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Resolution - 2007-R0187 - Grant Application - Procure New Communication Center Consoles, Equipment, Etc. - 05/11/2007
Resolution No. 2007-80187 Nay 11, 2007 Item No. 5.20 RESOLUTION IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Interim Fire Chief of the City Of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized directed to execute and submit for and on the behalf of the City of Lubbock a Grant lication and any other related instruments to procure new communication center ;oles, computer equipment and other items. Said Grant Application is attached hereto incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the gates of the Council. assed by the City Council this IATTEST: a Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Cooper, Wrfm Fire Chief 11th day of gs/Reso.LECD Grant 04/26/07 May 2007. DAVID A. MILLER, MAYOR Resolution No. 2007—RO187 U C3 Lubbock Fire Departnnent 1515 E. Ursuline St. Lubbock, Texas 79403 806-775-2632 • Fax 806-775-3510 To: Michael Grossie From: Lynn Smith, Lubbock Fire Department Subject: Fiscal Year 2007/2008 PSAP Grant Program Date: April 30, 2007 The Lubbock Fire Department is applying for the priority 2 area of the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 PSAP Grant Program that includes enhancements to the 911 call taker/dispatcher environment. With the increase of our call volume, we are facing the necessity of scheduling two dispatchers per shift. New equipment will improve the efficiency of our operations and make better use of our office space. Replacing office modular furniture with consoles designed for public safety dispatching will immediately improve the organization of resources for the dispatchers. Two identical consoles insure that employees can perform identical tasks regardless of where they sit. An additional EMS computer must to be purchased for the second console in order to dispatch First Responder calls. Furthermore these consoles raise and lower so that dispatchers may stand or sit during their shifts and still perform dispatching duties. New computers and monitors will replace the large outdated ones currently in use. Newer and better equipment will assist the dispatchers perform their job duties in a more organized and efficient manner. The flooring will provide better acoustics and at the same time create a more attractive atmosphere. This grant application will be on the May 11th Council Meeting for approval. If approved by the City Council, I will submit you the signed resolution to be attached to the grant application. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this application. We appreciate all that each one of you does at LECD. We thank you for your consideration for the requested items. Sincerely, Lynn Smith Deputy Chief of Support Services Lubbock Fire Department Resolution Ho- 2007—R0187 To: Michael Grossie From: Lynn Smith, Lubbock Fire Department Subject: Fiscal Year 2007/2008 PSAP Grant Program Date: April 30, 2007 Agency: Lubbock Fire Department Agency Contact: Deputy Chief Lynn Smith Date: April 30, 2007 Type of Project: Enhancement to the 911 Dispatcher environment Total Project Cost: $48,699.80 Total Grant Request: $48,699.80 (90% LECD @ $43,829.82 + 10% LFD (0, $4869.98) How will this improve 9-1-1 service to the residents of the Lubbock Emergency Communication District And your Agency (PSAP)? With the increase of our call volume, we are facing the necessity of scheduling two dispatchers per shift. New equipment will improve the efficiency of our operations and make better use of our office space. Replacing office modular furniture with consoles designed for public safety dispatching will immediately improve the organization of resources for the dispatchers. Two identical consoles insure that employees can perform identical tasks regardless of where they sit. An additional EMS computer must to be purchased for the second console in order to dispatch First Responder calls. Furthermore these consoles raise and lower so that dispatchers may stand or sit during their shifts and still perform dispatching duties. New computers and monitors will replace the large outdated ones currently in use. Newer and better equipment will assist the dispatchers perform their job duties in a more organized and efficient manner. The flooring will provide better acoustics and at the same time create a more attractive atmosphere. Proposed Start Date: October 1, 2007 Proposed Completion Date: September 15, 2007 Name of Vendor(s): Consoles: Watson Dispatch Computer and Monitors: City of Lubbock IT Department EMS Message System Software License: Logisys Chairs: Baker Company Flooring: Paul Graham Dictaphone Login Recorder: City of Lubbock Radio Shop Will this Technology need to interface with any of the equipment now provided by the Lubbock Emergency Communication District? No Cost Breakdown: Items Totals 2 Consoles $16,387.80 Storage accessories $9,530.00 Delivery and Install $4,847.00 4-19" Flat Monitors @ $345.00 ea. $1,380.00 Page 1 5-17" Flat Monitors cr $245.00 ea. $1,225.00 2- Computers @ $1,550.00 ea. $3,100.00 1 -License Fee for EMS message system $1000.00 12 month charge for telephone line charge for EMS computer $7$0.00 3-24 hour office chair $3450.00 Flooring $4000.00 Dictaphone Log -in recorder $3000.00 Overall Total $48,699.80 Page 2 City of Lubbock, TX Department of Finance Grant Information Form Grant Title. LECD Grant Department contact: Lynn Smith Granting agency: Lubbock Emergency Corn. District Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) #: Grant Contract # assigned by granting agency: Application deadline: May 1, 2007 Department: Fire Phone #: 775-2631 Phone #: 747-6911 Resolution No. 2007-RO187 Email: lsmith@mail.c i.Lubbock. tx.us Did funds originate with federal gov't? [ ] Yes [ X ] No Grant application package included'? Grant application summary provided? [ X ] Yes [ ] No [X]Yes[ ]No Cash match? [X ] Yes [ ] No Amount: 54869.98(10%match) Page # from application: 1 Grant amount (not including match): $43,829.82 # of FT FTE's: # of PT FTEs: Grant period: From: 1011107 to 09/30108 Cash match account number: .1DE revenue code: How does this grant align with. City Council priorities? The procurement of the requested grant items will assist the communication center personnel in providing a higher level of effective quality service and will assist in maintaining public facilities. How will the grant program's effectiveness be measured? What measures will be used? The effectiveness of the program will be measured by the improved efficiency of customer service provided to the citizens of Lubbock, firefighters and emergency responders. The goal will be to process emergency calls quicker. The effectiveness will be measured by using monthly reports pulled from our Vesta Magic Program and CAD program These reports will provide data on the speed of the total call taking and dispatch process. Is this a new grant program or an enhancement to an existing program? [ x ] New [ ] Enhancement Are there any additional requirements that are associated with receiving the grant? [ ] Yes [ x ] No. If yes, what are the additional requirements? Will the City pass grant funds to sub -recipients? [ ] Yes [ x ] No Is there construction costs associated with the grant? [ ] Yes [x] No Can indirect costs be funded in the grant? [x] Yes [ ] No Does accepting the grant result in the redirection of some operating costs? [ ] Yes [x] No. If yes, how much? 5/812007, C:\DOC1ME--1117273\LOCALS-11TemplGrant Analysis Form.2.17.07.doc Approved By: Grant Program Manager Assistant City Manager Date Date Chief Financial Officer or City Manager Date Attachments'? [x] Yes [ ] No Number of pages. 2 51812407, C:1DOCUM1--11172731LOCALS--l\Temp\Grant Analysis F©nn.2.17.07.doc