front door of several of the more expensive homes in Lubbock. If this should be permitted, the effect on property values in the area would be disastrous. The existence of an oil well in close proximity to a home is a nuisance of the highest order. The one well that has already been drilled is no—exception. During the drilling process, the noise level of- thie diesel engines running the rotary rig was extremely high. There were bright lights on the rig all •night hong, together with traffic of the vehicles across the open land to get to the location. Now with the well in pro- duction, we have the hum of .the electric motor which runs the pump jack, the creaking and groaning of the pump jack, etc. In addition, the site of approximately two acres around the well is an eyesore and blight on the area. There are several open earthen slush and salt water pits, one of which is partially covered with sheet vinyl and into one of which have been thrown many old cement sacks, drilling mud sacks, scores of empty oil cans, and other rubble which collects around any drilling site. In addition, there are black stains on the ground from oil which was spilled in moving the test tank in and out, etc. All in all, it is an extremely undesirable vista to look out upon. I am enclosing herewith a few Polaroid pictures taken of the area as it exists at this time, and this should graphically...indicate the problem. I would appreciate your making these pictures available to the other members of the Council as well as the city officials to.whom I am sending copies of this letter as indicated below. 46 Page 3 Hon. Bill. McAlister March 19 , 1981 The further development of oil and gas under this tract would effectively preclude any possibility of the surface ever being developed for any sort of residential usage, if in fact this has not already occurred on account of Kent-Smith No . 1 , as this well is known. This is completely inconsistent with the existing long range land use plan already established by the City for this area. In that plan, the tract in question has always been considered td be for some category of residential development as its highest and best usage. Why would it suddenly be permitted to drift .into what is effectively an M-2 zone with no notice to anyone and immediately adjacent to a fine residential area, with absolutely no transitional buffer zone? Accordingly, we respectfully request the City Council to do the following with respect to this extremely inequitable development: 1. Request the City Planning Department to make a study of the environmental impact of the development of this tract for oil and gas, as well as look into the complete inconsistency of this—usage with the present land •use plan for the area: w 2. Request the City Attorney to consider the constitution- ality of the Oil and Gas Drilling Ordinance above mentioned which, in effect , permits a zone change from R-1 to M--2 without' notice and hearing. 3. Grant no further permits for the drilling of oil wells in the Northwest Quarter of Section 78, Block A within 1500 feet of Manioca Road. 4. Request the City Secretary to notify us of the inclusion on any agenda of a City Council Meeting of an application for a permit to drill an .oil or gas well in the afore- mentioned quarter section.. I, and other residents of Northridge, want the opportunity to appear before the Council and voice our objee a.on r suchpermit, z we ee .t at the pro osed loca 1.on t we wou be too close o our properties and would av the effect of devaluating them. k a y Page 4 Hon. Bill McAlister March 19 , 1981 _ The attached sketch of the area, which is not entirely to scale, may assist you and the Council members in better visualizing the situation on the ground. Please be assured that we do not intend to be obstructionists and we are quite aware of the Nation's need for fossil. fuels . However, wells of this caliber will hardly make the difference. Until the price of crude oil approached $40 per barrel, wells producing under 15 barrels per day would normally be considered "stripper, " or marginal, and probably would not be operated very long. Ii looking at the equities on both sides of this situation, we cannot help but feel that the adverse effect on the value of our homes more than-outweighs the benefits to be obtained by the owners and operators of this lease. Respectfully yours, Fred `R. Timberlake FHT/vad pc: City Council Members pc: City Manager pc: City Attorney pc: City Planning Department pc: Catty Secretary ~« P) Q it 'tom. a �7 En E-t ' d o to 00 Abe }ill'a � '�. . :•�"� ` .• .. � ♦r' ^ •b r En ,/ , .►� � Cy , •ytb � G � •`•' ;r: :i .� `�`��� moi. ivy' � .t 1 • 01i, UNI-HED STATES FIDELAPRAN PANY�ir (A S k pany) P" ) 14AR q j RIDER 7983 ✓ To be attached to and become apart of Bond Number 18-0130-10615-81 Z74*ed by UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, as Surety, on behalf of Texland Petroleum Company as Principal, in favor of City of Lubbock, Texas as Obligee. Lubbock Country Club No. 1- IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the above mentioned bond is increased/decreased to the sum of 10F000. effective the 22nd day of October 19 81 GUARANTY'PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the liability of UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY for act or acts occurring prior to the 22nd day of October 118 81, shall not exceed $ 25 r 000 and that its liability for actor acts occurring after said date shall not exceed $ 10,0 0 but in no event shall the aggregate liability, of UNITED STATES FIDELITY A1%,'D GUARANTY COMPANY on account of any and all act or acts exceed the larger amount. Signed, sealed and dated: March 1 ,, 1982 T d tr Conti any (seal) Principals UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY ad Lawrence E. Mitchell, Attorney-in-fact Accepted: City of Labbock, Texas "TE ,Y CER'TTFT,EI:} COPY GENEM POWER. OF ATTORNEY Nr►.............................•............ Iran"&Tl Mar+by these Prosenut Tint UNITED STA'T'ES FIDEI.ITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporatioa organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, and having its principal office at the City of BW=or%in the State;of Maryland, does hereby constitute and appoint' Lavrence E. Mitchell of the City of' Dallas ,State*f Texas its true and lawful attorney TCr?tttrcbtfl1E76tsBttcX r for the following purpo^to crit: To sigh its name as surety to, and to execute.seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,and to respectively do and perform airy and all acts and things set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directara of the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY. a certified copy of which is hereto annexed and trade a part of this Power of Attorney; and the said UNITED STATES FIDELI"T"Y AND GUARANTY COMPANY,through us, its Board of Direcim. he rehy ratiBe s and confirm all and whatswvw the said Lavrence E. Mitchell may Lawfully do in the prentib"by Virtue of these ptrewtenta. 1n iI*itr►ess IF"/, the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY has mused this insCtntnmt to be sealed with its corporate scaL duly attested by the signature►of its Vite-Pxwmtidew and Assistant SMecresatT,this • 23rd day of March .A. D. Ii> 79 UK= STATES MEU Y AND GUARANTY COMPANY. {Signed} �, Charles B. Watson r•..••..•«rr•►r......r••«••.r..••.....•..•......r.►•.•• � SiBa�d} W. B. M. Hingeley ♦•♦••.r•......•r.«.............•.......Y..•..•...••r••. 4 Asstatma SaCiw•.j. STATE OF MARYLAND.RYL.�A.ND. � w MTITM ORGi CITY, On this 23rd day of March . A. D. 19T 9, before me personally crate Charles B. Watson .Viee»Presidextt of the UNI'tw STATES,tMELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY and W. B. M. H i n g e l e y , Assistant Secretary of said Company, with both of. whom I ant personally segttainted; who being by tae aeV+n * duly sworn+aid that they,the said Charles B. Watson and W. $. M. 8•i n g e l e y were reapr mode lye the Vice-President and the Assistant Secretary of the said UNI'TEb STATES FMELITT AND GUARANTY COMT'ANY. the corporation ductibod is mud which executed the foregoing Power of Anorney; that they each ]mew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Power of Attorney was mch corporate se4 that h was to freed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that they signed their acmes thereto by h1rz order ss Yitm Preaident and Assistant Socrstary, respectively. of tate Compatry. 82 My commission expires the first day in July, A. D. 19........ Margaret- i: art Notor�r Ptrbdlc. STATE OF MARYLAND Set• BALTIMORE CITY, L William Al l e.n' . Ckxk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City,which Court b a Comet of Record. and has a seal. do hereby certify that Margaret M. Hurst .Lwaqubre,before whom the ==led affidavits were made,and who has thereto subscribed his lame:, was at the tithe of so doing a Notary Public of the State of Maryland. in and for the City of Baltimore., duly mm miasioned and sworn and authorised by law to admieister oaths and take ackaowledgt =ts, or proof of deeds to be recorded therein. I further certify that I am acquainted with the handwriting of the said Notary,and verily'believe the signature to be his genuine signature. In Tewin ony, lFhemo/, I hereto *et sty hand and affix the scat of the Superior Court of Bahinwre City,the satoe being a Cama of RccoaL this 23rd day of March •A. D. 1979 .. William Allen (5�) ,• (Signed) ............................................................... Clerk of the superior Court 4 Babimore C47. 1"+ COPY OF RESOLUTION That Whereas,it is'necessarr for the effectual transaction of business that this Company appoint agents and attorneys with power and authority to act for it and in its name in States other than XMIand.and in the Territories of the United States and in the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada and in the Colony of Newfoundland. There%re;be is Resolved,that this Company do,and It hereby docs, authorize and empower its President or either of its Vice. Presidents in coajaactien with its Secretary or one Of its Assistant Secretaries,under its corporate seal.to appoint any person or persons as attorney or attorneys-in•fact,or agent or agents of said Company, in its name and as its act, to execute and deliver any and ail con- tracts guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding positions of public or private trust, guaranteeing the performances of contracts other than insurance politics and executing or guareateeing bonds and undertakings, required or permitted in all actions or proceedings. or by law allowed,and �� Also,In its name and as its attorney or attorneys-in-fact,or agent or agents to execute and guarantee the conditions of any and all fonds;.. agaiiasiee;_abligiiiona;�d ula�ioas.`wtdattakirxgs or_an y by law. p ything ih.the,nature of either of the lama, which are or may municipal or otherwise,or by any Statute of the United States or of any State or Territory of the United States or of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada;or of the Colony of Newfoundland,or by the rules,regulations,orders, customs, practice or discretion of any board, body,organiwd=6 office or officer, local,municipal or otherwise,be allowed, required or permitted to be executed, made, taken, given. tendered,accepted,filed or recorded for the security or protection of, by or for any person or persons. corporation, body, office, interest, municipality or other association or organization whatsoever,in any sad all capacit:as wbataover, conditioned for the doing or not doing of anything or any conditions w1dob may be provided for in any such bond. recognizazlce, obligation. stipulation, or undertaking, or anything In the nature of either of the same. '?� ''.' ',,, -^ w-----».- •••n I+ Theodore G. Parks , an Asaistant'Seeretary of.the UNITED ST.kTE. FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY,do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original power of attorney given by said Company to Lawrence E. Mitchell. of Dallas, Texas ,authorising and empowering IAM to aign bonds as therein set forth.which power of attorney has never been revoked and is still in full forco sad effect. And I do further certify that said Power of Attorney was given in pursuance of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of said Company, duly called and held at the once of the Company in the City of Utirnora. on the Ilth day of-' July, 1910, at which meeting a quorum of the Hoard of Directors was present. and :hat the foregoing,is a true and correct copy of raid resolution„and the whole thereof as recorded In the minutes of said meeting. In Tertlmonj -Whereof, I have hereunto set my,hand and the seal of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on October 22 , 19$1 :"�•• y . ���..•��' {Date) " - _ � . ....... .............................. ........... 4 ssiatant Secretary.