HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2005-O0043 - Making Changes In The FY 2005-05 Bbudget (Amendment # 10) - 04/28/2005II First Reading April 28, 2005 Item35 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-()0043 Second Reading May 12, 2005 Item No. 12 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CHANGES IN THE FY 2004-05 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Section 102.010 of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas authorizes the City Council to make changes in the budget for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Budget Ordinance the City Council shall approve all transfers between funds, accounts, departments or programs for City purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to change the FY 2004-05 Budget for municipal purposes and reallocate funds as follows ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby approves changes to the City of Lubbock Budget FY 2004-05 (Budget Amendment #10) for municipal purposes as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. THAT a copy of the changes made to the City of Lubbock Budget pursuant to this Ordinance shall be filed with the City Secretary and County Clerk of Lubbock as required by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED ATTEST: 0~4'~ ~ Reb~a Garza, City secretarY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: II ~=~~~ Chief Financial Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard K. Casner First Assistant City Attorney ml/ccdocs/BudgetFY0405.AmendlO.ord April 19, 2005 Ordinance No. 2005-o0043 Exhibit A City of Lubbock, TX FY200S Budget Grant Fund· Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas Recreational Trails Program Summary of Revenues and Expenditures ACCOUNT DESC~ON APPROVED BUDGETFYOS REVENUE Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Program/delivery cost funding TOTAL EXPENDITURES VARIANCE $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 RESOLUTION :Resolu~ion Ho. 2002-ll0247 June 26, 2002 Itea Bo. 29 BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCn.. OF TilE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City ofLubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, an agreement for construction of trails at Lake Alan Henry, by and between the City of Lubbock and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and related documents. Said Agreement is attached hereto and inco:rporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 26th ATTEST: ~-'Pv~ .. Rebecca Gatza ' City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T~~ Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM: William de Haas Contract Manager/ Attorney BDH/clbf~.m&Wilcllife.rel June 13, 2002 , .. ·> c .. 'o ' • .J -.) Keso1uU.on No. 2002-ll.0247 Sep~eaber 26. 2002 I~ea Ro. 29 TPWD CWTRACT NO. 109968 TEXAS PARKS AND WilDLIFE DEPARTMENT NATIONAL RECREATIONAL TRAILS FUND AGREEMENT This agreement between Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Recreational Trails Program (hereinafter TPWD) and City of Lubbock (hereinafter Sponsor) for construction of recreational trail improvements in Garza County, Texas is made under Texas Recreational Trails Fund. BACKGROUND The TPWD Recreational Trails Program, which administers the Texas Recreational Trails Fund (hereinafter TRTF) made available under the National Recreational Trails Act (hereinafter The Act), awards reimbursement-type grants to eligible public entities and private organizations to be used on trails and trail-related projects. To be eligible, the project must have been planned and developed under existing federal laws and state laws, and all related policies and administrative procedures; and The City of Lubbock, eligible under The Act, made a grant application for a suitable trail project and was awarded a TRTF grant. THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits hereof, TPWD and the Sponsor hereby agree as follows: TERMS Sponsor will construct 1.5 miles of accessible trail, signing, benches and trash receptacles, in accordance with approved plan (hereinafter the Project) by December 31 , 2004. While doing any work under the terms of this agreement, Sponsor will adhere to all requirements established for the National Recreational Trials Fund including those set out in Procedural Guidelines, Project Development and Grant Reimbursement Procedures, and Acquisition Project Procedures and by the signature of its authorized agent below asserts that it had read all of the foregoing requirements. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Trails Grant CONTRACf, Lake Alan Henry TPWD/City of Lubbock June 27,2002 I . . The undersigned is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 or Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IT of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and offers all persons the opportunity to participate in programs or activities regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disabiHty. Further, it is agreed that no individual will be turned away or otherwise denied access to or benefit from any program or activity that is directly associated with a program on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. Sponsor will properly and adequately maintain the Project into the foreseeable future so that it is available and safe for use by the public. TPWD and Sponsor agree that the total cost of the Project is estimated at One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000) and that reimbursement to Sponsor for work performed under this agreement will not exceed Eighty Percent (800/o) of the project cost up to the grant funds approved, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). Sponsor will be paid up to $100,000 after submitting acceptable billings to TPWD for approved work. Sponsor may begin trail construction after execution of this agreement. Do not begin any construction activity until you receive the fully executed agreement, any costs incurred prior to the agreement being signed by both parties are not eligible for reimbursement. This contract is subject to cancellation, without penalty, either in whole or in part, if funds are not appropriated by the Texas Legislature, or otherwise made available, to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. This agreement will be in effect on the last date of the signatures below. acky . Branham, Director Purchasing, Payments & Property Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Trails Grant CONIRACT, Lake Alan Henry TPWD/City of Lubbock June 27, 2002 2 .. "~ . ...... p ....... -· ~ J . . AITEST: J:'>-d e -'& .. Rebecca Garza City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: y~~~ William de Haas, Contracts Manager/ Attorney Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Trails Grant CON1RACf, Lake Alan Hemy TPWD/City of Lubbock June 27, 2002 3 Ordinance No. 2005-00043 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 1. OWI)ef 2. Contractor {Name and Address) (£' -nlxas Parks and Wildlife Department City of Lubbock . 4200 Smith School Road P~O. Box 2000 ., Austin, Texas 78744 Lubbock, Texas 79457 3. Contract No. 109968 4. Amendment No. 01 Project No. NA Effective Date January 1, 2005 Location Austin Headquarters 5. The above numbered contract is amended as follows: The term of the National Recreational Trail Fund Agreement is hereby extended through August 31, 2005. All terms and conditions and reimbursement amount remains the same. Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the contract referenced in item 3 above, as heretofore changed, remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 6. (a) Amount this amendment -0- (b) Contract amount before this amendment NA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(C) Contract amount with this amendment NA (d) (e) Contract period extended . Expiration date is changed from 7. Contractor By NOT REQUIRED ·Signature TYPE or PRINT signer's name and title Date Signed ASFALIAS AGENCY ORG AY ASF OBJECT UNIT . VC).261·A 1500.3/9~ • Prlvfous edltiONI <lOsOiet4 • deSII'Oy Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------244 calendar days. December 31, 2004 to August 31, 2005 8. Owner: By Janet Ha ty, CPPO, CTPM Director 9f Purchasing, Contracts, and Distribution Services Trtle Date Signed _ ...... l ..... d'---=c;l~/--=~-'-fC---- . PROJECT PROJECT TASK LOCATION SPECIAL FUTURE AMOUNT ' ' City of Lubbock, TX F¥2004-05 Budget Hotel Motel Tax Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT DESCR.fi>TION FY04 FY04 REVENUES: HOTEL MOTEL TAX 2,778,025 2,778,025 TOTAL REVENUE 2,778,025 2,778,025 UTILIZATION OF FUND BALANCE 772,267 992,267 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES 3,550,292 3,770,292 TRANSFERS OUT: CONVENTION AND TOURISM 1,190,582 1,190,582 CIVIC SERVICES/HISTORIC PRES RENOV & DEB 488,535 488,535 LUBBOCK ARTS ALLIANCE 158,744 158,744 MUNICIPAL ARTS ADMINISTRATION 158,744 158,744 VISITOR INFO CTR ADMINISTRATION 79,769 79,769 INBD TOUR TRA V AIRPORT MKTING 29,765 29,765 VISITING PART & SPECT SPORTS MK 400,829 400,829 TOURISM RESERVE FUND 43,655 43,655 CIVIC CENTER OPERA TIONS!MARKETING 227,401 227,401 SPECIAL PROJECTS 0 0 CIVIC CENTER CAPITAL PROJECT-Equip Package 0 0 TRANSFER TO CIVIC CENTER 711,161 711,161 TRANSFER TO AIRPORT· SILENT WINGS 61,106 61,106 MUSIC FESTIVAL 0 175,000 LUBBOCK SPORTS AUTHORITY 0 15,000 HOLLY CONTRACT 0 30,000 WIND POWER CENTER 0 0 CAPROCK EXPRESS 0 0 CIVIC LUBBOCK INC. 0 0 CVB-VISITOR INFO CENTER 0 0 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT 3,550,292 3,770,292 REMAINING BALANCE 0 0 Ordinance No. 2005-Q0043 APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FYOS FYOS 2,879,146 2,879,146 2,879,146 2,879,146 61,278 486,278 2,940,425 3,365,424 1,233,920 1,233,920 506,318 506,318 164,523 164,523 164,523 164,523 82,673 82,673 30,848 30,848 415,420 415,420 45,244 45,244 235,679 235,679 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,278 51,278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 175,000 0 250,000 2,940,425 3,365,424 0 0 Project Name Mackenzie Fence Mackenzie Park Amphitheater Total City of Lubbock, TX FY2005 Budget Capital Budget Parks Capital Project Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures Project# 905-9196 905-9145 Appropriation $ 235,000 2,583,113 Expended 24,421 2,286,547 $ 2,818,113 2,310,968 Ordinance No. 200S-G0043 Balance 210,579 296,566 507,145 Change (30,000) 30,000 Amended 180,579 326,566 507,145 Regular City Council Meeting May 12,2005 Funding will be added in the amount of$175,000 for tourism development headed by Civic Lubbock Inc. This funding will come from the Hotel/Motel Fund fund balance. 3. Add $250,000 to the Hotel/Motel Fund for the Convention and Visitors Bureau to assist in the development of a Visitor Information Center: Funding will be added in the amount of $250,000 for a visitor information center project headed by the Convention and Visitors Bureau. This funding will come from the Hotel/Motel Fund fund balance. Staff recommended approval of the second reading of the ordinance. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Martin, seconded by Council Member Gilbreath to pass on second and final reading Ordinance No. 2005-00043 with the following addition: (1) transfer $30,000 from the MacKenzie Park Fence Capitol Project to the MacKenzie Park Amphitheater for lowering the retaining wall at the top of the amphitheater to a maximum of four feet, (2) providing for stuccoing of that wall and compacting the dirt on the west side of that wall so that the hill is restored up to the property owned by the South Plains Fair Association, (3) resurveying and placing the survey stakes at City expense, and (4) instructing the staff to make it part of Attachment "A" of this ordinance and implementing it. Motion carried: 4 Yeas, 3 Nays. Council Members DeLeon, Jones, and Price voted Nay. The next item considered was Item 27. Items 13-26 were considered following Item 11. (13.) ORDINANCE NO. 2005-00045---ZONE CASE NO. 2508-E (east of Elgin A venue and north of 113th Street): Consider the request of Rollo Gurss (for Triax Development, Ltd.) for a zoning change from T to R-1 Specific Use to T, R-1 Specific Use for reduced front setback and reduced side setback adjacent to a street on 18 acres of unplatted land out of Section 20, Block E-2 (Zoning) (second and final reading). 6