HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2005-O0106 - Approving And Adopting A Budget For 2005-06 - 08/25/2005Fint Reading August 25, :ZOOS Item44 Second Reading September 8, :ZOOS Item42 ORDINANCE NO. 2005=00106 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-06; PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY TRANSFERS TO FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS AND DEPARTMENTS, IF REQUIRED; APPROPRlATING FUNDS FOR THE 2005-06 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; ESTABLISHING CIVIL SERVICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND POSITIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared certain figures as 2005-06 fiscal year budget and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, filed such proposed budget with the City Secretary for the fiscal year beginning October, 1, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary did post notice that such proposed budget had been filed and a public hearing called thereon by the City Council at City Hall; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined such proposed budget for fiscal year 2005-06, as revised, is appropriate and correct in all respects and that all requirements of the law have been satisfied; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the budget proposed by the City Manager and filed with the City Secretary for fiscal year October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006, as revised , and which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby approved and adopted and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. SECTION 2. THAT matters revised after the proposed budget was filed with the City Secretary are as follows: a) Addition of one full-time position at the library. b) Addition of one full-time position -Internal Auditor. c) Change Capital Project 91136 (78th and Quaker Flare) budget amount from $2,179,960 to $250,000 to be funded with Solid Waste Utility Revenue. d) Addition of Capital Project 91080 (Jim Bertram Effluent Water Reuse Study) with budget amount of $500,000 to be funded with Federal Grant Funding. SECTION 3. THAT the figures prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 2005-06 fiscal year budget, as revised, are hereby approved in all respects. An All Funds Summary is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Budge! PY 05 I 06 Page I of3 SECTION 4. THAT any necessary transfer of funds between accounts below ' the department level recommended by the City Manager for City purposes or as a result of unusual or unforeseen conditions during the administration of the 2005-06 fiscal year budget are hereby approved, however, any transfer of funds between departments or higher level shall be presented to the City Council for approval by ordinance before such funds can be transferred between departments or expended. SECTION 5. THAT the several amounts, as set forth in the proposed 2005-06 fiscal year budget are hereby appropriated to the objects and purposes named, subject to modification in accordance with Section 3 hereto if necessary. SECTION 6. THAT to the extent that actual revenues are projected to be less than the estimated revenue that the City Manager is authorized to reduce spending as necessary in order to prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenue sources; and that in the advent such action is taken the City Manager shall immediately notify City Council in writing with appropriate explanation. SECTION 7. THAT all balances of appropriations in each fund which support authorized obligations or are encumbered at the close of business for the fiscal year I ending on September 30, 2005, are hereby declared to be re-appropriated into the 2005- 06 fiscal year budget beginning October 1, 2005, and estimated revenues adjusted accordingly. SECTION 8. THAT the City Manager or his designee may transfer, in amounts necessary, appropriations from all reserves, within the intent of the reserve as approved by City Council. SECTION 9. THAT violation of this ordinance may result in disciplinary action by the City Manager against the person or persons responsible for the management of the appropriation unit in which the violation occurred. SECTION 10. THAT a copy of the adopted 2005-06 fiscal year shall be filed with appropriate officials as required by law. SECTION 11 . THAT in accordance with Section 7-34 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, the civil service classifications and positions set forth in 2005-06 fiscal year budget are hereby established by Ordinance. SECTION 12. THAT the City Manager shall obtain prior approval of the City Council for all raises in salary, allowances or compensation in any form for the deputy city manager, assistant city managers, fire chief and police chief. Budget FY 05 I 06 Page2 of3 SECTION 13. THAT the funding as set forth in the Capital Budget for the 2005- 06 fiscal year as also set forth in the Capital Improvement Program are hereby appropriated, by project and scope as set forth in the Capital Budget. A Capital Improvement Project Summary is attached hereto as Exhibit C. SECTION 14. THAT the additional appropriations and the addition of capital projects shall not be initiated except with the consent and approval of the City Council first being obtained, and an appropriation for a project in the Capital Improvement Program shall continue in force until the purpose for which it was made has been accomplished or abandoned. SECTION 15. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 25th day of Ausrust. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 8'th day of Septe.ber ATTEST: dd/ord/BudgetOrdiiWlce 05-06 August 19, 200S Budget FY 05 I 06 ' 2005. '2005. Page 3 of3 Total Authorized Full-time positions Revenue Sources Taxes Property Tax Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax Cox Cable Classic Cable NTSCable Xcel Energy General Fund South Plains Electric Cooperative Atmos Mixed Beverage Tax Bingo Tax Telecom Right of Way Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Development Services General Government Public Safety Health Cultural/Recreational Cemetery Fines and Forfeitures Interest Earnings Rental Recoveries of Expenditures Other Contributions Transfers from Electric Fund Transfers from Water Fund Transfers from Sewer Fund Transfers from Solid Waste Transfers from Airport Fund Transfers from Stormwater Other Transfers Total General Fund Revenue Appropriation Units Administrative Services City Council City Manager City Secretary City Attorney Ordinance No. 2005-00106 FY 2005-06 Proposed 2,167 31,975,097 1,067,387 39,900,000 950,000 1,000 100,000 2,060,000 150,000 1,725,000 695,626 250,000 1,900,000 2,170,012 336,740 221,644 1,139,610 122,180 659,992 2,041,388 330,225 3,782,866 660,073 17,476 592,317 542,100 0 879,810 4,649,264 2,623,397 1,728,777 1,099,077 907,310 484,208 1 05,762,576 576,515 802,929 383,915 1,827,742 ExhibitS Facilities Management Finance Human Resources Public Information Internal Audit Non-departmental Administrative Services Appropriation Community Services Neighborhood Services Comprehensive Planning Building Inspection Business Development Community Services Appropriation Cultural and Recreation Services Library Cultural Arts Services Silent Wings Museum Lake Alan Henry Parks Civic Centers Cemetery Cultural and Recreation Appropriation Public Works Engineering Environmental Compliance Street Lighting Streets Traffic Public Works Appropriation Public: Safety Health Services Police Fire Health Municipal Court PubUc Safety & Health Services Appropriation Other Appropriation Reserve for Compensation Transfers Payroll Accural!Other Adjustments Total General Fund Revenue Total General Fund Appropriation FY 2005-06 Proposed 1,973,364 2,231,372 634,802 224,934 120,797 2,283,006 11,059,376 0 805,611 1,127,953 321,441 2,255,005 2,743,775 406,611 323,537 0 7,608,477 2,599,877 531,120 14,213,397 935,734 282,641 1,989,31I 3,387,191 1,889,998 8,484,875 39,342,092 24,065,511 3,572,085 1,382,324 68,362,012 1,938,711 849,200 (1,400,000) 1 05,762,576 105,762,576 Revenue Sources Tax Collection Unallocated Bond Interest Interest on Investments Transfer from Other Fund Debt Service Fund Total Debt Service Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Expenditures General Fund Bonds PSIP Bonds Airport GO Bonds Fiscal Agent Fees Debt Service Appropriation Fleet Services Fund Total Fleet Service Fund Revenue Fleet Service Appropriation Health Benefits Fund Total Health Benefits Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Health Benefits Appropriation Information Technology Fund Total Information Technology Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Information Technology Appropriation Print Shop and Warehouse Fund Total Print Shop and Warehouse Fund Revenue Print Shop and Warehouse Appropriation Risk Management Fund Total Risk Management Fund Revenue Risk Management Fund Appropriation Aviation Services Fund Total Aviation Services Fund Revenue Aviation Services Fund Appropriation FY2005-06 Proposed 5,998,937 409,575 73,435 0 6,481,947 2,130,167 7,440,989 514,375 641,750 15,000 8,612,114 1,536,340 1,536,340 18,143,743 1,627,785 19,771,528 6,115,389 122,426 6,237,815 423,092 391,845 4,857,615 4,857,615 6,157,686 6,060,398 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total Solid Waste Utility Fund Revenue Utllization of Net Assets Solid Waste Utility Fund Appropriation Storm Water Utility Fund Total Storm Water UtiJity Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Storm Water Utility Fund Appropriation Transit Fund Total Transit Fund Revenue Transit Fund Appropriation Wastewater Utility Fund Total Wastewater Utility Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Wastewater Utility Fund Appropriation Water Utility Fund Total Water Utility Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Water Utility Fund Appropriation Electric Utility Fund Total Eleetric Utility Fund Revenue Electric Utility Fund Appropriation Abandoned Vehicle Fund Total Abandoned Vehiele Fund Revenue Abandoned Vehicle Fund Appropriation Central Business District TIF Fund Total Central Business District TIF Fund Revenue Central Business District TIF Fund Appropriation Community Development Fund Total Community Development Fund Revenue Community Development Fund Appropriation FY 2005-06 Proposed 13,901,404 775,627 14,677,031 6,198,764 1,204,343 7,403,107 9,964,525 9,964,525 21,217,388 816,058 22,033,446 37,882,613 2,237,861 40,120,474 196,293,785 193,810,475 300,000 0 81,571 5,500 4,805,080 4,805,080 Economic Development Fund Total Economic Denlopment Fund Revenue Economic Development Fund Appropriation Gateway Streets Fund Total Gateway Streets Fund Revenue Gateway Streets Fund Appropriation Hotel Motel Tax Fund Total Hotel Motel Tax Fund Revenue Hotel Motel Tax Fund Appropriation Lake Alan Henry Fund Total Lake Alan Henry Fund Revenue Lake Alan Henry Fund Appropriation Luboock Economic Development Alliance Fund Total Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Fund Revenue Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Fund Appropriation Municipal Court Fund Total Municipal Court Fund Revenue Utilization of Net Assets Municipal Court Fund Appropriation North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Total North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Revenue North Overton Public Improvement District Fund Appropriation North Overton Tax Increment Fund Total North Overton Tax Increment Fund Revenue North Overton Tax Increment Fund Appropriation North Pointe Public Improvement District Fund Total North Pointe Public Improvement District Fund Revenue North Pointe Public Improvement Improvement District Fund Appropriatiol F¥2005-06 Proposed 2,667,901 2,667,901 4,483,249 1,695,890 2,975,815 2,975,815 456,038 402,185 3,667,031 3,667,031 275,000 28,238 303,238 41,117 38,500 1,191,100 1,191,100 6,246 6,246 Exhibit C 2004 General Obligation Bonds 200S Tax and Sewer Utility Revenue CO's Airport Fund Pay-As-You-Go Environmental Designation FY 2006 Gateway Streets Revenue CO's FY 2006 General Obligation Bonds FY 2006 LP&L Certificate of Obligation Bonds FY 2006 Sewer Revenue CO's FY 2006 Solid Waste Utility Revenue CO's FY 2006 Stonnwater Utility Revenue CO's FY 2006 Tax Supported Revenue CO's FY 2006 TIF Revenue CO's FY 2006 Water Utility Revenue CO's FY 2007 Tax Supported Revenue CO's Internal Servioe Fund Pay-As-You-Go LP&L Master Lease Participation Stormwater Utility Pay·As·You-Go Funding Transfer from Sewer Utility Transfer from Water Utility Fund Total Funding Funding Source Funding 154,000 11,500,000 30,000 50,000 2,849,000 365,000 6,238,000 16,120,000 4,645,400 4,200,000 842,650 7,350,785 I, 140,000 114,500 713,000 1,079,000 25,000 200,000 400,000 101,451,428 ProjeaName Appropriation 8411 Environmental Remediation Fire Training 50,00() 8505 Water Resources Master Plan 6,000,000 8511 Northwest Lubbock Master Plan and Maxey Park Study 200,000 9146 50th Street: SlideJLoop 289 275,000 9177 Regis Corridor Enhancement Project 365,000 9196 Maclcenzie Park Border Fence Phase 1 30,000 9397 SW Pump Station (West Pressure Zone) 1,800,000 9742 Water Lines Ahead ofMBJSha Sharp Freeway 1,200,000 9754 Sewer Lines Abead of Marsha Sharp Freeway 1,200,000 90015 Irrigation Automation &: Control System 250,000 90055 Water Facilities Security Improvements 500,000 90093 98th Street From Frankford Avenue to Slide Road 2,878,000 90095 North University Enhancement Project 750,000 90141 South Lubbock Storm Sewer Project 4,000,000 90352 South Lubbock Well Field 5,350,000 90357 Parks Conversion to Ground Water 350,000 90361 Overnead Distribution 04-05 1,250,000 90362 Underground Distribution 04-05 2,250,000 90363 Distribution Transformers 1,100,000 90378 Traffic Signal Locations 100,000 90384 Lubbock Challenger LiUie League Sports 192,000 90405 Milwaukee Avenue 34th to 98th 11,500,000 91003 Increase Sandhills Production 1,480,000 91007 Comprehensive Water Line Changeouts 4,200,000 91010 WfP Particle Counter Replacement 150,000 91014 Biosolids Composting Project 100,000 91016 Cell Development 3,627,000 91027 Sewer System Master Plan 150,000 91036 Water Treatment Plant Evaluation 250,000 91037 Pump System Evaluation 250,000 91048 Municipal Building HV AC Renovations 530,150 91060 Tract3 229,363 91061 Tract 5 521,396 91062 Tract6 365,264 91063 Tract 7 290,062 91065 Wai-Mart 614,250 91066 Condo 1-Tract 10 152,224 91067 Condo n -Tract II 176,474 91068 Condom -Tract 12 176,474 91070 Single Family 1,500,535 91071 Pioneer Park 250,000 91074 Incentive Program 1,666,666 91080 Jirn Bertram Effluent Water Reuse Study 1,140,000 91081 98th Street Compaction Repair 8,500,000 91082 Eastport Water Renovation 600,000 91083 Lubbock Land Application Remediation Wells 270,000 Project Name Appropriation 91085 Canadian River Municipal River Authority ll 20,000,000 91100 Signal Communications (PH-2-ITS) 245,093 91101 Erskine Street: Frankford to Salem 1,024,000 91102 Slide Rd: Loop 289 to Erskine 355,000 91103 Loop 289: 4th St., Slide 1,470,000 91107 Replace Airport Signage (Preston Smith) 30,000 91114 Spare Substation Transformer 400,000 91115 Service Distribution 300,000 91116 Distribution Radio Ccnsole Replacement 25,000 91117 SCADA Display Server Replacement 16,000 91118 AMIFM Automated Mapping and Facilities Management 1,600,000 91119 Ongoing Street Ughting 50,000 91121 Oliver Substation Breaker Expansion 90,000 9ll22 Northeast Substation Breaker Retrofit 48,000 91127 Brandon LM2SOO Hot Section Overhaul 700,000 91128 Massengale No. 8 H M 1 Computers Upgrade 38,000 9l136 78th & Quaker Flare 250,000 91137 Realignment of Gas Pipeline at II 69 668,400 91140 Cleaning and Regrading of Blackwater Draw 25,000 91142 Milwaukee Ccmmunications Tower 600,000 91145 University Avenue Blvd. Improvements 450,000 91148 Tract 1B 958,077 91150 LBC Miscellaneous Renovations 100,000 91151 IT Computer Room HV AC Replacement 73,000 911S2 Municipal Building Generator Installation 198,000 91154 Community Center Renovations-Various Locations ISO,OOO 91158 Animal Shelter Facility 154,000 91159 Telephone Equipment Room HV AC Renovations 40,000 91161 Garden and Arts Center ADA Compliance 114,500 91165 Miller/Andrews Park Redevelopment 826,000 91169 Park Pavilions 200,000 91170 Park Playgrounds 06 200,000 91171 Park ADA Upgrades 75,000 91187 Erskine @ No. University Street & Drainage 484,000 91188 Broadway Brick Repairs 1$0,000 91189 Strip Paving Unpaved Streets 450,000 91190 Municipal Building ADA Compliance 114,500 Total Appropriation 101,451,428