HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1101-1951 - Part Of Section III Of Ordinance 661 - 06_14_1951) 0 /£>/ S"Co.}r, ~ OCD·ll+-I.SSI ORDINANCE NO. 1101 C> to -:;28 -\..9 .5-=l---- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT PART OF SECTION III OF ORD.I:.N"ANCE NO. 661 REGULATING THE USE OF LAND FOR 1'A11 DISTRICTS, AND AMENDING SECTION IV OF SAID ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF LAND IN ltB 11 DISTRICTS, SO AS TO ENLARGE UPON USE PERMISSIBLE AND PROHIBITING ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ARRANGED OR DESIGNED FOR LIVING QUARTERS UNLESS THE LOT AREA IS 10, 500 SQUARE FEET OR MORE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended to the City Commission that Zoning Ordinanc.e No. 661 be amended to enlarge upon uses within "A" and 11B 11 Zoning Districts, and to prohibit the construction of accessory structures designed for living quarters unless the lot area is 10, 500 square feet or more, and the City Commission caused notice of hearing on the proposed change to be published in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche on ----l(gp:h a 5. 1/IJ ... / , Hveh .2~ I Iff~"/ , and Mveh gz. 11,rl • and· said notice having been so published and the public hearing held according thereto in the City Commission room on the first floor of the City Hall in the city of Lubbock at ,.2; INI P.M., on /lpr// 12, 1 fJ"'/ , at which time sundry persons appeared at the hearing'fo promote as well as to oppose the passage of said ordinance; and after the said hearing the City Commission determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions existing in the city of Lubbock,. to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 661 in sub- stantial compliance with the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, THEREFORE: ·BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section III of Ordinance No. 661, providing regulations for 11A 11 Districts, BE and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: " REGULATIONS FOR 11A 11 DISTRICTS In an nA" District no building or land shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected, moved or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used, £/other than one or more of the following uses: (1} Single-fan/ly dwellings. (2.) Public pcyrk, playground, tennis court, swimming pool, wading pool, mu'seums and libraries that are owned and operated by the City~ oubbock. (3) Golf co rse, but not including miniature golf course or driving range or any form of commercial amusement. Golf course will h ve a minimum of forty (40} acres. (4) Nurse 1 ries and truck gardens, limited to the propagation and cultivation of plants, provided no retail or wholesale business is conducted on the premises, and no animals or fowls shall ' be kept, except those normally kept as household pets. Provided ~====~==========r--==-=n~o--p_e_r_m __ a_n_e~n-t=l~·m==p=r=o=v=e=m~e=n=t~s-w-=il=l=b=-e=a-l=l=o=w=e=d-·------~===-=-------~~ rk'-=---=~~--------~------------------------~-------==--=----------==========1-~ .... {5) (6) /(7) (8) Tool house and construction shed to be used for construction purposes only, and which shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of construction work. Field offices for the sale of real estate which shall be removed upon request of Building Inspector.,/ Accessory buildings, when permitted, shall be located not less than eighty (80) feet from the front line nor less than five (5) feet from any other street line, nor less than three (3) feet from either side line. Private garages are permitted. Accessory structures which are arranged or designed for living quarters are not permitted unless the lot area is 10, 500 square feet or more. Accessory uses, customarily incidental to any of the above uses when situated in the same dwelling and not involving the conduct of retail business. (a) The term 11accessory use" shall include customary home occupations including the office of a physician, dentist, surgeon, architect, lawyer, engineer, milliner, dress- maker, musician or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such a person as his or her private residence and provided that no assistant not a member of the family residing on the premises is employed; said incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indispensably necessary to the enjoyment of the premises. Signs. {a) One sign or name plate which shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area, indicating the name of the occupant or occu- pation of a customary home occupation, provided the sign is on private property. {b) One sign or bulletin board not exceeding six (6) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises, to be removed by the owner or agent immed- iately upon sale or rental of the premises. SECTION z. THAT Section IV of Ordinance No. 661, providing regulations for "B" Districts BE, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: REGUlATIONS FOR "B" DISTRICTS In a "B" District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter eres;ted, moved or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following uses: (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) Any use permitted in an 11A 11 District. Two-family dwelling {duplex). Churches (except temporary revivals). School, public or private, having a curriculum equivalent to a public elementary or high school. Telephone exchange (provided no public business and no repair or storage facilities ·are maintained). F~re station, water supply reservoir; water pumping plant, water tower, gas and electrical, public utility regulator • c (7) station, but size and location of said stations to be fixed by the City Commission in accordance with Section XXVlli of this Ordinance. Accessory buildings, when permittedt shall be located not less than eighty (80} feet from the front line nor less than five (5) feet from any other street line, nor less than three feet from either side line. {3) Private garages are permitted. Accessory structures which are arranged or designed for living quarters are not permitted unless the lot area is 10, 500 square feet or more; nor are they permitted on the lot the principal use of which is a duplex or two-family dwelling. {8) Accessory uses, customarily incidental to any of the above uses when situated in the same dwelling and not involving the conduct of retail business. (a) The term "accessory use11 shall include customary home occupations including the office of a physician, dentist, surgeon, architect, lawyer, engineer, milliner, dressmaker, musician or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such person as his or her private residence and provided that no assistant not a member of the family residing on the premises is employed; said. incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indis- pensably necessary to the enjoyment of the premises. (9) Signs. (a) One sign, or name plate, which shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area, indicating the name of the occupant or occupation of a customary ho:ine occupation, provided the sign is on private property. {b) One sign, or bu~etin boardt not exceeding six {6) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire, or sale of a building or premises, to be removed by the owner or agent immediately upon sale cr rental of the premises. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner But's'tedler , seconded by Com--------------------------missioner this Ordinance was passed on first reading this 14th day of JW18 · , 1951, by the following vote: ------- Commissioners voting "Yea11 : Miyor Whiteside ancl C'O'IIIolliasionera Hufstedler• Morris It The-.~ Commissioners voting 11Nay11 : C01111111esioner Davie On motion of Commissioner ___ .-H;,;:;uf;;;;.;;;s.:;t;;;,ed;:::.l=er:::..... ____ , seconded by Com- missioner _____ M_o_r_r_i_s __ -:-----, this Ordinance was passed on second reading this 28th day of __ .I;wn.wnao _____ , 1951, by the following_ vote: " Commissioners voting "Yea11 ; ~or Whiteside and Commissioners Marris, Hufstedler, Thomas ~ Commissioners voting "Nay": Commissioner Davis 1 ~ ... o~f: 1!!Y • -~ Mayor ATTEST: c ( 0 VEW:sv THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK } Erle Marie Brown Before me _________ a Notary Public in and for Lui Parker F. Prouty personally appeared · , Pre! A lanch~-Journol Publishing Company, publishers of The Lubboc bbock Ev.ening Journal-Sunday Avalanche-Journal, who after I did de se and soy that said newspaper has been published cant Legal Notice , , fi wo weeks prior to the first insertion of thi , N• ~ Lubbock County, T exos, and thot the ottoched p•inted copy of the_ ~~ o true copy of the original and was printed in the said paper A ,. j~ on the following dates: p. IJ ,q::, March 18 an ... Ill II •• .... •-••tth•••••••••--••••••~••••t Notary 1\iblic iu and for ! ~y~~ \PURCHASE REQUISITION DA fE;__ _ __..Me,__r.aliJ REQ. ~y • teven1a Lowe '. CITY DF' L~BBDCK TO PIJRCH).SING DEPT.-Purchase the Following Goods to be Delivered___ co ••• l CPiaeel Fro~:...·-------------------- ~ QUANTITY On H•nd N .. d Terms Delivery 1'. 0. NO. F. 0. B liD NO. O.lt. IUD& IT ____ Chg. Acct. No._ 1! Unit Cost 19151 TOTAL 2 3 4 5 6 . .., \. In an "A" District no building or land shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected, moved or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used, for other than one or more of the following uses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (?) (6) (?) (8) Single-t~ dwellings. Public park, playground; tennis court, swimming pool, wading pool, museums and libraries, owned and operated by the City of Lubbock. Golf course, but not including miniature golf course, driving range, or any form of commercial amusement. (40 Acres minimtin0 Nurseries and truck gardens, limited to the propagation ahd cultivation of plants, proviqed no retail or wholesale business is conducted on the premises, a.nd no animals or fowls shall be kept, except those normallY kept as household pets. Tool house and construction shed to be used for construction purposes only, and which shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of construction work. Field offices for the sale of real estate which shall be removed upon request of the Building Inspector. Accessory buildings are permitted, including a private garage and servant.' s quarters when located not less than eighty ( 00) feet from the front line nor less than five (5) feet from any other street __ line, nor less than three (.3) feet from either side line.Q servant's quarters) guest house or any structure arranged or ~~igned for living quarters is permitted where the lot area 1.s 10,500 square feet or more. Accessory uses, customarily, incident to any or the above usee when situated in the same dwelling and not involving the con- duct of retail business. · (a) The term accessory use shall include customar.y home oc- cupations including the office of a pnyaician, dentist, sur- geon, architect, lawyer, engineer, milliner, dressmaker, musician or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used b,y such a person as his or her private residence and provided that no assistant not a member ot the family residing on the premises is employed, said in- cidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indispensably necessar,y to the enjoyment of the premises. Si~e. {a) One sign, or name plate, which shall not exceed one {1) square foot in area, indicating the name of the occupant or occupation of a customary home occupation, provided the sign is on private property. (b) One sign or bulletin board not exceeding six (6) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire or sale or a building or premises, to be removed by the owner or agent immediately upon sale or rental or the premises. .... " ., v. -. REGULATIONS FOR •:an DISTRICT In a •a-District no building or land shall be used and no build:ing shall be hereafter erected, moved or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used, for other than one or more of the following uses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Any use permitted in an •A" District. Two-family dwelling (duplex) • Churches (except temporary revivals). School, public or private, having a curriculum equivalent to a public elementary or high school. Telephone exchange (provided no public business and no repair or storage facilities are roaintainedJ Fire station, water supply reservoir, water pumping plant, water tower, gas and electrical, p'O.blie utility regulator station, but size and location of said stations to be fixed by the Oity Com- mission in accordance with Section XXVIII of this Ordinance. Accessory buildings are permitted, including a private garage and servant's quarters when located not less than eighty (80) feet from the front line nor less than five (5) feet from ~ other street line, nor less than three (3) feet from either side line. A servant1s quarters, guest house or any structure arranged or designed for living quarters is permitted where the lot area is 10,500 square feet or moreo Dwellings used for a duplex or two-family dwelling, only a garage will be permitted as an accessory use. Accessor.y uses, customarily, incident to any of the above uses when situate~ in the same dwelling and not involving the con- duct of retail business. (a) The term accessory use shall include customary home oc- cupations including the office of a physician, dentist, sur- geon, archi teet, lawyer, engineer, milliner, dressmaker, musician or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such a person as his or he·r private residence and provided that no assistant not a m~ber of the family residing on the premises is employed, said incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indispensably neces- sar.y to the enjoyment ot the premises. Signs. (a) One sign, or name plate, which shall not exeeed one (1) square foot in area, indicating the name of the occupant or occupation of a customary home occupation, provided the sign is on private property, (b) One sigri, or bulletin board not exceeding six (6) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises, to be removed by the owner or agent iJimedia.tely upon sale or rental of the premises. \ . ~· \ y . . 0 SECTION VI: Bm-ULATIONS FOR DISTRICT "Fit: In an "F" District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered which is arranged or de- signed to be used for other than one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in ~ of the foregoing districts. (2) Bank, office, studio. (3) Gasoline filling station. (4) Restaurant or cafe. (5) Retail pressing, dyeing and cleaning shops. (6) Retail store, barber shop, beauty parlor, and other shops for custom work or the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises. Provided that no •second-hand goods• store or yards will be permitted in the 11F'" District or "G" District. (7) Washaterias. (Ord •. 000, Ja.n\lary 23, 1947.) (S) Advertising Sign (but not including commercial bill- boards). --_ ___,.... . .,.. r -....... CITY OF~ LUBBOCK MEMORANL>tJM. Inter Office TO:,(,~ FROM:~ nate C-. -1 z.. -s-r SUBJEcT: a ~ RJ ~ ~.eou,r/ fu/J/l ath'o->t .IJ4 ~ .s_ »Ia-~ .2.-s--.2 1--~ 7 ,; /~.r/ ~~.. 2 ;t!J.,~/1'1-~ /~/?.r-1 r ' ¢ ~-t/J;z./r/ R E S 0 L U T I 0 N r THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND -CI TY COMMISSION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS. GREETiNGS: ,., At a meeting of the Lubbock Real Estate Board,Noon,March,30th.l951 the following RESOLUTION was adopted: WHEREAS, a serious and undesirable situation exists in "A" and"B" zones of the City of Lubbock in that persons owning such property have been guilty of many violations by erecting on the rear of their lots so called 8 guest" houses and "servant's"houses and then renting such premises to white people,permitting two or more families to occupy a lot zoned for not more than one, or two families,thus defeating the whole purpose of zoning, and WHEREAS, such unbearable conditions and zoning violations have been brought to the official attention of the CITY COMMISSION,the governing body of the City of Lubbock and which COMMISSION has attempted to correct these violations by an amendment to the zoning law prohibiting the erection of a servants house in an "A" zone on any lot having less than 10,500 square feet of ground space in the lot and b{ further prohibiting the erection of a se7Vants house in a "B under any circumstances if a duplex,two family house,has already been erected on the lot and has given public notice by advertisements in the newspapers, according to law, that a hearing will be held at 2:00 P.M. April,l2th.in the oity hall of Lubbock, Texas, at which time public protests against the proposed zoning law changes may be made, or approvals thereo~ made be made to the City Commission, NON THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the LUBBOCK REAL ESTATE BOARD that full and continued co-operation is hereby extended to the CITY COM- MISSION or LUBBOCK, TEXAS and all aid and assistance offered in their laudible ambition to put an immeadiate stop to the zoning violations mentioned above and involved in e.reoting ad- ditional private residences for rental purposes under the thinly veiled guise of being "Guest" houses and "Servant's" quarters \~ in "A" and "B" residential zones and '' I \ .f~~,' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the LUBBOCK REAL ESTATE BOARD,while intotlll ~\;~/ agreement with the CITY COMMISSION in their etro~•s to correct \)~)I these existing zoning violations,do beleive that some better ~ form of approach to solving the problem ean be materialized rather than that which is proposed in the public advertisement, as it is beleived that sueh restrictions would work hardships on those least able to bear them,the small home owners such as / usually erect their domiciles on such sized lots as 50by 140 feet, or less,making it impossible for them to have a servants house of the bonfide domestic servant variety,no matter how great their personal need and •ould effect a definite discrim- ination against small home owners in favor of large lot area home owners,and withal would serve no good purpose that could not be achieved in some other and less destructive to ex- ing p roperty values, mannerand, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the LUBBOKKREAL ESTATE BOARD DOES HEREBY PROTEST to the City Commission the proposed changes in the zoning ordinance as advertised ror the reasons as herein stated. SIGNED,SEALED AND DBLIVBRBD on this the 30th.day of March,A.D.l95l at Lubbock, Texas. ATTEST: LUBBOCK REAL EST.AJ'E BOARD, By:'~~~ ------~~ PRESIDENT • SECRETARY. , . • e ' \ . _____ J RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS. GREETINGS: II. At a meeting of the LUBBOCK REAL ESTATE BOARD,Noon,March~th.l951 the following RESOLUTION was adopted: WHEREAS,the City of Lubbock is currently advertising a public hearing on proposed zoning changes on the date of April,l2th. at 2:00 P.M. as effects the size of •REAL ESTATE FOR SALE" signs in "A" and •B" zones restricting them to six square feet in area, and WHEREAS, it has long been an established practice in the real estate sales business,with particular reference to putting new additions to cities on the market and the first offering of lots and locations for sale in the said new additions,that large,b111 board type signs are used to acquaint the pulb11c with the tact that such additions are now for sale in lots and blocks and such large signs are removed when the initial sales efforts on the part of the real estate firm that estab- ed the new addition have reached their conclusion and all the lots are in the hands of the new purchasers,then the size of signs offering individual lots for sale are greatly reduced, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the LUBBOCK REAL BSTATE BOARD that it does hereby agree with the efforts of the CITY COMMISSION or Lubbock, Texas in their continued efforts to realize the full benefit of city zoning for the use and benefit of the people of Lubbock, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that since most new additions to the city will be residential and will consequently be placed in either,or both "A• and "a• zones and that such additions 1n the course of regular business practices of sale must be properly advertised,that such six ~eet restriction as to area ot such advertising signs by the original sales developers not be effective as to their sales eftorts,but will be ef- fective as to any "SECOND• offer of sale by the first purchaser. Signed at Lubbock, Texas, the .)e*h. day of March,A. D.l951 LUBBOCK REAL ~TE BOARD, By:~~ SECRETARY. j l