HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2010-O0029 - Amending Chapter 24 Sidewalks, Curbs, Driveways - 03/25/2010First Reading March 25, 2010 Item No. 6.3 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-00029 Second Reading April 8, 2010 Item No. 5.11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WITH REGARD TO DESIGN, LAYOUT AND PLANS OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, DRIVEWAYS, CURB RAMPS, STREET CURBS AND GUTTERS; DRIVEWAYS INTO PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING A MISDEMEANOR PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock deems it to be in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Lubbock to make the changes hereinafter stated with regard to design standards for sidewalks, curbs, driveways, curb ramps, street curbs and gutters and driveways into private property; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 24-86 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-86. Design; layout; plans. The design, layout and plans for construction, reconstruction, alteration or replacement of all sidewalks, curbs, driveways (either private or commercial), curb ramps, street curbs, and gutters shall confirm to and be constructed according to the design, layout, plans and details shown and provided by the "Standard Details for Construction of Sidewalks, Driveways, Curbs, and Gutters," dated March 8, 2006, and including Plates No. 24-86 (A); 24-86 (B); 24-86 (C); 24-86 (D); 24-86 (E); 24-86 (F); 24-86 (G); 24-86 (H); 24-86 (I); 24-86 (J); 24-86 (K), which plates are hereby adopted. Copies of said plates are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set out completely in detail herein. References in this article to the City's standard plans and specifications or to specific Plates shall mean the versions dated February 1, 2010. Copies of said plates shall be kept in the offices of the Building Official and the City Engineer. SECTION 2. THAT Section 24-101 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-101. Driveways into private property. All driveways into private property shall be paved from the street curb line to the property line. The design and construction of such driveways shall be in accordance with Section 24-86 of this Code, and the following: (a) The number of driveways on thoroughfares shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) for the first one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a street and a maximum of one (1) additional driveway for each additional two hundred (200) feet of frontage except at intersecting thoroughfares. At intersecting thoroughfares there shall be no driveway within the first one hundred and fifty ( 150) feet of frontage on the thoroughfare approaching the intersection and one hundred (100) feet of frontage on the thoroughfare exiting the intersection. (b) To comply with Section 24-lOl(a), above, shared driveways and on-site access easements may be required dependant on lot size and configuration. (c) No driveway access to "R-1" or "R-2" residential property shall be permitted from a street which is designated as a thoroughfare ("E" or 'T") by the master thoroughfare plan except when the planning commission shall have approved such access by site plan. (d) When deemed necessary by the City Engineer due to traffic volume, trips generated, and/or other relevant means, an acceleration/deceleration lane adjacent to the property line and connecting to the property's driveway shall be considered during the platting process. (e) All paved surfaces of city streets cut for the construction of commercial driveways shall be replaced by the city at the expense of the contractor who caused the street cut. The contractor shall pre-pay the city for the estimated cost of repairing the paving at all proposed commercial driveways at the time of issuance of the building permit. The rate shall be as established by ordinance. In the event no repairs are necessary, such payment will be returned to the contractor. (f) The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize upon request in specific cases of unnecessary hardship a variance of the driveway location, distance and width regulations as may be necessary to secure appropriate development of a parcel of land which differs from other parcels under like circumstances and where such parcel cannot be reasonably developed or used without such modification. In exercising its power to grant a variance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall make findings and show in its minutes such facts and/or special conditions by which each of the following conditions has been satisfied: (1) There are special circumstances existing on the property on which the application is made related to size, shape, area, topography, surrounding condition or location that do not apply generally to other property under the same or similar circumstances and that said circumstances or conditions are such that the strict application of the provisions of this Chapter would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of such land or building; (2) That granting of the variance on the specific property will not cause an unreasonable traffic safety or traffic control problem to be created upon the property or the streets and rights-of-way abutting such property; (3) That the variance to be granted is the minimum variance that will relieve the proven hardship; and (4) A raised median designed and constructed by the developer separating traffic of opposing directions will be included in any variances to the driveway requirements at thoroughfare comer lots. The median shall have a minimum width of three (3) feet, a minimum length of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, and shall have a cutout in the crosswalk for pedestrian access. Planning and Zoning Commission may waive the median requirement if existing site conditions are incompatible with driveway location requirements. SECTION 3. THAT violation of any prov1s1on of this Ordinance shall be deemed a Class C Misdemeanor punishable as provided by Section 1-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas. SECTION 4. THAT should any paragraph, section, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method of publication as provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading ___ M_a_r_c_h_2_5..e..., _2_0_1_0 __ _ Passed by the City Council on second reading __ _._A=p=r-=i=l--=-8~, __,2:..:0""1'-"'0 __ _ ATTEST: D~.~ ~arza, City secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Access Management Ord (driveways} .1 LIO g Officer TOM MARTIN, MAYOR DRIVEWAY STANDARDS PLATE NO, 24-86(Al Revised 2-01-1008 Property Line [-w7 jR---I I ---Rl rwl I I ~ Ordinance No. 2010-00029 Property L 3 ~ +-1---~i...R.,. 1 w Visibility Triangle J_I ---------r--. ~ i l.!L s JR ~ f ----___..~ w _L r------.------r--r R __L .. ···1~ C .. ·· I .. ·· I A · .. · is· f I I , I. s+RJ R i-------A-----Island, 50 SQ,ft, min. area if used. Dimension Refer-ence Distance ~~&~~W.9:t - --.-~ - - - - - -= - - - -: _ - - - -_ _ l.w.Q~~:£ _-_/D.1.D i..JWID ______________ _ __ Two wa:t -maxi mum ______________ _ ..Ml a. r.m.Jrn. B Q.d.i u..s.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ B ____ _ _ Ml~{n'sd.m"'P~R..<l.9 Ln_g_ .... __________ -p-___ _ __ ,om_ r"qp{)rt_y U ne _____________ _ _ _ l:...r.9!!! 5!~.§!t ~Qr..D~r:...-_______ ~-___ _ F,om Thoroughfare Corner C -Between Driveways -S -----------------------------Minirwm Angle D --------C---------Residential Thoroughfare Collector Street Street Street CR1A,32' l CT1 ,66' l CR2,42' l (R1,36'l (T2,88'l CCl,46'> ------------------------------------7----------,---------0----____ uT ________ ~5r ________ 1i-------_1_2T_ -------_J~r--- ---- -,ig.; ___ _ ____ 30 --------40 _________ 40 ----____ 5' --------15' ----____ 15' ___ _ ===A~~========A!~~=======}~r=== 150'App,oaching 100'Exiting 3' 60' -60' 45 deg. 45 deg. -30 deg. Industrial Street I I, 4 2' l ----~~----50' -------.. --____ 20' ___ _ ----Ff+s,.. ---- -__ A+~_ ---307 30 deg, Note: A shored driveway may be al lowed between adjacent properties, and is encou,oged ,,: _J • <1 I-~ 0:: L,J UJ a 0.. -• V, 0:: 0.. L,J z -..,. _J 8 • . ; -~-~ :~/:~ ... ~ .. -& • I. 1 ... ~ •.• · I z • • • .... . _. ~ ! _:.. I i ~J~·.-.,.· -.. _ ..... I~ I . . . n(l\; ... ~: ~:. / ' / ,.,_v. 1,' / <) '1, ...... 1/ (;.::;;" / 4' PROPERTY LINE SIDEWALK /; /, /' /; "'"' , ~C:, ,/ ,..,. 1 0' ---:;: ~ ... . :~; :: ~-; ~: . -· ... _ ... / r:::,~ I /• ~ I / .,_VJ ,,/,~ ,/,4.. / ,/,/, /' , " ,/ q,'- / ' /' ," ; ..\ / ' /, 'I,'-) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 15' CUT OFF vs 15' RADIUS 8'AND 10' PARKWAY W/4' PROPERTY LINE SIDEWALK. {)}-: ·.:.;,. · .. -:{~ft · .. :;,. .•. 3 'MIN. . :; •~: ;. · .. -~~ .. : ~' . ·.:. ~-. ALLEY RETURN tTYPICALl u -;tt-~ , :• ·.•. ~-I , • ~ -;-~/~~: /:-·-;\_ _ .' .. ·~·· 13'Ml ·.-•.. ~· -·-.•·:.~·•· --,. N. . •·. t .•. : ~--'": ... DRIVEWAY APPROACH (TYPICAL) 4' SIDEWALK ALONG PROPERTY LINE PLAT£ NO. 24-86(8) Revised 02-01-10 DB FOUR FOOT SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 8 B NOTE: Maintain conuont gutter f I owl ine, A A Property Line , • I> :~·-·.:.· ,4 ' s i dewa I k0 •• Expansion joints spaced 36' mox. olon~ sidewalk run. , • I> ....•. : ... , . ~ • , A • :f( '":• . .. FIRE HYDRANT, POWER POLE, ETC. MUST HAYE EXPANSION JOINT Bl OC•-ou T WHEN ENC l OSEO IN CDNCREH, !NC SCALE J NOTE: Al I ewpanalon joints to be >,t tt, i ck.. SECT I ON A-A NOfE: See other plates for curD rOlT() oeto i Is. E>epcns iai contr-octicn mcr-kinr.1s ''a way j ~ th,-0..1gh slcib ct 4~ intervols, V I I 1----~•~"-min. Hlickness I RESIDENTIAL) Cun, removea. (COMMERCIAL I . ". ---.-~ ... -:-:-Curt> anc:i gutter c:c,np I •ta I y l""emovea or,c, ,. accr,s tl"'uC't ;~;ci O ~0~~ i ;~r~u:~~i:e length of naw guttar. SECTIONS B-B Vo,. iobl e • r 6 P • .'f,'.:•. j of sidewalk. -~I 3' Min. ~ ... " 2,: ------1,.. Mox. Slope i •' s i dewo I k ---------1 ~ .. 4" min. thicKness. >, ~• Min. h >------11 2"L -------< ir .. Mox. Slape L VorioDle ------------+------•' S IQewo lk -~-------1 ,~v --~--NOTE: 6" min. tnickness on conmei~cicl driveway 6x6 10/10 wtre iresh centered in slob. NOTE: See otner Plates for curb romp Qetcils-ono sidewalk ot orlvewoy. Inner-cur-b as r-equl.-ed. PLATE NO. 24-86[Cl Revised 02-01-10 OB Nln. ... wu,. tn1c1tneas .. -::;.:'.~ .. L-!i.~.;.._ __ . _ ....... lllntmJIIII ffnlsl'ied tnlck.ness • -Ii'". 5•-,• Min. HJ !;le.it tlillril,a,,·; 1 r·· 1 .. 5aJld cu:iih i o.-. No. ) 1"19bGI" Min .• placed 2· frO!II bott01111 0f s loo and •~uc•d 1 , • on-cant_.. r:.ctn wo:,a. 8l'tu11lnou• l,c,. [,:pan&lan Jalr\f a3 reQI.Jir•i.J bentnd c4Jrb~ SECTION VIEW SIDEWALK SLOPE REQUIREMENTS LONGITUDINAL --1:20 MAX. TRANSVERSE --1:SO MAX. VARIES l 1 O' TYPICAL I PROPERTY LINE---.-----.---....,....__.,:::::.---.....,r ;:•/·!· . NOTE: Concrete p~ver unT,.s :shal I me•t al I reqi.!lr•n.nts af ASTM C-93&. c-ll ond snoll be IOld fn o -two t,y two unit bosk.et ••ove patter-n. untea.s 1onown otner•i se In the Plona. C.onicrete pcv•I"' un>-t.s :,.hol I hove tr"uncoted domaa on the top •urfcice -lor detectoc le worr,fnQ tc pedestr 1cins. T.-uncct•d domes mu•t COffC)I) .-1th Texoa Acceaait>< Ii ty StonCIOC""dS. Comes :11ona11 De a1 lgnea In ,he alrectlan of paa•1,r Ion trav111111. Ccntr•t• pav•r uni1 cafOI"" fo..-tne r-aq, sllol I ba a contr-ostino color 1h01 provide!I a I iOht reflective value that sioni-ficont I)' contrast!. •ith th• adjacent su.-faces .. Tn• color of -tru,1: c.on-et"'a-te pcv&I" uni-ts moy be shown e1sewt1er"e In -the pl ons. CAdjcicen-t su,.-Tnces include sid• -f I nr-•sJ. C«-c::rete pover unit a .tho l I bl ao.-cut on I)' and an)' c:ut unlt sn011 not be iess -+non 25 o,e,.een• ct o fu11 uni~. RAMP~ 50.8 SQ. FT. of CONCRETE FLATWORK CURB & GUTTER l.Q±_ FLOtn.lNE CONCRETE PAVERS WITH TRUNCATED DDr.tE SURFACE. IR[O l'-1 COLOR). \-----•' -----1--··--+-----6' -------1 I~ ~ FRONT VIEW ST./DRAINAGE ENGINEERING CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS CORNER CURB RAMP !WITH TYPICAL 4' SIDEWALK ALONG PROPERTY LINEI DES I GNED BY: DRAWN BY: M.£-W- SrAI r' NONE PLATE NO, 24-86<0> Revised 02-01-10 OB "" <I) _J c:: < :::J ;= u t.,J 0 ID 1/1 a: "" 0 U <( "1 cc a I z ::!, 1; .~: ~-. .. ) .... ·:t:·:•: ~ .. I ~ . . ., ·.. -l.. I -:= I . ,,, / / ~ 'l,' / c,'< '. '/ .;:;;" 'I,/ (., / 0~ S'OR 6' CURB BACK 1 SI DEW AL K. 1 Q '--~----r /' /; /; ; ~ ;/ (.)°" / ... ~ ; , ... /, ~ I / "s'-) // ... ~ /' ... ~ /; "' /, 1/ /' <o' ; r..,' ,/ .:i,,,' ,/. / '1," /, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 15' CUT OFF vs 15' RADIUS B'AN• 10' PARKWAY. .; .~· ;_ -:~: :: f ~ ~: . .. ~ .. . .......... . :; •~: ; . • .. • ~ • ·"'. ---.. ~!-;"-="- 3'MIN. ·_-:_._. ALLEY RETURN t TYPICAL> ........ , I --~:¼-. ~-; ... ,; . •·..... • • .. • ... • .... .. :_:,_·~·.;: ':_/~=-< ____..' i 3'M1N. DRIVEWAY APPROACH <TYPJCALl r ·"·~-lr.:"/ ..... : 5# <RESIDENTIAL J OR 6# <COMMERCIAL J SIDEWALK ALONG CURB BACK • .. ·(Ill' ...... . · ... :_ "· . PLATE NO, 2~-8G!El Revised 02-01-10 OB FIVE OR SIX FOOT SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION DETAILS B ~=~-----..--... ----------i-----~---'-Property Line __________ / --~ ~.": ..._'4.., .. •·· # .•. <,d' . , ~ "· •-!·~· .: • . .. 8 , ... ... . .'f. ,,; ,; ... r(.·::. ... . , ~ "· .-~·:.:. . ... N•T(: ~ointoin constont o~tter flowline, SE£ FRONTAL NOTE: Al I expansion joints to be 1,,..-thick.. A A ; • I> '11,:'------"'--4--1-----.-~~ ... ,,l!I,: .. .... :r.·.: • . .. Expansion joints spaced 36' max. aton~ sidewalk run. Side-Olk. INO SCA\.E l FIRE HYOA&NT, POWER POLE. ETC. IOJST HAVE E~P&NS!ON JOINT WHEN ENCLOS£0 IN CONCRETE. !:!QID See other plates for cu~b ~oiro deto~ Is, SECTION A-A Exp0nsion { Controct ion mork ! nos ''• ""'1 j ~ thr<lUQh Slob at 6' intervals, P--I I 1-------'•-"-min, thi ckneos j ____ ---=o~f-=s!dewclk. SECT I •NS 8-8 Cl -~ ! RES I CENT I All 5' S Tdewolk --------------! Cur-b r-em:,ved. •" min. ., -~ I COMMERCIAL J ~------------------Varies-------------------,------~ J' Min.-,._______ II 2'1 .... ------~ .. ~ CUt"b Cln.d ~'IJt ter-corrg I ete I y ,..emovdd ar'ld r""econ11 tr"uc t ~~~e; o:,:~ I ~n~u!~~'i~e I e119th of now 9->Her. PLATE NO, 24-86<Fl Revised 02-01-10 DB 6. S idewo lk -----------,.IC" ----------~--~~-NOTE: 6" min, tl'lickness on ~CfTIT\Brcl~t driveway t.lox. Slape 6x6 1 0110 wire iresl'I centered in slab. end side~olk ot d~ivewcy. lnner-curb OS ,..equ;r-ed. Back of Sidewalk FRONTAL VIEW urn. c· wrn. ,r-.icknes:t. 5' ;• Ntn. ·::•,~-~-. -... ~-1 r·· 'lt.U.j L._.;+~.~-- Mlni~ itnlSl"led tnick.neaa • ,·. 1• 'S.anit cushll'Y'II llila•. I N'o. l rebar min.• ploced 2• f,.-a-i Cottom of Sl OD On<I 5PCIC&d u· on-eef\ter-l)atn woY&-8itumonous ,,.• Expan-sion Ja;nf' OS .-eQulf"e<S bM'llnd Cur"b. SECTION VIEW SIDEWALK SLOPE REQUIREMENTS LONGITUDINAL --1:20 MAX. TRANSVERSE --1:50 MAX. VARIES 110' TYPICAL! PROPERTY LINE,.._ _______ .,____ __ ~~/·!·. NOTE: Concr"ete pave,. u.--a.s stu:,I I me•t al 1 ,-equiramants of ASTM C-93ili. C-l) ono Sl'\011 De lald In a two Dy two unft bosk•t W11ove po1t9f"'n. un1ess sr.cwn. ctflerwl se rn the plan:9. Conc..-ete oover units sl'\al I have tr-uncated e1omes on 1ne 1",op .SU"'foce fOf"" det~t:tab I e wcrn I m;i 10 pede:str I ens.. ll""uncoteO domes rr.,st COl'l'Ol 'f •fth Taxes Accesslbl i lty Stane1aras. Oomea anc1 I be 01 ignt1d lo the cHrec.t ion of ped11s1...-Ian 1.--ovel. Concr•t• p-over" un 11 co1 or for tr.e ro,i1p sno 11 ca o con't.-oatlno c;olOI"" tho't provides a ligt,i reflective volu• tnci, .slgnlTlcon'tly contr-ost5 with the odjccent ~Ul"'"focess. The, col er of tno conel"ete pave.-untts may bt snown els•whero in th• ?liens. 1 Adjacent Sur"fcc•s anetude side fla,.•s•~ ConCr"•te pav•r-units shall b• sow cut only ond ony c:ut L1ni 't anol 1 no't De ••~9. than 25 pe,-ce:nt af a ful I unlt. RAMP= 50.8 sa. FT. of CONCRETE FLATWORK CURB & GUTTER 1------,. ------,....--•'-----+-----6'--- •-~c. I 1 fl0"1.lt£ ~ ~ FRONT VIEW CONCRETE PAVERS WITH TRUNCATED DOME SURFACE. (RED IN COLOR!. ST./DRAINAGE ENGINEERING CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS CORNER CURB RAMP !WITH TYPICAL S'OR 6' CURB-BACK SIDEWALK! DES I GNEO BY: ------DRAWN BY: M.E.W. -------SCALE: NONE PLATE NO, 24-86<Gl Revisea 02-01-10 DB DUMMY GROOVE JOINTS EACH SIDE OF RAl,II'. MAINTAIN GUTTER FLOWLINE. BI TUM I NOUS 314" EXP ANS I ON JOINT CFULL DEPTH) LOCATED AS SHOWN. CURB TO RAMP DOWN IN 6' ON BOTH SIDES. f--"-4' Min. ----j RED CONCRETE PAVERS WITH TRUNCATED DOME SURFACE, PLACED OVER COMPACTED 1" SAND CUSHION IMAX. l /OR APPROVED TRUNCATED DOME, SURFACE APPLIED MATERIAL WITH APPROPRIATE TEXTURE AND COLOR APPLIED OVER 4" CONCRETE SLAB. RAMPS SHALL BE CENTERED INC.& G. RADIUS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. IN RADIUS B I ..... :;i;: :::> ..,, -I en :;i;: ., IN STRAIGHT C.& G. TYPICAL ADA RAMP PLAN NO SCALE . ', ·. b.. • • • • Q (I .,Q ••• . Ii'. L> • ._. .,_•,;a·_ 4 : 4 • .''? · . . Ii': I>. Q I B 6' Q • ,;a I Sl • .. I I • ~ A ... ·._,· 4 .,i ••• . Ii': p. Q •• -• ',;p' <I • (I ~ • • . I?: p. q SAME NOTES APPLY AS RADIUS PLAN VIEW AT LEFT. PLATE NO. 2~-B6CHl Revised 02-01-10 DB SHEET 1 OF 2 ,__ ___ 4' Ml n. S'~6• Min. ~~~·!·. !t;;> ~, OPE 1&1.av I 1 r·· -- Min. thickness. L_;~~-----• • II • • • Minllllim finisned thickness= 6• ot"" 4- if surface opplled mo~e~io1 is used. --- Sand cushion I Mox. J No. 3 rebor min •• placed 2• from Dottom of 5100 ond spcced ta• on-center ootn woys. Bituminous ~4 Expansion joint os ~eQui~ed behind cu~b. GENERAL NOTES Concrete paver units shal I meet al I requirements of ASTM C-936, C-33 and shal I be laid in a two by two unit bosKet weave pattern, unless shown otherwise in the plans. Concrete paver units shal I have truncated domes on the top surface for detectable warning to pedestrians. Truncated domes must carroty with Texas Accessibi I ity Standards. Domes shol I be aligned in the direction of pedestrian travel. Concrete paver unit color for the rarrp shal I be a contrasting color that provides a I ight reflective value that significantly contrasts with the adjacent surfaces. The color of the concrete paver units SECTION A-A C. I Q'55 A Concr-e,e, 5h01 I cor,form 10 ,applicable sceelf ieat ions. Concrete paver with truncated dome surface. may be shown elsewhere in the plans. <Adjacent surfaces include side floresl. No. 3 rebor min., placed in center of slob and spaced 18« on-center both ways. 4" Mln, thlcKness 1M Sand cushion (Max. l Concrete paver units shal I be sow cut only and any cut unit shol I not be less than 25 percent of a ful I unit. Al I slopes are maximum allowable. The least possible slope that wi I I sti I I drain properly should be used. Romp length or grade of approach sidewalks may be adjusted as directed by the Engineer. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and romp surfaces is 2%. Al I concrete surfaces shol I receive a I ight broom finish unless noted otherwise in the plans. Romp textures m...ist consist of truncated dome surfaces. Textures are required to De detectable underfoot. Surfaces that would al low water to accumulate ore prohibited. Additional informatton on curb romp location, design, I ight reflective value and texture may be found in the current edition of the Texas Accessibi I ity Standards (TASJ prepared ond administered by the Texas Deportment of Licenslno and ReQulotion ITDLRl. SECTION B-B NOTE: No 'cradle' for brlcKs is required when using surface opp I ied materials. ~.,. 4 :.• ·.- thicKness PLATE NO. 24-8G(H) Revised 02-01-10 OB TYPICAL ADA RAMP PLAN NO SCALE SHEET 2 OF 2 EIIIS1 HIIG SIOE'IAl...~ A MINIIUM RAMP 110TH TO 6[ 4,0' LENGTH Of RAMP <MIN.I)' S'-6">1 IIAY VARY DUE Ta 1 n 2 WAX'. SLOPE:. STREET • I.LI ...J ...J -« A ALLEY SECTION A-A VIAl[S ,,,.--2•· er JO" c.& c. I LI I ...... ------------V~IE$-------------r7] 1sii a,1.Dl"l' STREET S"' 1-w w a:: I-v> io&E t~S.l~E.'D INSET a. ~:::. MIN. A_,. 'IIDT~ ~ ;i; fO It 4~0• -« Iii Ir U12 St.orE I I I ~ J ,. NDTh At..l 41..LET R.01 I .,.._, 'YAIIT, NDl[; SE:!: aoo111c,rr-. flUlU ra,t JI~ OE'l'&ILS- NU SCAI.£ TYPICAL LOCATIONS FOR CURB RAMPS E~l~TIIIC SIMWllK >-t.4.1 ...J ..J <I: PLATE NO. 24-86( I l Revised 02-01-10 DB TYPICAL 24# CURB AND GUTTER SECTIONS ' "' L r . 0 <;J • ~. • I>, ' 2" R <l:<;1:"f·. 17. t) <;J . "' 3,. _:_--==k~L~~~~7--2----~ R T ·<l:<J·:"! • 'v" • t) Down curb sect ion. 6,. • • ------2•"------' 9" R J ,., 9" R ROLLOVER cuRe TYPE •eH NOTE: This section rooy be used T for resident101 opp I icotions only. Approval wil I depend on traffic and drainage considerations. l <;J. ~. l . A. • 8~~-. <l:<l .<;J L _________ <I:,::: ~<I~--.:.":~·· ____________ ._ ... .,.:.:_~_ .. <J_· -, • 'v" • t). <;J I 12"-• • I> • • r <;J • ~ <I : <I .'"! ·. ·17:t>.<J ·~ 6 • r • ~ r• <;J • ~ • 1 I l 3" -f '7 9" ,J. I, • A · • 9"--+--~---1--3" L ___ ~,..,L ________ j"' ___ <l~-~~::.<I.:.· i":..<;J..:· il-. _.i..--.J..---7 i---------------2~"---------------•"11 NOTE: Re 1 nforced gutter section Type "C" w i I I be constructed wl tf'1 tf'1ree No. 3 bars running the entire length of tf'1e driveway section and the three horizontal bars wi 11 be supported with choirs, on a spacing to give accurate plocerrent. <This section used at driveways only. l TYPE "C" PLATE NO. 24-86CJ) Revised 02-01-1009 • r-<;] • '\:j • • C>. • 2" R ~ : <I .<;J . . . • V. C' <;J . . • "' Ordinance No. 2010-00029 TYPE "A" -~3:"~R:__J===:::::-::::==:-:~===~=-.:;r==__:~<;J~"~'\j~•J (---_..,, ---~-~:l><I •• ~ v·l) <:J Down curb section. 6" • • 'Q • '\j • • I!,. • • • •• Q <I • <I . V. I i..-------12"-----------------18"---------_____,, -----911,15"-----53,t-----i 4',{--J I -------~ <;J. '\j. • I!,. • • <l:<3 --~. • V : I) • <;J • <D <;J • '\j • I!,.. <I : <I • <;J ... V. D <Q . . ------'3 11,,5"----------------20 s,,5"-----------.... NOTE: Contractor may use either of the above sections. TYPE "CH 9 11,1&" r <;] • "\j : .A • . <;] <I • <.I . V: C,. <;J • I> • .. <I • <3 <;J l' V. Ii' ~ ~---·r•-6" . ---------12" <:J • 'ii • • r-i--3"7 L • .., 1 9 11,,," r <;J • '\j. I . c, . J,, J" . . •• <;J -\ l <3 • <I ~ ' • V • l'l n _____ 1 ___________ 20 511,"-----------..... NOT£: Reinforced Qutter section wi I I be constructed with three No. 3 bars runninQ the entire length of the driveway section and the three horizontal bars wi I I be suppCll"ted with choirs, on a spacing to give accurate placement. TYPICAL 30u CURB ANO GUTTER SECTIONS PLATE NO, 24-86CKl Revised 02-01-10 DB