HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2013-R0100 - PO - Pelco Structural LLC - Traffic Signal Mast Arms - 03/28/2013Resolution No. 2013-80100
March 28, 2013
Item No. 5.7
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to
execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 10007893 for the
purchase of Traffic Signal Mast Arms as per TxSmartbuy Contract No. 550-A2, by and
between the City of Lubbock and Pelco Structural, LLC of Claremore, Oklahoma, and
related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this
resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City
Passed by the City Council on March 28, 20r1
Rabeca Garzz, City Sle'crelaUC
R. Keith Smith, P.E., Chief Operating Officer
Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney
,,:c docs/RES.Pelco Structuml, LLC-Purchase0rd
February 26, 2013
",�Iubbloty °ck PURCHASE ORDER
CLAREMORE Oklahoma 74017
P.O. Box 2000
LUBBOCK tX 79457
Page - I
Date - 03/04/2013
Order Number 10007893 000 OP
Branch/Plant 4525
LUBBOCK Texas 79403
Ordered 03/28/2013 Freight
Requested 06/01/2013 Taken By T LENNON
Descdptiod5upplier Rem
Unit Cost
Request Date
50'SMA - 80/100
4V SMA .80/100
50' SMA - 80/100
50'SMA - 80/100
Tenn NET DUE ON RECEIPT' — — 140,761.00��
This purchase order encumbers; funds In the amount of $140,761 awarded to Pelco Structural LLC of Claremore,
Oklahoma on March 28, 2013. The following Is Incorporated Into and made pert of this purchase order by
reference: Price Quotation dated February 26, 2013, from Pelco Structural LLC of Claremore, Oklahoma and
TXSmartbuy Contract 550-A2. Resolution# 2013-RO100
Glen C. Ro er n, Mayor Rebe ca Garza, City Secretary
CI'rY OF LU1311OCK arms
Seller and 11u3er agree as rollows:
1, SELLER FO PAVV.NGE GiMUS. Seller will puckago goo,ts in .wcvnktnce with good
comnardal practice. Each .hipping container shall be clevly and parrimoUy marked as
follows (a) Stilet t naante and address, tb) Catrlgnce s nate, addtti7 and puichan order or
purchase release number and the supply agreement number if applicable, (c) Contaittes "[ember
and telal mtouber of containers. a S. bolt 1 of 1 busts, .end (d) the muttbrr of the container
bearing rho packing slip. Sella shall beer cost of pukaSinhg unless uthawise provided. Cuexls
%hall be suitably packed to secure lowest i anspoomi"n costs and to conform with requirements
of common date" and any applieibla specifications. Buyer's count or aoghl shall be limit
and comlusi%e on shipments not accompanied by packing lists.
i. SIIIPMENr UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Seller is not uahodted to ship the
yroavls under reservation and no tender of a bill of lading will operate is a tender of goads.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. iho title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to Buyer
until Buyer a:ttully receives .cod rakes poiwssion of the goods .d the point or points of
3. NO REPLACEMENT OP OEFECTIVE TENOML 9% cry tender of delivery of goods tmio
hilly comply with all protisiatu of this comrdd 45t0 lithe of deli$ cry. quanty and oho like, 11A
lender is trade ahich does cost fully conform, this dull constitute a breach carni Sella sham not
have the right to substitute a conforming tender, provided, where the time for performance has
not yd espiml. the Seller troy reasonably nobly Bya of his intention to cure and may then
make a conforming lemkt within the contract time but no allawad.
S. INVOICES A PAYh1bM3. a. Sella shall submit separate invoices, in duplicate, one tach
Purchase order er purchase release atter each delivery. Imoiaes shall indicate the purchase
order or purchase release number and the supply agreement numbs if applicable. imuices
shall be iternlied and transportation charges, if any, shall be listed seyaratdy. A copy of the
bill of tailing. ad the fMSN waybill when appliablet should be .utiched to the invoice. Mail
ro: Accounts Payable, City of Lubbock, P. 0. Bolt 1000. Lubbock, 'rose 79137. Payment
shall not be due until the above Instruments are submitted ager doth cry.
6. GRATUITIM Tete Buyer may, by written notice to the Seller, caned Ilds contract without
liability to Sena if it is dedatdad by Buyer that gratuities. in the Tam of entertadnment. Si lb
or otherwise, woo offered or given by the Seller, or my agora or repmantuiveof the Setter, to
my officer or entploym of the City of Lubbock with a view to securing a contract or searing
favorable tairvient with specs to the awanling or amending, or the Nuking of any
ddaminadonsaith respect to tho ptrfontdng of stuh a contrera, to the atm this centrad is
canceled by Ouya pursuatt to this provision. Buyer skill be entitled, in a lldon to any ether
rights and remones, to reco%a or withhold the amount or this an incunvd by Sella in
providing such graNifies.
7, SPECIAL TOOLS A TEST EQUIPMENT. if the prier steed on tbo race hereof inctwdea the
cast of any special tooling or special tact equipment fabdated or required by Sella for the
purpose of Oniayy this onler, such special tooling equipment and any process sheen related
thereto shall becona rhe poperty of the Buyer and to the extent feasible Oran be idatOOed by
Live Seller as such.
a. The pica to be paid by the Byer shall be that contained in Seller's bid which Sella
overtrain to be no bight shin Sella's current process on enders by odors for plod" of the
kind and spedficadoo covecod by this agramod for simitar gtnraitia uanbt similar of like
conditions and meUod s of purehvet to the event Sella breaches this war.- ly. the prices of
the items shall be reduced to this Setter's euriad prices on orders by others, or in do
.Otandive. Byer may erred this contract wiWad liability to Sella for breadth or Seller's
sexual expense. it. Tho Seller warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or
rdainad to soliedl orscare this tbnfract upon m agreement or otderstandirtS fa eotrtmission.
percentage. brokeege. or cominscut fes accepting home Ode employees of Www Ode
e,tablished commercial or sdltng agencies tnainlatnal by the Sella for the purpose of securing
business. For treads of viciarion of this warranty the Buys dull have the sight in idkntion to
any other right of rights to caned this cadract without liability and to deduce from the corand
price. or oherwise nems winhou liability and to dahsct prom the ewturact pica, or otherwise
recaver the real mount of such corordssicn. ixmmuages, brokerage or contingent fee.
9. WARRANTY-PROOUCr. Sella shall not limit or esdudfe any implied w3rmaiQ and cry
attempt to db so +lull tads this comtrad voidable at the option of the Byer. Sella warrants
that the goods Ormi%hed will conform to the spocitkatiats ,bearings. and desuriptihra lived in
the bid int itaion. rod to the sartph(s) furnished by the Selter, if arty. In the e%em dela curttid
or between the specifications. dmainim and desaipions, the specification shall groan
4otwithaantnng any provisions contained in the contract al aypeamnt. tier Seller repmauts
and warrents fault -Ree pr(onrunce and fault -int result in the Processing data and data Mired
dna lincluding, but not limited to csiculming, ernpenng and serpomcins) of all ha dwae,
soRwan sad trmwae products delivered and unites provided under this Contract.
indi%iduslly or in combimrian, is the case may be Men the dkdd%s date of ibis Contract.
ila obGg ai.nscunuinal herdo apply to prdnts and services provided by the Sella, its wb-
Seller or any third party involved in she aealion or development of tine products and senices to
be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this Ccr h3a Failure to comply with .ury of the
dttigaierts contained herein. hnsy result in rho City of lubbisk availing iisdf of my of its
n6lin ruler rho law and under this Contract including, but not limited t% its right patairting to
wnrunirion or jc(xA int warranties centadned hatio we separate and disvme from my
Ober wrtadies eptalled in this Cmtr3ct. and ere not subject to any disclaimer of wanmty.
implied or v%peswd, or lirtwitra s of the Sellas Imbthty winch may be specified in this
Contract. in i(pcdiees its schn sdlc iI norma or my donamad ineorpmated in this
Contract by tefar"m
10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Uller-rvmmF &d the prMW sold to ted Bya %ban confrsmn to
me aantvds pmrmulS�le� by tyw U. S. Dep".tstmrnt of 1_aba uruta the Oca,patienil 4afdy and
litilib Aa d19110.4a mho event the prahwt Jou owe cod rn toOSHA arkduds. Buys may
Mule the pcdtct'ia t,mtcnoe or replxtrm u at the Sellei t e%pemse In the "ted Sella
fails to nuke -:hf .srVrtpriate cctration -tithin s ceasanablo rima e7necdcas dna& by Buyer
w111 he ere tkSenet t terpene
it. NO WARRANIY BY BUYER A0AINSr INFRINGEJIENTS. As put of this contract for
,do Seller tWtn to a$coWn whrsba gtwvds rteuuhfattuet in ateerdaue rah the
.pealierions attached to this tgrerment well Sae iia to the righted claim of my third pasts
by way of infringemrnt of the like. nuya makes no warmly that the production of goods
according to the gwificadoo will not Site dw to uwh a claim. and in no event shall Buy ce he
liable to Sella for indannificanan in the event chat Sella is sued on the Smmds of
infringement *(the like. If Sella is of the opinion that m infringement or the like will result,
he uttl notify the Buyer to this cried in welting within two weeks .ata the signing of this
agreement. If Buyer doe not tccci%o ndico and is subsequtatdy held liable for the
inhingenent or the like, Sella will sate Buyer harmless. if Sella in good faith ascertains rho
production of the goods in acanttnee with the specifications will result in iaOinganent or rho
hke, the contract shall be nu l and vuid.
11. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods at dell%cry before
soccyrinS therm
I3. CANCELLIFION. Buyer %hall hate the right to caned for default all or any part or the
oa&lhered porion of this order if Sella breaches any of the terms hereat including w rtattllclt
of Sella or if the Sella beeams inrohtnt or ovaunits acts of bankruptcy, Stroh right of
cmdlation is in addition to and, not in lieu of any other remedies which Buyer may have in
law or equity.
li. TERMINATION. tiro perfomnmce orwork underthis only maybe terminated in whole. or in
part by the Buyer in accordutce with this provision. Termination of work hactmder shall be
effected by rhe dalivery of the Seller of a' ;Yutice of Te ninalion' apect6ing the ;%tent to
which palsamunce of wend; tench the order is terminated amt the date upon which etch
tenminadca becomes drective. Such right or termination is in addition to AN not in lieu of the
rights of Buyer set fonh in Clause 13, haeln.
13. FORCE MUEURL Neither party shall be held responsible for losses, resulting if the
fulfillment of any [arms of pro$ salons of this contract is delayed or prevented by any a sso trot
within the control of the party when p albrinmoe is interfaed with, and which by the exactas
of seasonable diligam said party Is unable to prevrnt.
16. ASSIGNMF?IT-DELEOATION, No doll or Interco in Ihds oomrad shall be assigned or
delegation of any obligation "rade by Seller without the written permdsaion of the Buysx. Any
attempted iallipttnnd or ddtpd m by Sella "be wholly void and totally inotTeclive for all
purpose unless made in ennfamity with this paragraph.
17. WAIVER. No claim a rigN adsing oW of a breach of this comtrad can bo dischaged in whale
or in pat by a waiver or renunciation of the claim or it& unless the waiva at timmiclaslon is
supported by wnddention aid Is In writiall signed by the oihpiaved pasty.
i& INTERPRErATION-PAROLE EVIDENCL Miswriting, plus any spedBations far bids and
performance provided by Buyer in its advatisanat fa bids, and any other documents
pnnided by Sella as pat of his bid. is Intended by rhe panda as a Raul expnulea of their
agreement and Intended also as a complete and esdurive stalansent of the tams of their
agreement. Whenever a tan dellned by this Unifttrm Commercial Code Is used in this
sipcenuem, the dd(rdtion contained in elm Co& Is to control.
19, APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shag be governed by the Uniform Com scrdal Code.
What aver the tam 'Unifeetn Conuttereial Code" is used. it shall be construed ere meaning the
Utriform Commercial Code as adopted in the Stara of Texan as elTative and in fora on the
dtste of Wer aipeerrnad.
I0. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whatever aro piny to Ods cadrul in good (kith hiss reason to
question the cher party's intent to perform he may demand the the other parry give written
assurance of his intent to perform fa the evert that a demand Is mads and no assurance is
Siva within five (3) days, the demanding patty may heat title MIUM as an anticipatory
repaiiadom of tho contract.
II. INDEMNIFICATION. Sella shall imtawtiy, keep amt save hamdess the Byer, its agents.
QMcials and employees agaitne all injuria, skotlts, loss, damages, claims. patient daiins, suits.
liabilities, jtalgrtsams, emus and o"crusest which may to anywise acme .tdainst The Byer in
couegmue of the grating of this Camsad or which may at" in result therefrom, whether
or riot it shall be alleVill at determined Due the ad was caused Quo tits ncgligimce or omission
of rhe Shca Or its anployed, Of of the uWdla or asOgnet a ill employcos, if any. and the
Seita shall. d his awn espouse. appeat, defend and pay all charges of attorneys atd all otos
and who esperoes mill"S thaeRam of incurred in eonnedlon therewith, and. if sy judgment
thill be iadaN aSsinst the Biqa In any arch action, the Sena aledL, al its a" e•spenw%
satisfy ail disrharp the wins Sella espresslyr outentands and agree that any brand eaiijud
by this erurad. or otherwita provided by Sella, shag in to way limit the responsibility to
Indemnity. keep aid ate harmless and dderd t!N Byer as htMn prat tela&
»r. TIME It is haft cspreatyr agseed and understood that time is of the essertce fir the
pufa na ce of this contrail, sad raihhre by contract to rued the time specifications of ibis
agreaaenl will caws Sella to be in default of this agrocment.
i3. MBE. rite Ciry of Lubbock hereby notifies all hi%klas that in regard to any contract entered
into purnima to this raptev, nnirrniry .sad wamcn business enderprisa a ill tv aTord%d t%Iual
opportunities to adWtdt bids in impose to this invitation amt will not be divaininated aSairua
on she grumds of rico, cola, res a neural origin in consideration form as and.
.M. NON.ARBRRAHON. the City resenn the right to esadw any dolor nrusedy available to
It bylaw. centrad, etivity. a otherwin, including w ilhout limdluion, the riot to ask joy rd
Al fm s of relief in a coot of cwmpdcm jutialhxion. Furhee, the City .hall not be wibloct to
any arbitration, peaces prior to etadsing its tttnemfaed right to see! judicial remedy. Rho
toaedies set forth herein are comlathe nil rtdtt ercltisi%dq and may bo nmived consnumilly.
To Uo mteut of my eotufiice bdwm shin prvvisiam and mala po►itiam ink a rgWc d to, this
donunad. this Prov isiva dull control.
1d. Rimir f0 AUOIr. At my date doing the tam of the conasd. or iharafta, the City. or a
,duly amhariiel audit nepesenuUte of rhe Ciry or the Stito of rows. A its aspane and d
reasonable times, reserves she right to zulit Cemtractoes records and books relevant to At
ser%ita pIvided to the Gory under this Cd u1racL In the e%att tach m audit by the City reveals
any emrt or mayst)tnents by the City. Contractor $hall reftad the City the fill urnrmt of
such atam"wsds %IN* thirty (N)) days of tach uwtil 11nlinSs, or ted Ciry, at its .'Pett".
"~erect the right
to dehwt such anwuas ooinS rho Ciry from Any rjytncnis due Contractee.
Rev. 02/2012