HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2002-R0352 - Power Of Attorney For Agricultural Programs - James Thiel - 09/17/2002Resolution No. 2002-RO352 September 17, 2002 Item No. 34 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Power of Attorney appointing James A. Thiel to act for the City of Lubbock for agricultural programs with the Farm Service Agency, and all related documents. Said Power of Attorney is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 17th day of September ^, 2002 ATTEST: Rebecca Garza City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 4 /3 11-� - Ed Bucy kl� Right -of -Way Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: M/ A-- William -r-- William de Haas Contract Manager/Attorney gs/Ccdocs/FarmServiceAgency. PowerofAttorney. JT. res August 20, 2002 Resolution No. 2002-RO352 This `orm is available electronically. 1.1-11- vod- OMB No. 0560-0'90 FSA -211 U. S. DEPARTMENT G.r AGRicULTURE (07-25-02) Farm Service Agoncy - Commodity Credit Corperation -=ederal Crop Insurance Corporation POWER OF ATTORNEY THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby appoint (1) James A. Thiel rel•(,) Lubbock (3) Lubbock County. State (4) Texas , the attorne% -in-fact to act for (9 Lne CITY OF LUBBOCK in connection v,ai Farm Service Aguncy and Commodity Credit Corporation program number(s) checked below. Checkin any of Ilia FSA or CCC -programs docs not have any impact as to the ECIC transactions rhrr•I: ori hr�lnw A. FSA and CCC PROGRAMS (Check applicable pro r•rrrt numbrrs) ❑ , _ All current programs. ❑ o. Noninsured Crop Disaster Assissce Signing applications. agreements. and contracts. Progrutt. ® _- All current and all future programs. ❑ 7. Tobacco programs. ❑ :_ Direct and Counter -Cyclical Program ❑ S. Marketing Assistance Loans historical base and except 2002 peanuts covered by yield to a farm. and Loan Deficiency Payments. Item A4. ❑ 9. Conservation programs. ❑ 4. 2002 Direct and Counter -Cyclical ❑ Ill. titilk Income Loss Contract Prc dam agencies, and n response to a court magistrate oradmmistraWe tribunal. The povisrons o/emm�al and civil fraud statutes including 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 651, 1001; 15 USC 714m; and 31 Peanut Program. According !o Ne Paperwoet Reduction Ad of 1995, an agency may not Conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control comber. The gelid OMB control number for this information collection is 056"190. The tree required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, inducingg the tone for reviawi Instructions, searching ewstinq data soureey gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ofinfomnation. RETURN TN1S COMRETED FORM T YOUR COUNTY FSA OFFICE ❑ 5. Peanut Quota Buy -Out Program. ❑ t t. Other (Specili l 13. Transactions for FSA and CCC Programs (Check applicable pro -ruin numbers) U I. All actions. 2. Signing applications. agreements. and contracts. ❑ 3. Flection of bases and yields C. Date except peanut designation ❑ covered by Item 84. ❑ 4. Designation of peanut ign ( A E loyee Only) historical base and Official Position yield to a farm. ❑ 5. Making reports. ❑ o. Conducting all marketing assistance of Grant artnershi , orporation, Trust, etc.) loan and LDP C. Date transactions. ❑ 7. Other (Spccgl .) This form may also be used to grant authority to an attorney-in-fact to act on the granters behalf with respect to certain FCIC programs and crops. Checking any of the FCIC transactions does not have any impact as to the FSA or CCC transactions checked above: C. FCIC CROPS D. TRANSACTION NUNi IBERS USED BY FCIC (Enter 'All ".or specify each crop and year) (Check applicable numbers) ail 1. 2. 3. 4. ❑ 1. All actions. ❑ 2. Making application for insurance. ❑ 3. Reporting crop acreage and notice of damage reports. ❑ 4. Making claim for indemnity. ❑ 5. Making contract changes. ❑ 6. Other (Specji) This Power of Attorney is valid in all counties in the United States unless otherwise noted. This power of attorney shall remain in full force and effect until (1) written notice of its revocation has been duly served upon FSA; (2) death of tlrte undersigned grantor; or (3) incompetence or incapacitation of the undersigned grantor. The undersigned grantor shall provide separate written notice of revocation to the applicable crop insurance agent. This power of attorney shall not be effective until properly executed and served to a FSA Service Center. AUTHORIZED 6A. Signature(s) of Grantor(s) (Individual) B. Date (MM-DD-YYYY) C. Social Security Number of Grant artnershi , orporation, Trust, etc.) B. Title MAYOR C. Date D. Identification No. 4tness City of Lubbock (M111-DD-YYY)9 09-17-02 o Entity 5-000590-6 ign ( A E loyee Only) B.ateC. Official Position (MM-DD-YYYl� 9. Notary Public (rh. rm shall be acknowledged by a Notary Public unless witnessed by a FSA employee or a corporate seal of grantor is aff red). Signature (a) �7-�/�'�" State TCounty of (c)u bc� of (b) 10. This power of attorney was served to (a) County FSA Office, (b) State of and . became effective this (c) day of (d) , (e) NOTE: The fotowng statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a) and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as amended The authorityformquesting the following information As The Food Security, and Rural Investment Act o/ 2002 (Pub. L 107.171) and 7 CFR Part 718. The information wit be used to legally document your opinion to appointing an attomey4n4ad, identify me person and authorities granted to theappontee. Fumishing Ute requested information is voluntary; however, failure to tumish the requested information will result in the indta dual or entity rwt be abia to act as your attomey4n-fact This information maybe provided to other agencies, IRS, Department of Justice or other State and Federal taw enforcement agencies, and n response to a court magistrate oradmmistraWe tribunal. The povisrons o/emm�al and civil fraud statutes including 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 651, 1001; 15 USC 714m; and 31 USC 3729, may be appfcable to the information provided. According !o Ne Paperwoet Reduction Ad of 1995, an agency may not Conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control comber. The gelid OMB control number for this information collection is 056"190. The tree required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, inducingg the tone for reviawi Instructions, searching ewstinq data soureey gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ofinfomnation. RETURN TN1S COMRETED FORM T YOUR COUNTY FSA OFFICE The U.S. Department ofA orientation. and mental or inure(USDA) pfohbds discdmination in aff Its programs an(iacLvhtws on the base of race, color, natonal engin, gender, religion, age, arsaumry, pt, car uevers, sexual ty status. Not et rohibded bases a tyto all pprograms) Persons with disebJdies who require alternative means for communication of program nformabon (Braila, large pint, yff -11 0(voice and TOO). To No a complaint ofdiscrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 02) 720.5964 (vacs or TOO). USDA is an equal opporturityprovider and employer. CELIA WEBB Notary Public. Stems of Tillie IWy Colrntrissicn E7q'>rM 03.01-2006 Signature Sheet for Farm Service Agency Power of Attorney Resolution ATTEST to Mayor's signature: Re ecca Garza City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Ed Bucy Right -of -Way Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: William de Haas Contract Manager/Attorney