HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2015-R0281 - Purchase Excess Liability Insurance Coverage - Atlantic Specialty Insurance Co. - 09/10/2015Resolution No. 2015-RO281 Item No. 6.5 September 10, 2015 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Manager of the City of Lubbock and is hereby authorized and directed to purchase for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, excess liability insurance coverage from Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company, for a premium amount not to exceed $352,346.00 or the amount adjusted due to changes in the premiums required as a result of the annual audit; and THAT the City Manager may execute any routine documents and forms associated with said insurance coverage. Passed by the City Council thisSeptember 10. 2015 G l ROBERTSON, MAYOR ATTEST: Rebe ca Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Ii - - Leisa Hutcheson, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jeff 115FisellrUief Litigation Attorney RES.Risk Mgmt-Atlantic Specialty Ins. August 25, 2015 Resolution No. 2015-RO281 Commercial Liability Package Named insured: City of Lubbock Insurance carrier: Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company — Admitted A.M. Best rating: A, X as of 2014 Policy number: TBD Policy term: October 1, 2015 to October 1, 2o16 Premium: $ 352,346.00 (Includes Terrorism Premium of $2,74 & $2 State Surcharge) Coverage: Your legal liability to members of the public for claims arising from your premises, operations, products, or completed operations. Loc Bldg Address 1 1 1625 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79401-3830 ALL LOCATIONS ON FILE WITH ATLANTIC SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY General Liability Policy Coverages Coverage Limit General Aggregate $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operation Aggregate $1,000,000 Coverage A Bodily Injury and Property Damage Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Self -Insured Retention Each Occurrence $500,000 Coverage B Personal and Advertising $1,000,000 Injury Seff-Insured Retention Each Offense $500,000 Damage to Premises Rented to You Each Occurrence $1,000,000 This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 34 Commercial Liability Package (continued) Coverage C Health Care and Social Services Each Wrongful Act Seff-Insured Retention Each Wrongful Act $500,000 Medical Expense Cemetery Failure to Supply Each Occurrence Sexual Abuse Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Not Covered $1,000,000 $1,000,000 This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 Commercial Liability Package (continued) General Liability Locadan Coverages Premium Loc Bldg Coverage Basis Deductible Class: 41702 Acre Feet Dam, Lake, Pond, or Resemor Existence Hazard without Structural Failure 1 1 118,107 JOHN T MONDFORD DAM NPDP ID: TX06464 672 DAMS 1-6 Class: 44114 General purpose government risks organized as cities, towns, townships, villages or boroughs 1 1 Coverage A&B $500,000 Class: 48727 Streets, Roads, Highways or Bridges - exlstence and maintenance hazard only 1 1 Coverage A&B Including Products $500,000 General Liability Medical Payment (Exclusion All Locations and Buildings This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies berng proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 Commercial Liability Package (continued) Professional Liability Policy Coverages coverage Limit Deductible Public Officials Errors & Omissions Each Wrongful Act $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 Self -Insured Retention $500,000 Retro Date 09/10/1999 Public Officials Employment Practices Each Offense $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 Self -Insured Retention $500,000 Retro Date 0911011999 Public Officials Employee Benefits Administration Each Offense $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 Self -Insured Retention $500,000 Retro Date 09/10/1999 Law Enforcement Liability Each Wrongful Act $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 Self -Insured Retention $500,000 Excess Liability Policy Coverages Coverage Limit Excess Liability Aggregate Limit $18,000,000. All Claims excess of Underlying Insurance Each Claim $9,000,000 Each Claim excess of Underlying Insurance Additional Terms, Conditions, and Underwriter Comments Excess limits go over the following coverages: General Liability, Professional Liability and Auto L iability. This agreement is provided on a following -form basis designed to follow all of the provisions of the underlying coverages with the following general exceptions: Pollution, Failure to Supply, Sexual Abuse and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist This proposal Is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/2512015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. 3D 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 Commercial Liability Package (continued) Automobile Policy Coverages Coverage Liability Self -Insured Retention Liability Hared Auto Hired Excess Auto Liability Non -Owned Auto Non -Owned Auto Liability Broad Form Endorsement Auto Composite Rate Coverages Coverage FLEET AUTO AL (Vehicles: 1,396) Liability Med/PIP UM/UIM Automobile State Coverages Coverage Texas UM BI & PD Automobile Vehicle Coverages Veh Coverage TX Composite Truck (Vehicles: 1,396) Liability Medical Payments UM BI & PD Covered Auto 5}mrbol(s) 10 - OTHER Covered Auto Symlbo/(s) Liability Medical Payments Uninsured Motorists Additional Covered Auto Symbols and Descriptions 10 10 10 Limit Deductible $1,()00.000 $500,000 Covered Covered Limit Deductible Limit Deductible $1,000,000 Limit Deductible $5,000 10 = COVERAGE APPLIES TO ALL OWNED AUTOS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CITIBUS VEHICLES, This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. ft 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 38 Commercial Liability Package (continued) 9ne Beacon_ N 4 1 9 A N kv Insured Name and Address: C3 TT CF L788CCR Fc25 13TF*. °T LBBBCCF:, T:: 794=_-3237 Atlantic Specialty Insurance CcnXmV 150 Royal Street Canton. MA =1 Quote Number POLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE You are hereby notified that under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (the Act), as amended, you have a right to purchase insurance coverage for losses resulting from acts of terrorism. ac defined in Section 102(1) of the Act The term 'act of terrorism' means any act or acts that are certified by the Secretary of the Treasury. I n consultation w h the Secretary of Homeland Security. and the Attcmey General of the United States - to be an ac of terronsm, to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human fife. property, or infrastructure; to have resulted in damage within the United States. or outside the United States in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States mission. and to have been committed by an indmdual or individuals as part of ai effortto coerce the crvilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WHERE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED BY THIS POLICY FOR LOSSES RESULTIN( FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM. SUCH LOSSES MAYBE PARTIALLY REIMBURSED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UNDER A FORMULA ESTABLISHED BY FEDERAL LAW. HOWEVER, YOUR POLICY MAY CONTAIN OTHER EXCLUSIONS WHICH MIGHT AFFECT YOUR COVERAGE, SUCH AZ - AN EXCLUSION FOR NUCLEAR EVENTS UNDER THE FORMULA, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GENERALLY REIMBURSES 8596 THROUGH 2015; 84% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2018, 83%BEGINNINC ON JANUARY 1. 2017:82% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2018-.81 %BEGINNING ON JANUARY € , 2019 ANC 80% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2020 OF COVERED TERRORISM LOSSES EXCEEDING THE STATUTORILY ESTABLISHED DEDUCTIBLE PAID BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY PROVIDING THE COVERAGE THE PREMIUM TO BE CHARGED FOR THIS COVERAGE IS PROVIDED BELOW AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CHARGES FOR THE PORTION OF LOSS THAT MAY BE COVERED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE ACT. YOU SHOULD ALSO KNOW THAT THE TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED, CONTAINS A $100 BILLION CAP THAT LIMITS U.S. GOVERNMENT REIMBURSEMENT AS WELL AS INSURERS LIABILITY FOR LOSSES RESULTING FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM WHEN THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LOSSES IN ANY ONE CALENDAR YEAR EXCEEDS $100 BILLION- IF THE AGGREGATE INSURED LOSSES FOR ALL INSURERS EXCEED $100 BILLION, YOUR COVERAGE MAY BE REDUCED SELECTION OR REJECTION OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE The prospective prerrrium requ; red for your terronsm coverage is- � 2 , 73 3 If you wish to reject this offer of coverage. you should check the box below. sign this no toe and send rt to your agent An exclusion of terror sm losses, as defined by the Act, will then be made part of your policy. I hereby reject the offer of terrorism coverage. t understand that I will have no coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism. as defined in the act PHN 001 IL 0115 CwWns copyrlgiva may l or insr ice Services Unice, Inc. Wfth Its pe"issm. Page 1 of 2 %pvrigM za[s, 0ne6e=m muxarce Gn:iup LLC This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 39 Commercial Liability Package (continued) If your policy includes Property Coverage in one or more of these states: CA, CT, GA, HI, IA, IL, VA. ME, MO, NC, NJ, NY, OR, PA, RI, VA, WA, Will, or WV; the following statement applies: The terrorism exclusion makes an exception for (and thereby continues your coverage for) property fire losses resulting from an act of terrorism. Therefore. if you reject the offer of terrorism coverage, that rejection does not apply to fire losses resulting from an act of terrorism - the coverage in your policy for such fire losses will continue. If such a loss occurs, and is certified under the Act, the loss will be reimbursed by the United States Government under the formula detailed above Theportion of your policy premium attributable to terrorism (fire only) coverage to all of the states listed above, in which your policy provides p"rTy —rage, is :v This amount is included in your policy ,premium and cannot be rejected_ Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company PcarcyhotdeVApplicant's Signature Insurance Company Print Name Date If you have any questmns about this notice, p?ease contact your agent PHN 001 IL 0115 Ccrmins copyrignted mannas or immmens semces arae, :nc VM its Pe"U'09 Page 2 of 2 Comrigh12015. OI,Edeaeon h15 LSE Group LLC This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 40 Commercial Liability Package (continued) Adaptic Specaky Insurarce Cornpary TEXAS UNINSUREDIUNDERINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE SELECTION/REJECTION AppficanHNamed Insured Producer. C:74 07 :rJBHCC_' 16_5 137-- 3AE5wCl% _._ ^ya-_-az3. Policy Effroave Date_ : _ - _ 21----2 Policy Number Texas law permits you to make certain decisions regarding UninsuredlUndeensured Ubtansts Coverage. Th s document briefly describes this coverage and the options available. You should read this document carefully and contact us or your agent if you have any questions regarding UninsuredlUnderinsured Motonists Coverage and your options with respect to this coverage. This doctorent includes general descr*pbons of coverage However. no coverage is provided by this document You should read your policy and renew your Durations Page(s) and/or Schedute(s) for complete infomnavon on the coverages you are provided. UNINSUREDlUNDERINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE UninsuredlUn derinsured Motorists Coverage provides insurance protection to an insured for damages which the insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle because of bo*y injury or property damage caused by an automobile accident Also iricluded are damages due to bodily injury or property damage that result From an automobile accident w1h a hitatldnst vehicle whore owner or operator cannot be identified. Unless rejected. UninsuredlUnderinsured Motorists Coverage wdl be afforded at limits at least equal to a combined single limit of $85,000 for each accident, but you may select optional higher limits VCA U 042 TX 01 11 inC9ix1@i ooq}rgt+teC material 011rE1F�ice ;erlrce6 Ottine, �c. page 1 of 2 COPyn9111 2011. oneNamn Irsurxtce GmD LLC This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8125/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. g) 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 41 Commercial Liability Package (continued) Please indicate your choice from either A or B. as follows A Selection Of UninsuredrUnderinsured Motorists Coverage Limit If you wish to select UninsuredlUndennsured Motorists Coverage, you may do so by initialing next to the appropriate items) and signing below. Please note that we only offer UrunsuredlUndennsured Motorists Coverage limits up to the Liability Coverage limit of your policy, even though higher limits may appear below (Initials) I select Uninsure"riderinsured Motorists Coverage at the following limilt(s): [Choose one Combined Single Limit option from the foltowinN: Combined - (Initialsj Single Limit $ 85,000 100, 000 250,000 350,000 500.000 1,000,000 (Other) Signature Of Applicant/Named Insured Date B. Rejection Of UninsuredlUnderinsured Motorists Coverage If you wish to reject Un.nsuredlUndennsured Motorists Coverage, you may do so by inita'ing and signing below (Initials) I reject Uninsure"riderinsured Motorists Coverage_ Signature Of Applicant/Named Insured Date Page 2 a 2 InGlitles eopyrWr ed melena ar Irsurmce :ervrxs 4fM1ve, :ne. VCA U 042 TX 01 it Copyright 20.11. Cneeea= lrauance Caw LLC This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for reference purposes only. This is a quotation of coverage only. It is not a binder. This proposal does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Proposal date: 8/25/2015 Prepared for City of Lubbock Confidential. © 2015 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 42