HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1100-1951 - Levying Assessment For Cost Of Improving A Portion Of Cornell St. - 06_14_1951'· Original Ordinance & Rolls filed in Separate Folder in v ault o.v.o. S84 gy;,-'1-1.951 o-+: Z, --l~2l amm~ o •• ~~~-----AB ORDDAICI CLOSING HEAa:ntG AND LSV!ING ASSESSMENTS FOR A PART or TBE COST OF IMPROVDlQ A .PORTiaJ Of COBIELL STREET 1 AUBtJRJf STREET, 1ST PLAU, BAYLOI STREEtt 1ST S1.'Dft, COLGATE STREET, Bartaf AVIIUE, BATES STREET, AMHERSf STIBE'f 1 2ID STREET 1 4orB SfREJ!it, DAift'MOU'l'H STREET, 38TH STREE'.l' ~ 37TH STBE.ET 1 26TH STREET, AD<If AVEBUI, IURVARD S!REE'l, COI.J.EGE AVERUI, 42liD STB.EE!,. QUIRT AVEIUE, JOLII! .AVEIDE, WEBER S'l'REJ!.1', 22ID STREft, 33Bll S'lR&l!:'l, PLnrr AVENUE, 41ST . STREET, 21m PLACE, DETROit AVEIIUE AND 25'l'H STREET, STJOB P<RriONS BEDlG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED Df THE PAVING .ASSJ!11SMEBTS OF THE am 0'1 LUBBOOK ATTACHED HERE1'0 .AID MADE A PART HEREOF AID PORTIOBS fl <JrHER S1JBDRY STREETS II' THE OITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AND PlOVIDIRG POR THE COLLEOTIQI OF SUOB ASSESSMEI'l'S, AND FOR THE ISStJAIICI OF ASSIGHABLE OIRTIFIOATES IR' EVIDEBOE !HEREOF, ALLOOATDG J'tJNDS • WHIRBAS, the City of Lubbock baa heretofore ordered that the hereinbelow mentioned portiona of streets, anauee fJfJd/or alleY"' be J.mp.royed by the rtie!Dg, grad1Dg aDi t!lliDg and pavinl, and by lnatalling concrete curb m:1 gutters 8Dd drains vhere neoe•ser.r 011 Unit Jo•s. 724, 766-B, ?67-B, 858~ 92o-B, 971-B, 975.-m, <118, 992, 1002-Bt 108'7, lUCJ-8, 1168, 11'13, ll"17, 1181, 1184, 1191, 1192, 1193, P,94, 1195, U96, 1262, 1203, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1226, 1231, 1232, ~3, 1234, 123S, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239; 1241, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1281, 1282, the paving to be ot quadruple asphalt surface treet•nt (inverted penetration t;vpe) on a six ( 6) inoh oampaoted caliche base, together with the necessaey" incidentals an4 appurtenances 1 all as ~4ed in the speo.t.flcatione prepared by the City Engineer, now on tile with aaid CitTJ aD1 arrangelll8Dt tor the maldng and · construction of suoh improvements aod contract vas entered into with Varren and Purtell, Inoo;porated,, said portions being ae tollovs, to-vita Ool'Mll Street trom its 1nteraect1on vith the West Propert,-Line of Detroit Avenu.e to its 'intenec•UjD vitb the West Propert,-Line ot Bost~n Avenue, lmCMI aDd desigDeted as Vnit lumber 724. · Auburn Street fro~ ita lntereeo.tioa with the Vest PrOperty Line ot Beaton Avenue (lorth) to ita intemotlon With the West Property Line ot College Avenue, known and deslgraated u Unit ~r 766.8. let Plaoe troa 1 te inter.8otion vi th the East Property Line ot Akron Avenue tO 1 ts !J;lteraeetlon with the West Property Line ot College Avenue, knOWD and designated u Dnit Jltamh4no 767-B. · Baylor Street from itt lnterp~lon vith the West Property Line ot Boston Avenue to its intersecti011 vlth the Vest ~P,roperty Line ot College Avenue, know and deeigDated ae tJnJ.t 1\Daber' ssa. Comell Street fJ'Qilite intersection with the Bast Propert7 Line of Elgin Avenue, to ita interseotion vith the Weet Property L1De or Detroit Avenue, know and designated u Vnit hmber 92o..8. 1st Street from its intersection vith the West Propez;t7 Line of Akron Avenue to ita intersection vith the Vest Property Line ot College Avenue, known and designated as thU t lumbar 9711-B. ~ \__) Ool.Pw Street tro1D its intereection with the West Property Line of Boston Avenue to 1 ts intersection vi th the Vest Property Line ot College Avenue, known and designated as 1Jnit Jaber <115. C~ll Street troll ite inte1"8ect1on with the Weat Pl'operty Line ot Boaton Awnua to 1~• 1Dteneoticm vlth the Weat PrOperty IJ.n• ot Colle~ Avenue, lmCMI ad deaipate4 u thdt l'ullber m., BolteD Aftlme troa lta illternot101l v.lth t1ae lorth Propeny Line ot ComeU Streett to it. lateneotloD With the South PropertT Una of Dartllouth Street, Jmowa 11¥1 4ee1p.W aa Uldt ..._, 9'18. ' ' Bate• Street holllte lnteneotion vlth th8 rzdtl IJ'opertJ Line ot Boston .lftllU8 to ita hter .. otion v1th the West Property Line ot College AftJl\let knOVII aDd deeipated •• trait ......_, 992 • .blbeNt Street hal it;e 1nt.neot1on vith the W•~ P.ropert7 Line ot A1a'aa lftDI to ita iDterMOtloo vl.th tu Wen hopert7 Llne r4 Oollep AYeDUI, kllOVB aD4 4eaipated •• tJblt IUaber lOOW. 2D4 Su.et troa lte intae~iOD vitb tbe Ve.-;t Property Lme of College Aftllue · to lte iuter..otlcm vlth the laet Propeft7 IJ.ne ot Abaft ,.,_., kDCND 8D4 4eelpated u Unlt lfDber 1087. 4oth att.et. troa tta !ntes-aeoti&D vtth the w.•t troperty Line ot AveDUe u to tt• 1ntareeatl• Vlth the \felt Property tiDe ot Aveaue 1', knovr. cmd cteaipatec! aa Ubit 1lma1Jft' 1119-B. Dw'*»uth Street trom 1¥ 1nteneet1• vith ~ East Property JJ.f:IG or Boeton .A.,... to ita iDtei'HOtlon vith the East Propel't7 LlM ot Burleeoo-OIIborD AddltiOD• bon ac! 4881patecl u Unit Iaber 1168. I 38th Street tre• ita 1Dteneot1cm vtth the ,za.t Propert;y Line of Boston AftDU8 to ita !DtereeatlOD vith the East Property tine of Akron Avenue, Jmovn ad 4eelpated u thd.t ...,., ll73~t 37th Street t1"'0I lte intefteotftqa vitli the W.llt Property Line ot Toledo Aftll• to ita intefteotlou vltb the Welt Property LlDe ot Salem lftllue, know IIDII dealpated •• Uait bber un.· ,. 26th Stftet troa ltl .lnteNeotiOD, ~th the lut Propert7 Line ot Louinille • ..._ to ita~-v!th the 'hat Property Lilla ot laoDille Avema&,_ lmow u4 •••!gluded .. Vdt Iaber ll81. Akl'on A.,.._ haa ita 1aternot!on vlth the lorth Property Line ot 'l.Bt street to itlt bter .. otioa vlth the South Property L.1.De ot 30th Street, knoW, iiD4 dee~ u Unlt ..,_. U84. Kllftfd street t.-ita lnteraeotion vitb the ·vest P.roperty U. ot Harttord Aftlllll to it. iDteneotioo vith tbe Weat Property tiDe or ru.nt AftiiUe, kDOW 8Dil dealpated •• Valt ._.r U91. Col.l.ep 4.,.._ troa ita laterMOtlon vitb the SOQ'th hope .. Line ot Soth Street to lte intnweotl011 vlt.h the South Pl'opel"tJ' I.1Da ot 42Dd Street, knOVD 11114 dadpate4 u lalt ..-.r U92. '\,__/ 4oth s~ froa ita !nteneotlon vith the Eaat hoperty Une ot Boston ...... to it. intenM\lOD vlt.h the EMt-Property Line ot AboD Aftmle# knCMl a4 . d.l~ .. Unlt ..... 1193. Oollqe Awne flea it. interHOtton v.l.th the lortll J!Tope~y L1De of 3fth StiNe\ to its 1rlteneatiOD vlth taut South ho)Jel'ty IJ.De, ot 17th sv..t, 1mova aDil deaipeW M Uldt ~ 1194 • . College .A.,.._ t~ it• iDteneot.le with tbe lorth hoper\T LiDe ot 39th Sv..t to ita lnter~lon with the South Propl1"t7 LS.De ot 38th su.et, lmowa a4 dn1gbated aa UDlt Iaber 1195. OoU•s.e .lftmae fMA lta tateneottOD vltb ~he~~ P:topel"by L1De ot 4oth SU.et to it.~ i.Dteneotf.cm vi th the South l'roperty IJ.ni ot 39th SU.et, known aa4 d .. ipeW a t1Dlt luaber U96. 42rd 8-.et trca ltl !ntereeotloD vith \he Eut Property Line ot AJatoD ,...._ to it• bteneotion w:l.th the Ia~ Property L1De of Col~p Aw.u.ue, tmew lid dee~ u Uid.t luablr 1202. College .tremae flo• ita intereeoticm with the lorth Pl-opertT Line ot U.t Stl'Ht to 1ta 1Dteneot1on v.l.th the South Propert7 IJ.ne ot 4oth Street, know ad desipeW u 11td.t RuJibel" 1203. 42n4 StrMt troll ltl intel"'eotlon vith the West Property IJ.De of Elg.ln AftiiDI te S.ta 1Dt.en.eot1on vlth the West Pt>operty Line ot Canton .A:nn.u•., knoVIl a4 detipeW u VD1t luaber 1222 .. Quirt Aftm18 flooa ita bt.l"MCtlon vlth the South Property Line of P.:a.t. 24th S~et to ita lnterH0\1011 vitb the lforth Property I.b1e ot But 33l'd SWeet, tDCNil ad 4ellpated •• Unit ~faber 1223. J'~lJAt A..-from 1te 1atereeot10D v1th the .south Property Lin& of 3281 StiNt to tta btereeotlon v1th the lort.b Propert7 L1ne ot 33rd Street, tmow 1111 de11petecl u UA!t lwlber 1224. 4oth SUee\ tr&* lte illtel"'eetlGD vlth tbe Beet Properly Uae of Collep lftllllt to ltl hteJ'MOUOil vltb the !ut Propart7 I.iDe of A'9'8DWI I (lorib), beND a4 d .. ipeW .. U!dt ~~ 1226. V.ber Stnet troa itll btereeot!ola v1t11 tbl South P:foperiy Line of San 2'th S'beet to ltl tnter .. otioa Vitb the Ve.t Property LS.ralt ot Quirt Aft1mt1 lmcMl ml 4eeiplted .. VD\t Iaber 1228. 22ld stNet tna it. tnte.raeotioD vlth the lan Propef1i7 Line of MltJIJb~• ...._. to ita ~icm vlth tbe Jut Propel"t7 1.J.ne ot Lot u, Block 1, .&Ddei'IIOD Subdlft.alOA efliJ/or to ite inteneotlon vltb the Eallt fttoperty Lifle ot Lot 4, Bloak 2, AlldeNOD Subdlri.el•, krlaw tmd. cleeigllaW • Vldt .. r 1231. 33rd Stftet troa 1\a 1Dtenaecnicm v1th tbe Ealt Property Line of Peoria lftDUI to 1tl UteneotiOD vlth the Eaet Propert7 Line ot Od'oJid AftllU&, laLovD e4 de•ipsWd a 11B1t Jaher 1232. 38th Stren trail ita lnteraeotlae vith the last Property Line. ot Collep AftiiDI to ita illteneotlon vlth the laat ~7 L1D.tt ot A'Y811\18 v, known em4 ctea!pated as llhtt aumber W3. 111nt AftDae from ite lntereeotian vith the Seuth PropertJ' tt.ne 9f 33rd Stftet to it&t mteneoticm vlth tbe lort;h Pl"ope~ L1De ot 34th Street, known 1114 dtaigbated ae tJnit ..._. 12)4. Pl1nt Avem1e tl-011 ite inte1'8eoti011 v1 th the South Property Line ot 32ald sti'Mt to f.te btereeotf.on with tM •orth P,.P.l"t7 ts.ne ot 33r4 Stwet, knOWD .S deatpated u U'n!t a.ber 1235. . 41st St1'9et from ita 1ntereectlon vlth the last Prope'fty Line ot AkJ'OD Aftmae to lta ~eot1oa With the Eaat PJIOPft't1' Line ot College !Yeaue, Jcnovn and dea1c-nated u l7af.t ltlablr 1236. College baa troa ita 1ntereeot1on vlth the South Property Line ot 4lat Street to tta 1DteHeot1cm with tbe lorth PropertJ' ttDa ot 42Dd street, bow m:l c!edgDated d Unit 'Iaber 1237 • let Str.t from ita inte:reeotion vith the lle.t boPft'tT L1na ot Gur _.,.._to its inteneotlft vith the Veat Prope~ Line of flht Anm», knoW c4 clesipated aa tAdt lwlber 12.38. 1st Place hom ita .biteraeotton with the West Propel'tJ' Llne ot Hartford A~ to ita iDteNeotion Vith the West Property Line ot GU7 ATeDUa1 bCMI a4 dea1c-aate4 u V!dt la1ler 1239. 26th Street troll ita intereeot!on Vith t.he Van Property tlDe ot M811ph1• ,.,.... to ·ita 1DteneotioD vlth the Wen Property Line ot Louisri.lle Awaue, knWII mt 4eaigbated •• tlrdt bber 1241. flint A'ftlllle traa lta blteneotion v1th the South ~ Line Qt 31st Street to ita intereeot1on vtth the lorth Property LiM ot J2lld Street, lmOWD 8llCl de•S.pted u Ualt ltabe~ 1274. ~ Plece tftia ita inters:eot!on with the West boperty tlrle ot Camtoa Aftlllll to .lte illterleotlOD viim \be V.at Propel't7 Llae ot !Galton Aftllue; ~ a4 4ee!gDaW u ~t a.t»v 12'7,. Detroit A'9"eeme trca it. tnteraeot1on with the South Pll'f'iog Line ot 48th Street to ita tateneet10D v:lth. 'the •orth PJ-optrty Line oft 'oth stNet, khcND aJIII daa~ u 'Oiltt w.bel' U'l6., 25th Sti'Mt t.raa lte htfteeoticm vi\h the West Property Ll.ne. ot Malph1a AWDI to ita iatei'MOUOU vtth the Veat hopert..t LiM ot Viokera-Re-8ubd1vieicm,lmCND aDd ~ aa t1Dit laaber 1281. 3)14d Street hom ita utereeot1on vith tbe Eut Propert7 Line of Jfeapbi• ,._.. ~ ita uterHGtloft With the Iaiit ftuopert;r lJ.M ot JibAt" Heights, knCMl a4 c!eligzlated aa Obit ..-r 1212 •. • I WHIRIAS1 the Cit,. Engibeer-pl"8pd8d rolla w stateJDSJlte for tba . . .. i ialpN'~ in eaoh unit, shov!~~g the 8JDC)Ul'lta to be asseseed $gainat the vartoua· paroela of abutt1DJ property, aD4 the ovnera thereof, m! ~ other ..tten ad i;btngaf ad the •-were exea!DIC! by the 01tt Cc.dastoa and approved, 11114 a tS. m! pleee vas f!Dd tor bearing to the ow.ere ot such abL\1it1ug J&"'ll&rh7, and to aU others 1n IID,l'Vise interested, ed due aDd proper notioe vas giveD, ed lucb bearing vas had and held at tbe tbe and plaoe tixecl. therefor. to-viti on the 14th 4q ot luna 1951,. at 2t00 o•olook P.M. 1n the OOIIIDlesion Rooa Sa the Oli;y o~ tubbook, Texas, tmd at such lutarirlg .alr:t,des~ to· b.~ .~&I'd 1181"8 tully tmd ta!r~ heard, and evidence vas ref:Ktived: and. ·oo~•iderad and all protellta and o~jeeti()JJS made were oonstdered, am said hemng was 1D all ~sMot• hel4 ill the maaner pl"O'Iided u.d N~ by the ~1" m! lliV 1b torce m th11t Cit)" and by the prooeecUDge ot the City vith ~teNnce to suoh matte~s1 aDd the .tolloving protests were made oonceming the blp~ve~ts in the uniu in4'-"ate4 naJII$~' Bone. JIJ! all objections fUI! protests made vere tully cons:tdored aDd saS4 heBl'"!ng vas oontlmled trom dq to dq and from time to time untU this date, aDd the Cit7 COIID!ssion hav!Dg tul]T od taS.r]Jr heard all parties lll8k1Dg tliiT protest ml all partiet dee1riDg to be heard, mllurtiq ful.lT ooneidered all matten pr&Nilted tar eotul!derat1on, m1 hmng tulJ.T considered all ot the erldGDGe1 ml all pertinent ~proper mattere !a ot op1n1on the~ the t~ diepoettio!l ehould be made c4 eucb pi'Oteste m! obJections, 81ld ~ aeeee-nta should be madft as heretn orddnec!. 'l'HBREJ'W, BE rr-ORDAIN.En Bt THE Olft OOMMISSit:lrl OF THE CITY W LuaBOOlt1 1'EXAS 1 . x .. -~ aU protests and ebjectlODI• vhether bereirl epeo1tio$l.q ._.. tlcmed or DOt fhal1 be and the ._ -. hereby over.rule4 aad tb& said beerina, vith re~ !o each m!· all ot ee14 O':nite, is hereby closed. n. f 'lhe City C~eeton, t.Pom the ev1denae ttnds that the assessments here!D l.Med GhaU be made azd levied against the respeotive pm.toelu ot prop. erty abutting UpcD the ea!d po.rtione ot ~reets and ln"8DU88 and against the owners of WOh property, e.4 that euoh asse•sments 8l"e right. and proper a4 eatabliabed nbetatial justioe and equall~t erd>uni't,orattt b~t~en_:~e reepeo- ttw CRine.rs .and respeotive prope:rttea, mt· ·between _a1l parties ~concHSmed,. o<m- atdtrtng bonetiw rec,im aut burd8118 imposed, 8Dd fUrther tinda ;that ill eeoh case-~ abutt1ng property aeGeeeed is epaoitlcall.T b41Jlef1tttd in the enhanoecl nlu.e iihereot, by •ans of the improve•nt 1n the U'rli t UpOn vhioh the particular propot1y «~, and t<n-whioh asseesment is levied, 1n a tna in excess ot the ease~ levle<1, .,ainst eeme by this ordinance, and turther fir.ds tbat tbe appOI'tt.ommat ot the ooat ot the ilapro'nJDII1te ia in aocoJdanoe vith the pl"'- c~ heetotore tllken ml had with reteenoe to auoh i.mprowments am le in ell ~eepaets ftltd and regular.- Tb8 C1t7 C~el1tm1 bca ..s4eDo• oona14ering tbe baDetite Neteiwcl and 't.N:r4aa illpcured, fitJ4a that the owners ot relll'Mda ooO\Ip)i.llg 8111l/ar orostd.ng portions ot ttreete berelll naa4 lhall pq ud IN henb.r UAaMd the vhole oone ot ~. iMludlDa tOUildation, extra oomretG, ties, etc •• between aD! ~r ralla emd traaka of euob rail:oad o;t two teet on oatad"-tbereof'J tbt ~ pqable 'b7 aad ohal"geable against nUJ'C)ade end the OWDeN thereof' llha1l be aaHeHd against tha ad ahall be a superior Uen on ita roadbod., t1••• :ta11•, fixture•~ rights end traDOhiaea, vh.loh tax shall ooaatl-tute a lie aupel'ior to 1111.1 othe~ lien or olaim except State, County, tm4 !bdcipel 'l'uwa. %II. That there ahall be and 1a hereby lnie~ and aaseaBed against the parcela ot propel1y ad rail1'0ade oJ"Oedng ·or oooupying streets 1 hereinbelow MDticme4 m:1 aca1nat the real and tru. onere thereot, vhether such ov.ra be oorreot~ herein or aott the SWI8 ot acmey be~ioned IDd 1te111Hd 8bCJIWil opposite the deaoriptlon ot the reapeotive parcels ot property and ra.Uroad.a ooraaing or ooou,._ nreetaa "• deacriptiou ot aueh prope'tJ aDd Jta11roa4a1 and eeftftl aowrta aaaeaed against sa. 1 aDl the Owera thereof, be!ns .. tollovat (Bolls inserted in Original Copy of Ordinance and in separate Ordiaanoe Book) • lf. that the aese•-te .., lme4 are tozo the lllpro'•mnts 1D the partloular 1Ja1 t upon vh1ch the propft'tJ' 4esorf.W abut8 1 m:l the asaea...nte tor the !Ja.provea.ata 1n one Ua1t 111'8 lli no 'td..ee alated to ar ommeotecl vlth the illpzvv-nts in azJ7 other t1D1t, 8'Dit 1D ald.Dg aaeea-nta and 1D bol41Dc aaid heU'!DI the .-uta •• ••-..a ·tor imprOft-.nta 1D one Unit hfte beea ia DOVise etteoted by uv tact in fmT viae oCDI1eoted with the !JIIpl'oYementa, or tM aeseaa.nta therefor, or e.r other unit. v. That the 88ftftl 81DD8 aboYe~Bntloned UH&eed ep!nst aa1d puaela ot pro~~ Nld ageiniJt the real atld tl'UI owners thereot, and interest theNGD at the rate ot •• (61) per oet pett .,., together v1:t;Jl .. nal01lable att01"Dq'e tees end ooat ot oolleoticm11 1t ~. ere bereb~ deolared to be 8IJ4 _. a lien upon the reapecttn paroels of property against vbioh the eaae uw aeseseecl, aD4 a peNODal 11abll 1 ty 8D4 oharp agaln.t the ·real aoi true CNMN the!'eOl, W..ther or not auoh CNDe1'8 be aon-ectlJr D8JII8d heretft and suoh lieu eh8ll be IDd constitute the t.t.r.t entaroeable olaia apinrt the propert7 aasesoect, eDI ~be a. tiNt aut par8JD1Dt lion,. euporior to all other u .. mi olaima~ except State, C~y, aD4 lbdoipal taxes, aDd the 8UIII8 ao ••••eecl •hall be pqabl• .. follGV&t to-vltt lD three tqual !natal.JJDenta, tho t1rat pQable on or bGtore ten (10) dqs attw the oompletlcm I!UI4 aoceptanoe by the City ot tbe 11rrpl'()WJ118nta 1n tha Unit upcm vhioh the partioular prope~y abutiiJ the aeoorr:l instal.lment due on OJ' before cme ,ear troll said date ot aoapletion and aocept.aDae1 and tho tb1Jo4 !D- atallment due on or bet01"8 tvo years tr. said date ot oc-.»].etion m1 MCMptaoeJ u4 aue •••almtlltl ah8ll bee interest from the date ot auoh oom.plet10D - acoeptmse at the rate ot ~ per am:aa, pqable '""!'!tl ,,. vlth ••ch ln.tel.lant, ao that upon .-pletlon and acoeptanoe of the !Jiprofta.nta in a pertloilir unit assea-nta ap1nst th• property abutt111g upoli . auoh oompleted ad aooep\ed tmlt ehaU be a4 .beo.-due ud p878ble ill 11110h iut.U.nta and v!th lnt•n-' tro. the elate ot fiUOh o~letion ad aooeptanoe, pFori.ded that ~ awner ·ahall haft the right to pq ott the entir& asseaa•nt, or e:q inatellllant there~, betON matun.ty, by ~t of prinoipal ar:d acorued -interest, and provided~ that 1t default llhall be .ada in tl» ~of aq lMtal.lJDent ~ a8 the 881!8 atune, then the n.tlre aomxt ot the aasusmant, upon vhioh suob 4etnlt is -.de ehtil, at the option of Warren and Purtell, Incorporated, or itl ualpa, be aad beooma S..Uately due aD4 pqable and ehall be ool l ectlble vitb N.._.bla attGI'MJ"'• t•• m:l oo.ta ot oolleot1on 1t 1Dc~. VI. The 01\7 ot Lubbock •hall not iD.. arrr aazmer be liable ~or the ..,_at of ffltl eae ta.nb:r .... sed aplnlt .., property 8ld the ounera thereof, but .WarreJl ad Purtell• lnoorpora1iecl, shall look sole]¥ to ea:td properi7, aD4 the OVDeN thereat, tw the P81.ut ot the au. aseesaed against the nepeotift parael.a ot p:ro:pii'\TJ 1nzt aaid Oit7 8hall UVI'01" all ot ita lavhl powers to aid 1D the entOI'O.._ii IDC1 oolleotion ot ea14 li•ns and asseesmnte, end it default lha1l be made in the ~t of aJ17 asseasi*Jts collection thereof shall be entorc.t either by aale ot the propert7 by the 'lex Oetll.eotor and Assos sor of the Oit7 ot Lu'bbook u •• •• poiJeible in the 11111DD8r prov1decl tor the sale ot ~ tor tb DCmaJNO'Wt ot act valo~ taee, or at the option ot llarren 8bd Purtell, InoorporaW or ita UIJ!.pa~ ptV"ment ot said 8UIU shall be entOl'Oecl by ault ill tf/1//T o~ having jur1ad1ction. VII .... For the purpoee of evideDCJing the several •ums assessed tgd.Dat tblt said percale of property 1 sad the eNDers thereof, eD1 the tiDa 8D1 te..-ot pqment, 8Dl ~ aid 1a the enf'orc.-nt thereof, asai.pable certUloete• IUU be !sau.e4 by the Oity of Lubbock 11p011 the oOIIpletiOD m! aooeptenoe ot the vort ill eaoh Urdt ot iapl"'ve..m, aa the Wl"k 1D such thdt ia ocapl.eted d eocepte4, vhioh oertirloatee ehall be eaoutecl b7 the Mqor 1D the Ml8 or the CitT, attested b7 tbe City Seareta.r,r vith the corporate seel, m1 shall be p.,.able to WarreD ad Purtell, XDoorporated, or ita asipa, ad shall deolere the taU amant• aDd the tU. ad tens ot JNOWDt ed l'de ot interest aD! date of o.,. p1et1cm m! eooeptaoe ot the illpi'Gv.-nte tor vhiah the oertif'ioate 1a 1•'*• Sl'ld ehall ccmtaill the D8JII8 ot the owner as acourate~ ea poseible, aJd tbe deaoription ot ~·property by lo~ 8Dd blook lmaber, or front teet theNOt, or 1 such otbal" desarlptlcm •• mq othewiae ident1f7 the eaJD~&, and if the ea14 propert;7 shall be awned by a ••tate, then to ao atato the description theNot as eo CMJed ehall be -.tftciellt or it the D8JDI at the owner be Ublalovn, then to so etate ahall be euf'f'ioient, aDd DO errcr or Jd.eteke 1n describing arrr propel't1 or in giriDS the n.-of 8f1T O'llller81 lhdl 1n lllrl"d•e i ll'I'Blldate ar il1paSr the aases.-nt lm.e4 bereby or tbe oertltioate iaauad 1D eY:lc!ence the~ .. The eaid aertitioatea ehall. f'\uother provide aubstantiall.y thd 1t detaul.t ahall be llll4e in t he p811118Dt ot 8D1' instal.laant of principal or htenn '-./ due, vhen, then, et the option ot Warren and Purtell, Incorporated, or ita - sisM, the vhole ot the said aeMaaiiBnt evidenoed thereby shell at; o~ ~ due anc! pqabl81 end lhall be oolleot1ble vith 1'8U<mable ~t~omq•a teee 1114 csost~ ot oollection, it ~. AD4 1d.d oertltloatea eha1l eet torth llld eric!enoe the ptJ'tlonal U.ablllty ot the ovnera of 8\JOh property e..ul the lieD upcm "ueb property, al.ld ehall·pPO"'tde 111 erteot 1t default Shall be made 1n the pe,r-ment theMOf the aue ~ be ntoreed either by the sale of the psooperty b7 the 1'ax OollectOl" aDI.l IJuJauor of the Cit7 ot J'J.lbbook, •• abon ~ited• w b7 nit in 8111 o~ hating jurladiot.ton. !he eaid cert1t1catee ehell turther reoite in ettect tlult ill proo•ilcl-ings v1th :tef'erenoe to making ea1d 1.11pl"09'8menta have been regularly had 1n o-.. ~,. p11an.Oe v!tb the lav in torae ad prooee41Dga ot the CU;y ot hlbbook, aad that :,;;. all pr'6l'eq\t!a1tea to the t1z1Dg at the lien ed olabl ot personal liabUit)r eridnced by $UCh omitlcatos haY& been regnl.~l1' done eM performed, vbloh reoS.tals sh8ll be evidenced ot the raa~tere and taota ao Molted• em no hrtb.er ~ theNOt ahall be ~ in'-. oourt. And the add certifieates may have ooupollS attaoh&d thereto in edcl..,. ot eaah or 8!\Y ot the S&'ftl'al 1nf.ltallm8nta thereof', or they '1111J7 h!ml ooupcm~~ tor eaoh ot t1llJ tlrst tvo lDstalllllllte, lening the .alll oertltioate tor the third.-And the said oert!tioates shall further provide in effect that the City of Lttbbook shall enrolee all ot 1ts levful JlC'V8!'8; vhen requested 10 to do b7 the holder ot laid CMrtltioatea, to aid ia the eratorcurust m:l ooUectiGD thereat, 8D1 said certitioatee ...., conteln other and turther reo! tolD pertlMnt and appt•oprl&te thereto. It ahall not be ueoeee11'7 that said oertif'ioatee 8hall be 1n the uact tom ae abcwe aet f01"th1 but the tiUbltODO• 8Jld effect theNOt eball ¢tic•• vnt. The ..... -a. lm..-4 b;r th18 ordinance tor the blprcwo•m• 1u each trntt are altogether eepaNte and dlat!Mt hem aeMenents 1ft each ml ftU7 other untt4 The asaeaa.nt• tar improvnents 1n one 'll!lit are 1D nowise atteote4 by the impro9e1Dhts in ar the e.sees018!Xts levied tor the illpzto\'ements ill _, O'Ulat 1m1t1 m! !a ..tina ad lft'7'.1.ng ae•s-Dta tbe oost ot th& ~lite in eeoh t1rd.tf tbll belletita by •au ct the illpro'te.ats, and all other mattera ud thin~ 1(.1th reteNDoe to tb& tmpronments in each t1D1t, haft been csonddead, atd ctetumined altogether v1thout reference to I1JIT auoh matters ill t1.1J7 otber unit,. .m4 tbe -...loa ot the Jlp-uta.au ill ., Ulllt lhal1 ill DCN'lae atteot or !a- pea tht ..U.41ty ot ••--nt• tttr the illprovemnte 1D fm3' other unit. !'be · omtssl011 ot blproyelll!ltt~ !D _, partiq!J].ar unl't. ta front ·o! arq property 8DIIpt fltca the-Ue!l of pch aasesamnta ahall in !lOidae atteqt or illpair the Yalid1tJ' ot ..... .....u ep!net othel' PiO!AI'tT 1ft that uat.t. IX. Ro ld.state, eft'Ol"t l.llnllclttT, 0" irNgulal'tty 1D the naa. ot ., p!10p8rt7 tMMr1 or the cleaol'lptte ot ~ pt"'perty, or the eaount or t!flV ........ ment, or 111 ...,. other matt.:r or thing, sh&U 1n tl.'lfT Viae invalidate ~ 1~~p~tr IJV' asseaemmrt lnted hereby or erq oertiticate ieaued., aDd 8ft¥ suoh mistU.,_ error, 11rftU41tT1 or lrNIU).arity, whe-ther ill auob anee.-nt or in tbe oert1tioate ianed iD ed481108 tbereot, mq be oorreoted or at 8JV' time by tba City. x. All aeeee...-nta levied are a personal liabUity and obarge aga!ut till reel and true owners ot the pre-'.eea de~:lbed notvithstftl'lding suoh ownara 11q not be n8118C1-or MtT be Snoorreotly ~. Peaaed ad approved by anu.tmous vote of the City COD.Idss1on ~1• the . __ u .. t-.h __ day ot June 19Sl.__ Paeeed Uld appt-owed by mumimnus vote of the-City Oomroiss1on th1a tJae _.2.,8t,..h..__ dq ot June 1951. Puead aDd approved by unmdmoue vote ot tbe 01 ty 0-aeion th1e tM _,..j _.,......_ dq ot 'lJ&l ~ 1951. Attestt LAVINIA LO~ Appr!'OIINd aa to oontent W. B1 HOLliS City Engi!leer Ap,Pr01e4 u to IAtgal.S.ty VAtnHN E. WILSON City Attoraq ClARENCE K. WIITESIDE 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1100 -is a paving Ordinance and can be found in separate binder in the vault.