HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2002-O0048 - Abandoning_Closing Poriton Of 14Th Street Adjacent To Block 147 - 04/25/2002COUNTER FILING First lle.a4~ Aprll 2.S, 2002 Item lfo. ?'1 OR.DJNA.NCE Ne> .. 2002~048 Second Reaclina" JCay-s .. ~oog 11-No. Hi .AN O.RDlN.ANCEABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTr()N.Ofl4'~ ·STREET LOCATED ADJACENT TO BlOCK 147 AND BLOCK 163 ~RIGIN.AL TOWN .AD.@ITION TO THE CITY OF lOBBOCK, LUBBOCK ¢OUNTY, TEXAS, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCIUBED IN THE BODY OF Tlfl...S QRDINANCE; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARi< HiE OffiCIAL MAPS OF tHE CITY TO RE.FLEtt SAID ABAND44NMEN,T AND CL0SING; PR6¥JDING A S'A YING$ Cl.A'l)S~; AND PRI:WIDJNG FOR PUBLICATION . WHERE/\S, the. Clcy Co\lllcil finds that the sti'e.¢t porrion aa Jwrelnafter d~ctibed in the body qf til iS: Otdinartce is no h)ng~r needed fur pdj)tic use aruJ. it would 'be in the. th_e pui:/Jie interest tO ClO~e. V~Clite ·and .aoandOII the same fur street pUtpOS~S and f<>r pql;llic use. and ~'t WQUI!I be in ll'!~ public intere~t to cl9se:, vacate >md abllltdon the $aiDe fQ.r §l:!'eet purpose:; ·and public u~e; NO'W TliE.REFORE: BE JT 0RPAlNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF'TlfE CITY OF LUBBOCK; SECTION 1. THAT tll~ srre.et portion lls hereinafter de5"Cribed shall BE and tl\e s-.une.ls hereby closed, va·cated and af!andoned fpr Street. purposes and fo~ public use , such str.eet being ntore partil.lUfatly described as f6llows: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION' oh portion of 14111 street to· be ctosed which is lmJilted .adjacent to .Blotl<s 147 and 163. Qr\ginal'l'nwn of Lubbock, Lubbock Counl;)t, Texas, .accor4ing to lbe map, plAt, and/or dedieation ·deed thereof reeorded in Volume. 5, Page 384, Deed Records, of Lubhoc* Count}', Texas·, ·and being furth~r described as follows: BEGINNING at a cross feund·cu!' on concrete for a poinl of intersection in thtt South right~of-way line o£ t41h Stre.et .ani! in tht North line. of Lot 20, Biock 163, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock Copnty, Tg.xa~, frum whlc1l the Northwest co.r:11er of said Lot 2!>, Block 163,. Original 'T'own of LUbbOCk, lubbock County., J'e&~a, 'bears West, 9 .:Z9 fee(i THENCE Northwesterl,y, a.round a curve to the left, .saill ·curve having a nidill$ of 39.50 feet, a tentF<~l angle. of i31."3!i'31 "' •. a chord di'stance of. 72.06 feet, attd a cbotd bearing ofN. 07°2~' J8" W. to a pk nail set for .a point of interSe¢U9D; THENCE Notth a tiistaru:e of 0 .;;2 feer .t.o ·a point of intersection; THENCB SQiithel}sterly. atoiin,d a eli rYe to the tight, said curve hav.i!lg a radius of 41MD feet, a ceiitral angle of 130'~.39'46", ·!I chQrd distance ot 72,.7() feet, and· a cbi;ttd tie;u-ln,g of.S. 081105'0.81'' E. t.o a ~lllt ()f'inte.rsection in t~ South riglit- of-wa.Y li!le of 14111 Str~t <Wi in ihe North line of said Lot 20. Bl9ck 1!)3, Q{iginal Tow~ of Lu1)1)9¢k, Lullbock County, TecXl!s~ 'THBNC,:E We~t. along the South tigllt-of-way line of 14~' Street and the North 1lne Qf ~.aid l...ot2Q, Block J63, Ot,iginal T<?wn 9f l.,ubbQclc, Lubboc1c C()unty, TexM, 1i 9istance of 0. 94 feet rQ !lte POINT OFB~GINNING. SECTION l . Tif AT the City Engineer is llereby authorized <$ttd directed to mark tJie, offiCial .IIll\PS of the. City of Lubbock to refle;ct. said abandonment lll\d dosing_, showing, lhe number of this O'rdinattce and )he .date. ·of its filllll P.asaage. SECTION 3. THAT should any sel.ltion, paragraph, .sentence, phrase , clause or Wprd of this Ordirulnee ~declared unconstitutional or invalid for .any reason. the remainder of' c!iis· .Ordfuance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT' the .City Secreto~y of fhe City dfLubboclr.ls hereby authorized and directed lo ~use publication ·of the ·descriptive ~1ft~ on of11Ds. Ordinance as an alternative· method provided. by law·. AND'JTJS:SO ORDERED . Passed. by the City Council on fus~ reading· this ~5th day o£_~Ap.._r_il_1 __ , 2002. P$sed. by the Cicy Coulteit on second readillg this 9th day of May , 2002.. Rebetc:a G~WZa, ()ty S'enetary APPROVED AS TO<€ON1'.Eb{T; r ~a- APl'ROY.ED AS TO FORM : ::::..::V-<:-c:::-.Y C"~ ? - Linga Chamales Supetvisil!g Attorney/Office Practice ~!X'doc&IA&C:Qrigt~nl 'l'<>wn J!dd~·Bik 147.1:\rd April 1'2, 10!!2 FILE.D AND RECORDED -~4:'~L Kol1y P!ni~1 C.U~l~ Clerk ~bock ~'Y• li-AS 94/14/alltl N :;,1 P" Fl:£: Jlt.ll 20141012838 I Linda ~art-Ret Missing oni""inan;..;;...o;..G$.;...._ __ -=---=------"'~------------- From! To: D•te: SubJect: EdBuqy Unda Hart 11121/b3 7:31AM Rw. Mii:Sl'r-9 ofijlnancas 1 • 4. 2. & 3. W altlng on 1h:e plat 1 ha11e my deubts. 4. McDougal-Walling on flnil plat 5. Wailing on correct tlnal plat 6,McDougal -waiting on ill'lal plat. 7. Wafting on final plat-should be heruoon. '»>Linda Hart 11120103 03!01PM >>> Ed: Checj(1ng on the slatua of ths otig[nal o-rdinanei» tl1at were lntencle<;t to be filad at the County Cletb Ofli<:e. t. 2001·000S4 • A & 0 portion of 14th Stteer (1at4141h) 2. 2001.00088 • A & C 20-foof alley (1 21 3 1411\) 3. 2002·00048 ·A & C portion (If 14th Sl. (12t21•hh) 4. 2003..()0018 ·A & C 20·foot alley l501un!vara~) 5. 2003.00043 ·A & 9 portion ol L.oulsviii&AVIi (3410 louis.\ .6. 2003-00061 • A.& C portion ol 6111 St (701 5th). 7. 2003-001H ·A~ C 20ofool aREr)' {361 0 21sl) Our Qftlce needs to fina11211 nurnben; 1 • 6 ASII.P. Your aeslstance is apptecrared Pall(~ 1 [Qiide. Hart.-Re: Missing Ordinances From: To: Date: subje~J Davy Booher Buoy, Ed; Hart. Lioda 718/0211:SOAM RO! Mi&sing Ordinances Ordinance No: 2001.00084 (should have ln 30 days) Ordinance No: 2001-00088 ( sbould have in 30 ~;lliys) Ordinance No; 2001-00093 (on hokl) Ordinance No; 2oo2-00010 (Wailing 10 lila (!lat. couple of weeks) Ordlnanq~ No~ 2002-ooo4ti (should have in 30 days) >» Lin·c:a Han 07JOeiQ2 t 0:39AM »> According to oor rewr<l$, itm ·ft~llowltlg ordln.ances are missing: Ordlllano:! No. 2001 ·00Q84 -passed 2nd readng 1 1/1 6101 (A & Cportlon o114th Street · Origin111 Town edd)tioo) Ordinance No. 200i -00068-pa..<OSE!tl2nd reading, 213101 (A & C 20-tootalley -Orig~l Tofm liddltkm) Ordinanoe No. 2001-00093 • passE!d 2nd reading , /1 0102 ~~ & C 20-toot all~zy -Hodges ad~lioo) Orllinanca No. 2002·00010 -passed ~d raadin!:J 519102 (A & C 20-lootatley-Rusllland Park addiijo11) Ordfnal)ce i'l9-2002.·00048 • passed 2nd reading 51~102 (A & C pQrtlo<J cf 14th Sueet -Original Town adaltion), Please g,ve us.an update o" 1l'III•S1atus of tlles9 ordln~;no&.t. CC: Garza, Be-.'"ky ~-------------==~~-=Pag!1 J COUNCIL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTAL FORM .2A i One submittal form per agenda item • • Original reta'lrnld for pennanet'lt file in City Secret,ary's Oeparlment • F umish additional onginals if necessary • One executed copy :will be autotnatically 1otWarded"lo ttJe originating departl'nent • All blanks -sho\llct have dollar amounts and. effective dates filled in DEPT; f4. ,_~ COUNCIL. MEETING DATE; '-{--Z i,..,-., '- CONTACT PERSON: ~ (> · .: ~-; DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: cu.&.-.:. "<4:: TELEPHONE EXTENSION it z.._ J .,--..._ . k C. ee ,. .J. ~L_. .J 1%. [j1..:...Jc 1~ . AJ?.,1·e· . .:h-&'*"' l-:f7 a r · ARE ALL SIGNATURES IN PLA~ 0# ALL DOCUMENTS1 YES' ././' NO--- IF NOT. WHY? - ARE ALL CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS. ETC. AtTACHED? IF NOT, WHY? YES_...:;~'--·...., NO ___ _ - EFFECTIVE DATE OF DOCUMENTS IF DIFFERENT FROM CC ,,_,EETING [)ATE;. ____ _ DISPOStTION OFAODITJONAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE SPECIFY: A,:f-.,~...1 . <:VJ",~""a fs. ~ ' . ·. '' ~ . 1...::? ~vf6tAPPROP JA1iE"'FO'RMATJ~N:-}11 ~--~--.• -t-7o~/ '~('<.~ • 1 RESOLtfl'IQNZOROINANCE V CONTRACT/AGREEMEN"f OTHER~------- 'QUANTITY _;.,.,._ __ QUANTITY OUANTl1Y _. --- RUSH executed oopies on Council ·day.:_ ----- . £&6=:; Managing Dil'ectot/Oep~d Signature FOR CITY SECRETARY'$ DEPARTMENT USE RESOLUTION NO.---- AGENDA lifEM# # COUNCil D.A,~ ORDINANCE NO. @OD t.f J' .2. 7·' jST READING: A GENOA ITEM#. _ COUNCIL DATE: 2ND READING: AGENDA ITEM# It. COUNCIL DATE DISPOSITION 1/v .,..__~--o ~ J lf-<P.._ CAUEO: ____ lNTE!i-DEPT MAIL . ____ PlCKeO UP:------- I l'k!lt hadiag Apdl. zs; 20!52 It• lio .• 27 ORDINANCE NO, 2002..00048 Suoo4 llediDg ilay· 9. 2002' l~ Mo. 16 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF J4;, STREET LOCATED ADJ'ACENT TO BLOCK 147 AND BLOCK 163 ORIGINAL TOWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUlmOCK GOUNTY, TEXAS,, .AND MORE PARTICUl.ARL Y DESCJUBEO IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCEt DIRECTING 'THE CtTY .ENGINEER TO MAAK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF"THEC1TY TC> REFl£C'f'SAID ABANDONMENT ANJi) CLOS)NG; PROVJDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBUCA'FJON . WHEREAS, lht. City Council find& tha~ lhc. s~t 110f1ion as hereinafter described in the body oflhi6 Ordinanoe is no tanger needed for public use llnd :it wo\.ltii be jn lhe ~public interest to close, vacate oand .abandon the sam~ ·for. street:.puqx>ses and for· p.ublic use and .it would be fn .the :fJUblic inteyest to close·, ya.::ate.and abandon the same for weer purposes and pUblic· use: NdW THElmFoRE: BE IT ORDAINED BY tHE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OJfL\,iBBO'CK; SECTION I. THAT the street pQrtion.as httrei~ ~Q{)~ $baU BE an:d tbe same is hereby dos~. va;:ated aDd ·abandqn~4 for s~et purJ)Q~e~ ~ fpt· pu!)lic use, suc:b street being more pattlcu~ly described as fqllows~ METES AND BOUNDS DESC!«P1lON of ·a portion 9f J'4111 Street tQ \>e cto~d wbicb iS·Iocated .adj~fi:ent: t.o Bjocb 147'and 163. OrlgirfaJ To~ ofLubppclt, LUbbock Coun~., 'r~~. a¢~lng t.o tlie map. plat. andfot d~liml deed thmof rewrded in Volwne s. Page.':$'84, D~ R~rlit of.LUb!)oc.t Co111i.ty, Texas. and being f\lrther deS(:fil)ed as fQ!lows: BE<JJNNINv ~til croJ& found cut on concrete for a point of intersection in tlle SQllth.ri~-of:.Way line of 141b Street and in the North line of Lot 20, Block 1~3 , Original Town Qf LubboCk, Lubbock Count}!. Texas, from which lbe 'Ncmhwest co.ril.er Q/ said Lot.1,Q, 'Block 163, Original Town Gfl:ubbock, Lubbock County, nsas, b~sWest, 9.19 feet; THENCE Northwesterly. around~ curve to the left, Sl!id~ur;ve bav'in,g a ra.dros ofl9.50 feet, a central angle of 19l•Q33'31"1 a ~ord distance· of 72.06 feet, and e chord bearing.ofN, 07924' 181' w. to a pk nail setfor a point ofmrersection; THENCE North a distance of0.52· feet to :a point·ofintersection; THENCE Southeasterly, around a curve co the right,. said ccurve having a radius. of «>.OOfeet, a cenaalllng.le of 130."39'46", a,Wiot<Ui!lt.anceof72..70 feet, and ~chord belltil)g oj s. 08°.0$'08" E. to a pl>int of intersectton ill theSo.uth !ight;- ~f~way 1ine of l4ill· Stree.t and in the Nol111 line of said Lot 20, Block 16~, .;· No Text Larrt .. artal Cily engineer• A~~•n~.l~.ms and C:t>IJ11'!1Untsfor City. Council Mealing, of Aptlt~$; ~091- PiiQ'a 3 ITEM#/S_UBJECT: CITY OF LUBBOCK AGENDA ITEM StJMNJARY ·'If. Con.slder an ordinance abandoning and closing a portion of 1·4111 Street Joeated adjacent<to Blo~~ 147 and Bloclc163 Origi.nal iown,Addition to tile City of Lubbock (121Z14111Street}. BACKGR,OUNO/DISCUSSION: Recently the City· of lubbock passed an ordinance .al!anaoning anQ ·closing a portion of 14111 Street Just to tne west of AveoJJe K for the new.•Omni Office .Center. Th~ survey eornpt=JfiY who i~· pr(lpi\I.Mng t.he final plat adj\Jsted lhe west end .of tbe area of 14111 Street beihg clos.ed tor a slightly different ·curve radiul> and 45.3 .sq. ft. of additional .street area is needed te be .closed. Th'is area being cfosed will rema'in as an .easem-ent aM ttJe CifY will r!i!CeiVe $45.3'0 fQr,the ~r!dltional area being ¢!osed. 5UMMARY/RECOMMENDAilON~ The Bigt'if-of~Way De-partme11t recommends tn~ a~proy?l of fne first readiJ:w of this ordinance. l.otiTy "'-11!1(. C!ty Eng!nosr All*nd• i~~· •l!il ~~~ forCit,y Council Meeting, of.Mily '-ZCioz Page• 5 OlTV OF LOB(IOCI< AGENDA rt'EM Sl:JMM'AR'f ORDINA"CE. #2,00Z-00048 ITEMM/SUBJEC'i: fl. Consldaran ordJitance abandonil"!g and closing a portion of1'4"'Street located adjacent to Blac~ 147 and Block 163 Orlginal Town Addition to the City of Lupbock (121214~11 StOt&t) BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION• Re·cently the City qf l.,tiob·ock passed an ordinance <!bandoni'ng and closing ·a portion. of1 4111 Street jus\ to til~ ~s1 Qf Avenue K tonh~ new Qin'ol ·Offic-e Cent~r. 1\he survey opmpaRy wno js preparing il1e final plat adjusted the:West end' of the area of 14~~'~ Street-being ·dosed for a sllghtly·<liffereot Qurve radius and 45.3 'Sq. tt. ot additional .street area is needed to be closed, This area be log closed will remain as• an easement ana the CitY wiO receive $45_.30 for 1hE! additional area bei'ng elosed, SUMMAAYiRECQM_MENDATlON: The Right-of-Way Depattrnenl recornm!'lnd.s \he. -approval of the fir:si reading of this ordin~nce.