HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 698-1944 - Granting The Panhandle And Sante Fe Railway The Right And Privilege - 02/24/1944u --·4oo 0 :2..-24--t.94L\- o;3-0S-t$4t+ c.; •• ---:; ORTIINANCE NO. 698 AN ORDINANCE GRAJ:IlTDTG TO THE PANF.lu\TDLE At-!D SmJTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY T~ RI~HT AND PRIVILEGE TO BUIJ D .All."D CONSTRUCT A SWITCH TRACK .ACROSS 15TH STREET AT OR NEAR ITS Il\1TERSEC T ION WITH THE ALLEY BETWEEN A~"'11 TE "A'' AND ':..VENUE "B" A..l\ID PROVIDING. FOR THE P AYNJENT TO TTJE CITY OF LUBBOCl{ FOR REJI,~OVING AND REPLACTilG AJ,L l\TECESS ARY P AVING CURES ~T\J'D ._) GUTTERS AND ETC. WHEREAS, there has been built a railroad switch from the main line of Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company, a corporation, south along the nest line of the alley run- ning north and south through Block 173, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, to the north property line of 15th Street; and, WHEREAS, Claude Tatum is the owner of the West Half of Block 189, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, and desires to have said railroad switch track extended across 15th Street and ~long the east aide of the West hal! of said Block 189; and, WHEREAS, the Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company has requested permission of the City of Lubbock to build and extend said switch track across 15th Street at or near its intersection with the alley running north and South through said Blocks 173 and 189, Original Town of Lubbock, Texas; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1: Permission is hereby given and granted to the Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company, a corporation, to build and extend a railroad switch across 15th Street, said switch tract to be an extension of the track now located on the west si4e of the alley running north and south through Block ~ 173, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock Co~nty 1 Texas, and when extended will be built and constructed across said 15th Street at or near its intersection with the alley running north and south through Blocks 173 and 189, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County. Texas. SECTION 2; The right and privilege herein granted to the Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company to construct said switch track across 15th Street is granted and given by the City of Lubbock with the express understanding and agreement that the said Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company will pay to the City of Lubbock the entire costs of . removing and replacing the street paving, curbs and gutters and all grading necessary for providing the proper paved approach to the railroad crossing and to provide proper drainage of the paved street ·and adjoining property. The pavement 1 curbs and gutters shall be reconstructed and re- placed in accordance ·with the requirements and specifications of the City of Lubb(I)Ck. And IT IS SO ORDERED. PASSED and approved this 24thday of February A. D. 1944, at the first reading. PASSED and approved this 2.:th day of March A. D. 1944, at the second reading. Mayor of the City of Lubbock, Texas 2 ---- , H. R. lllaXIIJD. Supotrlntendent Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company OFFICE OF DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT Slaton Division Mr. M. R. Smith, Jr. City Manager, Lubbock, Texas. Dear Sir:- Slaton • Texas, Febru~ry 7, 1944, File 352001. Mr. Tatum, owner of the Economy Mills at Lubbock, has requested that we ex- tend the spur track which ee•ves their plant 335 feet. This extension will cross 15th street. Would appreciate if you would re- quest the City Council to pass a suitable Ordinance granting the Railway Company per~ mission to construct this track on and across 15th street. Am attaching a print showing the proposed extension. Yours tr/~7Vv.Z / BANTA 1!'11-DI:DJC.A.TBD TO BBRVJCII -U u Individual Ord. Record (Form 2) Assigned to Chapter No,. Listing Ordinanoos Relating To: PQ.ssod Source 69'7 I:ntitl3d: ... .,., . CHANGES (If Am onds, R~paals, Eto. Note ref Gr" onoe to at hor Ordinances by number) BepealiDg G.rda. llo. 603 aDd 668. TITLE ( Complote) : Au ordinance repealba .Ord noe 60) and Ordinance No.. 668. ----' I -~ ...;!- ORDINANCE NO. 697 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COIIIIMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: THAT, Ordinance No. 603, and Ordinance No. 668, the same bang ordinances providing tor registration and taggiDg of all bicycles in the City ot Lubbock, be and the same are hereby in all things repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED first reading this 13th day ot Dec., A.D., 1943. PASSED, AND APPROVED second reaeing the 23rd dq ot Dec., A.D., 194.3 Attest: Lavenia Williams City Secretary c. E. Slaton Mayor ,--49;-z } 1/ / .Z.9 N ` � m m Ec F } H > O Z , CL. `1 G to T MCC C z N — u LW m o- T -f' 4 "� dlfT � e � '+� � � �❑ rV L za/ipM � � 1 -- 86[ 2 x ` �❑1 ��ir�o�s� jU • �`, q. r— �.1 V � tr� OM -• �• LV 4� �d • -v nb V OE ❑ 7 1 a T k h LS c�J