HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1949-1956 - Annexing An Area 139.2 Acres Out Of Block E - 08.09.1956A 0Q) OQ - I q 5l_0 ORDINANCE N0. _ 1949 06 Z3-1g5U AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING AN AREA AND TRACT ABUTTING AND AWACENT TO THE EXISTING CORPORATE LI14ITS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, BEING 139.3 ACRES OUT OF SECTION 2, BLOCK E, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING ACRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY PPTES AND BOUNDS IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR EXT-ENSION OF THE CITY LII+IITS AND CORPORATE BOUNDARIES TO ANNEX THE AREA; PROVIDING MR PUBLI- CATION AND FINAL PASSAGE UNDER PFCVISIONS OF SECTION 3-A, ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK.. AND EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS TO INCLUDE SAID AWA. WH7-s.1 AS, the City Commission finds that the area hemanafter described is in the line of development, growth and expansion being experienced by the City of Lubbock, that the annexation thereof has been requested, and the Commission ftitttAer finds that annexation of the described area 'will be in the best interest of public health, morals, safety and general welfare, and the Commission is authorized to annex the same under the Charter provisions ct the City of Lubbock; j NOW, THMUMRE, - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the following described area abutting and adjacent to the existing corporate limits of the City of Lubbock in Lubbock County, Texas, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the rresent City Limit line, said point being 150 feet East of the East property line of Avenue H and on the South line of Section 2, Block E, and being loca- ted and described in the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 946; THENCE North and Northeasterly following the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 946, being about 150 feet East of Highway 84, a distance of about 5675 feet to a point of intersection with the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 1653; THENCE South along the half -section line a distance of 4066 feet, more or less, to a mint in the South Section line of Section 2, Block E; v' THENCE West along the Section line a distance of 2490 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, Containing 139.3 acres. BE, and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the corporate 'limits of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be forthwith published, in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, one (1) time, and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after such publication, and if Finally passed in its present form, the boundary limits of the City of Lubbock Shall thereby be fixed to include the area, territory sad extension described in Section One (1) of this ordinance. AND IT IS S0 ODD. This Ordinance was ordered to be published by the Commission at a regular meeting of the City Commission this J-4 day of June _,_, 1956• Mayor � wooed ATTEST: _ Sdtx Attgut�x La is -Uwa, Cit Sedretary_Treasurer The foregoing Ordinance having been duly published as provided therein on the _day of _ Jim, �, 1956, in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, to -wits rnnI_ , and thirty 30 days having elapsed since said publication, the foregoing Ordinance was passed on first reading this the 9 day of August , 1956, and passed t9 the Commission on second reading the _day of Au peat , 1956. of, AN ORDINANCE ANNSXING AN AREA AND TRACT ABUTTING AND ADJACENT TO THE EXIST- ING CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, BEING 189.8 ACRES OUT OF SECTION $ BLOCK E, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING MORE. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE. PRO- -1VII)ING OR EXTENON OF THE CITY LIMITS AND �COR ORATE BOUNDARIES TO ANNEX THE EA: PROVIDING FOR PC ON AND FINL PASSAGE UBLI N ER PROVISIONS OF SECTION S.A. ARTICLE. 1.. CHAPTER 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF v V LU13BOCK. AND EXTENDING THE TO INCLUDE SAIL N ther UII . ET S, the City Commisalon hat the area hereinafter de. Is in the line of gevelop- growth and expansion being need by the City of Lubbock, e annexation thereof has been ed, and the Commission fur- nds that annexation of the ed area will be in the; best ; of public health, morals, and general welfare, and the ssion Is authorized to annex me under the Charter provi- 2 the City of Lubbock: NOW FORE, T ORDAINED -RY THE CITY ISSION OF THE CITY OF )CK: LION 1. THAT the following of the City of LunDOCK In i.u000ca County, Texas, described by metes and 111inds as follows: BEGINNING at a point en t present City Limit line, said poi being 150 feet East of the Ea property line of Avenue H and the South line of Section 2. Blo E. and being located and descrih in the City of Lubbock Ordinance NO. 946; THENCE North and Northeasterly following the present (11ty Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 946, being about 150 feet East of -Highway 84, a distance of about 5675 feet to a point of intersection with the present City Limit Line os described 1n Ordinance No. 1653; THENCE South along the half -see, tion line a distance of 4066 feet. more or less, to a point in the South Section line of Section 2, Block E; THENCE West alone the Section line a distance of 24V feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGIN- NING. Containing 139.8 acres. BE. and the same is hereby an- jexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Lub- bock. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall he forthwith published in a daily newspaper published in the City Of Lubbock. Texas. one (1) time, and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after such publication, and if finally passed in its present form, the boundary limits of the City of Lubbock shall thereby be. fixed to include the area, territory and extension described in Section This Ordinance was ordered to be Published by theG Commission at a Ii i regular meeting lthe City Cnmmis- s(on this S. daaJJ of June. 1956. /51 S- S. FORREST. JR. t Mayor F ATTEST: /s/ LAVENIA LOWE • City Secretary Treasurer N ceeau � F i . 'E STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF LUBBOCK j Erle Marie Brown Before me Parker this day personally appeared Avalanche -Journal Publishing Compa Lubbock Evening Journal —Sunday 4 did depose and say that said newsp fifty-two weeks prior to the first inser Lubbock County, Texas, and that the is a true copy of the original and wi on the following dates: June 24, Subscribed and sworn to before me th CITY LI11Z5yAND,CORF THE PORATE Dbock County, Texas, on BOUNDARIES TO ANNEX THE CATION PROVIDING PASSAGE UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION sident, +"W+ her, of the 8-A. ARTICLE L. CHAPTER 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF k Morning Avalanche — I.UBBOCX. AND EXTENDING THE being by me duly sworn CITY LIMITS TO INCLUDE SAID AREA. Vinuousl , for62 ore than ty Commission the �herelnafter EthaattAthe finds areade eribd 1 �! in mente growth and lexPensione being �10_ at rienced the of thattheannexation thereof has b en requested, Ordinance No • 1949 and the Commission fur. ther finds that annexation of the described area will be in the beet Interest of public health, morale, safety and general welfare, and the kyalanehe-Journal Commission 1s authorized to annex the same under the Charter provl- eions of the City of Lubbock; NOW THEREFORE, IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOSECTION 1. THAT the following j described area abutting and adia. I 15rVA fNLNG at a point on the »resent' City Limit line, said point being 150 feet East of the East on the Soouthliline ofAvenue Section 2, lock E. egofcdre!n the CityLubbokOdin Ordinance No. 946; THENCE North and Northeasterly foilowing the present City Limit ' Line as described in Ordinance No. 946, being about 150 feet East of Highway $4, a distance of about 5675 feet to a point of intersection with the present City Limit Line os w.....a� _ .._ Publishing Me . t q 56 County, Texas ERLE MARIE BRO)h JLEIEL.»C »I.»NAT 7 =1 040 E=A0E-1©�� I�J�❑I ❑�..N F -.I❑] —Y ►.Y wuwuu L�;;Q I »N ❑ I ® .r-v 0 ; ❑ ❑ � N f i '0 1 - O � ❑D a� a IT1»CA ®® Lim ®E ■�I� 1 IN Ml w !®�. �■�■ice �. .����■■ .� NNW �,�®����®� !,�111111111!11, � 11/11 _ • � -` ■■■■■■■a®�.■ �� r P■■■■■ owl IHE ■�©�■�■�11111►� �1�■■11■Ili �� -tea..®_� ��� .,I❑1�111\�11.■1.�❑ � — �■■!�!�■■■ �■■■Mimi IMIMINIM ■■.�■il■!��l1:—ram — ''• �■■N■fd■■i� a■ ■■■■ ■ ■!�!I■■■■l ■■■ON■E■■■ 7■■■■■■ Ra`' ■■■■ y' �■■■l■■ww■■ a■■■■■ ■■■■ N , IN INCIffiff. • "� 3- ©■■■!�■■�■■■■ Lea■■■■■■!a ■■■■■► �.��■ ,��■■W®■■■ ■ a■■■■■■MIFs ■■■■■■, ■■HIM IMMMMIM. MIN NIP 0 PIMHMMMMMM■I■■I■■■■■a■o■■■■I�a■■■■■■ Kit PON MEN �II�!!■■■■ ■ ®�■■■ems■E ■�®■■�. ■IlIII■II■■■■�� ��■■��INWOM■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ Ellin mmow ERE III = ii® MEN ®�imm. I ■mow i■IIliI�!I■■■■���I■■��■■I!I I■I■■■■ a I■I!!�!■■ �� �t',,:' 0 RUN M MEN M W. ON HEROMMEM - ON l l i iii!!�!!■! ■ili■■, IT07ME EMEMMEN MRMM ME NEW MEN Ell MMINOWEEMN, ME ■ ■■ � � CITY CENETENT I I .. ❑ . T. s !T. Ejo� �.00 ;a I . E ❑ ❑ ❑❑a❑ .:;..T F❑= a .»» 14 $ o ❑� NTN U O a � >• - _ o �� a� ..T»,T � -- CITY� -- ::.IC� r .T. Of EN.N -.CN.0. J SCALE: I"= 2000' CITY OF LUBBOCK DRAWN JULY 13, 1955 CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT City of Lu��ock Counter Fil7n� 2022011808 7 PGS ORD ,III K I'' J 6 5 11IN k VLANr 41,I 111 CITY OF LUBBOCK § COUNTY OF LUBBOCK § STATE OF TEXAS § CERTIFICATE TO COPY OF PUBLIC RECORD I hereby certify, in the performance of the functions of my office, that the attached instrument is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1949 as the same appears of record in my office and that said document is an official record from the public office of the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, State of Texas, and is kept in said office. The total number of pages within the attached document is S pages. I further certify that I am the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, that I have legal custody of said record, and that I am a lawful possessor and keeper and have legal custody of the records in said office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said office the 111 day of March, 2022. g)"o"X, Reb ca Garza City ecretary City of Lubbock Lubbock County, State of Texas 'd, 0� - I Q 5 u ORDINANCE NO. _ 12-49 06- 23 --1 CI s u AN ORDINANCE ANNFMG AN AREA AND TRACT ABUTTING AND ADJACENT TO TIC EXISTING CORPORATE LITAUTS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK9 BET -MG 1390 ACRES OUT OF SECTION 2., BLOCK E, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING NDRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY IETES AND BOUNDS IN THR BODY OF THIS ORDMANCE; PROVIDING FOR rEXT-52SION OF THE CITY LIASTS AND CORPORATES BOU14DAR ES TO ANNEX THE AREA; PROVIDING FDR PUBLI- CATION AND FRIAL PASSAGE UNDER PROVISIORS OF SECTION 3 A9 ARTICLE 19 CHAPTER, 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, AND EXTENDING THE CITY LIiUTS TO INCLUDE SAID AREA. WHEH-uS, the City Commission finds that the area herinafter described is in the line of development, growth and expansion being experienced by the City of LubbocJr., that the annexation thereof has been requested, and the Commission fUtther finds that annexation of the described area gill be in the best interest of public health, morals, safety and general welfare., and the Commission is authorized to annex the same under the Charter provisions cf the City of Lubbock; NOW, THEREF"ORE9 - BE IT ORDA13TED BY THE CITY COMJISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the following described area abutting and adjacent to the existing corporate limits of the City of Lubbock in Lubbock Counter, Texas., described by metes and bounds as foll.owss B3GINNING at a point on the present City Limit line, said point being 150 feet East of the East property line of Avenue H and on the South line of Section 29 Block E., and being loca- ted and described in the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 946y Th`ENCE North and Northeasterly following the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 9469 being about 150 feet East of Highway 84., a distance of about 5675 feet to a point of intersection, with the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 16539 THENCE South along the half -section line a distance of 4066 feet, more or less, to a point in the South Section line of Section 2, Block E; THRICE West along the Section line a distance of 2490 feet more or less to the PLACE OF Bra ITOTING, Containing 139,3 acres. BE, and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbocke SECTION 2, This Ordinance shall be forthtaith published in a daily newspaper ublished in the City of Lubbock, Texas, one (1) time, and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after such ublication., and if finally passed in its present form; the boundary limits of the ity of Lubbock Shall thereby be fixed to include the area., territory m d xtension described in Section One (1) of this ordinance, 4 AND IT IS SO ORDEtRD. This Ordinance was ordered to be published by the Commission at a regular meeting of the City CoVdssion this 14 day of June —, 1956, l Mayor fr, graved ATT�'ST: _� La a lowa, Cit Sedretary—Treasurer The foregoing Ordinance having been duly pubUehed as provided therein on the _day of .7sm� _ 1956, in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, to —wits-- how Jr)„rn0 and thirty 30days having elapsed since said publication, the foregoing Ordinance was passed on first reading this the 9 day of August , 1956, and passed by the Commission on second reading the ,_, ____day of gu s . , 1956. anX Ob' iHIS ORDINANCE. PRO- IDING FOR EXTENSION OF THE ITY LIMITS AND CORPORATE olmARIES TO ANNEX THE qEA: PROVIDING FOR PUSLI- ON AND FINAL PASSAGF, NDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION !A. ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 1 OF HE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF USEOCK. AND EXTENDING THE :II1' LIMITS TO INCLUDE SAID REA. P 1iRiEItSAS, the city Commission na that the area hereinafter de - bed is in the Iine of 4evelop• lent. growth and expansion being xperienced by the City of Lubbock, hat -the annexation thereof has been e4uested, and the Commission fur- her finds that annexation of the .escribed area will be in the' best ntereat of public health, morals, afety and general welfare, and the 'ommission 1s authorized to annex lie same under the Charter pro" - Ions of the CRY of Lubbock; NOW Z - BEREFOREIT ORDAMED'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUB13OCK: SECTION 1. THAT the follo�cdng described area abutting and adia- cent to the existing corporate It is of the City of Lubbock in Lubbock County. Texas, described by metes and llimda as follows: I 0 BE NINE at a point on t present City Limit line, said Poi being 10 feet East of the Ea property line of Avenue H and the South line of Section 2. Bln E. and being located and descrlh in the City of Lubbock ordinance No. 946- THENCE North and Northeasterly following the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. 946, being about 15D feet East of-Mighway 84, a distance of about 5675 feet to a point of intersection with the present City Limit Line os descrlbed in Ordinance No. 1653 THENCE South along the half -sec- tion line a distance of 4066 feet, more or less. to a point in the South Section line of Section 2, Block E; THENCE West along the Section line a distance of 2490 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGIN- NING. Containing 139.s acres. 13E, and the same is herehy Rn- iexed to and Included within the corporate limits of the City of Lub- bock. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be forthwith published in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas. one (1) time, and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after much publication, and if finally Passed in its present dery the area, �tercitory described In Section Is ordlnanre. SO ORDERED, )cc was ordered to be thiG Commission at a nsr�athe City Cnmmis- 'a , or Tune. U56. S. S. F'ORREST. M 1 Mayor ATTEST: /a/ LAVENIA LOWE City Secretara-Treaaurar (saw) Z t STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Brle Marie Brown Before me Parker this day personally appeared Avalanche -Journal Publishing Compa Lubbock Evening Journal --Sunday A did depose and say that said newsp fifty-two weeks prior to the first inser Lubbock County, Texas, and that the is a true copy of the original and wt on the following dates- June 24, Subscribed and sworn to before me th _ WN Vnvj-NAW= A MEMMG ANDSCTEUEXIST- INGANADALNTRACT' CORPORATE LM ars OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, BEING 139.3 BLOCK CRES E UTLUB13 SECTION UNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BE . RE PAR77CULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE BODY of THIS ORDNANCE, PRO• VIDrNGFOEXTENSION OF THE CITY AND CORPORATE AREA: PROVIDING TO AFOR PUBNNEX L-f CATION Al" FINAL PASSAGE UNDER. PROVISIONS OF aECTION S-A. ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 1 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CITY LIMITS TO INCLUDE MITSAID AREA. 0 WHEAS; the City Commission finds thaatt the area hereinafter de- scribed is in the line of develop- ment, growth and expansion being experienced by the City of Lubbock, that the annexation therepf has been requested, and the Commission fur- ther finds that annexation of the described area will be in the best Interest of public health, morals, xafety and general welfare, and the Commission is authorized to annex the same under the Charter, prav}- sions of the City of Lubbock; NOW THEREFORE, rry COMMISSION SION OFORDAINED THE CITBy Y OF LtJBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the following described area abutting and adja- cent to the existing -corporate limits of the City' of Lubbock in Lubbock Count.v. Texas, described by metes !!�d ] ands as iallowa: BE NING at a point on the bresent° City Limit line, said point being 150 feet East of the East on the Soouthiiline�of Section 2, and E� anbe described In the City�efoLubbockld dOrdinance No. 946; ' THENCE North and Northeasterly foilrnving the present City Limit Line as described in Ordinance No. `46, being about 130 feet East of Highway 94, a distance of about 5575 feet to a point of intersection ivith the present City Limit Line os Dbock County, Texas, on %sident, +"Sl'islIcr, of the k Morning Avalanche — �eing by me duly sworn l`inuously6f5r62 ore than �o. at Ordinance No. 1949 avalanche -Journal Publishing Me 19_ 6 County, Texas £RLE MARIE BROM t� •• x 0 FILED AND RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Kelly Pinion Countyy Clerk Lubbock County TEXRS 03/10/2022 11:�3 AM FEE: $$46.00 2022011808