HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2010-O0070 - Adopting Budget For Fiscal Year 2010-11 - 09/02/2010First Reading September 2, 2010 Iten:i No. 2~ 3 ORDIN•\NCF NO. 2GlC-00070 Second Reading September 16, 2010 Item 1{o. 6~4 AN ORDINANCE APPRO\'IN(r !\ND :\llOPTINCi A BlDGET FOR FISCAL YFAR l !J-1 l: PROV!DlNU I OR 'sECESS:\R y TR.\'sSFERS OF n.:,,..:ns BETWEF,, ,\(TOl "rs :\ ND D!-1' i\RT\1E:\TS. IF RfQl'IRFD: .\PPROPRL\ !TNG Fl NDS FUR ll!I F!SC.\L YE\R :C010-i I OPERA!l]Vi Bl DUFT ,\ND l.APII ,\! PRUUR.\\1 OF ! 11 ll lTI \ OF LL BBOCK: ISL\Bl.lSll!Nli CIVIL SIRV!CE l'L\SS!l lCAllONS .\ND POSITIONS: BY A\1lNDlNCi S!CTION 28-5l OF TH! COJ)F OF ORD!NAM'FS 01 Till CITY OF LUBBOCK BY RIVJSIN(i \\ATER R:\TTS ,\S C!JNT.\l'\EfJ llll·Rfl'\: BY A'vll!\:l)!c;() Sl.BSICI ION 28-86(u) Ol TllE CODI. OJ-URDIN:\c,Cl S OJ· Till Cl I Y OF Ll. lHlOCk HY Rl: VISING RATES AS CUNT.\IN! D Tiff RUN.BY A'.vlFNDlNG SUBSECTIONS 23-2l(b) .c\ND 23 66(a) Of' TIIE CODI.·. OF ORDINANCES UF Till· UTY OF LUBBOCK BY RFV!SINU SOUIJ WASTE COil.EC 110:\J RAlPi AS CON I AlNE!J TIIL'RE!N: PROV[l)JNU FOR Pl'l.lLICAJJON: AND PROVIDING FOR A SAVJN(,S CLAUSE. Wl lls.RE.\S. the City illanagcr ha, prepared certain figures for the Fiscal Y car 20 l 0- 11 l'n.,poscd Operating Budget and Capital Program ,)'roposed Budget) and has ,ubmincd the same to the Ci!) Councii: and WI 11:REAS. the City Manager JikJ the Proposed Bltllgct ,,ith the Cit~ Secretary for ithc fiscal vcar beginning (ktohcr, I, 20! O; and WI l[Rb\S, the City Secretary po:;tcd nDticc that the Proposed Budget had been !filed anJ a public hearing calkd thereon by the City Council at City I !all; and ! 'I WI U·Rl:J\S. the Ciry Council .:ktcrmincd that the Proposed Budget. as revised, is 'iuppropriatc and correct in all respects and that al! requirements oflhc law have been !satisfied~ and Wlll:Rl .\S. the City Council of the Cit)' ,1fLubb,Kk deems it to be in the bc,t lintcrc,t ufthc citizens oftlw City of Lubbock tn adjust water rates. wastewater. and solid lwask collection rates within the Cit, of Lubbock lo rl'!1cct cost or service: 'lOW lJHHUJ OIU:. . . 'Bl· IT ORDJ\11':1:JJ BY Tl IE CITY COUts:Cll. UF Tl !E CITY OF LUBBOCK: l -- Sfa:TION I. Tl !AT the budget proposed by the City Manager and tiled with the !Ci1:, Sccrdary for ltscul year October l. 2010 through September 30, 2011. which is 'attached hereto as Fxhihit ;\, he and is hereby approved and adopted as the FY 2010-l l IAdoptcd Operating Budget anJ Capital Program ;Adopted Budget). and maJe a part or this iordina1Kc for all purposes. SECTION 2. TH:\T a sunm1ar~ or eslimateJ and forecuskd revenues, iappropriations, a11J cmv ,ni!intion ul'net assets for all FunJs of the City is her~hy approved !in all respects and is attached hereto as Lxhihit B. i SECTION 3. rl!A r any nceessdry transfer ,,f lirn,is nd\\een acc·ormrs below the department levd recommended by the City Manager li.,r City purposes or as a rcsull of unusual N unl,,reseen conditions during the administration the Adopted Budget arc hcrehy appro, ed. howe, er. any lrmisl'er n f fonds bctwc•en d,:partments shall be pre,;ct11ed to , thl'. City Council t{1r appnl\al b} ordinance hcl{1rc such funJs can bL· transferred bctw::en , funds or cxpcndc1.L /\ li~ting oftranst~:rs hl:t\\ecn fund~ that arc indudL:d in the ,\Joptcd Bud~ct are aHached herelo as Exhibit C. SEC 1101\J 4. n !AT to the cxtrnt thut aeuwl re, cmt('S arc pn,jecled w be less tban thl' budgeted rcveuu:...~s. the City fvfonngcr is au1horized to reJucc spending as m:cLssary in order tu prcvl'nt expenditures fn.)m exceeding a\'ailab}c revenue sources~ and that in the cwnt such action is taken. the City '.lfanagcr shall immediately notify the Cit:, Cmmci! in \\Tiling with appropriate explanation. SECTIO"l 5. THAT all balance,; or appropriation in each fund, which support autlwrizcJ obligations, or arc cnctmibcrcd at the close of lndncss for llw fiscal year ended September 30. 2010. arc herd,} declared to be re-appropriated into the Adopted Budget beginning Cktobcr l. 20 l 0. SECTION 6. THAI a copy Dfthc Adopted BuJgct shal! bc filed with appropriate officials dS required by la,\, Sl,C !ION 7 n !Al in accordance with Section 7-34 of tbc Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock. the ci, ii service classification,; and positions set forth in the Adop!cd BuJ,zet are herchy established hy Ordinance. SJ.C IION 8. TIIAT the funding_ as set fonh in the Adopted Budget. and as also set fonh in rhc Capital Program, arc hcrehy approprialcd hy prnject and scope as set forth in the l'e1pital BuJgel. A Capital Program Summary is attached haeto as 1:xhibit D. SH TION 9. I HAT any additional appropriation or the addition of capital projects shall b0 pre.sented 10 the City Council for approval l'Y ordinance before such fonds can be ""pcmkd. The appropriation for a project in the Capital Program shall cominue in force until the purpose for which the appropriation was mack has heen accomplished or ahandoned. SEC rJON JO. llL\T rbc inclusion <lf equipment and properly 10 be purchased ao a par1 of the \laster L.:ase Prograrn is hereby approved anJ the City J\'L1nJger ,rn<l/ur Chief Finunciai Officer and/ur hls or her dcsignee are hereby directed tu execute any anJ all , 1documents necessary to consurmrwtc such purchases as outlined in the ,\faster I case Vchicl~ · · Rcpbccmcm Schedule, set forth on Exhibit F and in the Master Lease l·.~uipmrnl Replacement Schedule, set fonh 0:1 [•:.xhibit I'. Sl'CTION 11. T!lAT the City \fanagd shall obtain prior appro,a! of the City Counc'il for all salary increases, or increasc:s in cmnpensaticm in anv form for the Deputy Cit, Manager and Assistam Chy Mmrngcrs. SECTION 12. Tl!A r during a duly ckdim,d state ofdisastcnhc Mayor may authorize up to $500,000 from the General Fund. t,, he reimbursed liy ,tak or federal funds. for expenditures relmc:d 10 widespread or scv-,r,· damage. injury. or loss of property. SLCTJON 13. Ti L\T ~iii fres, 11ncs und chargl:s for scrvic·-.; <Jre appn)\\."d as li:-:teJ in • E~hibit A. in thl' Revenue Sci.:tion, SEC TH lN 14. ll l:\T the pa, plan is approved as liswJ in J'xhibit G. SECTION 15. l!L\I pcrsonm.:l is adopted as rdkctcd in l-:xhibit IL S"orn Police Officers lt1taling 422 arc authorized and funded. n1c additional number of sworn police . ,1/ficc:rs. IL>taling 28. ncc,kd to read, the two per 1.000 population rnti,l arc authmi/.cJ but • ,mfundcd. SIT I ION l 6. ll!AT Section 28-5~ of the Code of Ordimmces. City of Lubbock. l cxas is hcrd1y amended to read as follows: Section 28-52. Water Base ( 'harg,·. lhc Cit,,, through Lhc Cit, Manager. shail charge anJ collect from every custon1cr and ;,;\ery custon1cr shall pay a monlh1y ba:sc charge for \-Vatcr which shall be billed to all customers based upon the water meter size a,; follows: _Meier.Size Three-quarter inch (3/4 .. ) meter One ind, ( I") meter One and a half inch ( l .S'") meter Two inch (2"") meter Three inch (3 "") meter Four inch ( 4 ") mt'tcr Six inch (6") mctcr Fight inch (8 .. ) meter Ten inch (I()") meter WatcrBasc Char0 c $24.00 40,06 79.88 12840 255,96 399,87 799,).1 l .279.29 1.839.l SECTION 17. TIIA r a new Section 28-53{al 7) of the Code of Ordinances. City of Lubbock. rcxas. be crcawd ,o read as follows: Section 28-53. Water V,1lumc Rate Generally 7) Customers with A INC c,f 2.000 or Less • Customers with an Average Winter Consumption (AWC) or 2.000 gallons or kss ;hall not pay a volume charge on the first 2J)lJO gallons of water a, this amount is included in the: monthly base charge as set forth in Section 28-52 of this Code of Ordinances, but said customers shall lhercaller pay a volume charge for any amounts used over 2.000 gallons. Sl:CTION l 8: THAT the \l\!ater Base Charge as sct forth in this Ordinance. except as provided herein. shall be effective for al! billings for such services dated on or 3 ors alh:r December I, 2010. Tho Water Base Chmgc currently in effect shall remain in effect umil the cfli:ctiw date of the, Water Base Charge, as set fonh herein. sr-:CTION 19· 11 IYI Suh,cciiun 28-8hia) of the Cnd.:: of Ordinances. Citv of Lubhuck. 'l cx2s is hL'L:hy amt:ndcd :o read as fuiiows: Section 28-8(,. Rates charg~J f~H· wastcwakr scr\ ice, (a) The Cit). through HK City Manager. shall charge anJ collect from every custllmcr and every customc-r shall pay a monthly basc, charge for wastewater scnicc \\hich shall be billed to all customers based Ltpon the water meter size as follows: Meter Si,:~ No meter Thrcc·-yua11cr inch (Y+") mctc:r One inch (I") meter One and a half inch I I s·) meter Two inch (2") meter I hrcc inch ( T') mdcr h•ur inch (4") meter Six inch (6") rnctcr Fight inch (8"') mct,·r Tc•n inch ( I 0"') mckr Basc('han.oc $45.43 12.00 l .J.62 21 1 .J 28.98 47.30 73.10 138.81 217.23 308. 75 SECTION 20: Tl!AT the Wastcwall'r Base Charge as set forth in this Ordinance shall he dTcctiw for all billings I'm such services Jatcd on or ai\cr December I. 2010. The Sewer B,Lsc CbargL" currently in effect shall remain in cffcd until the effective: date of the Wastewater Base Charge as set forth herein. SFCTION 21: THAT Subsection 23-21(6) of the Code of Ordinances. City of Luoooc~. Texas. is hereby amc:ndcd to read as follows: (h) Persons desiring to Jump such wastes as described above at the designated city landfill sbali pay a d1argc per ton of waste dumped ol t,-,enty-cight do!lars and 25 cents ($28.25) plus any applicable surcharges effective October 1. 20 ! 0. Contaminated foodstuffs and asbestos containing wastes arc considered special wastes and must he discharged. Jumped or unloaded al the Jcsignated city lanJlill or at ,uch other place as may be designated by the solid waste department. Persons desiring to dump con1aminatcd foodstuffs and1or asbcstu, wntaining wastes ,rt the city landfill shall pay an additional charge per ton of waste dumped of filly-four dollars and seventeen cents ($54.17) plus an~ applicable surcbrg..: for \vastc generated outside of the cit}. il of 8 SFCTION 22. TIIAT Subsection 23-66(a) of the Code of Ordinances. City of Lubbock. Texas. is hereby ,m1endcd to read as follcrns: Section 23-66. Amounts generally. (a) An asscssrnL'nt is hereby levied for rcn10\'ing garbage. rubbish and trash in accordance with the schedule listed in this section. This shall be the minimum assessment and any additional charges for extra pickups. extra scrYicc or ~xlra containers ,vhich arc now or rnay in the future be assessed shall be in addition to this charge. (]) Residential: (One uni!) 1-"iliccn dollars and t\\Cntv- fivc cents ($15.25) per month. effective October I. 2010. plus any applicable surcharge. 12) Small commercial. churches. day nurseries. private schools. prolcssional oniecs. hmne beau,y shops. other customary ho1nc occupations. nursing homes, orphan. makrnity and geriatric homes. lodges. sororities and fraternities generating less than twenty (20) cubic feet per pickup and sharing with al least 3 other business or residential units fifteen dollars and twenty-live cents ($15.25) per month clkctive October I. 2010. plus any applicable surcharge. (3) Multi-family (more than four units with container), mobile home parks with container. commercial. institutional. hotels. dormitories. motels. hospitals. clinics, go\ermncntal agc:ncics. and industrial: ( 'ontainer Size (Cuhic Yard\") 2 or less .j 6 8 Plus any applicable surcharge. Monthly Charge $40.57 60.14 79.70 115.38 151.06 When two businesses share a dumpster. the monthly charge per container size is divided equally among the two businesses. Roll-off c:ontaincrs shall be assessed a ninety dollars ($90.00J charge per pickup and twenty-eight dollars and 25 cents ($28.25) disposal fee per ton plus any applicable surcharges. effective October I. 20 I 0. Compactor containers shall be assessed a charge or seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per pickup in addition to twenty-eight dollars and 25 cents ($28.25) disposal fee per ton plus any applicable surcharges, ci1cctivc October I. 20 I 0. Pag_c 5 of 8 For the purpose of this section and its use herein, the word "'container"' shall mean a detachable container of hca, y durable material subject lo being moved hy autmnation, SIT IIUN 23: Tl IA! the City Council finds and declares that sufficient written notice of the date. huur. place and subject of this meeting of the Council was posted at a designated place convenient tu the public at the City l lall for the time required hy law preceding this 1nccting. that such place of posting ,vas rr:adily accessible at all times to the general puh!ic. and that all of the foregoing was done as required by law at all tirncs during which this Ordinance and the subject matter thereof has been discussed. considered and ltmnally acted upon. The City Council further ratifies. approves and confirms such written notice and the contents of posting hereof SECTION 24. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descripti,c caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method of publication as provided hy law. SLCTION 25. Tl !AT should any section. paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance he declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder or this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SH TION 26. Tl l:\T matters revised after the proposed hudgct was filed with the City Secretary arc as follows: General Fund - Increased Revenue: Property HLx increase in certified values $ 573.872 Decreased Revenue: Properly tax decrease in O&M tax rate (2.587.483) Increased 1:xpcnditures: Payroll Fire Pay Plan, effective January I. 20 l l l AO 1.632 Payroll Police Pay Increase. effective January 1. 2011 1.075.230 Payroll All Other General Fund employees 3'½, merit eflccti ve January L 20 l 1 Decreased Expenditures: Streel Lighting -Electricity Attrition Payroll Decreased Transfers Out: Translcr to LP&L Street Lighting Trans/er to CIP City I !all Improvements Transfer to CIP City Facility Major lmpro,emcnts 419.624 ( 1.832.778) (352,606) ( 1.074,713) ( 450.()00) (500,000) Page 6 of8 Transfer to CIP Clapp Swimming Pool .tvtainlcnancc -I ransfor t,.1 ClP ·· Redistricting Cor._1rdiI1ation Project Debt Service Fund - lncr,·ased Rs:vcnuc: l-'1\1pcny tax incrcasi:· in certified \'alui.;s Capital Program•~ 92189 Phase [J Runway 8126 lmprnv,m1cnts Appn,priation Funding· FY 201 l PFC Rev.:nue C(fs Funding Federal Cirnnt hmding 9028 I · J\.fojor Sewer Linc Rcpbccmcnt /\pprupriation Funding FY 2005 Wastewater Revenue co·s 92223 Animal Sheller Wastewater Extensi,m Appropriation Funding· FY 2005 Waswwmcr CO's 91190 City Hall lmpro,cmcnts Appropriation Ftmding Pay-as-you-go '.'.O !0090 City Facilitie, Major Improvements Project ,\ppropriation Funding --Pay-as-you-go $ (600,000) ( loo 000) 21(,,97+ (906.025) ( 895.302) ( I CL ) (200.000) (200.()00) 200.000 200.000 (450.000) (450.{)00) (500.000) (500,000) 20 I OJ 03 Clapp Swimming Pool 'l,fointcnance and Im pro\ emcnts Appropriation ( r,00.000) Fcinding Pay-as-you-go (600Jl00) 20 IO I 00 Redistricting Coordination Project :\ ppropriation Funding Pay-as-you-go Lubbock Power and Ught - Decrci!sed Revenue: City Payment Street Lights !ncr,·ascd Trnnsfor Ou!: fr:msfcr to General Fund P~) ment in Licu of Property Tax Decreased Transf.:r In: Transfrr frum licncral Fund -Street Lighting (! 00.000) (I 00.000) ( 1.832.778) l .4()3.323 (l.074,7!3) Pagi: 7 ot 8 Economic Development - Increased Revenue: Property tax increase in Cl'I1ificJ values S 69.417 Increased Expenditures: Payment to Market Lubbock. Inc. Market Lubbock, Inc, Component Unit - Increased Revenue: Property lax increase in ccrtilied ,alues /\ND IT IS SO ORDl'Rfl) Passed by the City Council on first reading on Passed by the City Council ,rn second reading un / September 2, .2010 September 16, 2010 69.417 69.417 FLOYD PRICE. MAYOR PRO TEM 1\ ITLST: ("ity ~;ecrctary i\PPROVI:D AS TO H)RM: Budget VY l O ! l .Gn.L v:2 7 9 10 Page 8 of 8 Exhibit B -All Funds Surnn1ary :;,;,t:C,:1rn,:n1 S:>. <,-, s;r.,:;-._;l ('.o•:c''(\l!k ',.; !i,_-.S;;kc:- >c \V,,ri<.: (,C)h<:~ :1\kl'tc,h,!n\n:1;111;,I !-;nc:s anJ i'orfr•t>.<r,:c :rikrcq l ;1rmn,:., fr,)t] ;_y&; Cc.,n;id', fwv: V,::FCl h1FJ li,.?: S,~~,·cr h1n; rr:m,;:'.,;;s fl<.1m ~(,,;d \'/,1~k l r;m:,.1{:t\ frwll .;,q'-i•ll LJt".J r nn:1:.Cr~ frvrn Sv:1:1w:t1··· Ordinance No. 2010-03070 s Hmh:t'I FY 2HHl-11 7f\C/;.'" '~0 s~q (,.! N_t1-ia 7. \ Ju 1)l,_: 2)'i1J<J2 i,H,!J;q Exhibit B -1\11 Funds Summary \:11' "'-.,,(f: ::1 ,, ,\en,,_;;,;: ·-·,crw' hu\i·t,;: '.;-,, ;:z,tJn \-'illnn;m: ].10r;;r\ i-'11:::-;n,.>:rn1;• s,,,:c;: 1~::h:mg .'-1rccC:, Tr:i'.h '.lkmi,;;p.1'. Cout PnlKc 1_ llht:1 .\rp!',)j'Y:{dU" fr,m. ;':~;:-; ;J,;n-Cn·i\ t.;dVFJ'. !\{<;Ll i•k'fr.\l.'.:--< l'::,L•H :'JTnn!-Oths:r -\dn,~1'.: ";:;;t. s Hutlgt! l·Y ~urn~11 ; '·J, ;;,_); l-U,c i :,'(_{;(;_~ 2 :1\2_7'.( '1, S l 5_::i_,;5 j ·12: 3_ij;l4_8}\) -t19/1'.:~ 1?,:_15:',61;,,) Exhibit B -All Funds Sun1mary Dehl StTYin· Fund Ri:n·11Ut' SoUfh'~ i"r:rns..,frr fr,,,, i 'Nd L;\ i 1 Pn~frr !'nn, { i;1tt'l,,1, Ciak'\\;J\ fh)ici :-:ix Strn;n\\:ttcr :u 10! Lo:U> P;ngi::rn Fiscd ,\ i'.Cnt i <:c~ Fk(·t S1•rvkes Fund f,lta! Fice1 Sen 1cc Fuml Rc,cnu,· J'ota! Fkd Sc:r\ 1c ,-\;sprnp1 :111\ln lkal01 lkndits Fund l'nwl lk;iitli !kn<:fns Fund RCh'mk \ :;,L;;1tl!>n nf i<ct .-\s.,ds l'otal l k:lit!I B::n-:f1F i\ppropn:1l1on lnfonnation "J't·chnolo~~ Fund !',)1:\) information Tcchn,,i('t" Fund RcYc"rnll' i_:1t111:tl!1in n(Nc1 ,\~\ds J'uta! lnfnrnwt1on ·rc'cimo!,ig\ Apprn;1rution l1nestmenl Pool Fuml i'(Jt<1! ln\ r:stn,;-nt )\,\\) Fun J R,-,cnu,' :'ot:11 inn'strn;-nt hioi .s\pprnpn:it:Pn Print Shop :ind Wan:housi· Fund !,Jt;1i P11nt Shup and \V;trdiousc i md l\cVL'nU,' l nui i'rmt Shor and\\ ar,:h,HS'C /,pprnp1atwn Rbk ,tanagenwnt Fuml fota! Risk \fanagcmcnt Fm ci Re;\ c:rn:c rculi Risk ~-1.inagcm, nt Fur d _:,ppwrrn u,n \irport Fund i ut;d A:rp,111 1-'umi P, \cm,c l°Pt:d ,\:rp,rt Fund ,,\pp1PJW:idl\in Cemetery Fund fr:m~k:-from Cc:ncral Fu:d (;11Lz:1t1un of\c:t /\~c-d~ r,,ta! Ccrnch.>r, hmd :\pprnpn:iH,,n Bud)!;et FY 20Hl~ll ;,::-1::.u,.1 ~7.; 3.293)(,-l 7_'17..J,872 'J7.27-I 3 i ,--l-t i i 37. !88 15.5()'.) \_2')-t,.395 1,292,.'.:'(l-l 2 l J!')7. 77(\ 2,710_H:2U 24_..!{)8_590 S(,.1.(185 S,5/-JU :r;u_:>ts 5M,J8J -h--1,1(,2 S_b--1\,.732 S5'l~ .UN JiU-1-4.lU, 9.l!YUX4 2'.18.IY) 32.96)( 7(:·-IJ,77 Exhibit B -All Funds Sumrnary Civic Cellter; Fund Lub!wrk Power and Light Fund :"01:d i ubhwk h>'.'-d ;11d l i/hl h, 1d F':c:,c: i ubb,,;l J\w;c :md I :;:ht 1 uml \ppr< r,1 :nrnn Solid \\ash> C1ility Fund 1 i\l:il SoliJ \\ :;stc \ :1;!:t\ Fu,J Re,,;; uc Sturm Water l'tility hmd !'ot:;: Shlrrn \'hkl : :1;!n~ r·,rnJ Rc\C/llis..'. l :ul:z:il)(ll) ,,( :\kt /\s::,,.:b r, ul S1,,,m Water 11td1!\ !'und /\ppr,1r,1; ti<H\ Tran~ii Fund Wastewater l"tility Fund i',ll:il Wa~tev:itc:r \ ·1i1n\ Fund Rcvcnuc ruul \\\1sh'1\akr \ :tdn i'trnd -\rprnpr1d1:<m Wllll'r l'tility Fund I'ot:11 W:itt;r l :1:l11v !.,11ncl Rc:,-~ ,uc 1 :1:J11:11w11 ti!' :\id ,-\sscts r,,ul Water\ 'td:I\ 'und /\ppr );,na110i1 .-\handoned Vehitk Fund ('t::izuwn of'.\c1 ,\::,\dS 1·ota! .-\hc,nd,mcd Vehicle Fund :\ppr(ipnatw,, Central Busim·ss Disfrift TU Fu!HI f'(ll 11 Ccn!r:ii Busmc~s I )1stnc1 J'T ,uL Rc\'cnuc \ 1t:i11a1HH1 of :i\t;t /'-SSdS !'ot:li ( ·cntrnl Business DbH1cl l lF :-,mc1 Arpropnatmn Co111111unity Dcvdopnwnl Fund foul (_\,nmrn1111y Dc,cl<lprncnt ! un,i Rc\enuc i'01:tl Commun:'' l)ncbpmcnt i •1nl :\pprnrnawrn Criminal lnvestiga1ion Fund l (,tai Cnminal in\C?l!gal:on Fur d F'.c'\ .-nw l ltdu:llwn nf Net .-\,::--ds roui Cnmn:d lnn:\t1p.a110!' Fund ;\pprop,rnt:011 ' Hmlgt't FY 2010,ll ; l)_ JX.'1:(, 1.::-:.~. ;;l I :::,i.-12-Hl7 -15Lll'l )', :iU.l L~li iO-WU_UiJ() 7U.985 ,423.:::20 :::.8-FJ,909 l7t,Jlh6 3J)2:\lJ75 ]_'178512 _zr,_7-F /0,,\l)_l : 27_.s . .;.s Exhibit B -i\ll Funds Sun1n1ary hunu,mk n~•\·dopmen1 Fund Emcrgz·nq ,hmtgem,rnt (;nrnt Fu11d l<;U'. i -,'2.;~-,:\ \,;';;: 'l UfhJ Hotel OtTup:u1c_, T:n: Fund l 01.li !l,lki t,1.:ik: Lll'. ,:;ind inn: Hutd Mnkl : ,,, ;.·;;r;d .\c;w,,p HL•n .\c:\·('Pl!t'' ':t,t! \fo1i,.1('.tct F ,;1:;i R,:· CrllT ·;·<"iii .lciYcntic C:bc \•1llnd~1T' F'.;r.c: Ar,;~r-:r,ri:itwn I ,.1;_,, ,\i:rn tt.-ru·~-hind 1 c:;;.J l ,,k-.: Abn l fenn Fund R-\·cnoc Luhhod> EHmomk Hr1elopmou .\Uiam:e Fond To!;;: i abhod. !i·;,rw1,;c D~·, ,:k>pntl'i1! \liia/k'C e-w,'-' ;{,c·> e1L2 r,,,;;;) ;_u\hud: [dj))(')Ydc' Dc,s:hrr,n,:t:! -\HiMKC l',H.d. _\fonldpal Court fiumi To:;el i',i~i:.:c-;p:,! "-<,y; hmd \ ildv,;i,on :if ;';,:i L11a1 Mmm:11,:d (",,,:ri ;,:ant ,\p,p,,,prce,r,m '.\nnlt Ovnhm Pnhlk lmpr.-)V<"mt'nt f>iqrict Fmul •l'.'.d !'fonh Ovc:1on r.,bl:;; lmp:;;:-: no;; DF1:;n F,:.rcl Ee ,cmA' i_ ·1,t:rtll\)/1 11f \-kl -:,,,,h :\.orfl! Poini T'uhlk Jmprow111cm Dbtd..i Fund t'nr.ir· P:i" k' lmpr,w,;nc:ii I l;ymct >und 1z. ,(WW c:, 1dc,JI :'",,;·;h Foi:L· F;,);1';; lrnpr,-"a•:en,:1~t 1mr;ro¥c>111.•nl 01 we: >'ur,: ,;.pµwpn;nw> Quiury P;i.,·k Pnb!k lmprnH'HH'nt lfo:irkt hrnd fTO\UJi;:i:t !ti~tn((: ·.1:;d R~-s:lllL' O;oSnc·t 1·und -\j1p (\iiri::r,,)!' Yi11IJJ~'-' Township Public (mprmnnent Hisirkt Fund f"nu! V1rn:ig,; fowl V ;r;tJ.gc " Bmlr;et FV J.01().JJ ..t_ l Mi. 7 I (l _1_9y,_,10; i-t2.;.:JY; s:<:<_·,,;.q -+.:::::s. ,1h .c;_.t?.\_· •/1 .J.!f,J,)9 l ;(J,+5 A2X:'9 _?h \'2~ 2C:6}22 2,% . .322 Exhibit B -All Funds Su1n1nary l,uhbotk Econnmk De\elopmcn! \l!iancc r,,tal l ubhm:h h>>t1(u11c t )c\ ,1c,r11c:rn -\i! ;c; R<:\ <:r uc ·11l1nn ,1: ;Jf~,;·t !bs, h \farkct l.uhbodc lnr. \larkd Lublwck, Inc, \'bit Lubbock, Inc rnui \farkd Lul·,h)ck \ 't!iu:,l!"11 of\;,:(, .~SClS \fo rkl't Lubl)l)tk, lnr. -Sports _\Ufhorily !"oui \brkd i ubhock, i:k -SpPrb .-\ulx11lv Rc\c'i uc ::llwn pf Net ;\~~ns J'otai \1arf..d Lubbock lt1c: -Spcrt.~ c\uthurT r\pprnpr1:1 1<1n Civic I ,ubbock, hH' Td:11 C1YK l,d,hoc·k. !Ile Revenue rz:wun ,if '.\";1 /\~'.<Cb ( ·1\ ,c I uhbock. inc -\ppropnalwn l.ubhotk l:mcrgenc~· ('ommuninitions District !',ital !.ubhnck r:rncrg<:ncv t·,nrnnu111c:111,ms Dis\nc1 R,'.1cc·11uc· l !ul:1:ltmn ,,r >:c:1 ,\S'.'d', \"iniage Township Puhlir Fadlities Corporntion r(,ta! \ :n1,1g,; rown~h:r h1h! c Faciht1c~ Cnp,H:Hion Re enuc fowl \'int<ii_'.'.' ll1wn:;l11p !1uUic htci!nicoe t 'orpm:ii1()n. ,ppropna: on \kadowhrook Golf Course> J'oul '.,ka(]o\vhrnnk (l,lifi..',,urs,: Re ,·nnc To1:ll Mcad(mbr,lok (i,ilf(.(H1rs,: Appr,ipna!11i1i ' Budget F) 2010-1 l ;('(, 1 .. 1,,;_ss::: S.:,;.1-(-, ,,(,/\ :;e14_ 115 lY~5 . .2.:'.{l (J_\5.017 !,fSL236 61 __ :::ox !Y24A--l---l- 2.: ())()!itl 2.u21,P7 ·i,221.9-[7 252 . .108 2S::')OH 1, 1--13.::'90 17'\872 Exhibit C -Transfers Su1nn1ary l\cnc:1:li l'aptli l'ro_;cch j unJ •c:ncr;d L\c:Lucs S\'<1Cm Jmprnrn! ! unJ i,·nc:r:l! ( ,ipr1:t! l'n)jc'l'h F11nd ·11-:rn: l :,pmii l'rny.xh Fund •e:nc:tai :q1il:1! Pw:e:cts Fund (i -ns.:r::' :tp11:1I l'ro:.::cb rund (Jen, rai Fund t!c.:11, r:li Fund t)L11cr:ll Fnnd l l<.: wral !·,md ,;cncral i-1:nd , i,:n ·rdl I· lnhi ,,en, r,li Fund r/cn, r;d Fund 1.ic:ncrnl hmd l,C1!, ml l·urnl l icn<.:rai 1-und (;cnnai Fund -r:mt Funs!~ nwrgcncy \fana1 cmcm ::mt hind" ~'l:ck it or Ticket (iun: hHad" i)(l1Antnwn !-()_.\ ()rant F11nJ l.!'&L F.1t1li 1c:, Sv,km l1nprmnt h1 id Lub!wd Pmvcr & L ght Lubh(•ck Pmvd & I :ght l uhh,ld.: Fm\d & L µhi Lubbock \'mh'r & l ,:;h1 :-<nth ( h'C!Wn Tn .\ionh(hcn.,,T!J \tonm\dd C:ip:ul !'ru;<cct~ i ,;nd :'ran:,:! l:nkrnr1sc hmd V:rnagc To,~nship Pi·Z • W:a~to,:1:c:-Cap1'.ai Pr1,,1c:d [ un;J \A 'hL:wmcr ( :1pn,d l'w1cn hmd \Vask\\akr l'nterpnse Lmd \Vasl('\\;ns Entt:rpn:-;c LmJ W;,rcr Cap:tal i'roJects hmJ \V;ncr i-:11tcrpnsc: Fund ''·,re! ( lccup:i \C\ (;;\; 'lH] '.tk\\:l\ S1rcd, i 1mcl Simm,,:ik"r i 11:crpn c-hnc1 ! ,,bhocK l\mc; &: l :-., Soi:J \\';bk iCm<.'q r,s~-f Ul,d Sl<lr'.P\\:lkl Fnk!pr!~l; i u1kl (it::nc:r;il Fund lJ,cncui 1-und i\:rpnt ; nkrpn~t: hmJ :\1rpnr1 i:n1np11Se F1mJ l.uhbock i'nwcr 8: i 1phl l.uhbuck Po-.,cr& i.1gh! Lubhud .. i'vxcr & L1,-h1 S,l!id \Va,1tc Fnkrpn~<: Fund Soi1d \\'act,: Lntcpn~,:: i unJ Solid ',\';hk ! nkrpris<: I und Stomn\;\1c'1· !-:1tcrpri~e hir,d S1Unl1\\ <lk'.1" i' nt..:rpr :,,: i· und Swrn11Y:1kf Fnkrp,i s hmd St,mmv:J(n Fnte.:rpn~c· Fund W:J\l(\'-Ukr l-nkrpri5C Funcl \V:l~k\\s\1CT Lnkrpr:se 1-'tmd Wa~kl',ilkl 1:nkipnse hrnd Wate1· Lnkrpw,e ! ,rni.i \.\'1:kr bikrpn~c hmcl {jennid hmd \ ienc:r;ll ! u::d t'BD TI! :1p1tal Fund i'ra11~1t I .:ibhock PG c-u· & i.ight .'inllJ \\';;sk l·.nkrpn.se hmd S1<1rm\,:i!cr FnkrptbC l· und \.Vask\\akr Fnfcrpnsc: Fn11d \Vilc'r l'nkspn,c Fund I !ovl Occup,mry Snlid \Vask l:ntcrp11-v; i unJ S1mm,1Jkr !'.nkrpt:\c l und Genned hmd Vintage T(mnsh p PiD W:uc,v;,t;;r Enterpn~c i und Ww,:ew;nn Fr:kr;msc: ! um\ S,)!id W;1S!t; l'nkrprisC h,·K1 Watd Lrncrprise !-und \Vater Lnkrpnsac Fund Lah: Al.m !knrv Fund Ordinance No. 2010-00070 L\::rnctei1 Opc:it! ,·1\ i.-;_ ·cmc•i d:lli(>: l)ebt Sc·J\ L>: i ;t\il1C/1[ S:rc:eh \. ·apn;i! Impr,i\d" er t P1\,ic'CL" -;p "l!U7,1~~th a \d .i Re: T;cdrntw·' ('fl', :n;,,;_',_( i tilS )) ifll'.11 ()rthuphoto, F:1c!l,t:, i/crn<li:tHlP 1-:,ul;'.\ \forntcn mce; und \-L1jor Rep;;irs :;; i ,re Stal\<11"' Rcd1olnctmg l 'c ;rdrnJ!lPn :\1rcrar: Hcsc:ic l :re r :1:!!t:nJ (:\Rl·F'• ":iymcnt m Lieu ufhand 1.,,: l·et: !'ay1nu11 n1 Lieu p(J'ror,1.'!l\ fax i11ci1:c:d l',l_,t lndir;;n ( 'uH F:iqncnl lll ! :c:u or i'l"'.HKhl5C Fee lnd1nx1 ( 'pst P:1\mcnt :n J,1,;u ,-1fl'ropcn;-ra., !\1ymcn1 ml 1c::i •Jfl·ranc!!i~,: f'<:c indirec1 ("n\1 l',i\ed Str,;ds l'a,·in,:m m Lwu of P open~ Tax {irarn Match (irnnt :'--latci' !·:Di\ Do11nto\\n 1;r,m1 (!rant ! umh ! 'kctnc Pay :h-~ ,,u-g1; ( :lpitai \ :11ilty Colicc:i,rns i :11!11,; \.'n!kc1:,ms l':-am;t Oper:ill<"i!lS Debt St:n Kc !';Amcn1 \.Lmho!c .'\djU\lmr:nts and l and :\ppi1c1110P \V;1slc\satt:r Pay-as-y,rn-go Cap l:li l-:nvironmcnta 1 ~ 'ompluncc Ln\ mm111e11ta! CompLan(·,: \iiWilnt )U,iJiiil l _u '0.rWrl 100,()(;i) 23•U 1-l 2 hUL>5 55(,.029 J!ll. l 73 l-t8.9,W 1:; 1.6(J7 '; l\1,".-"•Vi 7 l 3_2.[5 715,'f',5 i)J5_<ih4 iJ,,l L Viii S.·lih!,e)i, I. !)')_()j_'i ~,, 1, } 252_:;n; 225.()()(J <i,{}_(;{i(I 26.921 26.'.i::' l l 5U_iJO!) i29.li25 Ordinance No. 2010-00070 Exhibit D -Capital Program Sun1n1ary Projt·rt ,'\umber )i).p; 85-19 \\"di P!u; pnp_ Haile,· Cnun'.\ \\ c:ii I :cici \)\,J 'ling S.m1Ur~ L \,mrnl L:1><,l\knh l ;ii,,<: AL:n l knry Rqn:rs :Vb1ntcn,rnc,_' ( \nc'rdC I }:-:i:n,ic:c l. 'h;;nnd Rcp:ni·~ rraff1c S12nab -Wt;~l l.o,p :s,; •tth w Sb.L.:: J'raffK Light~ Mnr~b Sharp Frcn,:i\ l'i :i~,• I'/ S."50 ,lolfC\Jursc lrnprcl\crncnls l(:;51 (;JS U1g1tal Onhuphntc 1 ml l-,l))!()lffO n52 :\:rfidJ /\~phalt Repair S556 8557 Sannan· Sc:wc:r \fan! ult' ;\Jnctmcnts Lrnk Rdnbil1L\11,m at the \\'akr lrc,t1111c:m i'Lm1 l'uhiic :_1111\tY h1gmu.;r111g and ('1iuJ111:111on \Vc?t Lm,p 289 and SI [ 11-1 ')S1il Street S;mrury Scwscr Rcmcd1 it:<m 91-\h 51Jth S1rcd. SlnJ;:,-L,,up 289 'H'J2 I;\]! Rtc·rc;rn,,n ,\r,_,;1 i:T1rrn,crncnts 'J7-L:: \\/:,!, r Lnc::-. r\hc:1J (,fSil:nr h;::,::wav 9!)(:_25 Dr:)m:,gc: l111prn\dllc'!llS <l0d55 \\',1tc:r F:inlilws S,:cunt\ ln:prmc:md1h 0(;09~ '.\Nth lJna\"d\HV ;:nh;mccinc:n! ProJCCI 91 I•! South Lublwck Storm Sc:,,u l'u 1cc: </f12Rl ~A:ljnr Scw,:r Lmc Rcpi:1t,:rnc;11 i.1f1 S:at:on R<;h;;b:l1s:1lwn 9!001 hai!n Count_,· Wc:llfwid imrrmc:1nc:nl\ 'il()(i/ (.\1mprchcrh1\c W:!tcr Linc ('kmctciHH~ i)j(!J} 9](;3..; ,J !035 <)ji cJiU-l2 \Vau:r Tre,itnwnt i'!arn lmp1·0,cmrms i'ump:ng S\\krn l:npnncmcnts S,:,\ct l we:~ :\he JU of Sm:le1 l':n mr Sc:\\'-.'r I :;p Rcpl:iccnwnL \V:ilcr '.v1ckr Rcpbcc:mo1ts l'1onccr l'ark :\orth (_hc:non TIF Puhhc F:,ci!iuc~ i.;m(J i\ppl1c::t1<m PwJuc1Jori :mU Monitoring \¾'t.'lb lJ ! JOU Signal Svstcrn C.,mmtmtcalions { Pl :-2-lTS'; '.) ! ! 19 Ongomg Str;cd Light mg 91 !58 .-\mmal Shdkr Farill!y ljj](,(l Police Departm<ent & 1vlun:c1pa! (\Juris Reno' :it:ons \pproprfation to Date _1,1,:_,1ur, -:;n in11n 1.IJili!,0\J(J 5(){CJi0d ;(luJViO "'i!JJ()() ::'5'1_()()(: 5•i:\8.S9 l !5J)o!) l07S:'7 .2YU51 550_ )l)i) _)UO. )(HJ i 5(JJH_lil 2:,0. ){)\) 5()() ')i)/j 250.()(1/) l:_!63 i _(,)[)_(]()() 1(269, )()i) l_i3(1%{) i . .25/l_ti/){j ).f __ i()5_()1J(l (){)() 3,650.2(;{: i .530J)OiJ 872_0(!/J 86/i.f',()() 925.000 L'.k5 iJii\1 2J<25J (){) 2,M55Jl(){) 5ClJ)!if) 2U!72A38 }lQ_j(l] lUO.kJ(l 5_(}1)0.00() 5iJ!).{i()() -\ppropriation FY 2010-11 2_il1l(),(;(H) 2SU_iJ/Hl SJ,.+On :::_~(J_(}()() _)()1<11(:() -100.0\i() 50()_()()(! s.:n:::_11rnJ 5U;_urn, 57()J)(i() 15 ;_{){j(i f1)!1_/j()\) 1:-;()_(i(;{l ! -t.5.(H)(l -H5,(;01) Exhibit D -Capital Progra1n Summary Project '\umtwr Prot'ct '\amc i:nrnn cmcnts 1clitnmn,R.c: ]<)~ )( ( 'dlkl Re 1()\_;t:on <Ji 22(; i'A:11n R(p:n ::t Fir,: '.-,t:,tnth cJ2Ul 2 \\·a. k\'-cHcr CniL:ctun \'d1:cic Storage l :,~·,),\\ fan,] \pp!il::mon (Jff:~·c RL'nm·,rn,,n 'l'.2(l:'7 \k,\l:s1c;r Rc:-n<1om ;rnd linpru,cnknh <J20h'I i.r\l! R:iw \\':Her I me !'umn Sia11<w <)2107 (i(JB hl~t 'i212.1 Nonll th,;n,in r!F 1-:kcinc \ 11\!ll\ lip;:r:hk-\ :nJ<:i/!Hmd 9:'. i 2~ Sll\'d !\t11;nkn:1ncc l>r,1r:r:,111 92 i 2h s;:\VRP lrnprv.t'illd1h l'Lwt 4 <)2 i V: RI!:\\\ cl\" g 2( 1:,Klhl(l!) -))cs:; n ( Jni, <)2]32 S(•!id \V:isk Fke1 lnfra~1rucrnk ')21-l7 R,:g1<1nal \V:,kr Sqiph· l'f{)iC:C\'O \; S.._ !-: Lubbock lnfra~tructurc l'!rnc,e i Rmnn1y $ 2t1 lmprn\'Ci ecnr.~ Rs:r,lac0 l';isscngs:r ! .o:1d1 ng Bndgcs (J2)S1, lndra11,1 ,-\\c:ntv -\03rJ t,J !-·:--A l:iS5 <)215/\ 9Sth S1r,~d. Fr<1nkford :\\(ntlc. and \lilv,:mLcc :\\crn,c ')215') Mah\:wkc:c /\\·cnuc l\J•J1!\ tu !·l\-1 ! .ss~ 'j2 I (1 I .'FU \11 lZ i'rim .. i:-3 anJ B:id;up Srk i 'p; raJc l)2 I 7_'- 92! 7•i 'J::"175 '121/7 92 i S5 92! 87 [nig;l!1on /\uh)llla!1on & Control Systems LAH Wall.'.! Tiemmcn1 Plant and rcnrnnai Rc•cec:no11 1·raff1._: Si;:nai\ Comrnikrs Siorm \.\".1kr Vauit Rq1LH:c!litcnT \;orthwcs1 i.uhbud. and l\bxc\ Park Fro1~·ct Stmm Sc:,H.'r Repair :mJ Rs:piu~·s:mcrn Si:WRP !1q>w\,;n1<:n1\ D1gc';t, r 8 & 'J :-,;,,uth l.ubhnc\... Sann:ir\-Sc\\cr S\·qc:n: 1·.\p:m:-,1,J11 l'h;isc l \'i;:iy:,1dc !lorn.~ at h\·c1 nc P and 2nd l)r1\l' Luhhnd: il1;sml'ss Park Plla~c 2/\ Pa, ng Lr\il Tri:arcJ Water P:pc-lmc Pc'rniarknt Traffic Count Su11,m '-1'.:::189 Pha~t.' ]] Runwa; 8 2h Jmproc·cml'nL;. 92J9n Watcr L\ll'nSi01b :J.he:id nf'1hc (fa!lei\:J\ l'roi~-ct, '!21'-i' A1rpm1 F:1c:ilty impnw,:mcnb 9221 J Parb Back flow :\s~c:mhiy ConYcr:-.wn ''2215 S!1dc:: Rod from !\faashall tt, i·s 8--1- 922lfi 92217 '>221 f; rraffic S1gnui 11pgnJcs 3-lth Stred Rccowtrunwn • fndihna :\\cnuc: 10 ,\\l:nuc () (_luaks:r /, vc ~ 98th Stred 10 i ! ~:h S1rcd 'l22i9 114th Sm;c1 -Umvcrsity Avc1 ck' to Sl1Jc !fo:H..i 9222() \-1ilwaukcc and 98th S1r2d ,\ppropri,Hion to Date ::.-;cJ.:(_ -lin' ti'' )/)_(li)() .19.\ l{)i_j l2!J_(}f)(I ;1}()_(1{)() '.,,2SU. I()() 57,25(l}J()f1 J_:i8U, 78() V-n\9--1 .''.N 1-02.IJ\5 .J1)8_2()() ()_()()() 2 )()_'.)i)O 5.23-Lll71 5(l(,_(i1)i_i : i Jl76Jion 1_71i(lJ\()0 2,272,%0 h5.700JWl 20iJ_()()() _\_ I Oi Jlil(i r,/Ju. )(i{l 2.350,il()() ,f_!)(iU/i(J;J 791 . .'.WO l:\(l()i)_)()() }{,J l)(j 2,001 () j() 275_()1)i) 3. i)_(i\lC 1,25U i 8(j_i)(H) 2~ _(l{;(l i 8.740 (i(iJ(i() 725. J(!(i 3.9(i!)J)(j!) 7,75UJJil/J --18\)_[j(Jfl 75n.oun 2.000.0(J() Appropriation F) 2010-11 585_(;/)(i 39_7()1j_()()(i 22Jlon o(,(i 2_1)()(, iji)(J 5G1i uon (1.h7-LS2(; 1.50 'ilili ,L(}25J)(J(i l6J!25JJ0(J 2,730,000 5_90(1,()()0 JJJ()()_{)U(l Exhibit D -Capital Program Summary Prnject Apprnprintion to \'um her Pro 'eet '\amt· Date \.i,111h,\ • -, · ,,\w Sn1l'f ·pc: .hie: c\•rroc.w;, :m,i (lcfor {\1; i l'~•nk ::'.Oil'i.\6C: l.tic:;k and RcpLl..:s.: \Vdcr Vahc>s :::'<!l\lil)'~ Sr,:n f 'ne:r:,dc~ and Rc:pLkcrnc:,;, iu::., Ct:!l Vi Fxr,;n\w:1 Lu1dfdi hlJ .:'rdt:i )7 ::n1nus ::n11\l-i:': ::u: \i )7.) 2(i ! (I( ')(I 2() i ( ()l)8 21) I U ]\)(I 2lliU!02 anJf:I! i)') K 22'i2 Dr Wl ()uakc :\vcmi,.; -l !-Ith Strc~Cl tu F\1 15'.-iS Cnv1•, 1J"· l'ud Syc.tscm 1 fpgradi.:? L'm.L.:rgrmmJ C11ii11,:s ikd l !uffman Rc'.,lrn,,m Fcici!ir, /vfamkn:rncc hmd Sl,dc Rd -llS!h St w f';d i 5il5 :z~·Ji\tril'lm;: l 'oordmatwn Phno,c: 11 St:-c;d \foinkn:mi:c _\ppropri~tion FY 20!0-11 "52_,)')\' 25!1,Co:': .':)l_OiHi "-)76.\lili) 137_()(i() 26 7. ,iii) ),)()_ i()(} 175.ll(i{) 500Ji(H) il_i'.)J)I;() 9.2iJ i _971) Exhibit D -Capital Program Summary f:y '.;'JIJ', l ,,;,; Re'>, :,;.s: 1·\·mfe,d,;; ,,; ;_';:('('.c\1t,n rV .'))I•(>/ HTZ>rl Re\s'PUC C,:~t,J·,:;n, \ ;;f (;t.Ji;,-;11nr, f. '{ C,2,:cral £°lhh;:a1wr, lku.:s FY ~'0tb :'1nr:1 '),: ;ner ( 's::t1f1c:tll.:~ ,if 1 )h'.i;_;atni, r·, ::-.Yb T;,_.:_ Svppnrkd C-:r:1!'icit,_,,_ (,r,_ ;t,i; _p1i;,;; 1· Y ::::, :._::, \\';:;,v:\v;:·c: Rr,.iHUC \ ·2rrnic:\14\ uf(1bJ1::21 ;cc FY 2>)')(1 \Vii/er R,·,•crme (, er1ifie,.w, of ( 1bl1J:t1w11 Fullditt~ wO::iu )_-V5_-f-L'. li'.'i21.7'N "r·:;.;A?'-J ,S!f.~•>Y 1c1,-;;,a::; i U,;;:,T:_d Ohhg;11ir,r: h•il:S:l\ :':{)il_()(li) Sob.! \lJ \\:,; (C,,;\crlu< <'.:n1li:1,t<s i{ Uh :-sat,;,; ?tc>:;n ·,\ :1:er Rcv:'.il\L' \ \:rti ;',,~:,1,:s ,,;-Oblitcx1,1n ! Y :c:· L1x ;;;ii!)f(ln<:d i\ /~·,;n;;,; Cen1fic:11,•,; ,, Y _,, !h "> Yc:;;r i'F( · f<_;~, (ntk Ccn1;,,;:11c, cf<)bhg:i1:cn 7-Y,>ir Pi C F.c':CEll<-' ( ·,:n1ftcJ.re~ ,;f ,A,! ,pc;,w; rY 2i <X So'.-.,.l \\';i:,;c Rt:\c:ti:L· C-:n1fic:11, s ,;fl)> ,gat,(Yi .2CU8 ·1 ff R<c'o-:nc:: (\:n1f,cn<<, of<Jt-br;a,i•.'n F': :::;J;JS \\'JsfCW'.\\U !{,;\i<;t;i,c (,0et1iGc::t;:, ;;, ()'; if!)Lnn FV 2:.Y.i8 W ,,:,:r L\:¥\clorwec,-;r !':loud l· v 2'.i09 (';)l;:v. :;v S;n>~t:; K_e\·~nu:c Ccrnficlt;> of (;:Chg :Lor-, FY 20(i9 (;,mem! Feud PJ.} •i\::>·Y,)u,(io ;:-y 2(/(W t,uwrn! Obl:;;a1:,x, Bon.::. FY ;;t,r_,9 Sdid \Va:;:e hi.;/•.'\s-)\,1,.(>(' ;. '{ 1'.in0 Stern: Water P;;; .;\;, V ,,u.(r0 7-1-.'ii 3151 -! 55-;_ 524- LS'. (1Jln ?0.302 l:L55-l --L'' 1--l-4 7_.i 1 ;_\)'.)' 21::,r:cc, fil;iJvJ,;. funding n· 20lH•H 1.PS, iJ\'O -;_6\: Exhibit D -Capital Program Summary Fundinc: Source ::'1!1{ '''-Yc>:il C<er1rf:c ikc ,,:'<!\l!ig:dh'i' ' '.;(lit' ! ( -Y c::n W;H,:v, ,tcr l{t;\c>nuc ( \:rnf,catc~ Obi r:11W" _2(,]s_, \ '-Yc::uWatcr\{cccruc:1_crnf:c1<:s1Jf( i\tHhw 1-\' ::'.{i ! I) ( /;;k\\;l\ Strc:cb \\c• Cntk' (. \:n:f1cak\ ,1f ( )hi j!i1il\\'\ FY :::.OiO(lcncrni Fund !'cw A.s-Y\iu-( FY 2fil J (;c::rwral (lhi!g:m,,n i:l-oncis 1:y ?.ti Ji) R:\d!,i Shop 1:,1nJ Pnv-/\s-\ n,H ;,; FY 21) !() Solid Waste P:,y :\s-Y(,u-Co FY 2<)\() Sol;J \V:b'.c Rc\t:11UC Ccrt1fi<::ak~ o(( lb it,'dllOP FY ::1lt(l Swrn1 Wmc:-Pa;,•c\\-You-ti,1 FY '.:(1\1) Si(mr \V:ncr R,;\cmv Ccn:f,caks ,,f 1)! hratwn FY '.:'.!l!O i"iF l{;:,cnuc lcnif'iu1k:; t\l'(Jl ilf,'.:llwn FY 2n1u i'ralbkr from l At! hmd FY 2( i /) \V:iskW'.ih.'I' P:n·-/\\-y,,u-no FY 2 i 1 (i \\ aswwa1<:r Rt:\<Cntk ('cru!:c,iics or t)hl\p.:1twn 2ilHI Water D<:\ •loPm<:nl Bo:nl F n:,rKing FY 21;]() Wakr i':,v .,\~-You-(iP i·Y 2011i \Vakr R,:wnw.:: C<e111liurc., ( :'Ohilg ,b)n FV 2il 1 i i 0-Y c:ar ( \a:r(ificit,> uf ()bl!gat:,1t1 FY 2(i l l 'iJ. \\·:1r \Va~h:V-:Jkr Rc:,·crrnc ( \'n1:":t:;i!cs of Obht1)!:011 FY 20 l l i ()-Y car W:ucr RC'-'Cnl:C Ccn:rn::lt-.'~ uf \ lblif,lh1:l 1,·y 2(:) l ,\npon i'av-,\s-Y1,;Hlu !· Y 2'.ll l C'BD T!F Revenue ('crtdh:ak:-c nflJhi:gatwn FY 21) ! l (j:1kway Stn,ch RC\'Clilk' Cc'ti!llcaks ,if ( lhilgatwn FY 20! 1 C,encrai Fund Pay-As-Yilu-liP FY 201 l c;,:n ·1:li Ohhg;lUOn [-;(,nds l· Y 2011 !'FC R<vdl\iC Ccn;ficnk~ o/' ()hi) ;ation FY 2011 S,lhd V-iastc l':w-As-Y,n-(Jo 201 ! Sd1J Wlbk Rc.-cnuc (\;rt;fit:,ks cdOi<,,cc,uu 1:y 2ill ! '.--;torni 'N111cr Pa\"-:\s-You-Z:o is'Y 201 I Storm Water PcYcn,1c Cu'!i!kaks ,1f()H1;.:atio11 FY 201 I T:1:: '.-,upp,irkd Rc\cnu,: C,crnficaks ,,f\ lhli;;at1on FY 2'.l1 ! \V;is1cw:uc1 Pav-As-Ym1-()(, 20! ! W:VL'\\;llC1 Revenue Ccr11ficak•, di"Uh if'.'.i'.!()ll !·Y 2n1 l \Yater lk,dopm,:ni ilo:ircl ! lhiliCln;: FY :n: ! Wakr i':iv-.-\~-You-(io 1:y :u l W:ucr Re\ cnuc \ c1iific:1k~ nf Uh IT nwn (icrwral C:;prt:d Pw_1cc1 ! und (l,:ncral l·und Pav-As-Ym -~lP inkrn:d Sen ,cc i und Pay ;\s-You-Cn LAH Rq,;m R<criaccmcnt hmd \j(,od, l·n,nJm1on ()rant MPO FunLimg ~nnh { lwnnn l"!F Pny-As-\ m1-(;;) P:bscngcr Facil;;y Chc1rc:c PrcpmJ i'a\;n;: !'nvatc Dmu1101\ Rad10 Shor hmd Pay /\s-You-C;n Solid \V;tstc FunJ P:1~·-,\s-You,()"o Storm Water h:nd Pay-As-You,(;o Funding to Date i _,SSJ._--1 g,:; -¼% :n .. ii:in 2-f.2(){)_(1i)il 75J)!)(] 251).()110 525,00{\ _2.!()_h2() 5il.()(';ij l 50Jl(li) l 1 i )Ul.32U 35J) j(I 3l\_i)(l/) 5(C,<Jk8 2_5()( J)()(j 1,5ni fiO(l _)4(.(l()i) 98,200 Lt9fUJOO Fundin2, n· 2Ul0-l l l .2il!J)h!O 9,2u1 _,no 1.25().()1.)(i 1(572))()/) )/)()_()()() 29,925JJ0{) ]tl.!J,<iN : )i)_(i()() 750.(){)() ;Jh.t.7(16 A5}.1•f '!-15_11;){) --l-l.81-10_()();) -11 Exhibit D Capital Progra1n Sumn1ary Fundin:::, Fundlnc 1.,ourct: Ordinance No. 2010-00070 f:xhibit E -Master Lease Vehicle Replacen1ent Schedule -'.n\•)SU,ca '.OT P,,iiJ -in-!:;ti;::i ;,n:; ;i'.n;d, s ;c:t> \n'.<'\im1t,cn I :;1:!molngv :-:v;;o .\:10;, :o 7 \:') f -2 '"r' '.Jid;up- ; 2 Ton '>;d;ll;: '.\farkcJ l .2 r,x:h:..:.;;, :'.Ok (_;V\.'r":i l:usk ,qf• : lobt; l:,iJ s ')J;q 12(/Jltii,\ YJ.id!> Exhibit E -l\1aster Lease Vehicle Replacen1ent Schedule \V;it:.:r ,x )'(iTAL t:L:, fr:i,:\01 :,likh -f\\P S:r:i'; ?icku;, !'.:,.;:,;d,\l C.cth /:h,:-11 rrmiif Sr;;n i::ibw ,,,;i:, '.-,;;rv,~c• l')()d;" 2,J' ?0ncA1 Lk'.,1 +·:.?:.: Ci l 25 {? ,j --16 S7' Ordinance :-io. 2010-00070 Exhibit F -I\1aster Lease Equipment Replace1nent Schedule ;,,nfol \\',t\k l<c:l'\d:ng \\.&:;t::v;i:,:: ( 'plitc1111f!" :o c'r;,11<:r i';v,;,\\ .1z1 i--, Cir;,,:n nr:iL--fl)() i)(J(j Ordinance No. 2010-00070 Exhibit G Non-Exempt Pay Plan \linimum JqQ 2nd() Jrtl Q ,taximum CJj/ J0.379 2J _',}_8\l7 il/ 'Ji-1-::'.X,-15 ! ':_<).(,72 :.; Jr,,-U2 ::'I Exhibit G -Exempt Pay Plan i~t 0 2nd Q Jrd -<) ' ; . ;q 5i.78UI :~ 1 J,(_\(, f'.\ -) ) .'· :C') 1i:2 Exhibit G -Salary Band Pay Plan \linimum \lidpoint .\hn.imum s -1~ .-1/lc) Exhibit G Part Time Pay Plan Gra•k \ l! ( ~,, 7 8,i) 7 2:'i 7 25 7 25 ,\iii~ 7 2S l:xhibit Ci -Police Pay Plan A Ii ( ll (:,ulc-t P;";CSP Entry Lnld J P"ICEl Entry Level tl P"1CE2 45J2/i,52 P:'ltr-01 Offirel' PCS! 53,905A9 57.356.2! Corporal PCS2 60.151.,.IO Sergc-aut PCS3 65.561.50 66,797,r;-4 68.10l(04 Lieutenant PCS4 77,782.!8 off fHr d.1::,cip!inary :>~1;nc11-.;in:1 do'-c3 rnt constiture :1 !uss Pi scni;nit) ticF/. !hJr cit,~s it cor;;ctilutc a brcc1i.; !n sevicc. lhc-time involv,:J in Captain PC:S5 8!#J239 X'.'."l41.77 87,650.70 A-.st. Chief PCS6 9:-' h95.28 1on.1:,:t12 W3J03.76 rn,,v,i-t1t1' ]::,. abo ont i1;duJcd. lt of :,.crvicc, S:;:nbdty dnc,s mca:-, ail yr:1(·;; uf _::.::rv1/c '.±\ ;in officl'.t with Lhc City ofLubbnd-_, wht'llv:r lnkrn:pt::d nr t.minl.ernckd. and LOL f!:<.:rd:, lhc Ln1 01n;inuous ..:rcdit :;.h;-1l! he :.o lh: dcciuui P\C(E! ). D.:pctrl!l::nt :rt Ln:r;, Lc\·,,.;l L t:mployt>v;-; r,n,~rc;;::; w PCS l drnn 2:h. mmlllu or rnntir~untb ,,.en ic:.:: with 1hc Lul+uck Police D.:pnnm2n1 al E1:t;:y lx-v.:l II. Polk;.: Offk'-'f~ ths:n mn;,;r-:,• . ._,,, 1hrotigh ;;!,:p;; in P( S 1 a1:rm11ly. Pn1g.1y_,;;; fr,m1 Step i\ t:) Sk·p C in the 1,,thtr grndcs rfquire~ l\\<:1 year;, in each s:t::p_ f-fowtcv:..'L if the ;mnivcr\my dnh: nci:urs dh: LJ.st !,;;;; nfihe p;,::, th,._· in,::rcJ'SC G,-'c:, rn,t b,>,.omc cffocti, c until tht' beginning ofth:.:: next 1x1y Note: A ptobiiuonnr, ut 1 8 n:(mtli3 Pc;_ice ( 10:Jcc:r b_: Tcx::i,:; ( "on;m;":,1011 of La<v I::niorccn,cnt Ofl!c,.·r St,tubrds and bln..::11.ion ~l tlm! tlmc. ~n 1hi\ ca::;;.• th: prnhmion.;ir; ps:ri(,J is 12 m:,nths. l \xm completion nf 1 ;_ nwn.th:-:, ,t l\_-:rll fa:d P<;:':\s:c Ol ficcr at~:i:ns Civil S,.:rvic~-:etatu;,; ;11:d rccclv-::; '"'"'•"'''' p.i:, ~ lv1v:cY~r th,.· ¢JT:rloyc:e do..::" 1tc,1 <1(h dJJCc t.J Poi kc Ortkcc PC~ l until rnrnpktinll or<> rn1i:::li:;; Limy L\.'H:l i1 mdi-:ah::J J.bo-..c. Exhibit Ci -Fire Pay Plan ( 40 Hour Sl1ifts) Probntion<1r-:,.· Fire fa1uipme-nt Battalion Divbirrn De-1rnty Fire Fighter I• ightcr Opeutor Lieutenant Captain Chief Chief Chkf Steps t·NCSl FCSl FCS2 FCS3 FCS< FCS5 FCS6 FCS7 1 "' 4,UHb.2() ~6.6t:6J'Hl 63.iSl 19 68..412Jti 7 651lL'J8 87.96.~A? 15.46JJ}I 99.f(2i _q 2 47A71l.1I (i.).442 . .5S 6-8,784.24 77.i.17_'.1,53 !HUi 5 2 JI H l,:\S:32.90 100,h'.-:6.'18 .1 -+X,254 21 63.731.97 69. J-"if) 11 77J,-t5.09 X<J.?,~1.20 96.201.n 102.152A5 I --+9.(l3XJ2 6-4J125. {6 69.:t27.9& 78.2l6.b4 90,D31.7l ()(i-_572.66 l04JH ~.02 5 -}9,822-42 643 l6J) t)(_);!'.);99.85 7S. 7XX.20 90,721.12 tJ6.942 55 05J;li:',.58 h 5R606.53 6-t608J4 7U.27l.72 79.)59.75 9L4!0.53 97.312,4?, iJ7.J..t9. l) 7 51 39063 M.R99.51 ':{)_64.1.)9 ?9.93 Lil 92J1,;•r95 '17.(182 11 U9,0J-1.72 s 52.174. 7-4 ()5. t90.\J2 7L015.46 R0.502.~() 92.7H1J,Jf\ 9.S.0)2-2J} 9 52.958 8·1 (15,4~1.J l 7Ll~7J3 81.()7 J.12 11;.t.n n 98,'!22.1.1!{ I() 51,742.95 6'\ ;~I' 1 ! '' ' ,. , 7J,75'U0 81,(),;~.97 94. l 6~U t;i 11 5 L527,H5 6tdJ65. rn 72.13 UlS 82.2 t ?.5] 94.857.60 12 5:'Ull.16 66.156_.$.9 72 . ."i02.95 82.789.0~ 13 56JJ95 .26 66,(-:,47.i-!2 72.X74.82 83.Jh0.04 1+ 5(,_~71U 7 tib,9-39.27 73.246.6') 15 57.6()3..17 67.n0.66 73.6!8.5h 16 58.:+.J.""'.58 67.522.iiS 17 5(),]31.6~ 67.81.144 18 ti0,015.79 j9 ()0,799 89 2" 61.584.\J\1 Progrcs:siun in each pa;-~rndc is rMscJ on,."'"""' in illat p.1:, Sn;iority ic, dcfi:K'd <h the !-o1al 1i:nc of employm;;m .i fin: C(Jr the: c !ly o-f Lubbni..·k. Time-off for di:-ciplimiry susp;:n~iun docs nm c0n-;1ltutc ,1 loss of scnimi1: tin:c_. nor d(l<:S it :.:onstitu:e, ;: hrc,tk iu ::;en ic~. fhc timt: invulvt:d tn ''1novc-up" J:; ;dcc;o nm irtdud~cL It docs m;::m all ;_-.:nr:; of SCf\ i..:i: a-: all:\: fighter \\·(ih !he City ot' Lnbb,H.:L:.. \\·hcth;;;-in1Crrnpt.:d or Uflllllt'm:r-tcd, ,ind n i: m,:ri.::y !h-.:.-bst i..:nntmuous period or ser·rh.>.:. S1._•niori1y .;T:.:dil ,-.;ha!! h,: tn Jl\-c Cc.::-dm:,I Employc..;;;C; v,:h,1 snc..:~s;-;fully •:;1mp:-:k e:,c {I) }(..'dr as Probationary Fin: Fighter n!Ph' t,i grndt FCS l. F!n.' Fithttr;:; ndv;mcc t!ir,n:1h Cell h \'t'.!' in FCS l unlil rciidrmr tbc 20th s!ep. Progrc~:-:0,1 through ihc sq".:; m !Ii(; i.11ha g:rid-::, r::quircs ci:,· year in ::etch ::;1-.:p He,\\-.:;, er. if ir_c ,Hmiv.:-r':',; '}' ,fat;; occurs; tho: i'.b1 lr;if oi llh' pay period. th.:-incr,:a;-:1i dui:> nnt IK'f\'!PC ,.·ffccth.: ur.til the ,r(tbc next pa; Exhibit G -Fire Pay Plan (Kelly Shifts) Stt'p.s + 5 6 9 !() 11 L! 14 15 !6 17 I~ \') 20 ProbHlionary I-in Fit~htcf F~(sl fire Fighk,- H''!-l 4,U84 % ·14.9271)1) 45,669,16 V•All ?6 47.153.3(1 47.SCJS 46 -lS.637 56 49.379 t,6 5fl_ 12l ?i'l 51Ul(J3 X<, 51.6U"96 )234~,!J(l ~3J}(JOJ(i s.,.x.;2 2c, 5,L)':4 3h 5:'i3J6A6 ='16.0511 56 56J';GO 66 :'i',54~_-;r, 5/(284.~(; Equipment Operator HS2 <9_ :,,;;,;_ i)'.) 60J.'+3 X7 60319.65 (<U95 -.l.1 1\;1_::,;7i (d J<t(, ,;9 61:12! -;: 61J1(1H 55 (, 1,r17,1 :U h:'.__2S(J_ l. l 62.52S.S9 62J-W 1.67 03_077 lb f<Ll:i3 2,t (;"),{,2'J 92 (,3,9C4.~u h,U80 5~ Licuten;1nt F(SJ o_'\.cl5l 11 65,803 2(, (if,_ l 55.21 6t! __ "\)7 !6 tJ(, 851J 1 l l tJJ6 (J7.~6J rq {17,')-14 06 hSJth '}! 68,6 lK.St (1X_970 ~ l fr).}::'.: 76 (i9,674.7! ('apt.1in Fcs; 723()~ 66 9+-f_5() 7?-AB-:'> 53 t+JJ2f:.-n 7,L'.-67-4\J 7:"Y:s 34 7SJi49 r 76 j\J(l 2 l 76_7:i 1 l'.' 77 272 {)}; 77.\,l3Jl2 7td53% Hat la lion Chid" FCS5 :-;.-L55:) 1 o 85,208 58 S5,8ill fi6 ~r,51 J ~,.-t ~-7,lt,'.) 02 ~.7_8l& Y1 l-:il:_470\<S :~9.12} '-16 119,TT) 94 Divhlon {'hid' F< :-:i6 De.put} Chk-f FCS7 ProgJ~'-:>.~1\111 m d1...:h !"<IJ gra.dt' ic: hosed im s~'nmrny i,1 t.h:i! pay grade ,">c.nwnty i~ d:::<incd as :he t;;!nl l!!-r,c c,! ,.,mp!oyrner-t a:; :i !H: !12rn::1· br 111-: CnJ ;11 Lubboo: Tm1c;-o!T tor dr~.:irlin:1q 'iciSpcnsiun do,'.,; ;int c1_ms1itut,; J. lo:::: nLcniont) tir~,;;, n,;r di<:.:; il ;.(,r,,c,tltnt<: a brc-1_k m ~er, 1cc rnEc: ,m (,lv-.:d m "rn{J\t'~\:p" is nlso nut mciuded f! doc>: :r:edr: til! n::ars i)fscrdc:: as :i i~:t flghi,.•.r wllh thi; Cit;· nn ubbud:. whether inu:nup!cd ;:1r \.'!Wikrru;Jted, ;md 1tol m,'rd:, the L-LSl cuntinuou~ pl.'riod uL-;:::r\;c;; .St'IJL)r;1_y credit sh;;!! bi: !1gmcd tn-fiv;: dn.:imnl pl:u.:i:,, Emr!1.1;ce:, wh,, :m~·re.ssfol!) rnmpkic onr:: ( ! l year ;1:. Probatwnllry F ni: F ightvr ntcvc :o grnJc J-"C'i 1 Fir•.: hph-:cr1 z.dv,n;~·e through e:1:;~ ,-tc;, a:mm:i.ily ia Fe-; l 1~J1!1] rc:1.chmg the 2\l'.h ~t-.:p 1-'wic'.rc:;s;ior; 1hrnueh the Slf•ps. in 1hc mter \1::,<l..:1 1:Sn L:-quin:,. one ycdl' -i:: ,:a~-; 1 ;,:;cp lkwo.:-vr:: if th<.: ,im11,-;:·-,;;i ;· ci>k occurs durinj1 the la.st half cftlw Pa/ pcnod ib.:: ;ncrc:vc d,i.:i not b-r.:cumc cffac!lvc until ih.: b.:gm1un;.; uf t!w 1;t:x1 rm; pcno-d Ordinance No. 2010-00070 Exhibit H -Position Control Sumrnary \dminis!rntive Services ('ll\ i\l1'1ffl<.'\ "'q\ i_ ;:at',!:l!t;\ \hr :,g,;: 1c;nt Ll!l.iPc'C lnkn :ii :\uJ,t Community s~'rvin·s '1u;!J1n,, lnsp~'c:11,,r> i'b l'1\IH! Cultural and Recreation Services L1hnn 'vllb\'Uli', l'ark::s Puh!ic \Vork~ Fn)i.itk',\ ,11f!. Stn:<cb Public Safety and llealth SerYiees .\rnm:ll Sc:n :~c'\ Fire: !k:li1h \lurnc1p;1) Coun_c, Pol1c<2 Hmlge1 FY 2010-11 Ul 18 37 3.; .Y8 \<) )\l) ')9X Exhibit H -Position Control Summary lnknwl Sen ii:t· Funds En1crpris,· Fuud~ ,\opun ( \:mdd\ ' 0:hbnch Po \d: nd i ipJn Snl!ll \\,1sk S1orm \V;Hd \\';i_,k\\'iilct W:ikr J'n1;i) i·.nknnsc Funds Speda! Rcvcmw Funds l \1mrrnmny l k, dopmcnt !Ct,H1'lll1!C l)~·,ci,1pnwn1 t-:m~·rgc1\c, :\l:magcrncnl i. ;;it,;\\ ,1, Strc:c:~ Ju,cnik l\)\C \faliil?-C1 i .ctk<:: Abn ! knn· Mun:o Ml ( \\Ur\ Budget F) 2010-11 lh6 22 2