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Resolution - 2013-R0035 - CO To Contract - Archer Western Construction LTD - Plant Digesters - 01/31/2013
Resolution No. 2013—R0035 January 31, 2013 Item No. 5.10 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 3 to that certain Contract No. 9835 by and between the City of Lubbock and Archer Western Construction, LTD, for the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements Project, and related documents. Said Change Order No. 3 is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on January 31, 2013 GVKN C. ROBERTSON, MAYOR ATTEST: Rebe ca Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: f r� Mars ee , P.E., Chief Operating Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney vw:ccdocs RES.Chg0rd93 Contract -Archer January 15, 2013 CITY OF LUBBOCK CHANGE ORDER Change Order #: 3 Contractor: I Archer Western Contractors, LTD Date: January 11, 2013 BID/ITB/RFP #: RFP #11 -9835 -MA Contract #: 92177 Project Name: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements Project "Change Order" means a written order to a Contractor executed by the Owner in accordance with the contract authorizing an addition to, deletion from, or adjustment or revision of the requirements of the contract documents. or an adjustment to the compensation payable to Contractor, or to the time for performance of the contract and completion of the Project, or a combination thereof, which does not alter the nature of the thing to be constructed and is an integral part of the project objective All work that alters the nature of the thin to o be constructed or that is not an integral part of the proiect objective must be let out for public bid. Description of change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary): Per attached backup material this Change Order #3 includes the following items: Item 1) Digester 8 Concrete Repair Detail at a cost of $258,581.32 and 42 additional days. Item 2) Additional Pipe Supports per RFI #65 and #66 at $3,590.21 and no additional days. Item 3) Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet and Outlet Flanges of Boilers at $7,024.36 and no additional days. Item 4) Furnish and Install Additional Davit Crane Base at a cost of $867.87 and no additional days. Item 5) Fumish and Install Louvers at Control Room Doors at a cost of $2,000.78 and no additional days. Item 6) Add Long Radius 90's At Centrate Piping at a cost of $1,582.87 and no additional days. Where the Change Order is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMENTED AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM. ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $13,886,000 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Council approval required foyer S15,000 $273,647.41 C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): 1.97% D. E. F. G. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $771,461.70 TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): $1,045,109.11 PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E. A): 251,, Maximum 7.53% NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): $14,931,109.11 It is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly; from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. This Chance Order is not valid without the following signatures (please sign in order and return 3 originals with Contract Cover Street to Purchasiine and Contract Management Department): ►yam �R Jr r �. /iL r {dc I (1)CON ACTOR Date (2) PROJECT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Date Approved as to Content: Appro orm: �!1 t's13 OWNER'S REP NTATIVE at8 (4) TY ATTORNEY Date QA4.,� F,)4� I (5) CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER Date (6) PURCHASING AND CONTRACT MANAGER Date Change Orders over 525,000 require a Contract Cover Sheet and the following signatures: CITY OF LLIBBOCK ST: (7) MAYOR Date '(8) RCIT SECRETARY Date January 31, 2013 5.10 2013-R0035 Council Date; Agenda Item #: Resolution #: PWC -045 (Rev 01/08) Engineers... Working Wonders With Water' January 11, 2013 Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas 1625 13th Street Lubbock, TX 79457 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements Project Change Order #3 Dear Zoltan: Attached with this letter is documentation for Change Order #3. Items recommended for inclusion with Change Order #3 are described in more detail as follows: Item 1 Archer Western is requesting $258,581.32, and 47 additional calendar days as a result of the additional costs and time associated with concrete repairs made to Digester 8. The Engineer recommended acceptance of a revised proposal for $258,581.32, and 42 additional calendar days. The following documents are attached to support Item 1: 1. PCM #17 created by Carollo Engineers on October 29, 2012. 2. PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated November 15, 2012. 8151A 30 1 Fekete007 docx 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin Texas 78759 R 512.453 5383 F 512.453 0101 carollo.com Time Item Description Cost Impact Impact Status 1 Digester 8 Concrete Repair Detail $258,581.32 +42 days Recommended by Carollo 2 Additional Pipe Supports per RFI #65 and #66 $3,590.21 No Time Recommended by Carollo 3 Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet $7,024.36 No Time Recommended by and Outlet Flanges of Boilers Carollo 4 Furnish and Install Additional Davit Crane Base $867.87 No Time Recommended by Carollo 5 Furnish and Install Louvers at Control Room Doors $2,000.78 No Time Recommended by Carollo 6 Add Long Radius 90's At Centrate Piping $1,582.87 No Time Recommended by Carollo Total Contract Impacts from CO #3 Items: +$273,647.41 +42 days Items recommended for inclusion with Change Order #3 are described in more detail as follows: Item 1 Archer Western is requesting $258,581.32, and 47 additional calendar days as a result of the additional costs and time associated with concrete repairs made to Digester 8. The Engineer recommended acceptance of a revised proposal for $258,581.32, and 42 additional calendar days. The following documents are attached to support Item 1: 1. PCM #17 created by Carollo Engineers on October 29, 2012. 2. PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated November 15, 2012. 8151A 30 1 Fekete007 docx 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin Texas 78759 R 512.453 5383 F 512.453 0101 carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 2 3. Revised PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated January 9, 2013. 4. Letter dated November 13, 2012 from David Teel of Archer Western Construction Company with proposal backup information. 5. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 2 Archer Western is requesting $7,180.42 and three additional days for costs and time associated with the installation of pipe supports on a 10 inch digested sludge line, and two hot water lines. These supports were presented by the Contractor under RFI #65 and RFI #66. PCM #12 was recommended by the Engineer with a modification of terms to a price of $3,590.21 and no additional days. The following documents are attached to support Item 2: 1. PCM #12 created by Archer Western on June 13, 2012. 2. Letter dated June 13, 2012 from David Teel of Archer Western Construction Company with the proposal for reimbursement. 3. RFI #65 - Pipe Supports at 10" DS in Mixing Area, as submitted by Archer Western on May 15, 2012. 4. RFI #65 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on May 21, 2012. 5. RFI #66 - Supports for Hot Water in Skylight Areas, as submitted by Archer Western on May 15, 2012. 6. RFI #66 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on May 21, 2012. 7. PCM #12 response, and letter dated January 11, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 3 Archer Western is requesting $7,024.36 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of two 4 -inch diameter valves on the inlet and outlet flange of each boiler (four valves total), in response to RFI #83. The valves are recommended by the Engineer to ensure the boilers pass State inspection. The following documents are attached to support Item 3: 1. PCM #16 created by Carollo Engineers on October 24, 2012. 8151A30 jFekete007.docx carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 3 2. Archer Western response to PCM #16 dated November 12, 2012, and proposal backup information. 3. RFI #83 - Concerns About Boiler Piping, as submitted by Archer Western on October 12, 2012. 4. RFI #83 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on October 12, 2012. 5. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 4 Archer Western is requesting $867.87 to purchase and install one additional davit crane base and base cover in the Pump Mixing Area. The additional base will facilitate the removal of the chopper pumps from the pump mix area after they have been extracted from the chopper pump pit. The Engineer recommended acceptance of the proposal. The following documents are attached to support Item 4: PCM #19 created by Archer Western on December 18, 2012, and proposal backup information. 2. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 5 Archer Western is requesting $2,000.78 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of two 24 inch by 42 inch louvers in the east side central double doors at the Digester Control Building, in response to RFI #84. The louvers are recommended by the Engineer to ensure the boilers pass State inspection. The following documents are attached to support Item 5: 8151A30 I Fekete007.docx PCM #20 created by Archer Western on January 2, 2013, and proposal backup information. 2. RFI #84 - Boiler Combustion Air Concerns, as submitted by Archer Western on November 17, 2012. 3. RFI #84 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on December 14, 2012. 4. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 4 Item 6 Archer Western is requesting $1,582.87 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of six 4 -inch long radius ductile iron elbows at the centrate return system. These elbows are required to smooth transition from pump discharge piping to the flow meter piping, and from the flow meter piping to the hose rack due to the unexpected stiffness of the interconnecting hoses The elbows are recommended by the Engineer to ease future coupling and uncoupling of the hoses by City staff. The following documents are attached to support Item 6: 1. PCM #21 created by Archer Western on January 11, 2013, and proposal backup information. 2. Letter dated January 11, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. The change in contract price associated with Items 1 through 6 is summarized below: • Original contract price : $13,886,000 • Net increase in price of this change order: +$273,647.41 • Contract price with all approved change orders: $14,927,518.90 • Original contract time: 510 Days to Final Completion • Net increase of time with this change order: +42 days • Contract time with all approved change orders: 655 days to Final Completion Please contact, Jason Anderson, or myself with any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to provide construction phase services for the City of Lubbock. We look forward to continuing to work with you and City staff on this project through its successful completion. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager J EA: ckt 8151A30 1Fekete007.docx carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 5 cc: John Turpin, P.E. Mary Gonzales Gary Wheelwright Jason Anderson, P.E. 8151A30 1 Fekete007.docx carollo.com City of Lubbock, TX Capital Project Project Cost Detail January 11, 2013 Capital Project Number: 92177 Capital Project Name: SEWRP Improvements Phase III Solids Handling Encumbered/Expended Carollo Engineers PC - Solids Engineering Study $ Carollo Engineers PC - Digester 8 & 9 Design City of Lubbock Staff Time as of 1/1/13 Bid Cost Carollo Engineers PC - Amendment No. 1, RPR Contract Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. Construction Contract Change Order No. 1 with Archer Western Contractors Change Order No. 2 with Archer Western Contractors Agenda Items January 31, 2011 Carollo Engineers PC - Amendment No. 3, Extend RPR Change Order No. 3 with Archer Western Contractors Encumbered/Expended To Date Estimated Costs for Remaining Appropriation Remaining Appropriation Total Appropriation Budget 685,210 948,000 51,391 3,776 1,299,229 13,886,000 162,829 608,633 191,300 273647.41 18,110,015 239,985 $ 18,350,000 C ISP rAVa slow Engineeis...Working Wonders With Wafer` January 11, 2013 Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas 1625 13th Street Lubbock, TX 79457 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements Project Change Order #3 Dear Zoltan: Attached with this letter is documentation for Change Order #3. Items recommended for inclusion with Change Order #3 are described in more detail as follows: Item 1 Archer Western is requesting $258,581.32, and 47 additional calendar days as a result of the additional costs and time associated with concrete repairs made to Digester 8. The Engineer recommended acceptance of a revised proposal for $258,581.32, and 42 additional calendar days. The following documents are attached to support Item 1: 1. PCM #17 created by Carollo Engineers on October 29, 2012. 2. PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated November 15, 2012. 8151A.30I Fekete007docs 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin, Texas 78759 P. 512.453.5383 F. 512.453.0101 carollo.com Time Item Description Cost Impact Impact Status 1 Digester 8 Concrete Repair Detail $258,581.32 +42 days Recommended by Carollo 2 Additional Pipe Supports per RFI #65 and #66 $3,590.21 No Time Recommended by Carollo 3 Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet $7,024.36 No Time Recommended by and Outlet Flanges of Boilers Carollo 4 Furnish and Install Additional Davit Crane Base $867.87 No Time Recommended by Furnish and Install Louvers at Control Room Doors $2,000.78 No Time Carollo Recommended by 5 Carollo 6 Add Long Radius 90's Al Centrate Piping $1,582.87 No Time Recommended by Carollo Total Contract Impacts from CO #3 Items: 1 +$273,647.41 +42 days Items recommended for inclusion with Change Order #3 are described in more detail as follows: Item 1 Archer Western is requesting $258,581.32, and 47 additional calendar days as a result of the additional costs and time associated with concrete repairs made to Digester 8. The Engineer recommended acceptance of a revised proposal for $258,581.32, and 42 additional calendar days. The following documents are attached to support Item 1: 1. PCM #17 created by Carollo Engineers on October 29, 2012. 2. PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated November 15, 2012. 8151A.30I Fekete007docs 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin, Texas 78759 P. 512.453.5383 F. 512.453.0101 carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 2 3. Revised PCM #17 response from Archer Western dated January 9, 2013. 4. Letter dated November 13, 2012 from David Teel of Archer Western Construction Company with proposal backup information. 5. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 2 Archer Western is requesting $7,180.42 and three additional days for costs and time associated with the installation of pipe supports on a 10 inch digested sludge line, and two hot water lines. These supports were presented by the Contractor under RFI #65 and RFI #66. PCM #12 was recommended by the Engineer with a modification of terms to a price of $3,590.21 and no additional days. The following documents are attached to support Item 2: 1. PCM #12 created by Archer Western on June 13, 2012. 2. Letter dated June 13, 2012 from David Teel of Archer Western Construction Company with the proposal for reimbursement. 3. RFI #65 - Pipe Supports at 10" DS in Mixing Area, as submitted by Archer Western on May 15, 2012. 4. RFI #65 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on May 21, 2012. 5. RFI #66 - Supports for Hot Water in Skylight Areas, as submitted by Archer Western on May 15, 2012. 6. RFI #66 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on May 21, 2012. 7. PCM #12 response, and letter dated January 11, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 3 Archer Western is requesting $7,024.36 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of two 4 -inch diameter valves on the inlet and outlet flange of each boiler (four valves total), in response to RFI #83. The valves are recommended by the Eng[neer to ensure the boilers pass State inspection. The following documents are attached to support Item 3: 1. PCM #16 created by Carollo Engineers on October 24, 2012. 8151A30 I Feke*M7 d= carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 3 2. Archer Western response to PCM #16 dated November 12, 2012, and proposal backup information. 3. RFI #83 - Concerns About Boiler Piping, as submitted by Archer Western on October 12, 2012. 4. RFI #83 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on October 12, 2012, 5. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 4 Archer Western is requesting $867.87 to purchase and install one additional davit crane base and base cover in the Pump Mixing Area. The additional base will facilitate the removal of the chopper pumps from the pump mix area after they have been extracted from the chopper pump pit. The Engineer recommended acceptance of the proposal. The following documents are attached to support Item 4: 1. PCM #19 created by Archer Western on December 18, 2012, and proposal backup information. 2. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. Item 5 Archer Western is requesting $2,000.78 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of two 24 inch by 42 inch louvers in the east side central double doors at the Digester Control Building, in response to RFI #84. The louvers are recommended by the Engineer to ensure the boilers pass State inspection. The following documents are attached to support Item 5: 8151A30 I F*,eUM7 d= 1. PCM #20 created by Archer Western on January 2, 2013, and proposal backup information. 2. RFI #84 - Boiler Combustion Air Concerns, as submitted by Archer Westem on November 17, 2012. 3. RFI #84 response, as submitted by Carollo Engineers on December 14, 2012. 4. Letter dated January 10, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. COM11o.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 4 Item 6 Archer Western is requesting $1,582.87 as a result of the additional costs associated with the installation of six 4 -inch long radius ductile iron elbows at the centrate return system. These elbows are required to smooth transition from pump discharge piping to the flow meter piping. and from the flow meter piping to the hose rack due to the unexpected stiffness of the interconnecting hoses. The elbows are recommended by the Engineer to ease future coupling and uncoupling of the hoses by City staff. The following documents are attached to support Item 6: 1. PCM #21 created by Archer Western on January 11, 2013, and proposal backup information. 2. Letter dated January 11, 2013 from Hani Michel of Carollo Engineers with the Engineer's response to the proposal. The change in contract price associated with Items 1 through 6 is summarized below: • Original contract price : $13,886,000 • Net increase in price of this change order: +$273,647.41 • Contract price with all approved change orders: $14,927,518.90 • Original contract time: 510 Days to Final Completion • Net increase of time with this change order. +42 days • Contract time with all approved change orders: 655 days to Final Completion Please contact, Jason Anderson, or myself with any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to provide construction phase services for the City of Lubbock. We look forward to continuing to work with you and City staff on this project through its successful completion. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA:ckt 8151A30 IFekele00idoac carollo.com Mr. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Senior Engineer City of Lubbock, Texas January 11, 2013 Page 5 cc, John Turpin, P. E Mary Gonzales Gary Wheelwright Jason Anderson, P.E. 815" 1 fekete0010= ca"11o.com PCM #17 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 11/02/2012, Page 1 of 2 Digester 8 Concrete Repair Detail '9 Submitted : 10/29/2012 Type: Submit quotation for performing Mukgaitted To: Archer Western Contract: 92177 563 Contractors, David Contractor: Archer Western Contractors New Contract Duration: Argumaniz,David Teel,Gary Wheelwright, Hani Michel,Kwasi Duose Revision Date: Status: Pending Priority: Critical Due Date: 11/05/2012 Created By: Carollo, Jason Anderson Created: 10/29/2012 Change Date: 10/29/2012 Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $: 0.00 Approved Thru Last: 162,828.86 Amount Added: 0.00 New Approved Amount: 162,828.86 Current Contract Duration: 563 Days Added: 0 New Contract Duration: 563 Budget: Funding: Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements Project Cost Item: PCM Description and Justification: Two incidents of inadvertent overfilling of Digester 8 due to plugging of outlet piping resulted in the existing cover being lifted off the top of the concrete tank. The cover anchors pulled free of the top of the wall, and the concrete was cracked in the vicinity of each anchor. The cracking and surface damage will require repair prior to continuing improvements to Digester 8. Attached to this PCM and described below is an approved repair protocol developed by the Engineer. The Contractor is requested to prepare a proposal with time and cost impacts for performing the following work: • There are a total of 24 locations at the top of the concrete wall to accommodate the 24 supports at Digester 8. • At each support location the following will apply: eadoc PCM #17 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 11/02/2012, Page 2 of 2 o At the cracked section, chase any corroded steel until clean steel is found. o Provide a sawcut 90 degree shoulder (no feather edge) of at least 1/4" to 1/2" and chip to sound concrete with an amplitude stipulated by the repair manufacturers recommendations (Sika Rep or equal). o Clean all rust by-products from the reinforcing steel and apply Sika Armatec 110 or equal as an anti -corrosion primer. o Thoroughly saturate the substrate and apply Sika Armatec 110 to the entire area as a bonding bridge. o Fill the prepared area using Sika Top 123 Plus up to a minimum of 2" thick. o For the areas marked uncracked sections, thoroughly clean and saturate the areas and apply Sika Armatec 110 to the entire area and then apply a maximum 1/4" thick of Sika Top 123 Plus. • All surfaces shall be cured per ACI recommendations upon completion. Files PCM #17 -Digester 8 Concrete Repair Protocol.pdf 332.36K PCM #17 -Digester 8 Concrete Repair Protocol eadoc No Text There are a total of 24 locations at the top of the concrete wall to accommodate the 24 supports at Digester 8. At each support location the following will apply: o At the cracked section, chase any corroded steel until clean steel is found. o Provide a sawcut 90 degree shoulder (no feather edge) of at least 1/4" to 1/2" and chip to sound concrete with an amplitude stipulated by the repair manufacturers recommendations (Sika Rep or equal). o Clean all rust by-products from the reinforcing steel and apply Sika Armatec 110 or equal as an anti -corrosion primer. o Thoroughly saturate the substrate and apply Sika Armatec 110 to the entire area as a bonding bridge. o Fill the prepared area using Sika Top 123 Plus up to a minimum of 2" thick. o For the areas marked uncracked sections, thoroughly clean and saturate the areas and apply Sika Armatec 110 to the entire area and then apply a maximum 1/4" thick of Sika Top 123 Plus. All surfaces shall be cured per ACI recommendations upon completion. Product Data Sheet Edition 8.2003 Identification no. 182 Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem Sika Armatec° 110 EpoCem° Bonding Agent and Reinforcement Protection Description Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem is a 3 -component, solvent -free, moisture -tolerant, epoxy -modified, cementitious product specifically formulated as a bonding agent and an anti -corrosion coating. Where to Use ■ As an anti -corrosion coating for reinforcing steel in concrete restoration. ■ As added protection to reinforcing steel in areas of thin concrete cover. ■ Asa bonding agent for repairs to concrete and steel. ■ As a bonding agent for placing fresh, plastic concrete to existing hardened concrete. Advantages ■ Excellent adhesion to concrete and steel. ■ Acts as an effective barrieragainst penetration of water and chlorides. ■ Long open time - up to 16 hours. ■ Not a vapor barrier. ■ Can be used extedoron-grade. ■ Contains corrosion inhibitors. ■ Excellent bonding bridge for cement or epoxy based repairmortars. ■ High strength, unaffected by moisturewhen cured. ■ Spray, brush or roller application. ■ Non-flammable, solventfree. Coverage Bonding agent: minimum (theoretical) on smooth, even substrate 80 sq. ft./gal.(=20 mils thickness). Coveragewill varydepending on substrate profile and porosity. Reinforcement Protection: 40 sq. ft./gal. (=20 mils thickness) (2 coat application). Packaging 3.5 gal. unit. (47.6 fl. oz. Comp. A + 122.1 fl. oz. Comp. B + 46.82 Ib. Comp. C) Comp. A + B in carton, Comp. C in multi -wall bag. 1.65 gal. unit. (22.7 fl. oz. A+ 57.6 fl. oz. B + 4 bags @ 5.5 Ib.) Factory -proportioned units in a pail. Typical Data(Materialandcuringconditions@73°Fand50%R.H.) Shelf Life 1 year in original, unopened packaging. Storage Store dry at40°-95°F(4°-35°C). Condition material to 65°-75°F(18°-24°C)before using. If components A and Bare frozen, discard. Protect Component C from humidity. Color Concrete gray Density(Mixed) 125lb./cu. ft. (2.0 kg.) Pot Life Approximately90 minutes Compressive Strength (ASTM C-109) 3 days 4500 psi (31.0 MPa) 7 days 6500 psi (44.8 MPa) 28 days 8500 psi (58.6 MPa) Flexural Strength (ASTM C-348) 28 days 1250 psi (8.6 MPa) Splitting Tensile Strength (ASTM C-496) 28 days 600 psi (4.1 MPa) Important Data for Sika Armatec 110 as a Corrosion Protective Coating Water Water Permeability at 10 bar (145 psi) 8.92x10" ft./sec. Control 7.32 x 10-'0 ft./sec. Water vapor diffusion coefficient p HP 110 Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide diffusion coefficient p CO, 14000 TESTDATA: Time -to -Corrosion Study - Sika Armatec 110 more than tripled the time to corrosion - Reduced corrosion rate by over40% Important Data for Sika Armatec 110 as a Bonding Agent Bond Strength (ASTMC882) 14 days moist cure, plastic concrete to hardened concrete: Wet on Wet 2800 psi (19.3 MPa) 24 hr. Open Time 2600 psi (17.9 MPa) Bond of Steel Reinforcement to Concrete (PulloutTest): Sika Armatec 110 Coated 625 psi (4.3 MPa) EpoxyCoated 508 psi (3.5 MPa) Plain Reinforcement 573 psi (3.95 MPa) fwm How to Use Surface Preparation Cementitious substrates: Should be cleaned and prepared to achieve a laitance and contaminant - free surface prepared in accordance with the requirements specified by the overlay or repair material by blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical means. Substrate must be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no standing water. Steel: Should be cleaned and prepared thoroughly by blast cleaning. Mixing Shake contents of both Component'A' and Component'B'. Empty entire contents of both Component'A' and Component's' into a clean, dry mixing pail. Mix thoroughly for 30 seconds with a Sika paddle on a low speed (400-600 rpm) drill. Slowly add the entire contents of Component 'C' while continuing to mix for 3 minutes until blend is uniform and free of lumps. Mix only that quantity that can be applied within its pot life. Application As a bonding agent - Apply by stiff -bristle brush or broom. Spray apply with Goldblatt Pattern Pistol or equal equipment. For best results, work the bonding slurry well into the substrate to ensure complete coverage of all surface irregularities. Apply the freshly mixed patching mortar or concrete wet on wet, or up to the maximum recommended open time, onto the bonding slurry. Maximum recommended open time between application of Armatec 110 and patching mortar or concrete: 80°-95-F (26"-35"C) 6 hours 65°-79-F (18°-26"C) 12 hours 50"-64-F (10"-17°C) 16 hours 40°49"F (4"-9°C) wet -on -wet For corrosion protection only - Apply by stiff -bristle brush or spray at 80 sq. ft./gal. (20 mils). Take special care to properly coat the underside of the totally exposed steel. Allow coating to dry 2-3 hours @ 73°F, then apply a second coat at the same coverage. Allow to dry again before the repair mortar or concrete is applied. Pour or place repair within 7 days. Limitations ■ Substrate and ambient temperature: Minimum 40"F (5°C) ■ Maximum 95°F (35"C) ■ Minimum thickness: As a bonding agent 20 mils. to For reinforcement protection 40 mils ■ (2 coats, 20 mils each). ■ Not recommended for usewith expansive grouts. ■ Use of semi -dry mortars onto Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem must be applied "wet on wet". ■ When used in overhead applications with hand placed patching mortars, use "wet on wet" for maximum mortar build thickness. ■ Substrate profile as specified by the overlay or repair material is still required. ■ As with all cement based materials, avoid contact with aluminum to prevent adverse chemical reaction and possible product failure. Insulate potential areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts etc. with an appropriate epoxy such as Sikadur Hi -Mod 32. Caution Part AB B: IRRITANT; SENSITIZER -Can cause skin sensitization after prolonged or repeated contact. Skin and eye irritant. High concentrations of vapor may cause respiratory irritation. Avoid skin contact. Use only with adequate ventilation. Use of safety goggles and chemical resistant gloves is recommended. 1 applicable local, state, and federal regulations. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY CONSULT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION Sika warrants this product for one year from date of installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current technical data sheet if used as directed within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for Intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Visit our website at www.sikausa.com 1-800-933SIKA NATIONWIDE Regional information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika CorporationSlka Part C: IRRITANT; SUSPECT CARCINOGEN - Contains crystalline silica, quartz (sand); cement. Skin and eye irritant. Dust may cause respiratory tract irritation. Avoid breathing dust. Use only with adequate 201 Polito Avenue ventilation. May cause delayed lung injury (silicosis). IARC list crystalline silica as having sufficient evidence Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 of carcinogenicity to laboratory animals and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. NTP also lists Phone* 800-933-7452 crystalline silica as a suspect carcinogen. Use of safety gloves is recommended. In case of high dust Fax: 201-933-6225 concentrations or exceedance of PELs, use an appropriate NIOSH approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, wash immediately with soap and water for 15 minutes; immediately consult a physician. In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water; consult a physician for irritation. Forrespiratory problems, remove person to fresh airand institute artificial respiration if necessary; consulta physician. In case of ingestion, immediately consult a physician. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean -Up Incase of spills or leaks, wear suitable protective equipment, contain spill, collect with absorbent material, and transfer to a suitable container. Ventilate area. Avoid contact. Dispose of in accordance with current, 1 applicable local, state, and federal regulations. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY CONSULT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION Sika warrants this product for one year from date of installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current technical data sheet if used as directed within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for Intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Visit our website at www.sikausa.com 1-800-933SIKA NATIONWIDE Regional information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika CorporationSlka Canada Inc. 201 Polito Avenue 601 DelmarAvenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Pointe Claire Phone* 800-933-7452 QuebecH9R4A9 Fax: 201-933-6225 Phone: 514.697-2610 Fax: 52 42 25 0537 Fax: 514-694-2792 Slka Mexicana S.A. do C.V. 0UAL17 y Carretera Libre Celaya Km. 8.5 1 Corregidora, Queretaro , C. P. 76920 A. P. 136 1 Phone: 52 42 25 0122 �k1EV Fax: 52 42 25 0537 F M�tyt Sika and Armatec are registered trademarks Made n USA. Printed In USA. Product Data Sheet Edition 8.2003 Identification no. 188 SikaTop 123 Plus SikaTop° 123 PLUS Two -component, polymer -modified, cementitious, non -sag mortar plus FerroGard 901 penetrating corrosion inhibitor Description SikaTop 123 PLUS is a two -component, polymer -modified, portland cement, fast -setting, non -sag mortar. It is a high performance repair mortar for vertical and overhead surfaces, and offers the additional benefit of FerroGard 901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor. Where to Use ■ On grade, above, and below grade on concrete and mortar. ■ On vertical and overhead surfaces. ■ As a structural repair material for parking structures, industrial plants, water/waste watertreatment facilities, roads, walkways, bridges, tunnels, dams, ramps, etc. ■ Approved forrepairs overcathodic protection systems. Advantages ■ High compressive and flexural strengths. ■ High early strengths. ■ Increased freeze/thawdurabilityand resistance tode-icing salts. ■ Compatible with coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete- PassesASTMC-884(modified). ■ Increased density -improved carbon dioxide resistance (carbonation) without adversely affecting water vapor transmission (nota vaporbarrier). ■ Enhanced with FerroGard 901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor -reduces contusion even in the adjacent concrete. ■ Not flammable, non-toxic. ■ Conforms to ECA/USPHS standards forsurface contactwith potablewater. ■ USDA approved. ■ ANSVNSF Standard 61 potable water approved. Yield 0.39 cu. ft./unit. Packaging Component'A' -1 gal. plastic jug;4/carton. Component'B' -44 lb. multi -wall bag. Typical Data (Material and curing conditions @ 73°F(23°C) and 50%R.H.) Shelf Life One year in original, unopened packaging. Storage Conditions Storedryat40°-95°F. Condition material to 650-750F. before using. Protect Component'A'from freezing. If frozen, discard. Color Concrete gray when mixed. Mixing Ratio Plant -proportioned kit. Application Time Approximately 15 min. afteradding Component'B'to Component'A'. Application time is dependent on temperature and relative humidity. FinishingTime 20 to 60 min after combining components: depends on temperature, relative humidity, and type of finish desired. Density(wetMix) 132lbs./cu.ft. (2.2kg./I) Flexural Strength (ASTM C-293) 28days 2,000 psi (13.8 MPa) Splitting Tensile Strength (ASTM C-496) 28days 900 psi (6.2 MPa) Bond Strength* (ASTM C-882 modified) 28days 2,200 psi (15.2 MPa) Compressive Strength (ASTM C-109) 1 day 3,500 psi (24.1 MPa) 7 days 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa) 28days 7,000 psi (48.3 MPa) Permeability(AASHTO T-277) 28days Approximately 500 Coulombs. Electrical resistivity (ohm -cm) 27,000 Freeze/Thaw Resistance (ASTM C-666) 300 cycles 98% Corrosion Testing for FerroGard 901 Cracked Beam Corrosion Tests: Reduced corrosion rates 63% versus control specimens. ASTM G109 modified after400 days Mortar scrubbed into substrate. Substrate Concrete, mortar, and masonry products. How to Use Surface Preparation Concrete/Mortar: Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and all bond -inhibiting materials from surface. Be sure repair area is not less than 1/8 inch in depth. Preparation work should be done by high pressure water blast, scabbler, or other appropriate mechanical means to obtain an exposed aggregate surface with a minimum surface profile of±1/16 in. (CSP -5) Saturate surface with clean water. Substrate should be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no standing water during application. Reinforcing Steel: Steel reinforcement should be thoroughly prepared by mechanical cleaning to remove all traces of rust. Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of chlorides, the steel should be high- pressure washed with clean water after mechanical cleaning. For priming of reinforcing steel use Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem (consult Technical Data Sheet). Priming Concrete S u bstrate: Prime the prepared substrate with a brush or sprayed applied coat of Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem (consult Technical Data Sheet). Alternately, a scrub coat of Sika Top 123 can be applied prior to placement of the mortar. The repair mortar has to be applied into the wet scrub coat before it dries. Mixing Pour Component'A' into mixing container. Add Component'B'while mixing continuously. Mix mechanically with a low -speed drill (400 -600 rpm) and mixing paddle or mortar mixer. Mix to a uniform consistency, maximum 3 minutes. Manual mixing can be tolerated only for less than a full unit. Thorough mixing and proper proportioning of the two components is necessary. Application&Finish SlkaTop 123 PLUS rn ust be s cru b bedinto the substrate, filling all pores and voids. Force material against edge of repair, working toward center. Afterfilling repair, consolidate, then screed. Material may be applied in multiple lifts. The thickness of each lift, not to be less than 1/8 inch minimum or more than 1.5 inches maximum. Where multiple lifts are required score top surface of each liftto produce a roughened surface for next lift. Allow preceding lift to reach final set, 30 minutes minimum, before applying fresh material. Saturate surface of the liftwith clean water. Scrub fresh mortar into preceding lift. Allow mortar or concrete to set to desired stiffness, then finish with wood or sponge float fora smooth surface. Curing As perACI recommendations for portland cement concrete, curing is required. Moist cure with wet burlap and polyethylene, a fine mist ofwaterora water based', compatible curing compound. Curing compounds adversely affect the adhesion of following lifts of mortar, leveling mortaror protective coatings. Moist curing should commence immediately after finishing. If necessary protect newly applied material from direct sunlight, wind, rain and frost. 'Pretesting of curing compound is recommended. Limitations ■ Application thickness: Minimum 1/8 inch (3 mm). Maximum in one lift- 1.5 in. (38 mm). ■ Minimum ambient and surface temperatures 45°F (7°C) and rising at time of application. ■ Do not use solvent -based curing compound. ■ Size, shape and depth of repair must be carefully considered and consistentwith practices recommended by ACI. Foradditional information, contact Technical Service. ■ For additional information on substrate preparation, referto ICRI Guideline No. 03732 Coatings, and Polymer Overlays". ■ If aggressive means of substrate preparation is employed, substrate strength should be tested in accordance with ACI 503 Appendix A prior to the repair application. ■ As with all cement based materials, avoid contact with aluminum to prevent adverse chemical reaction and possible product failure. Insulate potential areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts etc. with an appropriate epoxy such as Sikadur Hi -Mod 32. Caution Component 'A' - Irritant -May cause skin/eye/respiratory irritation. Avoid breathing vapors. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid skin and eye contact. Safety goggles and rubber gloves are recommended. Component'B' - Irritant; suspect carcinogen- Contains portland cement and sand (crystalline silica). Skin and eye irritant. Avoid contact. Dust may cause respiratory tract irritation. Avoid breathing dust. Use only with adequate ventilation. May cause delayed lung injury (silicosis). IARC lists crystalline silica as having sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in laboratory animals and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. NTP also lists crystalline silica as a suspect carcinogen. Use of safety goggles and chemical resistant gloves is recommended. If PELs are exceeded, an appropriate, NIOSH approved respirator is required. Remove contaminated clothing. First Aid In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water. For eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, and contact a physician. For respiratory problems, remove person to fresh air. Clean Up In case of spillage, scoop or vacuum into appropriate container, and dispose of in accordance with current, applicable local, state and federal regulations. Keep container tightly closed and in an upright position to prevent spillage and leakage. Mixed components: Uncured material can be removed with water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY CONSULT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION Sika warrants this product for one year from date of installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current technical data sheet if used as directed within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Visit our website at www.sikausa.com 1-800.933-SIKA NATIONWIDE Regional Information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika CorporationSika Canada Inc. 201 POktoAVenue 601 DelmarAvenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Pointe Cla re Phone: 800-933-7452 QuebecH9R4A9 Fax: 201-933-6225 Phone: 514-697-2610 Fax: 52 42 25 0537 Fax: 514-694-2792 Sika Mexicans S.A.doC.V. QUALI[I Carretera Libre Celaya Km. 8.5 Corregidora, Queretaro M011 C.P. 76920A.P. 136 Phone: 52 42 25 0122q1_6 Fax: 52 42 25 0537 IEV F PCM # 17 Response # 1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Pagel of 1 Subject: Archer Western Contractors Response to PCM # 17 Submitted : 11/15/2012 Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Type: Proposal Contractors Response: Construction Managers Recommendation: Compensable Days: 47 Non Compensable Days: 0 Amount: 258,581.32 Comment: The cost to perform this additional work is: Two hundred fifty-eight thousand, five hundred eighty-one dollars and Thirty-two cents ($258,581.32). An additional forty-seven (47) calendar days are required with this change. See attached letter and cost breakdown. Files PCM 17- Digester 8 Concrete Repairs 1.7 MB Letter & Backup.pdf eadoc PCM # 17 Response # 1.1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Archer Western Contractors Response to PCM # 17 Submitted: 01/09/2013 Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Type: Proposal Approval: Date Approved: Approved By: Approved 01/10/2013 Jason Anderson Contractors Response: Construction Managers Recommendation: Compensable Days: 42 Non Compensable Days: 0 Amount: 258,581.32 Comment: The cost to perform this additional work is unchanged. The required calendar days have changed from (47) to forty-two (42). Files PCM 17A- Revised Cost Summary.pdf 159.92 KB PCM 17A- Revised Extended 185.35 KB Overhead Breakdown.pdf PCM 17A- Revised Labor and 105.77 KB Material Breakdown.pdf PCM 17A- Revised Equipment 96.75 KB Breakdown.pdf eadoc Una J%wavirr ARCHER WESTERN CONTRACTORS A MEMBER OF THE WALSH GROUP November 13, 2012 Hani Michel, P,E. Carollo Engineers 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy North, Suite 2200 Austin, Texas 78759 Ref: Lubbock SWWRP Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements Project Subject: PCM -17 Digester 8 Concrete Repair Dear Hahi; Archer Western offers a price of $258,581.32 for the changes associated with PCM -17 Digester 8 Concrete Repair. Our costs include the use of Sika 211 SCC Plus in the spalled areas in lieu of the SikaTop 123 Plus requested. This modification is based on recommendations from our Sika Representative. The SikaTop 123 Plus will still be utilized on the areas where the H2S gas deteriorated the face of the concrete. Please note these repairs delay the erection of the dome on Digester 8, therefore additional overhead costs have been included. Along with the costs, we are requesting 47 additional calendar days for substantial and final completion. If you have any questions regarding this proposal please let me know. Sincerely, Wayne Pursley Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. Project Manager CC: File 2121 Avenue "J" Suite 103 Arlington, Texas 76006 817-640-3898 (fax) 817-640-8734 An Equal Opportunity Employer F m co 7 � K r` w 47 o W U F Y W m m m C7 y W F caJ 0 3 W o 0 J W a C7 O }O} F O N ? U Q N Q d co O r` w 47 O N — to r` Cl) T N N0 LOW Ln Lnw r` — O) W 7 Cl) - 7 Gi 06 C6 N N N 7 J Q C0 r` CO to w r` O O O tLn Cl) N O A O to O L H t ui r r co co 0) .= M to - p- ao 0 f` N cn t0 N N N N H V) V! V! V) Vi V) 69 V) fq V! 69 V!J, V! H Z i i �i W r r cn M w �' V9 J N W Q r 156 06 N P � CO O O O CO Q N tD tD fA V3 di V► V► M N r cOo 0 0 n n t00 m g Vi u9 Vi coo � 000 tV NO Iq 00000 C d N r` m� N N 69 C7 V! .7 r-- v co ui r.- C D r` N M V) fA 619 69 69 T C 0 c � O Dy O a £ a N > f0 > a 0000nr�r> O O O O N N N c 0 rrr f`O N 000 O LU W Cl) Cl) Cl) N m .. 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V 7,1 - r - s • r 5 /N(M. g �.tl -�•Y� i ON r Y�� � ,+ _"j.� 4` �s�p (:,F i��'� •�'.iV •y�;.. �:� •tel' - _ hl. rklm '� F f7" «�,v.�r,_ ..µ• .. i yy 1 hTjt„Y \ ..'i'T, r ,.gni f t UD 0% ao h 3 y W \t U LL U u i5 °u u c m -a r1 0000 N U N N PN C Q G N V�1 N-1 C co 'i '3 !9 !9 O C N N H N N N no W {Oy N N O L0� J no 6 d .{ by .C}} Q C LO o d rl O 9 C Ul N rl rl rl rl N N CP WAMPIAloW Engineers... Working Wonders With Water January 10, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject* Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #17 — Digester 8 Concrete Repair Detail Dear Wayne: Two incidents of inadvertent overfilling of Digester 8 due to plugging of outlet piping resulted in the existing cover being lifted off the top of the concrete tank. The cover anchors pulled free of the top of the wall, cracking the concrete and exposing reinforcing bars near each anchor (24 locations). In addition, the interior concrete at the top three feet of the tank exhibited surface damage from years of exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. The cracking and surface damage required repair prior to continuing improvements to Digester 8. The Engineer developed a repair protocol, and it was issued as PCM #17, requesting that the Contractor prepare a proposal with time and cost impacts for performing the repair work. Archer Western provided a proposal, with a cover letter, backup information and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $258,581.32, and 42 additional days for PCM #17. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal, finding the cost and time for the additional work to be reasonable, and hereby recommends this PCM be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA:ckt cc: John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P. E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A301PursleyO22doex 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North. Suite 2200, Austin. Texas 78759 P. 512.453.5383 F. 512 453 0101 carollo.com PCM # 12 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 06/20/2012, Page 1 of 2 PCM 12- Additional Pipe Supports ISubmitted: per RFI #65 and #66 Submitted To: Type: Other Contract: 92177 Contractor: Archer Western Contractors Created By: Created: Change Date: Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $: Approved Thru Last: Amount Added: New Approved Amount: Current Contract Duration: Days Added: New Contract Duration: Budget: Funding: Cost Item: Revision Date: Status: Priority: Pending On User: Pending On Org: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel 06/13/2012 7,180.42 124,040.86 0.00 124,040.86 549 0 549 06/13/2012 Chris Roon,David Argumaniz,Gary Wheelwright, Hani Michel,Jason Anderson,Wayne Pursley Closed High Hani Michel, Gary Wheelwright Carollo, Archer Western Contractors PCM Description and Justification: Provide additional pipe supports and clevis hangers in accordance with RFI's #65 and #66. The cost to provide and install these additional materials is: Seven thousand, one hundred eighty dollars and Forty-two cents ($7,180.42). An additional (3) calendar days will be required with this change. eadoc PCM # 12 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 06/20/2012, Page 2 of 2 Please find attached: 1. Cover Letter 2. Cost Breakdown 3. Cost Backup 4. Drawing showing locations of additional clevis hangers Locations Pump Mix Area Digester Control Building References RFI # 65 RFi # 66 Files PCM 12 Cover Letter.pdf PCM 12- ADDT'L SUPPORTS PER RFI's.xlsx PCM 12 Pipe Supports Backup.pdf PCM 12 Clevis Hanger Layout Drwg.pdf Pipe Supports at 10" DS in Mixing Area Closed Supports for Hot Water in Skylight Areas Closed 89.82K Cover Letter 15.70K Cost Break Down 107.42K Back Up 171.58K Layout Drawing eadoc RFI # 65 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 06/14/2012, Page 1 of 1 Pipe Supports at 10" DS in Mixing Area Submitted : Submitted To: Status: Priority: Due Date: Pending On User: Pending On Org: Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Created: 05/15/2012 05/15/2012 David Argumaniz,( Wheelwright,Jasor Grammer Closed Medium 05/25/2012 Gary Wheelwright Carollo, Archer We Contractors Information and Reason Requested: No pipe supports are shown for the 10" DS in the Mixing Area running northwest along Digester #8 @ centerline elevation 3156.00. The Contractor recommends supports be added to this line. Near the middle, at the pipe's closest point to the tank wall, utilize a P658 knee brace for both vertical support and lateral stability. Additionally, use an adjustable P624 near the plug valve and another P624 between #8's 30" lower suction line and the west mixing wall. Does the Engineer concur that supports should be provided for this line? Locations Pump Mix Area References Drawing 054-8151A10_M-13 Published eadoc RFI # 65 Response # 1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Submitted Created By: Type: Response to Request: Carollo Response to RFI # 65 05/21/2012 Carollo, Jason Anderson Official Although no supports are shown for the 10" DS on Drawing M-13, a knee brace per Typical Detail P658 is shown on Drawing M-14, Section C. Engineer concurs with the addition of supports per Typical Detail P624 near the 10" plug valve, and between the 30" lower suction line and the west wall of the mixing pump area. In the event Contractor believes the RFI response does or will cause a change to the requirements of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give written notice stating that Contractor considers the response to be a Change Order. eadoc RFI # 66 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 06/14/2012, Page 1 of 2 Supports for Hot Water in Skylight Submitted Areas Submitted To: Status: Priority: Due Date: 05/15/2012 David Argumaniz,Gary Wheelwright,Jason Anderson Closed Medium 05/25/2012 Pending On User: Gary Wheelwright Pending On Org: Carollo, Archer Western Contractors Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Created: 05/15/2012 Information and Reason Requested: In the areas of the existing skylights, there are many hot water pipes with no supports. Some of these pipes have flexible joints such as over the boilers and near the pumps that will require vertical support. As discussed with the Engineer, a series of small beams could be run north and south in the skylight openings to provide anchorage points for P630 clevis hangers. Please see the attached sketches. Does the Engineer concur that supports need to be added? If so, please provide some details including such items as beam size, beam clamps or "ice tong" style clamps, HDG or SS, etc. Locations Digester Control Building References Drawing 057-8151A10_M-16 Drawing 059-8151A10_M-18 Published Published eadoc RFI # 66 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 06/14/2012, Page 2 of 2 Files Clevis Hanger RFI Attachments.pdf 230.13K eadoc RFI # 66 Response # 2 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Submitted Created By: Type: Carollo Response to RFI # 66 05/23/2012 Carollo, Jason Anderson Official Response to Request: Submitted by Kwasi Duose, Carollo (05/23/2012): W8x15 Beams per detail A510/TYP as shown on contract drawing Roof Plan C/Drawing No. S-8 can be used to support the pipes at the existing skylights. Beam clamps per Anvil Standard Duty Beam Clamp Fig 133 or equal can be used together with P630/TYP. Files HG-SUB-FIG133.pdf 172.50 KB Anvil Fig. 133 Cut Sheet In the event Contractor believes the RFI response does or will cause a change to the requirements of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give written notice stating that Contractor considers the response to be a Change Order. ead+oc Archer Western Construction Company A Member of the Walsh Group June 13, 2012 Carollo Engineers 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy North, Suite 2200 Austin, Texas 78759 Attn: Mr. Hani Michel, P.E. Lubbock SEWRP PCM #12- Additional Pipe Supports per RFI's #65 and #66 Mr. Michel, The Contractor respectfully submits the following cost proposal associated with furnishing and installing additional pipe supports and clevis hangers in accordance with RFI's #65 and #66. The cost to furnish and install these materials is: Seven thousand, one hundred eighty dollars and Forty-two cents ($7,180.42). An additional two (3) calendar days will be required with this change. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely Did David Teel Project Engineer Archer Western Construction Co. DWT/dwt Cc: Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright P.E. Mary Clyburn, P.E., B.C.E.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. David Argumaniz Wayne Pursley 2121 Avenue "J" Suite 103 Arlington, Texas 76006 817-640-3898 (fax) 817-640-8734 An Equal Opportunity Employer PCM #12 SEWRP DIGESTERS 8 & 9 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONTRACT NO. 9835 OWNER: CITY OF LUBBOCK WORK DESCRIPTION: IPE SUPPORTS PER RFI's #65 AND #66 ENGINEER: CARDLLO ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR: ARCHER WESTERN CONTRACTORS, LTD 2121 AVENUE J, SUITE #103 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76006 Teel, David From: Brad Ketchum<brad.ketchum@mscwaterworks.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:34 AM To: Teel, David Subject: RE: Change Order Pricing for Supports per RFI #65 Dave, Here is the pricing you requested QTY 2 P624 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT $553.85 EA QTY 1 P658 PIPE SUPPORT $338:46 ------- ------------------------- Let me know Thariks, Brad From: Teel, David rmailto:dteeI(@walshgroup.com] Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 3:05 PM To: Leon Brannan(leon.brannan(almscwaterworks.com) Cc: 'Brad Ketchum' (brad.ketchumC@mscwaterworks.com) Subject: Change Order Pricing for Supports per RFI #65 Importance: High Leon - Need pricing for the attached supports added by RFI. We have an Owner's meeting on Wed so it would be nice to present a number while I have everyone together. Thanks, dave boubledfasteners.com Mail - Clevis Hangers Costs Clevis Hangers Costs 1 message Teel, David <dteel@walshgroup.com> To: "Jim@doubledfasteners.com" <jim@doubledfasteners.com> Jim - Page 1 of 1 Jim draper <Jim@doubledfasteners.com> Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:26 PM How much to get a handful of galvanized clevis hangers? They need to include the cost for'/" 304 ATR, 3/" 304 coupling nut,'/" galvanized beam clamp (side mount, not Ice tong), two 304SS YV nuts, and a HDG .pipe. _insutatio2saddIe_ ----------------- @ ___________ —. 1�1��.. S rr r/ a " 1/2" insulation= 8" inside opening 4 sched 40 pipe with 1 . ,I� rr p�P /(040 9D 6" sched 40 pipe with 2" insulation= 11" inside opening j� U.1. oo° � Consider a full joint of ATR for each clevis. Thanks, dave j� #a pt?7S :0 12 bam �_, ��.,. ii__:�.....,,.I......../,.,..:I/.,/!1/7��i-9R,�4-ft•11n7tihfi77Rvivu►cnil�svnrrh-lYth 6/4/2012 817/640-3898 817/640-3f398 " Kip -"Via ASCO-TRl:fCK------------------- ,.-.-.----------------.---------- ---.---------------------------- ----_—�---------------- Br Trk Make Model Ser ial Equipment; Meter Sls —Customer P.D. -------------------bGUAVA --- -- —.--------- 001 - ----------------------------------------------------•---------------- � ! L1 Z6E-- Ordr Ship Description Each Amount _..-----__ T— -- ------_.. 2 s--------���-------- Taken $gSeanHuntsman Rentalttt act 81024 Period: 10/11/ii Thru 10/25/11 i 1 JL 110242 3246ES 0200200690 S5Sb.00 556.00 JLG 32' SLAB SCISSOR 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FEE ,00 1 PICKUP/DELIVERY .00 10OA0 nArlAng WA T U=D ., ., Los CITY TAX COUNTY TAX /, lo''--2r,�} STATE TAX Z. R � — 4.�3. 1'1 / talc.. RMT DUE ON DATE OF INVOICE. ANNUAL INTEREST NOT TO EXCEED 18% WILL START THE 30TH DAY AFTER DUE DATE. -------------- Total 800.40 TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS: NET RECEIPT OF INVOICE Rerrltt to. ASCO By Customer's acceptance of these goods and services, customer agrees to, hes read and accepts all liens, P.O. Box 3888 • Lubbock, Texas 76452 terms and cond(tlons as stated here and on the reverie elde hereof ORIGINAL COPY • 0 D <=) LUBBOCK,TEXAS PHONM808746�II000 AMARILLO,TBKAB OOEBSA,7609 PERRYTON,7EXAa Ma1LAPATOW PHONE:8080*8306 PHONE:432W-2829 PHONE:808/435.7773 PHONE:43&8859999 OLOVANEWa1800C0 PHONF-876f7424726 PAX, 8081748.1288 FAX: 80 837 2-10 00 FAX, 432237.8313 FAX: 800!436-7187 FAX, 43218838886 FAX, 67a"2.9261 OQ Aawootnitrl,tl guPPh► COmpnrWp Inc. WICHMAML0,7E3M PHMM9401607.2726 ABILENE,TEXAB 8ANAN0:0.O,M" AUM47EXAS 8ANANTONI0,7EXA8 PHONE32 MS -2M PHONE. 32=5.6888 PHONE:610272.8822 PHONE! 91=8&8000 BELY014TMe PHONE: 26//818.1500 EMASUSHE01880 FAX:9401887.2720 FAX, 3251888,2740 FAX: 32518534471 FAX:512272.4012 FAX-21WJ33-SIV Com10QFd1Oil Customer I N V O I C E Invoice Pg 02435 L81773 1 Document 810245 10/25/11 Sold To Ship To ARCHER WESTERN CONTRACTORS, LT DAVE 2121 AVENUE J. SUITE 103 ARCHER WESTERN CONTRACTORSs LT ARLINGTON TX 76006 GUAVA: WATER TREATMENT LUBBOCK TX 7777 ----- 817/640-3898 817/640-3f398 " Kip -"Via ASCO-TRl:fCK------------------- ,.-.-.----------------.---------- ---.---------------------------- ----_—�---------------- Br Trk Make Model Ser ial Equipment; Meter Sls —Customer P.D. -------------------bGUAVA --- -- —.--------- 001 - ----------------------------------------------------•---------------- � ! L1 Z6E-- Ordr Ship Description Each Amount _..-----__ T— -- ------_.. 2 s--------���-------- Taken $gSeanHuntsman Rentalttt act 81024 Period: 10/11/ii Thru 10/25/11 i 1 JL 110242 3246ES 0200200690 S5Sb.00 556.00 JLG 32' SLAB SCISSOR 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FEE ,00 1 PICKUP/DELIVERY .00 10OA0 nArlAng WA T U=D ., ., Los CITY TAX COUNTY TAX /, lo''--2r,�} STATE TAX Z. R � — 4.�3. 1'1 / talc.. RMT DUE ON DATE OF INVOICE. ANNUAL INTEREST NOT TO EXCEED 18% WILL START THE 30TH DAY AFTER DUE DATE. -------------- Total 800.40 TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS: NET RECEIPT OF INVOICE Rerrltt to. ASCO By Customer's acceptance of these goods and services, customer agrees to, hes read and accepts all liens, P.O. Box 3888 • Lubbock, Texas 76452 terms and cond(tlons as stated here and on the reverie elde hereof ORIGINAL COPY No Text PCM # 12 Response # 1.1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Carollo Response to PCM # 12 Submitted : 01/11/2013 Created By: Carollo, Jason Anderson Type: Proposal Approval: Date Approved: Approved By: Approved 01/11/2013 Jason Anderson Contractors Response: Construction Managers Recommendation: Recommended as Modified Compensable Days: 0 Non Compensable Days: 0 Amount: 3,590.21 Comment: Please see attached Engineer's letter of response for PCM #12. Files Pursley015.pdf 774.26 KB PCM #12 Letter of Response eadoc C PAMM-0 Engine@M..Working Wonders With Wale - January 11, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #12 — Additional Pipe Supports per RFI #65 and #66 Dear Wayne: On May 15, 2012, Archer Western issued RFI #65 concerning Pipe Supports at 10" DS in Mixing Area, and RFI #66 concerning Supports for Hot Water in Skylight Areas. Archer Western issued PCM #12 in response to RFI #65 and RFI #66. Archer Western provided a proposal, with a cover letter, backup information and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $7,180.42, and three additional days for the work associated with PCM #12. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal. The pipe supports referenced in PCM #12 are covered by the project requirements that are stated in Specification Section 15052 - Basic Piping Materials and Methods, and Specification 15061 - Pipe Supports, as follows: Page 15052-7 3.02 INSTALLATION C. Exposed piping: 3. Support piping: As specified in Sections 15061, 15062, and 15063: a. Do not transfer pipe loads and strain to equipment. Page 15061-6 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Properly support, suspend, or anchor exposed pipe, fittings, valves, and appurtenances to prevent sagging, overstressing, or movement of piping; and to prevent thrusts or loads on or against connected pumps, blowers, and other equipment. Page 15061-7 L. Support spacing: 1. Support 2 -inch and smaller piping on horizontal and vertical runs at maximum 5 feet on center, unless otherwise specified. 2. Support larger than 2 -inch piping on horizontal and vertical runs at maximum 10 feet on center, unless otherwise specified. M. Install supports at: 1. Any change in direction. 2. Both sides of flexible pipe connections. 3. Base of risers. 8151A 301 Pursley015 doex 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin, Texas 78759 P 512 453 5383 F 512.453 0101 carollo.com Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC January 11, 2013 Page 2 4. Floor penetrations. 5. Connections to pumps, blowers, and other equipment. 6. Valves and appurtenances. However, both the Owner and the Engineer understand that given the compressed time frame under which a bid is prepared, it is possible to miss required project elements not explicitly shown on the Drawings. PCM #12 will be accepted by the Engineer with the following terms: • A price of $3,590.21, and no additional days. If this change is accepted by the Contractor, then the Engineer will recommend to the Owner that PCM #12 be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA: ckt cc: John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A.90 I PurSWA1540a carollo.com PCM # 16 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 10/24/2012, Page 1 of 2 Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet and Outlet Flanges of Boilers Type: Submit quotation for performing Contract: 92177 Contractor: Archer Western Contractors Created By: Created: Change Date: Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $ Approved Thru Last: Amount Added: New Approved Amount: Current Contract Duration: Days Added: New Contract Duration: Budget: Funding: Cost Item: Carollo, Jason Anderson 10/23/2012 0.00 Submitted : 10/23/2012 Submitted To: Archer Western Contractors, Gary hange Wheelwright, Hani Michel,Toshio Shimada,Zoltan Fekete Revision Date: Status: Priority: Due Date: Internal Priority: Internal Due Date: Pending On User: Pending On Org: 162,828.86 0.00 162,828.86 563 0 563 Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements Project Pending High 10/30/2012 High 10/30/2012 Zoltan Fekete City of Lubbock, Archer Western Contractors PCM Description and Justification: As a result of RFI #83, the Contractor is requested to submit a quotation for replacing the stainless steel bellows at the inlet and outlet flanges of the two boilers with a flanged 4 -inch OS&Y gate valve (four valves total), and flanged pipe spools (four eadoc PCM # 16 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 10/24/2012, Page 2 of 2 spools total) as required between the gate valve flange and the existing piping. References RFI # 83 Drawing 057-8151A10_M-16 Drawing 059-8151A10_M-18 Concerns About Boiler Piping Closed Published Published eadoc -_..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------i R Hml 1111� I' B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PCM # 16 Response # 1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Archer Western Contractors Response to PCM # 16 Submitted : 11/12/2012 Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Type: Proposal Approval: Approved Date Approved: 01/10/2013 Approved By: Jason Anderson Contractors Response: Construction Managers Recommendation: Compensable Days: 0 Non Compensable Days: 0 Amount: 7,024.36 Comment: The cost to perform this additional work is: Seven thousand twenty-four dollars and Thirty-six cents ($7,024.36). No additional contract days are required to perform this work. This cost does not include the additional davit base as discussed in the previous Owner's meeting. The Contractor is still exploring additional options as mentioned. Files RE 4 Metal Seated Gate Valve.txt 555 PCM 16- GATE VALVES @ 15.38 KB BOILERS.xlsx eadoc 00000 000 0 q CD CD 0 Lf) CD Nq 0 8 C, ooq ■C, C, 8 C, C, qq C:, 0 0 qqq clqcq!0 722$:0 . c;0 0 00 00r-04Cr)LOcoC%l 69 bg 69 GW9 69 Li I 69 — — — — — — 0 — — 0 0 — — 0 — 2:: wa� L9 0 0 000 q C! C! 000 w 69 w ME w - — 0 q — — o0w000 q q — — rl.: clq — — q q — — — — — — CD cm �2 CD 3 69 w LD c! L9 L9 000 0 @)¥# cm 0 vmm cn 0 cn 0 'r 69 0 m §§2m 2 cm M co co 14r LO cm 69 w uk 69 0 q O q C, gw 0 CD U) a r C? C! C! 0 I 00000 qr 0 C! CO 0 cm 0 0 -I In COqqqq a . . . . . . co)- 0 U" m m m -i (6 w 0• C%l 0 Lr) 0 @ C., 0 (a) a -ce 3 U) (D Z ;;CO CD CD c 0 0 0 724 U) 0 LU :3 cn P w z 5 m 0 t w ffi E U) 0 �. z 0 C m U) mo -i z U) w W Z) z ® w ae 9-0 w 2f 000 ' z U) -o -1 CL IP 0 w W is zoo -i a. z C (D (n WZO 0 Z oon 2$U) 0 so CL IS < Cf w JAZ Z U) WK 0 U) a < < 4r CL w < um �d w c!) -i ® !Y 3 La U) x C0 z 0 0 -1 w w 5 co w 0 m:s A U) CL IL 0 0 M (D U) w L) U, zow w w > 02S U) M -i ou m 0. — z z z z 0 -j w om w w 0 w ;r LL 't 't RE 4 Metal Seated Gate valve[2].txt From: Heather Wray - valve and Equipment <heather.wray@valveandequipment.com> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:33 PM To• Teel, David Subject: RE: 4" Metal Seated Gate valve 4- 4" OS&Y Metal Seated Gate valve with Hand wheel Model: 6704 Stock, Houston Texas Cost: $741/each Freight: $229 Regards, Heather Bolender-Wray valve & Equipment Consultants, Inc. Factory Representative Representing Quality Manufacturers Since 1983! heather.wray@valveandequipment.com www.valveandequipment.com Phone: 281-324-1500 Cell: 281-889-7836 Page 1 RFI # 83 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock 1 Printed 10/24/2012, Page 1 of 1 Concerns About Boiler Piping Submitted: 10/12/2012 Submitted To: David Argumaniz,Gary Wheelwright,Jason Anderson,Wayne Pursley Status: Closed Priority: High Pending On User: Gary Wheelwright Pending On Org: Carollo, Archer Western Contractors r Western Contractors, David Teel '2012 Information and Reason Requested: The boiler start up representative was on site doing a preliminary inspection. He expressed concerns that the inlet and outlet piping of each boiler may not be in compliance with State code. He stated that typically the isolation valves are located directly on the boilers rather than remotely as per the Contract design. He explained that with the valves located remotely, the piping between them and the boilers is now considered to be a part of the boiler and thus has to be ASME certified, designed, stamped, inspected and tested. Please look into this concern. The Contractor will wait on calling in the State Inspector until after the Engineer has advised whether the start up rep's concern is founded. eadoc RFI # 83 Response # 1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 10/24/2012, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Submitted Created By: Type: Carollo Response to RFI # 83 10/23/2012 Carollo, Jason Anderson Official Response to Request: After further review of both the Texas boiler code and ASME code, it is agreed that stop valves may be required on the inlet and outlet flanges of each boiler in order to ensure the boilers pass inspection. Therefore, it is recommended that a 4 -inch OS&Y gate valve be installed on the inlet and outlet flange of each boiler (four valves total). This addition will necessitate the elimination of the stainless steel bellows expansion joint, and the addition of a new pipe spool of appropriate length to accomodate the distance between each added valve and existing piping. In the event Contractor believes the RFI response does or will cause a change to the requirements of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give written notice stating that Contractor considers the response to be a Change Order. eadoc Engineers... Wcrk< ng Wonder, With Waty ' January 10, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #16 -- Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet and Outlet Flanges of Boilers per RFI #83 Dear Wayne: On October 12, 2012, Archer Western issued RFI 83 concerning Addition of 4 -inch OS&Y Gate Valves on the Inlet and Outlet Flanges of Boilers. Although the boilers are hot water boilers, not steam boilers, and are therefore not at risk for developing high pressures in the attached piping, the Engineer agreed that isolation valves should be installed directly on the inlet and outlet flanges of the boilers to ensure the boilers would pass State inspection. Subsequently, the Engineer issues PCM #16 requesting Archer Western provide a proposal for the four isolation valves. Archer Western provided a proposal, with backup information, and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $7,024.36 (no additional days) for the work associated with PCM #16. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal, finding the cost for the additional work to be in line with what would be expected, and hereby recommends this PCM be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. f 4� CO Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA:ckt cc, John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A 301 Pursley021 docx 8911 Capita! of Texas Highway North. Suite 2200. Austin, Texas 78759 P. 512.453.5383 F 512.453.0101 carollo.com PCM # 19 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01 /11/2013, Page 1 of 2 PCM 19: Furnish and Install Submitted: Additional Davit Crane Base Submitted To: Type: Other Contract: 92177 Contractor: Archer Western ContractorOStatus: ISO Currency Code: Priority: Due Date: Pending On User: Pending On Org: Created By: Created: L Change Date: Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $: Approved Thru Last: Amount Added: New Approved Amount: Current Contract Duration: Days Added: New Contract Duration: Budget: Funding: Cost Item: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel 12/18/2012 867.87 428,434.54 0.00 428,434.54 605 0 605 12/18/2012 David Argumaniz,Hani Michel,Jason Anderson,Wayne Pursley Closed Medium 12/31/2012 Han! Michel Carollo, Archer Western Contractors PCM Description and Justification: Per the Owner's Progress Meeting, the Contractor was directed to provide pricing to furnish and install an additional davit crane base for the davit crane furnished under PCM #10. The cost to perform this additional work is: Eight hundred sixty-seven dollars and Eighty-seven cents ($867.87). No additional time is required for this change. eadoC PCM # 19 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 2 of 2 Files PCM 19- ADDITIONAL DAVIT 15.22 KB BASE.xlsx eadoc 9 MQao aa1, aa aN '' ' a mP a a M a. mLq wCli Ra 88a 888 @ q 1m, aaa aaaawma N 0 CN4 10 0 Ch ;;;;Mmwg� ;;M369M, aa to m m L9 696969 MMM;z;;Mw 69 bM9 EMO MN 69 0 F - Q Q Q Q Z5 Q Q Q Q ts 60 bs LU k � U) • Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E4) a 69 CY w — ----- ------- aaaowaa --- — --- in RRRRNRR r.- -r. co 60 60 - to 0 a Q Q L4S(dcod a a IC', Q Q SS 0) Coto a. co W, G9 C9 69 z:, c r IN INN I I I I 00 Q 08 q q q @q C14 Q 0 !o a. .0.0 22_ v c 0 Vic£ Lo amu© w 16 0 v .4 11: 0 C14 fig w @ w F- 0 Lo vi U) ui 0 < co 0 72 L) w w co M CO 0 t LU ? co U) o. U) .0 EL F- C13 0 Z w co 0 =, CL — v ME ui x D LO I > 0 00 x x CD ui 0 L) Q) CL V; z z < w CO ui F<- a -a T Co < co J Y .0 X M X 0 F- co < w z 0 cl) s 00 P: w �x 0 cn w co 3:i 00 ui 0 BN U) 0 z F- F- w ui 0. U) ■a: a: (L W LL U) 22 §% 55 Gr < co ■ C,'* ArAV.I/o% Engineers... Working wonders With War> January 10, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #19 — Furnish and Install Additional Davit Crane Base Dear Wayne: At December 6 Construction Progress Meeting, Archer Western was asked to prepare a cost proposal to purchase and install the following lifting device equipment in the Pump Mixing Area: One (1) 51 OSS pedestal base for a Them Model 5110 davit crane 2. One (1) TUP pedestal base cover Archer Western provided the requested proposal as PCM #19, with backup information, and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $867.87 (no additional days) for the associated work. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal, finding the cost for the additional work to be in line with what would be expected, and hereby recommends this PCM be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. cti 5" f (!A � Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager J EA: ckt cc: John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A 301 Pursley023 docx 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North, Suite 2200, Austin Texas 78759 P. 512 453 5383 F 512.453.0101 carolilo.com PCM # 20 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/04/2013, Page 1 of 2 PCM 20: Furnish and Install Submitted: Louvers at Control Room Doors Submitted To: Type: Other Contract: 92177 Contractor: Archer Western ContractoroRevision Date: ISO Currency Code: I Status: Priority: Due Date: Pending On User: Created By: Created: Change Date: Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $: Approved Thru Last: Amount Added: New Approved Amount: Current Contract Duration: Days Added: New Contract Duration: Budget: Funding: Cost Item: Pending On Org: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel 01/02/2013 2,000.78 162,828.86 0.00 162,828.86 563 0 563 01/02/2013 David Argumaniz,Gary Wheelwright, Hani Michel,Jason Anderson,Wayne Pursley Pending High 01/18/2013 Jason Anderson, Hani Michel, Gary Wheelwright Carollo PCM Description and Justification: In accordance with RFI #84, furnish and install louvers in one of the pairs of 4-0 x 8-0 Control Room doors. The cost for this additional work is: Two thousand dollars and Seventy-eight cents ($2,000.78). No additional time for this change will be required if timely notice is given the Contractor and modifications are made before the Painter coats the doors. Should notice be provided after the Painter has coated the doors, the Contractor reserves its right to request additional monies and time. eadoc PCM # 20 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/04/2013, Page 2 of 2 Files PCM 20- Door Louver Backup.pdf 113.41 KB PCM 20- ADD LOUVERS TO 14.78 KB DOORS.xlsx eddoC PCM #20 SEWRP DIGESTERS 8 8 9 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONTRACT NO. 9835 OWNER. CITY OF LUBBOCK WORK DESCRIPTION: OM DOORS PER RFI #84 ENGINEER: CAROLLO ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR: ARCHER WESTERN CONTRACTORS, LTD 2121 AVENUE J, SURE #103 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76006 T fl t flLLGR n COMPflnY o , L UeaoCx PROPOSAL Date: January 2, 2013 To: Archer Western Attn: David Teel QUOTATION #9395 Project: Lubbock Digester 8&9 13811 INSTALL TWO 24" x 42" LOUVERS WITH INSECT SCREENS INTO EXISTING DOORS LUMP SUM $1,850.00 F.O.B. ORIGIN, FREIGHT CHARGES X INCLUDED EXCLUDED We do not include any applicable local or state sales tax. We acknowledge addenda #0 Quote Is for material only unless otherwise noted. Quote is subject to surcharges that may be imposed by manufacturers due to rising material costs. The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved In writing by the Seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. _. y Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the Seller before final acceptance. Typographical and stenographic errors are subject to correction. Purchaser assumes liability for patent and copyright Infringement when goods are made to Purchaser's speclBcations. Ample allowance must be made to facilitate efficient production. nditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established trade customs. Terms Inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchasers formal order will not be binding on the Seller. This quotation Is subject to the following terms and conditions: 6909 63rd Street • Lubbock, Texas 79424 • (806) 798-7200 a FAX (806) 798-3999 • www.hailgrenco.com " S•PJl &e %4 0*% &Q4 ;D'ioctad' TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment of Terms. Purchaser agrees to pay Seller pursuant to the terms indicated on the reverse side. Seller may exercise any lien rights which exist under the law. Purchaser shall pay an additional amount of %% per month on past due accounts. Any expenses incurred by Seller in the collection of any amounts due, including lien filing fees and actual attorney's fees, shall be paid by Purchaser. Taxes. Prices on the specified products are exclusive of all state or local taxes. Wherever applicable, any tax will be added to the invoice as a separate charge to be paid by Purchaser. Acceptance and approval. Purchaser's order will not be entered for material procurement or fabrication without a written order. This quotation, when accepted by the Purchaser, shall become a contract binding upon Seller and Purchaser upon receipt and approval by Seiler or Purchaser's order. Any terms contained in Purchaser's order which are inconsistent with those stated herein will not be binding on the Seller. This constitutes the entire agreement between parties and supersedes any and all previous agreements both oral and written. Title/Shipping. Title and risk of loss for damage to the goods passes to the Purchase upon delivery to the carrier regardless of who pays the shipping costs. Seller shall not be liable for damage to shipment while in transit. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to accept shipment and file claims for damages or shortages with the carrier. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, all indemnifications granted by The Hallgren Company shall terminate on the date the products furnished are put to their intended use. Non -Conformity. Should any materials prove defective due to faults in manufacture or fail to meet the written specifications accepted by Seller, Purchaser shall not return the goods, but shall notify Seller in writing, stating full particulars, including physical samples and/or photographs supporting Purchasers claim. This includes claims of any type, including hardware machining, undercuts, or any other item of alleged non-conformance. In the event Seller, or its agent, travels to a job site and non-conformance is determined not to be fault of Seller, expenses for time and travel shall be added to the account of Purchaser. Back Charges. If non-conformance is the fault of Seller, Seller may, at its option, either repair, or replace said material, or authorize field correction to be performed by Purchaser at a pre -determined cost. Seller shall not be liable for any back charges unless the following has been performed to Seller: (a) written notification within (10) days of delivery of alleged non-conformance; (b) an opportunity to inspect condition; (c) an opportunity to correct condition; and (d) a prior written agreement concerning the price of remedial work. Delivery. Seller will make every effort to meet the estimated date of shipment, but cannot guarantee any certain date since shipping dates are dependent upon prompt receipt of all necessary information and materials. Delivery shall be further subject to strikes, labor difficulties, civil unrest, war, fire, delay or defaults of common carriers, failure or curtailment in the Seller's usual sources of supply, and or other delays beyond the Sellers reasonable control, and Seller shall not be liable for any resulting loss or damage. Orders for materials will not be placed if purchasers account is past due. Clerical Errors and Omissions. Purchaser agrees that Seller may correct clerical errors and/or omissions contained in this quotation at any time. Governing Law. All orders entered by Seller are deemed executed in Lubbock, Texas and the laws of the State of Texas shall apply. Customer: Signature: Accepted: Date: By: Mark Hall r Signature: Title: President Date: January 2, 2013 Page 2 of 2 " SPltWM %d A4 ei'"`' ;V'94d rcdV RFI#84 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Boiler Combustion Air Concerns Submitted: 11/17/2012 Submitted To: David Argumaniz,Gary Created By Organization Wheelwright,Jason Anderson,Wayne Carollo Response to RFI # 84 Pursley Status: Closed Priority: Critical Due Date: 11/21/2012 Pending On User: Gary Wheelwright Pending On Org: Carollo, Archer Western Contractors Created By: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel Created: 11/17/2012 Information and Reason Requested: The State boiler inspector has raised some concerns regarding the boiler combustion air supply: 1. Per State Code, the boiler room must be constantly supplied with at least 2450 cfm combustion air (0.2cfm/1000 btu) since the doors are not louvered. Is MAU 1600 intended to run constantly as a supply fan for the room? 2. With the exhaust fan EXF 1600 running constantly as noted in the the specifications, will there still be enough combustion air to the boilers if the MAU is the intended supply fan? 3. State code also requires an interlock between the supply fan and the boiler. If the supply fan is not running, the boiler is not allowed to ignite. It doesn't appear that this interlock is included on the control drawings CS -1 through CS -6. Please confirm this interlock exists. Responses Doc 1 ument Subject Date Submitted Status Created By Organization Carollo Response to RFI # 84 12/14/2012 Closed Jason Anderson Carollo eadoc RFI # 84 Response # 1 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 1 Subject: Carollo Response to RFI # 84 Submitted : 12/14/2012 Created By: Carollo, Jason Anderson Type: Official Response to Request: The most direct, and perhaps easiest to implement, solution would be to replace the center pair of double doors to the boiler room with louvered doors. For 2,450 cfm, a total free area of approximately 5 sq ft is suggested (free area being the open area between blades). This corresponds to a louver approximately 24 inches wide by 42 inches tall in both doors. In the event Contractor believes the RFI response does or will cause a change to the requirements of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give written notice stating that Contractor considers the response to be a Change Order. eadoc Engineers._. Working Wonders With Water' January 10, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #20 — Furnish and Install Louvers at Control Room Doors per RFI #84 Dear Wayne: On November 17, 2012, Archer Western issued RFI 84 - Boller Combustion Air Concerns. The State boiler inspector pointed out that without door louvers, there needs to be an interlock between operation of the boilers and the room air supply fan, such that the boiler cannot ignite if the boiler is not running. The air supply is continuous, and well in excess of the air flow required for the boilers, but an interlock is not included. The interlock could be provided via electrical and software changes. However, in the Engineer's response to RFI 84, it was recommended that louvers providing at least 5 square feet of free area (24 inches by 42 inches each louver) be added to the east side central double doors, thereby providing the least expensive and most reliable way of ensuring adequate air supply for boiler ignition. Subsequently, the referenced PCM #20 was submitted by Archer Western presenting a proposal for the louvers. PCM #20 included backup information, and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $2,000.78 (no additional days) for the work. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal, finding the cost for the additional work to be in line with what would be expected, and hereby recommends this PCM be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. r" I z , co -�,' -Wt X1 Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA: ckt cc: John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A.301 R aW1024.docx 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North Suite 2200, Austin, Texas 78759 P 512 453 5383 F 51? 453.0101 carollo.com 20im". in Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 1 of 2 PCM 21- Add Long Radius 90's At Submitted Centrate Piping Submitted To: Type: Other Contract: 92177 Contractor: Archer Western Contractor�Revision Date: ISO Currency Code: Status: Priority: Pending On User: Created By: Created: L Change Date: Schedule ID: Not to Exceed $: Approved Thru Last: Amount Added: New Approved Amount: Current Contract Duration: Days Added: New Contract Duration: Budget: Funding: Cost Item: Pending On Org: Archer Western Contractors, David Teel 01/11/2013 1,582.87 428,434.54 0.00 428,434.54 605 0 605 01/11/2013 David Argumaniz,Gary Wheelwright, Hani Michel,Jason Anderson,Wayne Pursley Pending High Jason Anderson, Hani Michel, Gary Wheelwright Carollo PCM Description and Justification: In order to accomodate the Centrate Hose transitions from vault to slab and slab to cable tray, LR 90's need to be installed. The cost to provide and install these 4" ductile iron, epoxy lined, flanged, long radius 90's is: One thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars and Eighty-seven cents ($1,582.87). No additional time for this change is required. eadoc PCM # 21 Digesters 8 & 9 Improvements City of Lubbock Printed 01/11/2013, Page 2 of 2 Locations Retention Basin Files PCM 21- LR 90s AT CENTRATE.xlsx 14.81 KS eadoc 0 Z 9: a. w z Ow F- L) CL a: 0 W Er 00 3:1< 00000 00000 000 Q00 0000NOO N L() - qqqqq qqqqq qqq qqq q 0 q q ll f 07 • 00000 00000 000 000 . OOOMP.-MO 0 10 w C%l LO 69 v7 N L9 n W, z O 69 69 — ----- ----- OQO 0 O OMO 0 b03, Wj U U CR q am (D 000 to L9 W, 0 L9 E 'S w 00000 0 00000 69 L9 0 ca w M soq 0q0 R C! 0 C%l CY!a 0 . CCii � L9 0) to 69 U!� quo CD LD z a. r 0 (D CD (D CD — CL 0 as 0 J (a 16 16 0 0 < L) 9 Cl) 0 F- 0 0 0 0 (n 0 CO LL 8 c caE W F -r - it UFS m=� 03c� w Z!5 U) w F - U) w w U� c z E U) U) .6-0 c Z w 0 -J LU (n 0 a U) W .6 z to 9�0 Z W:) w?'WO2� U) -i >- ag LC) c 8 ca 0 —10 > 4, Z x c 4) —i MW 0 <Z z EL wa. it L) & 1- -6 U) 3: < < CD 0 0 LU 0) tr m w w p W U) O (n (D c7 Z 0 < U) LL mw z w Engineers.. Worhing Wonders With Water' January 11, 2013 Wayne Pursley, Project Manager Archer Western Construction, LLC 3603 Guava Avenue Archer Western Construction Trailer Lubbock, TX 79404 Subject: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Digesters 8 and 9 Improvements PCM #21 — Add Long Radius 90's At Centrate Piping Dear Wayne: On January 11, Archer Western issued PCM #21 -Add Long Radius 90's At Centrate Piping. Archer Western has found that the 4 -inch hose to be used for transferring centrate from the Retention Basin to the Headworks is too stiff to allow for the bend radius necessary to easily transition from centrate pump discharge piping, to the centrate flow meter piping, to the hose rack. To aid in these transitions, the addition of six 4 -inch long -radius ductile iron elbows has been proposed. The Engineer has reviewed the installation, and agrees that the additional elbows will smooth the transitions between hoses, and aid in future coupling and uncoupling of the hoses by City staff. PCM #21 included backup information, and the spreadsheet used to determine the price of $1,582.87 (no additional days) for the work. The Engineer has reviewed the information provided with the proposal, finding the cost for the additional work to be in line with what would be expected, and hereby recommends this PCM be included in a future Change Order to the Contract between Archer Western and the City of Lubbock. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. GLiuL c" Hani E. Michel, P.E. Project Manager JEA:ckt cc: John Turpin, P.E. Zoltan Fekete, P.E. Mary Gonzales Jason Anderson, P.E. Gary Wheelwright 8151A 301 Putsl®y025 docx 8911 Capital of Texas Highway North. Suite 2200, Austin, Texas 78759 R 512.453 5383 F. 512.453 0101 csirollo.com A� �® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 05/15/2012 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: if the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Central, inc. Chicago IL office CONTACT NAMPHONE (866) 283-7122 FAX (847) 953-5390 (AIC. No. Eat): AIC. No. 200 East Randolph Chicago IL 60601 USA E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue 7 INSURER A: Arch Insurance Company 11150 INSURER B: Allied world National Assurance Company 10690 INSURER C: Suite 103 Arlington TX 76006 USA INSURER D: GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES POLICY X PRO-jrCT F] INSURER E: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570046206428 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSR SUBRI WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MWD POLICY EXP MWDD LIMBS GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE X❑ OCCUR PKG SIR applies per policy terns & conditions EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED — PREMISES Ea occurrence $300,000 MED EXP (Any one person) S25,000 PERSONAL B ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES POLICY X PRO-jrCT F] PER LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 A A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNEDr— F 41PKG8875006 ADS 41CAB8875106 MA ONLY 06/01/2012 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 06/01/2013 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $2,000,000 accident) BODILY INJURY( Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident) B X UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB X OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE 03056149 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 EACH OCCURRENCE $101000,000 AGGREGATE $10,000,000 DED RETENTION A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER I EXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED] (Mandatory In NH) If yes. describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N I A 41WC18874906 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 X WC STA7U- OTH- TORY LIMIT ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if mora space is required) RE: Lubbock improvements to Digesters #8 and #9 at the Southeast water Reclamation Plant - Lubbock, Texas. AWC Job #211075. See attached. CERTIFICATE HOLDER City of Lubbock C/o City of Lubbock Purchasing Dept 1625 13th Street suite 204 Lubbock Tx 79401 USA CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD O z 01 V tE m V INSURED Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue J suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA Attachment City of Lubbock (owner) Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Engineer) Hugo Reed & Associates, Inc. are an Additional Insured pertaining to General Liabilty and umbrella Liability with respects to liability arising out of the Named insured's operations on the referenced project. Professional services for Architects, Engineers, Consultants, etc. are excluded. A waiver of subrogation in favor of City of Lubbock (Owner) and Carollo Engineers (Engineer) are included on the General Liability, Automobile Liability, umbrella Liability and workers Compensation policies. Certificate No : 570046206428 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Locations Of Covered Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclu- sions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equip- ment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor en- gaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 20 10 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property dam- age" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the sched- ule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products -completed operations hazard". CG 20 37 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION - CERTIFICATE HOLDERS (SPECIFIED DAYS) The person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule below have requested that they receive written notice of cancellation when this policy is cancelled by us. We will mail or deliver to the Person(s) or Organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule a copy of the written notice of cancellation that we sent to you. If possible, such copies of the notice will be mailed at least 60 days, except for cancellation for non-payment of premium which will be mailed 10 days, prior to the effective date of the cancellation, to the address or addresses of certificate holders as provided by your broker or agent. Schedule Person(s) or Organization(s) including mailing address: All certificate holders where written notice of the cancellation of this policy is required by written contract, permit or agreement with the Named Insured and whose names and addresses will be provided by the broker or agent listed in the Declarations Page of this policy for the purposes of complying with such request. This notification of cancellation of the policy is intended as a courtesy only. Our failure to provide such notification to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule will not extend any policy cancellation date nor impact or negate any cancellation of the policy. This endorsement does not entitle the person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule above to any benefit, rights or protection under this policy. Any provision of this endorsement that is in conflict with a statute or rule is hereby amended to conform to that statute or rule. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. Endorsement Number: Policy Number: 41 PKG8875006 Named Insured: THE WALSH GROUP, LTD. This endorsement is effective on the inception date of this Policy unless otherwise stated herein: Endorsement Effective Date: 06/01/2012 00 ML0087 00 11 10 Page 1 of 1 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION - CERTIFICATE HOLDERS (SPECIFIED DAYS) The person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule below have requested that they receive written notice of cancellation when this policy is cancelled by us. We will mail or deliver to the Person(s) or Organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule a copy of the written notice of cancellation that we sent to you. If possible, such copies of the notice will be mailed at least 30 days, except for cancellation for non-payment of premium which will be mailed 10 days, prior to the effective date of the cancellation, to the address or addresses of certificate holders as provided by your broker or agent. Schedule Person(s) or Organization(s) including mailing address: All certificate holders where written notice of the cancellation of this policy is required by written contract, permit or agreement with the Named Insured and whose names and addresses will be provided by the broker or agent listed in the Declarations Page of this policy for the purposes of complying with such request. This notification of cancellation of the policy is intended as a courtesy only. Our failure to provide such notification to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule will not extend any policy cancellation date nor impact or negate any cancellation of the policy. This endorsement does not entitle the person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule above to any benefit, rights or protection under this policy. Any provision of this endorsement that is in conflict with a statute or rule is hereby amended to conform to that statute or rule. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. Endorsement Number: Policy Number: 41 WC18874906 Named Insured: THE WALSH GROUP, LTD. This endorsement is effective on the inception date of this Policy unless otherwise stated herein: Endorsement Effective Date: 06/01/2012 00 ML0087 00 11 10 Page 1 of 1 Endorsement No.: This Endorsement, effective: 06/01/2012 (at 12:01 A.M. prevailing time at the address stated in Item 1. (b) of the Declarations) forms a part of Policy No.: 03056149 Issued to: The Walsh Group Ltd. By: Allied World National Assurance Company SCHEDULE OF ADDITIONAL CANCELLATION NOTICE Person(s) or Organization(s) Mailing Address The company shall mail written notice of cancellation not less than sixty (60) days [or ten (10) days in the event any premium is not paid when due] in advance of the cancellation date stating the reason for cancellation to the person(s) or organization(s) listed in the Schedule above. A written notice of such cancellation shall be mailed only when a valid address in provided. The company shall also mail written notice of cancellation not less than sixty (60) days [or ten (10) days in the event any premium is not paid when due] in advance of the cancellation date stating the reason for cancellation to all certificate holders where written notice of the cancellation of this policy is required by written contact, permit or agreement with the Named Insured and whose names and addresses will be provided by the broker or agent listed on the Declarations of this policy for the purpose of complying with such request. The broker or agent must provide the company with such names and addresses at least thirty (30) days prior to when written notice of cancellation is required. The company is not responsible for any delays in the notice of cancellation to any certificate holder in the event the broker or agent fails to provide the necessary information within the required time. A written notice of such cancellation shall be mailed only when a valid address in provided. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. Allied World National Assurance Company By: Todd Germano Title: President, U.S. Property and Casualty Date of Issuance: Page 1 of 1 ,4� o CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 05I15I2012 I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Chicago IL Office CONTACT NAME: (ac No. Ext): (866) 283-7122 FAX No.: (847) 953-5390 EMAIL ADDRESS: 200 East Randolph Chicago IL 60601 USA INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURERA: Arch Insurance Company 11150 Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue 7 INSURER B: Allied world National Assurance Company 10690 INSURER C: Suite 103 Arlington TX 76006 USA INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570046206337 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM/DD POLICY FXP MMID LIMBS A GENERAL LIABILITY PKG EACH OCCURRENCE S1,000,000 SIR applies per policy terns & conditions $300,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES Ea occurrence MED EXP (Any one person) $ 25 , 000 CLAIMS -MADE X❑ OCCUR PERSONAL B ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 I GE N'L AGGREGATE LIMB APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG S2,000,000 POLICYFXPRO- LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 41PKG8875006 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $2,000,000 AOSaccident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) A X ANY AUTO 41CAB8875106 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) ALL OWNEDSCHEDULED MA ONLY AUTOS AUTOS PR DAMAGE HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED paroacciden AUTOS B UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 03056149 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 X EXCESS LU1B CLAIMS -MADE AGGREGATE S10,000,000 DED RETENTION A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 41WC18874906 06/01/2012 06/01/2013X TORY LIMBS ETH EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERI EXECUnVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED7 L!J (Mandatory in NH) N / A E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 H yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space is required) Project: Lake Alan Henry water Supply Pump Stations/Contract D, RFP #10-056-MA/Contract #9413/Capital Improvements Project #92069. Archer Western lob #: 210051. see Attached. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City Of Lubbock AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE C/o City of Lubbock Purchasing Dept 1625 13th Street �Q Suite 204 qe i � ;uKc �sGurz� Cw � ")L Lubbock TX 79401 USA cxXo�a �%G ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD r M cn NN v 0 0 Ln INSURED Archer Western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA Attachments The City of Lubbock Parkhill, smith and Cooper Freese and Nichols, Inc. Black and Veatch GL Industries Corrosion Control Technologies Kleinfelder are listed as Primary Additional Insureds with a waiver of subrogation on all coverages. Additional Insured Endorsements: CG 20 10 07 04 and CG 20 37 07 04 Contractual Liability . included, subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the General Liability policy. Certificate No : 570046206337 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Locations Of Covered Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclu- sions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equip- ment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor en- gaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 20 10 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 POLICY NUMBER: 41 PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s): Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property dam- age" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the sched- ule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products -completed operations hazard". CG 20 37 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DDffY} DATE(MMI051512012 012 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Chicago IL Office CONTACT NAME: acNo. Ext): (866) 283-7122 FAX No ; (847) 953-5390 200 East Randolph Chicago IL 60601 USA EMAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue J INSURERA: Arch Insurance Company 11150 INSURER B: Allied world National Assurance Company 10690 INSURER C: National Union Fire ins Co of Pittsburgh 19445 Suite 103 Arlington TX 76006 USA INSURER D: Steadfast Insurance Company 26387 INSURER E: & condi INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570046208690 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Llmits shown are as requested LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR SUBRI WVD POLICY NUMBER MMIDD MMIDD LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY PKG EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE X❑ OCCUR SIR applies per policy terns & condi ions $300,000 PREMISES Ea occurrence MED EXP (Any one person) $25,000 PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG S2,000,000 POLICY X PRO-JECT F1 LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 41PKG8875006 ADSaccident) 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S2,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) A X ANY AUTO 41CAB8875106 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS MA BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident B UMBRELLA LIAB 03056149 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB HOCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE DED RETENTION A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANY PROPRIETOR I PARTNER I EXECUTIVE 41wci8874906 06/01/2012 06/01 2013 X WC STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S1,000,000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? N / A E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE S1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) Project: Lake Alan Henry Water Treatment Plant - Contract F; 5114 E. 1585-E CR 7400, Lubbock, Texas 79404 Archer western lob #:210022. See Attachment. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City Of Lubbock AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Attn: Marta Alvarez Purchasing Manager 1625 13th Street, Room 204 n/% ii%t�C c/srt*axt� i�amRa� �i�su Lubbock Tx 79401 USA ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Attachment to ACO" Certificate for Archer western Contractors, LLC The terms, conditions and provisions noted below are hereby attached to the captioned certificate as additional description of the coverage afforded by the insurer(s). This attachment does not contain all terms, conditions, coverages or exclusions contained in the policy. INSURED Archer Western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue 7 Suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA INSURER INSURER INSURER INSURER INSURER ADDITIONAL POLICIES If a policy below does not include limit information, refer to the corresponding policy on the ACORD certificate form for policy limits. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSR SUBR wVD POLICY NUMBER/ POLICY DESCRIPTION POLICY EFF (NIM/DD/VYYI) POLICY EXP (J@VDD/YYYY) LIMITS EXCESS LIABILITY C BE23102157 6/01/2012 06/01/2013 Aggregate $25,000,000 Each Occurrence $25,000,000 OTHER D Contractor Prof E00534542607 SIR applies per policy terms 06/01/2012 & condit 06/01/2013 ons Per Claim/Aggr $5,000,000 Certificate No : 570046208690 INSURED Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA Attachment 1. City of Lubbock Cowner), 2. Parkhill, Smith and Cooper CEngineer), 3. Black and veatch Corporation CEngineer), 4. Hamilton Engineering CEngineer) are an Additional Insured pertaining to General Liability, Auto Liability, and Excess Liability with respects to liability arising out of the Named Insured 's operations on the referenced project. Professional services for Architects, Engineers, Consultants, etc. are excluded. Additional insured Endorsements: CG2010 C07-04), CG2037 C07-04) and CA2048 0299. A waiver of Subrogation in favor of City of Lubbock is included on the General Liability, Auto Liability, workers Comp. and Excess Liability policies. This insurance will be Primary and Non -Contributory to the General Liability, Auto Liability, and Excess Liability with respect to any other available insurance to the Additional Insureds for the negligence of the insured on the referenced project. "Riggers Liability" included. umbrella follows form of the underlying primary coverages. Certificate No : 570046208690 POLICY NUMBER: 41 PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Locations Of Covered Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclu- sions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equip- ment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor en- gaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 20 10 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 POLICY NUMBER: 41 PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property dam- age" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the sched- ule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products -completed operations hazard". CG 20 37 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 20 48 02 99 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GARAGE COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds" under the Who Is An Insured Provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Endorsement Effective: 06/01/2012 Countersigned By: Authorized Representative) Named Insured: THE WALSH GROUP, LTD. SCHEDULE Name of Person(s) or Organization(s): ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONS, WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, ARE AN ADDITIONAL INSURED. THIS INSURANCE IS PRIMARY AND NON—CONTRIBUTORY AS RESPECTS TO THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION. (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to the endorsement.) Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" for Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an 'Insured" under the Who Is An Insured Provision contained in Section II of the Coverage Form. CA 20 48 02 99 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1998 Page 1 of 1 0 .4C0/Z0 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMYY) 05/15/2012 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Chicago IL Office CONTACT NNNE. (A No. Ext): (866) 283-7122 FAX No.): (847) 953-5390 200 East Randolph Chicago IL 60601 USA E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC q INSURED INSURER A: Arch Insurance Company 11150 Archer Western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue 7 Suite 103 INSURER B: Allied World National Assurance Company 10690 INSURER C: National Union Fire Ins Co of Pittsburgh 19445 Arlington TX 76006 USA INSURER D: Steadfast insurance Company 26387 INSURER E: SIR applies per policy terns INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570046208688 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVO POLICY NUMBER MMIDD MWD LIMBS A GENERAL LUU31LnY PKG EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,005 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY SIR applies per policy terns & conditions $300,000 PREMISES Ea occurrence CLAIMS -MADE x❑ OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $25,000 PERSONAL B ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $2,000,000 POLICY [-X-PRO- LOC JECT A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 41PKG8875006 ADS 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S2,000,000' Me accident) 2,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) A X ANY AUTO 41CAB8875106 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 ALL OWNED SCHEDULED MA BODILY INJURY (Per accident) AUTOS AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) B UMBRELLA LIAB 03056149 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 AGGREGATE X EXCESS LIAB HOCCUR CLAIMS -MADE DED RETENTION A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR I PARTNER I EXECUTIVE Y / N 41WC1BB74906 06/01/2012 06/01/2013 X I WC LIMATS ETH E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) NIA A E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE S1,000,000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, 11 more space is required) Project: Lubbock Terminal Storage Reservoir; 5114 E FM 1585, Lubbock, Texas 79404. Archer Western Job #: 210020. See Attachment. Co T Co N CD 0 LO LO trema CERTIFICATE HOLDER HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. - City of Lubbock AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE - Attn: Marta Alvarez Purchasing Manager 1625 13th Street, Room 204 n/% G7f�'iG Lubbock TX 79401 OSA c.�4'an 7.� e./ ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights resee ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Attachment to ACORN Certificate for Archer western Contractors, LLC The terms, conditions and provisions noted below are hereby attached to the captioned certificate as additional description of the coverage afforded by the insurer(s). This attachment does not contain all terms, conditions, coverages or exclusions contained in the policy. INSURED Archer Western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue 7 suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA INSURER INSURER INSURER INSURER INSURER ADDITIONAL POLICIES If a policy below does not include limit information, refer to the corresponding policy on the ACORD certificate form for policy limits. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSR SUBR wVD POLICY NUMBER/ POLICY DESCRIPTION POLICY EFF (NIDUDD/YYYI) POLICY EXP (NIDI/DD/YYYY) LIMITS EXCESS LIABILITY C BE23102157 6/01/2012 06/01/2013 Aggregate 525,000,000 Each Occurrence $25,000,000 OTHER D Contractor Prof Eoc534542607 SIR applies per policy terms 06/01/2012 & condit 06/01/2013 ons Per Claim/Aggr 55,000,000 Certificate No: 570046208688 INSURED Archer western Contractors, LLC 2121 Avenue Suite 103 Arlington Tx 76006 USA Attachment 1. Parkhill, Smith and Cooper 2. Black and Veatch Corporation 3. Hamilton Engineering are an Additional Insured pertaining to General Liability, Auto Liability, and Excess Liability d with respects to liability arising out of the Named Insures operations on the referenced project. Professional services for Architects, Engineers, Consultants, etc. are excluded. This insurance will be Primary and Non-contributory to the General Liability, Auto Liability, and Excess Liability with respect to any other available insurance to the Additional Insureds for the negligence of the insured on the referenced project. "Riggers Liability" included. Umbrella follows form of the underlying primary coverages. Certificate No : 570046208688 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Locations Of Covered Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to B include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclu- sions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equip- ment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor en- gaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 2010 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 Cl POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 07 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organ izations : Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any person or organization, you have agreed by means of a written contract or agreement, to add as an additional insured; such person or organization is an additional insured on this policy. When required by a written contract or agreement, coverage afforded to these additional insured parties will be primary to and non-contributory with any other insurance available to that person or organization. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property dam- age" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the sched- ule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products -completed operations hazard". CG 20 37 07 04 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1 0 POLICY NUMBER: 41PKG8875006 COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 20 48 02 99 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GARAGE COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds" under the Who Is An Insured Provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Endorsement Effective: 06/01/2012 Countersigned By: Authorized Representative) Named Insured: THE WALSH GROUP, LTD. SCHEDULE Name of Person(s) or Organization(s): ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONS, WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, ARE AN ADDITIONAL INSURED. THIS INSURANCE IS PRIMARY AND NON—CONTRIBUTORY AS RESPECTS TO THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION. (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to the endorsement.) Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" for Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured Provision contained in Section II of the Coverage Form. CA 20 48 02 99 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1998 Page 1 of 1 0