HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2005-O0109 - Abandoning/Closing 56Th Street Between Aberdeen And Slide Rd. 2 20 Ft. Alleys - 09/08/2005... First Reading September 8, 2005 Item 11 FILE AND RETURI TO 08UCJI-O·W Second Reading January 12, 2006 Item5.1 nn~? 3 Nuu.-.. VOL. 10 3 2 PAGE ORDINANCE NO. 2005-ool09 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING 561h STREET BETWEEN ABERDEEN A VENUE AND SLIDE ROAD IN SECTION 28) BLOCK E-2, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, TWO 20-FOOT ALLEYS SOUTH OF 54TH AND 56TH STREETS IN SAID SECTION 28, BLOCK E-2, A HUNDRED FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED IN LOTS 109, 110, 111, 112, BUSTER LONG ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, AND VARIOUS UNDERGROUND UTILITY AND TRANSFORMER PAD EASEMENTS LOCATED IN LOTS 109, 111> 114, 115, BUSTER LONG ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, EACH OF WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY TO REFLECT SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that portions of the street, alley, and easement hereinafter described in the body of this Ordinance are no longer needed for street, alley, and easement purposes and for public use; and the City Council finds it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same for street, alley, and easement purposes; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the street, alley, and easement portions as hereinafter described shall BE and the same are hereby closed, vacated and abandoned for street, alley and easement purposes and for public use, such street, alley, and easement portions are more particularly described as follows: 1. 56TH Street between Aberdeen Avenue and Slide Road being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A". 2. The 20-foot north-south alley located just south of 54th Street being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "B". 3. The 20-foot north-south and east-west alley located just south of 56th Street being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "C". 4. The hundred (100) foot Drainage Easement located in Lots 109, 110, 111, 112 Buster Long Addition being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "D". 5. Various underground utility and transformer pad easements, being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "E". 257 ·. V 0 L. 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 5 8 SECTION 2. THAT the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to mark the official maps of the City of Lubbock to reflect said abandomnent and closing, showing the number of this Ordinance and the date of its final passage. SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 8th Passed by the City Council on second reading this ...... 1~2¥¥;_ ATTEST: ~~Citys~ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Ed ~Ri~ojz.f Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: l-~ ~~ k~__e___ Linda Chamales Senior Attorney/Office Practice gslccdocs/ A&Cord-Buster Long Addn.ord April 15, 2005 2006. ·. LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 1801 Avenue N /lubbock. Texas 7940~ I 8061783·56C2 I FAX 8061783-3891 V 0 l. 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 5 9 EX H f BIT II A' I A Portion of 561h Street to be Closed METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a portion of 561h Street, located in Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the most Easterly Southeast corner of Lot 11 o, Buster Long Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereat recorded in Volume 1319, Page 955, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas, same being a point in the West right-ot-way line of Slide Road which bears West, a distance of 60.00 feet and South, a distance of 1753.00 feet from the Northeast corner ot Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South, along the West right-of-way line of Slide Road, a distance of 90.00 teet to a point of intersection; THENCE Northwesterly, along the South right-of-way line of 561h Street, around a curve to the left, said curve having a radius ot 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00", tangent lengths of 15.00 feet, a chord distance of 21 .21 feet and a chord bearing of N. 45°00'00" W. to a point of tangency in the South right-of-way line of 56th Street; THENCE West, continuing along the South right-of-way line of said 56th Street, a distance ot 330.00 feet to a point ot curvature; THENCE Southwesterly, continuing along the South right-of-way line of 56th Street, around a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00~, tangent lengths of 15.00 feet, a chord distance of 21.21 feet and a chord bearing of S. 45°00'00" W. to a point of intersection in the East right-of-way line ot Aberdeen Avenue; THENCE North, along the East right-of-way line of Aberdeen Avenue, a distance of 90.00 feet to a point of intersection in the North right-of-way line of said 561h Street; THENCE Southeasterly, around a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00", tangent lengths ot 15.00 feet, a chord distance of 21.21 teet and a chord bearing of S. 45°00'00" E. to a point ot tangency; THENCE East, continuing along the North right-of-way line of said 56th Street, a distance of 330.00 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE Northeasterly, continuing along the North right-of-way line of 561h Street, around a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00", tangent lengths of 15.00 feet, a chord distance of 21.21 feet and a chord bearing of N. 45°00'00" E. to the Point of Beginning. Contains: 0.122 acre PREPARED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW ONLY. DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY. . . '\ LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 1601 Avenue N I LubbOCk. Texas 79401/8061763-5642/ FAX 8061763·3891 VOL 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 6 0 EXHIBIT II B II 20 Foot Alley to be Closed METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a 20 foot alley, located in Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 110, Buster Long Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1319, Page 955, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South, along the West line of said Lot 11 0, a distance of 276.58 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 110; THENCE West, a distance of 20.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 109, said Buster Long Addition; THENCE North, along the East line of said Lot 109, a distance of 276.58 feet to the Northeast comer of said Lot 109; THENCE East a distance of 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains: 0.127 acres PREPARED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW ONLY. DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY. LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 1801 Avenue N /Lubbock, Texat> 79401/8061763·56421 FAX 8061763·3891 V 0 L. 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 61 EXH I BIT II c II A 20 Foot Alley to be Closed METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a 20 foot alley located in the Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 111, Buster Long Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1328, Page 135, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas which bears South a distance of 1828.00 feet and West a distance of 245.04 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South, along the West line of said Lot 111, at 112.54 feet pass the Southwest corner of said Lot 111 and the Northwest corner of Lot 114, Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1346, Page 703, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas continuing along the West line of said Lot 114 for a total distance of 262.61 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 114 and the Northeast corner of Lot 113, Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1459, Page 344, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE West, along the North line of said Lot 113, a distance of 175.00 feet the Northwest corner of said Lot 113; THENCE North a distance of 20.00 feet to the Southwest comer of Lot 112. Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1459, Page 344, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE East, along the South line of said Lot 112, a distance of 145.00 feet to the most Southerly Southeast corner of said Lot 112; THENCE N. 45°00'00" E. a distance of 14.14 feet to the most Easterly Southeast corner of said Lot 112; THENCE North, along the East line of said Lot 112, a distance of 232.54 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 112; THENCE East, a distance of 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; Contains: 0.193 acres PREPARED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW ONLY. DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY. ·. ' .. LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 1601 Avenue N I Lubbock, Tex&$ 79401/806f763·5642/ FAX 8061763-3891 VOl. 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 6 2 EXHIBIT II D II 100 Foot Drainage Easement to be Closed METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a 100 foot drainage easement, located in Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the West right-of-way line of Slide Road, Lubbock County, Texas, which bears South a distance of 1747.99 feet, and West a distance of 60.00 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 28, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas: THENCE South, along the West right-of-way line of said Slide Road, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; THENCE West, a distance of 360.00 feet to a point in the East right-of-way line of Aberdeen Avenue, lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North, along the East right-of-way line of Aberdeen Avenue, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; THENCE East a distance of 360.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains: 0.826 acres PREPARED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW ONLY. DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY. •, ·.. ' t. HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 1601 Avenue N /lubbock, Texas 79401/806/763-5642/ FAX 8061763·3891 VOL 1 0 3 2 3 PAGE 2 6 3 LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS EXHIBIT II E II Various Underground Utility Transformer Pad Easements to be Closed All of those certain underground utility and transformer pad easements granted to LPL on the following recorded plats. Lot 1 09, Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1319, Page 955, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas; Lot 111, Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1328, Page 135, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas; Lots 114·115, Buster Long Addition, according to the map, plat and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1346, Page 703, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas. ZDu5 JAN 19 Pr1 f: 22 ~~;£J/~ ~llUHTV ~ •.... '•·~ "\:fr 1. ~r ... , .... ·v~r.-("f\V'!Tif Tt>'-",."" ., ... ,.,.,...~ SIAH: OF lEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK 1 hereby tettlfy that this inatrumem was FILED an 1tl8 date and at !he time stamped hereon by~ and~~~. REC~Ol!!D In the Votume and Page of 1he O!ftelal Public Records of LubboCk County, TP.xas as slamped hereon by N JAN lt 2006