HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2012-O0081 - Closing A Portion Of A Drainage Easement. Northridge Addition - 08/09/2012First Reading August 9, 2012 Item No. S .11 ~ File and Return lo Dave Booher R.O.W. City of LubbocJ. OJU)IN:\N('J~ NO. _2_012-00081 Second Reading August 23, 2012 Item No. S. 5 /\N URDIN/\NCI•: t\Jli\NDONlNCi /\ND l'IOSIN(i i\ POIU ION (Jl. /\ LJl{AIN/\GI: l:J\Sl-JvlENT. LOl'i\TJ-:1) IN LOT ()_ No1n1 mmuL :\])[)Ill< lN. ;\i\ ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUl3130CK. LlJBBOCI\'.. COUNTY. ll:X.\S .\1\D J\10RE P.1\RTICULARL Y DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORrnN1\~CE: D!Rl:CTINCi Tl IE CITY l:Nt,INl:LR TO :VIAIU,'.. TIIL OFFICl1\L M.-\PS ()I: TIIL Cll'{ TO RFFLl-:CT St\11) i\B/\NDONMENT ,\ND CI.OS!t\'U: PRU\lll)JN<.i A SA VJNC_,S CLi\USE: AND PROVIDING FOR Pl.lBI.I( ·1\TJON. \\'[ 11·:J{Ft\S. thl.' City <.\111111..·i[ finds that ~1 purlto11 ur an l'dSl'l11l'!ll :1'> li1.•11..·i11,ilkr dl.'scrib,:J in thl' body oJ' this On.linancl' is no lu11gl.'r 111.:cdl'd for l"..tSl'llll'!ll purpusc:-.; :ind for public usl': and it would be in thc public inkrcst to clusl·. , acatc and aband(m thl· S.:llllC for easement purposes ,1nd for public use. aml it \\(Hild be in the public imerest to c1L1si:, ,·acati: and abandon th..' same: NO\\' Tl 11':10:H >RI:: BE lT ORDAINED l3Y TIii: l'ITY COUNCIL OF Tl IE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SLl'TJON l. Tl l:\l thl' ~:a.-.(:mcnl ponion ,is herei11;dler <.k:scrih ... -d sh;dl Bl. ;md th .. _. samc all' IH:reb) clus.:J. ,·.1c;111..·d and abandoned fur 1..o;1:-.c1lll'11l purposi.:s :ud t',ll pl1blic use. such l',bL'ml'nls b(!ing mor..: rarticuiarly described :i:; !"ullu,,·s: Abandnn aml close thc suuth Jin:-fcd of a \\\l'nly-!tiot (20) drainagl· l'ascment loc.:itcd along the north 20-li:et or Loi 9, Northridge Addition tD the City or Lubbock. l .ubbock County. Texas, according to the map, plat/or dedication deed thcrrnf. rcrnrdcd in Voluml' 369. Page 461. Deed nernrds or Lubbod Ctlunly. Texas. Sl·'.C l'ION 2. THAT the Cit~ l:nginccr is hcr.:by ,ttHhoriz-:d anJ dirl'cted lo mark the oflkial maps of the-( 'ity \.,r I .ubbock lll rdh:-:1 s;1id ;ihandonmi..:nt and ...:l11si11g. sill 1\\ ing the num her uf th is ( lrdi lla!ll'l' :iml thl' dati.: ti I° i 1:-. ti nal p:1ssage. SECTION 3. THAT should any section, parng.raph. sl'nlL'ncL:. phrase. clause or word or this Ordinance-be dc<..:larcd unconstitution,il or ill\'alid for any rl'.tsl\11. the remainder or Lh is Ord inanee shal I iwl hl' a fli.:ctl'd 1hcrl'11y. Sl-:CTION 4. TH,\ T th1: City Sccn.:t.u) ut' thl' City of Lubb,xl-is herl.'by authorized am! JirectC'd to ca11"1..· puhlicatiun of 1hc dL·..;1:rip1i, L' ..:apti\111 1)r 1hi-. < J1din;1111 . .-,: as an al1erna1i, L' llll'thnd prtl\ id1:d h) l,I\\. i\l\D !TIS SO ORDLRJ-:D. ll'assi.:d by thl' City Count..:il 011 lirst rcading this August 9 , ~012. Passl!d t-iy thL' City Council nn sl'cond reading this August2 _3 ____ _ . :o l 2. N 0 ;o -0 Cl D en l'J = l'J CS> C.-.J --en --l l.O ATTEST:,, .,. -\ }r,rRciV,ED. AS TO CONTE~T: ; • • f ••• ' • -_ ,, I '\ • Dave Booher, Right-of-Way Ag\!nt C'had Weav A&C-DEascmcnl. Lol 9. Nonhridgl: Addn.ord 7.23.12 Kelly Plnion, County c1~rk Lubbock County TtXAS August 28, 2012 03:01 :00 PM FEE: $20.00 2012034679