HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 103-1914 - Levy And For Creation Of Sinking Fund. - 01_12_1914' .. {__ --'-.,_ .. -Ordinance No. 103. ,, ' AN ORDirANCE POOVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN AD VALOREM: TAX EOR T1IE FURPOi,E OF PAYIKG THE IliTEREST ON AND CREATING A SINKING FUIID TO REDEEM THE BONIS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK• TEXAS J.N THE S04 OF $55,:000.00 ISSUED THE 27th DAY OF APRIL• A,..D. 1911 FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRU9-1:ION OF SANITARY SE'flERS IN AND FOR THE OlTY OF LUBBOCK. TEXA.�. BE IT ORD.AI.NED BY THE CITY COtJBCIL OF 'rHE CITY OF LUBBOCK• TEXAS: Article 1. J..n Ad VaJ_orem True ot Sffenteen {17) aents on the one hundred dollr valuation ot ell reel ontl personal prop-ertv in the City o:r Lubbock. LUbbock County .• Te:ms., not exempt tran taxation by the Constitution and Lawe of tho siate of Texas., 1s he:re·by levied tor the year 1914 for the purpooe ot f\e.yt.ng the interest. on .and creating e. sinking tund to redeem the bonds or the City ot Lubbock, TeXBs ,.1n the sum ot $55 ,,ooo.oo issm3·d the 27th day cf Apr11, A.D. 1911. to.the purpose of the eonstJruetiottf of Senitary S8wers in and ror the C1 tJof Lubbock. Texas. and shall bm eol!ecte4 as is provided by Law and the Ordinances of the City ot LijbbdDk, .T�s.
Passed and approved: th1o the l:t·h dtly ot J'o.nur.ry,._ �.D. 1914.
F .. E. Wheelock ,_ Mayor City or Lubbock, Texas(seal) Attest: w.�. Shaw City s,cretary.