HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2012-O0086 - Amending The FY 2011-12 Budget For Municipal Services - 08/23/2012First Reading August 23, 2012 Item No. 5. I!i Second Reading September 13, 2012 Item No. 5.3 < mDti\,\1'( 'I: i\O.2012-00086 :\~ ORD!:'\:\~lT :\\11:~Dl\G llll·: FY 2011-12 Bl'DGl·I H>I, MUNICIPJ\L l'Ul,POSES l,l~SPlTTING TIIE GR1\t\T H.lND TO i\CCIYT i\NI) :\J>J>ROPRl:\TJ: Fl '!\])l~(i 1:RO\l ll IF lF.\.-\S l)!·:P:\Rl'\ll·:\·l OF ST:\ 1·1-: l JEALTI I SER VICES ( DSl·!Sl FUR ll IL l,Eu!ON1\L 1\\1 D I.UC,\ I. SU<. V !Cl:S SECTION/LOCAi. PUl31.1C I IEAl.lH SYSTEtvl (RLSS/LPl!S} (iRA~l. l!IE IMMUNIZATION BRJ\NCI I LOC,\LS (ll'vlMlfNl/:\TIOi\J (;R,\\ll. Tl I!: SYPI IIUS ELIMINATION TEXAS LUBBOCK COlJNTY (STD) URJ\NT. J\ND !THE PUBLIC HE1\LTII EMERGENCY PREPAREDNl:SS (PJJEP) GR1\NT. \\"I ILRb\S. Section I O:!.O 10 uf the Local (io,·ern111i..:nt CoJl' ur !he State t1f Texas m1thorizi..:s the City Courn:il to make t.:lu111gl's in thi: budget ror municipal purposes: and WI ll:RI-:1\S. in accurdan1.·c with the Cily 13udgcl l >rdinarn:L' 1h1.· City Coun1.·i l j shull approvl' all transfers bet\\'l'l'l1 funds .:ind depan,rn:nts: and \\"I 11 :REAS. thi: l'ity Council deems it atl\'is~1ble to changl' the FY ~t> 11-1 ~ Budgl't for municipal purposes and reallocatt.: t'unds as follows: \IU\V. Tl 11:R!·:FORF. Bl•: IT OR!)i\lNl•:D BY Tl IE CITY COl lNC'II. Ol: Tl !I•: CITY ()I: LI iBl30CK: SECllO!\ I. Tl 11\T thi: ( 'ity Coune1I of thc City ol" Lubb\lck hcn:by appt'Ll\'l's changl's w thc City llf Lubbm:k Budgl't FY 20 I 1-12 (Budget i\mcndnwnt 1123) ft1r municipal purposes. as follows: I. 11. I ll I. IV. /\ccepl and appropriate $87 .645 from lb\.' Texas DSI IS for the RI .SS/LPI IS Grant. 1\cccpt and apprnpdatc S232. l l 5 from thl' Tl'XUS DSHS for the lmmunizatinn (iranl. J\cccpt and appropriate $190. 770 frnm the Te:-.as l)S I IS Ji.1r thl" STD ( ,rant. Accept and appropriate $280.277 from the Tc:-.as l)SJ IS for thc l'I ll.:P (irant. Sl~CTJON 2. Tl !/\T a copy ur the changes 111ad1.· to lh1.· City nl' I .uhhlh.:k Budgct pursuant 10 lhis OrJin~mi;l' shall b~ lilt:d with the Cit:, Sl'cn.:l;iry and County Clerk or Lubbock as required by law. SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason. the j remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. /\ND IT IS SO ORDERED Passed by the City Council on first reading this 23rd day of __ A_u~g~u_s_t __ _ 2012. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 13th day of September 20 12. I ATTEST: I ~ 4u ,,_ .-1e;' R~eaGarza City Secretary 1,\PPROVED /\S TO CONTENT: ~~ Cheryl Brock Budget Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: ccdocs/13udgetFY 1112.Amcm.123.onl 8.14.12