HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2014-O0155 - Revising Water Rates Effective 12/01/2014 - 11/20/2014 t,irsi maoting :)econa Kcacing Noverl'ibcr 6, 2014 Noveniber 20, 2014 Itern No. 6.4 Item No, 63 ORDINANCI-', N0 ,2014-00155 AN ORDINANCE AMF'NDING SUBSECTION 22.03.084 AND 22,01085 OF' flJE CODE Oh` ORDINANCf-S 1" THE ITY OF' LUBBOCK 13Y RL-XISING WATER R-AT[ S AS CONTAINt,DTHERFIN AND PROVIDING AN DATI", FOR SUCH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDIN(JFOR, A SAVIN(JSCLAUSL,'. WHEREAS, Section 102.010 of` the Local Goverruncilt (,'ode of the State of' 1'exasauthorizes the City Council of the City ot'Lull ock to makc changes In the budget for municipal purposes; and WI IF"Rl"AS, oil September I I, 2014, the City, Council passed the FY 2014-2015 budget with Ordinance No. 2014-00122; and WHI'�Rl"'AS, the City (,'ouncil Ol' the City OHAlbbock decrris it to be in the best interest ol'thc citizens ofthe City Of Lubbock to amend the Code ol'(h-dinances related to the �vater base rate and collection rates within the ity of' Lubbock to reflect the rates approve(] in the I'Y 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program; NOW THEREFORE: 131; ITORDAINI'D BY 1'I H: CITY COUNCIL OF CITY 01: LUBBOCK: si7cTION 1 . Section 22.03.084 ol' the Code ol' Ordinances, City 01' Lubbock, Texas is hereby amended to read as Follows: Sec. 22.03.084 Water base charge Efi'ective December 1, 2014, the city, through the city nianager, shall charge an(,] collect from every customer and every custonicr shall pay a monthly base charge for water- which aterwhich shall be billed to all customers based upon the water meter size as flollows: Meter Size water Bas c C Three-quarter inch (3/4") meter $18.00 One inch (I") Meter $30M5 Oneand a half inch (1,5") meter $59.91 'Pwo inch (2") meter $9630 Three inch (Y) meter $191.97 Four inch (T) i'lletcr $299.91 Six inch (6") meter $599.65 Eight itich (8") meter $959.47 Ten inch I ") Inter 1,:379.38 SECTION 2. Section 22.03.0 85 of the Code of' Ordinances, City of Lubbock,bock, TeNas is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 22,03.085 Water V0lL11IIe rate gencrally In addition to the base charge, the city, through the city, nianager, shall determine tile aarauraInt OfWater USCd by each customer through monthly meter readings in(] shall charge to and collect from every custorner and every customer shall pay for water furnished by the City to (lie customer. The water l'urnished by the City shall be nicaSUred on as per one thousand (1,000) gallons basis and billed as follows: (effective Decernbcr 1, 2014): Block 1 $4.53 per 1,000 gallons Block 2 $6,18 per 1,000 gallons Block 3 $7.41 per 1,000 gallons Lii g amly..residential. The block I volunic is the aniount of water used tip to 100)/o of the average \vinter consumption (CWC") of each respective custorner's prcrniscs, the IWC' being the average volume of water used as InCaSUred by the non-irrigation meter readings for the 1,11ontlis of S eptember -)ctober. November, December. January and February, and, updated in March cal`each respective year, [lie block 2 volume is the arnount of water used in addition to the block I V011.1me up to ain additional 40,000 gallons; and the block 3 volume is the volume ot' wa(er used in excess ot'llic block I and block 2 volumes, F'or new customers that do not have an, AM", calCLIlated for their service, an AWC of seven thOLIsand (7,000) gallons shall be used for block I volume purposes. (2) �Singt fianlily residential-i 1 tion. Does not include I block I VOILInle; ---------- the block 2 \/olunic of'Nvatcr is, froin 1,000 gallons used tip to 40,000 gallons; and the block 3 volume is the amount of water used ill excess of the block 2 volume. (3) Matilt i-lamil C N, d 1,t al'.Co I I I nic I-C i 11 andj�pj )Jlc. The block I volume is the amount of water LJSCd LIP 10 100% of the average winter consumption - (AWC) of each multi-lamily residential, commercial and pUblic Imern lses, ii 2 respectivcly, the AWCbcing the aVC1`agC V01UMC ofwater used as, measured by the non-irrigation meter readings, 1'or the months of Septenibc-i-, October, November, December, January and February. and Updated in March of each respective year; the block 2 volume is the amount ofwater used ill addition to the block I VAMIC LIJ) 10 an additional 50% of the AWC (total of black I and block 2 is equal to 150% of the ,W'C'); in(] the block 3 volume is the arnount of water used in excess olthe block I and block 2 volumes. (4) Ncjljresidential ii-Iji I gatiop. Does not include as block I volume; the block 2 volume of water shall be the average Monthly USC by all non-residential irrigation users by meter size For non-resioicntial irrigation services. The block 3 VOlUITIC is the VOILIRIC Of Water use(] in excess ol'block 2 VOILinic. (5) Schools. All water used will be charged at a block I rate. (6) ""jj ocsale. (A) The following water volume rate shall be applicable for those federal, state or local governments, governtricnial agencies or governmental subdivisions that are authorized to purchase water by city ordinance and enter into contracts with tile city Im wholesale purchases. The Block I volume is tile aTTIOU111 01' Water used LIP to 10W,o 01' (11C average Nvinter consumption ("AWC-) of the wholesale customer, the AWC being the average volunic, ofwater used as measured by the meter reading for the months of' September, October. Novcrnber, December,. Jantmry and `cbruary, and updated in March of each respective year; the Block 2 VOILUTIC is the volume of water used in excess of the Block I V011,1111C up to an additional 200"No of the AWC (total of Block I and Block 2 is equal to 300% ofthe AWC); and the Block 3 volunic is tile anIOLInt of water used in excess ofthe Block I and Block 2 volumes, For wliolcsalc CLIStoniers that do not have an AW( calculated for their service, the !SWC:' shall be established' by contract based upon the average volume of water authorized in the contract for delivery in the months of September, October, November, December, January and February. Thereafter, an AWC shall be Calculated based upon tile volume ofwaler actually used as provided For in this section. Solely tbr (lie I)LIJ-1)OSeS ()fWh01CSalC Customers, the water volunic rate sliall be 1.5 times the water volume rate for all other CLISt0InCrS aS Set forth above, as applicable to cach block. (11) Nothing contained herein, absent agrccinent otherwise by (lie Wholesale CLISWITICI-, shall atleCt CXiSting Valid aaaaol Subsisting wholesale contracts by and between the city and wholesale customers. Any renewal or extension of such contract, other than renewals and extensions, that may be exercised unilaterally by the wholesale customer, shall provide For the rates prescribed in this section. 3 (C) The rates prescribed herein for wholesale customers reflect the increased cost of service by the city for such customers, including without limitation, costs related to water distribution infrastructure and remote metering and service issues, standby water demands, and the impact of advancing the timing of water supply projects to meet additional water supply demands for wholesale customers. (7) Fire hydrant. All non-fire use of water from a fire hydrant, including construction use, will be charged at a Block 2 rate as established by this section. (8) Affordable or average billing. Affordable or average billing may be offered to certain customers by policy approved by the city manager or his designee. The policy shall provide for an averaging methodology that ensures the city shall receive the total amount due over the course of a year, and that has a sign-up period between September and December of each year. SECTION 3. THAT the Water Volume Charge as set forth in this Ordinance shall be effective for all billings for such services dated on or after December 1, 2414. The Water Base Charge currently in effect shall remain in effect. SECTION 4. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. 4 AND FFIS SO 0RDI,,'RF'D. Passed by the City Council on first reading this Noven-lber 6 . 2014. .......................... Passed by the City Council on second reading thisNoverliber 20 X114. ............ G R N TS MAYOR A'"I"TE'ST: Rebe ca Garza City Sccreuary APPROVED AS, TO CONTENT: C1 I e ry I Firm k Fxecutivc Director of Budget APPROVI,"D AS rO FORM: -- III I ills D ty,(1�y Attorney Ord iriance-Amerid-Water Volmne-2014 1{0.2914 5