HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6296-1972 - Amending Chapter 10 Code Of Ordinances. - 01/12/1972~\ ;I"
ORDINANCE NO. _6=2=9-=-6 __
WHEREAS1 the City Council has determine0 that the changes in the voting
precincts as shown below would be in the best interest of the citizens of the City o:
SECTION 1. THAT Section 10-6 of the Code of Ordinances., City of Lubbock.,
Texas., BE and is hereby amended so that the voting precincts indicated shall here
after read as follows:
Voting Precinct No. 1. Beginning at the point of the intersection of Univer ...
sity Avenue with the north city limits; thence south along University Avenue
to its intersection with Cornell Street; thence west along Cornell Street to
its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to it
intersection with the north city limits; thence east along the north city
limits to its intersection with the north ... south city limits which is 150 feet
west of Indiana Avenue; thence north along such city limits to its intersect ....
ion with the north city limits; thence east along such city limits to the point
of beginning. The voting place shall be Wolfforth School.
Voting Precinct No. 2. Beginning at a point 150 feet north of Regis Street;
thence south along North Avenu~ Q to its intersection with E:r-skine Street;
thence east along Erskine Street to its intersection with the east city limits;
which is 150 feet east of Olive Street; thence north along the east city limitE
to a point 150 feet north of Ursuline Street which is the north city limits;
thence west along the north city limits to the east city limits which is 150
feet east of Guava Avenue; thence north along the east city limits to its
intersection with the north city limits which is 50 feet north of Bluefield
Street; thence west along the north city limits line\tQ.its inter:Sectiart with
North Ash Avenue; thence south along North Ash Avenue to a point 150 feet
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Voting Precinct No. 4. Beginning at the point of the intersection of Univer
sity Avenue with the north city limits; thence south along University Avenue
to its intersection with 4th Street; thence east along 4th Street to its inter-
section with Avenue Q; thence North along Avenue Q to a point 150 feet
north of Regis Street; thence east to North Ash Avenue; thence north along
North Ash Avenue to the north city limits which is 50 feet north of Bluefield
Street; thence west along the north city limits to north .... south city limits;
thence north along such city limits to the north city limits line; thence west
along the north city limits to the west city limits; thence south to the south
city limits line; thence east to the city limits line; thence south to the city
limits line which is 150 feet north of Regis Street; thence west to the point
of beginning. The voting place shall be A. C. Jackson School.
Voting Precinct No. 5. (The precinct boundaries shall remain unchanged).
The voting place shall be Guadalupe School.
Voting Precinct No. 7. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street with the
west city limits which is 150 feet west of Milwaukee Avenue; thence south
along the west city limits to its intersection with Brownfield Road; thence
northeast along Brownfield Roa:d to its intersection with Slide Road; thence
north along Slide Road to its intersection with 19th Street; thence along 19th
Street to the point of Beginning. The voting place shall be James Bowie
Voting Precinct No. 12. Beginning at the intersection of Quaker Avenue an
50th Street; thence east on 50th Street to its intersection with Indiana Avenu
thence south on Indiana Avenue to its intersection with 62nd Street; thence
west along 62nd Street and continueing as it becomes 62nd Drive to its inter
section with 63rd Drive; thence south along 63rd Drive to its intersection
with 67th Street; thence west along 67th Street to its intersection with 64th
Drive; thence north along 64th Drive to its intersection with 66th Street;
thence west along 66th street to its intersect ion with Peoria Avenue; thence
northwest along Peoria Avenue and continueing as it becomes 64th Street to
its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence north along Quaker Avenue to
the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Haynes School.
Voting Precinct No. 13. Beginning at the intersection of Nashville Avenue
and 19th Street; thence south on Nashville Avenue to its intersection with
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_ _,, Voting Precinct No. 15. • Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and
University Avenue; thence south along University Avenue to its intersection
with 27th Street; thence west along 27th Street to its intersection with
Indiana Avenue; thence north along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with
'19th Street; thence east along 19th Street to the point of beginning. The
voting place shall be Roscoe Wilson School.
Voting Precinct No. 16. Beginning at the intersection of 27th Street and
University Avenue; thence south along University Avenue to its intersection
with 34th Street; thence west along 34th Street to its intersection with
Indiana Avenue; thence north along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with
27th Street; thence east to the point of beginning. The voting place shall b
Hutchinson School.
Voting Precinct No. 21. Beginning at the intersection of 34th Street and
Quaker Avenue; thence south along Quaker Avenue to its intersection with
46th Street; thence west along 46th Street to its intersection with Slide Roa
thence north along Slide Road to its intersection with 34th Street; thence ea
along 34th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place shall be Lou
Stubbs School.
Voting Precinct No. 27. Beginning at the intersection of Brownfield Road
and Slide Road; thence south along Slide Road to 46th Street; thence east
along 46th Street to its intersection with Quaker Avenue; thence south along
Quaker Avenue to a point 660 feet south of 98th Street; thence west to a point
660 feet west of Quaker Avenue; thence north to a point 660 feet south of 82
Street; thence west to a point 150 feet west of Frankford Avenue; thence
north to a point 150 feet south of 82nd Street; thence west to the intersectio:
of the west city limits; thence north along the \\e st city limits to the Brown
field Road; thence along the Brownfield Road to the point of beginning. The
voting place shall be the Slide Road Precinct Clubhouse.
Voting Precinct No. 28. Beginning at the intersection of 50th Street and
University Avenue; thence south along University Avenue to its intersection
with 66th Street; thence west along 66th Street to its inter!=lection with
Indiana Avenue; thence north along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with
5oth Street; thence east along 50th Street to the point of beginning. The
voting place shall be E. J, Parsons School.
Quaker Avenue to its intersection with 66th Street; thence East
across Leroy Elmore Park., continuing along 66th Street to its
intersection with 64th Drive; thence South along 64th Drive to
67th Street; thence East on 67th Street to 63rd Drive; Thence
North on 63rd Drive to 62nd Drive and continuing along 62nd
Street to its intersection with Indiana Avenue; Thence South
along Indiana Avenue to its intersection with 66th Street; Thence
East along 66th Street to the point of beginning. The voting place
shall be Murfee School.
Voting Precinct No. 49. Beginning at the intersection of University
Avenue and 4th Street; Thence South along University Avenue to its
intersection with 19th Street; ff'µ.ence West along 19th Street to its
intersection with Indiana Avenue; Thence North along Indiana
Avenue to its intersection with 4th Street; Thence East along 4th
Street to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be the
Student Union Building of Texas Tech University.
SECTION 3. THAT Section 10 ... s of the Code of Ordinances. City of Lubboc
BE and is hereby amended by amending the paragraph following the listing of
voting precincts, which refers to the voting precincts map., to read as follows:
"Voting precincts (1) through (29} inclusl.v,e ; and voting precincts (47).,
(48} and (49) are hereby delineated on the map denominated "City of Lubbock Vo--
ting Precincts., Revised January 1972". A copy of said map is hereby attached to
and made a part hereof as though fully copied in detail. An original copy of
said map shall be kept in the office of the city secretary and shall be open to pub ...
lie inspection, and at each special and general city election, a true copy of said
ap shall be furnished by the city secretary to each of the presiding judges of eac
voting precinct in said election."
SECTION 4. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phras
or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason,
emainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause public
tion of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided
by law,