HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2012-O0103 - Amending The FY 2011-12 Budget For Municipal Services - 09/13/2012111 First Reading September 13. 2012 Item No. 5.1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-00103 Second Reading ! September 27 • 20121 Item No. 5.1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FY 2011-12 BUDGET FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES RESPECTING THE GRANT FUND TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING FROM THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (TXDOT) FOR THE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED (DWI) AND SPEED (COMPREHENSIVE) SELECTIVE TRAFFIC . ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM (STEP), GRANT NO. 86040; ACCEPT AND ii APPROPRIATE FUNDING FROM THE TEXAS ST A TE LIBRARY AND !iARCHIVES COMMISSION (TSLAC) FOR THE LIBRARY SYSTEM II OPERATION GRANT, GRANT NO. 83061; ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE 1[ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING 11AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (TDHCA) FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT (CSBG), GRANT NO. 82047; ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) FOR THE FY 2012 SECTION 5307 GRANT, GRANT NO. 88020; REDUCE FUNDING FROM THE FT A FOR THE FY 20 IO SECTION 5307 GRANT, GRANT NO. 88002; RESPECTING THE TRANSIT FUND. FUND NO. 271, BY INCREASING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES, AND RESPECTING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND NO. 174, CABLE SERVICES FUND; PROVIDING FOR FILING; AND PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, Section I 02.0 IO of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas authorizes the City Council to make changes in the budget for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Budget Ordinance the City Council shall approve all transfers between funds and departments; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to change the FY 20 I 1-12 Budget for municipal purposes and reallocate funds as follows; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION I. THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby approves changes to the City of Lubbock Budget FY 20 I 1-12 (Budget Amendment #24) for municipal purposes, as follows: I. Accept and appropriate $71,396 from TxDOT for the DWI and Speed (Comprehensive) STEP and appropriate the $71,396 local match, for a total grant appropriation of $142,792. II. Accept and appropriate an additional $15,238 from the TSLAC for the Library System Operation Grant, for a total grant appropriation of$ I 67,829.
Ill. Accept and appropriate an additional $95.259 from the TDIIC/\ for thC"
CSB(i. for a lntal grant appwpriatit111 ofS381.035.
IV. Accept and appropriatl' an additional $194.226 from the FTA for the FY 2012
Section 5307 (irnnt. l<ir a total grant appropriation of $2.994.226.
\'. .'\mend the FY 20 IO Section 5307 Cirant from the FT:\ b) decreasing ii
SI 4-l.000. !rom S2.824A06 to S2.680.406. and amend 1he FY 20 l 2 Si:clil1n
5307 (irant by im:rcasing it$ l 4-l.000. from $2.99-l.226 kl s~. \3lL226.
Vl I.
Appropriate an additional S-149.36-4 in Transit Fund re\·1:nu1: for lkrnand
Response Services ,md increase the expenditure budget $-149.3(1-l in Cost
C.:nter 4515. Demand Iksponsi,; .Services.
Appropriate an additional $475.000 in Transit Fund rC\'CllllC" t'or lC"ch Suh
System and incn::is..: the cxpcnditurC" budget S--1-75.000 in Cust Cc11tcr --+) 12.
TC'xas Tech Scr\'ice.
Create Special Revenue Fund No. 174, Cable Sl.!rviccs Fund. to accept runds
l'rom cabk sl.:rvici.: prnvitk:rs and video service prnvitkrs lo n.:porl am! n:mil
quarll.:rly one pcn;cnt of tlw provider's gross revenues to be used for um
institutional nclwork capacity and/or cable services to community public
SECTION 2. Tl l/\l a copy of the changes made to the City of Lubbock
lhidgd pursuant lo this Ordinance shall be filed with the City Sl..'crclary and Cuunt:,
( 'l,:rk uf l.uhhock as rl.:quirC"d h:-la,\.
Sl.:CTION >. Tl ]Al should any section. paragraph. si:ntcncc. claus~. phrasl.."
or word of this OrdinancC' be d.:clan:d unconstitutional or i11\'aliJ for any reasnn. th1:
rl..'mainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected theri.;by.
PasSL'd by tht.: City (\1urn:il on lirst reading this 13th _ Ja\ ul September
~() 12.
Passcd h:-thc City Council Llll second rcauing this 27th dav uf September
Cheryl Brock
Budget Director
BudgctFY I I I 2.Amcnd24.ord