HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 7461-1977 - Amend Sect. 35 Of Rule VI Of Rules For Admin. Of Civil Serv. Fire/Police Exams - 05/26/1977JWF:bsb ORDINANCE NO. 7461 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 35 OF RULE VI OF THE RULES FOR THE ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM IN THE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS OF THE ClTY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS SO AS TO REVISE GRADE AND RANKING AS REGARDS ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS AND PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS FOR THE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS OF SA I 0 CITY; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERANCE CLAUSE AND FOR PUBLI CAT! ON AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, has determined a need for revision of Section 35, Rule VI of the Rules for Adminis tration of the Civil Service System in the Fire and Police Departments of the City of Lubbock, Texas, concerning grading and ranking on eligibility 1 ists as regards entrance and promotional exams in the Fire and Police Departments, and has recommended revisions at its duly held regular meeting on May 9, 1977; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock has considered the recom mendation and report of said Civil Service Commission, and finds it expedient and in the public interest,and in the interest of better administration of the Civil Service applicable to the Fire and Pollee Department, to make such revi~ ions as so recommended and hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 35 of Rule VI of the Rules for Administration of the Civil Service System in the Fire and Police Departments of the City of Lubbock, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended and revised so as to read hereafter as follows: 11 Sec t ion 35: Grades and Ranking A; Entrance Examinations; (1) The total final grade will be computed by using the raw score on examination plus any additional credit for military service in case of fireman or policeman competitors. (2) In the event that two or more fire or police compe- titors make identical total final grades under Section 35 (A) (1) next-above, th.en the order of their rank shall be based upon the examination raw scores (only) of such competitors. (3) Should the provisions of Section 35 (A) (2) next- above fail to break a tie, then the order of said competitors shall be decided by date of receipt of their application for examination. JWF:bsb B. Promotional Examinations: (1) The total final grade will be computed by adding the examination raw score plus any seniority credits for years, months, and days of service based on a 365 day year plus the average of competitor•s last two semi- annual efficiency reports in case of policemen; and in the case of firemen, the total final grade will be computed by adding the examination raw score plus seniority credits for years, months and days of ser- vice based on a 365 day year. (2) In the event that two or more fire or police competitors make identical total final grades under Section 35 (B) ( 1) next-above' then the order of their rank sha 11 be based upon the examination raw scores (only) of such competitors. (3) Should the provisions of Section 35 (B) {2) next-above fail to break a tie, then the order of their rank shall be based on whoever has the greatest length of time in present grade and/or classification. (4) Should the provisions of Section 35 (B) (3) next-above fail to break a tie, then the order of their rank shall be decided by their rank on the last eligibility list from which they were last promoted.•• SECTION 2. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 3. THE City Secretary-Treasurer shall cause the publication of this Ordinance in its entirety once a week for two consecutive weeks as pro- vided by law, and this Ordinance shall become effective ten days after its last publication. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 26 day of May , 1977. Passed by the City Counc i 1 on second reading this 9 day of' _ _,_:;J.=u""'n-e---, 1977. ATTEST: