HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2020-O0065 - Abandoning and closing a 50ft wide portion of Ave G, Morning Side AdditionI"irst Reading r���t�LUOak ° er� Second Reading �N May 12, 2020 May 26, 2020 Item No. 6.10 Item No. 7.5 to Z IP m ORDINANCE NO. 2020-00065 -_� 0 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING A 50-FOOT WIDE PORTION OF AVENUE G STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ❑EDICATED WITH THE PLAT OF ! � MORNING SIDE ADDITION, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, WHICH IS MORE !F PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE; RESERVING A UTILITY EASEMENT; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY TO RI FLE-'C`I SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. W1IERI AS, the City Council finds that the portion of'street right-of=way hereinafter � described in the body of this Ordinance is no longer needed for street right-of-way purposes and for public use; and it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same fbr street right-of-way purposes and for public use; NOW THEREFORE: BE 1T ORDAINE❑ BY THE CIIY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the portion of street right-of-way as hereinafter described shall BE and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned for street right-ol=way purposes and for public use, such street right-of-way being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A." SECTION 2. TIIA7' an easement is hereby reserved on the property described in Section I. above, and such casement is reserved and retained for utility casement purposes with the right of ingress and egress at all times for such purpose, and an easement is also reserved for any and all existing pipelines or other utilities within said property together with all rights appurtenant to the continuation of such utilities. SECTION 3, THAT the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to mark the official maps of the City of Lubbock to reflect said abandonment and closing. showing the number of this Ordinance and the date of its final passage. SECTION 4. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence. phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid f'or any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thercby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary of t11e City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 12th day of May , 2020. Passed by the City Council oil second reading this 26thJay of May , 2020. DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR Re" ,ec ,a Garza, City Sccrclnr APPROVED AS "10 CONTENT: Michael Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer APPROVED AS I'D FORM: Ry oke, Assistant City Attorney Ord.A&C-Street ROW -Avenue G-Morning Side Addition 4.20.20 No Text 11 PARKHILLSMITH& EXHIBIT 3 A PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF AVENUE G, A 50-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED WITH THE PLAT OF MORNING SIDE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY. TEXAS 422285th Sheaf Lubbock Texas 79423 806.473.2200 A portion of Avenue G, a 50-foot wide public right-of-way to be closed and vacated, dedicated with the plat of Morning Side Addition, an addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the map, plat and/or dedication deed thereof recorded In Volume 86, Page 624 of the Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas, said proposed right-of-way closure being further described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2-Inch Iron rod found in the west right-of-way line of said Avenue G, in the north right-of-way line of 28� Street, as dedicated with said plat of Morning Side Addition, at the southeast corner of Tract B, Simmons Pump, an addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the map, plat and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 6599, Page 60 of the Real Property Records of Lubbock County, Texas for the southwest comer of this closure, whence a 3-Inch brass Texas Department of Transportation monument found at the southwest comer of said Tract B bears North 88 degrees 15 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 231.98 feel; (1) THENCE North Of degrees 45 minutes 22 seconds East, along the west right-of-way line of said Avenue G, a distance of 300.22 feet to an'X' cut on concrete found in the south right-of-way line of 271' Street, as dedicated with said plat of Morning Side Addition, at the northeast corner of said Tract B, for the northwest corner of this closure; (2) THENCE South 86 degrees 17 minutes 04 seconds East, along the south right-of-way line of said 27h Street, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point in the east right-of-way line of said Avenue G, for the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 5 of said Morning Side Addition, for the northeast corner of this closure; (3) THENCE South Of degrees 45 minutes 22 seconds West, along the east right-of-way line of said Avenue G and the west line of said Block 5, Morning Side Addition, a distance of 300.24 feet to a point in the north right-of-way line of said 28rh Street, at the southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 5 of said Morning Side Addition for the southeast corner of this closure; (4) THENCE North 88 degrees 15 minutes 43 seconds West, along the north right-of-way line of said 280 Street, a distance of 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearings called In this description are based on the Texas Coordinate System, North Central Zone 4202, North American Datum of 1983. Distances called in this description are surface distances. A plat showing this proposed closure is included on page 2 of this document. This closure contains a total of 16,011.5 square feet (0.3446 acres). Surveyed on the ground January 02, 2019 Samuel Wyatt, R .L.S. 6453 Page 1 of 2 Texas Registered Surveying Firm # 10194091 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF AVENUE G, A 50-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY " TRACTA DEDICATED WITH THE PLAT OF MORNING SIDE ADDITION, SIMMONS PUMP AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, VOL 65R9. PG. 60 LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS — — — _ PLAT. VOLUME BE, PAGE 624, — -1 — — — — DEED RECORDS OF LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS S88,17o4,E. 27th STREET 1� SOWSDRIGHT-0E-WAY. VOL. B6. PG. 6N 4V — — —I— T T- r T z 3 4 I I I I w a ma ~11A maa 0� I_ Q U -zm w 'a oW ALLEY ib'R-B.LB, PG—.6z4 o r�- T-r II N a D' 00' 20300'BLOCK ti rn i F o vi MORNING 5 SIDE ADDITION x VOL e6, PG. 624 NING r0 11 r2 13 SURVEYORS 231.9T REARINGS AND COORDINATES SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, TM. ZONE 420S. NAD'83(W12). _ N.WIJALW.. _\ L _ 28th STREET N.8WW43W DISTANCES REPORTED HEREON ARE AT SURFACE. AREAS REPORTED HEREON ME BASED ON CALCULATIONS MADE AT SURFACE SOAD, DISTANCES. R BY RIGNT-OWAY, VOL W. PG. 624 r -I T- -7 T — 7-— I- THM SURVEY Is SUBJECT TO MY FACTS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A FN1 TITLE SEARCH. RECORD DOCUMENTS OTHER THAN THOSE a MD ACCURATE MHOMMAXAFFECTTEISTRACT. 1 2 3 4 MONUMENTS INDICATED AS FOUND BY THIS SURVEY ARE NOT 'PHYSICAL a Q. MONUMENTS OF RECORD DIGNITY' UNLESS SO NOTED. d W I BLOCK FOUND MONUMENTS ME ACCEPTED BY THIS SURVEYOR AS CONIRMUNG WRH RECORD DOCUMENTS. m > MORNING SIDE ADDITION EVIDENCE DUE TO SUBSTANTIAL AGREEMENT A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF THIS PROPOSED ALLEY CLOSURE IS Fz VOL BE, PG, 624 INCLUDED ON PAGE I OF THIS DOCUMENT. I gzE SOC W 31 \ Q PACE 2OF2 w TF PARKHILL SMITH & COOPER TSPI-3 FIRM REGISTRATION W. 1QVMBS1 low uwnrc�HxSiun - �� u 1 �Fnnm • _•�� �� .IIIltlllll wuim: __ _ =i nuw = — num i■ _ nnm = = num room: — � �� unnm nnnm,■■1 � � _ 96 co' es■irye i F 9 8 i 6 i+ rs _ 4 3 3 Proposed Street Closurell, l (� r Lids [�" Rai -o. `,-. ���� •Pd�fi _-_L. ® �. A'' Q ■ s r _, LU 15 16 17 1� IV10 11 12 Z W MEN F � i, - ohm omm�nop ms Feet 0 25 50 700 750 200 250 r As�MuvM by MOM Mi. Ge pU U3 Pmtluck of Pe Garem�MCW, lKs pW Ts rot jftm aal was Cih..f, �W�•..�•�o,s�>;,a,.n�,W Lubbock o.u.9�wbsurrer.,emrexe�eam me �pa.�mko-re wm;��mo�orem w�m�: nru FILED AND RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS k.1ly Plnicn CountxClnrk Lubbock C.uniy, TE%S 06/02/2020 01:17 PM FEE: 42.00 2020 21295