HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2010-O0008 - Closing A 56 Ft Wide Drainage Easement - 01/28/2010First Reading January 28, 2010 Item No. 5.2 File and Return to Dave Booher R.O.W City of Lubbock ORDINANCE NO. 2010-00008 Second Reading February 9, 2010 Item No. 5.4 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING A 56-FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED IN SECTION 16, BLOCK E-2, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY TO REFLECT SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING; PROVIDING A SA VINOS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the easement as hereinafter described in the body of this Ordinance is no longer needed for easement purposes and for public use: and it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same for easement purposes and for public use, and it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the easement as hereinafter described shall BE and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned for easement purposes and for public use, such easement being more particularly described in attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. THAT the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to mark the official maps of the City of Lubbock to reflect said abandonment and closing, showing the number of this Ordinance and the date of its final passage. . SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 28th day of January Passed by the City Council on second reading this 9th day of February , 2010. ,2010. = • C . C C • . . C .J ATTEST· I• Dave Booher, Right-of-Way Agent ccdocs/A&C-drainage easement-Sectl6,Blk E-2.ord 01.11.10 2 a, 0 0 8 6 r-1 0 N t:: .. m .. 5: i'a1 + E}0-1I6I1" A: PAGE 1 Of 2 SCALE: 1"=2.00' CURVE RADIUS C, ~WlXJ C2 2720<:1 C3 :3W.0<:1 C4 m.oa LINE BEARING L1 5 01°29'4611 W L2 N 01"48'03n E BASIS OF BEARIN&. N 8a"11'57" W 9a2.10· MCLENGTI-i 961}6' &9.72: 108.20' 79.40' DISlANCE 56lXJ 56.0C1 CHORD LENGTI-i 96.51' 89.:32' 107.71' 79.1Z BEARINGS ARE 6"5ED ON IRON RODS FOUND PEJi:. LAIC.ESIDE EST ATES, PHASE Ill, REWRDED IN VOLUME 982:3, PAGE 2:31 DEED RECORDS, LUBOOCI\. COUN1Y, TEX/\5. J06 No. 0047-022 DWG. NO. 89:3 5HEET1 of2 CHORD BEf.RING 5 77"45'34" E 5 78°44'57" E N7B044'5rw N Tl°?H468 W S 8a°M-'56" E 501.00' DELTA ANGLE 16"55'14" 18"54'0<:1' 18"54'00" 16°437>5" .. DRAINAGE ESMT BEING 2.084-ACRES OUTOF ORTHEf.5T ONE-FOURTH (NE/4) OF SECTION 16, 6LOO:. E-2 ABSTRACT NUMBER 745 CITY OF LU500CI\. LUBBOa. COUN1Y, TEXAS AUGU5T2006 C01TON SURVEYING COMPAAY 0000 L6J Fr~ay, Suite 910 Dallae, Texae 75254 Phon« (972) ~0440 f8)C (972) ~8--MB2 -. EXHIBff A PAGE20F2 BEING a tract or parcel of land e~uat.,d Jn At,5tract Num!ii,r 745 In the Northea!Jt One-fourth (NE/4) of Section 16, Block E-2. tubuocl:: County, Tc:,ca&, and uelng part of that trsct of land as descrlued to uikcridge E9ta~ 5oUUi, LP, ae ~rded In Volume 69:38, Paee 'Zl6, Deed Records, Luul1ocl:: County, r exas, snd being more partlcularfy dee.crlt,ed ae follows: 6EGINNING at a poll'Tt for comer In the ,:asi Uno of Savannah Avenue (a 56 fooi wide rlght--of-way), eald point also b.,ln0 In 'the east. line of ihc: uiterldse Eet.sti,a, Phs6e Ill Addltlon, an addltJon to tho Ctty of Lubl7ock, r-,corded ln \'Olume 98~. p~e ~1 of the D~ Records of Lul,l,ock CourTty, Texaa: 1'HENCE SoUUi 00"11'57" Ea6t a distance of 933.17 feet to a point for comer at 'the ueglnnlng of a c;urvc: to the rleht wtioee chord t;,i,,er& 5oUUi 77"45'34" East a dl&tar,ce of 96.51 fetrt: THENCE In an Eaaterfy direction along said cuM: to the right having a central angle of 16"55i4", a radius of 328.00 feet and sn arc length of 96.86 feet to a point for comer st the !,~Inning of a curve tc the left IWJoec, chord b.,ar& 5o~h 78°44'57" Eaei a dl5t.ance of 89.:32 fe,rt: THENCE In an Easti,rly dlreatlon alone said curve to the left havlne a centf'al angle of 18"54'00", a radius of 'Zl2..00 feet and an aro lenet;h of f>9.72 f,:;et; to a point for comer. TI-iENCE South 8f>"14'56" Eaei a distance of 501.00 feet to s point for comer; TI-iENCE Sout.1101"29'46" Woet a dl6tance of 56.00 feet to a point for comer: TI-iENCE North 88"14'56" WetYt a dl&t.ance of 501.:39 feet to a point for c;omer at the t,~ Inning of a curve tc the, ~ltt IW!oee chord uean; of North 7f>044'57" Wests dJ~nce of 107.71: TI-iENCE In a W0t>t.eny direction along said curve to the right having a central angle of1f>"54'00", a radlu6 of 328,lJO fMt and an arc length of 10f>.20 fMt to a point for c;omer st the l,~lnnlng of a curve to the left IWI09e chord uure North 77°39'45"' Weet a dlstanet, of 79.12 feet: 1'HENCE ln a Weetorly dlrectJon along eald curve to tlio li,fc havlne a central angle of 16D43'35", a r&dlu& of ZJ2..00 f~ and an aro length of 79.40 fut to a point for corno~ TI-iENCE North f>f>"11'57" We5t a dletanet, of 932.16 feet io s polni for GOmer, eald point l,eln0 In the In tile eaBt.t:m Uno of eald Savannah Avenuo and eafd l.atertdge Eirtat.es, Phaee Ill AddltJon; TI-iENCE North 01"48'03" Ea5t, along oa5t llne of Bald Savannah Avenue and eald uikcrldge Eetstee, Phaec: HI Addftlon, a dletance of 56.00 feet to the Point of Bi,glnnlng and cotrtalnfng 2.084 screi, of land, moro or loee. J06 No. 0047-022 DWG. NO. 89~ cm/t,ti 5HEET2of2 DRAINAGE ES Mr BEING 2.084ACRES 01.JfOF NORTI-iEAST ONE·FOURTI-i (NE/4) OF SECTION 16, BLOCK E·2 ABSrRACT NUMBER 745 CITY OF LUf'OOCK LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST2006 COTTON SURVEYING COMPANY WOO LBJ frecmJ':f, Su~ 910 Dallae, Tm<aB 75234 Phone: (972) ~8--0440 Fax: (972) ~8-3882 ro r, 0