HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 5421-1968 - Amending Chapter 10 Titled "Elections: To Provide For Election Judges, Clerks.. - 02/22/1968r Q t, ·.E ORDINANCE NO. 5421 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES F THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ENTITLED "ELECTIONS", BY AMENDING ECTION 10 .. 3 TO PROVIDE FOR DATE OF ELECTION NOTICE; AMENDING ECTION 10 ... 5 PROVIDING FOR PAY OF ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS; MENDING SECTION 10 ... 6 PROVIDING FOR ELECTION PRECINCTS AND VOTING LACES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS., the City Council has found that due to the growth of the popula- ion and physical boundaries of the City of Lubbock and to afford all qualified voters asier access to their voting places, it is in the public interest to increase the vot- g precincts and voting places; and WHEREAS., the City Council finds that the need to establish such voting r Emincts and votiag places for the forthcoming elections constitutes an emergency, OW THEREFORE, E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock be and the ame is hereby amended so that the following sections of Chapter 10 read as ollows: Sec. 10 ... 3. Issuance of election order and notice; appointment of officer • In any city election., the Mayor or, if he fails to do so., the City Council shall order the election, give notice and appoint election officers to hold the election. In general elections for municipal officers, the notice or proclamation shall be issued not later than thirty {30} days before the date of the election as established by the City Comicil. Sec. 10-5. Judges and Assistant Judges. All municipal elections shall be conducted by election judges and assist .. ant judges to be appointed by the Mayor or City Council. The rate of pay for the alection judges and clerks shall be set by the City Council in an amount which conforms with the election laws of the state. The judge wh delivers the returns of election shall be paid the amount set by the City Cou~il which QOnforms with the election laws of the state, provided sue judge also makes a return of the b allots, ballot boxes and unused election supplies when he makes returns of the election. Sec. 10 ... 6. Precincts and Voting Places; Hours of Election. All general and special elections of the City shall be held at the following voting places which shall be the voting places for the voting precincts established as follows: ===#===-==========-==========-===::::o=:==--===/-=~ .c, I .., Voting Precinct No·. 1. Beginning at the point of the intersection of North Avenue Q with the North City Limits; thence south along N. Avenue Q to its intersection with Erskine Street; thence west along Ersltine Street to its intersection with University Avenue; thence south along University Avenue to its intersection with Cornell Street; thence west along Cornell Street to its irrtersection with Qvaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with the north City limits; thence east along the north City limits to its intersection with the north ... south City limits which is 150 feet west of Indiana Avenue; thence north along such City limit to its intersection with the north City limits; thence east along such City limit to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Wolffarth School. Voting Precinct No. 2. Beginning at the point of the intersection of North Avenue Q with the north City limits; thence south along North Avenue Q to its intersection with Erskine Street; thence east along Erskine Street to its intersection with the east City limits., which is 150 feet east of Qli'y;e Street; thence north along the east City limits to its intersection with the north City limits., which is 150 feet north of Ursuline Street; thence west along the north City limits to its intersection with the east City limits which is 150 feet east of North Quirt Avenue; thence north along the east City limits to its intersection with the north City limits which is 150 feet north of Regis Street; thence west along the north City limits to the point of beg· ning. The voting place shall be Sam Arnett School. Voting Precinct No .. 3. Beginning at the intersection of pniversity Avenue and Cornell Street; thence south along University Avenue to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to its intersection with Indiana Avenue; thence north along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with 4th Street; thence west along 4th Street to its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with Cornell Street; thence east along Corbell Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be McWhorter School. Voting Precinct No. 4. Beginning at the intersection of Avenue Q with Erskine Street; thence south along Avenue Q to its intersection with 4th Street; thence west alo 4th Street to its intersection with University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with Erskine Street; thence east along Erskine Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be A. C. Jackson School. ... 2 - Voting Precinct No. 5. Beginning at the intersection of Erskine Street with Avenue Q; thence east along Erskine Street to its intersection with Amarillo Road; thence south along Amarillo Road to its intersection with 3rd Street; thence eas at the entrance into Mackenzie State Park and southeast along the park road., past Parkway Drive to the intersection of the park road with the Yellowbouse Fork of the Brazos River near Broadway; thence along such river to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to its intersection with Avenue H; thence north along Avenue H to its intersection with Main Street; thence., after excluding the Lubbock Count Courthouse., proceeding west along Broadway to its intersection with Avenue Q; thence north along Avenue Q to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be the Central Fire Station. Voting Precinct No. 6. Beginning at the intersection of Erskine Street with Amarillo Road; thence east along Erskine Street to the east City limits which is 150 feet east of Olive Street; thence south along the east City limits to its inter- section with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to its intersection with the Yellowhouse Fork of the Brazos River; thence northwest along such river and park road and Amarillo Road to its intersection with Erskine Street, the point of beginning, such line being the same as the east line of Voting Precinct No. 5. The voting place shall be Alderson School. Voting Precinct No. 7. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street with the west City limits, which is 150 feet west of Milwaukee Avenue; thence south aiong the west City limits to its intersection with Brownfield Road; thence northeast along Brownfield Road to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be James Bowie School. Voting Precinct No. B. Beginning at the intersection of 4th Street and Avenue Q; thence south along Avenue Q to its intersection with Broadway; thence west along Broadway to its intersection with University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with 4th Street; thence east along 4th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be K. Carter School. ... 3 - -- Voting Precinct No. 9,. Beginning at the intersection of Quaker Avenue and the north City limits, which is 150 feet north of Ursuline Street; thence south along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with 4th Street; thence east along 4th Street to its intersection with Indiana Avenue; thence south along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to its intersection with Slide Road; thence north along Slide Road to the north City limits; thence east along the north City limits to the point of begin ... ning. The voting place shall be George Rush School. Voting Precinct No. 10. Beginning at the intersection of University Avenue and Broadway; thence east along Broadway to its intersection with Avenue H~ including Lubboc County Courthouse; thence south along Avenue H to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to its intersection with Univer sity Avenue; thence north on University Avenue to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Carroll Thompson School. Voting Precinct No. 11. Beginning at the intersection of 50th Street and Avenue U; thence south along Avenue U to its intersection with Loop 289; thence east along Loop 289 to its intersection with Avenue H; thence south along Avenue H to its intersection with the south City limits; thence west along the south City limits to its intersection with University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thence east along 50th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Bayless School. Voting Precinct No. 12. Beginning at the intersection of Quaker Avenue and 50th Street; thence east on 5oth Street to its intersection with Indiana Avenue; thence south on Indiana Avenue to its intersection with the south City limits; thence west along the south City limits to its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Haynes School. Voting Precinct No. 13. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and Memphis Avenue: thence south along Memphis Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to its intersection with Slide Road; thence north along Slide Road to its intersection with Brownfield Road; thence north- east along Brownfield Road to its intersection with 19th St reet; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Smiley Wilson School. - 4 ... KJ:EW Voting Precinct No. 14. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street with Gary Avenue; thence south along Gary Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to its intersection with Memphis Avenue; thence north along Memphis Avenue to its intersection with 19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Overton School. Voting Precinct No. 15. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and University Avenue; thenc south along University Avenue to its intersection with 27th Street; thenc west along 27th Street to its intersection with Gary Avenue; thence north along Gary Avenue to its intersection with 19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Roscoe Wilson School. Voting Precinct No. 16. Beginning at the intersection of 27th Street and University Avenue; thenc south along University Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thenc west along 34th Street to its intersection with Gary Avenue; thence north along Gary Avenue to its intersection with 27th Street; thence east_along 27th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Hutchin- son School. Voting Precinct No. 17. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and Avenue Q; thence south along Avenue Q to its intersection with 26th Street; thence west along 26th Street to Avenue X; thence s~mth along Avenue X to 27th Street; thence west along 27th Street 'to University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with 19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Dupre School. Voting Precinct No. 18. Beginning at the intersection of 26th Street and Avenue Q; thence south along Avenue Q to 29th Street; thence east along 29th Street to Avenue P thence south along Avenue P to 34th Street; thence west along 34th Stree to its intersection with University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with 27th Street; thence east along 27th Street to Avenue X; thence north along Avenue X t9 26th Street; thence, east along 26th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be O. L. Slaton School. ..5 - Voting Precinct No. 19. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and Avenue H; thence south along Avenue H to its intersection with Avenue Q; thence northwest alon Avenue Q to 50th Street and north along Avenue Q to its intersection with 34th Street; thence east along 34th Street to Avenue P; thence north along Avenue P to 29th Street; thence west along 29th Street to Avenue thence north along Avenue Q to its intersection with 19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be George R. Bean School. Voting Precinct No. 20. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street with the east City limits; thence south along the east City limits to its intersection with 34th Stree thence west along 34th Street to Guava; thence south along Guava to 37th Street; thence west along 37th Street to the tracks of the P & SF Railwa thence northwest along such tracks to 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to Avenue A; thence north along Avenue A to the tracks of the FW &DC Railway; thence west along such tracks to Avenue H; thenc north along Avenue H to its intersection with 19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Ella Iles School. Voting Precinct No. 21. Beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and Quaker Avenue; thence south along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thence west along 50th Street to Wayne Avenue; thence north along Wayne Ave- nue to 48th Street; thence west along 48th Street to Slide Road; thence north along Slide Road to its intersection with 34th Street; thence along 34th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Lou Stubbs School. Voting Precinct No. 22. Beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and Knoxville Avenue; thence south along Knoxville Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thence west along 50th Street to its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thence east along 34th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be c. E. Maedgen School. Voting Precinct No. 23. Beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and Gary Avenue; thence south along Gary Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thence wes -6 .. KJ:EW along 50th Street to its intersection with Knoxville Avenue; thence north along Knoxville Avenue to 34th Street; thence east along 34th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Monterey High School. Voting Precinct No. 24. Beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and University Avenue; thenc south along University .Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thenc west along 50th Street to its intersection with Gary Avenue; thence north along Gary .Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thence east along 34th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Wheeloc School. Voting Precinct No. 25. Beginning at the intersection of Avenue Q with 50th Street; thence west along 50th Street to its intersection with University Avenue; thence north along University Avenue to its intersection with 34th Street; thence east along 34th Street to its intersection with Avenue Q; thence south along Avenue Q to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be P. F. Brown School. Voting Precinct No. 26. Beginning at the intersection of Avenue H with the tracks of the FW & DC Railway; thence south along Avenue H to the south City limits which is 150 feet south of 82nd Street; thence east along the south City limits to its intersection with the east City limits, such point being the southwest side of the traffic interchange of U. s. Highway 84 and Spur 331; thence northeast along such interchange and north along the east City limits which is 150 feet east of Olive Street to the intersection of the east City limits with 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to its intersection with Guava Street; thence south along Guava Street to its intersection with 37th Street; thence west along 37th Street to its intersection with the tracks of the P & SF Railway; thence northwest along such tracks to their intersection with 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to its intersection with Avenue A; thence north along Avenue A to its inter- section with the tracks of the FW & DC Railway; thence west along such tracks to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Chris Harwel School. Voting Precinct No. 27. Beginning at the intersection of Brownfield Road and Slide Road; thence south along Slide Road to 48th Street; thence east along 48th Street to Wayne Avenue; thence south along Wayne Avenue to 50th Street; thence east along 50th Street to its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence - 7 .. south along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with the south City limits; thence west along the south City limits to the west City limits; thence north along the west City limits to the Brownfield Road; thence along the Brownfield Road to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be the Slide Road Precinct Clubhouse. Voting Precinct No. 28. Beginning at the intersection of 50th Street and University Avenue; thenc along University Avenue to its intersection with the south City limits; thence west along the south City limits to its intersection with Indiana Avenue; thence north along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with 50th Street; thence east along 50th Street to the point of beginning. The vot- ing place shall be E. J. Parsons_School. Voting Precinct No. 29. Beginning at the intersection of Avenue U and 50th Street; thence east on 5oth Street to Avenue Q; thence south on Avenue Q to its intersection with Avenue H; thence south on Avenue H to its intersection with Loop 289; thence west on Loop 289 to its intersection with Avenue U; thence north on Avenue U to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be W. B. Atkins School. Voting Precinct No. 47. Beginning at the intersection of north City limits and Slide Road; thence south along Slide Road to its intersection with 19th Street; thence west along 19th Street to the west City limits; thence north along the west Cit limits, which is 150 feet north of 4th Street; thence east along the north City limits to the west City limits, which is 150 feet west of Frankford Street; thence north along the west City limits to the north City limits, which is 150 feet north of Ursuline Street; thence east along the north City limits to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Mackenzie School. Voting precincts one (1) through twenty ... nine (29) inclusive and Precinct arty-seven (47) are hereby delineated on the map denominated "City of Lubbock oting Precincts, Revised January, 1968". A copy of said map is hereby attached o and made a part hereof as though fully copied in detail. An original copy of said ap shall be kei;t in the office of the City Secretary and shall be open to public spection, and at each special and general City election, a true copy of said map hall be furnished by the City Secretary to each of the presiding judges of each oting precinct in said election. -8 ... KJ•EW The voting precincts and voting places as established by this section are a evision of voting precincts of the City of Lubbock and are substituted in lieu and · place of the voting precincts and voting places as previously established by ection 10-6 of the Lubbock City Code. All City elections shall be held and the polls shall be opened from 7: 00 a. m . o 7:00 p. m., unless otherwise provided by state law1 and all electors shall vote the voting precinct of their residence. SECTION 2. That the immediate need to establish such voting precincts d voting places creates a necessity to declare this an. emergency measure and he rule providing that proposed Ordinances be presented at two (2) separate meet- gs is dispensed with and this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an EMERGENCY ASURE to take effect from and after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED assed by the Council on this 22pd TTEST: - 9 - • VOTING ~ <[ 0:: PRECINCTS 1968 . I ST. -~ +m 4,00 LLi ;?i 0 0:: ffi I' . -· I~ ~ ~15p' <[ z <[ c z f WOLFFARTH • ST. ~ 1100 i 11100 2 ARNETT • L&J 0 :J Cl} i,Ji ... 47 -~ • MACKENZIE 9 ~ <[ :::> 4th ST. 21100.12400 4 Mc~THEAe ~I JACK SON • 5400 IS!OO <[ 3 > 4th ST. t: 8 ~ K. CARTER 5 • CENTRAL FIRE STATION I -lAJ ~,ro· 7 Z, .RUSH g1 0, ~ B WAV -• 900 900 ~ IQ THOMPSON 19th 5200 I '~o; BOWIE • 27 ~, 21 ~~h PRECINCT CLUB HOUSE 82od ZI '!80015700 14 15 RO~ 19th ST. • th T. 18 th ST. e 16 0. L. SLATON o.e Humtl~ 34th ST I.JBEAN IIOO if 22 -23 24 • BROWN 19 ~ i< ~ • 25 <ti MAEDGEN ct WHEEUX:1< • z M()N"J-(!) ~ ¥EREY 50th I ST. • S400 SJOO I H~YNES i PAA-:-~, ATKINS, l•I ~ 0:: L&J ~, 12 ~ 28 g?f ILOOP 289 4400Lll00 ST. --1 ~ 11 City Limits elLES • HARWELL - -'· I.I.I ~ 150•; ti:! 5, a lb' ICIC' I " II.Ir:" rsT.· -~ $'t .ALDERSON 6 19th 20 26 "" > :J 0 Adoped by Ord in a nee # 5421, Feb. 22, 1968