HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2005-O0069 - Ordinance Amending Section 16-175.1, Limits On Specific Streets, Highways, Etc. - 06/23/2005First Reading June 23, 2005 Item 13 Second Reading July 14,2005 Item 10 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-o0069 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 16-175.1 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WITH REGARD TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMITS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock deems it to be in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Lubbock to make the following amendment to Section 16-175.1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDANED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 16-175.1, Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 16-175.1. Limits on specific streets, highways, etc., and portions thereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16-175, speed limits for specific streets, roads, highways and other vehicle ways and portions thereof within the city limits shall be as follows: Speed Ord. Street Name Dir. Description Limit No. Date A Avenue SB from 4th Street to 0.05mi south of23rd Street 35 A Avenue SB from 0.05mi south of23"' Street to 0.03mi 40 south of 5 I st Street A Avenue SB from 0.013mi south of 51$' Streetto 0.016mi 50 south of 61 Sl Street A Avenue SB from 0.016 mi. south of E. 61 st Street to the 45 6571 03-08-73 Interstate 27 frontage road A Avenue NB from the Interstate 27 frontage road to 45 6571 03-08-73 0.033 mi. north of E. 61st Street A Avenue NB from 0.033 mi. north of E. 61 st Street to 50 6571 03-08-73 0.15 mi. south of 50th Street A Avenue NB from 0.15mi south of 50th Street to 0.2mi 40 north of 34th Street A Avenue NB from 0.2mi north of 34th Street to 5.28feet 35 south of 301h Street A Avenue NB from 5.28feet south of 301h Street to 0.07mi 40 south of 19111 Street A Avenue NB from 0.07mi south of 19th Street to 81h Street 35 A Avenue NB from 8111 Street to 4th Street 40 Alcove Avenue from the North City Limits 82nd Street 55 0115 11-14-02 A-1 Alcove Avenue from 82nd Street to 9811! Street 40 0115 11-14-02 Alcove Avenue from 98th Street to the South City Limits 55 0115 11-14-02 N. Ash Avenue NB from Municipal Drive to North Loop 289 40 4756 07-22-65 N. Ash Avenue SB from Erskine Street to Municipal Drive 35 4756 07-22-65 N. Ash Avenue SB from Erskine Street to North Loop 289 40 4756 07-22-65 N. Ash Avenue from North Loop 289 to Ursuline Street 35 4756 07-22-65 N. Ash Avenue from Ursuline Street to Interstate 27 40 4756 07-22-65 Broadway from Avenue Q to University Avenue 35 5663 06-12-69 E. Broadway from A venue A to Idalou Road 45 9310 10-17-89 D Avenue from 401h Street to 42nd Street 20 Brownfield Road from 4th Street to 6th Street 45 9257 02-09-89 (US 62/82) Brownfield Road from 6th Street to 19th Street 50 9257 02-09-89 (US 62182) Brownfield Road SWB from 19th Street southwest 0.5 mi. 45 7309 08-12-76 (US 62/82) Brownfield Road SWB from 0.5 mi. southwest of 19th Street 50 7309 08-12-76 (US 62/82) southwest 0.8 mi. Brownfield Road SWB from 1.3 mi. southwest of 19th Street to 45 7309 08-12-76 (US 62182) Slide Road Brownfield Road SWB from Slide Road southwest 0.2 mi. 45 6033 02-25-71 (US 62182) Brownfield Road SWB from 0.2mi southwest of Slide Road to l.Omi 55 (US 62182) northeast of 66th Street Brownfield Road SWB from I. Omi northeast of 66111 Street to 0.17mi 65 (US 62/82) southwest of Upland A venue (by, 3/27/97 Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Brownfield Road SWB from O.J7mi southwest of Upland Avenue to 70 (US 62/82) the Southwest City Limits (by, 3/27/97 Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Brownfield Road NEB from the Southwest City Limits to 0.31 mi 70 (US 62/82) southwest of Upland Avenue (by, 3/27/97 Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Brownfield Road NEB from 0.3lmi southwest of Upland Avenue 65 (US 62/82) to l.Omi northeast of 66111 Street 2 (by, 3/27/97 Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Brownfield Road NEB from l.Orni northeast of 66th Street to 55 (US 62182) O.lrni southwest of Slide Road Brownfield Road NEB from 0.1 mi. southwest of Slide Road to Slide 45 6033 02-25-71 (US 62/82) Road Brownfield Road NEB from Slide Road northeast 0.3 mi. 40 7309 08-12-76 (US 62/82) Brownfield Road NEB from 0.3 mi. northeast of Slide Road 45 7309 08-12-76 (US 62/82) northeast 0.2 mi. Brownfield Road NEB from 0.5 mi. northeast of Slide Road 50 7309 08-12-76 (US 62/82) northeast 0.6 mi. Brownfield Road NEB from 1.1 mi. northeast of Slide Road 45 7309 08-12-76 (US 62182) northeast 0.2 mi. Brownfield Road NEB from I. 3 mi. northeast of Slide Road 40 7309 08-12-76 (US 62182) to 19th Street Buddy Holly Avenue from Interstate 27 south to 4th Street 40 9875 01-25-96 Buddy Holly Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street 35 10044 01-08-98 Buddy Holly Avenue from I 9th Street to Interstate 27 35 8967 09-25-86 Clovis Road from Avenue Q to AvenueS 35 9306 09-14-89 (US 84) Clovis Road from Avenue S to Vernon Avenue 40 9306 09-14-89 (US 84) Clovis Road from Vernon A venue to Erskine A venue 45 9306 09-14-89 (US 84) C1ovisRoad from Erskine A venue to North Loop 289 50 9306 09-14-89 (US 84) Clovis Road from North Loop289 to the West City Limits 60 0039 06/14/01 (US 84) Clovis Road Frontage Road from North Loop 289 to North City Limits 35 5805 01-22-70 (US 84) Elm Avenue from E.66th Street to E.50111 Street 40 0033 07/27/00 Erskine Street from North Ash A venue to Interstate 27 35 5745 09-25-69 Erskine Street from Interstate 27 to A venue Q 45 10044 Ol-08-98 Erskine Street from Avenue Q to North University Avenue 50 10044 OI-08-98 Erskine Street from North Indiana A venue to I 00 feet west 40 8727 02-28-85 ofNorth Knoxville Avenue Erskine Street from 100 feet west ofNorth Knoxville Avenue 50 8727 02-28-85 to North Quaker A venue 3 Erskine Street from North Quaker Avenue to North Milwaukee 55 9270 04-27-89 Avenue Frankford Avenue from Princeton Street to North City Limits 60 10163 06-24-99 Frankford A venue from Cornell Street to Princeton Street 55 10163 06-24-99 Frankford A venue from 3~'<~ Street to Cornell Street 50 10163 06-24-99 Frankford Avenue from North Loop 289 to 3~'<~ Street 45 10163 06-24-99 Frankford A venue from 19th Street to North Loop 289 40 10044 Ol-08-98 Frankford Avenue from 19th Street to 41st Street 40 8532 02-09-84 Frankford Avenue from West Loop 289 to 500 feet north of 45 Spur 327 Frankford A venue SB from 500 feet north of Spur 327 to Spur 327 35 8274 01-28-82 Frankford Avenue NB from Spur 327 to 500 feet north of Spur 327 45 8274 01-28-82 Frankford A venue SB from Spur 327 to 500 feet south of Spur 327 45 8274 01-28-82 Frankford A venue NB from 500 feet south of Spur 327 to Spur 327 35 8274 01-28-82 Frankford Avenue from 500 feet south of Spur 327 to 98th Street 45 9632 08-12-93 Frankford Avenue from 98th Street to the South City Limits 55 9632 08-12-93 Idalou Road NEB from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 50 (US 62182) to lOOft northeast ofSpruce Avenue Idalou Road NEB from 1OOft northeast of Spruce A venue to 45 (US 62/82) 0 .128mi southwest of Broadway Idalou Road NEB from 0.128mi southwest of Broadway to 128ft 40 (US 62182) northeast of 4cn Street Idalou Road NEB from 128ft northeast of 4ch Street to 0.42mi 45 (US 62182) southwest of the Parkway Drive overpass Idalou Road NEB from 0.42mi southwest of the Parkway Drive 55 (US 62182) overpass to 200ft northeast of Baylor A venue Idalou Road NEB from 200ft northeast of Baylor Avenue to 60 (US 62/82) 1OOft northeast of Dartmouth Avenue Idalou Road NEB from lOOft northeast of Dartmouth Avenue 65 (US 62182) to the east City Limits (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Idalou Road SWB from the east City Limits to I OOft northeast 65 (US 62182) of Dartmouth A venue (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Idalou Road SWB from 1OOft northeast of Dartmouth A venue 60 (US 62182) to 300ft northeast of Baylor A venue Idalou Road SWB from 300ft northeast of Baylor Avenue to 31'<1 55 4 (US 62/82) Street Idalou Road SWB from 3n1 Street to 0.128mi southwest of 40 (US 62182) Broadway Idalou Road SWB from 0.128mi southwest of Broadway to 45 (US 62182) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Idalou Road North SWB from N. Niter Street to Colgate Street 40 Frontage Road Idalou Road North SWB from Colgate Street to Loop 289 Frontage 50 Frontage Road Road Idalou Road North SWB from Loop 289 Frontage Road to Parkway 50 Frontage Road Frontage Idalou Road North NEB from 190ft northeast of Colgate Street to 40 Frontage Road 133ft northeast ofN. Niter Avenue Idalou Road North NEB from 133ft northeast ofN. Niter Avenue to 35 Frontage Road 1.0mi southwest of the east City Limits Idalou Road South SWB from 113ft southwest ofN. Niter Avenue to 40 Frontage Road Mulberry Avenue Indiana A venue from I st Street to 4th Street 45 9255 02-09-89 Indiana Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street 40 5797 12-18-69 Indiana A venue from 34th Street to 50th Street 40 5701 08-14-69 Indiana A venue from 50th Street to South Loop 289 40 9875 01-25-96 Indiana A venue from South Loop 289 to 82nd Street 45 9875 01-25-96 Indiana A venue from 82nd Street to South City Limits 45 9875 01-25-96 N. Indiana A venue from 1st Street to Clovis Road 45 9255 02-09-89 Inter A venue SB from the North City Limits to 0.1 Omi south 45 (FM 179) of 4th Street lnler A venue SB from 0. i Omi south of 4th Streetto 0.15mi 55 (FM 179) north of I 9th Street Inler Avenue SB from 0.15mi north of 19th Street to 0.15mi 45 (FM 179) south of 19th Street Inler A venue SB from 0.15mi south of 19th Street to the South 55 (FM 179) City Limits Inter A venue NB from the South City Limits to 0.17mi south of 55 (FM 179) 19th Street Infer A venue NB from 0.17mi south of 19th Street to 0.09mi 45 (FM 179) north of I 9111 Street lnler Avenue NB from 0.09mi north of 19th Street to 0.18mi 55 (FM 179) south of 4th Street Inler A venue NB from O.I8mi south of 4th Street to the North 45 5 (FM 179) City Limits Interstate 27 from the North City Limits to the South City 65 0115 11-14-02 (US 87) City Limits (changed by Tx Transp.Comm.) Interstate-27 frontage road NB from the South City Limits to 77111 Street 45 (US 87) Interstate-27 frontage road NB from 77lh Street to 0.08mi south of Slaton Road 55 (US 87) Interstate-27 frontage road NB from 0.08mi south of Slaton Road to 0.04mi 50 (US 87) north of SOu. Street Interstate-27 frontage road NB from 0.04mi north of 501b Street to 0.12mi 45 (US 87) south of 19th Street lnterstate-27 frontage road NB from 0. I 2mi south of 19111 Street to 13111 Street 40 (US 87) lnterstate-27 frontage road NB from 4th Street to 0.08mi north of Yucca Lane so (US 87) Interstate-27 frontage road NB from 0.08mi north of Yucca Lane to the North 55 (US 87) City Limits Interstate-27 frontage road SB from the South City Limits to 0.08mi north of 55 (US 87) Yucca Lane Interstate-27 frontage road SB from 0.08mi north of Yucca Lane to 4111 Street 50 (US 87) lnterstate-27 frontage road SB from 131h Street to O.Olmi south of 19u. Street 45 (US 87) Interstate-27 frontage road SB from 0.0 I mi south of 191h Street to 0.16mi 50 (US 87) north of 34t11 Street lnterstate-27 frontage road SB from 0.16mi north of34th Street to 0.04mi 45 (US 87) south of 66th Street lnterstate-27 frontage road SB from 0.04mi south of 66111 Street to 77th Street 55 (US 87) Interstate-27 frontage road SB from 7? Street to the South City Limits 45 (US 87) Kent Street from Mesa Road to North University Avenue 45 6141 08-26-71 E. Kent Street from Interstate 27 to Dr. Martin Luther 40 8952 08-28-86 King, Jr. Boulevard E. Kent Street from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to 45 Regis Street (FM 2641 ) LAvenue from 34th Street to 50th Street 35 5831 03-12-70 Loop 289 only J-27 to Spur 327 60 9875 01-25-96 Loop 289 The entire length except 1-27 to Spur 327 65 0115 11-14-02 (changed by Tx Transp.Comm.) 6 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Idalou Road to 0.230mi NW ofldalou Road 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 0.230mi NW of Idalou Road to Municipal Drive 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Municipal Drive to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard 40 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to Avenue N 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Avenue N to the Santa Fe Railway over-pass and through the tum-around 40 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Santa Fe Railway over-pass to 1.818 mi West of the Santa Fe Railway over-pass 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from l.818mi West of the Santa Fe Railway over-pass West 0.200mi 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from U.S.84 (Clovis Road) SW 0.300mi 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 0.300mi SW of U.S.84 (Clovis Road) SW0.495mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 0.795mi SW ofU.S.84 (Clovis Road) to Quaker A venue 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from Quaker Avenue to 0.200mi SW of Quaker A venue 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 0.200mi SW of Quaker Avenue SW 1.394mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 1.594mi SW of Quaker Avenue to F.M.2255 (41h Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from F.M.2255 (41h Street) to) 0.250mi SW ofF.M.2255 (41h Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 0.250mi SW ofF.M.2255 (4th Street) SW 0.923mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 1.173mi SW ofF.M.2255 (4th Street) to S.H.114 (J 9111 Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from S.H.114 (19th Street) to 0.350mi South of S.H.l14 (19"' Street) 40 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 0.350mi South of S.H. 114 (19th Street) South 0.51 Smi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 0.865mi South of S.H.l14 ( 191h Street) to 34lh Street 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 34ch Street to the Marsha Sharp Freeway 45 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from the Marsha Sharp Freeway to 50ch Street 45 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 501h Street to 0.35mi East of University Avenue 50 7 Loop 289 frontage road ccw from 0.35mi East of University Avenue to 0.06mi North of East 4th Street 55 0047 06-12-0l Loop 289 frontage road CCW from 0.06mi north of East 4th Street to Idalou Road 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from the Marsha Sharp Freeway to 34th 45 Street Loop 289 frontage road cw from 34111 Street North 0.290mi 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from 0.290mi North of34111 Street North 0.466mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 0.756mi North of34th Street to S.H.114 (19th Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from S.H.II4 (191h Street) to 0.250mi NE ofS.H.114 (19111 Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 0.250mi NE ofS.H.114 {19th Street) NE0.996mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 1.216mi NE of S.H.I14 (19th Street) to F.M.2255 (4111 Street) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from F.M.2255 (4th Street) NE 0.176mi 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from 0.176mi NE ofF.M.2255 (4111 Street) NE 1.227mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from \.403mi NE ofF.M.2255 (4th Street) to Quaker Avenue 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from Quaker Avenue NE 0.200mi 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 0.200mi NE of Quaker Avenue NE 0.530mi 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 0.730mi NE of Quaker Avenue to U.S.84 (Clovis Road) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from U.S.84 (Clovis Road) to 0.250 East of U.S.84 (Clovis Road) 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from 0.250mi East of U.S.84 (Clovis Road) East 1.600mi 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from 1.850mi East ofU.S.84 (Clovis Road) East to the Santa Fe Railway over-pass through the tum-around 35 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from the Santa Fe Railway over-pass East toAvenueN 40 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from Avenue N East to I-27 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 1-27 East to Globe Avenue 40 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from Globe Avenue SE 2.306mi 50 0047 06-12-03 8 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 2.306mi SE of Globe Avenue to Idalou Road 45 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from Idalou Road to 0.06mi North of East 4th Street 50 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 0.06mi North of East 4th Street to 0.35mi East of University Avenue 55 0047 06-12-03 Loop 289 frontage road CW from 0.35mi East of University Avenue to 50"' Street 50 Loop 289 frontage road cw from 50111 Street to the Marsha Sharp 45 Freeway Loop 289 frontage road cw from the Marsha Sharp Freeway to 34th 45 Street Main Street from A venue Q to University A venue 35 5701 08-14-69 Dr. Martin Luther King, SB from East 2"d Street to 0.181 mi South of 35 Jr. Boulevard Parkway Drive Dr. Martin Luther King SB from 0.181 mi South of Parkway Drive to 40 Jr. Boulevard 0.065mi South of E. 50th Street Dr. Martin Luther King SB from 0.065mi South of E. 50th Street to Slaton 50 Jr. Boulevard Road Dr. Martin Luther King NB from Slaton Road to 0.070mi North of E. 50th 50 Jr. Boulevard Street Dr. Martin Luther King NB from 0.070mi North of E. 50th Street to North 40 Jr. Boulevard Loop289 Dr. Martin Luther King from Slaton Road to the South City Limits 45 Jr. Boulevard Dr. Martin Luther King, SB from East 2nd Street to North Loop 289 40 4756 07-22-65 Jr. Boulevard Dr. Martin Luther King, from North Loop 289 to Ursuline Street 45 7707 08-24-78 Jr. Boulevard Dr Martin Luther King, from Ursuline Street to Regis Street 50 Jr. Boulevard Dr. Martin Luther King, from Regis Street to Bluefield Street 50 8972 11-07-86 Jr. Boulevard Dr. Martin Luther King, from Bluefield Street (station 0+00) northerly 40 8972 11-07-86 Jr. Boulevard 2160 feet to Station 21+60 (Lubbock [ntemational Airport Terminal Access Road) Dr. Martin Luther King, from Station 29+35 westerly, southerly, and 10 Jr. Boulevard easterly 1309 feet to Station 42+42 (Lubbock International Airport Terminal Access Road) Dr. Martin Luther King, from Station 52+52 southerly 1270 feet to 40 8972 11-07-86 Jr. Boulevard Bluefield Street 9 (Lubbock International Airport Terminal Access Road) Marsha Sharp Freeway Frontage from Chicago Avenue to 0.5mi west of 50 Road (U.S. 62/82) W. Loop289 Milwaukee Avenue from I st Street to 4th Street 55 9303 08-24-89 Milwaukee Avenue from 4111 Street to 19th Street 50 0047 06-12-03 Milwaukee Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street 50 9303 08-24-89 N. Milwaukee Avenue from l st Street to the North City Limits 55 0115 11-14-02 Milwaukee Avenue from 34lh Street to Brownfield Road 45 Milwaukee Avenue from Brownfield Road to 93rd Street 50 Milwaukee Avenue from 93rd Street to the South City Limits 45 Municipal Drive from Interstate 27 to Northeast Loop 289 35 Municipal Drive from Northeast Loop 289 to North Guava 45 8076 08-16-80 Avenue P Avenue from 82nd Street to the South City Limits 50 9441 05-23-91 Parkway Drive from Avenue A east 0.2 mi. 45 7292 07-22-76 Parkway Drive from 0.2 mi. east of Avenue A east 0.2 mi. 50 7292 07-22-76 Parkway Drive from 0.4 mi. east of Avenue A east 0.523 mi. 55 7292 07-22-76 Parkway Drive from 0.923 mi. east of Avenue A to North 45 7292 07-22-76 Guava Avenue Parkway Drive EB from North Guava Avenue to Idalou Road 55 6055 04-08-71 Parkway Drive WB from Idalou Road to North Guava Avenue 55 6055 04-08-71 Parkway Drive frontage road EB from North Guava Avenue to Idalou Road 40 6055 04-08-71 Parkway Drive exit ramp EB from Parkway Drive to Idalou Road 50 6055 04-08-71 Q Avenue from Clovis Road to 4th Street 35 9306 09-14-89 Q Avenue from 4th Street to 23rd Street 35 9529 02-23-89 Q Avenue from 23rd Street to 50th Street 45 9259 02-23-89 S. Q Avenue Drive from so~~> Street to 54th Street 40 0039 06/14/01 S. Q Avenue Drive from 54~~> Street to 581h Street 45 0039 06/14/01 S. Q Avenue Drive from ss~~> Street to .257mi SE of 58th Street 50 0039 06/14/01 S. Q Avenue Drive from .257mi SE of 58th Street to I-27 55 0039 06/14/01 N. Q Avenue Drive NB from Clovis Road northeast 0.275mi 45 N. Q Avenue Drive NB from 0.275mi northeast of Clovis Road 55 Northeast 0.478mi 10 N. Q Avenue Drive NB from 0.753mi northeast of Clovis Road 45 to the 1-27 access road on ramp N. Q Avenue Drive SB from the 1-27 off ramp to 0.017 mi south so of Grinnell Street N. Q Avenue Drive SB from 0.017mi south of Grinnell Street to 45 0.16mi south of Erskine Street N. Q Avenue Drive SB from 0.16mi south of Erskine Street to 55 Clovis Road Quaker Avenue from the North City Limits to 300 feet south 50 6279 01-27-72 of Kemper Street Quaker Avenue from 300 feet south of Kemper Street to 800 35 6279 01-27-72 feet south of Erskine Street Quaker Avenue from 800 feet south of Erskine Street to 4th so 6279 01-27-72 Street Quaker A venue from 4th Street to 19th Street 45 9101 08-27-87 Quaker Avenue from 19th Street to Brownfield Road 35 6279 01-27-72 Quaker Avenue from Brownfield Road to 6Ist Street 40 6279 01-27-72 Quaker Avenue from 61 st Street to South Loop 289 35 6279 01-27-72 Quaker Avenue from South Loop 289 to 82nd Street 45 6279 01-27-72 Quaker Avenue from 82nd Street to 93rd Street 45 8790 07-11-85 Quaker Avenue from 93rd Street to 98th Street 40 8790 07-11-85 Quaker Avenue from 98111 Street to the South City Limits 50 0115 11-14-02 Research Boulevard SB from 4th Street south 0. I 9 mi. 40 Research Boulevard SB from 0.19 mi. south of 4th Street south 0.6 mi. 55 Research Boulevard SB from 0. 79 mi. south of 4th Street to 19th 45 Research Boulevard NB from 19th Street north 0.2 mi. 40 Research Boulevard NB from 0.2 mi. north of 19th Street 0.6 mi. 55 Research Boulevard NB from 0.8 mi. north of 19th Street to 4th Street 40 Research Boulevard from 19th Street to 341h Street 50 Regis Street EB from the west City Limits to 0.155mi west of 55 (FM 2641) u.s. 87 Regis Street EB from 0.155mi west of U.S. 87 to U.S. 87 45 (FM 2641) Regis Street EB from U.S. 87 to 0.2 mi. east ofU.S. 87 45 (FM 2641) Regis Street EB from 0.2 mi. east of US 87 to 0.804 mi. east 55 7265 06-10-76 11 (FM 2641) ofU.S. 87 Regis Street EB from l.Omi. east of US 87 to Dr. Martin 45 (FM 2641) Luther King Jr. Boulevard Regis Street EB from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 55 (FM 2641) the east City Limits Regis Street WB from the east City Limits to 0.02mi east 55 (FM 2641) of Elm Street Regis Street WB from 0.02mi west of Elm Street to U.S. 87 45 (FM 2641) Regis Street WB from U.S. 87 to 0.15Smi west of U.S. 87 45 (FM 2641) Regis Street WB from 0.155mi west of U.S. 87 to the east 55 (FM 2641) City Limits Slaton Road from I-27 to .32mi SE ofLoop289 55 0039 06/14101 (US 84) Slaton Road from .32mi SE of Loop289 SE l.22mi 60 0039 06/14101 (US 84) Slaton Road from I .54mi SE of Loop289 SE to City Limits 65 0115 11-14-02 (US 84) (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Slide Road from41h Street to 0.05mi N of7151 Street 40 OilS 11-14-02 Slide Road from O.OSmi N of7Ist Street to 0.09mi S of 82nci Street 45 0115 11-14-02 Slide Road from 0.09mi S of 82nd Street to 0.02mi S of 96ch Street E 50 OilS I 1-14-02 Slide Road from 0.02mi S of 96th Street to 0.2 mi S of 98111 Street 55 0115 11-14-02 Slide Road from 0.2 mi S of 98ch Street to City Limits 60 0115 11-14-02 Southeast Drive SEB from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to 40 (FM835) 0.09mi southeast of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Southeast Drive SEB from 0.09mi southeast of Dr. Martin Luther 45 (FM835) King Jr. Boulevard to 38th Street Southeast Drive SEB from 38tll Street to 114ft northwest of 46ch 55 (FM835) Street Southeast Drive SEB from 114ft northwest of 46111 Street to 50th 50 (FM835) Street Southeast Drive NWB from sou. Street to 47111 Street 50 (FM83S) Southeast Drive NWB from 47'h Street to 0.1 Omi northwest of 3 8111 55 (FM835) Street Southeast Drive NWB from 0.01 mi northwest of 381h Street to 200ft 50 12 (FM835) southeast of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Southeast Drive NWB from 200ft southeast of Dr. Martin Luther 40 (FM835) King Jr. Boulevard to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Southeast Drive from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 55 0039 06/14/01 (FM835) to 5Oth Street Southeast Drive from 50th Street southeast 0.1 04mi 55 (FM835) Southeast Drive from 0.1 04mi southeast of 501b Street 60 (FM835) Southeast I. 196mi Southeast Drive from 1.30mi southeast of 50th Street to the 65 (FM 835) City Limits (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes due to over 60mph) Spur327 WB from West Loop 289 to 1022 feet east of 55 9072 05-28-87 Frankford Avenue Spur 327 WB from 1022 feet east of Frankford Avenue to 45 9072 05-28-87 1957 feet west of Frankford Avenue Spur 327 WB from 1957feet west of Frankford Avenue to 55 the Spur 327/Brownfield Road overpass Spur 327 WB from the Spur327/Brownfield overpass to the 65 Brownfield Road (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60rnph) Spur 327 EB from the Brownfield Road to 0.37mi east of 65 Brownfield Road (by Texas Transportation Commission Resolution Minutes, due to over 60mph) Spur327 EB from 0.37mi east of Brownfield Road to 55 !957ft west of Frankford Avenue Spur 327 EB from 1957 feet west of Frankford Avenue to 45 9072 05-28-87 1211 feet east of Frankford Avenue Spur327 EB from 1211 feet east of Frankford Avenue to 55 9072 05-28-87 Southwest Loop 289 Texas Tech Parkway from Marsha Sharp Freeway to 4th Street 40 Texas Tech Parkway from 4111 Street to Erskine Street 45 Texas Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street 35 10044 01-08-98 Texas Avenue from 19th Street to Interstate 27 35 8967 09-25-86 University A venue from 1st Street to 4th Street 35 9439 05-23-91 University Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street 40 5569 11-26-68 University Avenue from 34th Street to 50th Street 40 6739 I 1-08-73 13 University Avenue 50th Street to South Loop 289 40 1980 07-26-56 University Avenue from South Loop 289 to 82nd Street 45 9875 01-25-96 University Avenue from 82nd Street to the South City Limits 45 9875 01-25-96 N. University Avenue from I st Street to Auburn Street 35 9439 05-23-91 N. University Avenue from Auburn Street to Clovis Road 35 5047 06-26-66 N. University Avenue NB from Clovis Road to Erskine Street 35 7660 02-11-78 N. University Avenue NB from Erskine Street north 0.2 mi. 45 7660 05-11-78 N. University Avenue NB from 0.2 mi. north of Erskine Street to Queens 50 7660 05-ll-78 Street N. University Avenue NB from Queens Street to 0.2 mi. north of 45 7660 05-11-78 North Loop 289 N. University Avenue NB from 0.2 miles north of North Loop 289 to the 55 7660 05-11-78 North City Limits N. University Avenue SB from North City Limits to 0.2 mi. north 55 7660 05-11-78 of North Loop 289 N. University A venue SB from 0.2 miles north of North Loop 289 to 45 7660 05-11-78 Queens Street N. University Avenue SB from Queens Street to 0.2 mi. north of Clovis 50 7660 02-11-78 Road N. University Avenue SB from 0.2 mi. north of Clovis Road to Clovis 40 7660 05-11-78 Road Upland Avenue from the North City Limits to 19th Street 55 10044 01-08-98 Upland Avenue from 19th Street to the 98th Street 50 10163 06-24-99 Upland Avenue from 98th Street to the South City Limits 55 10163 06-24-99 E. Ursuline Street from North Ash Avenue to North Dr. Martin 35 5701 08-14-69 Luther King, Jr. Boulevard 4th Street from Avenue A to Avenue L 35 9256 02-09-89 (FM 2255) 4th Street from Avenue L to Boston Avenue 40 9256 02-09-89 (FM 2255) 4th Street from Boston Avenue to the intersecting points 45 9256 02-09-89 (FM 2255) of the right-of-way line of 4th Street (FM 2255) and Brownfield Road (US 62/82) 4"' Street from Research Boulevard to 0.5rni east of 40 (FM 2255) Research Boulevard 4th Street from 0.5mi east of Research Boulevard to 55 (FM 2255) to Milwaukee Avenue 4th Street from Milwaukee Avenue to Fulton Avenue 55 9875 01-25-96 14 (FM 2255) 4th Street from Fulton Avenue to Elkhart Avenue so 9875 01-2S-96 (FM 225S) 4th Street from Elkhart Avenue to 0.100 mi. east of 45 9875 01-2S-96 (FM 225S) Toledo Avenue 4th Street from 0.100 mi. east of Toledo Avenue to 50 9875 01-25-96 (FM 2255) 0.200 miles east of Quaker Avenue 4th Street from 0.200 miles east of Quaker Avenue to a 50 9875 01-25-96 (FM 2255) point 0.200 miles west of Indiana Avenue 4th Street from 0.200 miles west oflndiana Avenue to 50 9875 01-25-96 (FM 2255) Elgin Avenue 4th Street from Elgin Avenue to the intersecting points of 40 9875 01-25-96 (FM 2255) the right-of-way lines of 4th Street (FM 2255) and Brownfield Highway (US 82) E. 4th Street from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to 35 5838 03-26-70 (FM40) Idalou Road E. 4th Street EB from Idalou Road to 0.2mi east oflda\ou Road 40 (FM40) E. 4th Street EB from 0.2mi east of Idalou Road to the East 50 (FM40) City Limits E. 4th Street WB from the East City Limits west 0.404 mi. so 6064 04-22-71 (FM 40) E. 4th Street WB from 0.404 west of the East City Limits west 55 6064 04-22-71 (FM 40) 0.419 mi. E. 4th Street WB from 0.823 mi. west of the East City Limits to 40 6064 04-22-71 (FM40) Idalou Road 19th Street from Avenue A to University Avenue 3S 6959 09-12-74 19th Street from University Avenue to Canton Avenue 35 6203 11·11-71 19th Street WB from Canton Avenue to Gary Avenue 40 6203 I 1-11-71 19th Street WB from Gary Avenue to Louisville Avenue 45 6203 11-11-71 19th Street from City Limits east to Yuma Avenue 60 0039 06114/01 19th Street from Yuma Avenue to Juneau Avenue 55 0039 06/14/01 19th Street from Juneau Avenue to Loop289 50 0039 06/14/01 19th Street from Loop289 to Brownfield Road 45 0039 06/14/01 (US 62/82) 19th Street EB from Brownfield Road to Canton Avenue 40 6203 11-11-71 E. 19m Street EB from Avenue A to Webber Avenue 35 E. 19th Street EB from Webber Avenue to Dr. Martin Luther 50 King Jr. Boulevard 15 E. 19th Street WB from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to 45 Canyon Lake Drive E. 191h Street WB from Canyon Lake Drive to O.QlSmi west of 50 Birch A venue E. 19th Street WB from O.Ol5mi west of Birch Avenue to 35 Avenue A 21st Street from Joliet Ave to Louisville Ave 20 0033 07/27/00 29th Drive from 34th Street to Slide Road 35 5689 07-10-69 29th Street from Slide Road to Chicago A venue 35 5689 07-10-69 34th Street from 1-27 to Cedar Ave. 40 0039 06/14/01 34111 Street WB from A venue J to Slide Road 35 34lh Street EB from Slide Road to Avenue G 35 34th Street from Slide Road to 160 feet west of Englewood 35 6627 05-10-73 Avenue 34th Street from 160 feet west of Englewood Avenue to 40 6627 05-10-73 930 feet west of West Loop 289 E. 341h Street EB from A venue G to Dr. Martin Luther King 40 Jr. Boulevard E. 34th Street WB from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 40 to Avenue J 34th Street from 930 feet west of West Loop 289to the 50 6627-A 12-15-83 West City Limits E. 40th Street from Avenue A to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 35 6715 09-13-73 Boulevard 50th Street from A venue A to Slide Road 40 6182 10-14-71 50th Street from Slide Road to West Loop 289 35 7686 07-13-78 E. 50th Street from A venue A to Southeast Drive 45 8968 09-25-86 E. so~~t Street EB from Southeast Drive to 0.13mi East of 45 Guava Avenue E. so~~t Street EB from 0.13mi East of Guava Avenue to the 55 East City Limits E. 50m Street WB from the East City Limits to East Loop 289 60 E. 50111 Street WB from East Loop 289 to O.ISmi East of Guava 55 Avenue E. so~~t Street WB from 0.15rni East of Guava Avenue to 45 Southeast Drive E. 66111 Street from Slaton Hwy (US 84) to MLK Blvd. 45 0033 07/27/00 16 6611> Street from 127 to the Slaton Hwy 45 66th Street from I-27 to University Avenue 35 66th Street from University Avenue to Indiana Avenue 35 5621 03-13-69 66th Street from Frankford Avenue to Brownfield Hwy 45 10163 06-24-99 74th Street from University Avenue to Elgin Avenue 35 9349 04-26-90 74th Street from Quaker A venue to Utica A venue 35 9315 I 0-24-89 82"0 Street from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard 50 to 1-27 82nd Street from Avenue H to University Avenue 50 9185 03-24-88 82nd Street from University Avenue to Frankford Avenue 45 9400 12-13-90 82nd Street from Frankford Avenue to the West City Limits 50 9875 01-25-96 98th Street from the East City Limits to University Avenue 45 10044 01-08-98 98th Street from University Avenue to Slide Road 50 9140 11-19-87 98th Street from Slide Road to Frankford Ave 50 10044 01-08-98 98th Street from Frankford Avenue to the West City Limits 40 0115 11-14-02 I 14th Street from Upland Avenue to Slide Road 55 10163 06-24-99 II 4th Street from Slide Road to Quaker Avenue 55 * Ordinance Number 9584, adopted February 11 , 1993, changed the name of Quirt A venue to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Direction Key: SB-South-bound NB-North-bound SWB-Southwest-bound NEB-Northeast-bound CCW--Counter-clockwise (travel direction) CW--Clockwise (travel direction) EB-East-bound WB-West-bound SEB-5outheast-bound NWB-Northwest-bound SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, section, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared Wiconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed two hWidred dollars ($200.00). 17 SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method of publication as provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 23rd day of June , 2005. Passed by the City Council on second reading this .1AJ:b day of_.a&JitL&.Oal~yt....._ ___ , 2005. ATTEST: g~~ Rebecca Garza, City Secretary F APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: AP ROVED AS TO FORM: \ ... Donald G. Vandiver, Attorney ofCoun ddord/SpeedOrdOS-2 May 27,2005 18