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Resolution - 2019-R0459 - Market Lubbock Expenditure (Facade Grant) Wto SEWCO Dba Officewise - 12/17/2019
Resolution No. 2019-RO459 Item No. 6.4 December 17, 2019 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Facade Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to SEWCO, Inc. dba Officewise, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on Dc�rinbrr 17 20 g DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Rebel a Garza, City S sere ry APPROVED AS TO N ENT: Brianna Gerardi, Bus' ess Oevelopment Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: / & '1&�y&� elli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ecdoWRES.Market Lubbock 91'Expenditure—011icewise-facade 11.20.19 i: I� M A R K E T LUBBNmCK-. City Council - Downtown Grant Program December 17, 2019 Total Capital - $6,249 Total Grants - $3,125 SEWCO, Inc. dba Officewise — 1301 13th St. o Grant Type — Facade o Expense Total = $6,249 o Grant Total = $3,125 o MLI Board Approval — November 20, 2019 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone (806) 749-4500 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. - DOWNTOWN GRANT PROGRAM I } W U,I e 1301 13th St. (SEWCO, Inc. dba Officewise) TOTAL SCOPE OF WORK = $6,249 FACADE GRANT = $3,125 M A R K E T LUBBOCK,, Downtown Grant Program Presented to MLI Board November 20, 2019 Project 1301 13th (Facade) SEWCO, Inc., dba Officewise, is replacing a sign at 1301 13th, located within the Downtown TIF. Officewise--a local company with a heritage of supplying customers with business products for over 100 years, has locations in Amarillo, Lubbock and Midland/Odessa.The scope of work will include the replacement of an existing sign totaling$6,249 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Downtown Fagade Grant for SEWCO, Inc. dba Officewise totaling$3,125 at 1301 13th. M A R K E T LUBBOCK Downtown Grant - Application The information requested on this form will be used by Market Lubbock. Inc for analysis of yourprojecl MLI CONTACT INFORMATION Jorge Quirino-Special Projects Phone: 806.749.4500 Market Lubbock, Inc. 1500 Broadway, Sixth Floor, Lubbock,TX 79401 Email: ore marketlubbock ora 'Applications must be received by MLI prior to pulling a City permit or starting construction "Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock(more detail on page 3) Project Property Address 11301 13th Street Lubbock,TX 79401 GENERAL INFORMlATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Name Officewise Street Address 1301 13th Street City, State,Zip Lubhnek, TX 79401 Federal Tax ID# GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY CONTACT Name Tommy Sansom Title President Phone Number (806)790-1250 Email tsarisom(@officewis.eco.com Date Submitted 10/28/19 COMPANY BACKGROUND List any person or entity that has at least 5%ownership in the Applicant Company: Name Percent Name Percent John Navarrete 20% Tommy Sansom 20% Ron Watts 20% Bill Simmelbeck 20% Ron Edmondson 20% Is the firm registered with the Secretary of State's Office to do business in Texas? Yes Are you in good standing with the State of Texas? Yes If you answered"No"to either of the above two questions, please explain Is the firm and/or principals delinquent on any federal,state or local tax obligations? No d Has the company or principals of the company had prior bankruptcies or lawsuits? No 0 If you answered"Yes"to either of the above two questions, please explain 9/17/19 1 MLI INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Project Name(MLI Use) Property LCAD R# Property Ownership: Own 7 Lease ❑ Flatland Properties Owned by:Tommy Sansom &John Navarrete Owner Approved ❑ Grant Type(Check One): Permittable ❑ Fagade ❑ Detailed Project Summary and Description of Work. Off:cewise is in need of a new sign due to the current sign being in disrepair Project's NAICS Cade(North American Industry Classification System) NAICS Description City Permit Total Amount(if applicable) Approved Reimbursement Summary of Itemized Expenses: Projected MLI (MLI USE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 Final bids will be used to calculate the project cost and grant amount. 91171 i 9 2 M l.I Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock The link below includes the City documents used to determine compliance: https://cl.lubbocic tx.us/departrnents/planniiiq..'desion-guicielines The property owner or leasee is responsible for communicating directly with the City of Lubbock to determine if any aspects of the scope of work require permits or public improvements. Public Improvements may be required if the project meets all four of the following criteria: 1) Located within the CBD TIF area, 2)Valuation of$100,000 or more; 3) Scope of work affects the fagadelexterior of the building and surrounding area 4)A building permit is required. CITY CONTACT Director of Business Development(Brianna Gerardi) Office 806.775.3082 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FROM THE APPLICANT At the time of application: Application(must be received prior to construction starting or permits pulled) Written City Approval of: Permit Needs(Applicant is responsible for acquiring all appropriate permits) Public Improvement Needs Detailed/itemized Construction Bids or Schedule of Values Before Picture(prior to construction beginning) Architectural Plans ;if applicable) Architectural Renderings(if applicable) After completion of construction: Certificate of Occupancy or Similar City Document(Permit) City Written Verification of Guideline Compliance(Non-Permit) Proof of Payment: PAID Invoices Processed Checks, Bank or Credit Card Statements matching PAID invoices Applicant Signature Date./ 9117/19 3 MLI Garrison Bros. Signs Inc. 2523-East 50th Street Lubhnc TX 79404 Estimate #: 5308 Ph: (8066)744-1161 FAX: (806)744-9628 Garrison Bros. Siigns,inc. Email: matt@garrisonsigns.com '=s1r=ftLV%Ock&a�rl'� tsar Web: http:/Avww.garisonsigns.com Page 1 of 1 Prepared For. Ofcewise Created Date: 10114/2019 9:43:31AM Contact: Tommy Sansom,Owner Salesperson: Eddie Wimbedey Office Phone: (806)763-2500 Email: ecvrimbedey@gmail com Fax: NIA Not Spacifted: (806)744-1161 Email: tsansom@of3icawiseco.com Not Specified: (806)744-9628 Address: 1301 131h St.TX 79401 Entered by: Eddie Wimberley Lubbock, Description: Officewise-1301 13th St.-Manufacture and install sign on wall of east elevation Quantity Unit Price SubtoUl Product: Dimensional Signs 1 S5,784.21 S5,784.21 9 Oeseriptlon:Manufacture and install non-illuminaled sign with white aluminum substrate(56'x 220"white aluminum with 2"angle support structure),Pin-mounted letters and logo painted Pantone 7459 C(light blue)and Pantone 368 C(light gr(2on).Circle W logo is 50'diameter. Ofllcewise letters are 22.5 for the taller fetters and 16'for the smaller letters.Shop tme,permitting,and installation Included. Subtotal: $5,784,21 Taxes: $464.82 Total: $6.249.03 Deposit Required: $3,124,52 Payment Terms: Balance due upon receipt. Client Reply Request Electrical Sign Contractors License Number: 18148 Regu�aled By The Department of Licensing a Regulation P.O.Box 12157,Austin,Tx. 78711 800.803.9202,512.463.6599 Mw.license.state tx us/complaints This price does not include electrical to the sign. Accepted: Date: 1 I Print Dale: 10/16/2019 11:14:57AM Vtgamsnnservert—�r�w�S',Contr�74Rcpwts�Garricon Eslfrnaialipt T _ 7 h17fC'N ELYAT1GTi l M�tufsCZt a atd in5t j 9/5'thick pin-nor*.td lc-ttert � F ort white alum"rvm Bvb6te to and mcunt 1.0!.^rick wolf ft :5t.`an i Man lr.�ad i ►'�'itc 5,.bttrxc 15 W*widc x 56' t.—-1 x :dccp r -ul PROPOSED ELEVATropi OFF'CE'N15E, 1301 13th St.,EU©8OCK a60 G .. Wan Signvl ��ut n,L,eao.� c6de Wimbetkyr �t11 ys •» aL iVwti�o4wafW}D+S*flt TTCli+u> OVA,: r "L.v Osn+w..,+ T[ "�oo.u.su.To•�m Krwta.s.cao.L�w..��•r.T R.iCGW�Y �-. lW=+e bcn-mR ���• NMM>I�a..r rc y+.�wP+'.M M.LiOII».� w "ro.tz.aa••r •wri+.w.v x a.. 1301 13th Before Pic �-4 r a _ P€l n v RE 19-75 RESOLUTION APPROVING FAIYADE GRANT FOR SEWCO, INC., DBA OFFICEWISE at 130113' STREET THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, held in conformity with the bylaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of a possible Economic Development Grant and Contract to SEWCO, Inc.,dba Officewise,a local company with heritage of supplying customers with business products for over 100 years, with locations in Amarillo, Lubbock and Midland/Odessa. SEWCO, Inc., Inc. dba Officewise is replacing a sign at 1301 13'1' Street, which is located within the Downtown TIF, with scope of work including the replacement of an existing sign totaling $6,249 in expenses. The terns and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract,other than the normal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grant and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant SEWCO, Inc., dba Officewise, located at 1301 13'h Street,Lubbock Texas,a Fagade Grant in the amount of$3,125. The scope of work includes the replacement of an existing sign totaling$6,249 in fagade expenses. WHEREAS,The Board of Directors of MLI finds that an Economic Development Grant and Contract offering the incentive for providing assistance to updating the exterior of the building meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grant and Contract. Upon Motion by Director, Mr. Brett Cate,and Seconded by director, Mr. Matt Bumstead, it was approved, IT WAS RESOLVED that MLI offer and,if accepted by Recipient,enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with SEWCO, Inc, Tommy Sansom, President, at 1301 13" Street, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contact will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Downtown (Facade) Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and negotiate Performance Agreement. John Osborne, President& CEO S;� A4r� Linda Davis, Secretary