HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2018-O0116 - Amending Article 8.16 Code Of Ordinances Allow Dogs In Outdoor Dining Area - 09/13/2018first Reading
September 13, 2018
Item No. 7. I 6
ORDINANCE NO.2018-00116
Second Reading
September 27, 2018
Item No. 7.1 I
WI-IERl-:J\S. the l'ity Counl'il of thl: City or Lubbock. '1\:xas deems it in the best
interest of the health. safety. and welfare of the citizens of Lubbock to make the following
amendments to Article 8.16 of the Code of Ordinances with regard permitting variances to
allow dogs in outdoor dining areas; NOW THEREFORE:
SECTION 1. THAT Article 8.16 of the Code of Ordinances or the City or Lubbock is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Set.:tion 8.16.007 Variance to pc.:rmit dogs in outdoor dining an.':'lS.
(a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein. a food establishmL'nt with an
outdoor patio may permit dogs to be pn.:sent in the outdoor patio or the food
establishment if thi.: l<.)()d establishment obtains from the city health officer a variance
waiving the pruhibition against pcrmilling till' pn:scncc of a dog on the premises of the
food establishment and rnmplies with the foll1.iwing conditions and stan<lards:
(A) Except as allowed under 228.186(0)(2) of the Texas Food Establishment
Rules. no dog may be present in the interior of the food establishment or on any
playground area dcsigna!l'd for dii ldren on the pn.:miscs or the food
(13) The term .. outdoor patio·· means an outdoor service area that is:
(i) under the exclusive ownership or control of a food establishment;
(ii) a11ached or adjacent 1(1 the food establishment: and
(iii) separated from the public areas with a barrier.
A public sidewalk is not considered an "outdoor patio" for the purposes of this
(C) A separate entrance must be provided from the outsick or the food
establishment to the outdoor patio so that a dog has direct access lo the outdoor
patio without entering the interior of the food establishment or any playground
area of the food establis!urn:nt. A Jog may not be allmw d within scven feet or
any entrance ll) the interior or the fotid i:stablishmi.:nt. <.:xccpt when necessary to
enter or e.,il the outdoor putio.
(D) An apprnved sign shall be posted at the front or each entrance of the
food establishmL·nt and at each outdoor patio entrance so that it is easily visibli.:
to the publi1.:. The sign must state in al kast 1-1/2-inch type: "DOG 1-'lll FN DLY
incident, please call LLlbbock Animal Services -(806)775-2057.''
(I!) Doors equippcd with sdf .. closing devices must be provided at all
l'nlr.1111.:1.:s to the outdoor patio from the intcrior or thc li.iod L'slablishmcnt and
must bl· kcpt doscJ \\hen not in use.
(F) I lanJ sanitizer shall he m..iJc a,ailahh: at or near all cntruncc-s and c:-..its
to thL· establishment.
( (j J \Jo fooJ pn:paration. incl ud i 11g mi....: 111g drinks llr scn ing ice. rna) be
JJL'rli.>nncJ in th~ outJl,or patill area. l'\.ccpt that a bc\ cragL' glass ma~ hc lilkd
on thl.' outdoor p;:itili fnim a pitcher or uthi.:r containcr tlwt has beL'll Jilkd llf
othcrn isc preparl'd insidc 1h1..· food i.:stablishmL'nl.
( 11) Th.,-outdom patio must he 11rnin1ai11l.'d to b1.: free or\ isibk dog hair. dog
dander. and other dog-n.:!atcd wustc or dcbris. The outdoor patio must b-.' hosrd
Jown or mopped with a proJur.:t apprnYed under the Ruks ut the beginning of
each shin Juring which fmld or bcn.-ragcs \\ i 11 be s-:rwd ( hrcak fast. 1 unch.
di11nL·r. m lute-hours). and not less l'rcqucntly than 1.·,er) 12 huurs. e . ...:cl..'pt that
ckaning und..:r this suhsi.:L'liun is not required ii' no dug lws becn pn.:sent {lll 1h1.:
outdllur patio sim.:i.: thc last ckaning.
(I) :\II table anJ chair surfaccs must bi.: i.:asil) dcanabk material anJ
cleaned and saniti/cd \\ ilh a proJlJL·t apprtl\ cd undcr thc Ruks. Spilkd fuod .. 111d
drinl... mus\ bl..' n:mmcd fnim the lllil1r llf ground \\ithin li,e minutes oi' th1.• spill.
(.I) \\'ustc resulting from a Jug's boJil) functions mus! he deaned up with a
produc.:t appru\'eJ umkr the Rules within Jin: minutes ol' each occurrence ol' the
emission or such waste. 1\II dog waste must hi: JisposL·d or outside uf 1h1.: food
est:thl ishmcnt anJ outside or an) outdoor patio in an apprupriah: ,, ast1.'
rcccptade. l:quipmcnt us1..·d to dean thc lllttduor patiLl must be kept l>Utsid..: of
th.: J'oud 1..·stablislun..:nt.
( K) \Vhik un Juty. ,, ail staff or other food handlers al the l<.iml
cslahlislunenl may 11ul pl'l or ha\·c contact with any dog.
(L) .:\ dog must be kept on a [cash. ur in a secure bag or containcr
specilicall) Jesig.ncd to curry and pmYide cuntinuous restraint of the dog ,,hik
pro\·iding aJl'quatc \'Clltilation for thl' dog. and must remain unJer continuous
physical i;ontrol of the m,m:r or other rL·sponsiblc adult \\hile in the outd{)(ir
(~I) :\ dog. is not allO\\ cJ on a seal. tahk. rnuntertop. llr similar surface in the
llltlJrn1r ratio.
( :\) :\ dog is 1wt alln\n·d lo h1.· l icd as a m..:ans of r1.·st raint other I han h) a
huml-hl'ld leash.
( 0) 1\ Jog may no! ban: cont.ict \\ ith an~ dishes or utensi Is uscJ for !'mid
sen i1.:e or preparation at th\.' l'uud establishlllL'nl. i\ du~ 111ay not ban: contal.'t
\\ ith any Jishes or utcnsils uscd for foud scn·ice or pn:paration at tb1.· food
establishmcnt. Food l.'Slahlishment pi.:rsonnd may nut sl..'r,·e any food to the
dog. \\'ith permission of the food cstabl ishment lnrner. the dog (_)\\ rwr ma)
prm idL· doggie trea\s. doggii: biscuits. l'dibk treats, and ,,:1ter li.lr tlK·ir dt1g
\\'hik in thl' outdoor patio :.irc..i in a disposable or O\\llcr-provided rnntainL·r.
(P) The food establishment shall notify and maintain wrillcn proceduri:s to
noti !~ lhL' 1\nimal Sen ices di, ision or any llleal rabies rnmro I inddi.:nt as
n:quin.:d by artil'IL" 4.03 of the Lubbock Code 11f Ordinani.:l..'s. or any othL·r
incidrnt in which two or mon: dogs an: involved in any alt~:rcation ,.vh-:rL' they
physically cumc intu contact with each other. ri.:gardkss of whdhcr any of thi:
animals arl' injured.
(Q) Tl11.: flooring of the outdoor patio where dogs arl' 1wnnitted must bi.:
construc!ed of 1wnporous. approved mall'rial and have nu covering that wnuld
inhibit thorough cleaning.
(R) /\ food est..iblishment shall not permit dogs to be pn:sent in the tiutdoor
patio or thl· food cstahlishmcnt if:
(i) The eity hcalth olfo..:cr dcll'rmincs that a health hat.an! ur
nuisance will or has resultcd: or
(ii) The food establishment is in ,·iolation ol'this litk or state la\,.
( S) Variance required.
( i) Except as allowed herein. any J'ooJ establishment that allows
dogs on its premises '\Yithout a \'ariam:e is in Yiolation Llf 1his orJinam:c.
The owner or operator of a food establishment \\Jlh an outdoor patio
may apply to the city health officer for a variance waiving the
prohibition against Jogs on the premises or the foud establishment. The
\'ariance applkation must be on a form pro\·ided by the city health
ortkcr ..ind must be submillcJ with a nonrdi.mdabk-. pr<.:operatiunal
inspeelion tee ul" $ I 00.00.
(ii) An inspection must be performed by the city health officer lo
ensure that the food establishment complies with the conditions anJ
standards set forth in this artidc.
(iii) /\ variance grnnlcd under this section is Jhltllranstcrable. The
,ariance shall expire one {I) year after the date it is granted by 1hc city
health officer unless it is sooner revoked b) the cit:, health ofliccr or
terminated by 1hc food establishment. ,\ \'ariance ma) be rcnL'\\cd
through the application process sd forth in suhscctiun (i) of this seetion.
(i,) The eily health onieer shall deny or revoke a \uriam:e if:
(a) The proposed patio docs not JTIC\..'I the dctinition of
outduor patio;
( b) The application frlr the \'anance contains a !'alse
(e) The J'ood l'Slablishment docs nut ho!J a ,alid rcrmit
issw.:d lllllkr lhis orJinancl.':
(d) Thl' city health oniccr <kh:rmincs that a health hazard or
nuisance will result or has rcsuheJ from the ,·ariarn.:L·:
[c) !'he fooJ cslahlishmc111 faill'd tu pa; a n:quircd 1;_.e at thl·
time it "as dul· umkr this ord in;.incc: or
( I) ·1 hL· li..iod cstablishmi.:nt is in ,inlation of an) term or
condition or the varialll'l' as established by the Cit, I 11:ahh
~1 lfo.:cr. this art idc. lir stall' la\\.
( \) If the dty heal lh o11kcr dl.'nics or n:rnkl.'s a vari:mce. the ei I)
health officer shall notify the applicunt in writing. Thl' nutice must
im:ludc the reasuns for the <.knial or n:vocatitln.
(, i) 1 \ food establishment ti.ir ,~ h id1 a \·arianec under this subsection
is denil.'d or rL"\'uki:d may appeal b) requcstinJ; a hearing with the Cit:
Secretary's Ofliec \\ithin ten d.iys after servii:e o!' lhL' notice or the Jenial
or re,·oeation. Sueh re~1ucsl must bl.' in writing. must specil~ thc reasons
\\ h~ the , ariancc shou IJ nut he Lk-nicJ (ll' l'l'' ( 11-.cd. and must he tiled
\\ilh !hi.' Cit~ Secrl.'tar~ ·s olfo:c. :\ hcaring must bl.' Clmducted ,,ithin kn
(IO) da~ s from receipt uf th1: appl·al. ·1 he hearings pro, idl·J for in this
article shall be conducted by the permit :md license appeal bllard and
shall bi: conJm:tcd in accordance \\ ith the pro\'isions ot' <1rtidc 2.03.
Ji,ision }. st:cti(lll 2.0:l.071 l'I seq .. of this code.
Sl:C I ION 2. llli\J , iolation (ll' any pro\'ision or this Ordinance shall hi.' deemed a
misdc1m:anor \\tth a line not to exceed lwo thousand dollars ($2.otHJ). punishable as provided
by Sec. 1.01.004 ofthl.' Code 0J'Ordim111ecs ol'thc City ol'l.ubbm:k.
SIT 1'10~ 3. 1·1 I:\ I should am paragraph. section. dauSl'. phrase lH \\L>nl ur this
( )rd inanel' bl· d1:darcd ur1u1nsti tu\ iPn,il nr in v:il id for any reason. thl.' remainder or the
Ordinanee shall not be atlecteJ thereb).
Sl-'.CTION 4. Tl IJ\T the City Si:erl'tary or the City of 1.ubhm:k. lcxas. is hereby
authoriz<.:d and directed to muse publication or the lks<.:ripli\'~ caption or this Ordinanl'I.' as an
a hcrnali, l' m<.:ans or pun\ i1.:alit111 pro,·idcd h~ la\,.
Pa::;scd by the City Council on lirst rcauing this ) 3th day or September . ::w 18.
<luy of September . 20 I 8. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 27th
Ar;o1Eo AS ro CONTENT:
(~~ W.-~
Stevan Walker.
Environmental 1-kalth Coordinator
c~docsll'oll\l l >rd-D"ll l'illm V11rt1111~c-l
,\u~u~I :!ti. 1U IM
---------<··--------l_o~-l)AN IEL M. POPE, M YOR