HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 128-1915 - Treasury Warrants For Purpose Of Funding Indebtedness. - 10_11_1915ORDINANCE NO. 128. AN ORDINANCE OTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TREASURY WARRANTS FOR PURPOSEOFFUNDINGCERTAINOUTSTANDINGII4DEBTMMSSOFTRPCITYOFMiICS, TExAS, IN 'im Sum _7 $5,000,00,s AND PROVIDMG FOR THE LEVY OLLECTI` NOFATAXTOPAYTHEINTERESTONSAIDTARRAWTSA17DTOCREATEAMINGFUNDFORTHEREDEKPTIONOFSAIDVAFa?ANTS AT MATURITY. w'HEREAS the City of Lubbock, in Lubbock County, Texas, has annexistingindebtednessinthesumof05000.00, evidenced by wa ntsheretoforeissuedinpaymentofclaimsagainstsaidCityasfollowstTwrra.nt Do. 205 dated duly 13th, 1915,E for $383..84; Warrant No. 810datedSept. 139 19159 for $1,000.00; Warrant No. 206 dated August 109 1915, 968.84; Warrant Do. 211 dated Au st 13, 1915 for $ll000.00; Warrant No. 207 dated Sept.. 19 1915, for $&67.20; Warrant No. 2120 dated August 13 1915, for $309.32; Warrant Do: 2089 dated Sept. 13, 1915s for 4170#A0; Warrant Ito. 209, dated Sept. 139 19a5, for *500o00# all of which warrants are now owned and held by the Lubbock State Bank of Lu bock, Texae; and WHERTAS all of said outstanding warrants have been examined and audited by tye Finance Committee and found to have been legally issued in payment of claims heretofore duly audited and allowed by the City Council; and WHERTAS the indebtedness evidenced by mild outst nding warrants Is an existing, valid and binding obligation of said City; and VMREAS the holder of said Tat -rants hae agreed to accept in lieu thereof Treasury Warrants of said City due and payable as he3dnaft6r proviede and bearing interest at the Late of six per centum per annum; nd WREREAS it is deemed b- the Council of said City to be for the beat interest of said;City to fund said indebtedness; Now, therefores, BE IT ORDAIRED BY THE CII COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, late, section 1. That the indebtedness of said City referred to above be funded and that for such purpose there be issued Treasury warrants of said City in the aggregate amount of f5,000.00 as her-Inafter provided. Section 2. Said issue shall consist of ten Warrants of the denomination of 05OOoOO each, numbered consecutively from 1 to 10 inclusive, dated October llth, 1915, due and payable as follows% Warrants No.. 1 and 2 due and paya le April llth, 1916. Warrants No. 3 and 4 due. and payable Aprillllth, 191. Warrants No. 5 and 6 due and payable April 11th, 191 . Warrants No. and 8 due and payable April llth, 1919 arranto No. 9 and 10 due and payable April llth, 1920. Section 3• Said Warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the llth day of April and October in each year, the several Installments of interest to be evid- enced by coupons attached to said warrants* and both principal and inter, st shall be payable at the Hanover National Banks in the City of Dew York., in the State of New Yor)C. Section 4. Said warrants shall be executed in su stantial'y the follow- ing forms UVITED ST TES OF AMERICA, STATE OF TEXAS, r COTANTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK, TREASURY WARRANT. NO. Z500.00 KNOW ALL UEA BY VHEBE PRESEITTS: That for value received the City of Lubbock in the Count of Lubbock, in the State of Texas, is justly Ord. . __8. Page 2. Indebted to the Lubbock State Hank of Lubbock. Texast in the principalsumofFiveHundredVollarstWhichsaidCityhasagreedandpromisedtopaaytosaidLubbockStateBankonthellthdayofApril,. 19tandthetreasurerofsaidCityisherebyauthorised, ordered anddirectedtopaytosaidLubbockStateBank, its assigns# or bearer, thesaidsumofFiveHundredDollars, on said day$, togr,ther with interestthereonfromthedatehereofattherateofsixpereentumpera=4payablesemi-annually on the llth day of April and October in eachpear, as evidenced by coupons attached hereto fbearing fac-simille of thesignaturesoftheMayorandSecretaryofsaidCityoinfullsettlementofthesemiherebyevidenced, from the moneys be4onging to the SpecialFundingWarrantFund, levied and created for that purpose, onpresentationandsurrenderofthisvmrrantandacidinterest couponsattheHanoverNationalBankpintheCityofNewYorksStateofNew York, as they severally become due; but should there be at any time Insufficient money in said Special Fund in the City Treasury for the paydient of this Warrant or any of the annexed coupons when the same shall be presented for ;ayment then this Warrant and the annexed coupons shall be payable out of any other moneys in the City Treasury not otherwise appropriated. If the sum of money represented by this Warrant andannexed coupons shall not be paid at maturity, the same shall thereafter bear interest at the lawful rate of Six per centum per annum until fully paid. This Warrant is one of a aeries of Warrants of like date, tenor and effect, except as to date of payment, aggregating V5#000,OO, issued and delivered by said City to said Lubbock State Sank pursuant to section 890 of the revised Civil Statutes of Teas, 1911.# and an Ordinance duly pas- sed and regularly, by the Council of said City on the llth day of October,, 1915. It is heretjy certifiedg recited and declared that all conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this Warrant, have been properly done} have happened, and have been performedg in regular and due form, and time as required by said Constitution and Laws, and thit sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection of a Special Funding Warrant Tax has beep made, and which, when Collect- ed shall b e exclusively appropria F ed to the payment of thi a yawarrant# and the interest coupons hereto, annexed,, as same become due. IN 'WITNESS LOREOF, the City of Lubbock. in the County of Lubbock# state of Tex -so by its City Council,, has caused this Warrant to be signed h-F its Mayor, Attested and countersigned by its Secretary, who has affix- ed hereto the corporate seal of said City# and to be registered by its Treasurer., all as of the llth day of October, AWD. 1915. W.F. Schenck# Mayors City of Lubbock#Tea. Attested and countersigneds WAU. Shaw, City Secretary, City of Lubbock, Texa$6 Registereds W.M. S haw City 2rweasurert City of Lubbock, Texas, INTERE:'T COUPON. THE FORK OF COUPON ATTACHED TO EACH OF SAID WARRANTS SHALT, BE SUBSTANTIALLY AS FOLLOWS: 80. 15.00 On the llth day of A ril, 1916s, the City of Lubbock, in the State of Texas., will be justly indebted to Benrer in the sum of Fifteen Dollars and x1 City Treasurer of said City is hereby ordered and directed to pay to bearer, out of the Special Funding Warrant Fund of said City$, at the Hanover Nat&onal Hank, Nevi York Cityt New York, said sum on said date, said amount being six months' interest then due on its Treasury Warrant No. . dated October 11, 1915, W*F. Schenck, Vr yor. W.N Shaw City Secretary. Ord. # 12e. Pa;;e 3.. Section f. The Mayor, Secretary and Treasurer of said City areherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoexecuteandregistersaidTreasuryWarrants* and whm executed and registered to deliver same to saidLubbockStateBankinexchangeforsaidoutstandingWarrants, andthereupontocancelsaidoutstandingTarrantavSection6, it is further ordained by the City Council that to paytheinterestonsaidwarrantsandcreateasinkingfundsufficienttodischargeandaythemoffatmaturity,- a tax of axxe d at the rateOfsevencents (-73 on the one hundred dollars ($100000) fA"luationofalltaxablepropertyinthe%;ity of Lubbock, out of the Current or General Expense Tax of said City shall be annually levied on said propertyg and annually assessed and collected (or so much thereof as may be necess^ry) until all of said parr-9.nts and interest coupobs are paid, and said tax is here now levied for the current year* and for each succeeding ye-r that said warrants or interest coupons* or any at them, are outstandingv or so much thereof as shall be necessary, and the same shall be annually assessed, collected and applied to the purposes named, until all warrants with interest thereon fully are paid. And if., at any time said tax levy should be insufficient to pay the interest and provide the necdes-ry sink- ing fund to redeem said warrants~ much deficiency shall and will be paid out of the General Fund of said City* or moneys belonging to said City not otherwise appropriated. THIS ORDINANCE shall take effect and be inforce after its passage and approval. Passed by the City C ouncil the 11th day of October, 1915. Approved llth day of October, 1915. W.F. Schenck Mayore Aettestt W.M. Shaw, Secretary* a