HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 805-1947 - Closing, Vacating And Abandoning Portion Of 31St St - 02/27/1947~ l I c::::> ;z -29--1-SJ.+ -=r .QIDINA:OOE NO. 805 o ~-I 3 -I.SHf-=1- .AN cRDmAIDE CLOSING, VACATING .AND ABANDOlUNG THAT .PORTION OF 31ST STREEt LYING. BETWEEN MONROE AVENUE AND JEFFERSON AVENUE AND TEE ALLEY BETWEEN SAID AVENUES, BOTH RUNNING EAST AND WEST, SAID STREET LYnlG BETIVEEN BLOOKS 16 AND 15, COLLEGE VIEW ADDITION AND SAID ALLEY BEING IN BL(X;K 15 OF SAID ADDITION. WHEREAS, the Lubbock Independent School District is the 011rner of Block 15 aDd Lots 14 to 26 inclusive in Block 16, College View Addition to the Town of Lubbock, .Lubbock County, Texas, and the saJDe was acquired for school purposes, and, WHEREAS, the Lubb ock Independent School District has petitioned the City Commis- sion to close, vacate and abandon 31st Street between Monroe Avenue and Jefferson Avenue and the alley between said Avenues running through Block 15, to facilitate the immediate construction or required school facilities, and it further appearing that the Lubbock Independent School District owns Lots 14 to 26 inclusive in Block 16 and all of Block 15, that the part of 31st Street lies between Block 15 and 16 and the alley bisects Block 15, and the Commission finds that closing, vacating and abandoning said alley and the described portion of 31st Street would be, and is in the public interest, THEREFDRE, BE IT CRDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISS ION (F THE CITY <F LtEB~K, TEXAS: THlT, 31st Street between Monroe Avenue and Jefferson Avenue and ~ing between the South 1/2 of Block 16 and Block 15, College View Addition, together with the alley lying between Monroe Avenue and Jefferson Avenue traversing Block 15 of said addition according to the plat of said addition, and situated in the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, are hereby closed, vacated and abandoned as a street and alley respectively, said portion of 31st Street being described by metes and bounds as follows to wita Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot l, Block 15, College View Addition; THENCE North 50 feet to the Southeast corner or Lot 26, Block 16, said addition; THENCE West along the South Lines of Lots 14 to 26 inclusive, Block 16, to the Southwest corner of 1.ot 14, Block 16, said addition; THEliCE South fifty feet to the northwest corner of .:Lot 13, Block 15, said addition; THENCE East along the North lines of Lots 1 to 13 i nclusive, Block 15, to the place of begiJ:ming. AND rr IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved by unanimous vote of the City Commission this 27th day of · Februa ry , 1947. :Passed and approved by unanimous vote of tba City Commission this 13th day of .JIIlar.ch . , 1947.· Mayor A~ ~:k.*:d<d City Secretary ..__ _j '----1 ____.I '----1 ____.I '----1 ____. } '• .. .... -... - -... PEl'ri'ION TO CLOSE AND ABANDON Sl'REEI' AND ALLEY TO THE HON<RABLE C!I'Y COMMISSION CF THE CTI'Y CF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: NO\v comes your petitioner, Lubbock Independent School District, Incorporated, a municipal corporation, with ite principal place of busi- ness in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, and would respectfullyJbOW as follows: That your petitioner is the owner of the following described property within the Corporate limits of the City of Lubbock, to-wit: Block Fifteen (15) and Lots Fourteen (14) to Twenty-six (26) inclusive, in Block Sixteen (16), College View Addition to the Town of Lubboclt, Lubbock Qounty, Texas; That according to the plat and dedication of College Vievr Addition appearing in Volume 232, page 245, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas, an alley bisects Block Fifteen (15), said addition; and a street fifty .feet in width lies between Blocks Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), said addition; 3. That by deeds duly executed the grantors to Lubbock Independent School District of the property above described have quitcla:iJned and re- leased said bisecting alley and intervening street; 4. That in order to use said property for school purposes it will be necessary and be to. the best interests of the public generally and a benefit thereto that this Commission pass an ordinance closing, vacating, and abandoning that portion of Thirty-first Street as shown •. \ \ . .... ,__ \... :.t..._"-1-'-'~ / Thence West along the South Lines of Lots 14 to 26 inclusive, Block 16, to the Soutimest Corner of Lot J.J., Block 16, said addition; Thence South fifty feet to the Northwest Corner of Lot 13, Block 15, said Addition;,v. Thence East along the s I ze.rr~es of Lots 1 to l3 inclusive, Block 15, to the place of beginning; and the alley bisecting lUock Fifteen (15), College Park Addition, beginning at the West Boundary Line of Jefferson Avenue as shovzn by the plat of said addition, and running to the East Boundary Line of Monroe Avenue, said addition, the alley being twenty feet in width; WHEREFCRE your Petitioner, Lubbock Independent School District, Incorporated, prays that this Honorable Commission pass an ordinance closing, vacating, and abandoning said street and alley abcwe descr:ibed~ .. Respectfully submitted, LWBOOK INDEPENDENI' SCHOOL DISrRICT By: McWHeRTER, HO /ARD & CCBB Attorneys for Petitioner Lubbock, Texas