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Resolution - 2015-R0244 - PO - Dell Marketing LP - Computers, Monitors, And Laptops - 08/13/2015
Resolution No. 2015-R0244 Item No. 6.10 August 13, 2015 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock for the State of Texas Department of Information Resources, Purchase Order No. 33000641, for Desktop Computers, Monitors, and Laptop Computers, by and between the City of Lubbock and Dell Marketing LP of Round Rock, Texas, and related documents, pursuant to State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-SDD-1951. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on August 13, 2015 ATTEST: Reb ca Garza, City Secreta APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mark Yekwood{,jkssistan%City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORN� John C. Grace, Assistant City Attproey GLEN,0. ROBERTSON, MAYOR 5.doc M*iy*,�°City' of Lubbock TrxasPURCHASE ORDER IKG DELL MARKETING LP RR 8 BOX 8706 ONE DELL WAY ROUND ROCK Texas 78682 SKIP TO: Page - 1 Date - 07/22/2015 Order Number 33000641 000 OP ranc an 330 CITY OF LUBBOCK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY C/O DAVID MCGAUGHEY 1611 10TH STREET LUBBOCK Texas 79401 IYVOICETO: MYOFLLBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: AjAvil Alart ar DirectorofP hosing& Contma Management Ordered 07/22/2015 Freight Requested 09/30/2015 Taken By S SUMMERS Delivery PER J ZHINE REQ #45870 CONTRACT DIR-SDD-1951 Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date Latitude 15 5000 Series Docked 19.000 899.0000 EA 17,081.00 09/30/2015 #210-ABGO / #452-BBBH Latitude 15 5000 Series 27.000 815.0000 EA 22,005.00 09/30/2015 #210-ABGO Precision T1700 MT GIS Wkstatn 14.000 1,251.5700 EA 17,521.98 09/30/2015 #210-AAJV Dell 20 Monitor P2014H_3Y Warr 28.000 104.6300 EA 2,929.64 09/30/2015 #320-9798 OptiPlex 3020 SFF Desktops 288.000 679.0000 EA 195,552.00 09/30/2015 #210 -ASIX Dual Monitor Stands 19.000 92.0000 EA 1,748.00 09/30/2015 #332-1236 Dell USB SotmdBar AC511 200.000 19.0000 EA 3,800.00 09/30/2015 #318-2885 Total Order Terns NET 30 260,637.62 TERNS AND CONDITIONS DIPORTA,NT: READ CAREFNIY STANDARD TERNS AND CONDRIONS CITY OF LL'BBOCK.T3( Seller and Bayer agnea rollowr: SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Sella will package goads in acordarce wish good cummadal practice. Each shipping conWu shill be closely and immanently naked as follows (a) Sellas wive and address. @I Consignee's am e. address and yurchme .,it. or poehse release mmanbor and die supply agreement nofder ifappliable, (c) Canines mora and IoW em be of canuixrs, eg bar 1 of 4 hexa, and (d) Ne number of the annuli beanng the packing slip. Scller shill bear .. of packaging alas athawue povided. Goads shall be suitably puked to same lowest aamponaw. cots sed in mfdomn with 'NO.. of roman. canms and any applicable spcafwuom Bye smmtaweighlshallbefiaW wncbaivcwAipmmnmta umpaniedby Faking has 2. SHIPMENT ANDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Sella u rel arsenal to ship the goods coda remaionad on madaafa bill oFlec im will ornate as a teMa ofgooh. 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The tide and fids of Ims of the goods shall nor Pass to Buya until Buya dourly mend aN a. posseaim of the goads as tae point -1 13- afddiv.y. 4. NO REPLACENIENf OF DEFEC(NE TENDER Every, bode of delivay of Sands ms[ fully wally with all finiaim s of thu rnnvact as to time of delivery. gciry and the like If a tend= u same which moa eat fully edomh thin shall camdtme a brach and Sella shall on have the right to rdswme a wnhmiing under, RovWd elk where the time hr pafatmame has not yet marked, the Sell= may rmwably rWtiFy Buyer of his imemlon W cmc and ray the Ouse a confamwng teller within the tarn. within net aRawad 5. INVOICES S, PAYMENTS a Sell c .dull submit reroute invoices, in Mgliato. one cad purchxe etch or pm<horm M. after each Ilya., limeas shall InMmu the pvdus. oda or and min relaae n chap std the supply agennona nmdc. if applicfble manic. shall nd itandzed all transpnaeion chWhr if mY, dull a mold importantly . ce wPai of she hill of Iedina. and the of Lubbock.waybill who applicable, eIWWd be attached 4 Ooc M.Wce, Mail To: Account Payable. City err LubP. 0 Box .d livery ,Tenor 1A15T. Payment sbWl Oat be due mnl the above insawnmt ere subiruved A. delivery 6. GRATUITIES. The Buy= my. by motive notice W the Sella, cartel this monad without liability to Sella if it is hra,Wrned by Buyer Idea gWlWties, in doe tomo of mtma'vunmt gibs or aNavarno were ORaed Or given by the Sella, in my agent or terminative of Ne Sella, to any officer or anployec of the City of Lubbock with a vier on sawing a comma or sceming Favorable amanmt with raped to the =wading or amaiding or the making of my dnmmiatioa with rap=t 1. the performing of such is conazet In de once[ this comm, m canceled by Bayes pursuit to this pavizlon. Buya drat be rnuded In addition to my otic nght and emeries, m recover Or withhold the omoms of rhe cost inwzN by Sella bi previdingsuch gatWtia. T. SPECIAL TOOLS k TEST EQUIPMENT. If dirt pnce stand on the face hermf orchid. the cast Of my spaial tooling or spial tat equipment fabricated OF tcquired by ShcO, for the pu pa,m of filling Nu ora, such spaial taring equipmem mJ my rocas shed related grana shall become the pmpmy of the Buya all m ted aims feasible shill be idenfified by the Sella a such I. WARRANTY -PRICE. a The price ger he paid by the Buyer shall be Idea comrined in Sella r bid which Sellawar tobe no Ngh=Our SWldsc.rnt p,.a. an orders bywhas For pmdmU of the kind and micificodon cevaedby this agreement for similarlowenti. wider similar of hkecondintarmdmtthodsaf Ormhau mthc ail Seller breaches thin warranty. the puce of the itene shall be reduced aro the Sellers .nem prices an aMt by ods., err in thealtammtive. Buya may cancel this contract widow liability W Seller for breach or Sella's achul,pare. b. The Seller wamana her no Aaron or selling age Y has bee.,IOycd or nonwal m colica err saute this contact upon an agyeanml as undaamding for wmnusim, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee excepting boa fide employee of ham fide orublished commemul or sellingagecia maintainodby aheSWla for Oe puryme ofa.rmngbudness. Fos to mch of viciadon of this warnmry the Buya still love gre right u addiwon W my other right of nghts to cancel fru convict without liability and to deduct from the contract prim. or otherwise rceoer withmt liability and to deduct Stam the none priccm odwwise noosed Me fWl mewtofmch mmmision,pacmuge.brokaagem contingent lac. 9. WARRANTY -PRODUCT. Sella dull not limit or aclode my implied wnrranfia and any mernlpt to do so shall render thin moria voihble at the option of En Darya. Sella warrant that the goods Finished will warrant m the spceifimdan, drawings, all descriptions final in the bid itwwati n, all Wth.mapic(s)fifimishedbythe ScRe,ifmy. bide eves ofawMicl or bctwcm the sprifications, drawings, and dercnpwmt, doe specifications sball govern. Notwithstanding dry povuions trimmed in the common, .,.air tae Sell. mores nts and w.ann foolt-tice perform it fault-fice tars in the racoon, dam and due relald dao f imindng, but eat limiad to mlculanng. wmpaing and aqumciogl of WI hadw;.c, wfrwae ab fimrvac prodat delivered and smites provided uda mus Contra. individually or in wodiahm as she core, may be born the effective dere of thin Contract. no obligation n mmardi bean apply W producer and services pmvidN by the Sella, its sub- Mi. or my Mhd tarry involved m the crudes. ne hvdopmmt of due radios and services to be doliv.d to die City of Lubbock wade du Comsat Failure W amply with my of the Obligations cmWncd Men, may, result or de City of Lubbock "Mar; itself Of any of it rights order the law all worker can Contract ialWa& ben not fromed to, its right p.Wning to tmaromm or drfaulz The warner conWued Mein ere Mame all discrete ft. my Other warranties spenfied is mus Cmi au, and see nor wbjm re my doclaima Of waunry. Iceland or caRmud, or limitation of the Sellas liability which nay be sprified in this Contract its appadices, its schafries, mss mrsna in my docamml m a"ared in this Co.., by mef.vice. 10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Sella waters that etre praducm wild to she Buya shall wnferm m tlu saadads pm=tVW by the U. S. Depwmu of labor IDM the OccupauonW Safety ad Hedth A. of 1920. In the.'mt the poducs moa not conform m OSHA rundarels. Buya may ream Ne product for tone tion or fryLrcanmt at the Sellar apcese. N the aim Sella (A to make the appmpriae commur within a rmmdlc me, commit made by Boys will be a the Sella's areaee. I I. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGAINST INFRINGEMENTS. As an of cars antract for sale Sella agea to .enaln whether goods manufasmad in aawdvwr with the sp.ifiadom asuched in this hg neem will give fire to the rightfid dame of dry Mtrd pvsan by way of vJnngemmt of the tike Buy. mak. nowmrmry Mas the proda'dan ofgw6 ucandingm Orbe spmfimwan will nowt give fisc to ands a claim. and In no acns,hall Boyer be liable W Sella for indemWfinuen in the amt ora Sellausadmthe mhof iafrvmg tofeelikc I(Selleruof sae oPintion emaninrnngancnt ono the like will muds. he will .of, the Boyer W this Off. Or ..ong within nvo week, Ma the sinning of Mu agrmceg. If Buya dues not ve nonce and is sabuynmtly meld liable for the infringement or the like. Sella will save Byes hander. If Sella M good faits acedia the poduti ti saIt Me gals in auondanc wed, Me sprificabom will reWr in inmtiingrnmg or the like. Me wnwabe will and void. 12 NON APPROPRIATION. All funds' for pument by one Gry mala this; mnaucm are wbj. W the avallabiliry of m deal apptapnafion for this pmpou by the Ciry. In the dem Of mnappopnanon of finds by the City Carnal of dive City of Lubbock for the gads err services MviMl ander the wade. the Ciry will laminae the comart. withon amiesm. charge err ultra liability, on one 1st by of the th.. fisc yca no when the apFrropeaian more for the Mems . yea for the goods or services wvaed by Mir mno-as iz span, which=ams otnvs fie. ff a say ume (mods are nm apprnprmud for rhe ard.ei frhes tmmaa mncelladon shall deacapkd by Ne Sella on thirty (30) days prim w'rivm name. but frgere or give each node shall be of no eff. W the City shall ml be obligated ahs Btu... beyond de dam of tmniwtim. 13 RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the 69M to impact the goads at debvay before accepting dent Il CANCELLATION Buya shall have the right to cruel for default all or any pan of the mdeln'ercd pardon of thin Order if Sella br icha my of the Imo¢ tracer including warrande of Sega or ti n t Sand brume kmalvmt m commits ecu ofs Buyer q. Sade n la o rcarcelLrtion u in addition to and eat m tihw of my tied memedies which Buys may have in law on equity. 15 TERMINATION, The orunccoFwah unties Mrs order say be tmwused in whole, m in pan by the Buyer in .0. with dui ornifiicn. Termination of woh mil be eIatal by the delivery of the Sclla of a 'Nona of Tamiranion' spsafying rhe atm, to which ,afmmawe of woh Uoda she Order is tamiwed and the date upon which such tamiwtim hcwma oRr'tive Such fight in Ianuadon is in adthwon Wand rat in IIID of the rights of Buya sn forth in Clause Il. Man 16. FORCE MAIEURE. Neither party shall be held namorible for fossa, =long if the fWfillmeo of my tea of Mvim m of this contract u delayed or prevented by any Orme not widen one control of de Ferry whose punfir. one u monfaed with and which by the cternm of ressomble diligent,said parry is sable W pm'rnt IT,ASSIGNhfENf-DELEGATION- No rightan mtae[in this common zhill6c aligned mdeleganun of my abligafion made by Setter witbum the under retention of the Buya. Any avemped minimum a delegation by Rlla shed be wholly void and totally bcfEcave for all papa, onlas made in mnf rmwtYwith thin pmaSnph 19. WANER No clabn m right arising ow ofa brmd of this centra cm be discharged In whole ar in W byes rmwcam. of the Gann m right.less the waives or rmuooaation is wppmed by consideration and u in writing signor by de agpiev dparry. 19. INTERPRETATION -PAROLE EVIDENCE. This writing. plea any spceifican. for bids and ,afamunce provided by Buya in is advansanmt for bids, and my other dommmta pavidcd by Sella a pm of au bid, u moded by the parfia we a Cal initiation of their sgrmoan all Waded nue. a warm. all ea Beim am., of the lata of their agreement Whara'a a tan defined by tae Unifaw Cawna[ial Code u tad I. this agmm u. the definition mntdired in the Code u W wnaol. 20. APPLICABLE LAW. This Warrant shall be governed by the UWfa. C...[ Code. Whaa,a the man 'Unifiann ComrmaW Code' u used it shall be carnmedm meaning the Uniform Commaczl Code a adopted in gee Sum of Tam s effective and in force on the dam of Nis agronomist. 21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one parry to Nu contract in good pith has reason to masfion the aMa parry's in. to perform he may damM Bust the mesa Fahy give wneen marrome of his mean to redone. A the man mut a danced is made and no anvonce is give within five (5) days, the denuMiny pity my amt this failure as, an mdcipntooy apodiaaon Of the contract. 22. INDENNIFICATION. Sella shall inlamdfy, keep and save hamlet the Buya, its agmu. officials and employees, aguimt all injuries , deaths, lot, dataga, claim, stent claims, mit. liabilities, jurgnrn s. cosi and apame, which may in anywise amine against the Buy. in nrcqucnce of the Rusin, of this Comat or which may mywire taus dumtiom, window or not it shall be alleged or dnemdmd that doe an was mored though negligence or omission of the Sella or is employea, in of Ile subset. Or assignee a its employea, if my and the Sena shat, at his n areae. appear, ddmd and fay WI charges of atmmcys and ill esu aW other uFrae, arising rotation of inmuned in connection therewith. and if my judgment shill be andard against the Bayer in my such ration, the Sella shall, at in own expema, satisfy and discharge the same Sella eaprasly mWensmda ad agrees roar my bead .,am by thin contra. err otherwise ,ravided by Sella, shalt in no way limit the responsibility W indemnify, limit all n.c hamlets all defend the Boyer as heron pavidni ZI. TNE. 1[ u MdwY aR�IY age and mdastmd Ira tine u of due etme far the perfomwe Of this ccoaac. ard hilae by ..tr. W Ina the lime speeificatiam of dins W.. will duce Seller in beth del mr a f this agmrwt 24. MBE. The City of Lubbock hardy mfifi. WI bidders Out in regard on my cony. mt.ed me poser W Ihu request. ndnonry srd we. business anaRues will be afforded trual oppommid. m submit bids m rapnore W i is invitation and will . be discnmialed against On tlegmmMof rad, color. ser or annal onginin rdrddmwon for an awed. 25. NON -ARBITRATION. Thu City nava Oe ri%ht m ecaast, myrigM or remedy W it by dew. eon. Tziry.- oewawkee, incluhrg nidect hannon. the fight to sock my and all form of relief in is cast of mmpnmt jacrach FUM.. the City shall rW be ack rt W my Aim. Riot W ea.mmg in maaaicted right W sak jaguar mroody The reedla ser an Men am amulavvc and eat eselorive, and may be aerated w,amcedy To theawewfary coMinbnwmr this m,iimwMm m,.vium m Or mired or, this it.... thin Revision shill comoL 26. RIGHT TO AUDIT At any ane doing the Imh of de.... err thaufi.. tle City. or is duly auderiad edit fcymaamuvc of toe City or Me State of Taaa, at it extreme all a maintain tied, nem. one right W alit cones mad, all hooks nfevmt W WI mvic. provider m the City worker this Conau N one event moth an aril by the City r=ids any carcro or ovem ments by de City, Contractor "I refimd the City the ROI aneauW ofsah Ovapaysmnm with. shim (30) days of nch error findings, or the City. a its option, reaves one fight to dedoetsoh=mom awingthe City fan my P fimam due Canvasear. 72.HOUSEBRL2015-Hour Bial2015.sigedbyee Gava.roalme N.2013adeff tivean loamy 1. 2014. mMonzes =,ear ry W he onpnsrdhn a peon mole are. for certain sensces witha govmvnmul on r, and who (amu Or Ropaly shanty than workers, This applies to subcn..mz or well. Contractors and wMmntrmWrs who fail to Enormity charity comiduarr pafamung wank adaa gomYMIW mm. win be pwlued Vital far tach individual But ha ham miaclaaifid. (Tam Gcv. Code Section 2155 M0 ?LASSIGNNGORSUBLEITINGTHECONTRACf. The Camacmrmillmtatrgnarwbude contra[ in wary pntianof the enaaa. without wnvm ar. Gam Me Oiaahr of Phclum, and Comact Matagrnml SMWdmown be grvst. ft Co.., shill inrsme the Sabenmem, or dull provide Roof an insurance hem the Subcanaator thaz complies with WI amu hemace m aranmm Rev M2014 �lX '- Cit} of Lubbock TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER Page - Date - 07/22/2015 Order Number 33000641 000 OP 330 TO: DELL MARKETING LP RR 8 BOX 8706 ONE DELL WAY ROUND ROCK Texas 78682 SHIP TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY C/O DAVID MCGAUGHEY 1611 10TH STREET LUBBOCK Texas 79401 INVOICETO: CMOFLLBBOCK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LCBBOCK, TX 79457 B1': Afana Alvarez. DirefAofPumhasim& Contract Management Ordered 07/22/2015 Freight Requested 09/30/2015 Taken By S SUMMERS Delivery PER J ZHINE REQ #45870 CONTRACT DIR-SDD-1951 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $260,637.62 awarded Dell Marketing LP of Round Rock, TX on August 27, 2015. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference Contract DIR-SDD-1951 dated July 15, 2015 Dell Marketing LP of Round Rock, TX. Resolution # 2015-R0744 CITY OF LUBBOCK Glen C. R son, Wyor WROV� A6 TSD PCFkt Aeale1erEC1tV P0owiRt ATTEST: Rebe a Garza, City Secretary TERNS AND CONDITIONS IMPORTANT: REM CAREFi STANDARD TERN6 AND CONDITIONS CITY OF LLBROC1ti11FY Seller ane Buy as Follows; I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Sala will patter,: Beal in xmrdarcc with good mm.raia pacae,. Fah dapping container shill h dead, and lumanmtly nuzked a follows la) SdM's mono and addrra. (b) Consulate'. stmt, aMrms vel Endrate Order or pvchsse release nmla W t e supply ageen=t number if applierble. (c) Cmmi.r nhvnba W total m of ronmans, eg. ban 1 of a Ernest. and (d) the smAer d the, mmilna bmnng the pxL'ng dip. Sala that boa east of parLoging =las atMwiu provided Death "I be so aed W irly lockMore lomat traa,madon can and W mNbrm with "u nanenn of cam=e tunas W my is'limble spexifimuum. Bmer'sw=IaF weight shall be BratWmnciwiveon shipmm¢tela<ompanied by packing list 2. SHIMtENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Sella is Fiat auMarired to ship Dc goads =de, Iaervman W an tender of a bill aflreing will Pma. a tender ofsoods d. TITLE AND RISIL OF LOSS. The ado W risk of loss of the goods shall Ort Ines m Buyer aMl Byer nastily renewed W aka pmzession of the goods a the point of points Ofdelray, J. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE TENDER Eva, tender of delivery of Bonds .1 NRy mrmlY with all poritiom of tyres cono-xn az m arc of d<Inery, qualiry and Ne Rke If a under et fidmadeture a dna Ortng teder,Fundeshagramalwabraclsand Sellas hall Ort haveprill- to Sella ou a mn6mon8 tender, pr of his wMc the .far Eafo, then hu Ort yet mut; a the Sella the n.,aly bid Buyer of his idmdon W nuc and may Nen makes ronforming ewer within N<cvntrxhamehw eat a6awad 5. INVOICES & P.AY:NENTS. a S011eF shall submit separate invnica, in duplimte, me eat pumbazc ardor Or pretax relesse ata Ends delivery. Nvoie. shag ind arse, Nc pwchase order or wrdsae rdrsse ore rte and Nc supply be hand t nwMn if ca, O N. bill steal be iandzed and trampomam dw8 in if r, shat be limed are the y recopy of the bill of Earn, Pya and the of Lan waybill when applicable, shodd h Tirras d m the atonia. Nlilt Fiat Acro=¢ Payable. Ciry of Lubbock. P. O. Bos 20th. Lubbmlc Tevss T9J5T. Payment shall Ort be nuc mal Ne above immunm¢ are sheaved after dcliwaY 6 GRATUITIES. The Buyer may. by wdvas mdse W the SeIM, cmcFI Nis mnnac[ without train liry to Selter if in is kremwed by Buyer Lha gcatuatia, in de tarn of enraatmraay. gift or caMnvne, an o1Md err given by the Seller, a my agent Or repesmmtvc of Nc Sella, to mY officer in anpkyse of the City of Lubbmk with a view Io scnving a eminent Or sec ., favorable tramms with raMa to the awarding or nmmding, or the mokine of my devenni atom with rapat to the Farfmming of such a ears. to Ne went thus mmam, n cznerial by Buya pmsean[ W Nu panni.., Buyer Nall M added in addidon W my other, Fillies and rcmedia. l0 Fames or withhold the ...of th emd itnered by Saler W pmvidingsudh 9ami[ies. T. SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQU WNENM If the pia surd on the free Meof inclMa Ne east of my special smiw or syenzl tat eghdpnmt Oirmanal a named by Sella rens the purpose, of filling this ortla, such special Waling egoil— and anY pian shah rckved Nano shag bmome the popery of the Buya and m th alta [rsslle shall b<idenvfied by the Sella ss such S. WARRANTY -PRICE. a The prim in be paid by Ne Buyer shall be than cowind in Seller's bid which Sella warrant le be m hi,pa than SdM's earmt paras m orders by others far products of Fie kind and spanfimaon mvacd by that ageemml for simiia quanatia wrier similar of items W iwom and mnhds EM Sch 's m the went SdM areata this wa. or ut t Erica of the Bens stall r educed W the Setho t nmem Erica an oilers by others, or r the spouse. ve. Buyer cozy cancel the contend without liability m Saler for breach of Shca's acral vpvh. b The wan mamma then no nso r m renin, agrnfa hat been ion,p r ear Fwinal m Xlicit or serve Nis mntraa upon m ,be.agrarian, e undaaanls4 for mmmissian, pn<mm,c, brokmge, or mnnnsnu fa aaptin4bam fide ernpbysa ofbam fide aabinhd commeuial ar.fling aSenoia nsenenree by Ne Sena far theprpmcofsmvingbmiow: Fm bFEnch of wiritimaf the wamnry to Buyershdl bane the right in ndluao m any Otho ngN ofrighs b rmcd this mmxt withavt hbiliry and m dedurs Gam the<an¢aF pari«, err othvwise remvm wstlrau[liabdiry and W deduct from the mntrar Ince, err aNawiu rawer the fWl aromt elwch mmrti¢iun pacatagc brokmge ter mnnngmtf 9. W'ARWtN. -PRODUCT. Seller shall Ort limit in aclude my implial waranaa and my marlin W ear ne swill rcf. fi mesad voidable az Ne ,. Far of th Buyer Beller wamann then[ the goads mm s will Oreton W the a Sdiahn, drawings. and davripaom lutea in the ben invimnan, and d..V. Pndde=ished,fis, Sella,ffmy. NNcwyaoN.WnOlrterins, my she specificaaasc do de. ar and deeiptom, th Due e6mdom stall sndl w Nus wt -ft Brag ay prO .an malaixa N Ne mmacwl sfia, d l the Sella represents and wands fads -Ga 1 I a and fadr8a rant in the pme¢iog nae and dart road dam and but mm IimitM al ml searing. compaasg d. his C. ns) of all hardware, Xfidfi W firmware Ira urns;.1 difivMfir. W sericat ealO provided ower nra C..FL fibindivind fir as H mmbwaun ss de cede may be berm Nc eHadve dal of this Connor. The y Fload pa mnminal Mein apply m ponds and manioc provided s and Bella, its Ftub- Bella are my thhd pay involved in o the aanon a Failure of pal pmducm and ca m be s cneed to the City of LObbork Oram Nu ConnaL F lave 1 amply with my of EIM6, , �ni , d ,lamina Mein, Wry, reran N ca City of Lublarkbound avllW5 itself of any of is tight ander the law W under ryas Carman ed hereR bel at n to rot W, is right en my 4 er warranties ties pe Iled in The warnnna cowind Mein as y dBs a and armee Gom any atM wavmna sFar hout in the Cmtrat and arc Bat subI' m ry diel earl o[n daF Contain, implied or apeud, or limiaaen of the Sellers liabigry which any be spedfied it this is appmdira, in idedula, is asnoxa w =Y doamm iBaarpmaed in Nn CantradbY rclnetwe. 10. SAFETY WARRANTY. SdM varum Naz th Wodurs cold m the Ba,a dull coNOrm to the standards peomdgued W the U. & Depanvmr of tabor reader the OmupMmil Safnv and Hadth Aes of I efir t are tau lyes Ona, nom Ort ear's e , OSHA n do, c,, Buyer wY rmvs tea Paha fm mnaaon err om wnwht a the Seller's .. t We even! Sella tau W make the a leans, tc cortadan within a eeaorarbie time, coFFemon nude by Byer will h a the Belle's espvuc. 11. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGANST INFRNGENtENTS. As pan of then cantrxm far sac Sella Was to acaczin whether galla nsnODrnaed in xmedame with the 11NOMA Oris amchd W has erg., will give Fite to the dgbtfiai dsim of Foy Fluid Foran byway of WGin,anem rude: Gtr Bwer make no wamnry tha[the palmwon ofgoMs accoringm tlo spmifimaon will noe Eve we m ands n claim. vel in Ba meat skull Buya holiable m Sella fm indvmdficdan in tlhe went then Seller bred on Nc lt. M will infrin,m, Buy the Ise DSclla u of the opinion aha an weeks Wirment st the Iof will taunt h will Bawer the Buyer a thn cam m ween% =thea no wards aha to rigning Of e m agranmt If Buya doer not ram'c Orme ff n snlXgnfil b held Itabk for to in[nngerant err the like ScIM will awe Bya camaaa B Sella in gond frith a.c 'ue de ....on ofthe goody vauordv with aX zpmfiuwam whll Few[ in ittfrvhgemem or Ne like th mntranxhall be nil W void 12. NON APPROPRIATION. All fan% fa pa,.t by th City under this cm., are vubja W the vaikbiliry of =annual appeopaahoo (err tris pmpox by Ne Ciry. W the wren a(mmppaPFianan of funds by the Ciry Cmmdl of the Ciry 9f Lubhck kr de goods or zmica prwidal ander the movaa tle Ciry Orth terroiwe to antra, ho ,r tv a .. mad far err other liaDsliry, on to tat Steady of the thencrarmr d by Yca m when s e appoptiman made for ns Irs, Imam yea for the mods err amara mvaal by this mama ¢ zPmt- whhd='a meat xcars Tim H Y=Y nhhw fiuhd are Ba[ rypapaaled M We mwnvmcc of erne contract condlanon stall be xapted by Nc Selleron thnry, (Yo) days prior wa1Rm mdse. ban ORwe in give such mace shall Maras, Offers W the Ciry that BaI h obligated wdertas contra bcyaM Ne dere af[mniFunen Id. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shill have the tight an impect the goods a dewi.ery We- amepang Baan IJ CANCELLATION. Bya shall have the right to camel Wr detail all err any pan OF the undelivered parr.. of this oder if Sella brmcha any of she rime Miner waluding warranties of Sella or if she Beller boomer imolwrnl or cotmnn xn of bath psry. Such right of mmelladan is in said. to and BaI to Bm of any Doha afi eta which Buya may lave in law or erpiry. 15. TERMINATION. The perfermmcc of work under this Order may be mmio tM in whole, or in pan by the Buyer in arcmduv:e with this provision. Tama amen of wank hereunder shall h effersed by the delivery or the Sella of a -Notre of Tnmimaai specifying the cam to widrh pafomwhce of weak trades the ada is taminved and she dare upon which such Imdratian ,aa. d(adre, Sus 6& m Iahmadaon n in addimen to and mI m Bea of de rights of Buys ser fares in Clause IT. Mein 16. FF NAIEUM. Neither party shall be field responsible for lasses, ranking if to fulfillment of any rrnm of peoveriom of this coma is dtlayal or prevented by any cause no within the mnml of Ne party whose paformarce n interfered with, and which by Ne escrass of rmsmablediNgmcc said psry is urable m pia FL IT.ASSJONMENLDELEGATION. Narightorimawin Niscomaasldibexipm wdclgation of my abligadan wdc by Sella without the written Emanation of the Boyer. A" aneerpial avilpmna Or dciegaaon by Seller shag M wholly void and Wally ineffedivc far all pupux oNm made in confuFarywiN Nis paagnph 13,W'ANER Noclaanm6ghtacisingowofabt=6oft conaaacanbcdxX Sedinwhokofhn part by a waiver u rmuncou an of Ih elaon m 6& Orders the waver or fifin— tion is suppmted by Orn idasdoo and is H winds, signed by the aggawed lacy. 19, NI RPRFTATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE. Thu writing, pts any speei6entiom for bids and pafaemonee provided by Byer is in edvmwzasmt for bids, and my Other decumenn provided by Sella as pan of his bid, u intended by the puaes as a final eapmion of their agcrosmt and intended alta as mmplae and nclwive IM.1 of the team of their a,teemenL Wbehaer a tam defined by the Uniform Commacial Code is wed in this agrendmt the definition mntanal to do Cade is m..L '_o. APPLICABLE LAW. This aga Ont shat h savaned by the Uniform Continental Cade. WLera'erth Imn'Umfom Commensal Code- u uteri it slit be mmtrvcd amen Ito U'dfam Cmmwcvl Code as adapted in th Beate of Trans; az eRvcdve vel in fare an the date of the agramnu 21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whmwa o. pay W Nu contract in geed frhth Im .an to ghesaon the Mho pway's no. W pafn, NO may channel Nan the other parry D,a woven assurance of M idea to Eafortn In to weal than a demand n Orme and Ba aswance u given within five (5) days the demanding party may treat tier failure as an mfinpaory epudiatr n al le comma 22. NDENNIFICATION. Sella shall indemnify, kap and eve Mandeas Fie Buyes. it agent. aRcials W mnployser,':timm all injuria, diad¢, has. darni claims, patent educed. wits. Iiabili6a, jMgnam, ms¢ and apemen. which may in anywise same .Banat the, BNa in eamryuem<of the gtantmg OI Nis CO. Or which wY m"we saint tMe6am, whether or rot it shall be allet a davarmicd that, the err wen moxa Nrou') negligmee os omission of the Sella or it cra lo,ea, in of the subSciler a aaigee in its empioyas, if my, and tlo Sella shall. at his n apace, apposed, defend and pay all chages of ammrys ad ill cost and DIM uspv¢a acing IMefmm of Nmmed iv comedo. tMewith, and if awlMgnest shill h Fmdaed against the Buyer In my such teat., th Sella shall, as In awn .pema..this and duchn. Ne same Sella expressly underaands and aper Lha try, bond requital by this contract, or otbawuO prawidM by Saler awl in an way, bar to Fapmthtiry to indmmify, kap W eve harmless and defend the Buyer as hadnprovddal 25. TRIE. 1t u MebY apnezzlY egad and wdmztmd Ihzt tirte n of the essence fess to Fn[amance of thir contract W But. by caner W wen the Fire specifimnam of this a, emnn will mhse Seder m ho e hfadt o f this agtaraL 24. bdBE. The City a Lubbodt hereby notifies dl bidder that W aagad to my Orman mtaal into passant W Nu oquas, minonry Fort we. hmbhas aseFpoa wtt M afforded' a appommided to Overrun bids in rnion. to Nu fiviraaan and will ria M discriminated agaims m dagouws of.. .1.,. or namalan90 in conidemdmfor m awed 25. NON -ARBITRATION. The City names the nght OF esadseany right or randy in it bylaw, context Open , or otherwise, inchding unman initiation. the right W sed an, and all foams of relief w a court of mmpaae jhmsNdiata Frther. the City shall not be wbtm to my abinalion pmts poor m tevdring Itr turatrictal right m seek judicial non. , The remedies ser fared Maria ac cumulative and ml initiative. and any be aedsed canarre dy. To the in mtof., conRhl xawan other povukn W amts provision in os sated W, this docurent this povnian shall mmoL 26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At my airs, New the bean of the, mveact Or thereafter. the Ciry, at a duly millariud audit apaam®ve of the City an Ne State of Taa, a is apmX and a.dmishle ams, cava the right W audit Containers scuds W hooks relevant m all smicaro provided to the Ciry, ada IM Contract In the amt such an sold by Ne Ciry swan my oma or ovcrpvymms by the Ciry. Co..., shill md'tuW the City Ne fall amomt Ofl.h ovapxymrnt withal 0m, (do) days of such audit fiMinp, or the Ciry, OF its opdon, m.. de ngId m deduct soh arrow¢ owing the City fiam my WYnFom due C..un.. 2T. HOUSE BILL 2015. Hou.BR12015,mpe byth Governoron Ime1J,2033Weffectivem who. L201J, edaoza and who nsiimpasd=apersonn wimntrx¢ That 'Pit. wca with • issaws as OF entry W who fats m poperlY classify thea warkera Thu applies to submmaors& will Convenors W svbmmacmrs who fail l properly doh ve iwisid hat efififirefifirl romanmai 215 11 R'00 For Ench adividuil this les bah ninc4ssi6al ITmss Govermsmt Code Satan 2155001/ 29. ASSIGNNG OR SUALEITNG THE CONTRACT the Comacr shall and mhgn al vhM the comas a try pmwan ofle mitran, wtuut wrtnm comate fior Ne Diemor of Pmchamg W Comet Nanganmt Should cones be given.ae Comacmrzhallimme Ne Sdxontrarsor or shag provide proem immvsce Gem Ne Subranmxtar Lha camplia with all metra Wurade segremms Re, 10'_Ols 9 6 O i v H a N o 0 o av 0 0 n o 0 0 vI �• Ci m 0 P© 0 0 ri h m O of d N ip _ O O. 0 0 c n { N O O O O O O O O O O O- O O- O O. O O O O O L?- O O O K w N N N N vY b O N' b O OG: O 0 0 a m O y N © O c - s O N N N O i p .� ➢ .:O V s� 3 ti G ' c � 9� ml OEM a`r ° ..fi o. `O v°s-. 0 o w o N 6� til F; cJ P� QUOTATION Quote #: 711429205 Customer #: 1784159 Contract #: 42AFU CustomerAgreement#: DIR-SDD-1951 Quote Date: 7/15/2015 Date: 7/17/2015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Dell! Your quote is detailed below; please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. If you find errors or desire certain changes please contact your sales professional as soon as possible. SALES REP: KEVIN A PRIFOGLE PHONE: 1800 - 4563355 Email Address: Kevin PifoglecEDELL.com Phone Ext: 5139195 GROUP TOTAL: GROUP: 1 QUANTITY: 19 SYSTEM PRICE: $899.00.___... 17.081.00_ ..- Description Quantity Latitude 15 5000 Series (210-ABGO) 19 8GB Dual Channel DDR31- 1600MHz (4GBx2) (370 -AAPS) 19 Internal English Dual Pointing Backlit Keyboard (583-BBJJ) 19 Intel Integrated HD Graphics 4400 (490-BBNB) 19 Intel Wireless 7260 driver (555-BBOK) 19 500GB (7.200 Rpm) Serial ATA Hard Drive (400-AAUX) 19 Windows 8.1 (64Bit) English (619-ADTB) 19 US Order (332-1286) 19 6 -cell (65Wh) Lithium Ion battery with ExpressCharge (451-BBDW) 19 Dell Professional Topload 15.6 inch Carry Case (460-BBLG) 19 8X DVD+/ -RW Media Bay Drive (429-AAIL) 19 Intel Dual Band Wireless -AC 7260 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n 2x2 + Bluetooth 4.0 LE Half Mini Card (555-BBHI) 19 E5 Power Cord (US) (537-BBBD) 19 Windows 8.1 DVD OS Recovery(English) (620-AASU) 19 Dell Backup and Recovery Basic (637-AAAS) 19 BTO Standard shipment Air (800-BBGF) 19 System Documentation, English (340 -ACOS) 19 No Camera Software (319-BBBK) 19 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Extended Year(s) (975-3461) 19 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty (997-6727) 19 ProSupport Plus: Accidental Damage Service, 3 Years (997.6746) 19 ProSupport Plus: Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Years (997-6755) 19 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 1 Year (997-6762) 19 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 2 Year Extended (997-6764) 19 ProSupport Plus: 7x24 Technical Support, 3 Years (997-6773) 19 No Out -of -Band Systems Management (631-AACH) 19 No Resource DVD (430-XXYG) 19 Fingerprint Reader (Dual Poiting) Palmrest (346-BBFY) 19 System Documentation, English (340-ADNT) 19 Energy Star 6.0 (387-BBIL) 19 4th Gen Intel Core 15-4310U Processor (2.0 GHz, 3M Cache, Dual Core) (338 -BEGS) 19 Intel Core i5 -4310U Processor Base, Integrated Graphics, Express Card Reader (329-SCEI) 19 No DDPE Encryption Software (954.3465) 19 E -Port Plus, dock adds dual digital display and legacy port support, USB 3.0 (452-BBBH) 19 Light Sensitive Webcam and Noise Cancelling Digital Array Mic (325-BBCS) 19 Ship Material, Shuttle, Mix Model (340-AFZW) 19 Cybedink Media Suite Essentials for Windows 8.1 without Media (658-BBTV) 19 Regulatory Label, Non -Touch (389-BCZZ) 19 No Intel Responsive (551-BBBJ) 19 Intel Core i5 Processor Label (389 -BCCI) 19 15.6' HD (1366x768) Wide View Anti -Glare WLED-backlft (391-BBJD) 19 Microsoft Office Trial, MUI, OptiPlex, Precision, Latitude (630 -AARP) 19 Dell Digital Delivery Cirrus Client (340-AAUC) 19 Thank you for buying Dell (421-9982) 19 Dell Data Protection Security Tools Digital Delivery/NB (422.0007) 19 SW,MY-DELL,CRRS (422-0052) 19 Latitude 15 5000 Software Drivers (551-BBBU) 19 Not Selected in this Configuration (640-BBHQ) 19 Visit www.dell.comleneryption (640-BBHR) 19 Waves Maxx Audio Royalty (658-BBNF) 19 No Anti -Virus Software (650-AAAM) 19 65W AC Adapter, 3 -pin (492-BBEM) 19 CFI,Infonnation,ID3,W IN7,6481T,Factory Install (375-9043) 19 CFI,Information,MBRBR,PART,DNR,Factory Install (376-6665) 19 CFI,Information,WIN7,VLA,ONLY,Factory Install (375-4258) 19 CFI,Information,CSRouting,Eligible,Factory Instal (375-3088) 19 Custom Project Fee for ESLH (366-1551) 19 Factory Image Load, ImageDirect3 (366.0075) 19 CFI Routing SKU (365-0257) 19 CFI,Software,Image,Quick Image,Titan,Factory Install (372-9740) 19 total Purchase Price: Product Subtotal: Tax: Shipping & Handling: State Environmental Fee: Shipping Method: Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, or if you do not have Premier Statement of Conditions The information in this document is believed to be accurate. However, Dell assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions, and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any such error or omission. Dell is not responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. $17,081.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted in $) using Quote to Order QUOTATION ® Quote 8: 711428222 6 Customer R: 1784159 Contract Y: 42AFU CustomerAgreement N: DIR-SDD-1951 Quote Date: 7/15/2015 Date: 7/1712015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Delll Your quote is detailed below, please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. if you find errors or desire certain changes please contact your sales professional as soon as possible. SALES REP: KEVIN A ORIFOGLE PHONE: 1800 4563355 Email Address: Kevin PrifoelePDcLLcom Phone Ext: 5139195 GROUP TOTAL: GROUP: I QUANTITY: 27 SYSTEM PRICE: X815.00 $22 00_8._00 Description Quantity Latitude 15 5000 Series (210-ABGO) 27 BGB Dual Channel DDRX 1600MHz (4GBx2) (370-AAPS) 27 Internal English Dual Pointing Backlft Keyboard (583-BBJJ) 27 Intel Integrated HD Graphics 4400 (490-BBNB) 27 Intel Wireless 7260 driver (555-BBQK) 27 500GB (7.200 Rpm) Serial ATA Hard Drive (400-AAUX) 27 Windows 8.1 (64Bit) English (619-ADTB) 27 US Order (332-1286) 27 6-cell (65Wh) Lithium Ion battery with ExpressCharge (451-BBDW) 27 Dell Professional Topload 15.6 inch Carry Case (460-BBLG) 27 8X DVD+/-RW Media Bay Drive (429-AAIL) 27 Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 602.11 ac/a/b/g/n 2x2 + Bluetooth 4.0 LE Half Mini Card (555-BBHI) 27 E5 Power Cord (US) (537-BBBD) 27 Windows 8.1 DVD OS Recovery(English) (620-AASU) 27 Dell Backup and Recovery Basic (637-HAAS) 27 BTO Standard shipment Air (800-BBGF) 27 System Documentation, English (340-ACOS) 27 No Camera Software (319-BBBK) 27 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Extended Year(s) (975-3461) 27 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty (997-6727) 27 ProSupport Plus: Accidental Damage Service, 3 Years (997.6746) 27 ProSupport Plus: Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Years (997-6755) 27 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onske, 1 Year (997.6762) 27 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 2 Year Extended (997-6764) 27 ProSupport Plus: 7x24 Technical Support, 3 Years (997.6773) 27 No Out-of-Band Systems Management (631-ARCH) 27 No Resource DVD (430-XXYG) 27 Fingerprint Reader (Dual Porting) Palmrest (346-BBFY) 27 System Documentation, English (340-ADNT) 27 Energy Star 6.0 (387-BBIL) 27 4th Gen Intel Core i5-4310U Processor (2.0 GHz, 3M Cache, Dual Core) (338-BEOS) 27 Intel Core i5-4310U Processor Base, Integrated Graphics, Express Card Reader (329-BCEI) 27 No DDPE Encryption Software (954-3465) P7 Light Sensitive Webcam and Noise Cancelling Digital Array Mic (325 -RBCS) 27 Ship Material, Shuttle, Mix Model (340-AFZW) 27 Cyberlink Media Suite Essentials for Windows 8.1 without Media (658-BBTV) P7 Regulatory Label, Non -Touch (389-BCZZ) 27 No Intel Responsive (551-BBBJ) 27 Intel Core IS Processor Label (389 -BCCI) 27 15.6" HD (1366x768) Wide View Anti -Glare WLED-backlit (391-BBJD) 27 Microsoft Office Trial, MU I, OptiPlex, Precision, Latitude (630-AABP) 27 Dell Digital Delivery Cirrus Client (340-AAUC) 27 Thank you for buying Dell (421-9982) 27 Dell Data Protection Security Tools Digital Delivery/NB (422-0007) 27 SW,MY-DELL,CRRS (422-0052) 27 Latitude 15 5000 Software Drivers (551-BBBU) 27 Not Selected In this Configuration (640-BBHQ) P7 Visit www.dell.com/encryption (640-BBHR) P7 Waves Maxx Audio Royalty (658-BBNF) 27 No Anti -Virus Software (650-AAAM) 27 65W AC Adapter, 3 -pin (492-BBEM) 27 CFI,Information,WIN7,VLA,ONLY,Factory Install (375-4258) 27 CFI Routing SKU (365.0257) 27 Factory Image Load, ImageDirect3 (366-0075) 27 Custom Project Fee for ESLH (366-1551) 27 CFI,Software,lmage,Quick lmage,Tilan,Factory Install (372.9740) 27 CFI,Information,CSRouting,Eligible,Factory Install (375-3088) 27 CFI,Information,MBRBR,PART,DNR,Factory Install (376.6665) 27 CFI,Information,ID3,W IN7,64BIT,Factory Install (375-9043) 27 'Total Purchase Price: ��00500 Product Subtotal: $22,00500 Tax: $0.00 Shipping & Handling: $000 Stale Environmental Fee: $0.00 Shipping Method: LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted in $) Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, or if you do not have Premier, using Quote to Order Statement of Conditions QUOTATION Quote C 711427042 Customer#: 1784159 Contract N: 42AFU CustomerAgreement N: DIR-SDD-1951 Quote Date: 7/15/2015 Date: 7/17/2015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Dell! Your quote is detailed below; please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. If you find errors or desire certain changes please contact your sales professional as soon as possible. SALES REP: KEVIN A PRIFOGLE PHONE: 1 BDO -4563355 Email Address: Kevin Prifosle DELL.com Phone Ext: 5139195 Dell Precision T1700 MT CTO Base (210-AAJV) 32GB (4x8GB)160OMHz DDR3 Non -ECC (370-AAKU) US English (QWERTY) Dell KB212-B QuietKey USB Keyboard Black (580-AADG) Monitor Option -None (320.3316) AMD FirePro W2100 2GB (2 DP) (1 DP to SL -DVI adapter) (490-BCIU) 2TB 3.51nch Serial ATA (7,200 Rpm) Hard Drive (400-AALG) Integrated Intel SATA Controller (403-BBCE) No Media Card Reader (385-BBBL) Windows 7 Label (389-BCCZ) Thank you for buying Dell (421-9982) Dell Data Protection System Tools Digital Delivery/DT (422-0008) Dell Precision Optimizer (640-BBES) Dell Data Protection I Protected Workspace (640 -BREW) Visit www.dell.com/encryption (640-BBHR) Not Selected in this Configuration (640-BBHS) Dell Applications for Windows 7 (658-BBIH) Waves Maxx Audio (658-BBNH) RAID 1 (780-BBCC) No Anti -Virus Software (650-AABC) Windows 7 Professional,No Media, 64-bit,Fixed Precision, English (421-5607) US Order(332-12136) Dell Precision T1700 MT Standard 29OW TPM Chassis (Thunderbolt Ready) (321-BBPB) Dell USB Optical Mouse - MS111 - black (570-AAAJ) No Energy Star (387-1313BE) Broadcom 5722 Single Port Gigabit Ethernet PCI -Express Network Interface Card (555-BBES) Not Selected In this Configuration (817-BBBC) 8x Blu-Ray Writer (429-AACF) Internal Speaker (520-AAAK) US/Thal/Philippines Power Cord (450-AAFS) Dell Backup and Recovery Manager for Windows 7 (637-AAAE) Not Selected in this Configuration (817-BBBC) English Shipping Docs (340-AAMJ) Microsoft(R) Office Software Not Included (379-BBDB) No Windows XP Mode (658-BBNQ) GROUP TOTAL: 1T521t98 Quantity 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Deli Limited Hardware Warranty Plus Service (997-2808) 14 ProSupport Plus: 7x24 Technical Support, 3 Years (997-2859) 14 ProSupport Plus: Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Years (997-2868) 14 ProSupport Plus: Accidental Damage Service, 3 Years (997-2877) 14 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 3 Years (997-6820) 14 1 -Waft BIOS (340-ABMZ) 14 Raid Configuration not over 2 TB (411-XXYD) 14 No Out -of -Band Systems Management (631 -AARP) 14 Resource DVD not Included (430-XXYU) 14 No Additional Hard Drive (401-AADF) 14 No Additional Hard Drive (401-AADF) 14 No Setup and Features Guide (340-AAMH) 14 Not Selected in this Configuration (817-BBBC) 14 Intel Core 17-4790 (Quad Core HT, 3.60GHz Turbo, 8MB, w/ HD Graphics 4600) (338-BFEF) 14 No DDPE Encryption Software (954-3465) 14 C2 SATA 3.51nch, 2 Hard Drives (449-BBBC) 14 No Chassis Intrusion Switch (461-AAAR) 14 Precision T1700 MT Packaging (328-BBBP) 14 Not Selected in this Configuration (817-BBBC) t4 Cyberlink Media Suite Essentials without Media (658-BBTW) 14 2T6 3.5inch Serial ATA (7,200 Rpm) Hard Drive (401-AAAH) 14 No CompuTrace (461-AABF) 14 No PCIe add-in card (492-BBFF) 14 No Intel Rapid Start or Smart Connect (409-88CF) 14 Intel Core 17 Processor Label (389-BBJP) 14 CFI,Software,Image,Quick Image,Titan,Factory Install (372-9740) 14 CFI Routing SKU (365-0257) 14 Factory Image Load, ImageDirect3 (366-0075) 14 Custom Project Fee for ESLH (366-1551) 14 CFI,Information,MBRBR,PART,DNR,Factory Install (376-6665) 14 CFI,Information,CSRouting,Eligible,Factory Install (375-3088) 14 CFI,Information,WIN7,VLA,ONLY,Factory Install (375-4258) 14 CFI,Information,ID3,WIN7,64BIT,Factory Install (375-9043) 14 E�OFTWARE._& GROUNT..OTAL 32,929:64 Product Quantity Unit Price Total Dell 20 Monitor - P2014H (320- 9798) 28 $104.63 $2,929.64 3YR Limited Warranty Monitor, Advanced Exchange (986-4872) 28 $0.00 $0.00 ffi oft �urc ase Price's , Product Subtotal: $20,451.62 Tax: $0.00 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 State Environmental Fee: $0.00 Shipping Method: LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted in $) Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, or if you do not have Premier, using Quote to Order QUOTATION ® Quote is 711425150 6 Customer 9: 1784159 Contract A: 42AFU CustomerAgreement ri: OIR-SDD-1951 Quote Data: 7/1x/2015 Date: 7/17/2015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Delll Your quote is detailed below; please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. If you find errors or desire certain changes please contact your sales professional as soon as possible. .,. ,y- SALES REP: KEVIN A PRIFOGLE PHONE: 1800 - 4563355 Email Address: Kevin PrifoalefZDDELL com Phone Ext: 5139195 GROUP TOTAL: GROUP ,1 QUANT_I_TY:288 SYSTEM,PRICE:879.00 $195552.Oo Description Quantity OptiPlex 3020 Small Form Factor CTO (21 O-ABIX) 288 BGS (2x4G) 160OMHz DDR3 Memory (370-AADC) 268 US English (OWERTY) Dell KB212-B OuietKey USB Keyboard Black (580-AAQX) 288 Display Not Included (480-ABFW) 288 Intel Integrated Graphics, Dell OptiPlex (490-BBFG) 288 No Wireless LAN Card (555-BBNI) 2BB 3.5 inch 500GB 7200rpm Hard Disk Drive (400-AANO) 288 Windows 8.1 (6461t) English (619-ADTB) 288 US Order (332-1286) 288 OptiPlex 3020 Small Form Factor Chassis with Standard Power Supply V2 (321-BBLR) 288 Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse (570-AADU) 288 No ESTAR (387-BBCG) 288 BX Slimline DVD+/-RW drive (429-AAJU) 288 Internal Dell Business Audio Speaker (520-AA13P) 288 Thank You for Choosing Dell (555-BBNG) 288 System Power Cord (Philipine/TH/US) (450-AAOJ) 288 Windows 8.1 (64BR) English Resource USB Key (620-AASO) 288 No Dell Backup and Recovery software (637-AAAM) 288 Desktop BTO Standard shipment (800-BRIO) P88 Not Selected in this Configuration (817-BBBC) 288 Safety/Environmentand Regulatory Guide (English/French/Dutch) (340-AGIK) 288 Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Plus Service (803-8583) P88 ProSupport Plus: Accidental Damage Service, 3 Years (803-8774) 288 ProSupport Plus: Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Years (803-8802) 288 ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 3 Years (803-8830) 288 ProSupport Plus: 7x24 Technical Support, 3 Years (8038886) 288 Thank you for choosing Dell ProSupport Plus. For tech support, visit www.dell.com/contactdell or call 1-866-516-3115 (997-8367) 288 Management Engine (340-AGMO) 288 Dell 20 Monitor - P2014H (480-ABMS) 288 No Diagnostic/Recovery CD media (340-ABJI) 288 No Quick Reference Guide (340-ABKW) P88 Intel Core 15.4590 (Quad Core, 3.30GHz Turbo, 6MB, w/ HD Graphics 4600) (338-BEUB) 288 No DDPE Encryption Software (954-3465) 288 Chassis Intrusion Switch (461-AAAX) 288 Small Form Factor Chassis Mainstream Heatsink (95watts) (412-AABM) 288 SHIP MTL SYSM,OptiPlex SFF (340-ACGR) 288 No Accessories (461-AABV) 288 Cybedink Media Suite Essentials for Windows 8.1 without Media (658 -BBN) 288 Regulatory Label OptlPlex 3020 Small Form Factor (389-BDSE) P88 Intel Core 15 Label (389-BBWP) 288 No Productivity Software,Dell OptiPlex,Precision and Latitude (421.3872) 288 Dell Digital Delivery Cirrus Client (340-AAUC) E88 Dell Client System Update (Updates latest Dell Recommended BIOS, Drivers, Firmware and 288 Thank you for buying Dell (421-9962) 288 Dell Data Protection System Tools Digital Delivery/DT (422-0008) 288 SW,MY-DELL,CRRS (422.0052) 288 Visit www.dell.com/encryption (632-BBBZ) 288 Thank you for buying Dell (632-BBCB) 288 Enable Low Power Mode (658-BBMQ) 288 Waves Maxx Audio (658-BBNH) 288 No An8-Virus Software (650-AAAJ) 288 CFI,Information,MBRBR,PART,DNR,Factory Install (376-6665) P88 CFI, Information,ID3,WIN7,64SIT, Factory Install (375-9043) 288 Custom Project Fee for ESLH (366-1551) 288 CFI,Information,CSRouting,Eligible,Factory Install (375-3088) 288 CFI,Software,Image,Quick Image,Titan,Factory Install (372-9740) 288 Factory Image Load, ImageDtrecl3 (366-0075) 288 CFI Routing SKU (365-0257) 288 CFI,Information,WIN7,VLA,ONLY,Factory Install (375-4258) P88 Tax: V V$0.00 Shipping & Handling: $000 State Environmental Fee: $000 Shipping Method: LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted in $) Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, ori( do not have Premier, you using Quote to Order Statement of Conditions m QUOTATION Quote #: 711429917 Customer#: 1784159 Contract #: 42AFU CustomerAgreement #: DIR-SDD-1951 Quote Date: 7/15/2015 Date: 7/17/2015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Dell! Your quote is detailed below; please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. SALES REP: KEVIN A PRIFOGLE PHONE: 1800 - 4583355 Email Address: Kevin PrifogleraDELL com Phone Ext: 5139195 Dell MDS14 Dual Monitor Stand, Customer Install (332.1236) 19 _71 Unit Price Total $92.00 $1,748.00 t, jua:e..re:_ o _ - . , .._ _48.00 Product Subtotal: $1,748.00 Tax: $0.00 Shipping & Handling: $0,00 State Environmental Fee: $0,00 Shipping Method: LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted in $) Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, or if you do not have Premier, using Quote to Order Statement of Conditions The information in this document is believed to be accurate. However, Dell assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions, and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any such error or omission. Dell is not responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. Dell may make changes to this proposal including changes or updates to the products and services described, including pricing, without notice or obligation. Terms of Sale QUOTATION Quote #: 711429631 Customer#: 1784159 Contract #: 42AFU CustamerAgreement #: DIR-SDD-1951 Quote Dale: 7/15/2015 Date: 7/17/2015 Customer Name: CITY OF LUBBOCK Thanks for choosing Dell! Your quote is detailed below; please review the quote for product and informational accuracy. SALES REP: Email Address: Dell Stereo USB Monitor Soundbar AC511 (318-2885) Tax: Shipping & Handling: State Environmental Fee: Shipping Method: Kevin Prifoale(cDDELL.com Phone Ext: 5139195 $19.00 $3,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LTL 5 DAY OR LESS (' Amount denoted /n $) Order this quote easily online through your Premier page, or if you do not have Premier, using Quote to Order Statement of Conditions The information in this document is believed to be accurate. However, Dell assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions, and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any such error or omission. Dell is not responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. Dell may make changes to this proposal including changes or updates to the products and services described, including pricing, without notice or obligation. Terms of Sale This quote is valid for 30 days unless otherwise stated. Unless you have a separate written agreement that specifically applies to this order, your order will be subject to and governed by the following agreements, each of which are incorporated herein by reference and available in hardcopy from Dell at your request: If this purchase is for your internal use only: Dell's Commercial Terms of Sale (www.dell.com/CTS), which incorporate Dell's U.S. Return Policy (www.dell.com/retumpolicy) and Warranty (www.dell.com/warrantylerms). If this purchase is intended for resale: Dell's Reseller Terms of Sale (www.dell.com/resellerterms). It this Purchase includes services' in addition to the foregoing applicable terms Dell's Service Terms (www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global ). If this purchase includes software: in addition to the foregoing applicable terms, your use of the software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, and in the absence of such terms, then use of the Dell - branded application software is subject to the Dell End User License Agreement - Type A (www.dell.com/AEULA) and use of the Dell branded system software is subject to the Dell End User License Agreement - Type S (www.deU.com/SEULA). You acknowledge having read and agree to be bound by the foregoing applicable terms in their entirety. Any terms and conditions set forth In your purchase order or any other correspondence that are in addition to, inconsistent or in conflict with, the foregoing applicable online terms will be of no force or effect unless specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Del that expressly references such terms. Additional Terms for Public Customers This quote Is valid for 30 days unless otherwise stated. Unless you have a separate written agreement that specific* applies to this order, your order will be subject to and governed by the following agreements, each of which are incorporated herein by reference and available in hardcopy from Dell at your request: If this purchase is for your internal use only: Dell's Commercial Terms of Sale (www.dell.com/CTS), which incorporate Dell's U.S. Return Policy (www.dell.com/rebimpolicy) and Warranty (www.dell.com/warrantyterms). If this purchase Is intended for resale: Dell's Reseller Terms of Sale (www.dell.com/resellerterms). It this Purchase includes services: In addition to the foregoing aoolicable terms Dell's Service Terms (www.dell.com/servicecontracts/"global). It this purchase includes software: In addition to the foregoing applicable terms, your use of the software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, and in the absence of such terms, then use of the Dell - branded application software is subject to the Dell End User License Agreement - Type A (www.dell.com/AEULA) and use of the Dell branded system software is subject to the Dell End User License Agreement - Type S (www.dell.com/SEULA). You acknowledge having read and agree to be bound by the foregoing applicable terms in their entirety. Any terms and conditions set forth in your purchase order or any other correspondence that are in addition to, inconsistent or in conflict with, the foregoing applicable online terms will be of no force or effect unless specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Del that expressly references such terms. Additional Terms for Public Customers If you are a department, agency, division, or office of any district, state, county or municipal govemment within the United States ("Public Customer"), the following terms ("Public Customer Terms") apply in addition to the foregoing terms: A. If any portion of the foregoing terms and conditions (or any terms referenced therein) is prohibited by law, such portion shall not apply to you. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the End User License Agreements shall take precedence in all conflicts relevant to your use of any software. B. By placing your order, you confirm that (1) you are a contracting officer or other authorized representative of Public Customer with authority to bind the Public Customer to these terms and conditions, and (2) you have read and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Pricing, Taxes, and Additional Information All product, pricing, and other information is valid for U.S. customers and U.S. addresses only, and is based on the latest information available and may be subject to change. Dell reserves the right to cancel quotes and orders arising from pricing or other errors. Sales tax on products shipped is based on your "Ship To' address, and for software downloads is based on your "Bill To" address. Please indicate any tax-exempt status on your PO, and fax your exemption certificate, including your Customer Number, to the Dell Tax Department at 1300-433-9023. Please ensure that your tax -exemption certificate reflects the correct Dell entity name: Dell Marketing L.P. Note: All tax quoted above is an estimate; final taxes will be listed on the invoice. If you have any questions regarding tax please send an e- mailtoTa)(_Department@delf.com. For certain products shipped to end-users in California, a Stale Environmental Fee will be applied to your invoice. Dell encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. All information supplied to CITY OF LUBBOCK for the purpose of this proposal is to be considered confidential information belonging to Dell. About Dell VCIIlli. II�LCIJ LU L.Y)LV IIICI) OIIV UCIIYCIi innovative technology and services they trust and value. Uniquely enabled by its direct business model Dell is a leading global systems and services company and No. 34 on the Fortune 500. For more information, visit www dell.com Privacy Policy Dell respects your Privacy. Across our business, around the world. Dell will collect store, and use customer information only to support and enhance our relationship with your organization, for example to process your purchase, provide service and support and share product, service, and company news and offerings with you. Dell does not sell your personal information. For a complete statement of our Global Privacy Policy, please visit dell.com/privacy.