HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2012-O0138 - Closing A Portion Drainage Easement Tuscany Place - 11/29/2012c:it:9 of Lubbock Coirntcr FiliMgl First Reading November 29, 2012 Item No. 5,13 F i!c and Rcturr tn Dave Boohc1 R.G.'•N C;t11 "f Luhhor' J ORDINANCE N0.20lZ-OOl3S -~--- Second Reading December 6, 2012 Item No. 5.11 AN OR!)l. 1.t\NCE :'\Bi\NDONINCi .1\ND Cl.OSIN(i i\ l'OJZTION <)I· .\ DIV\INJ\GE E,\SEtvlENT. I .OC/\TED IN TR,1\CT A, Tl iSC;\NY PL1\( T. i\l\' I ADDITION TO Tl !I•; CITY OF LUBBOCK. LUlmOCK COl lNlY. TEXJ\S 1\ND MOIZ E J>J\RTIC'lJl./\l{LY Dl!Sl'IZIIH~D IN ll IF BODY OF Tl !IS ORDll\i\NC!·:: DIRECTfNG TIIE CITY 1-:NGINl·TR TO Mi\RK TIIE OFFICl,1\I. M/\PS or Tl IL CITY TO REFLECT SAID AB/\NDONMENT AND CLOSI N(j: PROVIDI N(i .1\ SAVINGS CL/\USI·:: ;\ND PROVIDING FOR PlfBI.IC;\TION. WHEREAS. the City Council iinc\s that the casement portion us hen:inaitcr described in the body or this Ordinance is no longer needed for casement purposes and for public use: :md it \\'ould be in the public interest lo close. vacate and ahandun the same for casement purposes and for public use. and it would be in Lhe public intcrcsl hi closi.:. vacate and abandon the same: NO\\' Tl !ERi TORE: Bl: IT ORDJ\INl~I) BY Tl II: CITY COUNCIi. Ul-lllE CITY (ll· I UIWOCK: SLCTION I. TI-IAT th1.· cas1.·mcnt portion as hcrdnaftcr lkscribcd shall 111· and the same arc hereby dosed. , acatcd and abandoned l'nr casement purposes and l'or puhlk 1 use. such casemL'nts bd ng rnorc purticularly described in thc allal' lied I:.\ hi bit .. ,\ .. SECTION 2. Tl IA!' the l'ity 1:nginccr is h1.·1'l.:hy :1uthmi1.cd ,111d dircctl:d 111 lll.trk the 11!'1:cial maps nJ' the City p[' Lubbock tu n.:tlcct said abamlonmL·111 and l'lusing. slni\\ing the number of this Ordinance and the date llf its tinal pass:1~(' SECTION 3. Tl 1/\T slwuld any st.:ction. paragraph. scntcnce. phrase. clatbc ur w~lrd of this Ordinance be ckclared unconstitutionnl or invalid fi:H· any reasu11. the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. Tl lt'\T the City Secn:tary of th-: Cit~ or Lubbock is hcrehy ll attthmized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption or this Ordi11an..:1.· as an alh:rnative 1111.:thod providl'd by lll\v. I AND rr 1s so ORD!·:Rt-:D. Passcd by thl' City Council on tirst rl'ading this -----November 29. 2012. Passl'd by the City Council on st:cond reading this ______ December 6. ]() l ~- / ..1 (i~~·so~.M~\Y<ll( = W 0 ;o "ti 0 C') (/l IATrEST: 1 • APPROVED /\S TO CONTENT: - Dave Booher, Right-or-Way /\gent APPROVED /\S TO FORM: Chad Weaver. /\ssistant City Attorm:y I A&C-DEascmeo,1, Trnct AT"""" Place mJ I l.1<1.2012 ' EXHIBIT 2737 81 ST STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79423 (806) 7 45-7670 I l ,I ii ' "CowH on i1" FIELD NOTES on a 0.005 acre tract out of Tract A, Tuscany Place, an Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the Map, Plat, and/or Dedication Deed thereof recorded in Lubbock County Clerk File Number 2011036296, being further described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Northeast line of a drainage easement for the most easterly corner of this tract which bears East, 225.17 feet and North, 120.80 feet from the Northwest corner of Tract A, Tuscany Place, said BEGINNING POINT bears S 44° 56' 58" E, 1 foot from the intersection of said drainage easement line and a building wall; THENCE S 45"03'02" W, 1 foot Southeast of an parallel to said wall, at 3.9 feet pass the projected Southwest Wall of said building, in all 6.90 feet to the most Southerly corner of this tract; THENCE N 44°56'58" W, on a line 3 feet Southwesterly of and parallel to the Southwest wall of said building, 28.99 feet to the most Westerly corner of this tract; THENCE N 45°01'18" E, 6.90 feet to the most Northerly corner of this tract; THENCE S 44°56'58" E, 29.00 feet to the PLACE of BEGINNING containing 0.005 Thes Notes are base n a survey made on the ground. Jonathan M. Cieszins ·, RPLS 4460 November 14, 2012 FILED AND RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Kelly Pinion, County Clerk Lubbock County TEXAS December 12, 2012 02:32:00 PM FEE: $24.00 2012049060