HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 7597-1978 - Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 7084 Industrial Park District - 01/26/1978··--~ V' ORDINANCE NO • __ 7_5_9_7 __ LGB:bsb AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION 19A TO PROVIDE FOR A NEW ZONING USE DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS AN "IDP", INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR GENERAL PROVISIONS OF SUCH DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR PERMITTED USES IN SUCH DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONAL USES; PROVIDING FOR SPECIFIC USES; PROVIDING FOR YARD REQUIREMENTS; LOT WIDTH, LOT AREA, LOT DEPTH, LOT COVERAGE, FLOOR AREA RATIO, AND HEIGHT Lll1IT; PROVIDING FOR OFF- STREET PARKING, LANDSCAPING, SIGJ:JS, OUTSIDE STORAGE, LOADING AND TRUCK STORAGE AREAS, ALLEY, BUILDING MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN AND REVIEW; AMENDING SECTION 3 TO ADD THE NE\o! IDP INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 4 BY ADDING THE NEW IDP INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT TO THE ZONING HAP TO BE COLORED DARK GRAY WITH AN OVER- LAY PATTERN; PROVIDING A SAVINGS· CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that after all notices have been given and hearings held as provided by law, that it is in the best interest of the citizensof the City of Lubbdck to make the change in the zoning law as hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Zoning Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended by inserting in Chapter 3, between "C-4 Commercial District" and 11M-l Light l".i.anufacturing District, 11 the following: 11IDP Industrial Park." SECTION 2. THAT Zoning Ordinance No, 7084 of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended by inserting in Chapter 4, Paragraph (:S), between "C-4 Commercial District" and "M-1 Light ~1anufacturing District," the following: "IDP Dark Gray with Overlay Pattern." SECTION 3. THAT Zoning Ordinance NO. 7084 of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended by adding a new chapter, Chapter 19A, between Chapters 19 and 20, and which shall read as follows: "CHAPTER 19A: INDUSTRIAL PARK Sec. 19A.l PURPOSE. The purpose of this district is to provide industrial park-planned-unit-development along major thoroughfare and expressway corridors so that persons entering the city along those corridors will receive a good first impression and to maintain a quality appearance which will stabilize or increase real property values. Sec. 19A.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS. 19A.2-l All uses in this districtshall be of light industrial type, wholesale sales, services, or indus- trial sales. 19A.2-2 No residential uses shall be permitted in this district. 19A.2-3 No use shall be injurious to the occupants of the adjacent premises or area by reason of emission of dust, smoke, odor, glare, noise, vibration, trash, water spray or similar causes. 19A.2-4 When proposed development in this district is adjacent to any residentially zoned district, oneither side or to the rear, even if separated by a street or alley, a six (6) foot solid screening fence shall be installed and permanently maintained on the development along the adjacent property line. A solid wall of a building, when permitted to be located on the property line, shall constitute adequate screening. LGB:bsb =··--~~============================:-=========================+== Sec. 19A.3 PERMITTED USES. The following uses shall be permitted on lots with frontage on major thoro.ughfares or expressways. 19A. 3-1 Aluminum product fabrication. 19A.3-2 Armature winding. 19A.3-3 Bakery, wholesale. 19A.3-4 Bottling plant. 19A.3-5 Broom manufacturing. 19A.3-6 Cabinet or carpentry shop. 19A.3-7 Candle manufactur~ng. 19A.3-8 Candy plant. 19A.3-9 Carpet cleaning. 19A.3-10 Clothing manufactur~ng. 19A.3-ll Cold storage warehouse 19A.3-12 Commercial school, including trade school. 19A.3-13 Creamery and dairy product process~ng. 19A. 3-14 Egg storage, .egg candling, .egg sorting, egg grading. l9A.3-15 Electronic components assembly. 19A.3-16 Glassblowing. 19A.3-17 Hot tamale plant. 19A.3-18 Ice cream manufactur~ng. 19A.3-19 Ice manufacturing and bulk ice storage. 19A.3-20 Insulation applicator business. 19A.3-21 Janitorial or cleaning service. 19A.3-22 Laboratory, chemical analysis, general analysis, physical testing. 19A.3-23 Linen and towel service. 19A.3-24 Machine shop. 19A.3-25 Magazine agency. 19A. 3-26 1·1attress manufacturf:ng or mattress renovation. 19A.3-27 Ornamental iron works. 19A.3-28 Paper box manufacturing and paper products manufacturing. 19A.3-29 Pest control service. 19A.3-30 Pharcaceutical manufacturing. 19A.3-31 Plumbing, heating, refr:igeration or air-conditioning shop. 19A.3-32 Printing plant and/or newspaper. 19A.3-33 Roofing contractor's shop. 19A.3-34 Sash and door manufacturing. 19A.3-35 Sheet metal shop. LGB:bsb ::====~~==================================================------~=== 19A.3-36 ~ign shop, including Sec. 19.3-58 uses. 19A.3-37 Spray painting shop. 19A.3-38 Store fixture manufacturing and sales. 19A.3-39 Tortilla manufacturing. 19A.3-40 Welding equipment and supplies. 19A.3-41 Welding shop. Sec. 19A.4 PERMITTED USES. The followi.ng uses shall be permitted on lots not having frontage on major thor~ughfares or expressways. 19A.4-l All uses listed in Section 19A.3-1 thr~ugh Section 19A.3-41 of this code. 19A.4-2 Agricultural implement and tractor sales and service. 19A.4-3 Building materials, storage. 19A.4-4 Contractor plan or storage yard. 19A.4-5 Feed store. 19A.4-6 Irrigation sales and services, includ~ng pumps and equipm~nt. 19A.4-7 Lumber yard. 19A.4-8 Mini-warehouses. 19A.4-9 Mobile home manufactur~ng. 19A.4-10 Mobile home storage. 19A.4-ll Moving, storage, packing of household goods, crate manufacturing. 19A.4-12 Pump sales and service. 19A.4-13 Road machinery sales and service. 19A.4-14 Trailer or camper manufacturing. 19A.4-15 Trailer or truck sales, long-term leasing or service. 19A.4-16 Truck terminal, maintenance or storage. 19A.4-17 Warehouse. Sec. 19A.5 CONDITIONAL USES. None. Sec. 19A.6 SPECIFIC USES. Any uses conditionally or unconditionally permitted in C-~ or M-1 zon~ng districts. Sec. 19A. 7 YARD REQUIREMENTS. 19A.7-l Front Yard. For lots adjacent to major thorough- fares or expressways or both, the front lot line shall be any lot line adjacent to such thorough- fare or expressway and the minimum depth of 'the front yard shall be forty-three (43) feet. For all other lots, the front lot line shall be the shortest lot line adjacent to any street and the minimum depth of the front yard shall be twenty- five (25) feet. LGB:bsb 19A. 7-2 Sec. 19A.8 LOT WIDTH. Rear and Side Yard . There shall be no minimum side or rear yard depth except when the lot is adjacent to any residentially zoned property, then the minimum yard depth between that adja- cent lot line and the nearest part of any build- ing shall be equal to the height of that building. There shall be a minimum of one foot of lot width for each two foot of depth. Sec. 19A.9 LOT AREA. There shall be a one (1) acre minimum area for lots adja- cent to major thoroughfares or expressways. All other lots shall have no minimum lot area requirements. Sec. 19A.l0 LOT DEPTH. There shall be a two-hundred (200) foot minimum lot depth~ as measured from the right-of-way of a major thoroughfare or expressway, for those lots adjacent to any majorthorougb- fare or expressway. All other lots shall have no minimum lot depth requirements. Sec. 19A.ll LOT COVERAGE. There shall be no lot coverage requirements. Sec. 19A.l2 FLOOR AREA RATIO. There shall be no floor area ratio requirements. Sec. 19A.l3 HEIGHT LIMIT. There shall be no height limitations other than those imposed under the Airport Zoning Regulations. Sec. 19A.l4 OFF-STREET PARKING . 19A.l4-l Off-Street Parking -Required. 19A.l4-l-l Wholesale sales and/or services, display areas and offices -one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. 19A.l4-l-2 Warehousing and/or storage in con- junction with wholesale sales and/ or services -one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross display area. 19A.l4-l-3 Outside display areas -one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross display area. 19A.l4-l-4 Manufacturing uses -one (1) space for each one hundred and seventy-five (175) square feet of gross floor area devoted to sales, service, display · and/or offices , one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area devoted to manufac- turing plus one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area devoted to storage and other uses. LGB:bsb 19A.l4-l-5 Warehousing (storage only) and/or outside storage areas -one (1) space for each five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area or lot area. 19A.l4-l-6 All other permitted uses not covered above -one (1) space for each one- hundred and seventy-five (175) square feet of gross floor area. 19A.l4-2 Off-Street Parking -Provisions 19A.l4-2-l Any lighting of driveways or parking areas shall be so designed as not to cause any glare on any other residen- tially zoned area in the vicinity. 19A.l4-2-2 Plans for the off-street parking areas shall be submitted to be checked and approved as to number of spaces, access, and ingress and egress by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of this dist.rict and the City's driveway regulations. Sec. 19A.l5 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Lots adjacent to major thoroughfares or expressways shall each have five (5) percent of their respective total development lot area landscaped and permanently maintained. Other lots shall each have three (3) percent of their res- pective total development lot area landscaped and permanently maintained. The total required landscaping shall be located between the build~ng line and adjacent streets. The parkway area shall be landscaped and permanently main- tained in addition to the above percent.age requirements. Sec. 19A.16 SIGNS. ~igns shall be regulated pursuant to the C-4 ~egulations of Section 23 of this code. Sec. 19A.l7 OUTSIDE STORAGE. All outside storage areas shall be behind a screening fence six (6) fe.et in height. Materials shall not ·be stacked or stored to exceed the heiSht of the screening fence. All storage areas and fencing shall be behind the front building line towards the interior of the lot. Sec. 19A.18 LOADING AND TRUCK STORAGE AREAS. No truck loading/unloading areas shall be located on a building wall fronting on a major thoroughfare or express- way; lots without frontage on a major thoroughfare or expressway shall have no such regulation. No truck trailer or truck tractor parking shall be located between the frontbuilding line and the frontproperty line for any lot with frontage on a major thoroughfare or ex- pressway; other~l~ts shall have no such regulationf .. LGB:bsQ .. Sec. 19A.l9 ALLEYS. All alleys required by plat shall be paved pursuant to Section 28-80 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances. Sec. 19A.20 BUILDING MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION. 19A.20-l A half-cylinder building shall not be permitted. 19A.20-2 Galvanized, corrugated sheet metal walls shall not be permitted. 19A. 20-3 All buildings located on lots adjacent to major thoroughfares or expressways shall have an exterio composition or facade, on each wall fronting on any such thoroughfare or expressway, of not less than 30% (per wall) of wood, brick, stucco, aggre- gate stone, natural stone or glass (exclusive of doors and windows). Sec. 19A.21 SITE PLAN AND REVIEW. • No building permit shall be issued until the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed a site plan for the buil~ng site and has approved the same as showing the following details: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Scale and North arrow. Dimensions of all lots, yards and driveways. Off-street parking spaces and all private driveways. Landscaping details. Building area. Loading/unloading areas. Outside storage areas and required fences. Ingress and egress. Location of free-standing signs. Elevations showing building height, location and type of required building materials." SECTION 4. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by la"t-7. Passed by the City Council on Passed by the City Council on AND IT IS SO ORDERED. first reading this~day of. __ ~J~a~n~u~a~r~y ____________ ,l978 second rea~~ of February ,1978 RO..J..-..!!1, MAYOR Nort cutt, Administrator and Environmental Control