HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2004-O0108 - Emergency Ordinance Making Changes In FY 03-04 Budget; Market Lubbock; 1,284,557 - 09/28/2004ORDINANCE NO. 2004-00108 First and Fina1 Reading September 28. 2004 Item No. 34A AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE MAKING CHANGES IN THE FY 2003-04 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Section 102.010 of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas authorizes the City Council to make changes in the budget for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Budget Ordinance the City Council shall approve all transfers between funds, accounts, departments or programs for City purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Revised Budget for FY 2003-04 pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-00054, passed on second reading May 6, 2004 (the "Revised Budget Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, the City Council declares this ordnance to be an emergency measure pursuant to Chapter 1, Article IX, Section 17 of the City Charter as necessary in providing for the usual daily operation of municipal departments; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to change the FY 2003-04 Budget, as revised by the Revised Budget Ordinance, for municipal purposes and reallocate funds as follows; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby approves changes to the City of Lubbock Budget FY 2003-04, as revised by the Revised Budget Ordinance, for emergency municipal purposes as follows: a. That the loan from the Solid Waste Fund to the Airport Fund be forgiven and that such savings accruing to the Airport Fund be designated for parking lot improvements. b. That line item changes made to Market Lubbock, Inc. and Convention & Visitors Bureau budgets be amended as outlined on Exhibit "A", attached hereto. SECTION 2. THAT a copy of the changes made to the City of Lubbock Budget pursuant to this Ordinance shall be filed with the City Secretary and County Clerk of Lubbock as required by law. SECTION 3. THAT this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and if passed by a unanimous vote of the Council, shall be passed with one reading on the day on which it is introduced. AND IT IS SO ORDERED Passed by unanimous vote of the City Council on first and final reading this 28th day of September , 2004. ATTEST: ~.~~ Rebecca Garza, City secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CFO I Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~-4 cYc:7~:-~·- Linda L. Chamales Senior Attorney/ Office Practice Section ke/ccdocs/ BudAmendtoRevisedBudgetFY0304.ForgiveLIA debt.ord September 24, 2004 Ordinance No. 20044)()108 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. --BUDGET 2003-2004 Approved Revised 2nd Revision Description 2003-2004 2003-2004 2003-2004 REVENUES 3001 City of Lubbock Funding ($.03 allocation) $ 2,223,586 $ 2,223,586 $ 2,223,586 CIF Funding Request 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 City Contribution -Tyco Incentive* 1,000,000 1,000,000 City Contribution -Hangar/Land Swap* 490,112 490,112 3003 Interest Income 40,000 13,500 13,500 Sale of Land* 104,888 104,888 Reese Carryover 255,411 255,411 Carryover from Previous Years 467,000 971,242 971,242 REVENUE SUBTOTAL $ 3,930,586 $ 6,258,739 $ 6,258,739 EXPENSES 8002 Payroll $ 846,923 $ 859,963 $ 1,167,100 8107 Supplies 13,230 13,730 19,613 8204 Maintenance 551 850 3,500 OTHER CHARGES 8010 Credit Card Service Charge 630 630 8299 Reese Administration 255,411 255,411 8302 Professional services 103,000 165,975 164,300 8304 Marketing 175,000 176,000 146,000 8305 Promotion 40,000 40,000 40,000 8306 Meeting Expense 5,000 10,000 12,000 8307 Local Organization Support 25,000 25,000 22,000 8308 Subscriptions/Publications 1,000 1,000 8309 Data processing 5,000 8503 Insurance 8,000 18,927 18,927 8703 Office rent 35,000 34,710 34,710 9100 Business Development Expense 26,460 13,728 5,000 9101 Telephone 20,000 20,000 20,000 9103 Postage 15,000 12,000 7,000 9104 Printing/photocopies 3,500 3,500 5,000 9106 Car allowance/expense 6,000 9107 Courier service 1,000 440 400 9108 Miscellaneous 5,000 10,000 5,000 9109 Club dues 8,690 10,690 9,000 9110 Professional dues 13,800 13,800 12,000 9111 Training and travel 120,000 80,000 80,000 OTHER CHARGES SUBTOTAL 616,450 891,811 837,378 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. --BUDGET 2003-2004 Approved Revised 2nd Revision Description 2003-2004 2003-2004 2003-2004 8801 SPECIAL PROJECTS 8801.01 Small Business Development Center 244,692 244,691 122,345 8801.04 ACT Technology Center 198,000 198,000 172,170 8801.05 Centercorp 25,000 18,750 16,569 8801.08 TTU Office of Technology Transfer 125,000 30,000 9300 Workforce development program 228,000 55,274 78,406 8801.19 BioScience Initiative 25,000 25,000 25,000 8801.28 Tour of Lubbock 585 975 8801.2 South Plains Tech Prep 8,500 8,500 8801.14 Foreign Trade Zone 597 597 Other Special Projects 26,500 8900 Incentive fund 1,903,102 2,307,419 2,100,086 Tyco Incentive* 1,000,000 1,000,000 SPECIAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 2,748,794 3,858,816 3,581,148 9200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Airport Hangar* 595,000 595,000 Office Furniture & Equipment 3,500 13,890 19,000 Computer Expense 10,000 24,679 36,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL 13,500 633,569 650,000 Total Expenses $ 4,239,448 $ 6,258,739 $ 6,258,739 Workforce Development program: Surveys 72,604 73,906 Supplies 2,000 500 500 Professional Services 4,000 2,000 Meeting Expense 20,000 2,000 RecruitmenVMarketing 4,000 4,000 4,000 30,000 81,104 78,406 *All entries denoted with"*" are entries created by the accrrual basis of accounting. Market Lubbock is not requesting any additional funds. These items must be budgeted to be in compliance with audit. Ordinance No. 2004-00108 LUBBOCK CONVENTION & VISltOltS BUREAU • BUDGET 2003-2'004 Budget Proposed Revised 2002-2003 2003-2004 2003-2004 REVENUES 4000 Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue $ 1,144,849 $ 1,190,582 1,207,997.00 4002 Investment Income 60.00 4005 Sale of Promotional Items 3,000 6,000.00 4006 Advertising Income 20,000 37,500 37,500.00 4007 Windmill Trail 33,000.00 4050 Misc. Income SUBTOTAL REVENUES $ 1,164,849 $ 1,231,082 1,284,557.00 EXPENSES 5000 SALARIES AND BENEFITS Salaries $ 263,680 $ 333,470 292,554.00 Incentive Bonuses 64,401.00 Benefits 94,161 114,470 76,666.00 SUBTOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS 357,841 447,940 433,621.00 OTHER CHARGES 5050 Pre-Employment 300 1,500.00 6000 Automobile 7,836 8,000 Gas/Fuel 1,500.00 Insurance 2,828.00 Mileage Reimbursement 2,000.00 Maintenance 2,000.00 6120 Bank Charges 250 296.00 6160 Member Dues/Subscriptions 8,161 8,500 7,000.00 6240 Miscellaneous l:xpense 500 792.00 6241 Bad Debt Expense 5,000 500.00 6250 Postage and Shipping 25,272 30,000 15,000.00 6260 Professional Services 3,000 25,000 Accounting 2,700.00 Legal 10,000.00 Computer 7,550.00 Consulting 7,600.00 6270 Staff Development 6290 Rent 44,400 44,400 38,628.00 6300 Repairs and Maintenance 13,360 15,000 1,350.00 6310 Supplies 14,688 15,000 17,000.00 6340 Telephone 24,480 28,000 14,500.00 SUBTOTAL OTHER CHARGES 141,197 179,950 132,744.00 6350 INDUSTRY CONVENTIONS 6350.02 Marketing 920 0 6350.03 Sales 15,750 15,000 15,000.00 6350.04 Tourism 23,000 4,000 4,000.00 SUBTOTAL INDUSTRY CONVENTIONS 39,670 19,000 19,000.00 6530 FAM TOURS 6530.02 Marketing 3,400 10,000.00 6530.03 Sales 3,060 10,000 7,000.00 6530.04 Tourism 3,000.00 6350 FAM Tours-other SUBTOTAL INDUSTRY CONVENTIONS 6,460 10,000 20,000.00 6540 INCENTIVES 105,000 110,000 109,000.00 6545 LOCAL SALES CALLS 2,000 2,000.00 6550 LOCAL MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS 720 2,000 2,000.00 LUBBOCK CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU -BUDGET 2003-2004 Budget Proposed Revised 2002-2003 2003-2004 2003-2004 6551 OUT OF TOWN SALES 6551.01 Trade Shows 12,693 15,000 15,000.00 6551.02 Bid Presentations 5.400 6,942 6,942.00 6551.03 Austin/Dallas Trips 12,750 12,750 12,750.00 6551.04 Promotions 12,600 15,000 15,000.00 6551.05 Tourism 20,000 20,000.00 6551 Out of Town Sales Other SUBTOTAL OUT OF TOWN SALES 43,443 69,692 69,692.00 6552 TRAVEL -MARKETING 6,000.00 6560 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 53,850 60,000 63,000.00 6570 RESOURCE MATERIALS 6585 SITE TOURS 6,000 6,000 6,000.00 6600 PRINT MATERIALS 6600.02 Brochures: Meeting Planner Guides, etc. 28,000 33,000.00 6600.03 Industry and Consumer Ads 60,000 55,000 60,000.00 6600.04 Industry Assoc. & Conf/Trade Shows 200 9,000 9,000.00 6600.05 Certified Folder, VG Storage & Mailing 6,000 11,000 11,000.00 6600.06 Slides/Photos 2,000 7,500.00 6600.07 Visitor Guides 39,000 39,000.00 6600 Print Materials Other SUBTOTAL PRINT MATERIALS 68,200 142,000 159,500.00 6700 WINDPOWER TRAIL 38,000.00 6800 PUBLIC RELATIONS 6800.01 Admln 6800.02 Marketing-PR & Fam Tours 9,000 5,500 21,000.00 6800.03 Sales 3,468 3,500 3,500.00 6800.04 Tourism 3,500 3,500.00 6800.05 Servicing 6800 Public Relations Other SUBTOTAL PUBLIC RELATIONS 12,468 12,500 28,000.00 6398 CAPITAL ASSET PURCHASES 10,000 15,000 36,000.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS Texas Tech funding Cowboy Symposium 20,000 20,000 20,000.00 Miss Texas USA 275,000 Fiestas del Llanos 10,000 10,000.00 Vatican Exhibit Broadway Festivals 25,000 25,000 25,000.00 Buddy Holly Symposium 5,000.00 Misc. Special Projects 100,000 100,000.00 SUBTOTAL SPECIAL PROJECTS 320,000 155,000 160,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $ 1,164,849 $ 1,231,082 1,284,557.00