HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2020-R0103 - Market Lubbock - Facade Grant To Experience Life Church - 03/24/2020 Resolution No. 2020-RO103 Item No. 7.13 March 24, 2020 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Fagade Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to the Experience Life Church, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on March 24, 2020 DANIEL M. POPE, AAYOR ATTEST: S)Z�� )X7 Rebe•ca Garza, City Sec eta A1' ZOVED AS TO C T NT: Brianna Gerardi, Busin sDe lopment Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: elli Leisure,Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES.Market Lubbock U'I'Facade Expenditure.—E Life 03.03.20 RE 20-07 RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPERIENCE LIFE CHURCH (ELIFE) AT 1313 13th STREET DOWNTOWN FACADE GRANT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, held in conformity with the bylaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS,MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of a possible Economic Development Grant and Contract to Experience Life Church (ELife), at 1313 13th Street, located within the Downtown TIP. For many years this property served as a main hub for TNM&O Bus Station,transporting in and out of Lubbock Texas. In 2010, Experience Life bought the bus station and began an extensive remodel which led to the launch of the second campus in the Fall of 2011. The scope of work for this project focuses on repairing the signs on the facility. The terms and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract,other than the normal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grant and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant for Experience Life Church (ELife),$3,328 for a Fagade Grant,located at 1313 13th Street, for the installation of two new signs totaling$6,6SS in expenses,located within the Downtown TIF,once proof of payment has been submitted. WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of MLI finds that an Economic Development Grant and Contract offering the incentive for providing assistance to renovate their facility,meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grants and Contracts. Upon Motion by Director, Dr. John Osborne and Seconded by Director, Mr. Calvin Davis, IT WAS RESOLVED that MLI offer and, if accepted by Recipient, enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with Experience Life Church (ELife), located at 1313 13"' Street, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contract will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Downtown Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and execute all documents related to the Economic Grant and Contract. ff-t—"� John Osborne, President& CEO Linda Davis, Secretary M A R K E T L DB*CK,. U'B Downtown Grant Program Presented to MLI Board February 19, 2020 Project 1313 1311,St. (Facade) Experience Life Church is renovating the building at 1313 131h St., located within the Downtown TIF. For years, this property served as a main hub for transport in and out of Lubbock,TX as the TNM&0 Bus Station. In 2010, Experience Life bought the bus station and began an extensive remodel which led to the launch of their 2nd campus in the Fall of 2011. The facade scope of work on this project includes the installation of two new signs totaling$6,655 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Downtown Facade Grant for Experience Life Church totaling $3,328 at 1313 13th St. M A R K E T LUBB(*C1K,. Downtown Grant - Application The information requested on this form will be used by Market Lubbock, Inc. for analysis of your project. MLI CONTACT INFORMATION Jorge Quirino-Special Projects Phone: 806.749.4500 Market Lubbock, Inc. 1500 Broadway, Sixth Floor, Lubbock, TX 79401 Email: iorgePmarketlubbock.org *Applications must be received by MLI prior to pulling a City permit or starting construction *Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock(more detail on page 3) Project Property Address 1313 13th St. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Name Experience Life Church Street Address 1313 13th St. City, State, Zip Lubbock, TX 79401 Federal Tax ID# NIA GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY CONTACT Name Tyler Dipprey Title Executive Pastor Phone Number 806-781-5710 Email tyler(o)experiencelife now.corn Date Submitted 03/18/19 COMPANY BACKGROUND List any person or entity that has at least 5% ownership in the Applicant Company: Name Percent Name Percent Is the firm registered with the Secretary of State's Office to do business in Texas? Yes fr Are you in good standing with the State of Texas? Yes If you answered"No"to either of the above two questions, please explain Is the firm and/or principals delinquent on any federal, state or local tax obligations? No €. Has the company or principals of the company had prior bankruptcies or lawsuits? No If you answered"Yes"to either of the above two questions, please explain 1 MLI 1/14/20 INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Project Name (MLI Use) 11313 13th St(Fa ade) Property LCAD R# 112745 Property Ownership: Own Lease ❑ Owner Approved ❑ Grant Type(Check One): Permittable ❑ Fagade ❑ Detailed Project Summary and Description of Work: Installation of two new signs. (JQ) Project's NAICS Code(North American Industry Classification System) 1813 NAICS Description IReligious, Grant Making, Civic, Professional Organizations City Permit Total Amount(if applicable) Summary of Itemized Expenses: Projected MLI Approved Reimbursement (MLI USE) Dimensional signs (acrylic panels) $5,300 $2,650 New sign faces $1,355 $678 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 a TOTALI $6,655 1 $3,328 Final bids will be used to calculate the project cost and grant amount 2 MLI 1114120 Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock The link below includes the City documents used to determine compliance: https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/planning/design-guidelines The property owner or leasee is responsible for communicating directly with the City of Lubbock to determine if any aspects of the scope of work require permits or public improvements. Public Improvements may be required if the project meets all four of the following criteria: 1)Located within the CBD TIF area; 2yaluation of$100,000 or more; 3)Scope of work affects the fagade/exterior of the building and surrounding area 4)4 building permit is required. CITY CONTACT Director of Business Development(Brianna Gerardi) Office 806.775.3082 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FROM THE APPLICANT At the time of application: Application (must be received prior to construction starting or permits pulled) Written City Approval of: Permit Needs(Applicant is responsible for acquiring all appropriate permits) Public Improvement Needs Applicant responsible for determining current Certificate of Occuanpany status Detailed/Itemized Construction Bids or Schedule of Values Before Picture (prior to construction beginning) Architectural Plans (if applicable) Architectural Renderings (if applicable) After completion of construction: Certificate of Occupancy or Similar City Document(Permit) City Written Verification of Guideline Compliance(Non-Permit) Proof of Payment: PAID Invoices Processed Checks, Bank or Credit Card Statements matching PAID invoices Applicant is responsible for ensuring final scope of work matches approved scope Applicant Signature: Tyler Dipprey (turned in hand written version on 3/18/19) Date: 3/18/2019 3 MLI 1/14/20 Garrison Bros. Signs Inc. 2523-East 50th Street Lubbock,TX 79404 Invoice #: 10023 Ph: (806)744-1161 FAX: (806)744-9628 Order Created: 10!412019 2:30:13PM Garrison Bros. Signsjnc. Email: matt@garrisonsigns.com Sale Date: 12/23/2019 4:D4:51 PM -P�tlrsavfarl.vtbadcAWest nsincet92r Web: http7/1www.gardsonsigns.com Page 1 of i Sale Date- 12!23/2019 4:04;51 PM Created Date: 10/4/2019 2:30:13PM Billed To: ExperienceLifeNow com Salesperson: Matt Garrison Contact Misty Setzer,Accounts Payable Email: matt@garrisonsigns.com Address: 1313 13th Street Not Specified: (806)744-1161 Lubbock,TX 79401 Office Fax: (806)744-9628 Email: misty@experiencelifenow_com Office Phone:1(806)771.9708 Cell Phone:1(806)543-8135 Description: ExperienceLifeNow-1313 13th SL-Replace acrylic panels in monument sign Quantity Unit Price Subtotal Product:Dimensional Signs 10.00 $530.00 $5,300.00 Description:Ten(10)53.66"x 57"white acrylic panels covered with light blue and gentian blue vinyl,with cut-out tetters.Shop time and Installation included. Payments for Order Date Method Tracking Number Amount 10/11/2019 Check 21301 2,65000 Order Subtotal: $5,300.00 Total Taxes: $0,00 Total: $5,300.00 Total Payments: $2,650.00 Order Balance: $2,650.00 Payment Terms: Balance due upon receipt. Electrical Sign Contractors License Number. 16148 Regulated By The Department of Licensing 8 Regulation P.O.Box 12157,Austin,Tx. 78711 800-803-9202,512483.6599 www.license.state.tx.us/complaints .. ... . . ......... Invoice#: 10023 Payment Information Customer Information Payment Options: B Visa B MasterCard 8 Fax Check Misty Setzer Discover American Express Mail Check ExperienceLifeNow.com Cardholders Name: 1313 13th Street (as appears on card) Card Number. Lubbock, TX 79401 Explration Date: VCode: Billing Address: Ph: (806)771-9708 (If different than Fax: (805)543-8135 mailing address) Mail this form or fax it to 806 744-9628 signature: 1 agree to pay the above total amount according to the card Issuer agreement. Print Date, 1212312019 Garrison Bros. Signs Inc. 2523-East 50th Street Lubbock,Tx 79404 Invoice #: 9449 Ph: (806)744-1161 FAX: (805)744-9628 Order Created. 4/1712019 2:16:02PM Gamson Bros. signs,tvc. Email: matt@garrisonslgns.com Sale Date: 5/15/2019 2:29:23PM 'air+ r��eo�rew, „+terse Web: httpJM wv-garrisonsigns.com Page 1 of 1 Safe Date: 51152oig 2:29:23PM i Created Date: 4117/2019 2.16:02PM BllledTo: ExperienceLffeNcwcwn Salesperson: HouseAecounl Contact: Misty Setter,Accounts Payable Email: NIA Address: 1313 13th Street Phone NIA Lubbork,TX 79401 Fax. NIA Email: misty@ex ierienceifenow cam Office Phone: (806)771.9708 Call Phone: (806)543-8135 Description: Experiencet.ifeNow com-1313 13th St.-Manufacture golden yellow sign faces'lite"and".cam"tc replace faces on west elevation channel letters sign Quantity unitt?rlce Subtotal Product Sign Face 1.00 $1,355.00 $1,355.00 Manufacture and install new sign faces for the letters'life'and".cam"on the west elevation and south elevation channel letters signs. White faces with black trim.Shop We,removal of old faces,and installation of new faces included. Order Subtotal: $1,355.00 Total Taxes: $0.00 Total: $1,355100 OrderBalanee - —$1,355.00' , Payment Tenkns: Balance due upon receipt Electrical S gn Contractors License Number. 18148 Regulated By The Department of Licensing 6 Regulation P.O.Box 12157,Austin,Tx. 7B7 11 800-803-9202,512-4636599 www licensestate.tx uslcompiaints { Invoice At: 9449 Payment Information =Stomenr Information ayment Options: Mistyr ❑ Visa 1­1 MasterCard Fax ChecSk [� Discover dcan Exoress. [] Mail Check LifeNow cornCardholder's Name: treet (as appears on card)X 79401 Card Number.Expiration Date: � VCode. )771-9708 eliling Address: )543-8135 (Itdifferent than mailing address) Mail this form or fax it to (806)744 9628 Signature: I agree to pay the abnu total am6Gnt accoroing do the card Print Date: 7/222Issuer agreement.019 - Scanned with CamScanner 1313131h — Elife Signage Sign 1 - Before �r Yz is Y Sign 1 - After - r- ONE WAY'. r I ih .:Ji. a o � 1 .t -