HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1426-1953 - Amend Sect. 3 Of Ordinance 1327, Placing Right-Of-Way Signs O - 07/09/1953CQ,.V ?-13-53 to T,..a.f"'ic 2.llf.71" ' Io1 'cp .1)(.'1 t . ) c '+y A+ tv . . - 01--09 -1953 ORDDWKB BO. 1426 , .AB ORDDWCE AlCNDING !m'l'ION 3 QF ORDINJ.ICI 10. 1327, 1'BEREBt AlJTBORIZI~ 1'HE PLACING OF IDLD RIGHT-OF-VAl SIGNS A't THE FOLLOWING LOCA'tiOWS: 01J BOTH SIIBS OJ 20!H STREE't A't AVEIIJE -x•; ON BOTH SIDES OF 21ST S'1'REET AT AVDUE "l•J OJ BO'l'll SIDES OF 22IID .JPUCt_ AT AYEIIJE "l•J ON BOTH SIDIS OF 23RD S'fBIET .lf AmlB "l•J OR BO'l'B SIDFS OF 24TH S'tREE'l' A't AVE!ltZ TJ ON BOTH SIJBS Of 25TH S1'REI!.1' AT AVDUE -xa; ON BOTH Sn&c3 OF 26TH 8'lili!!M' AT AvntJE "X•J ON BOTH SIDIS OF 27111 S'fREET A't AVEIUE "l•J ON BOTH SIIBS OF 28TH STRIE'l' A! Al&NU& "l•J OR BOm SIJBS OF 2<Jm Sl'RBT AT AVENUE "X"J Clf B0'1'B SIDES OF 30TH STREET J.T AVENUE 'T'J OR BOTH SIJES 01 31ST STREET AT AVEHUE "'"a OJ BOTH SIIBS OF 33RD S'tHEE'l' AT AVENUE "l•J AND ON Im'B SIIDS OF AVENUE •p AT 14TH STR!E'1'1 REPEALIIG CONFLIOTOO ORDINAKZSJ DI~TING A\'Tb'l'ION TO THE SPEID LIMIT AllD PENALTY SET FORTH IIi SECTIOHS S J1ID' OF ORDilWiO! Ill. 132:7 J AND DmtARilfG AN EM!!RlENCY • ,_, BE IT ORDA.INED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '1'HE CITY 011' LUBBOOKa BmTION ~. That Section 3 (Three) of Ordinance :No. 132:7 be ~Ddld to inclUde the tollovi~Ji looa t1cme1 On both aides of 2oth Street at Awnue I On both aides of 21st Street at .l:nnue X On both aides ot 22nd n..t a\ Ayenue X On both aidee ot 2.3rd Street at Avenue X On both aidee ot 24tb Street at Annue X On both aides ot 25th Street a~ A.,eme I On both eidee ot 26th Street at .lwDIJI X On both eidee ot 27th Street at Awnu.e X. On both aides ot 28th Street at Avenue X On both aides or 29th Street at Avenue X On both sidee ot 3oth Street at A.-11\le I On both aides of )let StrMt at &vellle I On both aides ot .33rd Street at Avenue I On both aides ot .l.,..DDI H at 14th Strett. SECTIOJ 2. 'l"bat attention is directed to the 8P"4 llmit set forth 1B Section 5 (Fb·e) ot Ordinance No. 132'7. S:TION 3• That attention is directed to the penalt;y provided ~ Section 7 (Sewn) ot Ordinance Jfo. 1327. SEOTIO:J 4. !bat the enactment of thia Ordina.noe, being iaperatift tor the PI?"rv&tion or the public peace, health 8Jid safety ot the Oity ot Lubbock aJJd the 1Dhabitants thereat 8Jid to prorlde a greater use of the public streets, that the provisions ot t.h1a Ordinanoa be put into tull. force and effect, tbtU'8b,y oreati~ a public naoessity that the rule r&quiring propoeed ordinanoes to be presented at tvo (2) separate aetillga be diapeneed with and tbitr Ordinance ehall be effective troa tM date of plblication u heNin provided. AID IT IS SO ORDHD. On motion ot COIIID1esio:ll8r Morris seconded b,y CODIDlissioner Dayis , the foregoing Ordinance waa paaeed by the Cit7 eo.- .Ueion on this -~---day ot July , 1953, b7 the tolloviDa -.ote: Commiaeio~~~ers Toting •m•a Morris, Carpenter, Davis, Thomas & Mayor Tripp -1- . Coamissionera -.otins IIJIAI•a None .ATTESTa. IJI{~ JJ/<t~~