HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1697-1955 - Regulating Transportation, Distrobution And Storage Of Petroleum Products. - 03/24/1955.C •. CITY ORIGINAL ---------j. ORDINANCE _N~. 1692 j I AN ORDINANCE Rl/.GULATlllG THE TRANSPORTATION, DµTRIBUTION, ANO STORAGE OF PETROUWM PROWCTS ANO OTHER V01"TlLR OR EXPLOSIVE LlQUIDS lN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMSJ REGULATING 'I'!W; PARKING OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TANK TRUCKS AND TRAILERSJ PROVIDING A PENALTY§ BEPEALING ORDI-NANCES NUMBERS 710, 1309,. and lJl.l+; CONTAlNING A SAVINGS CLAUSK! -,.ND AUTHO-RIZING PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION AND PENALTY CLAUSE. BE :rr ORDAlNED BY THE CITY COMMis.SION OF THE cm OF LUBBOCK: . ! SECTION I". DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance the following phrases, words, and their derivatives shall be construed as defined below. All other wol'ds ahall l\ave their us11a.l meaning. Whenever a public official is reterred to by only' the title of his office, such r~e:reQce &ball b'II construed aa if followed by th• worde •of the City of 11.lbbock or bis authorized deputy0 -unless the' con-text. indicates otherwise. CftY shall mean the City of wbbock, Tex.as, or in::, person e1DPloyed by th&t City when acting for said City with authority to do so. Pereon shall mean a natural person or persons, firm, partnership, aeso-ciation9 ~r corporation, its or their succeesors or aesigne of the agent or aey of the aforesaid. •, Petroleum Products shall include all the fl.am&ble liquids having a flash point of .200° F. or below when tested by the closed cup testor (U.S. Bureau· of standards), Representative ex&mples of the fl:ami!ble liquide are gasoline, naphtha., benzol9 alcohol, keros..ene, and fuel oil. 1 ' ' Approved City Route includes the approved routee as shown on the map atuched here1io, and made a part of this ordinance, and eha.ll also include ~ officiall;y marked and designated detour or temporacy' routing of the aforesaid routes, or other routes hereafter approve~ and designated b.Y,' tbe City Conmission of the City of Lubbock. • Street shall incluq.e road9 highwq; alley, or a:n;y other wa;y in·the City. ' u.nd shall include all area, other than that included in the above defi-nition."ot' •street 9, ' • ·, Tank Truck at:11 motor vehicle wbi).e used for the transport&tion of Peti-o-lel.llll Products and which for such p11rpose is provided with a tank or t.anKB se-cure:cy. mounted ~n the frame or chassis of ~uch vehicle. Tank Trailer. a.IV vehicle without it_s o-wn motive power but drawn by a llll)to:r vebicle9 used' f?r the transportation of Pettoleum.Produ.cts, and which for such purpose i.3 provided with a ta.nk or tanks secure:cy mounted on the tr~e or chaesis oi ,.IUl.Ch vehicle. · · ..
I) .. I . . ' .,.,., .J Ci 0 -~ Tank a.mi-Trailer. a vtbicl• of th• t.ta.iler tfp• ba.ving one or more ~•• and two or more whselo, so designed and ue~ in cpnjunotion with a motor ve-hicle that some ~t of its own weight ~d bhat Ot its own loa.d -rests upon or ia <:arried by another vehicle, used tor the transportation of PetroleWD. Products and for whioh purpose ie provided With a w.nk or tanke sec1.1rely mounted on the tram" or ch.assit of 111,uch vehicle. ' ' SECTION~• Tfl:\N~ION .EQU~ . . .1•: ~ . ' . . ~ tanl<; trucks, tank trail.ere au~ t.ank elJl!i-trailers used for the pur-poH of transporting or moving petrole\111. product• eit)i•r loaded, empty, or partl.7 loaded witl'l1n th• C1t7 Limit~ ot the City'shall.'be·10 constructed and operated as to cOlllpl,y ~1th th" regulationi, tor the deeign. conetructiOll and operation ot eucb e<!U1pment tol' 11116 ,.. aa appic,,-4 llJ, t.h4t 'R-l•al loOd •t PSM Underwriter, and the National Fi.rt Flroteotion Aeeociation together with the laws ot the ~tate of Tdxas and th• ~•ci&l. r.quirell\en~• ot the.Ratlro.d Colllmi.eaion of the Stat• of Te.:u.1. · · · 1 . . '. All;y ·ptreon uaing eucb ~uipment 1,n the Cit;, ehall keep it in· go<kt and safe condition at 'all time, and upon developunt ot aey defect, to tank• or 'mot1v• vebiclee3 which would create a nazard to pereons ~r propel"t.7, auoh equipm&nt ahall be removed from the etroeta of the City until euch defects have been repaired. A1:f¥ S1.1ch tranep9rtation equipillent ah&ll be subject to inap,otion by the Cit.7 at' &111 time to aecertain th&t eucb equipment 1• in aate operat~ c;ondition. ' .. . . . SECTION Ill. 'l'IW@l'9!,'.t'A.TION ,, • • ' • ' • .... t -I I.t eball b• unlawful. for 8.1J3° pereon to tranepG11:'\ or llln'e Pttrolel.1111 Product, aa thia term 1e hereill'Defore defined or Pet.roieum Pl'04-uct.a tank trucka, tank t.ra.iler11 or ew.-tank trailers, +oad.ed_p empt7 or pertJ..:r loaded, over aa,y street 111 Fil'e Zone lp in th'3 Cit7 of Lubbock, ~h•~ illan on th• approved <,it.7 Rout,,ai ·except that tlanll: tru.c~. tsl'lk trailer• and tantc eeDli-trailera tllll.7 uae Qi.her streets in Fire Zone l for-tranepor,ation of Petro-leum Pr«lucta when on the short.eat route between tbe ap~roved City Routea &11.d established wo~••ale or bulk etorage buaineee and except when making local <iellver, in accordance 1dtb Section l.V• SECTION IV. UlCAI. DELIVERY It ah&ll be uµlawful. .for 11.J'<Y peraon to make loca). dellvecy or Petro• leum. Product, aa here1tl detined1 in the Cit7 of Lubbock except When com.-pl.Ting witb tbe followings · ' · Petroleum Products a• berei11,;· defined mq be delivered to anr cuatomer iu the City when the Cuatomer ia ,toring the Petrolewn Products iu accordance with the laws and orclin&ncoa of the City and ~tate of Texas. ~TION V • PARKI.00 OF PEffiOLEUH PROOOQTS TANK fflUCICS AfiD TRAIµRS1 B'l'C. I I .. . . j ' • • I ~ • j • • It shall be wi+awfi.tl. to park Petrole1111 Product, tank true!<•• ~ trailer, and .tank eemi-traUere in the City of Lubbock, exc,pt ae providail bel!>wa ! -A, When nece1111acy • due to unforeeffn omorgenc,-or faUuro of moti vo powr beyond the control of the driver of tbe ,,..~kin which Cf•••· if the in-terval ot time euch tank trucka, tank trailer• ud .. t.ank eemi-t.railers 1111st. ' .. ... .. '! .i' I'' .......... ,.: • ' •• • ... ,. • .. • \ •• " ' -' • • " ' -::.. •••; • •' ·; < ~ ;.i. ~ '" • "" • I • •~ • ~ .,""-11-"''"I'' ..... ,, . .,,"' J •• ,.,-.4;.,, .. ~-,-,. . • • ~ ,. ' . ...... ~ ~ ~•r • • · ••..::,~ '· -••of•• .. ·-'"i:-, .... , •. ,.. . • ~ ••. •·· j. . ' .. ' ., . -u·" . .,.-. • • ... .. •·· ., ' --~~--~-.-,--"'l•,~-i . . • -~·-
} '. I /· / . , 0 be parked at any one place exceed• ~hirty minutes, the driver ahall notify the Police .Department which shall &a•i•t in proper routing and handling of traffic in the location of the parked tank ti-uck1 tank trailer and tank sell!J.-trailer. The tank truck» ·tank tra.iler or tank semi-trailer shall be re.moved from the streete to permisaable pe.rldn$ area~ outside of the City limits as eoon as the condition of the equipment is ~uch that it is possibl~ to remove it by its own power or with the assistance ot a tow tru~k. A reasonable time will be permitted for repair of t.he equipment in order that it will not be neceseary to obtain the service or a tow truck. IN:r.µig the time wch oquip-ment ie unavoide.l:>ly delqed and ~rked on the street, all reasonable safety provisions mu,t be obeerve4. · B. Petroleum Products tank truck.$_. tw trailers and tank ae.mi-tra.ilere · ~ park 011."the premises of established wholesale dealers at'bulk piant sites, or on any private]¥ owned land within the City located:ill zones as de.fined. by the Zonil)g Ordinance &IN the Building Ordinanoe · whioh per.mi t. the property to be used as a wholeaare gaaol.ine'bul.k •torage plant. C. Pet.roleum Product• tank tl'llcka, tank trailers &Ad tank eemi-tra.ilera ~ park at &J\Y place iii the.City when neceesacy'in the course of delivering to customers, provided. said t;r'ucklll tank trailer alld tank semi-trailer •hall not block~ sidewalk nor project into~ street where au¢h projection will result 1n the loss of vehicular moveII1ent in a marked tra.ffic la.no. • • · D. Parki!lg of Petrolewn Products tank t:rucu, tank trailers, and_tank semi-trailers while waiting for repair or service at •ervico atationa or garage i11 pel'lllitted, provided, however, -that such parking shall be according to parking rules and regulatione of·the City. ' E, An:, per•on or firm who9 due to preeent facilitiee so located that it ia impossible to ~omply withi the proviaiona of Subsection c, may make application to the Traffic Engineer for perlllieeion to temporarily block & street or traffic lane for a specified periOli of time, other than the hours . of 7:00 A. M, t.o 9&00 A, M,1 11;30 Ao M, to l:;30 P. M., and 4:30 P. M. to 6100 P. M. lt shall b@ W\l&wl\1.l for aqy person to have work dOll.9 on, or for ,an:, per,on to do work on9 tank trucks, trailers or semi-trailers while such is parked on or part.ia.l.ly on public property• includillg pavement, sidewalks_, parkways and alley-waya, · SECTION VI. V.UIDITl OF THIS ORDINANCE. . /' U for an:, reaeo~ a:rq section or provision of thie Ordinance ia held to be invalid3 the sam.s ahall not affect al\V' oth&r vali~ provision. SECTIQN VII. PENALTY FOR VlOLATIO!i An:, person viola.ting aJ\Y ot tbe,proviaions of thia Ordinance shall be guilty of a miedemeanor and upon conviction 1n corporation court shall be sub-,;)ec. to a tine in any sum not to exceed Two tlundNd and No/100 ($200,00} Dollars9 Md ea.en dq the violation exiets sb&ll'constitute a distinct and aeparate otten8&, . '
Q~f ,. ..... . .. .r SECTIO!f vm.. OlllJINANe&, NOS. no, 1309, and l.314 are e:r,pneslJ' repealed • S!O'l'ION IX. SAVINGS CLAUSE .,,-J. It t:tf3 section, eubffCt.1on, eatenoe, clause, phrase, or portion ot this ordinance , 1s tor any-reuOft held ~id or unconltitutional b:r ar,y OC'lll't ot competent j!U'ie--'diction, web port~on tha,ll be deemed a separate, ditttinot, and.independent provieioo md euoh holding a.bill. r,iot &tteot the rmnainiJl,g portions her,eot. • •I • ' SECTIOO X. The City &toNtaey•'lrMI\IJ'e !is her11b)" di!'&Oted to publish the caption M:d penalty olaun hereof•• an ·.altemative method ot publ1cat10n u provided by law, once a week tor two conse~ive weelcs":ln e<ille newapaper regul.arl7 pabliehed in the Cs.ty ot L\lbbock and this or41nanoe all beooae ettecti-nt tm dqa atter the date or its lan paasage. A. H D I '1' 'I S S O '• 0 R D E R E D. ()l motion ot·. C<md.uioner :Balcer, seconded by Ccnlll1aa1Dller ·carpenter, the .tore• go~_ordinance wu paeN.d m•tint re.ad1ng this, the 24th day of March, 19SS. COlllll'd.et1cner• votinc 11DA11.i. Baker,, Carpet er, 1'hcau, an4 Mayor Tripp COlllllliaaionen fl~ina "lfAYilr None .. • . , On 111ot.10ll: of. Camdlltd,onel". ·.Btlcei-t seconded b7 Ccmnissioner 1'orrest, the tor.,_ goinl ordinanN •• paeoed ·on second x-ead1ng thie the 14th dq ot April, 19SS. ·. COlll!d.st10l.\era 'l'Cting wm111 . Biker; Forreet..1 Thomas, and Ma70r Tripp ( <lbmnieaionere vot1ng ll'lfAt111.. Wcu I .., ,· -
October 25, 1960 The Lubbock Fire Marshall stated that Route has not been established, That. trucks are observing a "policy" o~veling around tubbock on Avenue "A", 19th Street, 34th Street, and others, unless they have "down town" deliveries to make. (A. C. IHack, Fire Marshall)