HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2012-O0136 - Amending The FY 2012-13 Budget For Municipal Purposes - 11/29/2012First Reading November 29, 2012 Item No. 5.1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-00l36 Second Reading December 6, 2012 Item No. 5.2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FY 2012-13 BUDGET fOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES RESPECTING THE GRANT fUND TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE LUBBOCK EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT (LECD) FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY ANSWERING POINTS (PSAP) GRANT, TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE GRANT FUND FOR MATCHING FUNDS, AND REDUCE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET ::ACCORDINGLY; ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING FROM THE j1TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF /\GING AND DISABILITY SERVICES (TOADS) PASS-THROUGH FEDERAL FUNDS FROM TI-IE SOUTH PLAINS ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SPAG) FOR TIIE AREA AGENCY ON AGING (AAA) -DIRECT PURCHASE OF SERVICES GRANT; RESPECTING THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, FUND 142: I 1 PROVIDING FOR FILING; AND PROVIDING FOR/\ SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, Section I 02.0 l 0 of the Local Government Code of the State of l Texas authorizes the City Council to make changes in the budget for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Budget Ordinanc~ the City Council shall approve all translcrs between funds and departments: and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to change the FY 2012-13 Budget for municipal purposes and reallocate funds as follows; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby approves changes to the City of Lubbock Budget FY 2012-13 (Budget Amendment # I 0) for municipal purposes, as follows: I. Accept and appropriate $ I 9,873 from the LECD for the J>S/\P Grant, transfer a local match of $2,208 from the General Fund to the Grant Fund, and reduce the Police Department Operating Budget by $2.208. ! II. Accept and appropriate $123,804 from TD/\DS pass-through federal funding from SP AG for the AAA Direct Purchase of Servici:s Grant and appropriate $78,327 of program revenue, for a total program budget of $202,131. ! I' ii III. Appropriate $750,000 for the Criminal Investigation Special Revenue Fund.
SECTION 2. Tl IAT a copy of the changes m~1dc to the ( 'iLy of I .uhlmck
BuJgct pursuant to this Orcli nnncc shall be likd with lhl· City Sl·crl'lary :111d (\1u11ty
Clerk of Lubbock as required by law.
SF Tl N 3. Tl !i\T should any section. p:irah1.r:1ph. s"llll'lll'l'. clausL'. phr:1sc
or \Vurd of this Ordinance be declared unconstitulillnal or i1l\'alid l'or any reasun. the
remainder of this Ordinance shal I not be affected thereby.
Passed by the City Council on lirsl readi ng this 29th day of November
1Passcd by the City Council on second reading this 6th dav of December
101 :::.
Cheryl Brock
Budget Director