HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0450 - PO With Rush Truck Centers - 12/03/2019 I
f�Resolution No. 2019-RO450
Item No. 7.17
fDecember 3, 2019
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for
and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 31049172 for the purchase of Peterbilt
i 348 TA Vac-Con as per BuyBoard 521-16, by and between the City of Lubbock and Rush Truck
Centers of Texas, LP, of Lubbock, Texas, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached
hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the f
minutes of the City Council.
i; Passed by the City Council on December 3, 2019
Rebe ca Garza, City Secre ny
Mark arwoo , Assist nt City Manager
Kelli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney
ccdocs/RES.Purcliase Order Contract 31049172—Peterbilt 348 TA Vac-Con
November 11, 2019
�. City of Page - 1
Lubb o ek
TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER Date - 11/11/2019
Order Number 31049172 000 OP
P.O.BOX 2000
LUBBOCK,TX 79457 4BY: M/
Mart Alvarez,Directarof Purchasing&Contract Management
Ordered 11/11/2019 Freight
Requested 4/8/2020 Taken By R ROCHA
Delivery J LOERWALD,REQ 54839 BUYBOARD 521-16 PUR 15.064
Description/Supplier Item __Ordered Unit Cost UM _ Extension Request Date
Peterbilt 348 TA Vac-Con 1.000 398,221.7500 EA 398,221.75 4/8/2020
CC 6513
Total Order
Teens NE'r 30 398,221.75
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of$398,221.75 awarded to Rush Truck Centers of Texas,L.P. of Lubbock,TX,
on December 3 , 2019. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote dated
October 29,2019,from Rush Truck Centers of Texas,L.P. of Lubbock,TX,and BuyBoard Contract 521-16.
Resolution# 2019-RO450
Daniel M.Pope,Mayor R ecc Garza, City Secretary
Seller and Bayer agree as CITY OF LUBBOCK,TX
1.SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordance with good commercial practice. lice of any other remedies which Buyer may have in law or equity.
Each shipping container shall be clearly and permanently marked as follows (a) Seller's name and address. 15,TERMR4ATION,The performance of under this oiler maybe terminated in whole,or in pan by the
(b)Consignees name,address and purchase order or purchase release numhcr and lite supply agreement number Buyer in accordance with this provision. work tinder t is work hereunder sinal be effected r the rt by the
oapplicable,(c)Container number and total number or containers,e.g.hog l le 4 boxes,and(d)die number of[lie Seller of a"Notice of Termination'specifying tin extent to which perf lm once of wark under ilia
shallthe container bearing the packing slip. Seller sinal hear cost of packaging unless otherwise provided. Goods order is temhinated and the date upon which such temnination becomes effective. Such right or termination is
shall be suitably packed to secure lowest transportation costs and to conComh with requirements of common
carriers and any applicable specifications. Buycr's count or weight shall be Orad and conchisive on shipments in addition to and not in lieu of the rights of Buyer set froth in Clause 14,herein.
not accompanied by packing lists. 16.FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be held responsible for losses, resulting if the fulfillment
2.SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Seller is not authorized to ship the goods tinder orally terms of provisions ofthis contract is delayed or prevented by any cause not within the control of lite
reservation and no tender of a bill of lading will operate as a tender of goods, party whose perfornance is interfered with,and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence said party is
unable to prevent.
3.TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pus to Buyer until Buyer 17.ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or interest in this contract shall be assigned or delegation of
actually receives and takes possession of the goods at the point or points ofdclivery. any obligation made by Seller without the written permission of the Buyer. Any attempted assignment or
4.NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE TENDER. Every tender of delivery of goods must fully comply dcicgation by Set lcr shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all purpose unless made in conformity with
with all provisions of this contract as to time of delivery,qualitya nd the like. If a tender is made which does not this paragraph.
fully conform,this shall constitute a breach and Seller shall not have like right to substitute a confonning tender, IS WAIV C•R. No claim or right arising ran of a breach ofthis contract can be discharged in whole or in pan
provided,where the time for perfomnance has not yet expired,the Seller truly reasonably notify Buyer of his by a waiver or claim or ri of the claim resat,tight unless the waiver or discharged
renunciatiin is ole orsuppoin by
intention to cure and may then make a confonning laude•within the contract time but not aften�•ard. consideration and is in writing signed by the aggrieved party.
5.INVOICES&PAYMENTS.a Seller shall submit separate invoices,in duplicate,one each purchase
order or purchase release after each delivery. Invoices shall indicate ties purchase order or purchase release 19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE. This writing, plus any specifications for bids and
number and the supply agreement number if applicable. Invoices shall be itemized and transportation charges, perfmmnnce provided by Buyer in its advertisement for bids, and any other documents provided by
if any,shall be listcd scpantcly. A copy of the bill of lading,and die freight waybill when applicable,should Seller as pan of his bid,is intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement and intended also
be attached to lite invoice. Mail To:Accounts Payable,City of Lubbock,P.O.Be.,2000,Lubbock,Texas as a complete and exclusive statement of the terns of their agreement. Whenever a Fenn defined by the
79457. Payment shall not be due until the above instruments are submitted after delivery. Uniform Commercial Code is used in this agreement,lite definition contained in lite Code is to control.
6.GRATUITIES. The Buyer may,by written notice to the Seller,cancel this contract without liability to 20.APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial Code.Whcrcever
Seller if is is determined by Buyer that gratuities.in the form of entertainment,gifts or otlhcnvisc,were offered lite term"Uniform Commercial Code"is used,it shall be construed as meaning the Uniform Commercial
or given by the Seller,or any agent or representative of the Seiler,to any officer or employee of the City of Code as adopted in the State of Texas as effective and in force on the date of this agrccmcnt.
Lubbock with a view to securing a contract or securing favomble treatment with respect to the awarding or 21.RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party to this contract in good faith has reason to question
amending,or the making of any determinations with respect to(lie performing of such a contract. In tlne event the other party's intent to perform he may demand that the other party give written assurance of his intent to
this contract is canceled by Buyer pursuant to this provision.Buyer shall be entitled,in addition to any other perfont. In the event that a demand is made and no assumncc is given within five(5)days,the dmmanding
Fights and remedies,to reeoveror withhold the amount of the cost incurred by Seller in In ovidingsuch gratuities. parry may treat this failure as an anticipatory repudiation of tlnc contract.
7.SPECIAL TOOLS S TEST EQUIPMENT. If tine price stated on the face hereof includes the cost of any 22.INDEMNIFICATION.Seller shall indemnify,keep and savc harmless the Buyer,its agents,officials and
special tooling or special tat equipment fabricated or required by Seller for the purpose of filling this order, employees,against all injuries,deaths,loss,damages,claims,patent claims,suits,liabilities,judgments,costs
such special tooling equipment and any process sheets related thereto shall become the property critic Buyer and expenses,which may in anywise accrue against Lite Buyer in consequence of the granting ofthis Contract
and to the extent feasible sinal be identified by Lite Seller as such. or which may anywise result therefrom,whetter or not it shall be alleged or determined that the act was
S.WARRANTY-PRICE.a The price to be paid by dte Buyer shall be out contained in Seller's bid caused through negligence or omission of the Seller or its employes,or of the subSeller or assignee or its
which Seller warrants to be no higher than Sealer's current process on orders by others for products of the kind employees,if any,and the Seller shall,at his own expense,appear,defend and pay all charges of attorneys
and specification covered by this agreement for similar quantities under similar of like conditions and methods and all costs and other expenses arising therefrom of incurred in connection therewith,and,if any judgment
of purchase. In the event Seller brcacha this warranty,the prices of lire items shall be reduced to the shall be rcndcred against the Buyer in any such action,the Seller shall,at is own expenses,satisfy and
Seller's current prices on orders by others,or in thealternative. Buyer may cancel this contract without discharge the same Seller expressly understands and agrees that any bond required by this eontmct,or
liability to Seller for breach or Sealer's actual cxpemse.b.The Seller warrants that no person or selling agency otherwise provided by Seller,shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify,keep and save harmless
las been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for and defend Lite Buyer as herein provided.
commission,percentage,brokerage,or contingent fee excepting bona fide employees of bona fide established 23.TIME. It is hereby expressly agreed and understood that time is of the essence for the porformnce of
commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Seller for the purpose or securing business. For breach of this contract,and ftiaurc by contract to meet the time specifications of this agreement will cause Seller to
vitiation of this warranty the Buyer shall have the right in addition to any other right of rights to cancel this be in default ofthis agreement.
contract without liability and to deduct from the contract price,or otherwise recover without liability and to
deduct from the contract price,or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission,percentage,brokerage ''-4.MBE. ]'lie City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into
or contingent fee. pursuant to this request,minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to
submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the Mounds of race,color,
9.WARRANTY-PRODUCT. Seller shall not limit or exclude any implied warranties and any attempt to do sex or natural origin in consideration for an award.
so shall ander this contract voidable at the option of Flue Buyer. Seller warrants that the goods furnished will
conform to the specification,drawings,and descriptions listed in the bid invitation,and to the sample(s)furnished 25.NON-ARBITRATION.The City reserves the right to exercise any right or remedy to it by Inv,contract,
by die Seller,if any. In the event of a conflict or between the specifications,drawings,and descriptions,the equity,or otherwise,including without limitation,the right to seek any and all forms of relief in a court of
specifications shall govern.Notwithstanding any provisions contained in the contractual agrccmcnt.the Seller competent jurisdiction.Further,the City shall not be subject to any arbitration process prior to exercising
represents and warrants fault-0•ee perfornnance and fault-free result in the processing date and date related data is unrestricted right to seekjudieiaa remedy.The remedies set forth herein are cumulative and not exclusive,
(including,but not limited to calculating,comparing and sequencing)of all hardware,software and finnvvam and may be exercised concurrently.To the extent ofany conflict between this prevision and another provision
products delivered and services provided under this Contract,individually or in combination,as the case may in,or related to,this document,this provision shall comml.
be from the effective date of this Contract.The obligations contained herein apply to products and services 26.RIGHT TO AUDIT,At any time during the tern of lite contract,or thereafter,the City,or a duly
provided by the Seller,its sub-Seller or any third party involved in the creation or development of the products authorized audit representative of the City or the Slate or Texas,at its expense and at reasonable times,
and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this Contract. Failure to comply with any of the reserves the right to audit Contractor's reelyds and books relevant to all services pmvided to the City tinder
obligations eonained herein,may result in the City of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights under the this Contract. In the event such an audit by[lie City reveals any errors or overpayments by the City,
law and under this Contract including,but not limited to,its right pertaining to termination or default. The Contractor shall refund the City tau full amount of such overpayments within thirty(30)days of such
warranties contained herein an separate and discrete from any other warranties specified in this Contract, audit findings,or the City,at its op(ian,reserves the right to deduct stuck amounts owing the City from any
and are not subject to any disclaimer of warranty.implied or expressed,or limitation of the Seller's liability payments due Contractor.
which may las specified in this Contract,its appendica,its schedules,its annexa or any document incorporated
in this Contract by reference, 27.HOUSE BILL 2015. House Bill 2015,signed by the Governor on June 14,2013 and cl'1•cetive on January
I,2014,authorizes a penally to be imposed on a person who contracts for certain services with a govcmmental
10.SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller warrants that the product sold to the Buyer shall conform to the standards entity and who fails to properly classify their workers.This applies to subcontractors as well.Contractors and
promulgated by the U.S.Department of Labor under the Occupational Safety and health Act of 1970. In the subcontmetors who fail to properly classify individuals performing work under a governmental contract will be
event the product does not conform to OSHA standards.Buyer may return (lie product for correction or penalized S200 for each individual tint Inas been misclassified.(Texas Government Code Section 2155.0011.
replacement at the Seller's expense. In the went Seller fails to make the appropriate correction within a
reasonable time,correction made by Buyer will be at the Seller's expense. 28.ASSIGNING OR SUBLETTING THE CONTRACT.The Coninctorshall not assign or sublet the contract,
or any portion of the contract, without written consent from the Director of Purchasing and Contract
11.NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGAINST INFRINGEMENTS. As part of this contract for sale Seller Management. Should consent be given,the Contractor shall insure the Subcontractor or shall provide proof on
agrees to ascertain whether goods manufactured in accordance with the specifications attached to this agreement insurance from the Subcontractor that complies with all contract Insurance requirements.
will give rise to the rightful claim of any third person by way of infringement of the like. Buyer makes no
w•uranty that the production ofgoods according to the specification will not give rise to such a claim,and in no 29.HOUSE BILL 1295 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES. House Bill 1295,adopted by the 84th
event shall Buyer be liable to Seller for indemnification in the event that Seller is sued on the grounds of Legislature,created§2252.908,Texas Government Code Section 2252.908 requires a business entity entering
infringementofthe tike. If Seller is of the opinion that an infringement or the like will result,he will notify the into certain contracts with a governmental entity or state agency to File with the governmental entity or sate
Buyerto this effect in writing within two weeks ancr thcsigning ofthis agreement. If Buyer dam not receive agency a disclosure of interested paries at the time the business entity subunits the signed contract to the
notice and is subsequently held liable for the inBingemeot or the like,Seller will savc Buyer harmless. If governmental entity or state agency. Instructions for completing Form 1295 arc available at:
Seller in good faith ascertains the production of like goods in accordance with the specifications will result in hasp:hvvvvv ci lublmek tx nrsidrymnmeunl•vvebsircc+den•unme nlcrmurchasinevendnr-infitnnalinn
infringement or the like,the contract shall be miles and void. 30,CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES,by supplying any Goods'tar Services that the Contractor fns read,
12. NON APPROPRIATION.All funds for payment by the City under this contract arc subject to the fully understands,and will be in full compliance with all terms and conditions and the descriptive material
availability of an annual appropriation for this purpose by lire City. In the event of nonappropriation of funds contained herein and any additional associated documents and Amendments.The City disclaims any,terns and
by the City Council of like City of Lubbock for the goods or services provided under the contract,the City will conditions provided by the Contractor unless agrccd upon in writing by line parties. In the event of conflict
terminate the contract,without termination charge or other liability,on the last day ofthe then-current fiscal between these tent and conditions and any terms and conditions provided by the Contractor,the terms and
year or when the appropriation made for the then•cument year for the goods or services covered by this contract conditions provided herein shall prevail. The toms and condition provided herein we the final terms agreed
is spent,whichever event occurs first. If at any time funds arc not appropriated for the continuance of this upon by the paries,and any prior conflicting terns shall be of no force or effect.
contract,cancellation shall be accepted by the Seller on thine(30)days prior written notice,but failure to give
such notice shall be or no effect and the City shall not be obligated under this contract beyond the dace of 31.By accepting this PO,contractor acknowledges that pursuant to Section 2270.002,Government Code,(a)
This section applies only to a contract that:(1)is between a governmental entity and a company with 10
termination. or more full-time employees;and (2)has a value of$100,000 or mare that is to be paid wholly or partly
13.RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods at delivery before accepting from public funds of the governmental entity. (b)A governmental entity may not enter into a contract with
them a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that
14.CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have the right to cancel for default all or any part of the undeliverrt:(q does not boycott Israel;and(2)will not boycott Israel during the tenth of the contract„
portion ofthis order if Scllcr brcacha any of the terms hereof including warranties of Seller or if the Seller
become insolvent or commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right of cancellation is in addition to and not in
Vendor RUSH TRUCK CENTER Date Prepared 10/2912019
Contact for Vendor: COLTON KRUSE Phone(830)320-5219
End User: City of Lubbock
End User Contact: Fleet Manager Phone/Fax (956) 721-2585
Product Description: Peterbilt 348 TA
A: Base Price in Bid/Proposal Number: 521-16 Series: 348 $ 73,656.00
Published Options(Itemize Below)
Peterbilt Full Steel Liner $ 1,236.00
Peterbilt Dana Spicer D2000F 20,000 $ 1,455.00 RTC 1057 Vaccum Unit $ 213,000.00
Peterbilt Allison 3000 RDS-PTransmission $ 9,833.00
Peterbilti Dana Spicer D46-170 46,000 $ 10,185.00
Peterbilt Peterbilt Air Trac 46,000 $ 3,924.00
Peterbilt Paccar PX-9 350@2000 GOV@2200 $ 4,250.00
Subtotal Column 1: $ 30,883.00 JSubtotall Column 2: $ 213,000.00
Published Options added to Base Price(Subtotal of"Col 9"& "Cot 2") $ 243,883.00
C: Subtotal of A+ B $ 317,539.00
D: Non Published Options
Vac Con V 311 HEM 300 wl options $ 77,757.75
Subtotal Column 1: $ 77,757.75 Subtotal Column 2 $ -
Unpublished Options added to Base price(Subtotal"Col 1 +Col 2") ' 77.757.75
E: Contract Price Adjustment(If any, explain here )
F: Total of C + D+/- E $ 395,296.75
G: Quantity ordere Units: 1.00 x $ 395,296.75
H: BUYBOARD Administrative Fee $ 400.00
I: Non-Equipment Charges&Credits (Le.:Ext. Warranty, Trade-In, Delivery, etc.)
Freight $ 2,525.00
$ 2,525.00
$ 398,221.75
BuyBoard Contract Pricing(Rush Truck Center Buyboard Vendor)
W Viae
mm powam ou Date 10/29/2019
Quote Valid for 60 Days
CIS Equipment Ca.,Inc
CLS Equipment Co.,lnc. Number
726 So.Sherman St. Type of Quote Dual
Richardson,TX 75081 PO
Buyboard Contract Number 521-16
City of Lubbock,TX City of Lubbock,TX
Retail Purchaser 206 Municipal Drive Ship TO Billy Taylor
206 Municipal Dr.
Lubbock,Texas 79403 Lubbock,Texas 79403
All Functions Operate In Neutral/DUAL ENGINE---NO TRANSFER CASE
Model Number-V 311HE/13O0 L H A-
Standard Equipment Includes:
Vacuum System(3 Stage Vacuum System/5 yr Warranty)
3/16"Corten Steel Debris Tank-(11 Cubic Yard Debris)
Full opening rear door
Hydraulic rear door locks,with door grabber with safety latch
5" Butterfly valve with 10'layflat hose
Debris tank Dumping:minimum 50 deg., hydraulic scissors lift-power up/power down
Polyethylene water tanks 10 Yr Warranty
Automatic Vacuum Breaker and overfill protection
8"vacuum intake hose
Boom travel tie down
4 Way hydraulic boom with 270 deg. Rotation and joystick controls
Front mounted 800'capacity(1" hose)/hydraulic hose reel
80 gpm/2000 psi water pump system
800'high pressure jet rodder hose(1"or 3/4")
Manual hose rewind guide
Hose guide(Tiger Tail)
30" leader hose
20 gpm at 600 psi wash down hand gun with 25'of hose and nozzle
Sealed and locking tool box(es)(as indicated by model number)
1) each sanitary and penetrator nozzles
20.5'aluminum intake pipe(1-3',1-5', 1-6',and 1-6.5'nozzle)
ICC lighting
DuPont Elite Polyurethane Paint
12 month standard warranty-see certificate for details
54 Fire Extinguisher
Set Triangles
Hydrostatic Blower Drive
Included Equipment:
Model 311HE/1300
Blower Hydrostatic Drive
Boom 10'Aluminum Telescoping Boom with Pendant Control
Hose Reel Front Mounted,Articulating to Driver Side,800'(1")
Capacity(Std. Pivot)
Jet Rodder Hose 800'x 1"Jet Rodder Hose-(non-continuous)
Water System 80/2000, GIANT 7000,JD 4 CYL TIER 4 DIESEL 140HP
Water Pump Triplex/80GPM@2000PS1
Auxiliary Engine John Deere 4045 Tier 4 140HP
Debris Body Options
—------------------------------------ -
Qty Description
1 6" Knife Valve with Center Post and Handle,in Lieu of the 5"Butterfly Valve(662-0125)
1 A Flat Style Rear Door ilo Dome Style Door Including Hydraulic Opener will be Provided
1 Debris tank drain screen placement-Standard drain valve
1 Rear Splash Shield-Rear Flange Mounted
1 Screen assembly over drain port in debris tank
Water System Options
Qty Description
1 1/4 turn ball valve water drain(cannot choose both 2-1/2"gate valve and 1/4 turn ball valve,only choose
1 50'Capacity Retractable Hand Gun Hose Reel
1 Air Purge System
1 Debris Body"Power Flush"System,8 jets
1 Flush Out connection for rear door valve
1 Hydroexcavation Pkg Inc-50a€'m Handgun Hose Reel w/A hose 72 X%:Sch.80 QD Lance w single Fwd Spray
Nozzle,Storage Tubes for Lances Heavy Duty Unloader Valve Main Control Ball Valve Variable Flow Valve
1 Winter Recirculating System for Rodder Hose
Misc Machine Options
Qty Description
1 Auxiliary Engine Remote Oil Drain
1 Centrifugal Compressor Quiet Silencer,Class 4,304 Stainless Steel Construction,14in x 40in with 8in
2 Cone Storage Rack Placement-Rear of Frame
1 Rear Mounted Tow Hooks
1 Remote Boom Grease Zerk Assembly(Ground Level-includes water pump drive)-If Applicable
Lighting Options
Qty Description
1 LED 4 Strobes-(2)front bumper/(2)rear bumper-Whelen 50A03ZCR-Amber
1 LED Arrow stick-Whelen TAM85 Traffic Advisor
1 LED Boom Mounted Flood Lights with Limb Guard-Whelen NP6BB Worklight
1 LED Rear Mounted Flood Lights with Limb Guard-Whelen NP6BB Worklight
Electrical Options
Qty Description
1 Low Water Alarm with Light
1 Rear Camera Placement
1 Remote Control (Wireless):Boom,Vacuum Breaker,Throttle&Debris Body(includes Hi-Dump,if applicable).
Does not include remote cable pendant controls for boom or hi dump.
1 Traffic Camera With Color Monitor-MUST PICK CAMERA PLACEMENT
Leader Hose
Qty Description
1 1"x 15'Length Leader Hose
Pipe Storage Racks
Qty Description
1 Lazy Susan Pipe Rack(Holds 5 Pipes)
1 Vertical Pipe Rack(Holds 3 Pipes)
Qty Description
Truck Chassis Information
Pool Truck Chassis Model Peterbilt 348 6x4 66000GVWR PX-9 345HP 3000RDS
Qty Description
Make 2020 PeterBilt 348 6X4,66,000GVWR
Model 348
Engine Make and Model Paccar PX9
Engine HP and RPM 350HP
Transmission Make and Model Allison 3000RDS
CA/CT Measurement TBD
Est Date of Arrival at Vac-Con 10/15/20
Dealership Providing Chassis/Phone/Contact
Unit Total $290,757.75
Chassis Total $104,939.00
Machine Total $395,696.75
Delivery Cost $2,525.00
Total $398,221.75
Offered by: RACHEL DEEL
Accepted by: