HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2011-O0125 - Closing Ave F And 19Th Street. - 12/01/201111 First Reading December 1, 2011 Item No. 5.5 File and Return to Dave Booher R.O.W. City of Lubbock Second Reading December 14, 2011 Item No. 5.5 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-00125 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF AVENUE FIN SECTION 7. BLOCK 13, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY THIS ORDINANCE; RESERVJNC:i AN EASFMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES: DIRECTING THE CITY FN(ilNl:ER TO MARK Tl IE OFFICIAL MAPS or THL CITY TO REFLECT SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING: PROVIDING A SJ\ VINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council linds that the street portion as hereinafter ckscribed in the body or this Ordinance is no longer needed for street purposes and for public use: and it would be in the public interest to dose. rncat1.· and abandon thi.: smni.: li.ll" stri.:ct purposes and for public use. and it ,vould be in the public interest to close. vacate and abandon the same: NO\V THEREFOR[: WI 11:Rl'.i\S. said abandonment shall 111 no way alh:\.:l (lnY utility i.:,1s1..·111i.:11b present or ruturc. and an easement is hereby reserved f<x utility purposi.:s: NU\V Tl IEREFORI:: BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL or THI: CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION I. THAT the street as hereinafter des1.:ribed shall £3[ and the same arc hereby closed. vacated and abandoned for street purposes and l"or public use. such street being more particularly described in a11ached Exhibit ··A." SECTION ~-Tl !AT an casement is hereby reserved on the property described in Sectiun I. abow. aml such casement is reserved and retained lor utility purposes with the right of ingress and egress at all times for such purpose. and an easement is alsn rcscr\'cd tor any and all existing pipelines or other utilities within said propt'!rt)' togctl1l·r "ith all rights appurtenant to the continuatiun Llf such utilities. SECTION 3. THAT the City b1ginccr is hcn:by authorized and din.:ctcd tn mark. the uf'ficial maps of thi.: City of' I .ubbock to ri.:lkct said <1bandonmcnt .ind clnsing. showing the numbcr of this Ordi11a111.:c and the datc or its l'in~il passage. Sl~l 'TION -1. Tl 1.-\l should any section. paragraph. s-:n1cnci.:. phrase. cbusi..· or word or this Ordinance be dcclari.:d uni.:011stitutio11al llr in\'alid for am rL'aso11. JhL' remainder or this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. Tl IJ\T the City Secretary ol' the City of Lubbod is h, . .-rcby authorized and directed to causc publi l'.ation of the descriptive caption or this Ordinanl'.e as an alternative method provided by law. ... 0 ~ 1J 0 C") (/) AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first ri.!a<ling this ___ D_e_c_e_m_b_er_l __ _ Passed by the City Council on second reading this_ December 14 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Dave Booher, Right-of-Way Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney /\&C-Portion Ave F, Scct7 , BlkB.ord 9.12.11 ~Al~ . <TIN, MAYOR ., . 2011. , 2011. Ordinance No. 2011-00125 lll]iJ HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS 1601 AVENUE NI LUBBOCK, TEXAS 7!1401 / 806-763-5642 / FAX 806-763-3891 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-760 TEXAS LICENSED SURVEYING FIRM 100676-00 EXHIBIT METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION for a 0.298 acre portion of Avenue "F" located in Section 7, Block B, Lubbock County. Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a 60d nail with washer set for the Northeast corner of this tract, in the South right-of-way line of 19th Street. in the West right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 27 and in the East right-of-way line of Avenue "F" which bears N. 87°37'24" W. a distance of 1890.53 feet and S. 02°22'36" W. a distance of 34.80 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 7, Block B. Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE S. 02°15'48" W., along the East right-of-way line of said Avenue "P' and the West right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 27, a distance of 222.34 feet to a "crow's foot" cut in concrete found at a corner of this tract; THENCE S. 25°44'00''W., continuing along the East right-of-way line of said Avenue "F" and the West right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 27, a distance of 48.38 feet to a "crow's foot" cut in concrete found at the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE N. 87°39'20" W. a distance of 17 .90 feet to 1 /2" iron rod found in the West right-of-way line of said Avenue "F", at the Southwest corner of this tract; THENCE N. 02°27'21" E., along the West right-of-way line of said Avenue "F", a distance of 10.45 feet lo a railroad spike found at a corner of this tract; THENCE N. 87°39'20" W., continuing along the West right-of-way line of said Avenue "F", a distance of 12.50 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with cap set for a corner of this tract; THENCE N. 02°27'21'' E., continuing along the West right-of-way line of said Avenue "F", a distance of 272.53 feet to a cross cut in concrete found in the South right-of-way line of said 19111 Street, at the Northwest corner of this tract; THENCE S. 69°14'08" E., along the South right-of-way line of said 19th Street, a distance of 51.37 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains: 12,967 square feet Bearings relative to Interstate Highway No. 27 right-of-way (NAO 27). April 13, 2006 Revised July 7, 2011 to adjust North boundary Revised September 22. 2011 to adjust acreage calculation FILED AND RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Kelly Pinion, Counly Clerk Lubbock Counly TEXAS December 19, 2011 03:27:58 Pn FEE: $24.00 2011044069 ____ _,,;