HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2008-R0188 - PO - TYMCO Inc.- Airport Containment Sweeper - 05/22/2008Resolution No. 2008-RO188
May 22„ 2008
Item No. 5.19
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to
execute a Purchase Order Contract and any associated documents with TYMCO, Inc., of
Waco, Texas, for purchase of an airport containment sweeper per Buy Board Contract
#271-07, which Purchase Order Contract and any associated documents are attached
hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes.
Passed by the City Council this 22nd day of May , 2008•
RC'ebeco Garza, City Secretary
i.r--" _
City Manager/Transportation and Public Works Director
of Counsel
DDres/A I umaTowerFOcon07Res
May 13, 2008
Y a
P U R C H A S E 0 R D E R
PO BOX 2368
WACO TX 76703-2368
Exhibit A
Page 1
Date - 5/13/08
Order No. 329725 000 OP
Brn/Plt - 3511
5401 N. MLK BLVD.
P.O. BOX 2000
I.I BBOCK,'I'X 79457 BY: C �
Ordered - 05/12/08 Freight FOB Destination Frt Prepaid
Requested - 08/21/08 Taken By - FELIX ORTA
Description / Supplier Ite
Unit Cost
Req. Dt
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $159,462, awarded on May 22, 2008, to TYMCO Inc., of
Waco, Texas. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Price
Quotation dated May 7, 2008, from TYMCO Inc., of Waco, Texas and Buy Board Contract 271-07.
Resolution# 2008-R.o188
e -/7;;i?
Tom Martin, Mayor
Rebecca Garza, City Secretary
Total Order
Terms NET 30 159,462.00
Seller and Buyer agree as follows:
I. SELIJ,it r0 P.\4'F;.\GL• GO(HA Sc!l r will package goods In accord;mce,vith geld
centmerctal eraehce. reach e1111PPtnd1 container shall be, clearly and permanently marked as
folk,ws , al Seller', name and address• Ihi C cosign is narne. a,hlress and purchase order or
purchase r0rax number and the apply agree+nent number irapplrcable. icd C ,muamer uunniwr
and total numtwr of containers, e.g. hox I ,•f 4 hoxec, and , & the number of the centiancr
i,earing the pat,:kmg +lip. lel ler shall hear cost of p ekagrng uule.,s ,,I hervi tie prix ided. li,'sods
,hill he ,u:tahly packed to wcurc to%ve:t mm,<p„ralo,n costs and to cont din anti
r-qurelnerim of comnxm e;nricrs:ntd any applicable .pecifcattuns. Buyer's count or weight
hall be final and emet"i"c an >tlpments n•t accn+l"u' l d by packing leas.
2. SHIMILN r l NDLR RESERt, \ rioN PROHIBITED. Seller is not authorised to ,stip the
goods under r. ,tic ation and nn tender of a hill of lading will olwrne as a tender of IaM+ds.
3. TITLE A\D RISK OI LUSS. I he tide sod ri A of lav of the goads shall not pass ht Buyer
until Buyer JC tually receives and take'+ poN,cs,ron ot'the at the point or point.; of
4, Nt3REPl.At,i:mENTOFDEFFt^ri%r rt\DI R. Every tender ofdeliveryofcoxxi.cMust
fully comply wish all provisions of this conlracl a, to tune of ddelivery. gtaddy and the like. l'a
tender is jade which dldns not fully contun, this shall contilule a breach and Seller .ha+Ii Plot
have the right tea substitute a e„nf,ming lender. provided. ,.vh m, the tune far perftritamce has
not yet expired. the Seller may reasonably notify Buyer of his intention to cure and may then
alike a confirming lender within the conlr tit time but net aflumard.
a. Seller -hall submit separate invoices. rat duplicate. ,Nle each Purchase order or purvhaw
release afler each delivery. Imoteei shall indicate Ilse purchase oder or purchase release
number and the •upply agree+nent number if applicable. invoices ,ball be itemized and
transportation charges, if any. shall he listed cparllely. A ropy of the hill of Imlirag. and the
freight waybill when applicable. :Jm uld he attached to the invoice. Mail ro: ,\ccotams
payable, City If l.uhbo k P. 0. Bos 2IRltl. Lahb+tck, Texas 7'1457. Payment shall not be due
until the above inaruments are subnirted atbcT delivery.
6. GPA FUITILS. The Buyer may, by written notice to the Seller. cancel this contract without
Liability to Seller if it Is sleterntnrd by Buyer that gratuities, in the forst ofensertainment. ;tiffs
or otherwise, were a lfered or given by the Seller. or any agent ox representative of the Seller,
Io any olTtceT or employer ofthe City of Lubbeck with a view to securing a contract or
securing favorable trcatnurtr with respect to the awarding ox amending, or the making of any
determiomions with respect to the pe&mning nf.auch a contract. In the event this contract is
canceled by Buyer purio nl to this provision, Buyer shall be entitled, in addition to any other
rights and remedies, to recover of withhold the atroo quit oflhe crest incurred by Seller in
providing such gmuitics.
7. SPECIAL T001.S & 1'1` ST EI) )IPMENT. if ile price ,rated Ile the farce hereldrincludes the
cost of any-,pecial fooling Or spec t;ll tcsr eyuipnient fabricated or required by Seller for the
purpose of filing Ibis order. such special tooting cquipinent and any process sheets related
thereto shall become the property of the Buyer and to the extent feasible shall he identified by
the Seller as such.
a. I'he pnce to he paid by Ilse Buyer shall be that contained in Seller's bid which Seller
warrants it, be nn higher than .Seiler's current process tat orders by sAium for products of fhe
kind dad .peciiicalicti covered by his agreement for si radar quantities indicT simidar of like
uldtrunns .Ind nwthods rf purchase. In the event Seller hreaches lilts warranty, the prices of
the Picini shall be realuced to the Seller's current prides .,it orders by other, or in the
altemative. iluver Play creel this ci:mract without liability to Seller fur breach or Seller's
actual expense.
b. rhe Seller warams that no person tilt idling agency has been employed OF retained to
solicit or aturo this ctntMl upon in agreetriem,u undkr+tanJing I'or coinsaimion• perccntage,
hn,kerage. tx comingenl fee cxcelming bona title employees ofliona tide established
ovinnercial or ,ccling agencies uaPlnlained by the Seller lir the purpose of Lecuring business.
F or breach or viemlioa of this warranly the Buyer ,hall have the right in adklitum to any other
right, Ir rights to sansei this contract wuhout liability and to deduct from the contract price, or
,rherwix recover without liability ;and to alcd+ncl From the e,nfract price, or,Pherwlso recover
Ilia full .unount of such couturi,%icn. percenlage, brokerage „r contingent Fite.
t, %\.NRR,\NIY-PRODICr. Seller•h,dl"tit limit ,^rrxeludeany mpheJwarmaties:mdany
attempt lu du wt .hal ren tr Ibis cortmict voidable at the „prion of the Bupr, ticller warrants
d,at rhe ax tks Ilan+ hed will a nfsn In Ihe,,peCific.1ion. ,IFJ+vms. and-le-crption, listed :n
the hid invntalion, end It, the •au+p10,1 fumfshed by the Seller. If any. In the etcut orf a conflict
„rh•tvyeen the .pCCdi,ahoM. h-Jwngs..utd olewnplions, the pecdicati,.ns hall _ovem.
\ r3,v dhmanding any rrovi omb e. ^mairiol in the a -^rind dual J;1 wfncru, the Seller rcprex•nrs
,and •.%arrant, I'Jult-li x prrh^rndnca,md Emit -tree n^ alt tit the pn'e: , ang Jul,: amd,late• related
,I,uat , in u,lnre, hal r,, t : Hued f, •:,dcul-eing. Inparnnt Jnd egaencut4) „f all har'I'va .
, li,rar,t mJ f_J'tm.c it:I'r .!•I. i -1.: 11- ^•r A tad .r-, .- j.I% old mit,•r lhi, l'^ nwrw•t.
vdt, •duadv , r .n Ilhm.a„ll. a, h,-- :J. v ntav he dinar the :titins,• doe „1 rinn 4 , atr^Tt:l.
Cf. ,..,_, i.eL,,,� ,. i'• _ ui,u.J a..•., ,l.ia•'d ..,.,
%[it ,t.4.+It Inv wa,, I it ..rhvarC,.t,lirv^re-IrlirntaJr: iiilurv. IIle4IN tIJ,lh+,_k,at
I ,le • 1:10-n. mal : ,near the tiler it Iry Ione. I,, admen,+ Irak N.• pr :,allure: a Worlds d,
^i:9t,Iw In ,eider r„ c, �mply •v th .ill 'be, blgddoms c, •usamed herein. I lie obhrduon. c„clamed
I:cr:nn apply m er ^dut1, .Ind cit^yea pmvtled by the Seller. d5 tib-.ticller t tiny third party
ji,, bid in lite ercalwn ordav,:I,q-mcnl rat thepnxfucr� and arvlees to Sun'teliver'dto the lPly
abbock ander this ('- larAL ^ F dharc fo caautply wah .my , f ilie nhli•:altans c,rnlamcd
horcin, jay n: lilt III Il^e I'dy nl' i uL^htxk availing ,t elf, I' any , If Its n;:hts hmkr ale law and
.w4cr Phi f'^hark[ ;rn:btdutp, lilt not Voided tic. I:; r;,hi pert n ung I,i wrinmstion or,k•f'Juh.
re warranher. ,:coiaawd her•m , rr cparate .,Ind dI•cn•te frown any rthar a •Imultb's pt+.nlied
•r'. rlit. C'ontracl, .and ,u: Plot. actor io any dr.+_lamer of war;mly.. ,melted or ,•rpr• : rA nr
'nnd.14,on nfllae `.clb.'r's h.thahly •vl.eh ray Fit ,ftvcthcA ua Ills Contract. it. apull&,x. it,
hedulcs, Its auncxe , ,;r anyvlo camcltl nlcorporalyd tit this C, n r;et hey r•:f,r,;nce.
1 p, SAFE TY A.NRRAN TY, Seller warrants that the pnduct sold to the Buvcr -hall con fon fu
ilio standards promulgated by the 4 . S. department.,f Labor under the (?ccupationul Saren
and Health Act of 19717. ht lite event the product tin's not ccnforn to OSI IA standardS. Buy P f
may return the product fir c m-etion or replacement it the Seller's eipcimist. In the e%end
Seller fails to make the appropriate :orrctinon within a neasrhtabh: fun, c,•r mlim utade Foy
Buyer will be it the Seller's expense.
H. \0%IIARRANTYFIN 'Bl, YFR.AGAINST I%FRI\CifSff-'sIS. A,partoflhiscontract for
Calc Seller agrees to ascertain whether g+nsds inanuf'actured in accordance with tiro
�pndications attached to this agreement will give d isc it, the ugluful e:au11 „ I' any third per,od
b+ way of infringement of the like. Buyer makes no warranty that the preduction ,r goods
according la lite ;pec tllcatwn w ill act gi, a rise tit such a octan. and in tar e, ent shall 13u) cr be
Fable to Seller fir mdemnifacation an the cv tial this Seller u •ued nit file grounds If'
m1'ringernint of the like. H' Seller is of the opinion that an intiringetnenl or the like will rc.ult.
he will notify the Buyer to this effect in arising within two weeks after the •ignme. of this
agreement. II' Buyer does len receive notice mrd is.iubsequendv held liable fox the
Ili ivrg•entent,r she like. Seller will ,eve Buyer hanks. If Seiler in g„rad faith a ccrtains Iht
prdtduclion of the gdxrks in occonbance with the specifications will result In infringCortent or the
like. the contract •hall he null and void..
12. RIGHT OF mm, rION. Buyer shall have she right to inspect the 90,14' it delivery tx core
acccpling them.
13, C'ANCFI.LA rION. Buycr shali have the right to cancel fir default all or any part of the
u rlchi,?red p-• rtisn t:f thil :rJdr if e,•!!e t :+:h r° ,n, .•Illi.• n•rn,s Pit •n•nfill, Lldin„ warnnit6s
of Seller or if the Seller beanies insolvent or commis acts of hankruptcy. Such right of
cancellalkut is in addition to and not in lieu of any usher reinedies which Buyer may, have in
law or equity.
14. TI RNIINA TION. The perfannance of work under rhis order may be Ierminaled in whole. or in
part by the Buyer in accordance with this provision. '1'ennirtation of worst hereunder ,shall be
rtfected by the tleliyery of the Seller of a "Notice of Tcrntnation”. pecifying the extent to
which performance of work under the order is terairtated and the date upon which such
termination becomes effective. Such right or Ienninalum is lit addition to acrd not In lieu of clic
rights of Buyer set forth in Clause: 13. herein.
15. 1 t iRC'E MA3EL:RE. Neither party shall be held responsible for inoses, multing if the
fulfilltnean ofany ternu of prmvisio ns of this cataract is delayed or prevented by any cause not
within the control orthe party whose performance is interfered with, vol which by the exercise
of rensonahk diligcree aid party in unable to prevent
16, ASSIGNMENT-DELLGi1IAON. No right or imerest in this contract ;hall be msilmw or
,kletrtitn of any obligation made by Seller withatul the written pennissiom of the Buyer. Any
attempted assignment or deleginon by Seller Atall he wholly void and totally Ineffective lbr all
purpose unless mock in conformity with this paragraph.
17. WA11,4A. No claim or right arising out of a breach of this contract can be dischurged in whole
,or in par by it waiver o r munculiam of the claim dr riphtxmdess ibe waiver or renuncwtton is
supported by consideration and is in writing sighted by tie aggrieved party.
I H. INTERPRETA CION -PAROLE EV iDENCE. This writing, plus any ,pecificalions fox bids and
pertionnance provided by Buyer in its advertisement for bids, and any other documents
provided by Seder in part of his bid. is intended by the parties .is a final expres ion of Iheir
.+gn:ctnenrl :rod interukd alai as a cc mplete Jnd exdwive . iatcrncm aofthe tents of their
agrtitaCnt. Whenever tenn,le6ned by the L muton Commercial Code i, u:ied in this
agrrnrnnt, tee definition contained in the Cale i. to control.
17. APPLIC ABLL LAW. d'his agreement -.hall be governed by the l.'nifonn Comrnerci.d C'txle.
%Where ever lite ten "t nCfordn C',+mrnercial C, -J&' is u: A it shall he con: trued as mc;ming the
I'mfonn Commercial Cork as adapted in The State of Texas as effective and in force on the
Plate of this agrvincna.
26. RIGH F FO ASSI. RANCE. Whenever one party tat Phil coiatract in Rood tiah has reason to
question the tither party's intern it, perfiorm he may ,lemand that Ib; ,.other party gis a written
a,: uranct: of his micro to perfmrn. In the event that a demand is made and no e. surince is
given within five ilii Plays. the demanding parry may treat this failure is art anticipatory
repudiation of the cuatml.
'I. I\Df N I%Jf WA 110"0. Sr11er bill mlemnifv. keep and ,ave h.mnhe,N IN- Buyer. its agents,
officials dad cinphtvdes. against all injuries, PLAN. Ions-.iatnagC%, chins, ralenl claims. •nits.
ha:hilitms, l,xdgnentc, c,,ts Jaid expemes, which may m arilwne accrw against the 13uy r in
eonsxqu race of the sating of Ihi. Contract ,r which may anywise re,ult therefron. whether
,r not a hall b Jlltged nr Jeterrnrwd that the act ,yens Ju,ed ahnruFlt ncaligtnce or oohs, •ion
ofthe Seller „f as c•Iltpll Vees. ur efthe ubSeller IT ar...ipwe nr its ennpk"ies. d'.utydad the
Seller ,kill. at !ds own expen.w. appear. Jefend and pay all charWe, ofalhemcy, , .11111 all la
tad „aher,'vp-ri e, an mg !here fir in I f ncurrcJ ler :oianc,iiia thee_-wA. and. +f,uny jird cool
Kill he r. ridcr:d r:;rued the BIV cr in any u,.h ldltrn, d c tialb•r hid..n tl „urn ripen: c,.
th>fv Jud dt..elctrte fhe ane S+ ller extTe, ,!y wner,I:utdb .utJ .throes Ihas .nay lc, rad r yon,:d
r, r„ ntr,kl. r, dil,fnv a }:n ,nPCPi uy „5u•P. i�a,i ,n I,, va,,ouP ii,c i• I„ ,,..,,.�„_,••
o• Jc inn l lye krrp .I,tJ ;n e ! iarnn lc>., .and ale ltnJ t he Hua or a, It,:u u+ lm , tkA
._. I i'ii. if „�•.rr by :,y,ra.. d, otn•„l and under bru9llat lest,: h.i'thc.•..:act ii r nitt
p,rh rine, of lns,'••ntract. Ind ftlare by cc Filract to mcel the lime pecification” ofthii
aerencllt well crux Seller In be its deruult of Iht, d0eelnetlt.
t `,hBF. {'he f Pty of Lubbock hereby nrtific, all but dcrs that to n:%nl III ,any oi.nlm l •sntertd
oto pur,uant to !his r.,luewt. in ncrRy and +vutnen hu, Ines:( mwrpri,e•, will he afforded equal
,.pportuuihes to uhrnit huts in rr:.pxtn::e to this Laneitahnn and :ct1111,11 ice,l,.cnninatcd aganvd
,m tilt ur JUJI& of rJec, <obtr, ex or ndsural,:nvin in r,n .iderasion fix an award.