HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1025-1950 - Vacating, Abandoing ,Closing Part Of 24Th Street Betwen Knoxville And Louisville - 09/14/1950~~.PL ~ oe-1 09-.21- ORDINANCE No. 1025 AN ORDINAITCE VACATING, ABA.NDONT"G, JU'-i) CLOS!f.J THAT PART OF 24TH STREET LYING BETWEEN KNOXVILLE AVE~~ AliD LOUISVIL~ AVENUE DE~CRIBED BY METES AND BOU"·DS AS FOLLO~JS: ~GnmntG AT Tir:! NORTHEAST COPJ'lER OP BLOCK ~~ TRACT .3, H.H.STANTON SUBDIVISION; THEHC"' SOUTH 35 ?EET TO THE POI'1lT OF J?EGTI'IliiNG G'J THIS TRACT; T:HJ:NCE :iEST 605 ?EET, THEHC"" NORTH 10 FEET; THENCE EAST 605 r ; THEN'C,., SOTi'J.'H 10 FEEl' TO THE PO-INT OF BEGINPING. WrlEREAS, The Governing Body of the City of Lubbock has heretofore ebandoned that tract of land hereinafter describeJ, for street purposes, and having found thnt the s"ame l.j'ould not be needed for right of way purposes for paving 24th Street 301 1dde between Louisville .Avenue and Knoxville Avenue 1 THEREFORE BE IT OF.DAI!.'lED BY THE CITY COMlviiSSION OF THE CITY OF L1.J'9BOCK : F~. 17-That the follo\-ting described tract of land be and the sama is J3f-P,t./ hereby vacated, abandoned and closed for st:r-eet purposes, to-ttTit: :J_t-k.,J.-f'lP ~ Beginning at the North East Corner of Block 4, Tract .3,H.W. Stanton Subdivision; THEUCE South .35 feet to the point of beginning of this tract; 'rliEITGE U:JST 605 feet; ' THENCE NOrth 10 feet; THENCE East 6o5 feet; THENCE South 10 f eet to the point of beginning. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed Gnd apTJroved by unanimous V'Jte of the Ci ty Commission on thi s 14th day of September ,1950. Passed and approved bz_ tu-animous vote of the Ci ty Commission on this. __ 2_l_day of September _, ~ / .. :J. ~ .. ~M-~--:C·-' Hayor il"""i. . --. - WHERE QUALITY IS ALWAYS HIGHER THAN THE PRICE .,..,_, LUBBOCK'S OLDEST AND FINEST JEWELRY STORE September 4-1950 City Commissioners of Ltibbock, Texas Gentlemen: Herewith is a plat and other dedication papers showing Block 4 Traot 3 of the Stanton Sub~iVision lying between lncxvi J.le am Louisville Avenues ard between 24th St. and 26th St. now in the City of lubbock• Also, a blueprint showing Rook Haven addition and the ~orth 225 feet of B.Look 4 Traot 3 Stanton Sub-division. In .1.944 I dedicated 35 t on the North side of this blook with the County of Lubbock for a street ani J.aid out seven lots ani 15' 'for an alley. The lots ani alley have not been puj *on. 8 record with the County or City-of Lubbook • .:Y~ ~, I so that the City a£ Lubbock can service "lne entire Block 4 Tract S of the Stanton Sub~ivision-it has been replatted showing that I have gi "171!tn 25' instead of 'the 35' and as I still own all of this property I am askiiJg that 10' be given back to me in e manner that will clear 'J1!J3' abstracts in first class shape. I would like immediate action on this as it is the desire ot everyone in the block to ~ut the new street and alleys· as well 88 paving 24th st. Yours ver,r truly, WHY WAIT-WE EXTEND CREDIT