HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 658-1941 - Directing A Contract Between Lubbock And Nordberg Manufacturing Company - 02_03_1941)'
-.... U58: 0::::.2 -C> 0 -194--J THE STATE OF TEX:AS . . COUNTY OF LUBBOCK . .. CITY OF WBBOCK ... . . The City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, convened in Recessed meeting in the City Hall on this the 3rd day of
Feb~a;...;r;..Y:-----' 1941, with the following members present, to-wit:
C. E. Slaton, Mayor,
W.B. Price . .
W.G. MC:Millan Commissioners,
Hub Jones . • Garland Newsom,
Miss Lavenia Williams, City Secretary,
with the following members absent. to-wit: None, constituting a qoorUi).,at
which time the follovring business was transacted, to-wit:
Commissioner Price called attention to the fact a -----------------
the meeting of the City Commission held on __ J_an...;;;;;;;.;.•---3_0_t_h_.,~--·' 1941, there
was introduced 8J at• an ordinance identified by the following caption:
and thereupon made a motion that said ordinance be passed. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner _ ...... J.o:;.;;n:;;.e .. s...._ ___ _ The motion prevailed by the
following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Price, Jones M-u"lla.n __ Yl.;;......;"""-;;;.;;;. _____ ,,
and Newsom •
NOES: None. ( t
The Mayor announced that the ordinance had been passed. The
ordinance is as follows:
) '
WHEREAS, for reasons stated in the preamble of the form of
contract hereinafter prescribe~, the contract between the City or Lubbock,
Texas and Nordberg Manuracturing Company should be re-executed.
l. Tbat a contract be entered into between the City of
Lubbock, Texas and Nordberg Manufacturing Company in substantially the
following form:
( 0
1ta11 coatn.ot etere4 iftto 1te1wen tha cur ot t.ab)Oc:k, Taae,
ha.taaatter ealle4 "Puolla.-• all4 •OJ't'MJ'I Muataot81'1ac Coll;tur, Jt.ewlzt.-
after eille4 •o.,eq.•
111DIAS* the ~ohaeeJI' .Pllbl1ahe4 4ot1oe to b144ere to~ cenaia
eleotriod. .aaohlMI'J' u4 eq\'lipaent • llereiano 4e .. l'1be4, 111l1ck not.$." ••
at•• u aU t1l1Ja&l la aoeor4u.oe wl• the ohU'tel' of the pveba .. r and the
ceneral lan of tbe 8\ete o~ 'l'aaa a u.4
Dec.l2,194g thG Oltl' COam1•elon ot the Cit7 ot
l.altMtk oon• ... 4 u4 oona1~ft'd. the bid• so til•4, ud touct and ••ol~cl
that lloi'O•rc II'U.tao\al1.1al C<apur wee the lo..•t ree,pon•1'1At lt144er oll
tile trJe ot ooll8tNit1on, ._,..., aa4 MehiUI'f .. 1A!I~e4; aD4
WJ!IRUB, PIU'•ot ttt•1-eto, oa Dee•t~~•r lf, lMO, a oeatno'-lte-
tw••n tbe Purob.uu and. the OompaJa7 wu er.ttered iJllOf aud
IBDIABa 18.14 oo.otl'Ut was a4e prior to the ho141!11 ot an eleoUo.n
tcr the , • ...,.. ot t1•s,ooo.oo ot bonds to prni4e hDde te t.he _I)O.rohaa• ot
au.Cill •qulJ!Mllt ... •114 oontnct oOBta1•4 tbe tollowiac PI'OYilloua
"Sboad4 '$b1e eleotion ta1l to rece1Te \be nt.Ue4 a,1DI'it7
Of lecal Tote•, aa&1 llboult the P\Jroba .. r be 'JUble to aell
•14 .,... en4 u othel' meua of matdn1 the aboYe JUipe!R a
ia \'tllibl•• •~te thia .PJ'Opoeal mill be oout4ere4 fti4. !Jhe
Oupaq wtU en4,1t to '"• aocout ot the P\aftbase:r eu an4
oae q--uteJt (~) htere•t· psr llDAD en .anr pqaeaa •«• 1A
e4YllliD• ot tbo e.bo'Yo ata\ed aob44Ule•"
WDIAS, oa 1'UaaJ7 14, lHl. 1&14 bo.A4 eleot1on •• uld aa4 r ..
eQl. ttt4 t•,...a•lf1M) \htt lBSNUce ot eat6 tlf,,OOO ot ~nd• and aot1oe Sa
now bellls publ1,.he4 tor ~~ aela ot eaid 'bonctl en the· ao n a4Teatqeolla \14
~ ~~ ft.le4, ud 'the C1i7 hae aaarancas fft)a oanata b0114 houaee 'llet aa1c1
lHJncta ou be sol4 on ~ems aetiataato.ry ~ the Clt7a aDA
~. the .Proceeds trom. tlle anle ot add bonds. toptber with
o'hel' tUDela •• on !ulnd whioh •87 be a.JpU.4 to that purpoee, are autfioient
to JJaT •h• co u14ent1Gn PJ'OV14e4 1• sa14 oontaot a M4
IHIRIAB, aid oentract Jbm4 'be r.-.bouted eo •• to olladate
the .PJ'GTlalon ·~•• qo.ote4t
'Dle eoep., taJ."e•s 'o tar».1Bh the PD:reaaet ud 'o alllp tro~~
111l...U .. , WiiOoaai••• •1th1a eleYc months t:-• the date Gt 111.18 oontnot,
u4 ~eipt ot all iafoaation uoeaJ&l'1 tor Ue 'IIOI'Jt to prooee4 wUhOGt
1nte'ft'tlpt1on, u.l8-ea 4elqe4 bf etrlke•,. tift•, ao.d4.etdl&1 Ol' IIUUtactur1ng
conUngenaS.a,. '••ad tbe reaao•bla oodftl ot the Oomptny, 11le ·hereillafter
4eeori'be4 aaob.1nery. ea.oh aohiLAN7 to lt• 1a atl'tot ooDto:rmt ty w1 tb the
e_peo1t1c;atione ot the Comllltny (atta.ahed to th1• papoal.l anc1 to$1D8 .Part
h•reot) • to•w1ts
One (1) Jlol'dbeq ~ '1'$Q-2l8• 3&00 IBP. 225 RP.M._ OI'Ose-bea4
Ji.e-D. ~oha.uioal 1a~eot1on, eoBYefti'ble e•• Maeel
log1n• uranae4 tor 4ireet coaneo,ion "
OM (1) atf50 l'f, .. 8 .,.,, ~ p.M .. , 60 OJOle. h()Q. TOlt, DOGe. •
alte.n:.atin& cuz.tNilt • .tlJWhm. type. geaea.Mr, equtp,pe4
w1Ut tiOtor o»e.rde4 meo.-at and .. perature 1D41·
oat iDe eqG1p111r1t. Gu.enl JD.•tJ"J. o «'t\ll'l.Palll'·
On• (l) IG p, u~ aa, ).., wl,, ab.UDii .OUJld •lt1-V-l»elt
4r1Yu enUer. General n.otr1c 0Q~P.JI7•
the C011qpuy 14U tu1"111•h •AJ dan4Ud •ke ot geuratort
u4 ue .. ne:r ~1oh •e:t be seleote4 by ~he PUohaaer
eqbjeot 1:o tile 0011.PU7' e ep"l"QYal with reapeot 1lo dee1p.,
oa_paol11y, end ettlc 1eno7. Accae1eory equ1J8.a.~, lf•re
"2'oo Ill
tartl5 , au.xtl1e!!1, equipu.nt, •df\Oii;a ·will be turn1ahe4 ae
1S.at4Hl ~ ll Pages 'P • 8, Ia, 9 • Gti 9a.
!2le CompUlJ' eball 1'U:nli$h nthot)t a441t1ona.J. (30St to \he Ptu'ehaeer,
the aer1'14ea ot a com,Ptftent enot1118 enginee:tr to supenise the erecUon. a.Dil
stut1ag af \he aa.eh..in.ery, ad to 1n.truct the .li\u.!obaae~1e operet~ personnel
to%' a per1o4 ot 1eTen caleDclar 4qe a.tter aohineZ'J' 1& eJ'Mte4 8Dd reeC)+ tor
comm.erotal o_perat1on. fte Pvo~aer ebell pq tu.eo pe:r eipt-hour workina ctai
ud nplar OYerllme rates ot the Compara;r, plna aU l1Vill8 and Jli.eoellaneoua
Wll••• otlaa1ee apeo1t1ed heftb.
!be 11\trcbaael'. shall !10t1t7 the Co!f,pe.ny wben reaci)r tor aotuel erection
l'o be;in. beot1o-D ~1 ~. ~cu~i.SlU\lls e.a4 without del~, end 1t ereot1D8 en-
UIJS is delay•d "1 8D,T 08U.I8 for Oicll the Coapmy 1& D.ot responatble t tae
Purchaser ehall pq the OOJ!t.PBDT tor h1a HrYioes in the aua ot $11.00 }ler
eipt-hoa.r working da,y, plus all lhing and misoallanews expenNB ror the
period ot eu.ch 4elay. It •127 delq 1a au.ob 11llat 110~k aut be aapeD4a4 aJ2d
resumed later, the .Parchaae:r. shall .PaY the Ooa;pe.n1 tor all addi ti oml time,
ftl~zoad tans., and expenses ot Compaftf' s erecting engineer 1n lee:ring end ret ·
ing to Parobaaer's JlaDt.
Adequate anskilled labor tor UJ.oadtng, mo.1ng. and e1'8ot1on ot
uch1ner.J, QDI!ar the supenision ot erecting engineer, also pipe 1'1 tters, elec-
trlo1aaa, welders, or s11ch ot.ber skilled labor as may, in the Company's judg-
ment, be reqaired, ahall be tVDishecl bt "'• Purotaear at ~Pllrohasar• s expa•••
!be PUHhaae:r sell turuisb.' the neoeseary tackle and o'her tac111-
Uas tol' mo"f'ing and 11tU~ ~· hea'fJ parts, and necsssa17 bracing or 1'81J1•
torcing or floors, BD4 soh other approYed appliances and material DecesMl'Y
tor the prompt erection ot the 118ChiM17·
1'he Pu.rohaser shell unload the equipment trom cars end transport 1t
to the touDdations . The Purcbe.ser shall properly place principal parts on the
foundations e.nd place o~her parte nearby. All openings in bo.ildin&s tor
passage ot machinery and apparatus neoeasary tor the ereoUon ~cl oparat ion
ot aa14 equ1plll8nt shall be Jll"OTtded by the Parcbaaer at hla expeue, and uy 81lch
pe~nga as are ot a tem.po;rary character shall be clofled at the expense ot
!he PU.rc'baaer shell arrange tor all neessaary ript-ot....,-s,
shall procue such )emits ae .may be reqllired fNm t-he tlNlnepar.,at1on trom
ars and 1natellat1on or ma~hinaty and appurtenano.es.
'lb.e Purchaser shall fnJ"tliab. all tuel; labl'ioating oil, water, elec-
ric co.r:rent, etc., required tor the operation ot the •chinery and equipment
er erection and du.ring the prel1Jn1mry operation 11hereot, toget.her with regu-
ar operating personnel 11nd•r ~e flll,Pen'is1on ot the Companv•a erecUng engineer.
'fbe 1\aoohaaer agrees to pay all local taxes assessed Qpon the ma-
ineZ7 and shall prOTide u4 -.u11a1a adequ.ate lia'bilUJ' and 1nda.nity tnauraaoe
TeriDg all men in their employ, 1tlo may be assisting in the ereo,ion of this
'J.he PU'ohaser shall :prov14e and me1nte1n adequa~e tire, wa~er. and
r:mado 1nsuruo-e tor ~. achinery herein described agains' lo88 or 4-a• tram
e tim see 1 e del1Terad to the PUroha eer, in an amou.nt at least eqtlel to the
pe.14 purchase prtce 1:hereot'. '!'he polto.las tor such insurance dla.ll be ude
b~ to il3e Oompa.Dy aa its interests may appeu. Att.y in.euruoe reoeiYed b7
t e Oompan7 under saoh pol1o1ee &ell be applied by it in reduction ot 'the pur-
ese price. J'ailure to proTide 1neuranoe llhall not relieve the ~aaer troll
aie obUsnton •• tbla ~···
A llllh.lll• plaoa ahall be JI'O'f'1te4 li7 tblt PIUtOhaHJ' when 'll•
uobhen .• toole, u~ CM&fll.P•at o.• lte 1oob4 -op fol' p:oteo,lon epla.t
\Mtt, etta the elaa:.tD. •u, u· leau4 ••••aan by 'h• eom~y•a aNOtlua
nataeer, a ••cbJiu shall '• pm'rt4H ~1 U• NJ'Cb&ser at the Plarou.-•a
apeae. 7be PucbaH!" &ha.tl tu.nllh 1a1 te\le bGt141118 • ca-l$1141••• fO't'
.P.•rmuentlr hcMle.f.'-6 tha eqalpau.t, anct lhell glYe the eom,aar• a a;ree\lq
tow• trH aooeea w eeJH.
TA• hnbe ••~ A all tQIIt eh all ~uala:UOile aooort1~1 to •he
cam,av'• ~laae. d4 eaob. 1Ub·tou4atlotta (fol' whioh ttl• eo.,.., u-l'lwt~
t'anteea tlaca aor auase• r.s,pobalbilt t;) aa tlae o:udi\1ane requ.lft.
a a tra~rt•\loa S. tnc.lute4 in U~t • oon \.ru• • t \ t • 'balM OD.
\ke ~••• ,p.r..U11.q ntn ad traneportet1oa tao1U\1es at tho tim. the C04•
t~an 1e •<~•outed. h •be eTen" ot GJ crbJm8aa 1a n••• or lreaapor\at1o11
t.-111\lae at the Uae o.t lbt~at. the con,raot prlcre ebel l be M4lt1e4 ao-
l:t la WS4eftiWG4 .u4 apeoct t.llac the COilJUJ NM1no. a n« 1l ia
~opbe4 bT U. »U'Oll.U•r, • NO'l\Ol.o'•• ll~ll4e.l"'•• Wld ma\ol"lebtaJl'a
1.lea 011 ..U uchiae't7 an4 oll pe.l"lc ibereot', u$11 \ho pv.l"'h&• pri.oe ••
bwetatt.r reot'e4 ehall '• tul·ly pe\4 uofWdtDc to t•• teaa, t.u• aad •
u4 u __.. •• Uu apoa, an4 tlle mperlo~ \U l~ 'o• a14 •cb.tuq ls a~<1
ellall \Je re.Uae4 e4 tael4 b1 the Oct.mpa&J' aid 1a lwrebJ NCOI!.Q1sa4 by tbo 'PU~
oh•••~ Wltll ail ~ehaee PJ"iOe aal.l h taltr Je14. It io Wl4eretoo4 t~aa•
-tlla ni4 •oblb4U7 ts to~ •reotloa alii A-' lta tlhat 11 Jmon •• Ctty ot l.Gbboo
Bl.eowto LlPt aDS "-er C..DJ Sttoata4 on llook '• Aftaue •z• u4 J'St•J:l
~"""• OS'1B1nt.l towsa ot ta\bocnr, ttexaa.
Tlla CompuJ ebaU., l.lD4•r ao OiHWD$it'an.oaa, be liable tor aay oo».-
"qaeD\1111 o~ eol'.l1 h~g•n' 4uagea or •~ M7 4ela.v GaQII e4 by tt:r•, atrike •
olYll or 11tl.i\u7 &Uhulty, or by tnaurreoUoA or 1'.1o1l, not" shall tb..e Cam-
pau M lla\la tor"'" ••• ~oa4 ita •atl'Ol.
e. ~., panatMD• t• • .Qel'1o4 ot OJlO ,.ar after c1e\e ot
adll,...n\. any aa ell ~oh1ae"• ect\l1,11Wtnt, eu.U.tar1ee, ao~eatJorloa, ant!
atteQIInt•, tr 11•~84 1n the toUowia& t~peoit1cat1o••· n4 U uAUtae1uzoed
b;v tlt• OOmJianr. to be tree t~ tlatacts la atari.al and workuDabtp. ft•
Coapur 181"•• that in cae• an.y ~h .aeohtJS.-Jf • eqtdsaut, eunl1arl•••
·~•IUIClld•-.11114 at~aohlleate, or d1 901 tbanot,· '-"~4 1iO tbt Coapav,
at lta option, 1dth traaa~ta'ioa o••• papa14, "tth.lo twalore _.,ka mm
4ate of &!pne"'• lUlCl p:oT14e4 tile Oolllaftf bat~ bHil noUtle4 tn wl'itta.s ot
b all-..4 tet•t wtthu. ••.a 4a7• •tto ''• 4t•c"'en lt1 ·"'"hale!', ua
tt 'be c~at' e ••emt•t1on ehall 41•loae to. ite ee\1etut10!1 tltft ea14
machinel'f • •caut.t*eat • o:r any .PU' ibe~t tsa• bMA 4eteottft 111 lhe 1fOI'k•
ttAbboot, 'l'ua1, pane ot tiJ"at~ 1ae• wrlalal!b1» a.1l4 •tdtal la •Qhaa•·
tow uy aGel\ pag., s.o toua4 to l»• 4et .. ,i.Te. aa4 tlle obU&a,lu ot \lle c-..
...., u4U 'lble CQ6ft1lW. 11 liatt.t to Mh ·~·---· ~lthOG' e)Wp. 'l\11
wanutr 1a1a u ... ot all olhe11' ..,..i.e• eSJF.riU~ or 1aplle4 relatlq
t& 4•tHUYe •'•rl.U aile! 10ttbuih11a ui! ot eli. other obliaaUooe or lle-
billtiee ot tho. C'Qmpu¥ 1D oou.e,1on •henwitll. A'A¥ ell4 all caohiaerr. ·~a.tp
meat. aux111US..•• aooe..-l••~ IZ'4 o.\tu_.•••• it l1ate4 ill the tollowtn&
apeoSfloatloa•, but llbioh are not aautaeture4 bJ lhe Compuy • &.1"1 •14 0Jll1
~Ader tbe partlo\lla,-$atuatao•nr• » reg~u warrlllltJ. copy qt ~ob tdll 'be
DQpplte4 •JO• ~~•eat. ~ Ooapaay aa...-• AO rea}OQetb11it1 tor en1 ft~QlJ-
.. a,, aut.llutea, uo••aor1e•, ttn4 ••tacbltleats epeolt1e4 b;r \be-PU.l'ehAHI' •h1 h
ue ao' ••autaat11re4 by the CQ~~.PaD..f• Tbts aaar•"'' • 4oe a not eppl.T to &a¥
aaehiaen OJ' ~u.J.pa~ent or ,."" ~e.-et wb1oh llbl.ll haT• b•a ro.P&i n4 t1t
aUere4 b7 ot.hen thea tll• CC)Jt»ttBJ', la UJ _, ao ••, 1n tbe CO$l*17'« Jctaa-
au,, to etteo\ tt.. .-., 1»1' wb1ell. "-• htm At~hJee\ to a.alisnoe., aoe14nt, :r
otlliiiJ' thu aorael. •• an·4 .. ~ •• .._ CofapUy l'I .. I'Ye• \he Jf.&}J\ to a.U.
_, okqe lD. 'h• I.811P ot td1Y car all tmlchiaeey or ~Al~~UDt wltbHt obil-
saUoo to Mke IWih ets.aD.pa 1n .-~a.q or eqalp >'!BAt F••loluly JJ014.
a. C.,paJQ" wtU, "' lta OS. ezg&naa, l!lefd ttaJ at&1\e that may
M 1a.UtuW lt7 •1-oce eplu• \lae ~-~tor alllls-4 iatrill~t ot
IDl7 ~a•ant r•la,lll8 to tbe •Cihl•~ •uutM,tln)4 'by the COiiJ&nJ \11141.1' 'thl•
papoeal,. p.ro'f14e4 rJW!h elltae4 bt!1a_.A, N'lall ooa.et.st fit the Gae ot nU.
•ottn.l7 * OJ' »-"• th•reot, 1D ;tile 1\Wolmao~' e b~ineee to~ aAT o.t the pur ... . .
JOd• tot' wldeh the eee •• aoU, c« )1'0"114..S tile Pe.rOhaMt' uall. be.Ye ae4e
all ,.,_., U..a ue O..JOii tbu ocataot, -' shell s1Y4 ~~ ib• tom.po.a7 lis•
ae.Uate DOtite ta n'lt1DS ot •• tnettta.il~n of ltAJ a.WS eutt. en4 'ran•Md\ to
$Jae c.p-.. tu.atat&lJ '~lJOA rtoe·l-' • ell ~oc•••• and P&.Pi!WS ""ttl a,POB
the PaJ'G!Iaftl1, D4 t•l"'dt \he Coawd7. \hJ.WQh U• Cou.a•l• eltber 111 'he ame
ot tbe !'uz'ahaNr or io ttte. a•e ol 'the COmpaAJ • to d..t41b4 \he sae a.M. gh·a
all ••.484 latanaUoa, ••el•'-••· and aatl:;on·tt so enahl• '*" GGDll8D1 to
4o aoa a4 ln oae• ot a tie~ nal'd ot 4at~e.pe ln eilO~ ettlt, U.e COI\pall)" w111
ita Wl'lttea coueat, or allaU 1l be lou4 to 4etea4 ev autt or to 1*7 UJ
.._,.. •• \be .... a!aall mae b1 reeoo1. ot the u• of" a-"• ._, tv-
Ala4 Q' ~be C.PU7 a4u --.1a PIO.PO .. l•
1ll •••• ot taJ telq 1a the .. ,..,...,, eftflion., e a'-ftbs ~ tM
aehbei'J' blra1n .,.otnect, or •7 J8rt ot tlhe •ue, oai&H4 4t.r•nlr or ta•
41~17 bf the act ot the Pvoha1er, u4 DDt \bJOO@h •av tesal. t ot 'h• C.•
S*Q, aa 4elaye IMU aot. 1a H7'11•• atteo• ot-poatJO.Ue tlle ,.,...,. llere•
lO eped to be aa4e by Ule h&-ollaao1', oto ay ot 'hoe, •d J.a cue ot UlJ 4e-
la7 S.a. ab~at, 'tlbe aaohlDtJ7 ad \he 'VArious sart& thereof 1 &ell ~~ Ml4
at Puoba•er•e ~11k, al14 \llo &'grolaaer ebell pay tor eto.rage ot the aaae
•~ •ll• l'ate t:Jt tea oente per qau. toot pel' IIOllth. It tt. l'UoMaer detnlta
1n .,. ,.,... 11llell d.ue, --ell ,.,.a~• of the ~I'Obate nt.•• u.d all -··
•• re•wla tbenot will U.cUatiely beoo• 4ue u4 P~.Fat.le oa 4..U u4
..., attorney t••e illollrncl lhel.l IHt bOl'lle b7 the ~ha•l'·
1he taregot:cc Jl!OPOtal 1~ cubject to t~ ap vroYGl of lilA exto*ltift
ofttoar ot tho c.Pay at the hoD ot1"1oe •t JfllwaukH, Wi.onei.G, u4 t• not
'iAdt.a.& apon t~ Co.,p~ o.otll so apJll'OYe4 1 aor tn allJ ••ut we" •oep\84
by the 1'Urol\a"r withlll tbifty (SO) h'r• fl'Oil date ot 1 ts autN!ltallon, after
wbl·Gl tt la eut>jeot 'o ehange or wttb4rawal n•l\oUt notice. ible propoal
•• U ule•• at •ll• 4ats ot IPPI'9r•t by the Cosa;penr eball after $Uell a_pgroTal
b.OO. an4 sllell N 41.-4 at law to be c ,.neqnt htween tb.• COII;e~ 8Jl4
tu Porab~ieer, aD4 ell peYS.oas ooaum10e.Uo.n~ be-.ween tbea, eltbel" Yerbal
01' wr.t.,~A, *all ttt.enupoa be, BA4 be OHU4 to t>e, abi'Oga,e4 u4 wltW.rau,
••4 1ihie JJO.POHl whe 4Glf dpe4, aceet>\ecl u d eiJ.PI'OTed lblll \ll4n•eugon
oaaaU ta.t• an4 bMO• 111 all ne,.c•• the mle acne~r.ent bet•een tho per•t••
. h•reto, &4 ao aoatr1oaUo.n ~Mreot ell~l be biadtaa AJ)Oil Ue ,.,_..lea he1"'8to
or •UileJt of \hem, W.••• t~&&ob mo41tloaUon lhall be lD wri.t1as, diD..lf exe-
oute4 '>1 tht ftlfth••or d4 ap,pJOYed bJ an eztou.Uve ottloer of tbe CO.~DJ ..
PIICK: t.o.b. l.ub'boek,. !uae. OM 8U4JH lllety !hooatanel One
Rwttred DoUal'e (81VC,loo .. oo)
All ppedt, ellall be u4e to~ eaob. wdt of uolllN17' •J)U'&tel.v
la Jlew Tuk, Chlap, • lfil•.ak" ~haas•, tr .. ot ex,pean to "e COilpa.DJ' tor
oollaettoa oharcee •• rollona
~ ea-. JIQ'a'ble wha ._CIT lox-ablJIUil'•
-CJaN -parable. abt1 (e) aa,. tiOa cJa'• eea »ee4J · to l.ld.tt . .
~ CiUJJi J*fable 1dlea Mohllw7 Sa ~aehll¥· O,OJIItlaaa but
aot 'o aaee4 ~ll•W (90) .s.t• noa 4a1tt no .. ., to lldp.
~:AT 1/lallllfttO~' 1'U. Va• Tax, o» S.J..a 'fax ot ur •tu-.
oat-. ...... aPJ].lca•la ,., w• t1011.U.t\ .-1>• •4W to \be ptou 6Ul4 ••a.
hre1n eont.SA.a.
~ tide 1;}le ~~ 4q of i:.e'-h, .11 l.tfl.
f • • <:·
2. The Mayor is hereby directed to execute said contract,
and the City Secretary is directed to attest the same and to affix the
corporate seal of the City of Lubbock thereto.
3. For the purpose of paying said contract, there is hereby
appropriated the money to be received from the sale of City of Lubbock Bonds
authorized in the amount of $175,000.00 at an election held in the City of
Lubbock on January 14, 1941, and in addition thereto, there is hereby
appropriated from the funds available for the purpose,/sufficient amount to
pay the remaining amount of said contract.
PASSED .AND APPROVED this the ;1/!J day of
A~ ~-~~4#~
Se ~City of Lubbock, Texas.